Slimming hoop. Unusual hoop exercises for your waist

This item has been known since antiquity. During excavations in the north of Egypt, hoops buried with household belongings and slaves are still found. Plutarch, creating a biography of the king of Sparta Agesilaus, notes that in childhood he twisted a ring of grapevine around his body with such dexterity that he was not inferior to any of his peers.

Anna Page, the heroine of the late 16th-century Shakespearean comedy "The Wives of Windsor", says in passing that she "twisted a hoop in the garden." The English novelist Evelyn Waugh testifies to the thin-ring gizmos that were salon entertainment in aristocratic circles in the first half of the twentieth century.

Two graduates of the University of Southern California, R. Knerr and A. Melin, learned about the same bamboo rings of Australian children and, having never seen the original, came up with their own version of the hoop.

They named it "Hula Hoop" (from Hawaiian hula - dance and English hoop - hoop) and tried it on schoolchildren in Pasadena in 1958. As an advertisement for their hula hoop, Knerr and Melin also came up with the idea that the employees of the toy company they founded would take the hoop with them on board the liner, which naturally aroused genuine interest. However, they were able to patent their notion only 6 years later, and since then June 23 is considered the birthday of the hula hoop.

In the early sixties, hula hoop came to the USSR, but was greeted with coolness, he was considered a capitalist dummy. However, he made it into the 1964 film "Welcome or No Unauthorized Entry". In the episode, the girl masterfully rotated the hoop, throwing it from foot to foot, and her peer watched her enviously.

Not only in the USSR, the hula hoop did not immediately find recognition, in Japan it was also in disgrace for some time: the body movements performed during its rotation were regarded as indecent.

Today, hula hoop is used by athletes for training, circus performers, and masters of the original genre; among the adherents of the hula hoop there are also champions.

Roxanne Rose in 1987 set the record for the duration of the rotation of the hoop: 90 hours in a row from 2 to 6 April. Chinese woman Jin Lingling can rotate 300 hoops around her body at a time, which in 2008 became the reason for her entering the Guinness Book of Records.

And in 2013, a record for the simultaneous rotation of the hoop was set at a stadium near the capital of Thailand, Bangkok. For 7 minutes, 4483 people were spinning hoops together. There were 5,000 announced, but 517 of them had their hoop down, so they were not counted.

How to choose the right hoop for practicing

The following types of hula hoops are common:

Normal Most popular view hula-hoopa, which has become widespread in the USSR since the early 60s and has not lost its relevance to this day. Its diameter is 95 cm. It is an iron or plastic structure hollow inside. The hoop is relatively light, therefore suitable for beginners.
Folding This is an improved design of the regular hula hoop that can be folded in two or four. It is very convenient for those who are used to training at any time of the day when they have a free minute, because when disassembled, it takes up very little space.

This option weighs up to two kilograms and puts a solid load on the waist and hips during exercise. This is the type of hula hoop you should choose if you decide to fold overweight and noticeably improve the figure.

But the severity of this hoop can also be a disadvantage, as people with sensitive skin can get bruised after a long workout. On the other hand, when you start to twist the hoop regularly, your body will get used to the stress and new bruises will not appear.


The surface of the hula hoop has massaging elements in the form of small suction cups that will stick to and from the skin as it rotates. This enhances blood circulation and stimulates metabolic processes in problem areas.

There is also a type of massage hoop, in the surface of which rotating balls (about 30 pieces) are mounted. They are not only a massage element, but also make the projectile heavier.

With magnets Under the influence of magnetic fields, oxygen supply to tissues is increased and blood flow improves. Blood and lymph are moving conductors, and weak currents arising in them under the influence of a magnetic field improve metabolic processes.
With calorie counter It will help to monitor the results of the workout, taking into account the number and speed of rotation. The disadvantage of this type of hula-hoop is the large error of the counter, which does not take into account your individual characteristics, height and weight while counting calories.


This is one of the most modern types of hoops made of reinforced rubber. Before training, it needs to be pumped up with air. Due to its flexibility and the ability to take any shape, this hula hoop can not only be rotated, but also performed non-standard exercises while training the main muscle groups.

What should be considered?

The following points should be critical when choosing a hula hoop:

  • Your build and fitness. If this is your first time hula hoop, start with light hoops - one to one and a half kilograms.
  • Training intensity. How more weight hoop, the more exhausting the workout will be. If you are already accustomed to moderate physical activity and decided to complicate the exercises for greater efficiency, then choose a medium weight hula-hoop - up to two kilograms.
  • Lesson experience. With good sports training and sufficient regularity of classes, you can switch to heavy massage hoops, weighing from two to three kilograms.

Do your hula hoop in tight clothing and a neoprene thermal belt. Clothing will protect your body from bruises and bruises, and a belt will speed up fat burning.

Rotation technique

Having picked up a hula-hoop, a beginner will ask the question of how to properly deal with it. The answer is simple:

  • Starting position: Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Distribute the weight on both feet evenly, and unfold the toes.
  • The hoop should be kept at waist level.
  • Let go of it, move your hips and waist to make it rotate.
  • At the same time, include the entire body in work so that different groups muscles.

We carry out a warm-up

A warm-up workout is best done with a massage hoop. To begin the exercise, take the hoop with both hands and tilt forward, keeping your back as straight as possible. These movements will make your waist more flexible.

Also make a series of side turns, rolling the hoop over your back. The massage will relax the muscles in the waist and allow you to better control them - just like heated plasticine better obeys the hand of a young sculptor.

Classic movements

This exercise is fundamental to hula hoop training. You all know it and you should have tried it at least once in your life. Put on the hoop and stand in the starting position. Then release it, starting to turn to the sides with your hips, following the direction of rotation. When the rotation of the hoop leaves no doubt that you will hold it, raise your hands up and try to stretch. Make different movements during the rotation, speed it up and tense your muscles harder.

Speed ​​up fat burning

While rotating the weight loss hoop, contract the muscles of your lower abdomen and lunges alternately backward with your legs. Do not forget to keep your back straight, do not hesitate to use your hands - this is very important, just like when running. Through these exercises, most of the muscles in the body are activated and weight loss is greatly accelerated.

Improved coordination and balance

Keeping your balance with the hoop is a great but challenging exercise because you need to do it while standing on one leg. Balance with your arms, and bend back and forth without losing your hula hoop. Such training hardens the vestibular apparatus, allows you to learn how to control several muscle groups at once and separately from each other. After that, any other hula hoop exercises will become much easier.

Developing the lungs

Take a deep breath, spreading your arms out to the sides and lifting them up. As you exhale, relax your arms and let them fall - such movements contribute to expansion and contraction. chest helping you breathe even deeper. This prophylactic sport breathing helps to relax and strengthens the lungs and heart.


It is not classified as an exercise, but it perfectly tones and corrects the figure - dances with a hoop, carried out during the lesson. If there is enough free space, do not stand still, dance actively, confidently moving your hips and arms.

How often and for how long?

The intensity of the exercise should increase from workout to workout. Only regular exercise will help you get tangible results. Adjust the intensity according to your strengths, as it is better to do 10 minutes workout 3-5 times a week than one hour a week.

Time constraints and fatigue should not interfere with an activity, even a very short one. If you force yourself to twist a hula-hoop after a hard day at work, it will bring a lot more use because you can burn more fat due to the lack of carbohydrates.

And prolonged exercise after a period of inactivity can harm your health.

Contraindications: who shouldn't use the hoop?

Overloading the abdominal muscles can be dangerous for a woman during pregnancy, immediately after childbirth and in critical days... If you have firmly incorporated hoop exercises into your routine and want to maintain both health and a good habit, then ask your doctor for advice.

Hula-hoop will help you lose weight: myth or truth

To answer the question, it is required to consider in detail the effect of the hoop, the rules for performing the exercise with a hula-hoop and the energy consumption during its implementation.

The rotation of the hula hoop has a beneficial effect on the human body:

  • the ability to coordinate movements is improved;
  • body control skills are developed;
  • a sense of rhythm is formed;
  • muscles are strengthened at the place of application of efforts, tightening the skin and preventing the development of cellulite;
  • groups of muscles of the abdomen and back are being worked out;
  • improves local and general blood and lymph flow, helping to reduce the subcutaneous fat layer;
  • due to the gentle massage effect, intestinal motility improves, preventing constipation and indigestion.

Twisting the hoop will help reduce body fat if:

  1. The hoop is correctly selected: weighted massage hoops are suitable for losing weight, while soft ones are used when working on stretching, and light gymnastic hoops are used for a general strengthening effect on the body.
  2. The technique is performed correctly: the hoop should rotate only due to the work of the abdominal muscles. The smaller the distance between the feet, the more muscles are involved in the exercise, because it is also necessary to maintain balance by stretching out into a string. Of course, you should start from the middle position (slightly wider than the shoulders) and gradually reduce the distance.
  3. Correct breathing: better by an open window or outdoors, skip Fresh air through the lungs, the inhalation should not be delayed. A large amount of incoming oxygen helps the body burn fat more intensively.
  4. The pace is right: the movements should be dynamic, it is advisable to twist the hoop alternately to the right - to the left, changing the direction every 3-5 minutes. You can enhance the effect of the hoop if you stand on one leg or dance during its rotation.
  5. The time is right: the minimum time for one approach should not be less than 10-15 minutes, two or three approaches per day. The number of approaches can be increased, but the time for one approach should not be reduced.
  6. Proper nutrition is observed.

What results can you get?

On average, to burn 100 kcal, you need to turn the hoop intensively for 10 minutes; exercise at an average pace burns 55-58 kcal (approximately 350 kcal per hour of training).

For comparison, in one hour when walking, 170 kcal is lost, when not cycling up to 400 kcal, swimming - 400 kcal, running - 490 kcal. Practice and reviews confirm that in one to two months of intense exercise, the waist can decrease by 5-6 cm and 3-4 kg overweight leave the body.

A daily ten-minute rotation of the hoop at an easy to medium pace can for a month remove 1-2 cm from the waist due to the tightness of the muscle corset.

Is twisting the hoop enough to lose weight?

It is not possible to locally reduce the waist only by rotating the hoop: the volumes in the waist go away due to the general reduction in body weight. The feeling of fit after the rotation of the hoop arises due to the redistribution of fluid in the tissues, and for a stable result, exercises should be done daily.

The rotation of the hula hoop, while not being an independent full-fledged training, can, nevertheless, be its full-fledged block.

Introducing this exercise into a set of measures to reduce excess weight and acquire posture, you should certainly combine the rotation of the hoop with dietary food and loads on all muscle groups: walking, jogging, fitness. Only then will the use of the hoop lead to good results.


The experience of using the hoop over the centuries proves the benefits that people get from rotating it around the body. Currently, hula hoop is a sports trainer designed to help maintain proper physical form... It has several manufacturing options, different in weight and materials, intended for different purposes (healing, losing weight or stretching).

Those who do not need weight loss can use it in isolation from any others. physical activity to maintain a muscular corset and slimness. For those who need to lose weight, the use of exercises with a hoop should be carried out in conjunction with other activities.

Exercises with a hoop are considered beneficial not only for the waist, but also for all muscle groups, and they also have a positive effect on the process of losing weight. This wonderful item was invented by the American Arthur Melin, and since then it has become extremely popular. In the 90s in Bulgaria, the hoop became the main element in circus art. It was then that they began to practice twisting several hoops all over the body at the same time.

In addition, gymnastics and exercise with a hoop will help you lose weight effectively. So if you want to tighten the waist and abdomen, as well as get rid of a few extra centimeters, use some special exercises with a slimming hoop. In this article, we will talk about the set of exercises with a hoop, and also learn about the benefits of hula hoop and its benefits.

Benefits and benefits of hoop exercises

One of the main benefits of a hula hoop is that you can enjoy your time while exercising. In addition, it effectively fights against overweight and promotes fast weight loss... The hoop is great for training the core muscles of the arms, legs, back and shoulders, and can be used for many stretching exercises.

By doing hula hoop exercises in the waist area for only 10 minutes a day, you will feel that you have noticeably lost weight after a few weeks. Gymnastics and hoop exercises are also known to help develop flexibility, rhythm, strength and good coordination movements.

During hula-hoop exercises, digestion is normalized and the digestibility of food improves. And the simplicity of doing exercises with a weight loss hoop will allow you not only to lose the hated kilograms, but also to tighten individual parts of the body, even while watching your favorite movie.

How to do the hula hoop exercises correctly?

Once you are convinced that hula hoop exercises are extremely beneficial at any age, pay attention to how they need to be done correctly. To rotate the hoop correctly, take a stable position, straighten your back and legs, and distribute your body weight evenly on both legs. While straining your abs and lower back muscles, try not to relax them until the very end of the workout. Make vigorous circular movements with your pelvis, setting the rotation of the hoop around the waist, and remembering to breathe correctly at the same time.

Remember that hula hoop exercises are recommended to be performed for more than 20 minutes in one workout, especially if the hoop is made of metal, so that bruises do not appear on the body. Optionally to achieve maximum effect from workouts, you can do 2-3 times a day.

Unfortunately, regular exercise is not enough for exercises with a weight loss hoop to work as quickly as possible. Be sure to stick to a balanced proper nutrition or an appropriate diet for weight loss. After training for one and a half to two hours, do not eat anything, because the body needs time to recover and rest, otherwise all the calories spent will return.

And now we will consider directly the set of exercises with a hoop itself, which will help to correct the figure and strengthen the muscles.

A set of exercises with a hoop at home

To gymnastics and exercises with a hoop did you good, you need not only to know how to perform them correctly, but also to choose the optimal set of training for yourself. Pick a few of the exercises below and do them daily.

Exercise 1. Perform 4-5 rotations of the hoop to the right, then stop and change direction. It works great for the hips, waist and abdominal Press due to a sharp change in muscle work.

Exercise 2. Place your feet together, pressing them firmly. Rotate the hoop around your waist for a few minutes one way and then the other. While doing of this exercise all muscles work with increased efficiency, and you lose weight faster.

Exercise 3. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and rotate the hoop for a few minutes in each direction. Then spread your legs even wider and repeat the exercise. When the legs are as wide apart as possible, the buttocks receive the most stress, and when the legs are close together, then you work out the hips better.

Exercise 4. Legs shoulder width apart. Start spinning the hoop while standing, and then gradually squat as low as possible without losing rotation. After reaching the maximum bottom position, lock in and twist the hoop from side to side for a few more minutes. This exercise will help you lose weight in your thighs and buttocks, as well as work out your legs and the entire lower body.

Exercise 5. With your feet hip-width apart, rotate the hoop, while doing slow and deep squats, without losing the rotation of the hoop. It helps to tighten the waist, abdomen, buttocks and hips.

4.4 out of 5 (7 Votes)


In this article we will tell you whether it is useful to twist the hoop, what types of hoops are, the disadvantages of practicing with a hoop. Every woman wants to be slim, have a beautiful physique, thin waist, slim stomach... Someone exhausts themselves with diets, someone made the fitness room their second home, and someone goes to a more radical method - surgical intervention. But most women and girls strive to find the easiest, fastest and most painless ways to achieve high results.

What is hula hoop

One of the most popular ways to strengthen your abdominal muscles and shape your waist is by rotating a hula hoop. Hula-hoop (invention of R. Knerr) appeared in 1957 and since then has become not only one of the shells rhythmic gymnastics, but also a favorite subject for entertainment and activities at home.

Hoop Is a simple and affordable exercise machine. It is relatively cheap, does not take up much space in the house, and besides, the effect of its use will quickly pay off the investment.

What are the types of hoops?

  • regular or gymnastic... It is a lightweight projectile made of plastic or light metal such as aluminum. It is hollow inside, lightweight, and is recommended for use by both adults and children. Useful for those who are just starting to practice exercises with a hoop;

  • weighted... Its weight ranges from 500 grams to 2 kilograms. It is recommended for those who are actively fighting overweight. It is sold in specialized stores sporting goods and costs a little more than usual. However, if you are not in the mood to spend money, you can make an ordinary hoop heavier on your own by pouring some cereal inside;

  • massage... Massage elements, such as suction cups or balls, are attached to the inner surface;

  • folding... Can be doubled or even quadrupled.
    Convenient in storage and transportation;

  • with... Equipped with a special counter that records the number of rotations and the time interval spent on these rotations. Based on this, it gives the number of "burned" calories.

The benefits of rotating the hoop

Rotating the hoop, you effectively fight excess weight, while the exercises do not cause discomfort, but, on the contrary, give pleasure. These enjoyable exercises allow you to distract, relax, recharge your batteries and benefit your figure.

This is a significant savings in time and money. You don't need to specially go to gym or a fitness club. It is enough to spin a hoop at home for 15-20 minutes a day, listening to pleasant music, combining an activity with watching a movie or talking on the phone or just dreaming, and after a while you will see the first results.

By influencing problem areas, the hoop strengthens the abdominal muscles, making it even, flat and elastic. In addition, it also has a beneficial effect on the skin, improving its condition, the skin acquires a healthy and fresh look.

Hoop exercises are beneficial for the normalization of the work of some internal organs... Women who have problems with the reproductive system, for example, prolapse of the uterus, are recommended such exercises in combination with treatment. Also, rotating the hoop, you normalize bowel function, strengthen cardiovascular system and respiratory organs.

The hoop also increases the tone of the muscles around the spine, so the spine itself becomes stronger and stronger.

Hulahoop perfectly trains the vestibular apparatus. The coordination of movements is perfected, flexibility and muscle strength are developed, the sense of rhythm and even artistry are enhanced.

Rules for classes with a hoop

The correct position for rotating the hoop is as follows: feet - shoulder width apart; arms - spread apart or clasped behind the head; the back is straight.
Rotate calmly, slowly and rhythmically. If you move in jerks, you can harm the spine.

Adjust your diet before exercising. Do the exercise only on an empty stomach. After the end of classes, it is not recommended to eat for an hour or two.

To get rid of the "excess" air - before starting the rotation, do breathing exercise: deep exhalation - deep inhalation (through the nose) - sharp exhalation. Repeat 3-4 times.

For the first lessons, you need to allocate no more than 5-7 minutes of time, gradually increasing the interval to 20 minutes.

Cons of practicing with a hoop

Lessons with a hoop will bring harm only if you do not follow the basic rules, start the exercises with heavy loads and a heavy hoop. And of course, what kind of fight against excess weight can we talk about if you do not eat right and balanced.

In order for the classes to give the proper effect, you need to conduct them regularly, without missing a single day. Make it a habit, and you will achieve a harmonious physique and natural beauty, which, as you know, never goes out of fashion.

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One of effective methods slimming and reducing the waist are exercises with a hoop. Twisting the hoop is very popular among those losing weight, as it can adjust the figure and tighten the belly and waist. According to some reviews, without any diets, only with the help of this shell you can lose weight and improve your health in a month. But in order to become the owner of a wasp waist, you need to choose the right hoop and learn how to twist it.

Types of hoops and their application

Losing weight with diets is quite difficult and not everyone can do it. Many break down within a few days. Losing weight with various fat burners is not entirely safe, since many of them have side effects... And doing with the hoop, you can not only lose weight, but also tighten skin, and get toned. The result of the lessons will be fixed and will not fluctuate any more.

There are several types of hoops:

Compared to others sports equipment, hula hoop doesn't take up much space, easy to use and improve general state organism. In 10 minutes of twisting, about 100 calories are lost. You can enhance the effect of losing weight by combining hula hoop and diet.

In order for the lesson to bring results, it is necessary adhere to certain rules:

  1. It is recommended to twist the hoop twice a day. For the first week, beginners should do one lesson a day for 10-15 minutes. After the muscles get used to the stress, you can twist the hula-hoop twice a day for 20-30 minutes.
  2. During exercise, you need to monitor your breathing. When the muscles tighten, take a deep breath, and when they relax, exhale.
  3. Starting to twist the hula-hoop, you need to slightly tilt the body, and draw in the stomach.
  4. To avoid bruising from the contact of the hoop on the body, it is recommended to wear an elastic slimming belt around the waist. Thick fabric will distribute the load, and therapeutic effect belt will help burn fat.

These hoop exercises will make your muscles work and help you burn calories.

Exercising with a hoop - benefit and harm

For the female body, hula-hoop exercises not only help to lose weight, but also are of great benefit:

  • increase the flexibility of the spine;
  • develop good posture;
  • strengthen the muscles of the body;
  • train blood vessels and heart;
  • do a deep massage of muscles and internal organs.

At the same time, twisting the hoop is contraindicated for pregnant women, during menstruation, for elderly people, for diseases of the abdominal cavity and problems of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, before starting training with a hula hoop, it is recommended consult a specialist and get tested.

Classes with a hoop - reviews of those who are losing weight

In attempts to eliminate the consequences after pregnancy, I began to practice with a hoop, and to be honest, I can’t get enough of it. I bought the hoop from a polyethylene tube, which is dressed in a shock-absorbing shirt. It weighs 3.5 kg. The set with the projectile included instructions for its use and belts of various sizes. Twist it possible not only at the waist, but, and fastened with straps, use for training legs and arms.

Already the first lesson surprised me. The hula hoop is heavy enough, so you need to strain your legs and abs to spin it. And so, when I twisted it, I just felt how the skin and abdominal muscles were warming up! At first, you feel warmth, and then a burning sensation begins. On the first day I overdid it, so tomorrow I had impressive bruises on my sides. It was unrealistic to return to training. I started spinning the hoop again only three days later. After that, such problems did not arise anymore, and I practiced daily. As a result the effect is simply amazing! The body tightened and acquired a beautiful relief, the "ears" on the sides disappeared. Hula-hoop exercises really remove those extra centimeters from the waist.

My sides and stomach have always been problematic, so the fight against them has long been waged by various means. I believe that the most effective are the exercises with the hoop and Charcot's shower. Hula-hoop is a good fitness load and doing massage smashing on the sides body fat.

After it, the muscles are noticeably strengthened, and extra centimeters leave the sides quite quickly. You need to twist the hoop in two approaches a day for 15 minutes. Longer sessions will be unhealthy. It is better to do it after two hours of the field of food. To make the waist symmetrical, you need to twist in both directions for 10 minutes.

The hula-hoop is heavy, so in the first days it fell for me. In order not to beat off your legs, I recommend that the first classes be carried out next to the sofa or bed. To achieve a greater effect, before starting exercises on the sides, you can apply anti-cellulite cream or massage oil... And the most important secret is that you need to work out in tight trousers or other tight clothes, over which the sides "hang". During classes, fat deposits will begin to rise upward, and the hoop will massage not only the waist, but also the thighs, which are also full of excess fat. If you want to lose weight, then you need to twist the hoop in conjunction with fitness and diet.

I never thought spinning a hoop was so bad for your health! With pleasure I worked every day for 30 minutes... Even the bruises on the waist did not stop me. And now, after about a month, I woke up at night from acute pain. The next morning I ran to the doctor, but they could not understand what was the matter for a long time.

According to the analyzes, everything is normal, and the pain in the waist area and temperature did not go away. Neither cholecystitis, ulcer, nor pancreatitis was confirmed. Everything was cleared up by tomography of the abdominal cavity. On abdominal muscles turned out to be purulent cysts. It turns out that the hoop also left bruises inside the abdomen, which began to burst. Everything went away after taking antibiotics. But how much nerves, money and time were spent on different examinations! Now the hoop is just lying around at home, and I definitely will not work with it.

I have a conflicting opinion about the hoop. To get from classes with him desired effect, it should be twisted every day for 30 minutes. Of these, 15 minutes one way, and 15 minutes the other way. After three weeks of such exercises, my the sides decreased by 4 cm and froze at this point... If you take a break in the classroom, then everything will return, and then only more dynamic exercises will help you lose weight again.

I find it very boring to spin the hoop. It is heavy, so you stagger during class and it is impossible to read. It helps to have fun only watching video clips. The first days there were bruises, but I still did the exercises. I read in the reviews that the hula-hoop still works like cardio, but I didn't notice it on myself. Today, so that the hoop does not stand idle, I use it to warm up before basic exercises.

I so wanted to write a rave review about the hoop and post pictures before and after classes with him. But, unfortunately, I cannot do this! I bought a hula-hoop back in the winter, but it doesn't work for more than two minutes. I have no contraindications to its use, but due to the fact that it is very difficult, I have the sides and stomach begin to ache... I don’t know why this is, because I work my abs and my muscles are fine. Apparently, exercises with this projectile are not suitable for everyone. Therefore, before you buy, try to work out with some acquaintances, otherwise you may just throw your money down the drain.

Victoria Strenina, master trainer of group programs federal network fitness clubs X-Fit:“Training with a hoop is a worthy alternative for those who have decided to engage in active sports training in their usual home environment. This set of exercises has many benefits. Non-shock loading is good for the joints. When you work really efficiently, you use all the powerful muscle groups, thanks to which you are really wasting extra calories. The only advice: structure your workout so that not only the direction of movement changes, but also the intensity of the pace. Over time, when you grasp the basics of the technique, the exercises can be complicated by transferring the rotation of the hoop to the hips. "

How to do hoop exercises?

Do not hurry. The first 2-3 workouts with a hoop should be test and last no more than 1-2 minutes. The body must first get used to the new movements, and you must master the technique.

Warm up

  • Do 20 side bends, 10 each.
  • Then do 10 circular movements hips in one direction and the other, pretending that you are rotating the hoop.
  • Keep your glutes and abdominal muscles tense during the warm-up to provide maximum back support and additional load to problem areas.

Week 1 and 2

Workout phase 1: 2 minutes
Place your feet shoulder-width apart and hold the hoop at waist level. Unroll it and support the rotation with circular motions with your hips. This will take some skill, but very soon these movements will become completely natural for you.

Twist the hoop in a direction that is convenient for you. Later, you can start rotating it in the opposite direction. Learn to keep the hoop in motion for 2 minutes. If it falls, just pick it up and keep twisting: that will be good workout too.

Phase 2 of the workout: 4 minutes
Periodically change the rate of rotation, going from fast to slow and again to fast, holding your arms first extended forward, then raising them above your head. Try to put enough stress on your body to perspire.

Week 3 and 4

Workout phase 1: 2 minutes
Twist the hoop as usual for 1 minute. Then try to change direction and twist the hoop in a direction that is unfamiliar to you for 1 minute.

Workout phase 2: 6 minutes

3 training phase: 1 minute

Do these exercises at least 3 times a week.

Week 5 and 6

Workout phase 1: 2 minutes
Twist the hoop as usual for 1 minute. Then change direction and for 1 minute twist the hoop in an unusual direction for you.

Phase 2 of the workout: 4 minutes
Change the rate of rotation periodically, going from fast to slow and again to fast. Change the position of your hands as well, holding them either stretched forward or raised above your head. Sweat and increased heart rate will indicate sufficient exercise.

Workout phase 3: 2 minutes
While rotating the hoop, try to walk slowly while keeping your back straight.

4 training phase: 1 minute
Turbo Spin - Spin the hoop as fast as you can.

Do these exercises at least 4 times a week.

Can bruising be avoided?

  • Most people do not have bruises on their sides from hula hoop spins, as the skin is only slightly and very mild. If you do get bruised, this may be because your hoop is made of a material that is too hard and heavy, which hits the skin harder than a hula hoop made of light plastic. Swap out your hula hoop for a lightweight, soft headband - luckily there are a lot to choose from.
  • Bruising can also be attributed to an increased tendency to bleed and poor blood clotting. It can be caused by a lack of vitamin K and calcium. Talk to a physician. Another likely cause of bruising is a lack of vitamin C in the body, which is needed for the formation of collagen - the fibers of the connective tissue of the skin. With insufficient collagen formation, the vessels become fragile and easily injured.
  • Try eating foods rich in vitamin C ( for example, red bell peppers, oranges, kiwis, melons, and black currants), calcium and vitamin K ( e.g. figs, almonds and soy).

To make the exercises regular and as effective as possible, try to do not only at home, but also in the gym: the trainer, if necessary, will correct the exercise technique and give helpful advice, and observing the clear results of those who train with you in the gym will increase your motivation one hundred percent.

Victoria Strenina
Master-trainer of group programs of the federal network of fitness clubs X-Fit.
Specializes in strength fitness and cardio training in the style of X-PUMP, X-RACE, STEP FIT.

Mariyat Mukhina, nutritionist:
“Exercising with the hoop primarily helps to strengthen the muscles that are responsible for body balance. In other words, they work to support the spine, protecting it from injury. If you want to further strengthen this muscle group, be sure to include bushmeat in your diet. It is especially rich in protein and contains fewer calories compared to conventional beef or pork. For many, the exotic, but therefore no less useful cereal culture of quinoa, comparable in composition to mother's milk, is simply abundant in lecithin - an invaluable building material for the renewal of damaged cells. Avocado contains a powerful antioxidant - glutathione, which is responsible for saturating our organs with oxygen, and potassium, which actively works to reduce muscle fiber... Pineapple, thanks to a complex of biologically active substances, stimulates digestion, improves the condition of the intestines, and reduces blood viscosity. And don't forget the goji berries. It is a unique product in dietetics. It speeds up metabolism, normalizes sugar levels, and helps to reduce weight and appetite. "

To achieve the best effect from the exercise program, adhere to the daily diet menu from Mariyat Mukhina and the calorie table of foods.

Attention! Contest!

If you want to complement your home exercises with a gym session, take part in the comments contest and win a 30% discount on an individual annual freeze card from the federal chain of fitness clubs X-Fit or one month free lessons in the nearest club of this network.
All you need is to register on the site and write comments on the menu recipes of nutritionist Mariyat Mukhina. Every week - a new menu (stay tuned in the section "Recipes healthy life")! Read the rules of the competition!

Lose weight and win!

Project partners: the federal network of fitness clubs X-Fit and the clinic of Dr. Mukhina

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