Admission to St. Petersburg State University: the procedure for taking into account the individual achievements of applicants. Universities will give additional points for music schools and sports achievements of St. Petersburg State University points for individual achievements



    You have to understand what it is technical university with a very high passing score. In order for your application to be accepted, you need to score at least 50 points in the Russian language exam, at least 65 points in mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science.

    Phystech, like all universities, will take into account the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren and some other competitions. For example, the tournament of cities, the Lomonosov Olympiad, the Moscow School Olympiad, the Open Programming Olympiad, new olympiad, which appeared in the list of the Ministry of Education and Science only this year - "TechnoCup" and others.

    For a certificate or diploma with honors, gold, silver medals Phystech will add 2 points. You will receive the same number of points if you graduated from a musical or art school. The university will take into account not only the golden TRP badge, but also sports ranks, belts in martial arts, the title of "master of sports" or "candidate for master of sports" (2 points).


    To participate in the competition, you need to score on the exam in Russian and foreign languages at least 70 points. An exception is made only for some areas (this is, among others, "Trading", "Management"), where 60 points are enough.

    Who will be enrolled in MGIMO out of competition? Winners and prize-winners of the final stage All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren, members of the national teams of Russia participating in international olympiads, and some other Olympiads. Preferential admission is guaranteed to the winners and prize-winners of the TV Olympiad "Clever and Smart", the MGIMO Olympiad of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is held in partnership with the editors of Rossiyskaya Gazeta, the Lomonosov Olympiad in geography, as well as some others.

    St. Petersburg State University

    At Saint Petersburg State University extra points in the portfolio will be credited not only to winners and prize-winners Olympic Games, but also to members of the national teams of Russia. If this Olympic sports sports, then 10 points will be added to the exam, if not Olympic - 5 points. The winners of the regional stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren can count on 4 points, the winners - on 3.

    HSE, like many other prestigious universities, has an increased threshold for minimum scores. In "mathematics" it is 75 points in a profile subject, in "physics" you need to bring at least 70 points in both physics and mathematics. At HSE, for an essay, which is always checked here, you can get up to 10 points, for a certificate with a gold or silver medal - 3 points.

    If you are a master of sports, then you will receive an additional 3 points for the exam, if you are a candidate for master of sports, then 2 points. HSE takes into account the first and second level Olympiads, but there are several third level Olympiads for which the university can also give extra points. This is, for example, an Olympiad in discrete mathematics.

    Top 10 universities with the highest average USE score (budget)

  • MGIMO - 95.4%
  • MIPT - 93.8%
  • HSE (Moscow) - 92.2%
  • St. Petersburg State University - 90%
  • VAVT - 89.9%
  • Moscow State University - 87.8%
  • MEPhI - 87.8%
  • HSE (St. Petersburg) - 87.1%
  • ITMO University - 86.9%
It is important to know
  • The results of the USE and Olympiads are valid for four years after the year of receipt, in other words, five years.
  • You do not need to submit certified copies to the admission committees of universities.
  • The competition for leading universities has increased markedly. Now it is difficult to enter even paid departments. The highest average score is usually at MGIMO, MIPT, HSE, St. Petersburg State University, MEPhI and ITMO University.
  • The most expensive education is at MGIMO (478 thousand rubles a year), Moscow State University (339 thousand rubles), the Higher School of Economics (338 thousand rubles), the Financial University under the Government (316 thousand rubles) and the All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade (295 thousand rubles .).

Question: Hello, Ekaterina Gennadievna!
I plan to enter St Petersburg University in 2016. I have some questions.
1. In connection with the change in the admission rules of St Petersburg University in 2016, a student who graduated from school with a silver medal may receive additional points upon admission. I have such a situation. In grades 10 and 11, I have 2 fours in each semester and at the end of each year. This is a silver medal. In 2014, by order of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, silver medals were canceled, but the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, etc. was given the right at its level to establish the types and procedures for rewarding students for success in educational activities, etc., incl. and a silver medal (part 4 of article 77 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273). The Ministry of Education of the Murmansk region refused to give me a silver medal. But at school they can give me a diploma "For special achievements in learning." In this regard, the question is: will this certificate have the same validity upon admission as a silver medal, i.e. Will I be able to get extra points for the exam?
2. This year I became the winner of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the MHK (art) (World Artistic Culture). I know what regional stage points are added upon admission. But will the Olympiad be counted in this particular subject?

Answer of Ekaterina Gennadievna Babelyuk, First Vice-Rector for academic, extracurricular and educational work of St Petersburg University:

Thank you for your interest in Saint Petersburg State University.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that education at St Petersburg University is conducted not at faculties and institutes, but at basic and additional educational programs. For information on why you can not study at the faculties, you can read

I inform you that additional points can be awarded only for having a certificate of secondary general education with honors or a certificate of secondary general education (secondary (complete) general education) containing information about awarding a gold or silver medal - upon presentation of the original or a copy a certificate of secondary general education with honors or a certificate of secondary general education (secondary (complete) general education), containing information about the award of a gold or silver medal. Accordingly, additional points will not be awarded for having a diploma “For Special Achievement in Teaching”.

St Petersburg University awards additional points for such an individual achievement as having a diploma as a winner of the regional (III) stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in a subject corresponding to the first or second subject in the list of entrance tests established upon admission to study in the relevant bachelor's program or specialist's program - upon granting a diploma winner of the regional (III) stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren. World artistic culture is not entrance test none of the undergraduate or graduate programs. Accordingly, additional points cannot be awarded for the presence of this diploma.

All the necessary information about admissions in 2016 is published in the relevant section on the official SPbU portal.

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Question: Hello, Ekaterina Gennadievna!
I plan to enter St Petersburg University in 2016. I have some questions.
1. In connection with the change in the admission rules of St Petersburg University in 2016, a student who graduated from school with a silver medal may receive additional points upon admission. I have such a situation. In grades 10 and 11, I have 2 fours in each semester and at the end of each year. This is a silver medal. In 2014, by order of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science, silver medals were canceled, but the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, etc. was given the right at its level to establish the types and procedures for rewarding students for success in educational activities, etc., incl. and a silver medal (part 4 of article 77 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273). The Ministry of Education of the Murmansk region refused to give me a silver medal. But at school they can give me a diploma "For special achievements in learning." In this regard, the question is: will this certificate have the same validity upon admission as a silver medal, i.e. Will I be able to get extra points for the exam?
2. This year I became the winner of the regional stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the MHK (art) (World Artistic Culture). I know that points are added for the regional stage upon admission. But will the Olympiad be counted in this particular subject?

Answer of Ekaterina Gennadievna Babelyuk, First Vice-Rector for academic, extracurricular and educational work of St Petersburg University:

Thank you for your interest in Saint Petersburg State University.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that education at St Petersburg University is conducted not at faculties and institutes, but according to basic and additional educational programs. For information on why you can not study at the faculties, you can read

I inform you that additional points can be awarded only for having a certificate of secondary general education with honors or a certificate of secondary general education (secondary (complete) general education) containing information about awarding a gold or silver medal - upon presentation of the original or a copy a certificate of secondary general education with honors or a certificate of secondary general education (secondary (complete) general education), containing information about the award of a gold or silver medal. Accordingly, additional points will not be awarded for having a diploma “For Special Achievement in Teaching”.

St Petersburg University awards additional points for such an individual achievement as having a diploma as a winner of the regional (III) stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in a subject corresponding to the first or second subject in the list of entrance tests established upon admission to study in the relevant bachelor's program or specialist's program - upon granting a diploma winner of the regional (III) stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren. World Artistic Culture is not an entrance test for any of the Bachelor's and Specialist's programs. Accordingly, additional points cannot be awarded for the presence of this diploma.

All the necessary information about admissions in 2016 is published in the relevant section on the official SPbU portal.


Good afternoon! I would like to ask a question about points for completing online courses at St Petersburg University. For the certificate of online courses, applicants are awarded 10 points, but at the same time, this certificate is paid. Isn't this "buying" those 10 points, and don't you think that this situation puts applicants from low-income families at a greater disadvantage who cannot afford to pay for this certificate.

Answer of the First Vice-Rector for Educational Activities Ekaterina Gennadievna Babelyuk:

Thank you for your interest in Saint Petersburg State University.

According to paragraph 46 of the Procedure for admission to study in educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs, specialist's programs, master's programs, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 10.14.2015 No. 1147, the list individual achievements, taken into account when applying for master's programs, is independently established by the organization carrying out educational activities. Clause 47 of the Admission Procedure provides that the list of individual achievements taken into account and the procedure for their accounting are indicated in the admission rules approved by the organization independently.

In accordance with clause 7 of the Procedure for Accounting for Individual Achievements of Applicants Upon Admission to the Basic Educational Master’s Programs, which is Appendix No. 3 to the Rules for Admission to Saint Petersburg State University in 2018, the results of mastering the open online courses of Saint Petersburg State University (in in accordance with the profile of the relevant educational program) are taken into account as an individual achievement for admission to master's educational programs.

According to the letter of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science dated May 11, 2017 No. 01-55-284 / 07-2859 in response to the request of St. Petersburg State University on the possibility of being considered for admission to study in the main educational programs of the master's program as an individual achievement of the certificate of mastering online -St. Petersburg State University courses, the educational organization has the right to provide for such an individual achievement. At the same time, from a letter from the Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy in the Sphere higher education Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation dated May 25, 2017 No. 05-1532, it follows that SPbU can define as an individual achievement a certificate of mastering SPbU online courses, if they are open for mastering by all persons. SPbU online courses, for which points are awarded for having a certificate of completion, meet this requirement.

The legislation does not contain provisions on the impossibility of taking into account organizations engaged in educational activities, when applying for training in the main educational programs of the master's program, individual achievements based on the results of activities that at one stage or another involved the payment of a fee. Thus, educational organizations has the right to take into account as individual achievements, for example, diplomas of winners and prize-winners of student intellectual competitions, involving the payment of registration fees by participants, publications in peer-reviewed publications in which the preparation of a review of a draft article requires payment from the author, documents on qualifications obtained as a result of mastering additional reimbursable professional programs.

Taking into account the foregoing, the inclusion of these documents as individual achievements, the possibility of which is allowed by law and by-laws, does not indicate the "purchase of points" when applying for training in the main educational programs of the magistracy.
