Upper abdominal exercises - at home and at the gym. How to pump up the upper abdomen How to pump up the upper abdomen

However, paradoxically, to eliminate protruding folds and bumps in the lower abdomen, a trained upper press is required, the muscles of which tighten the entire abdomen at once and make it perfectly flat. To tone these muscles, it is enough to do exercises aimed at working out all the main muscles of the core, for example, the plank and twisting in the "bike" position. However, there are special workouts focused on strengthening the invisible problem area - this is what the upper abdominal muscles can be called. The most popular exercises are listed below.

Push up

  • Place two dumbbells of your usual weight on the floor about shoulder-width apart.
  • Grab the shells and get into a classic push-up position.
  • Lower your torso to the floor and do a regular push-up while still keeping your hands on the dumbbells.
  • Returning to the starting position, raise your right hand with the projectile to the level of the body.
  • Hold for a few seconds, return to the starting position and repeat the movement on the left side.

Since the upper press is easier to work with dumbbells, try to find the equipment that is optimal for the weight. For beginners, one kilogram will be enough. If you exercise regularly, try starting with 3 pound dumbbells. Raising your arms to your body, make sure that the torso does not swing: strain your upper abs and maintain the most stable position.

Flexion - Squat - Press

  • Take a pair of dumbbells and relax your arms at the sides of your torso. The palms should be facing forward.
  • Keeping your shoulders still, bend your elbows and bring the dumbbells as close to your shoulders as possible. Immediately after that, pull your hips back and lower yourself into the classic squat. The thighs should be at least parallel to the floor.
  • Stand up to your full height and extend your arms with dumbbells over your head.
  • Return to starting position and repeat the movement.

The oblique, upper, lower abdominal muscles and the most problematic female area - the thighs - are perfectly worked out in this simple, but very effective combined exercise. In addition to eliminating excess body fat in the most visible parts of the body, you train your biceps, giving your arms a more attractive shape.

Cross lunges

  • Take a pair of dumbbells and hold them approximately shoulder-width apart, letting your arms hang freely along your torso and placing your palms with the backs out.
  • Step your right foot forward and to the side so that your right foot is in front of your left (as in curtsy). Lower your torso until your right knee is bent at an angle of at least ninety degrees.
  • Hold this position for a few moments, then take the starting position and repeat the exercise on the other side.

If your goal is an upper for girls, based on classic squats and lunges will help you train the muscles you want. Unlike a variety of crunches and regular leg raises, the elements based on the tension of the muscles of the thighs allow you to improve the shape of the whole body, not just the abdomen and waist.

Slopes with ski expander

  • Take a ski expander and step on it with one foot (you can use two feet for the greatest resistance).
  • Hold the ends of the band in each hand shoulder-width apart. Bend at the lower back and lower your torso until it is parallel to the floor. The knees should be slightly bent, the lower back in a natural, relaxed position.
  • Bring your shoulder blades together and pull the expander towards your upper abdomen. Hold in this position, then release the tension and return to the starting position.

A sports equipment, in shape a bit like a skipping rope. It can be either single or double. The double expander provides increased stress on the muscles, so it is usually easier to work the upper press with it.

Jump squat

  • Stand straight with feet shoulder-width apart, arms at your side. Take a couple of dumbbells.
  • Bring your hips back, bend your knees and lower your torso as low as possible into a regular, traditional squat.
  • Place the dumbbells on the floor, then jump your legs back to the "prone" position, as for a normal push-up.
  • Then jump back into the squat. Stand up to your full height and jump again.

As you might guess, the goal of this exercise is not only the upper abs, but also the main muscles of the core, thighs, buttocks and chest. The cardio element of the double jump brings considerable benefit. It burns those extra calories as much as possible, making your dream come true - getting the perfect figure.

Modified Dumbbell Squat

  • Hold two dumbbells just above your shoulder line. Keep your arms completely straight. Squeeze your abs vigorously throughout the exercise.
  • Stand up with your left foot in front of your right foot. Don't put your feet on the same line - the distance between them should still be shoulder-width apart.
  • Bring your hips back and bend your knees to lower your torso into a regular squat, but with your legs apart. Hold this position for a few seconds, then use to return to the starting position. Do a whole set of reps in the position shown, then place your right foot in front of your left and duplicate the set.

Dumbbells add resistance and heaviness, so choose your weight carefully. Don't worry about upper ab exercises being all leg strength training; in fact, doing squats, push-ups and lunges requires the use of those core muscles that are often not even tense during classic press loads. Take advantage of the unique opportunity to tighten your tummy and get rid of "baggy" through really effective exercises.

Frog in the plank

  • Starting position - lying down, as for push-ups. The torso should be in a perfectly straight line from the shoulders to the ankles.
  • Pull your right foot forward and place it next to your right hand (or as close to it as possible). Try not to move your hips - they should neither sag nor rise.
  • Return your leg to its original position and repeat the movement on the left side.

Since the upper press determines the external attractiveness of the most problematic area - the abdomen, the above exercises should not be neglected. It is possible that they will help you find your dream figure.

It is very important to develop and maintain in tone your abdominal muscles, not only for an effective press. Do not forget that it is these muscles that perform a protective function for our internal organs and stabilize the body, helping us to maintain an upright position. Consider exercises to build your upper abs.

Anatomy of the upper press

The press is usually called the anterior abdominal muscle, which is visually divided into the upper (from the four upper cubes) and the lower (usually this section consists of two cubes). The anterior muscle is located along the abdomen from the sternum to the crest of the pubic bone. In the middle, it is divided by tendons vertically into the right and left parts, and also horizontally into those same cherished cubes that many dream of.

The main functions of the anterior abdominal muscles are to flex the body forward in the lumbar region, lower the rib cage, stabilize the pelvis while walking, and protect the internal organs.

Exercises for the development of the upper press for men and women

Since the rectus abdominis muscle is divided into upper and lower only visually, it is impossible to pump one or another part in isolation, but you can shift the load with specially selected exercises. In this article, we focus on the top four dice.

It is necessary to swing and strengthen the abdominal muscles for a number of reasons:

  • Strong and developed abdominal muscles increase your performance during other exercises.
  • During the pumping of the abdominal muscles, the process of enriching the internal organs with oxygen and blood takes place, which has a positive effect on the general condition of a person. In addition, people with a pumped press are less likely than others to suffer from gastrointestinal diseases: the higher your physical activity, the more the body's resistance to disease increases.
  • Well-developed abdominal muscles provide quality support for the spine.
  • The embossed press is attractive and aesthetically pleasing.

It is advisable to perform abdominal exercises at the end of the training complex, since the abdominal muscles should not be tired before performing other basic exercises, because they are included in the work during each of the exercises in which there are any body movements. You can also pump up the top of the press at home.

Lying torso lifts

To perform such lifts, it is advisable to place a gymnastic mat under your back in order to avoid back injury.

  1. Starting position - we lie down on a gymnastic mat, bend our legs, press the lower back and feet to the surface and do not tear them off throughout the entire exercise. We put our hands behind the head.
  2. On exhalation, we begin to lift the body.
  3. We return to the starting position, but as soon as possible we continue to perform the next lift, since in the starting position the abdominal muscles begin to relax, and this should not be allowed until the end of the approach.
  4. We repeat the recommended number of times until the end of the approach.

It is advisable to do about 20 reps for each of the 3 sets. For more pumping, you can complicate the exercise by picking up a pancake from a barbell or any other weighting agent.

Video: torso lifts in a prone position on the rug, you can also do it at home

Raising the hips

In the process of performing the hip lift, the lower back is minimally loaded, which is very good, since it reduces the chances of injury to it. The rectus abdominis muscle is fully working, which is what we need.

  1. Starting position - we lie down on a gymnastic mat, straighten our legs diagonally to the floor, stretch our arms along the body.
  2. On exhalation, we tear off the hips from the surface of the mat and try to raise them vertically up. In this position, we linger for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position.
  3. We perform 20 repetitions in 3 sets.

Such an exercise is performed only thanks to the work of the abdominal muscles, in no case should you bend your knees and bring them closer to your face - your legs stretch straight up.

This exercise not only makes the abdominal muscles work, but also strengthens the back muscles. The "folding knife" refers to the initial exercises of the difficulty type for men and women.

  1. Starting position - we lie down on a gymnastic mat, stretch our straight arms behind our head, connect straight legs.
  2. As we exhale, we raise the body and arms together with the legs, trying to fold in half. It is recommended to stay in this position for 1-2 seconds, after which, while inhaling, gently return to the starting position.
  3. Do 3 sets of 20 reps.

If you perform this exercise in order to reduce the waist, you should not include it in your daily workout - it is enough to pay attention to it about two to three days a week with a break of one day.

Video: how to swing the press using the "Folding knife" exercise

Twisting with turns

During the exercise, try not to lower yourself on the mat to the end, so as not to reduce the load.

  1. The starting position is lying on a gymnastic mat, legs are bent at the knees, hands are behind the head.
  2. As you exhale, we begin to twist to the right side, bringing the right elbow closer to the left knee.
  3. On inhalation, we return to the starting position.
  4. Do the same twisting, but to the left side and bring the left hand closer to the left leg.
  5. Return to starting position again.
  6. Perform 15 twists in each direction in 3 sets.

You do not need to try to touch the knee with your elbow, you just need to bring it. Also, do not rush during the exercise - just a slow pace will make such crunches more effective.

Video: performing twists with body turns in order to pump up the press

Hanging leg raises on the horizontal bar

Hanging leg raises on a horizontal bar are rightfully considered one of the most effective exercises for all abdominal muscles at once, since it loads them as much as possible during training. Therefore, in combination with other exercises for the press, lifting the legs in the hanging on the horizontal bar should take one of the first places.

  1. Starting position - after hanging on the bar with straight arms and legs, tighten your abs.
  2. As you exhale, raise your straight legs forward. If this is still difficult, start with the bent knees exercise.
  3. You should try to bring your legs as close to the bar as possible. It is recommended to stay in this position for 1-2 seconds.
  4. On inhalation, we slowly return to the starting position.
  5. We repeat leg raises 10-15 times in 3 sets.
  • Do not include daily exercises for the development of the upper part of the press - he needs to be given time to recover. It is advisable to do this after every second day of training, which includes several abdominal exercises.
  • A burning sensation in the press indicates the maximum involvement of the abdominal muscles in the work, respectively, you should not be afraid of these sensations.
  • The longer we stay at the point of peak muscle tension, the more effective the exercise becomes for us.
  • Before starting the abdominal exercises, it is necessary to perform a warm-up to warm up the abdominal muscles and thereby increase the efficiency and safety of the workout.
  • All training for the press, as well as for other muscle groups, is very important to accompany a healthy lifestyle, as well as proper nutrition. It is very important to train at least 4-5 hours before bedtime and two hours after your last meal.

The abdominal muscles literally connect the upper and lower body together. In everyday life, as in any workout, each of us needs strong, trained abdominal muscles.

A raised and toned belly looks good on any type of figure.

Special exercises and a competent technique for their implementation will help to achieve this result.

In the article we will analyze how to pump up cubes, what training is possible, and the main nuances.

Pumping abdominal muscles

The upper press is often referred to as 2 pairs of cubes under the chest. But the press is a single muscle, and those cubes are formed due to the location of the tendons. Those. isolated exercises for this zone simply do not exist - all movements will pump both the upper and lower abdomen (the only difference is in the degree of load of these areas).

In terms of biology and hormonal levels in the body, it is much easier for men to build muscle than women. But for ladies, the layer of fat in the abdomen is much thinner, so the cherished cubes will be visible faster.

  • reduce the thickness of subcutaneous fat. The total body fat for visible cubes is most often individual - for one it is less than 8%, while for the other, the press is clearly visible even at 14%. Based on the individual characteristics of the body, a strategy for losing weight is built. In the fight against the "prominent" belly, the main role belongs to dietary nutrition, and to increase the relief of muscles, specialized fat-burning exercises are needed;
  • correct your own posture. A passive seated posture throughout the day guarantees negative changes in your posture. As a result, the abdominal muscles are noticeably relaxed, gradually the body weight is transferred from the abdominal zone to the lower back. As a result, you can get stretched muscles and chronic pain in the lumbar spine. Static workouts and relaxing yoga classes are best suited to correct these disorders;
  • pump your abdominal muscles. A large number of training exercises affect the external abdominal muscles, almost without affecting the functioning of the internal. Moreover, only with the participation of the latter can the upper one be pumped up, like with athletes. The basic exercises are often called the elbow stand (classic plank) and a special exercise for breathing load - vacuum;
  • train your body. It is completely wrong to understand the abs as one solid muscle on the front of the abdomen. In addition to it, there are also internal ones: abdominal, transverse, lumbar muscles, diaphragm, etc. It is impossible to build a proportional and toned figure without attention to the muscles of the body;
  • how to pump muscles correctly. Strengthening the abdominal muscles is impossible without training for muscle hypertrophy. Learn to do 2-3 strength cords twice a week (4 sets of 10-12 reps). A key element of such training should be skillful technique, and not the desire to increase the number of repetitions;

Important! Various exercises with a large number of repetitions (for example, 50 or more crunches) will never bring the expected result - they are aimed at increasing endurance, and not at pumping muscles.

  • control your muscles. To accelerate your training progress, it is quite important to learn how to control your own abdominal muscles during training - you must use them when performing targeted movements. In other words, if you can constantly strain your abs during training, this will significantly increase the overall efficiency of the training.

Be sure to see:

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Effective Exercises to Build Upper Belly Cubes

The muscles of the abdominal region and the body are classified as a slow type - its basic task is to ensure correct posture and optimal intra-abdominal pressure (i.e., it is not focused on lifting weights, like biceps, which is formed from a fast type of fibers).

For this reason, the most important exercises for this zone are static ligaments, which require maintaining prolonged tension in the muscles.

3 weeks of regular planking, and you can noticeably strengthen the muscles of the core, as well as get clearer cubes.

The most respected and "working" exercises for tightening and strengthening the abdominal muscles in dynamics are straight leg raises in the hang and the well-known "bicycle". Technically competent execution of these exercises uses 2 times more muscles than the practice of classical twisting in a prone position.

Important! Pay attention to the technique - even the best abs workout will be completely useless (in some cases - dangerous!) If implemented illiterately.

Loads at home and in the gym for pumping

A set of exercises for the upper press:

  1. Classic crunches... Lie on your back, place your hands on the back of your head or "cross on a cross" in the chest area. Legs can be bent at the knee or placed on a mid-height chair / sofa. While exhaling, raise the body to the maximum point, while inhaling, lower it to the starting position. Frequency of execution: 3 sets of 20-25 repetitions. The legs must be bent so that the lower back is pressed as tightly as possible to the floor. If they are left straight, then the buttocks can interfere - the lower back can be in a deflection (the risk of injuries, sprains increases).
  2. Fold... Lie on a special rug or choose a flat surface. Stretch your arms up (parallel to the floor surface) or along your body (the second option is somewhat simpler), the feet should be pressed to the floor. Start moving your knees and body towards the meeting. The legs need to be slightly bent, since this exercise cannot be performed in an even state. The main task is to maintain balance during training, intensely tensing the muscles of the body. Do 3 sets of 10-12 reps. Do not forget about correct breathing: while lifting the body, exhale, coming back - inhale.
  3. Alternating fold... Lie on a flat surface, knees should be bent (legs can be placed on any high surface - sofa, armchair). Place your hands behind your head, while your elbows must be directed to the sides. Raise the body by reaching with your left elbow to the opposite knee. Then lower yourself to the starting position. Breathe as deeply as possible - this way pumping the upper abs is much more productive. Then repeat the movement for the other leg. Multiplicity: 15-20 times for each leg.

Detailed plan of the training program for relief

Exercises for beginners

  1. Always use warm-up exercises before starting your core workout to prevent injury. If any exercise includes weights, do the first approach without additional weight, but add a little weight to the second and third.
  2. Pay attention to cardio training at least 3 times a week. The best time for such a load is early morning or evening (about 2 hours before bedtime).
  3. The training program should include 3-4 special exercises - classic twists, folds, hanging leg raises, etc.
  4. Each exercise should be performed in 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.
  5. Rest between sets should be about 30 seconds, during this time you should not sit down - try to move.
  6. The frequency of training is at least 4 times a week, it is recommended to alternate with days dedicated to cardio loads. When training for relief (as opposed to the period of muscle building), the body does not need a lot of time to recuperate.

Classes for advanced athletes

V. Oleinik, fitness instructor, leading trainer of the BodyArtfitness network

If you are seriously thinking about the relief press, you need to understand that there are no "magic" techniques. The main rules are regular exercise and proper nutrition. Paradoxically, but, for the most part, the abs are trained in the kitchen, and not in the process of training (body relief can only be achieved with a special diet). Typically, for a perfect belly, you need a body fat content of no more than 10%. The size of the muscles is far from the most important indicator, since they will be completely invisible under the fat layer.

E. Oprea, trainer, star fitness instructor in New York

Do specific ab exercises as often as possible. This way you can not only increase the total calorie consumption per day, but also get the desired effect much faster.

In this case, it is necessary to develop the most comfortable regime for your body. Since psychological rest and good mood before the next lesson play a big role in sports results.

S. Karev, candidate for master of sports in athletics, trainer of the World Class network

In any exercise, even the most familiar and familiar to you, try to feel muscle work. Without such a small nuance, training will be ineffective. A trivial example from my practice: the next day after crunches, your neck and lumbar region hurt instead of the "correct" muscle mass in the abdominal area. This means that the technique of this exercise was violated - you simply raised your head, and the abdominal muscles practically did not participate in the movements.

Useful video

Main conclusions

If desired and with a little perseverance, you can get a toned upper press with the help of home workouts:

  • perform specialized exercises for pumping the press, paying great attention to technique and breathing;
  • exercise regularly (at least 4 times a week);
  • reduce the subcutaneous fat in the abdomen with a special diet.

Before starting training, you should consult a professional trainer - this can achieve better results and reduce the risk of injury!

To build up your abdominal muscles, all you need to do is have a fitness mat and know. Additional adaptations will be needed for advanced athletes. Since the upper abs very quickly comes to the desired shape and is easily restored, there will be no problems with its training if you follow all the recommendations and instructions.

How to pump the muscles of the upper press for girls?

A complex has been developed especially for girls, which consists of 6 effective exercises.

# 1. Rack

Despite the seeming lightness, it is quite difficult to perform the stance. Start with 20 seconds and increase the load with each workout:

  1. Starting position - lying on your stomach;
  2. Rise on your elbows, keeping your back and legs straight;
  3. Hold in this position and lower yourself to rest for 10 seconds;
  4. Repeat the task.

No. 2. Twisting

  1. Get into a supine position. The head is raised, and keep your legs hanging, bent at the knees at right angles;
  2. Taking the shoulder blades off the floor, pull the chin towards the chest, twisting the upper part of the press into an accordion;
  3. Hold this position for 10 seconds;
  4. Return to starting position.

No. 3. Deflections

This task also seems relatively easy, but you should not ignore it, as it is one of the best, thanks to which you can tone the upper abdominal muscles:

  1. Lie on the floor with your stomach, legs and arms extended along the body;
  2. Lift your torso up, lifting it off the floor as much as possible. At the same time, take your arms and legs as high as possible to the ceiling;
  3. Return to the starting position after a delay of 3 seconds and repeat the task.

Breathe deeply and evenly as you perform, feeling the work of the abdominal muscles.

No. 4. Combined lifts

This exercise involves lifting the torso with bent knees and using dumbbells. Allows you to provide the muscles with more detailed study:

  1. Sit on the mat with your knees bent, leaving your torso on the floor;
  2. Pull your torso to your knees, while keeping your hands straight in front of you, not helping them in the process;
  3. Get down to the floor;
  4. Now pull yourself up again, but at the same time grab the nearby dumbbells and pull them to your chest;
  5. Lower yourself to the floor again.

Perform the task rhythmically, but not too quickly. The total number of repetitions is 30 times for a beginner.

No. 5. Running from a prone position

Outwardly, this task resembles climbing on the floor in place:

  1. Lean on your palms, keep your back straight. Bend one leg at the knee;
  2. Change your legs abruptly, as if jumping up.

Do the task 40 times in total.

If it is still difficult for you to "run" while lying down, then you can make it easier for yourself by simply alternately changing your legs, first bending one, returning it back and bending the other. This is easier to perform and the load is less, but then you need to try to switch to the advanced version of the task.

№ 6. Twisting from the position on the hands

  1. Stay in the same position as for the previous task - resting on your palms and keeping your back straight;
  2. Pull one knee towards you, and then lead it to the opposite side, making a kind of twisting;
  3. Return to starting position and repeat for the other leg.

In total, you need to do this 16 times. In the advanced version, try to move your legs as far as possible, and do the task itself slower. This will increase the load.

Upper abs tasks for men

The loads for men should be higher than for women. You can start working right away with small weights and use a variety of machines to help you.

No. 1. Press from the bench at an angle

To complete the task, you will need a bench at an inclination of 30 degrees:

  1. Sit on a bench so that your head is lower than your feet. Secure your feet to the support. Keep your hands behind your head or in front of you, crossing them;
  2. Lift up to touch your elbows to your knees. It is not necessary to do this, but the main thing is to almost get it;
  3. Smoothly lower yourself back and repeat the task.

During execution, you can use a combination of light and deep lifts. To do this, on the first rise, rise low, and on the second - reach with your elbows to your knees. This will put different stress on the muscles and make them work better.

If you want to make the task even more difficult, cross your arms over your chest in front of you and in this initial position rise up. The higher the angle of the bench, the harder the exercise will be.

No. 2. Forward folds with load

The task will require a simulator:

  1. Sit with your back to him, kneeling, and grabbing the weight with your hands. Set small weights initially;
  2. Pull the weight firmly in front of you, trying to tilt your arms straight toward the floor. This will create a prayer pose. Keep your back slightly rounded;
  3. Hold at the peak for a few seconds and rise smoothly.

Start with 20 reps and gradually increase the weight and number of reps.

No. 3. Hanging abs with raised legs

You need a crossbar:

  1. Grasp the crossbar with your hands;
  2. Pull your outstretched legs up so that you get a right angle;
  3. Hold this position for a few seconds;
  4. Return to the starting point.

Repeat the task 15 times. In the future, you can use dumbbells or weights to increase the load on the legs.

All abdominal muscles are involved in this exercise, so it can be called universal.

No. 4. Triple complex with added load

This is a combined task of three exercises. The main thing is not to get confused:

  1. Lie on a flat surface, pull your knees, pull your hands behind your head;
  2. Move your torso up;
  3. Come down;
  4. Pick up the dumbbells lying next to you, cross your arms over your chest and lower yourself down again;
  5. Return to starting position, stretch your legs;
  6. Rise up again, now with straight legs and dumbbells on your chest;
  7. Go back;
  8. Repeat the complex from the beginning.

The cycle is structured so as to gradually increase the complexity of the load in one go. Repeat the complex 10 times in total.

In general, men are better off going to the gym, where you can do much more exercises for the press, which we wrote about. .

How to build abdominal muscles at home?

It is easy to pump up the upper press at home, since it is not necessary to have special simulators for the work of these muscles - it is enough to work with your own weight or supplement the load with dumbbells (water bottles).

Exercise # 1. Lazy abs

This quest can be completed early in the morning, before getting out of bed. Take 2 minutes immediately after waking up to complete it. This does not guarantee you cubes, but elasticity and tone will definitely appear in a couple of weeks:

  1. Lying in bed on a flat surface, lift your chin, looking at your feet;
  2. Hold in this position, experiencing tension in the abdominal muscles, for one minute;
  3. Lie down for 5 seconds in relaxation and repeat the task again.

Start with 3 sets of a minute, gradually increasing the load, watching how easy it became for you to perform lazy abs. If there is little tension, then the number of approaches and the duration of the task must be increased.

Exercise number 2. Classic press

The simplest and at the same time the most effective task for the upper abdominal muscles:

  1. Hook your feet on the edge of the bed. It is best to keep your legs bent at the knees, but if you already have a certain amount of training, then keep your legs straight or pull them up, bent at the knees;
  2. Throw your hands behind your head and do not help yourself with them in the process of completing the task;
  3. Rise at a calm pace, forcing the muscles to tense;
  4. Lower yourself to the starting position.

Repeat the task 30 times. Over time, the load must be increased and the task must be made more difficult with weights. Also, at a certain stage, you need to learn to do without support - the legs are freely fixed on the floor or hang in a bent position in the air.

In the most difficult version of the exercise, the legs can be raised to a small height.

Exercise number 3. Oblique turns

To complete this task, you need to find a surface in order to throw your legs there. A bed or sofa is fine:

  1. Position yourself so that your back is on the floor and your legs are hanging (a simplified version is in a bent position on the floor);
  2. Close your hands behind your head;
  3. Raise the torso so that the right elbow touches the left knee and the left elbow of the right knee alternately, while pulling the right knee to the left elbow, and vice versa (see photo below);
  4. Repeat the task for each pair 15 times.

There are several options for this exercise. Use the heaviest or all at once.

  • Alternate repetitions ... In this form, you first do the raises on the press of the left elbow to the right knee 15 times, and then repeat the task for the other pair. It is important to maintain a calm pace of your climbs.
  • Paired lifts ... In the course of the task, you first raise your right elbow to the left knee, lower, and then raise your left elbow to the right knee and lower again. The effectiveness of the exercise does not suffer from this. The total number of repetitions for a beginner is from 30 times.
  • Delayed ascents ... In this version of the task, you raise your right elbow to the left knee, and then immediately, without lowering, stretch your left elbow to the opposite side. Do for each side 5 times and lower. Thus, you will increase the load on the abdominal muscles by holding them in static tension.

Learn more about what ab exercises you can do at home.

Video exercises for the upper press

Take a look at how to properly pump up your abdominal muscles and achieve a beautiful relief.

It is quite simple to pump up a beautiful and elastic press - regular exercise against the background of proper nutrition will help quite quickly. Find the most suitable combination of exercises for you and do them regularly, constantly and systematically increasing the load. Only then will you notice positive progress on your belly.

The embossed pumped up press is the dream of many and the envy of it. Before the start of the beach season, everyone wants to look fit and slender. A smooth, slender belly and cubed abs are the main indicator of good physical shape - with this you are not ashamed to flaunt in an open swimsuit or swimming trunks on the beach. How to properly pump up the upper abs in order to achieve a slim and beautiful figure?

Upper abs - what is it?

The upper press is not even a separate muscle, it is part of the rectus abdominis muscle - more precisely, this is its upper section. In this article, we bring to your attention a set of exercises for the upper press. This complex, which contains all the best exercises for the press, will allow you to find a flat and toned stomach in a fairly short time.

Most of the exercises suggested here will easily help you build your upper abs at home. Some of the exercises can only be performed in a gym.

The abdominal press can be conditionally subdivided into several departments or parts:

  • The abdominal wall, which forms the external and internal oblique, as well as the transverse muscles;
  • Anterior wall with rectus and pyramidal muscles;
  • The back wall with the square muscles of the lower back.

To strengthen each of these areas, a well-defined set of exercises is needed.

Things to Remember

The peculiarities of pumping the press are such that you need to approach this matter without fanaticism. If you want to achieve embossed cubes, you should know that not everyone and not always get them in the end. The quality of training has nothing to do with it. It's just that each organism has its own genetic trait and its own capabilities.

During the period of active pumping up of the press, take care of a competent diet. It doesn't have to be a weight loss course. The diet should include plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits. Milk protein is a must. This will help you see your training results faster.

Exercises for the upper press

To begin with, we offer you a video on how to pump up the upper press - a set of exercises at home. These exercises are generally quite simple, but also very effective. They are perfect for beginners.

Now more active and advanced exercises. They are ideal for exercising in the gym. Ideally, you will be supervised by an experienced instructor during their execution.

Incline Bench Raises

This exercise for the upper part of the rectus abdominis muscle - helps to achieve relief in the upper abdomen - the coveted abs cubes. The quadriceps and hip flexors also work well.

How to do:

  • Sit on the top edge of the incline bench. Lock your legs and lean back so that your body is almost parallel to the floor.
  • Raise the chassis to a position perpendicular to the floor.

What to do with your hands? Hands can be folded behind your back, crossed over your chest. It is important to properly fix the feet. If there is no bench, you can use any inclined surface, fixing it to the wall bars. In this case, the legs cling to the crossbars of the wall bars and it is better to bend them a little at the knees in order not to load the spine.

By the way, thanks to the wall bars, you can change the slope of the bench and regulate the degree of resistance (load on the muscles) during the exercise. The minimum incline is suitable for beginners, the steeper incline for advanced athletes.

To create more resistance, you can take a weight on your chest - for example, a "pancake" from a barbell or a pair of dumbbells in your hands.

Perform 3 sets of 10-20 times, depending on your capabilities. Over time, the load can be increased.

As an option for home, you can do this exercise simply while lying on the floor. The legs should be firmly fixed and bent at the knees.

Twisting the body

This is an exercise for your upper abs and obliques.

How to do:

  • lie on the floor, bend your knees at an angle of 90 degrees, and put your hands behind your head, you can lock them into a "lock".
  • Slowly lift your shoulders and lift them off the floor, leaning forward slightly. At the same time, the lower back should remain on the floor, only the chest, shoulders, arms and head rise. There is no movement in the lower body, in the hip joint - this must be monitored.
  • Return to starting position.

Perform 3 sets of 10-20 times.

Twisting on the block

This exercise engages the entire rectus abdominis muscle, not just the upper section. In addition, the oblique abdominal muscles are also included. The exercise is performed using a special simulator with weight blocks. Adjust the load (number of blocks) on your own or with the help of a trainer, depending on the degree of your physical fitness.

How to do:

  • Stand with your back to the upper pulley and grasp the cable holder / handle with both hands.
  • Bend forward by twisting the body to the right.
  • We return to the starting position.
  • We repeat the exercise now with twisting the body to the left.

Perform the exercise 3 sets of 20 times.

Exercise for the upper press on the horizontal bar

This exercise is difficult to perform and requires good preparation.

How to do:

  • Grab the bar with your bent knees and hang upside down.
  • Raise your torso until your elbows touch your knees.
  • In this case, you can make turns left and right.

Exercise works the upper abs.


According to contemporaries, this is Bruce Lee's favorite exercise in order to pump up the abs. The effect will hardly be long in coming with a competent approach to implementation.

How to do:

  • Hanging on your hands from the bar, bend your knees and lift them up to the level of the abdomen.
  • Do not help yourself by swinging and straining your back muscles. Pulling up is done only due to the work of the abdominal muscles.
  • Hold this position until a strong burning sensation appears in the muscles.
  • Do 3 sets of 10-20 reps.

In the future, you can raise your knees to chest level.

Beginners should listen carefully to their body. Observe experienced trainers, listen to their advice on how to properly swing the upper press. This will help you avoid injury, overtraining, and frustration. Train correctly and your figure will take on its beauty.

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