Methodological support of the volleyball program. Educational program of additional education "volleyball"

Sections: School sports and children's health

Volleyball is one of the exciting, interesting and popular games today. Techniques, tactical actions contain great opportunities for expanding and developing physical abilities, and also help in the moral education of children and adolescents.

In the process of studying, students develop a need for systematic physical exercises, students join a healthy lifestyle, acquire the habit of doing physical work, their mental load is compensated for by physical work. Sports discipline, foster a sense of collectivism, will, purposefulness, contribute to support in the study of general education subjects, as it strengthens health.

The program fits organically into the existing system physical education in educational institutions. Thanks to this, students will be able to study more fruitfully, get sick less. Students who have successfully mastered the program will be able to participate in volleyball competitions of various sizes.

Targets and goals.

Playing volleyball is aimed at all-round physical development and contributes to the improvement of many motor and moral-volitional qualities necessary in life.

The purpose of the program is in-depth study sports game volleyball.

The main objectives of the program are:


  • to familiarize students with the rules of self-monitoring of the state of health in the classroom and at home; to form a healthy lifestyle;
  • to study the basics of technique and tactics of the game;
  • facilitate the acquisition of the necessary theoretical knowledge;


  • to promote the mastery of the basic techniques and tactics of the game;
  • develop a sustainable interest in this sport;
  • develop creative abilities (thinking, the ability to predict the enemy's tactics);
  • promote proper physical development;
  • develop physical abilities (strength, endurance, flexibility, coordination of movements);
  • develop special technical and tactical skills of the game;
  • prepare students for volleyball competitions;
  • to promote the selection of the best students for the youth sports school;


  • contribute to the education of will, courage, perseverance, discipline, collectivism, a sense of friendship;
  • to help instill organizational skills in students;
  • promote the instilling of a general culture of behavior (basics of hygiene, etiquette).

Features of this program

This program was compiled using special literature on teaching volleyball. The program involves teaching methods to play volleyball, which are currently the most modern and are used in training volleyball players. The program allows you to vary the load of the child (depending on his physical capabilities) without losing the learning outcome. The program uses the principles of visibility, accessibility and individualization.

Form and mode of training

1 year of study - 2 times a week for 2 acad. hours (144 hours per year)

2nd year of study - 2 times a week for 2 acad. hours (144 hours per year)

3rd year of study - 2 times a week for 2 acad. hours (144 hours per year)

Classes are held in a group to which students who do not have medical contraindications for volleyball are enrolled.

The form of classes is physical exercises (warm-up, special exercises, game sparring, game), conversations on the rules and refereeing of the competition.

Practical methods:

Exercise method;



Circuit training.

Chief among them is the exercise method, which involves multiple repetitions of movements.

Play and competitive methods are applied after students have acquired some playing skills.

Expected results

After graduation first year learning, the student must:

Placement of players on the field;

Rules for moving players by numbers;

Mini-volleyball rules;

Correctness of the account by parties;

Receive and pass the ball from above with two hands;

Receive and pass the ball from below above you and onto the ball net;

Perform bottom feed from 5-6 meters;

Perform falls.

After graduation second year learning, the student must:

Arrangement of players on the field when receiving and serving an opponent;

Classification of exercises used in the educational and training process;

Account management according to the protocol;

Perform movements and racks;

Receive the ball from above with two hands, from below with two hands from the serve in zones 6,1,5 and the first transfer to zones 3,2;

Pass the ball from below above yourself in a circle;

Perform the bottom straight, side feed for accuracy;

Carry out an attacking blow from zone 4 with a partner's pass from zone 3;

Perform deceptive "discount" actions.

After graduation third year learning, the student must:

Midline transition;

Competition Regulations; ways of holding competitions: round robin, elimination, mixed;

Duties of judges;

To carry out the transfer of the ball from above with two hands from the depth of the area for the attacking blow;

Pass the ball from above with both hands at the net, standing with your back in the direction;

Perform the transfer from above with two hands in a jump;

Perform top forward feed;

Carry out an attacking blow from zones 4, 3, 2 with high and medium passes;

Perform a single blocking of a direct attacking strike on the move in zones 4, 3, 2.

Results of the program implementation: participation in competitions, friendly games, passing control standards and control tasks.

Academic-thematic plan 1 year of study

p / p
Names of sections and topics Total amount Including:
theoretical practical
I Knowledge basics 6 4 2
1 Introductory lesson 2 1 1
2 The history of the development of volleyball. Volleyball game and competition rules 2 2 -
3 Influence physical exercise on the human body. Tempering and health 2 1 1
II general physical preparation 30 3 27
1 Gymnastic exercises 10 1 9
2 Track and Field Exercises 10 1 9
3. Outdoor games 10 1 9
III Technical training 63 9 54
1 Technique of movement and stands 8 1 7
2 15 2 13
3. The technique of receiving the ball from below 15 2 13
4. Bottom straight feed 15 2 13
5. Attacking strikes 10 2 8
IV Tactical training 36 8 28
1. Individual actions 12 2 10
2. Group actions 8 2 6
3. Team actions 8 2 6
4. Defense tactics 8 2 6
V 8 2 6
Final lesson 1 1 -

Total hours:

During a year
144 27 117

I. Basics of knowledge(6 hours)

Topic # 1. Introductory lesson

Acquaintance. Safety precautions and rules of conduct in the hall. Sport equipment and inventory, rules for handling it. Sports uniforms. Hygienic requirements. Familiarization with the program. Methods for self-monitoring of health status at school and at home.

Topic number 2. The history of the development of volleyball. Volleyball game and competition rules

The history of volleyball. Volleyball development. Mini-volleyball rules.

Topic № 3. The influence of physical exercise on the human body. Tempering and Health /

Developed muscular system- evidence of a person's good health. The environment is becoming more and more aggressive towards you and me. The number of new viruses is increasing, the ecology is deteriorating. The only thing that can help in such a situation is hardening the body.

II. General physical training (30 hours)

Exercises for the development of physical abilities: speed, strength, endurance, coordination, speed-strength.

Gymnastic exercises. Exercises without objects: for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle... For the muscles of the legs, abdominals, hip, trunk and neck. Exercises with objects - with skipping ropes, rubber balls, medicine balls (1-2 kg). From different starting points. Alternating exercises with arms and legs - various throws, jumping up with the ball clamped by the ankle joints; in a sitting position, lying down - raising the legs with the ball.

Track and field exercises. Running with acceleration up to 30 m. Jumping: from standing to length, upward. Running jumps in length and height. Throwing a tennis ball at a target, at a distance.

Outdoor games: “Day and night”, “Salki without a ball”, “Carp and pike”, “Wolf in the moat”, “The third extra”, “Fishing rod”, “Circular relay”, combined relay races.

III. Technical training (60 hours)

Mastering the technique of movement and stands. Player stance (starting positions). Walking, running, moving face forward. Movements by side steps: face, right, left side forward. Double step forward. A combination of movement methods.

Mastering the technique of receiving and passing the ball from above with two hands; passing the ball suspended on a cord; from your own toss; with a throwing partner; in different directions on site and after moving; transmission in pairs; hitting the ball with a fist through the net in close proximity to it; from your own toss; thrown by a partner - from the spot and after landing. Reception and transmission of the ball from below, reception and transmission of the ball with two hands from above (in place and in motion with side steps). Passing the ball after moving from zone to zone. Receiving the ball on the back line. Two-handed overhand pass in place. A two-handed pass from above in place and after a forward pass. Receiving the ball from below with both hands above oneself. Receiving the ball from below with both hands above oneself and onto the net. Passing the ball from above with two hands in a jump in pairs. Passing the ball from above with two hands in a jump in threes. Receiving the ball from below in the group.

Mastering the feeding technique: lower straight; supply of the ball, suspended on a cord installed in the holder; through the mesh; feed into the wall, through the net from a distance of 9 m; feed through the net from behind the endline; bottom side feed.

Attacking strikes. Direct attacking blow with the strongest hand (mastering the take-off run, jump up with a push of two legs: from a place, from 1.2, 3 steps of a run, blow with a brush on the ball).

Mastering the technique of filing. Bottom forward feed from 3-6 m. Bottom forward feed. Bottom straight serve, reception of the ball reflected by the net.

IV. Tactical training (36 hours)

Individual actions: choosing a place to perform the bottom serve; seat selection for second gear and in zone 3.

Group actions. Front row player interactions: zone 4 player with zone 3 player, zone 2 player with zone 3 player (on first pass). The interactions of the players in zones 6, 5 and 1 with the player in zone 3.

Team actions. Receiving the bottom serve and the first pass to zone 3, the second pass to the player facing the transmitter.

Defense tactics. Selecting the location when receiving the bottom feed. The position of the players when receiving the service, when the second pass is made by the player of zone 3.

V. Control tests and competitions (8 ocloc'k)

Final lesson

Academic-thematic plan 2 year of study

p / p
Names of sections and topics General
theor. practical
I Knowledge basics 6 4 2
1 Introductory lesson 2 1 1
2 Exercise classification 2 2 -
3 Types of competitions 2 1 1
II general physical preparation 10 3 7
1 Gymnastic exercises 10 1 9
2 Track and Field Exercises 10 1 9
3. Outdoor games 10 1 9
III 20 3 17
IV Technical training 63 9 54
1 Technique of movement and stands 6 1 7
2 Technique of receiving and passing the ball from above 15 2 13
3. The technique of receiving the ball from below 15 2 13
4. Bottom straight, side feed 15 2 13
5. Attacking strikes 10 2 8
V Tactical training 36 8 28
1. Individual actions 12 2 10
2. Group actions 8 2 6
3. Team actions 8 2 6
4. Defense tactics 8 2 6
VI Control tests and competitions 8 2 6
Final lesson 1 1 -

Total hours:

During a year
144 27 117

I. Basics of knowledge (6 hours)

Volleyball education and training concept. Classification of exercises used in the educational and training process in volleyball. The role of competitions in the sports training of young volleyball players. Types of competitions. The concept of the methodology of judging.

Gymnastic exercises. Exercises for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle. Exercises without objects, individual and in pairs. Medicine ball exercises - raising, lowering, throwing from one hand to another in front of you, throwing, catching; in pairs holding the ball - resistance exercises. Exercises for the muscles of the trunk and neck. Exercises without objects, individual and in pairs (bends forward, backward, right, left, bends and turns of the head). Medicine ball exercises - lying on the back and face down, bending and raising the legs, the ball is sandwiched between the feet, bending, bending, exercises in pairs. Exercises for the muscles of the legs and pelvis. Exercises without objects, individual and in pairs (squats in various starting positions, jumping, walking, running). Medicine ball exercises - squats, lunges, jumps, bounces. Dumbbell Exercises - Running, Jumping, Squatting. Exercises on apparatus (gymnastic wall, bench). Rope exercises. High jumps, from a straight run (from the bridge), bending your legs over the bar (rope). High-distance running jumps over obstacles without a bridge and with a bridge.

Track and field exercises. Run with acceleration up to 20 m. Low start and starting run up to 60 m. Repeated run 3 x 20 m, 3 x 30 m. Run 60 m s low start... Relay running with stages up to 40 m. Running alternating with walking (up to 300 m). Running or cross-country (up to 1000 m).

Outdoor games: “Ball Race”, “Salki”, “Fifteen”), “Seine”, “Well-aimed”, “Moving target”, “Running Relay”, “Jumping Relay”, “Middle Ball”, “ Hunters and ducks "," Shootout "," Pulling over the line "," Call the shift "," Relay of football players "," Relay of basketball players "," Relay with leapfrog jumping "," Counter relay
with the ball ”,“ Catchers ”,“ Fighting for the ball ”,“ Ball for the catcher ”,“ Tug of war ”.

III. Special physical training (20 hours)

Exercises to teach responsiveness skills. On a signal (mainly visual), running 5, 10, 15 m from the starting positions: the volleyball player's stand (with his face, sideways and back to the starting line) - sitting, lying on his back and on his stomach in various positions in relation to the starting line; the same, but moving by side steps.

Running with stops and changes of direction. Shuttle run for 5 and Yum (total run for one attempt is 20-30 m). Shuttle run, but the segment first runs with its face forward, and back - with its back, etc. According to the shuttle run principle, movement is carried out in side steps. The same with medicine balls in hands (weighing from 1 to 2 kg), with a weighted belt or in a jacket with a weight. Running (side steps) in a column one by one (in a row) along the boundaries of the site.

Outdoor games: "Day and night" (visual signal, starting positions are very different), "Call", "Call numbers", "Try to take away", various versions of the game "Salki". Special relay races with the performance of the tasks listed above in various combinations and overcoming obstacles.

Exercises for the development of jumping ability. Squatting and sharp straightening of the legs with a wave of the arms up; the same with a jump up, the same with a medicine ball (or two) in hands (up to 2 kg).

Exercises with weights, barbell - the weight of the barbell is set as a percentage of the body weight of the practitioner, depending on the nature of the exercise: squatting - up to 80%, jumping out - 20-40%, jumping out of the squat - 20-30%, belt, cuffs on the wrists, at ankle joints... Squat, jump up from the squat, half squat, half squat forward, jumping on both legs.

Multiple throws of a medicine ball (weighing 1-2 kg) over oneself and jumping and catching after landing. Standing at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the wall (backboard) with a stuffed (basketball) ball in your hands, throw the ball up against the wall in a jump, land, jump again and catch the ball, land and throw again in a jump, etc.

Jumping on one and on both legs in place and moving forward, sideways and backwards. The same with a burden. Jumping on folded gymnastic mats (the height gradually increases), the number of jumps in a row also increases gradually. Jumping on one and both legs with overcoming obstacles (medicine balls, etc.). Support jumps, jumping rope, various jumps. Multiple jumps from a place and from a running start in combination with hitting the ball. Running on steep slopes. Jumping over ditches, ditches. Running on the sand without shoes. Running up the stairs, stepping on each step.

Exercises to develop the qualities necessary for serving the ball. Circular motions hands in shoulder joints with a large amplitude and maximum speed. Rubber cushion exercises, Medicine ball exercises. Volleyball exercises (performed multiple times in a row). Improvement of the impact movement of the ball feed on rubber shock absorbers. Serves with maximum force at the training grid (into the grid). Submitting the ball with your weakest hand.

Exercises to develop the qualities necessary for the execution of offensive strikes. Throwing a medicine ball from behind the head with two hands with an active movement of the hands from top to bottom - standing still in a jump (throw a gymnastic mat in front of you into the platform). Throwing a medicine ball weighing 1 kg in a jump from behind the head with two hands through the net. Throwing a medicine ball weighing 1 kg with a “hook” in a jump - in pairs and over the net. Imitation of direct and lateral attacking blows, holding sandbags (up to 1 kg).

Exercises to develop the qualities necessary for blocking. Jumping exercises, as described earlier, in combination with raising the arms upward and touching a suspended medicine ball. Same with touch volleyball on rubber shock absorbers: from a place, after moving, after turning, after turning and moving (various combinations), after jumping into the depths (jumping off).

IV. Technical training(60 hours)

Submission of the ball: lower straight for accuracy, lower lateral for accuracy.

Attacking strikes in the course of the strongest hand with a running start (1, 2, 3 steps) on the ball: suspended on shock absorbers; installed in the holder; through the net on the ball thrown by the partner; attacking blow from zone 4 with partner pass from zone 3.

Defense technique. Actions without the ball.

Movements and stances: starting stance (starting positions) combined with movements. Walking, running, moving with a cross step to the right, back forward. Move with side steps, back forward. Jump back, right, left.

Ball actions. Reception of the ball: from above with two hands, from below with two hands from service in zones 6, 1, 5 and the first transfer to zones 3, 2.

Blocking: single blocking of a direct attacking strike on the move in zones 4,2, standing on a stand.

Attack tactics. Individual actions. Seat selection: to perform the second gear in zones 3, 2; for an attacking blow (with a straight strongest hand in zones 4 and 2).

When handling the ball. Alternation of methods of serving for accuracy, in the near, far half of the site. The choice of the method of hitting the ball over the net: passing from above with two hands, with a fist (standing on the ground in a jump); from below (facing, sideways, back to the net). Submission to a player with poor ball reception skills.

V. Tactical training (36 hours)

Attack tactics. Group actions in the attack. Front line player interactions. On the first serve: a player in zone 4 with a player in zone 2, player in zone 3 with a player in zone 2, player in zone 3 with a player in zone 4. On the second serve: a player in zone 3 with a player in zones 2 and 4, player in zone 2 with a player in zone 3. Players in zones 6, 5 and 1 with a player in zone 3 (in terms of alternating serves in zones).

Team actions. Reception of the bottom serves and the first transfer to zone 3, the second transfer to zones 4 and 2, facing the transfer. Take the bottom feeds and first gear to zone 2, second gear to zone 3.

Defense tactics. Individual actions. Choosing a place: when receiving bottom feeds; when insuring a partner receiving the ball from service and fraudulent transfer.

When handling the ball: select the method of receiving the ball sent through the net by the opponent (top, bottom).

Group actions. The interactions of the players when receiving from the pass: the player of zone 1 with the player of zones 6 and 2; a player of zone 6 with players of zones 1, 5, 3; player of zone 5 with players of zones 6 and 4.

Team actions. Acceptance of feeds. The position of the players when receiving the bottom serves, when the second pass is made by the player of zone 2, the player of zone 3 is behind.

Game system. The location of the players when receiving the ball from the opponent "angle forward" with the use of group actions.

(8 ocloc'k)

Take part in the same competition. Control games and competitions. Organization and conduct of competitions. Analysis of the games played. Elimination of errors.

Practical lessons... Competitions in outdoor games with elements of volleyball technique. Mini-volleyball competition.

Final lesson

Safety precautions during summer holidays.

Curriculum-thematic plan of the 3rd year of study

p / p
Names of sections and topics General
theor. practical
I Knowledge basics 6 4 2
1 Introductory lesson 2 1 1
2 Exercise classification 2 2 -
3 Types of competitions 2 1 1
II general physical preparation 10 3 7
1 Gymnastic exercises 10 1 9
2 Track and Field Exercises 10 1 9
3. Outdoor games 10 1 9
III Special physical training 20 3 17
IV Technical training 63 9 54
1 Attack technique. Technique of movement and racks 6 1 7
2 Ball Actions 15 2 13
3. Defense technique. Actions without the ball 15 2 13
4. Feed 15 2 13
V Tactical training 36 8 28
1. Attack tactics. Individual actions 12 2 10
2. Group actions 8 2 6
3. Team actions 8 2 6
4. Defense tactics 8 2 6
VI Control tests and competitions 8 2 6
Final lesson 1 1 -

Total hours:

During a year
144 27 117

I. Basics of knowledge (6 hours)

Introductory lesson Acquaintance. Safety precautions and rules of conduct in the hall. Sports equipment and inventory, rules for handling it. Sports uniforms. Hygienic requirements. Familiarization with the program.

Line-up. Placement and transition of players. Start of the game and serve. Change of pitch. Ball strikes. A game of two. Midline transition. The ball is out of play. Loss of a point or service. The score and the result of the game. Volleyball rules. Competition Regulations. Competition methods: round robin, knockout, mixed. Preparation of competition venues. Duties of judges. Education and training as a single process of formation and improvement of motor skills, physical and volitional qualities.

II. General physical training (10 hours)

Gymnastic exercises. Exercises for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle. Medicine ball exercises - lifting, lowering, throwing from one hand to another, throwing, catching. In pairs, holding the ball, resistance exercises. Exercises with gymnastic belts, dumbbells, rubber shock absorbers, on a mass-type gymnastic wall.

Exercises for the muscles of the trunk and neck. Exercises without objects, individual and in pairs (bends forward, backward, right, left, bends and turns of the head). Medicine ball exercises - lying on the back and face down, bending and raising the legs, the ball is sandwiched between the feet, bending, bending, exercises in pairs.

Exercises for the muscles of the legs, pelvis. Exercises without objects, individual and in pairs (squats in various starting positions, jumping, walking, running). Medicine ball exercises: Squats, lunges, jumps, bounces. Dumbbell exercises - running, jumping, squatting.

Track and field exercises. Run. Run with acceleration up to 40 m. Low start and starting run up to 60 m. Repeated run 3 x 20-30 m, 3 x 30-40 m, 4 x 50-60 m. Run 60 m from a low start. Relay running with stages up to 40 m and up to 50-60 m. Running with obstacles from 60 to 100 m (the number of obstacles from 4 to 10), stuffed balls, training barriers, conditional trenches are used as obstacles. Running in alternation with walking up to 400 m. Cross-country up to 7 km.

Outdoor games: “Ball Race”, “Salki” (“Fifteen”), “Seine”, “Well-aimed”, “Moving target”, “Running Relay”, “Jumping Relay”, “Middle Ball”, “ Hunters and ducks "," Shootout "," Tug over the line "," Call the shift "," Relay of football players "," Relay of basketball players "," Relay with leapfrog jumping "," Counter relay with the ball "," Catchers "," Wrestling for the ball ”,“ The ball to the catcher ”,“ Tug of war ”.

III. Special physical training (20 hours)

Outdoor games: “Day and night” (visual signal, starting positions are very different), “Challenge”, “Calling numbers”, “Try to take away”, different versions of the game “Salochki”, special relay races with tasks in various combinations and with overcoming obstacles.

Exercises for the development of jumping ability. Squatting and sharp straightening of the legs with a wave of the arms up; the same with a jump up; the same with a medicine ball (or two) in hand (up to 2 kg).

Weight Exercises Squats, jumping up from a squat, half-squat, jumping on both legs. Multiple throws of a medicine ball (weighing 1-2 kg) above oneself in a jump and catching after landing. Jumping on one and both legs in place and in motion facing forward, sideways, back forward. The same with a burden.

Exercises to develop the qualities necessary for serving. Circular movements of the arms in the shoulder joints with a large amplitude and maximum speed.

Exercises with rubber shock absorbers. Medicine ball exercises. Throwing the ball: with two hands from behind the head with maximum deflection during the swing, from below with one and two hands, with one hand over the head, with a “hook” through the net. Exercise with a partner. Volleyball exercises (performed multiple times in a row). Improvement of the impact movement of the ball feed on rubber shock absorbers. Serves with maximum force at the training grid (into the grid). Submitting the ball with your weakest hand.

Exercises to develop the qualities necessary for the execution of offensive strikes. Medicine ball throws from behind the head with two hands with active movement of the hands from top to bottom - standing still and in a jump, in a jump over the net with two hands from behind the head, with a “hook” in a jump - in pairs and over the net. Imitation of a direct attacking blow, holding a bag of sand (up to 1 kg).

Exercises to develop the qualities necessary for blocking. Jumping exercises, as described earlier, in combination with raising the arms upward and touching a suspended medicine ball. The same with touching a volleyball ball on rubber shock absorbers: from a place, after moving, after turning, after turning and moving (various combinations), after jumping into the depths (jumping off). Moving along the net facing it with side steps with the right, left side forward, stopping and taking the starting position for blocking.

The medicine ball striker moves along the net, stops and jumps to throw the ball behind him; the blocker must take his starting position in time and jump onto the block so that his palms are above the net at the moment the ball is released from the attacker's hands.

The attackers throw and catch the medicine ball as part of group tactical offensive actions, the blocker chooses the spot and blocks.

IV. Technical training(60 hours)

Blocking. Single blocking of a direct attacking strike on the move in zones 4, 3, 2.

V. Tactical training(36 hours)

Attack technique. Actions without the ball.

Movements and racks: a combination of movement methods and racks with techniques.

Actions with the ball: transfer from above with two hands from the depth of the court for an attacking blow; transfer from above with two hands at the net, standing with your back in the direction; transfer from above with two hands in a jump (forward-upward). The ball feed is the upper straight.

Attacking strikes. Striking strike from zones 4, 3, 2 with high and medium passes.

Defense technique. Actions without the ball. Jump stop. Falls and rolls after falls. Combination of movement methods with stops and stands. A combination of movement and stance techniques with defense techniques.

Ball actions. Reception of the ball: from below with both hands; lower pass for accuracy, receiving the ball from below with two hands from the serve in zones 6, 1, 5 and the first pass to zones 4, 3, 2; reception of the ball from above with two hands with a lunge to the side and subsequent fall and roll over to the hip and back. Blocking. Single blocking of a direct attacking strike on the move in zones 4, 3, 2.

Vi. Control tests and competitions (8 ocloc'k)

Take part in competitions. Control games and competitions. Organization and conduct of competitions. Analysis of the games played. Elimination of errors. Installation on upcoming game(on the layout). The technical game plan of the team and tasks for individual players. Characteristics of the opposing team. An overall assessment of the game and the actions of individual players.

Final lesson (1 hour)

Safety precautions during summer holidays.

Control tests

General physical training

Running 30 m b x 5 m. At a distance of 5 m, two lines are drawn - the start line and the control line. On a visual signal, the student runs, overcoming 5 m six times. When changing the movement in the opposite direction, both legs of the subject must cross the line.

Long jump from a place. The measurement is taken from the reference line to the nearest trace of the subject upon landing. The best result is taken out of three attempts.

Throwing a packed ball weighing 1 kg from behind the head with both hands. The subject stands at the line, one foot in front, holding the ball with both hands below in front of him. Raising the ball upward with a backward swing behind the head, the subject makes a forward throw.

Technical training

Tests for transmission accuracy. In the tests, conditions are created under which quantitative results can be obtained: distance and transmission height limiters are installed - slats, colored ribbons, hoops (gymnastic), lines are applied. When passing from zone 3 to zones 2 and 4, the transmission distance is 3-3.5 m, the height is limited to 3 m, the distance from the net is no more than 1.5 m. Each student makes 5 attempts; the number of programs that meet the requirements in the test is taken into account, as well as the quality of the performance of the program (programs in violation of the rules are not counted).

Mesh transmission accuracy test. On the opposite side of the court, a zone is outlined where the ball is to be sent: in zone 4 - 2 x 1, in zone 1 and in zone 6 - 3 x 3 m.Each student makes 5 attempts in each zone, the quantitative and qualitative side of the performance is taken into account ...

Tests for accuracy of feeds. Basic requirements: with a high-quality technical performance of the given method of serving, send the ball to a specific section of the court: the right (left) half of the court, zones 4-5 (1-2), the area at the side lines in zones 5-4 and 1-2 (size 6 x 2 m), in zone 6 at the endline measuring 3 x 3 m.Each student performs 3 attempts (in training groups - 5 attempts).

Tests for the accuracy of the attacking blow. The requirements for these tests are that the subjects qualitatively, in technical terms, were able to perform one or another method of attacking strike in three zones: 1, 6, 5 from zones 4.2.

Test in protective actions (“zone defense”). The subject is in zone G in a circle with a diameter of 2.5 m.Standing on a stand, the student, with a kick from his own toss, sends the ball through the net from zones 4 and 2.

The student must apply all previously learned defense techniques. The number of strokes for each year of study is different: the group of initial training - the first year of study -5; second year of study - 10; training groups, the first year of training - 15, the second year of training - 20.

Tactical training. Actions when receiving the ball in the field. The main content of the tests is to choose a method of action in accordance with the task, the signal. Two exercises are given: 1) Choosing the method of receiving the ball (according to the assignment). 10 attempts are given, and from 14-16 years old - 15 attempts. The number of correct attempts and the quality of reception are taken into account. 2) The choice of the method of action: receiving the ball from the attacking hit or going to the net for insurance and receiving the ball from the discount. 10 attempts are given. The number of correctly completed tasks and quality are taken into account.

Methodological support of the educational program in volleyball 1-3 years of study

Chapter Form of classes Didactic material Technical equipment Summing up form
1. Basics of knowledge conversations literature on the topic visual aids
2. General physical fitness Workshop:

Streaming lesson;

Circular training;

Work by station;



- literature on the topic;

Task cards.

- skipping ropes;

Gymnastic benches;

Gymnastic wall;

Gymnastic mats;

Rubber shock absorbers;



control standards for RP
3. Special physical training Workshop:

Streaming lesson;

Circular training;

Frontal training;

Work by station;



- literature on the topic;

Task cards.

- skipping ropes;

Gymnastic benches;

Gymnastic wall;

Gymnastic mats;

Rubber shock absorbers;



control standards for TFP
4. Technical training Workshop:

Streaming lesson;

Circular training;

Frontal training;

Work by station;



- literature on the topic;

Video materials;

Task cards.

- volleyballs;

Volleyball net;


Rubber band

- control standards;

Educational and training game;

Help in sous action.

5. Tactical training Workshop:

Streaming lesson;

Circular training;

Frontal training;

Work by station;



- literature on the topic;

Video materials;

Task cards.

- volleyballs;


Rubber band

- control standards;

Educational and training game;

6. Proof tests Workshop:



- cards with the task. - skipping ropes;

Gymnastic wall;

Gymnastic mats;



- control standards;

Help in sous action.

Literature for students:

  1. Kleschev Yu.N., Furmnov A.G. Young volleyball player, -M .: FiS, 1979.
  2. Litvinov E.N. Physical Education! Physical Education! / E.N. Litvinov, G.I. Pogadaev. -M .: Education, 1999.
  3. Makeson, G.B. Physical culture for grades 5-7 / G.B. Makeson, L.E. Lyubomirsky, L.B. Kofman, V.I. Lyakh. - M.: Education, 1998.
  4. Young volleyball player. Zheleznyak Yu.D. - M .: FiS, 1988.

Literature for the teacher:

  1. Akhmerov E.K. Volleyball for beginners. - Minsk: Polymya, 1985.
  2. Balandin, G.A. Physical education lesson in modern school / G.A. Balandin, N.N. Nazarova, T.N. Kazakov. - M .: Soviet sport, 2002.
  3. Belyaev A.V. Volleyball at the physical education lesson. - 2nd ed. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 2005. Balandin, G.А. Physical education lesson in modern school / GA Balandin, N.N. Nazarova, T.N. Kazakova. - M .: Soviet sport, 2002.
  4. Zheleznyak Yu.D. Young volleyball player. M .: Physical culture and sport.
  5. Zheleznyak Yu.D., Slupsky L.N.Volleyball at school: A guide for teachers -M .: Education, 1989.
  6. Kuznetsov V.S. Exercises and games with balls / V.S. Kuznetsov, G.A. Kolodnitsky. - M .: Publishing house of NTs ENAS, 2002.
  7. Official rules of volleyball 2001-2004 - M.: VFV, Terra-Sport, 2001.
  8. Furmanov A.G., Boldyrev D.M. Volleyball. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1983.

Municipal educational institution

secondary school number 7


on physical culture (volleyball)

for additional training 7-11 classes

implementation period 1 year

The work program is based on of the curriculum "Physical culture" author V.I. Lyakh.

Program developer:

Physical education teacher Ignatovich Anton Vasilievich.

Furmanov 2017

Number of students in a section- 10-15 people. The circle includes students of basic and preparatory medical groups who have passed a medical examination and according to the results of the examination, who have admission to classes in the section of sports games "volleyball".

Purpose of classes:

Formation of interest and needs of schoolchildren in physical activities

culture and sports, popularization of volleyball among school students,

promotion of healthy lifestyle.

Strengthening health, promoting harmonious physical development;

Theoretical and hands-on training playing volleyball;

Teaching students vital motor skills and abilities;

Formation of the school volleyball team, acquisition


strong-willed, psychological qualities, for the stability and success of the performance

at regional competitions,

The task of the lessons:

Reveal the natural data of the student, for rapid growth skill;

Master the theoretical and practical techniques of playing volleyball;

Participate in the school sports day and in regional volleyball competitions;

To develop students' basic motor qualities: strength, agility, speed

movements, speed-power qualities, endurance.

To foster moral qualities in students: dedication and will,

discipline and the ability to mobilize your

physical strength,

Educate students volitional qualities: courage, determination,


Teach children to show their volitional efforts to overcome insecurity in

myself, and sometimes fear.

Methodological support for the implementation of the program

section of sports games: "volleyball":

1.A comprehensive program of physical education for students in grades 1-11

Section 3. X-X1 grades.

Part 1. p.1.4.2. Sport games.

Program material in sports games (grades X-X1)

Volleyball (boys and girls)

Part111. Extracurricular work. Sport sections. Volleyball.

The conceptual framework and content of the academic subject are based on the provisions of the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, including:

Requirements for the results of mastering the educational program of basic general education, presented in the Federal State Standard of Primary General Education dated 6.10.09. No. 373;

Education Act";

Federal Law "On Physical Culture and Sports" dated 4.12.2007 # 329-F3;

National Security Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020;

An example program primary general education;

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 30.08.2010 No. 889.

Conditions for the implementation of the program with section of sports games "volleyball":

Material and technical conditions:

Provision of educational and visual aids on volleyball, replenishment of the material base with volleyball balls, a net and other equipment.

Pedagogical conditions:

Accounting for individual and age characteristics adolescents in the use of forms, means and methods of implementing the program of the volleyball sports section;

Compliance with the unity of pedagogical requirements in relationships with adolescents;

Creation of conditions for the development of the personality of a teenager and his abilities.

Methodical conditions:

Availability of the necessary documentation:

Activity programs sports section;

Thematic planning of the section of sports games: "volleyball".

Expected results of the work:

1. Development of the natural data of students, for the rapid growth of skill;

2. Mastering the theoretical and practical foundations of playing volleyball,

3.Participation in the school volleyball sports day, the formation of the school's national team to participate in regional volleyball competitions,

5. Acquisition of the necessary strong-willed, psychological qualities, for the stability and success of performance in important competitions,

6.solving the problem of employment in free time,

7.Promoting civil, physical and spiritual development pupils


Number of hours

Theoretical knowledge:

Short review the state and development of volleyball


Summary of the Effects of Exercise on the Human Body

Medical supervision and self-control, first aid for injuries.

Competition rules and judging methodology

Technique and tactics of the game and methods of its improvement

Practical lessons:

General physical preparation.

Special physical training

Study and improvement of technical and tactical skills and abilities.

Judicial practice.

At competitions

Participation in competitions.

Know: features of the development of the chosen sport;
individual ways to control the development of the adaptive properties of the body, improve health and improve physical fitness;
ways of organizing self-study physical exercises with different functional orientation, the rules for the use of sports equipment and equipment, the principles of creating the simplest sports facilities and grounds;
rules of personal hygiene, prevention of injuries and the provision of first aid during physical exercise.
Be able to: it is technically correct to carry out motor actions of the chosen type of sports specialization, to use them in the conditions of competitive activity and the organization of their own leisure;
conduct independent classes on the development of basic physical abilities, posture and physique correction;
develop an individual motor regime, select and plan physical exercises, maintain an optimal level of individual performance;
control and regulate functional state the body when doing physical exercise, to achieve health-improving effect and improving physical condition;
manage your emotions, effectively interact with adults and peers, master the culture of communication;
comply with the rules of safety and prevention of injuries in physical exercise, provide first aid in case of injuries and accidents;
use modern sports equipment and equipment, special technical means in order to increase the effectiveness of independent forms of physical culture lessons.

Observe safety when performing physical exercises and conducting training sessions;
to referee school volleyball competitions.


Physical exercises



Running 60 m from a high start with support on the hand.

Long jump from a place, cm
Raising the torso from a supine position, hands behind the head, number of times

To endurance

Cross country 2 km

To coordination

Consecutive execution of 5 somersaults, with
Throwing a small ball at a standard target,

Control exercises

Bottom forward feed technician

Top forward feed technician

Passing the ball at the net

Passing the ball from above, standing with your back to the goal. technique

Prem Ball Bottom Technique Technique

Direct attack hitting technique

Program material:

* General developmental exercises without objects:

Exercises for the arms and shoulder girdle;

Exercises for the trunk;

Exercises for the legs;

Sitting and lying exercises;

Walking, running.

* General developmental exercises with objects:

Short rope exercises;

Long rope exercises;

Exercises with a gymnastic stick;

Exercises with small balls;

Medicine ball exercises.

* Special physical training:

Exercises to develop hand muscle strength;

Exercises to develop muscle strength in the upper shoulder girdle;

Exercises to develop the strength of the muscles of the trunk;

Exercises to develop leg muscle strength;

Exercises for the development of special

you were fast;

Exercises for the development of special endurance;

Exercises for the development of special dexterity;

Exercises to develop special flexibility.

* Game techniques:

Attack technique (stance, movement);

Passing the ball;

Ball feed;

Striking blow;

Protection technique (stance, movement);

Reception of the ball;


* Tactical techniques of the game:

Attack tactics:

Individual actions;

Group actions;

Team actions;

Defense tactics;

Individual actions;

Group actions;

Team actions.

Calendar-thematic plan.

Lesson tasks learning


Number of hours

Lesson topic

the date of the

1. Safety precautions in sports games. 2. Volleyball player movement training. H. Teaching top gear with two hands.

1. Physical fitness. 2. Teaching the movements of a volleyball player. H. Teaching top gear with two hands. 4. Educational game.

1. Physical fitness. 2. Teaching the movements of a volleyball player. H. Teaching Top Gear with Two Hands

: 1. Development of speed of movement. 2. Top gear training. 3. Teaching the lower straight feed. 3. Educational game.

: 1. Teaching upper gears in middle and low stances and after moving. 2. Teaching the lower straight feed. 3. Educational game.

1. Teaching the top gear after moving. 2. Teaching the lower straight feed. H. Studying the tactics of the first and second gears. 4. Educational game.

1. Learning to receive and pass the ball from above with two hands. 2. Learning to receive the ball from the service. H. Tactics of first and second gears

: 1. Learning to receive and pass the ball from above with two hands. 2. Learning to receive the ball from the service. H. Tactics of first and second gears

: 1. Learning to receive the ball from the serve. 2. Top gear training. 3. Teaching the bottom feed. 4. Familiarization with the basic rules of the game of volleyball.

: 1. Improving reception skills and passing the ball from above. 2. Improving the skills of the lower straight feed. H. Physical training.

1. Learning to receive and pass the ball from above with two hands. 2. Learning to receive the ball from above from the service. Z. The tactics of the first: and second transfers. 4. Educational game.

1. Improving the skills of receiving and passing the ball from above with two hands. 2. Improving filing skills. 3. Educational game.

1. Development of speed and jumping ability. 2. Improving the skills of receiving and passing the ball from above with two hands. H. Improving serving skills

; 1. Improving movement skills 2. Improving the skills of receiving and passing the ball from above with two hands. H. Improving the skills of “bottom service” and “receiving the ball from the service”.

: 1. physical training. 2. Improving the skills of receiving and passing the ball from above with two hands. H. Tactics of second gears. 4. Educational game

: 1. physical training. 2. Improving the skills of receiving and passing the ball from above with two hands. H. Tactics of second gears. 4. Educational game.

1. Physical fitness. 2. Improving the skills of receiving and passing the ball from above with two hands. H. Improving the skills of the lower straight line of the ball.

1. Improving the skills of receiving and passing the ball from above with two hands. 2. Familiarization with the direct attacking blow. 3. Educational game.

1. Reception and transmission from above. 2. Learning to receive the ball from below with two hands. H. Teaching a direct attacking strike.

1. Reception and transmission from above. 2. Learning to receive the ball from below with two hands. H. Teaching a direct attacking blow. 4. Educational game.

Improving the skill of the top transfer. 2. Learning to receive the ball from below with two hands. 3. Teaching a direct attacking blow.
4. Educational game.

: 1. Top gears. 2. Learning to receive the ball from below with two hands. H. Teaching a direct attacking strike 4. Educational game.

1. Improving the skills of receiving the ball from above and below with two hands. 2. Teaching a direct attacker hit. 3. The ball feed is the upper straight. 4. Educational game.

1. Improving the skills of receiving the ball from above and below with two hands. 2. Teaching the upper straight feed. 3. Training for the direct attacker 4. Training game.

1. Teaching the upper transfer of the ball back behind the head. 2. Improving the skills of the upper straight serve. H. Improving the skills of a direct attacking strike.

1. Teaching the upper transfer of the ball back behind the head. 2. Improving the skills of the upper straight serve. H. Improving the skills of a direct attacking strike. 4. Educational game.

1. Teaching the upper transfer of the ball back behind the head. 2. Improving the skills of the upper straight serve. H. Improving the skills of a direct attacking strike. 4. Educational game.

1. Physical fitness. 2. Improving the skills of receiving and passing the ball from above with two hands. H. Improving the skills of the lower straight line of the ball. 4. Educational game.

1. Teaching the upper transfer of the ball back behind the head. 2. Improving the skills of the upper straight serve. H. Improving the skills of a direct attacking strike. 4. Educational game

1, Improving the skills of receiving and passing the ball from above and below with two hands. ... 2. Learning to receive the ball from above, followed by a fall. 3. Improving the skills of the upper straight serve. 4. Educational game.

1, Improving the skills of receiving and passing the ball from above and below with two hands. 2. Learning to receive the ball from above, followed by a fall and roll to the side on the hip and back. 3. Improving the skill of a direct attacking blow. 4. Educational game

4. Educational game.

1. Improving the skills of the second transfer. 2. Teaching defensive actions, Z. Studying individual tactical actions in an attack.

1. Training in defensive actions. 2. Improving the skills of the lower and upper straight serve. 3. Improving the skills of the attacking blow. 4. Educational game

1. Training in defensive actions. 2. Improving the skills of the lower and upper straight serve. 3. Improving the skills of the attacking blow. 4. Educational game.

1. Improving the skills of the second transfer. 2, Improving the skills of receiving the ball from below and from above with a fall. H. Study of individual tactical actions in defense.

1.Improving second gear skills. 2, Improving the skills of receiving the ball from below and from above with a fall. 3. Study of individual tactical actions in defense. 4. Educational game.

1. Improving the skills of the second transfer. 2. Learning to pass the ball in a jump. H. Teaching group tactical actions in the attack 4. Training game.

1. Learning to single block 2. Teaching individual and group tactical actions in the attack 4. Training game.

1. Learning to single blocking. 2. Teaching individual and group tactical actions in the attack 4. Training game.

1. Learning to single block. 2. Teaching the attacker to strike with the transfer to the left. H. Study of individual and group tactical actions in the attack,

1. Learning to single block. 2. Teaching the attacker to strike with the transfer to the left. H. Tactics of first and second gears

1. Teaching single blocking 2. Teaching the attacking strike with the transfer to the left 4. Training game.

1. Learning to single block 2. Teaching an attacking blow with a translation to the left 3. Training game.

I. Improving blocking skills. 2. Improving the skill of a direct attacking strike. H. Teaching individual and group tactical actions in the attack.

1. Training game with tactical action in attack

1. Training game with tactical action in attack

1. Improving the skills of defensive actions. 2. Improving the skills of the attacking strike, tactics of the attacking strike. H. Individual tactical actions in defense.

1. Training game with tactical action in attack

: 1. Improving the skills of passing the ball in a jump, 2. Improving the skills of passing the ball, H. Improving the skills of the Striker. 4. Individual tactical actions in defense.

1. Educational-training game with tactical actions in defense.

1. Teaching individual and group tactical actions in the attack. 2. Learning to receive the ball from below with one hand, followed by a fall and roll to the side on the hip and back. H. Improving the skill of a direct attacking strike.

1. Teaching group tactical actions in defense. 2. Learning to receive the ball from below with one hand, followed by a fall and roll to the side on the hip and on the back. 3. Improving the skills of single blocking.

1. Improving the skills of the first and second gear. 2. Learning to receive the ball from below with one hand, followed by a fall and roll to the side on the hip and back. 3. Teaching team tactical actions and defense.

1. Improving the skills of defensive actions. 2. Improving the technique of the upper straight and lower straight serve. 3. Training

Improving the skills of defensive actions. 2. Improving the skills of the upper straight serving of the ball - strong and targeted. 3. Teaching command tactical actions in the attack.

: 1. Improving the skills of receiving the ball from the service. 2. Improving group blocking skills. 3. Teaching command tactical actions in the attack.

1. Educational-training game with tactical actions in defense and attack.

1. Training game with tactical actions in defense and attack. 2 Summing up the results of training sessions for the year.

1. Improving the skills of receiving the ball from the service. 2. Teaching group tactical actions.

1. Improving the skills of defensive actions. 2. Improving the technique of the upper straight and lower straight serve. 3. Teaching command tactical actions in the attack.

1.physical preparation 2. Learning to pass the ball in a jump. H. Teaching group tactical actions in the attack. 4. Training game.

1. Improving the skills of the second transfer. 2. Teaching defensive actions, Z. Studying individual tactical actions in an attack.

1. Training game with tactical action in attack

1. Development of speed and jumping ability. 2. Improving the skills of receiving and passing the ball from above with two hands. H. Improving serving skills

1. Educational-training game with tactical actions in defense.

1. Improving the skills of receiving the ball from above and below with two hands. 2. Teaching the upper straight feed. 3. Teaching a direct attacking blow. 4. Training game.

1. Development of speed and jumping ability. 2. Improving the skills of receiving and passing the ball from above with two hands. H. Improving serving skills

1. Educational-training game with tactical actions in defense.

1. Improving the skills of defensive actions. 2. Improving the technique of the upper straight and lower straight serve. 3. Teaching command tactical actions in the attack.

1.physical preparation 2. Learning to pass the ball in a jump. H. Teaching group tactical actions in the attack. 4. Training game.

1. Training game with tactical action in attack

1. Development of speed and jumping ability. 2. Improving the skills of receiving and passing the ball from above with two hands. H. Improving serving skills

1. Educational-training game with tactical actions in defense.

1. Improving the skills of receiving the ball from above and below with two hands. 2. Teaching the upper straight feed. 3. Teaching a direct attacking blow. 4. Training game.

1. Training game with tactical action in attack

1.physical preparation 2. Learning to pass the ball in a jump. H. Teaching group tactical actions in the attack. 4. Training game.

1. Educational-training game with tactical actions in defense.

Sections: School sports and children's health

Volleyball is one of the exciting, interesting and popular games today. Techniques, tactical actions contain great opportunities for expanding and developing physical abilities, and also help in the moral education of children and adolescents.

In the process of studying, students develop a need for systematic physical exercises, students join a healthy lifestyle, acquire the habit of doing physical work, their mental load is compensated for by physical work. Sports discipline, foster a sense of collectivism, will, purposefulness, contribute to support in the study of general education subjects, as it strengthens health.

The program organically fits into the existing system of physical education in general education institutions. Thanks to this, students will be able to study more fruitfully, get sick less. Students who have successfully mastered the program will be able to participate in volleyball competitions of various sizes.

Targets and goals.

Playing volleyball is aimed at all-round physical development and contributes to the improvement of many motor and moral-volitional qualities necessary in life.

The goal of the program is an in-depth study of the sports game volleyball.

The main objectives of the program are:


  • to familiarize students with the rules of self-monitoring of the state of health in the classroom and at home; to form a healthy lifestyle;
  • to study the basics of technique and tactics of the game;
  • facilitate the acquisition of the necessary theoretical knowledge;


  • to promote the mastery of the basic techniques and tactics of the game;
  • develop a sustainable interest in this sport;
  • develop creative abilities (thinking, the ability to predict the enemy's tactics);
  • promote proper physical development;
  • develop physical abilities (strength, endurance, flexibility, coordination of movements);
  • develop special technical and tactical skills of the game;
  • prepare students for volleyball competitions;
  • to promote the selection of the best students for the youth sports school;


  • contribute to the education of will, courage, perseverance, discipline, collectivism, a sense of friendship;
  • to help instill organizational skills in students;
  • promote the instilling of a general culture of behavior (basics of hygiene, etiquette).

Features of this program

This program was compiled using special literature on teaching volleyball. The program involves teaching methods to play volleyball, which are currently the most modern and are used in training volleyball players. The program allows you to vary the load of the child (depending on his physical capabilities) without losing the learning outcome. The program uses the principles of visibility, accessibility and individualization.

Form and mode of training

1 year of study - 2 times a week for 2 acad. hours (144 hours per year)

2nd year of study - 2 times a week for 2 acad. hours (144 hours per year)

3rd year of study - 2 times a week for 2 acad. hours (144 hours per year)

Classes are held in a group to which students who do not have medical contraindications for volleyball are enrolled.

The form of classes is physical exercises (warm-up, special exercises, game sparring, game), conversations on the rules and refereeing of the competition.

Practical methods:

Exercise method;



Circuit training.

Chief among them is the exercise method, which involves multiple repetitions of movements.

Play and competitive methods are applied after students have acquired some playing skills.

Expected results

After graduation first year learning, the student must:

Placement of players on the field;

Rules for moving players by numbers;

Mini-volleyball rules;

Correctness of the account by parties;

Receive and pass the ball from above with two hands;

Receive and pass the ball from below above you and onto the ball net;

Perform bottom feed from 5-6 meters;

Perform falls.

After graduation second year learning, the student must:

Arrangement of players on the field when receiving and serving an opponent;

Classification of exercises used in the educational and training process;

Account management according to the protocol;

Perform movements and racks;

Receive the ball from above with two hands, from below with two hands from the serve in zones 6,1,5 and the first transfer to zones 3,2;

Pass the ball from below above yourself in a circle;

Perform the bottom straight, side feed for accuracy;

Carry out an attacking blow from zone 4 with a partner's pass from zone 3;

Perform deceptive "discount" actions.

After graduation third year learning, the student must:

Midline transition;

Competition Regulations; ways of holding competitions: round robin, elimination, mixed;

Duties of judges;

To carry out the transfer of the ball from above with two hands from the depth of the area for the attacking blow;

Pass the ball from above with both hands at the net, standing with your back in the direction;

Perform the transfer from above with two hands in a jump;

Perform top forward feed;

Carry out an attacking blow from zones 4, 3, 2 with high and medium passes;

Perform a single blocking of a direct attacking strike on the move in zones 4, 3, 2.

Results of the program implementation: participation in competitions, friendly games, passing control standards and control tasks.

Academic-thematic plan 1 year of study

p / p
Names of sections and topics Total amount Including:
theoretical practical
I Knowledge basics 6 4 2
1 Introductory lesson 2 1 1
2 The history of the development of volleyball. Volleyball game and competition rules 2 2 -
3 The effect of exercise on the human body. Tempering and health 2 1 1
II general physical preparation 30 3 27
1 Gymnastic exercises 10 1 9
2 Track and Field Exercises 10 1 9
3. Outdoor games 10 1 9
III Technical training 63 9 54
1 Technique of movement and stands 8 1 7
2 15 2 13
3. The technique of receiving the ball from below 15 2 13
4. Bottom straight feed 15 2 13
5. Attacking strikes 10 2 8
IV Tactical training 36 8 28
1. Individual actions 12 2 10
2. Group actions 8 2 6
3. Team actions 8 2 6
4. Defense tactics 8 2 6
V 8 2 6
Final lesson 1 1 -

Total hours:

During a year
144 27 117

I. Basics of knowledge(6 hours)

Topic # 1. Introductory lesson

Acquaintance. Safety precautions and rules of conduct in the hall. Sports equipment and inventory, rules for handling it. Sports uniforms. Hygienic requirements. Familiarization with the program. Methods for self-monitoring of health status at school and at home.

Topic number 2. The history of the development of volleyball. Volleyball game and competition rules

The history of volleyball. Volleyball development. Mini-volleyball rules.

Topic № 3. The influence of physical exercise on the human body. Tempering and Health /

A well-developed muscular system is evidence of a person's good health. The environment is becoming more and more aggressive towards you and me. The number of new viruses is increasing, the ecology is deteriorating. The only thing that can help in such a situation is hardening the body.

II. General physical training (30 hours)

Exercises for the development of physical abilities: speed, strength, endurance, coordination, speed-strength.

Gymnastic exercises. Exercises without objects: for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle. For the muscles of the legs, abdominals, hip, trunk and neck. Exercises with objects - with skipping ropes, rubber balls, medicine balls (1-2 kg). From different starting points. Alternating exercises with arms and legs - various throws, jumping up with the ball clamped by the ankle joints; in a sitting position, lying down - raising the legs with the ball.

Track and field exercises. Running with acceleration up to 30 m. Jumping: from standing to length, upward. Running jumps in length and height. Throwing a tennis ball at a target, at a distance.

Outdoor games: “Day and night”, “Salki without a ball”, “Carp and pike”, “Wolf in the moat”, “The third extra”, “Fishing rod”, “Circular relay”, combined relay races.

III. Technical training (60 hours)

Mastering the technique of movement and stands. Player stance (starting positions). Walking, running, moving face forward. Movements by side steps: face, right, left side forward. Double step forward. A combination of movement methods.

Mastering the technique of receiving and passing the ball from above with two hands; passing the ball suspended on a cord; from your own toss; with a throwing partner; in different directions on site and after moving; transmission in pairs; hitting the ball with a fist through the net in close proximity to it; from your own toss; thrown by a partner - from the spot and after landing. Reception and transmission of the ball from below, reception and transmission of the ball with two hands from above (in place and in motion with side steps). Passing the ball after moving from zone to zone. Receiving the ball on the back line. Two-handed overhand pass in place. A two-handed pass from above in place and after a forward pass. Receiving the ball from below with both hands above oneself. Receiving the ball from below with both hands above oneself and onto the net. Passing the ball from above with two hands in a jump in pairs. Passing the ball from above with two hands in a jump in threes. Receiving the ball from below in the group.

Mastering the feeding technique: lower straight; supply of the ball, suspended on a cord installed in the holder; through the mesh; feed into the wall, through the net from a distance of 9 m; feed through the net from behind the endline; bottom side feed.

Attacking strikes. Direct attacking blow with the strongest hand (mastering the take-off run, jump up with a push of two legs: from a place, from 1.2, 3 steps of a run, blow with a brush on the ball).

Mastering the technique of filing. Bottom forward feed from 3-6 m. Bottom forward feed. Bottom straight serve, reception of the ball reflected by the net.

IV. Tactical training (36 hours)

Individual actions: choosing a place to perform the bottom serve; seat selection for second gear and in zone 3.

Group actions. Front row player interactions: zone 4 player with zone 3 player, zone 2 player with zone 3 player (on first pass). The interactions of the players in zones 6, 5 and 1 with the player in zone 3.

Team actions. Receiving the bottom serve and the first pass to zone 3, the second pass to the player facing the transmitter.

Defense tactics. Selecting the location when receiving the bottom feed. The position of the players when receiving the service, when the second pass is made by the player of zone 3.

V. Control tests and competitions (8 ocloc'k)

Final lesson

Academic-thematic plan 2 year of study

p / p
Names of sections and topics General
theor. practical
I Knowledge basics 6 4 2
1 Introductory lesson 2 1 1
2 Exercise classification 2 2 -
3 Types of competitions 2 1 1
II general physical preparation 10 3 7
1 Gymnastic exercises 10 1 9
2 Track and Field Exercises 10 1 9
3. Outdoor games 10 1 9
III 20 3 17
IV Technical training 63 9 54
1 Technique of movement and stands 6 1 7
2 Technique of receiving and passing the ball from above 15 2 13
3. The technique of receiving the ball from below 15 2 13
4. Bottom straight, side feed 15 2 13
5. Attacking strikes 10 2 8
V Tactical training 36 8 28
1. Individual actions 12 2 10
2. Group actions 8 2 6
3. Team actions 8 2 6
4. Defense tactics 8 2 6
VI Control tests and competitions 8 2 6
Final lesson 1 1 -

Total hours:

During a year
144 27 117

I. Basics of knowledge (6 hours)

Volleyball education and training concept. Classification of exercises used in the educational and training process in volleyball. The role of competitions in the sports training of young volleyball players. Types of competitions. The concept of the methodology of judging.

Gymnastic exercises. Exercises for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle. Exercises without objects, individual and in pairs. Medicine ball exercises - raising, lowering, throwing from one hand to another in front of you, throwing, catching; in pairs holding the ball - resistance exercises. Exercises for the muscles of the trunk and neck. Exercises without objects, individual and in pairs (bends forward, backward, right, left, bends and turns of the head). Medicine ball exercises - lying on the back and face down, bending and raising the legs, the ball is sandwiched between the feet, bending, bending, exercises in pairs. Exercises for the muscles of the legs and pelvis. Exercises without objects, individual and in pairs (squats in various starting positions, jumping, walking, running). Medicine ball exercises - squats, lunges, jumps, bounces. Dumbbell Exercises - Running, Jumping, Squatting. Exercises on apparatus (gymnastic wall, bench). Rope exercises. High jumps, from a straight run (from the bridge), bending your legs over the bar (rope). High-distance running jumps over obstacles without a bridge and with a bridge.

Track and field exercises. Run with acceleration up to 20 m. Low start and starting run up to 60 m. Repeated run 3 x 20 m, 3 x 30 m. Run 60 m from a low start. Relay running with stages up to 40 m. Running alternating with walking (up to 300 m). Running or cross-country (up to 1000 m).

Outdoor games: “Ball Race”, “Salki”, “Fifteen”), “Seine”, “Well-aimed”, “Moving target”, “Running Relay”, “Jumping Relay”, “Middle Ball”, “ Hunters and ducks "," Shootout "," Pulling over the line "," Call the shift "," Relay of football players "," Relay of basketball players "," Relay with leapfrog jumping "," Counter relay
with the ball ”,“ Catchers ”,“ Fighting for the ball ”,“ Ball for the catcher ”,“ Tug of war ”.

III. Special physical training (20 hours)

Exercises to teach responsiveness skills. On a signal (mainly visual), running 5, 10, 15 m from the starting positions: the volleyball player's stand (with his face, sideways and back to the starting line) - sitting, lying on his back and on his stomach in various positions in relation to the starting line; the same, but moving by side steps.

Running with stops and changes of direction. Shuttle run for 5 and Yum (total run for one attempt is 20-30 m). Shuttle run, but the segment first runs with its face forward, and back - with its back, etc. According to the shuttle run principle, movement is carried out in side steps. The same with medicine balls in hands (weighing from 1 to 2 kg), with a weighted belt or in a jacket with a weight. Running (side steps) in a column one by one (in a row) along the boundaries of the site.

Outdoor games: "Day and night" (visual signal, starting positions are very different), "Call", "Call numbers", "Try to take away", various versions of the game "Salki". Special relay races with the performance of the tasks listed above in various combinations and overcoming obstacles.

Exercises for the development of jumping ability. Squatting and sharp straightening of the legs with a wave of the arms up; the same with a jump up, the same with a medicine ball (or two) in hands (up to 2 kg).

Exercises with weights, barbell - the weight of the barbell is set as a percentage of the body weight of the practitioner, depending on the nature of the exercise: squatting - up to 80%, jumping out - 20-40%, jumping out of the squat - 20-30%, belt, cuffs on the wrists, at the ankle joints. Squat, jump up from the squat, half squat, half squat forward, jumping on both legs.

Multiple throws of a medicine ball (weighing 1-2 kg) over oneself and jumping and catching after landing. Standing at a distance of 1-1.5 m from the wall (backboard) with a stuffed (basketball) ball in your hands, throw the ball up against the wall in a jump, land, jump again and catch the ball, land and throw again in a jump, etc.

Jumping on one and on both legs in place and moving forward, sideways and backwards. The same with a burden. Jumping on folded gymnastic mats (the height gradually increases), the number of jumps in a row also increases gradually. Jumping on one and both legs with overcoming obstacles (medicine balls, etc.). Support jumps, jumping rope, various jumps. Multiple jumps from a place and from a running start in combination with hitting the ball. Running on steep slopes. Jumping over ditches, ditches. Running on the sand without shoes. Running up the stairs, stepping on each step.

Exercises to develop the qualities necessary for serving the ball. Circular movements of the arms in the shoulder joints with a large amplitude and maximum speed. Rubber cushion exercises, Medicine ball exercises. Volleyball exercises (performed multiple times in a row). Improvement of the impact movement of the ball feed on rubber shock absorbers. Serves with maximum force at the training grid (into the grid). Submitting the ball with your weakest hand.

Exercises to develop the qualities necessary for the execution of offensive strikes. Throwing a medicine ball from behind the head with two hands with an active movement of the hands from top to bottom - standing still in a jump (throw a gymnastic mat in front of you into the platform). Throwing a medicine ball weighing 1 kg in a jump from behind the head with two hands through the net. Throwing a medicine ball weighing 1 kg with a “hook” in a jump - in pairs and over the net. Imitation of direct and lateral attacking blows, holding sandbags (up to 1 kg).

Exercises to develop the qualities necessary for blocking. Jumping exercises, as described earlier, in combination with raising the arms upward and touching a suspended medicine ball. The same with touching a volleyball ball on rubber shock absorbers: from a place, after moving, after turning, after turning and moving (various combinations), after jumping into the depths (jumping off).

IV. Technical training(60 hours)

Submission of the ball: lower straight for accuracy, lower lateral for accuracy.

Attacking strikes in the course of the strongest hand with a running start (1, 2, 3 steps) on the ball: suspended on shock absorbers; installed in the holder; through the net on the ball thrown by the partner; attacking blow from zone 4 with partner pass from zone 3.

Defense technique. Actions without the ball.

Movements and stances: starting stance (starting positions) combined with movements. Walking, running, moving with a cross step to the right, back forward. Move with side steps, back forward. Jump back, right, left.

Ball actions. Reception of the ball: from above with two hands, from below with two hands from service in zones 6, 1, 5 and the first transfer to zones 3, 2.

Blocking: single blocking of a direct attacking strike on the move in zones 4,2, standing on a stand.

Attack tactics. Individual actions. Seat selection: to perform the second gear in zones 3, 2; for an attacking blow (with a straight strongest hand in zones 4 and 2).

When handling the ball. Alternation of methods of serving for accuracy, in the near, far half of the site. The choice of the method of hitting the ball over the net: passing from above with two hands, with a fist (standing on the ground in a jump); from below (facing, sideways, back to the net). Submission to a player with poor ball reception skills.

V. Tactical training (36 hours)

Attack tactics. Group actions in the attack. Front line player interactions. On the first serve: a player in zone 4 with a player in zone 2, player in zone 3 with a player in zone 2, player in zone 3 with a player in zone 4. On the second serve: a player in zone 3 with a player in zones 2 and 4, player in zone 2 with a player in zone 3. Players in zones 6, 5 and 1 with a player in zone 3 (in terms of alternating serves in zones).

Team actions. Reception of the bottom serves and the first transfer to zone 3, the second transfer to zones 4 and 2, facing the transfer. Take the bottom feeds and first gear to zone 2, second gear to zone 3.

Defense tactics. Individual actions. Choosing a place: when receiving bottom feeds; when insuring a partner receiving the ball from service and fraudulent transfer.

When handling the ball: select the method of receiving the ball sent through the net by the opponent (top, bottom).

Group actions. The interactions of the players when receiving from the pass: the player of zone 1 with the player of zones 6 and 2; a player of zone 6 with players of zones 1, 5, 3; player of zone 5 with players of zones 6 and 4.

Team actions. Acceptance of feeds. The position of the players when receiving the bottom serves, when the second pass is made by the player of zone 2, the player of zone 3 is behind.

Game system. The location of the players when receiving the ball from the opponent "angle forward" with the use of group actions.

(8 ocloc'k)

Take part in the same competition. Control games and competitions. Organization and conduct of competitions. Analysis of the games played. Elimination of errors.

Practical lessons. Competitions in outdoor games with elements of volleyball technique. Mini-volleyball competition.

Final lesson

Safety precautions during summer holidays.

Curriculum-thematic plan of the 3rd year of study

p / p
Names of sections and topics General
theor. practical
I Knowledge basics 6 4 2
1 Introductory lesson 2 1 1
2 Exercise classification 2 2 -
3 Types of competitions 2 1 1
II general physical preparation 10 3 7
1 Gymnastic exercises 10 1 9
2 Track and Field Exercises 10 1 9
3. Outdoor games 10 1 9
III Special physical training 20 3 17
IV Technical training 63 9 54
1 Attack technique. Technique of movement and racks 6 1 7
2 Ball Actions 15 2 13
3. Defense technique. Actions without the ball 15 2 13
4. Feed 15 2 13
V Tactical training 36 8 28
1. Attack tactics. Individual actions 12 2 10
2. Group actions 8 2 6
3. Team actions 8 2 6
4. Defense tactics 8 2 6
VI Control tests and competitions 8 2 6
Final lesson 1 1 -

Total hours:

During a year
144 27 117

I. Basics of knowledge (6 hours)

Introductory lesson Acquaintance. Safety precautions and rules of conduct in the hall. Sports equipment and inventory, rules for handling it. Sports uniforms. Hygienic requirements. Familiarization with the program.

Line-up. Placement and transition of players. Start of the game and serve. Change of pitch. Ball strikes. A game of two. Midline transition. The ball is out of play. Loss of a point or service. The score and the result of the game. Volleyball rules. Competition Regulations. Competition methods: round robin, knockout, mixed. Preparation of competition venues. Duties of judges. Education and training as a single process of formation and improvement of motor skills, physical and volitional qualities.

II. General physical training (10 hours)

Gymnastic exercises. Exercises for the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle. Medicine ball exercises - lifting, lowering, throwing from one hand to another, throwing, catching. In pairs, holding the ball, resistance exercises. Exercises with gymnastic belts, dumbbells, rubber shock absorbers, on a mass-type gymnastic wall.

Exercises for the muscles of the trunk and neck. Exercises without objects, individual and in pairs (bends forward, backward, right, left, bends and turns of the head). Medicine ball exercises - lying on the back and face down, bending and raising the legs, the ball is sandwiched between the feet, bending, bending, exercises in pairs.

Exercises for the muscles of the legs, pelvis. Exercises without objects, individual and in pairs (squats in various starting positions, jumping, walking, running). Medicine ball exercises: Squats, lunges, jumps, bounces. Dumbbell exercises - running, jumping, squatting.

Track and field exercises. Run. Run with acceleration up to 40 m. Low start and starting run up to 60 m. Repeated run 3 x 20-30 m, 3 x 30-40 m, 4 x 50-60 m. Run 60 m from a low start. Relay running with stages up to 40 m and up to 50-60 m. Running with obstacles from 60 to 100 m (the number of obstacles from 4 to 10), stuffed balls, training barriers, conditional trenches are used as obstacles. Running in alternation with walking up to 400 m. Cross-country up to 7 km.

Outdoor games: “Ball Race”, “Salki” (“Fifteen”), “Seine”, “Well-aimed”, “Moving target”, “Running Relay”, “Jumping Relay”, “Middle Ball”, “ Hunters and ducks "," Shootout "," Tug over the line "," Call the shift "," Relay of football players "," Relay of basketball players "," Relay with leapfrog jumping "," Counter relay with the ball "," Catchers "," Wrestling for the ball ”,“ The ball to the catcher ”,“ Tug of war ”.

III. Special physical training (20 hours)

Outdoor games: “Day and night” (visual signal, starting positions are very different), “Challenge”, “Calling numbers”, “Try to take away”, different versions of the game “Salochki”, special relay races with tasks in various combinations and with overcoming obstacles.

Exercises for the development of jumping ability. Squatting and sharp straightening of the legs with a wave of the arms up; the same with a jump up; the same with a medicine ball (or two) in hand (up to 2 kg).

Weight Exercises Squats, jumping up from a squat, half-squat, jumping on both legs. Multiple throws of a medicine ball (weighing 1-2 kg) above oneself in a jump and catching after landing. Jumping on one and both legs in place and in motion facing forward, sideways, back forward. The same with a burden.

Exercises to develop the qualities necessary for serving. Circular movements of the arms in the shoulder joints with a large amplitude and maximum speed.

Exercises with rubber shock absorbers. Medicine ball exercises. Throwing the ball: with two hands from behind the head with maximum deflection during the swing, from below with one and two hands, with one hand over the head, with a “hook” through the net. Exercise with a partner. Volleyball exercises (performed multiple times in a row). Improvement of the impact movement of the ball feed on rubber shock absorbers. Serves with maximum force at the training grid (into the grid). Submitting the ball with your weakest hand.

Exercises to develop the qualities necessary for the execution of offensive strikes. Medicine ball throws from behind the head with two hands with active movement of the hands from top to bottom - standing still and in a jump, in a jump over the net with two hands from behind the head, with a “hook” in a jump - in pairs and over the net. Imitation of a direct attacking blow, holding a bag of sand (up to 1 kg).

Exercises to develop the qualities necessary for blocking. Jumping exercises, as described earlier, in combination with raising the arms upward and touching a suspended medicine ball. The same with touching a volleyball ball on rubber shock absorbers: from a place, after moving, after turning, after turning and moving (various combinations), after jumping into the depths (jumping off). Moving along the net facing it with side steps with the right, left side forward, stopping and taking the starting position for blocking.

The medicine ball striker moves along the net, stops and jumps to throw the ball behind him; the blocker must take his starting position in time and jump onto the block so that his palms are above the net at the moment the ball is released from the attacker's hands.

The attackers throw and catch the medicine ball as part of group tactical offensive actions, the blocker chooses the spot and blocks.

IV. Technical training(60 hours)

Blocking. Single blocking of a direct attacking strike on the move in zones 4, 3, 2.

V. Tactical training(36 hours)

Attack technique. Actions without the ball.

Movements and racks: a combination of movement methods and racks with techniques.

Actions with the ball: transfer from above with two hands from the depth of the court for an attacking blow; transfer from above with two hands at the net, standing with your back in the direction; transfer from above with two hands in a jump (forward-upward). The ball feed is the upper straight.

Attacking strikes. Striking strike from zones 4, 3, 2 with high and medium passes.

Defense technique. Actions without the ball. Jump stop. Falls and rolls after falls. Combination of movement methods with stops and stands. A combination of movement and stance techniques with defense techniques.

Ball actions. Reception of the ball: from below with both hands; lower pass for accuracy, receiving the ball from below with two hands from the serve in zones 6, 1, 5 and the first pass to zones 4, 3, 2; reception of the ball from above with two hands with a lunge to the side and subsequent fall and roll over to the hip and back. Blocking. Single blocking of a direct attacking strike on the move in zones 4, 3, 2.

Vi. Control tests and competitions (8 ocloc'k)

Take part in competitions. Control games and competitions. Organization and conduct of competitions. Analysis of the games played. Elimination of errors. Installation for the upcoming game (on the layout). The technical game plan of the team and tasks for individual players. Characteristics of the opposing team. An overall assessment of the game and the actions of individual players.

Final lesson (1 hour)

Safety precautions during summer holidays.

Control tests

General physical training

Running 30 m b x 5 m. At a distance of 5 m, two lines are drawn - the start line and the control line. On a visual signal, the student runs, overcoming 5 m six times. When changing the movement in the opposite direction, both legs of the subject must cross the line.

Long jump from a place. The measurement is taken from the reference line to the nearest trace of the subject upon landing. The best result is taken out of three attempts.

Throwing a packed ball weighing 1 kg from behind the head with both hands. The subject stands at the line, one foot in front, holding the ball with both hands below in front of him. Raising the ball upward with a backward swing behind the head, the subject makes a forward throw.

Technical training

Tests for transmission accuracy. In the tests, conditions are created under which quantitative results can be obtained: distance and transmission height limiters are installed - slats, colored ribbons, hoops (gymnastic), lines are applied. When passing from zone 3 to zones 2 and 4, the transmission distance is 3-3.5 m, the height is limited to 3 m, the distance from the net is no more than 1.5 m. Each student makes 5 attempts; the number of programs that meet the requirements in the test is taken into account, as well as the quality of the performance of the program (programs in violation of the rules are not counted).

Mesh transmission accuracy test. On the opposite side of the court, a zone is outlined where the ball is to be sent: in zone 4 - 2 x 1, in zone 1 and in zone 6 - 3 x 3 m.Each student makes 5 attempts in each zone, the quantitative and qualitative side of the performance is taken into account ...

Tests for accuracy of feeds. Basic requirements: with a high-quality technical performance of the given method of serving, send the ball to a specific section of the court: the right (left) half of the court, zones 4-5 (1-2), the area at the side lines in zones 5-4 and 1-2 (size 6 x 2 m), in zone 6 at the endline measuring 3 x 3 m.Each student performs 3 attempts (in training groups - 5 attempts).

Tests for the accuracy of the attacking blow. The requirements for these tests are that the subjects qualitatively, in technical terms, were able to perform one or another method of attacking strike in three zones: 1, 6, 5 from zones 4.2.

Test in protective actions (“zone defense”). The subject is in zone G in a circle with a diameter of 2.5 m.Standing on a stand, the student, with a kick from his own toss, sends the ball through the net from zones 4 and 2.

The student must apply all previously learned defense techniques. The number of strokes for each year of study is different: the group of initial training - the first year of study -5; second year of study - 10; training groups, the first year of training - 15, the second year of training - 20.

Tactical training. Actions when receiving the ball in the field. The main content of the tests is to choose a method of action in accordance with the task, the signal. Two exercises are given: 1) Choosing the method of receiving the ball (according to the assignment). 10 attempts are given, and from 14-16 years old - 15 attempts. The number of correct attempts and the quality of reception are taken into account. 2) The choice of the method of action: receiving the ball from the attacking hit or going to the net for insurance and receiving the ball from the discount. 10 attempts are given. The number of correctly completed tasks and quality are taken into account.

Methodological support of the educational program in volleyball 1-3 years of study

Chapter Form of classes Didactic material Technical equipment Summing up form
1. Basics of knowledge conversations literature on the topic visual aids
2. General physical fitness Workshop:

Streaming lesson;

Circular training;

Work by station;



- literature on the topic;

Task cards.

- skipping ropes;

Gymnastic benches;

Gymnastic wall;

Gymnastic mats;

Rubber shock absorbers;



control standards for RP
3. Special physical training Workshop:

Streaming lesson;

Circular training;

Frontal training;

Work by station;



- literature on the topic;

Task cards.

- skipping ropes;

Gymnastic benches;

Gymnastic wall;

Gymnastic mats;

Rubber shock absorbers;



control standards for TFP
4. Technical training Workshop:

Streaming lesson;

Circular training;

Frontal training;

Work by station;



- literature on the topic;

Video materials;

Task cards.

- volleyballs;

Volleyball net;


Rubber band

- control standards;

Educational and training game;

Help in sous action.

5. Tactical training Workshop:

Streaming lesson;

Circular training;

Frontal training;

Work by station;



- literature on the topic;

Video materials;

Task cards.

- volleyballs;


Rubber band

- control standards;

Educational and training game;

6. Proof tests Workshop:



- cards with the task. - skipping ropes;

Gymnastic wall;

Gymnastic mats;



- control standards;

Help in sous action.

Literature for students:

  1. Kleschev Yu.N., Furmnov A.G. Young volleyball player, -M .: FiS, 1979.
  2. Litvinov E.N. Physical Education! Physical Education! / E.N. Litvinov, G.I. Pogadaev. -M .: Education, 1999.
  3. Makeson, G.B. Physical culture for grades 5-7 / G.B. Makeson, L.E. Lyubomirsky, L.B. Kofman, V.I. Lyakh. - M.: Education, 1998.
  4. Young volleyball player. Zheleznyak Yu.D. - M .: FiS, 1988.

Literature for the teacher:

  1. Akhmerov E.K. Volleyball for beginners. - Minsk: Polymya, 1985.
  2. Balandin, G.A. Physical education lesson in modern school / G.A. Balandin, N.N. Nazarova, T.N. Kazakov. - M .: Soviet sport, 2002.
  3. Belyaev A.V. Volleyball at the physical education lesson. - 2nd ed. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 2005. Balandin, G.А. Physical education lesson in modern school / GA Balandin, N.N. Nazarova, T.N. Kazakova. - M .: Soviet sport, 2002.
  4. Zheleznyak Yu.D. Young volleyball player. M .: Physical culture and sport.
  5. Zheleznyak Yu.D., Slupsky L.N.Volleyball at school: A guide for teachers -M .: Education, 1989.
  6. Kuznetsov V.S. Exercises and games with balls / V.S. Kuznetsov, G.A. Kolodnitsky. - M .: Publishing house of NTs ENAS, 2002.
  7. Official rules of volleyball 2001-2004 - M.: VFV, Terra-Sport, 2001.
  8. Furmanov A.G., Boldyrev D.M. Volleyball. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1983.

MOU "Lomonosov gymnasium"

I approve

Director of the MOU

"Lomonosov gymnasium"

Kuznetsova M.I.


additional education pupils

sports section "Volleyball" (girls)

8-11 grades

program implementation period 3 years

Physical education teacher

Borodulina Olga Gennadievna



Explanatory note

to the working program of additional education

sports section "Volleyball" (girls)

9-11 grades

The work program of additional education for the sports section "Volleyball" is drawn up taking into account the requirements of sanitary and epidemiological rules and SanPiN standards.

Federal component of the state standard of general education: Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 1089 dated 05.03.2004 "On the approval of the federal component of state educational standards of primary general, basic general and secondary (complete) general education."

Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 9, 2004 No. 1312 "On the approval of the federal basic curriculum and model curricula for educational institutions Of the Russian Federation implementing general education programs "

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 03.06.2011 No. 1994 "On Amendments to the Federal Basic Curriculum and Model Curricula for Educational Institutions of the Russian Federation Implementing General Education Programs, Approved by Order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation No. 1312 "

A comprehensive program of physical education for students in grades 1-11 "(V. I. Lyakh, A. A. Zdanevich. - M .: Education, 2010);

This work program is aimed at developing the child's inclinations, interests and abilities for social and professional self-determination.

The place and role of physical education and sports in the education of schoolchildren.

Physical culture and sports activity has a special role in solving the problem of social adaptation of schoolchildren. Sport, in particular in the classroom at school and in extracurricular activities, involves students in a variety of social relationships with students of other classes and ages, creates an opportunity to form a stock of socially approved behavior patterns in the school environment.

Sport exercises, outdoor ball games play a special role in the all-round physical development schoolchildren

In ball games and activities, the skills of most basic movements are improved. Ball games are a kind of complex gymnastics. During their course, schoolchildren practice not only in throwing and catching a ball, throwing at a distance and at a target, but also in walking, running, jumping. These movements are performed in a constantly changing environment. This contributes to the formation of students' skills to independently apply movements, depending on the conditions of the game.

Exercises with a ball, with the appropriate organization of their implementation, have a beneficial effect on the child's performance. Exercises with balls of various weights and diameters develop not only large, but also small muscles both hands, increase the mobility of the joints of the fingers and hands. When working with the ball, the child acts with both hands. This contributes to the harmonious development of the central nervous system and the whole organism.

The place of the program in the educational process: This program is designed to provide the direction of additional physical education of students using methods motor activity from the section "volleyball".

The program makes it possible to consistently solve the problems of training young volleyball players, to form students' holistic understanding of volleyball, physical culture, opportunities to improve performance and improve health, and most importantly, to educate a personality capable of independent, creative activity.

The work program was created on the basis of the volleyball course, which is one of the sections of the school curriculum and is presented as a compulsory sport in the state educational standard. In addition, volleyball is one of the leading sports in the organization of extracurricular work in a general education institution.

Purpose of the program: creation of conditions for satisfying the child's need for physical activity through basketball lessons, the formation and systematization of professional theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

In the process of implementing this program, it is planned to solve the following tasks:

motivating schoolchildren to participate in sports and recreation activities;

training in ways of mastering various elements of sports and recreation activities;

assistance in the implementation of independent planning, organization, conduct and analysis of the most significant cases and projects of sports and health-improving orientation for them;

improving the functional capabilities of the body;

the formation of a positive psychology of communication and collective interaction;

the formation of skills in the organization and refereeing of the sports game "basketball".

In the implementation of the goal and objectives, the program focuses on the unity of all forms of the system of physical education of schoolchildren: a physical education lesson, activities in the school day, sport competitions, sports holidays.

Work on the volleyball program involves the holding of games, sports competitions and competitions on the grounds and in sports hall using different sports equipment, balls of different diameters, pins, chips, landmarks, etc.

The number of groups and the mode of educational and training work:

The volleyball work program is designed for children in grades 7-9 who do not have medical contraindications.. Classes are held in a group form, lasting 1 academic hour. The content of this program is designed for a system of one-time lessons per week. The group occupancy is up to 15 people.

Forms of organizing classes:

The main forms of the educational and training process are:

Group training sessions;

Group and individual theoretical lessons;

Recovery activities;

Participation in match meetings;

Participation in competitions;

Offsets, testing;

Contests, quizzes.

Contents of the program structured by type sports training: theoretical, physical, technical and tactical and is determined based on the content of the approximate federal program (Matveev A.P., 2009) and a comprehensive program of physical education for students in grades I-XI (V.I. Lyakh, L.A. Zdanevich, "Education ". M. 2011). Wherein great attention paid to the exercises of special physical training of the volleyball player and the tactical and technical actions of volleyball.

Theoretical preparation includes issues of the history and current state of volleyball, rules of volleyball competitions, safety measures, as well as issues related to hygiene requirements. Physical training is differentiated into general and special training exercises. Technical training includes exercises with and without the ball. Tactical actions include the actions (individual and team) of the player in attack and defense.

The distribution of study time for the implementation of types of training in the course of the school volleyball section for students in grades 7-9 is presented in the approximate curriculum.

Table No. 1.

Volleyball sectional curriculum.

Types of sports training

Number of hours



2.1. simulation exercises without a ball

2.2. top gear

2.3. bottom reception

2.4 serving the ball


3.1. placement and play by zones

3.2. player interactions on the court


4.1. General preparation

4.2. Special

Participation in volleyball competitions



Approximate distribution of time in a separate lesson for technical, tactical and physical fitness is presented in table 2. The distribution of time was carried out taking into account the duration of the sectional lesson.

Table 2.
Types of preparation Time (min.)
1 Technical training 20
    1. Simulation exercises without a ball
    1. Top gear in pairs
    1. Bottom reception in pairs, threes
    1. Top and bottom straight feed
2 Tactical training 10
2.1. Player actions on the court 10
2.2. Player actions by zone 10
3 Physical training 15
3.1. General 15
3.2. Special 15

Substantial provision of sections of the program. Theoretical training.

Volleyball history

Basic rules of volleyball

Volleyball safety

Organization and holding of volleyball competitions

Physical training.

1. General physical fitness.

1.1. General developmental exercises: elementary, with its own weight, with a partner, with objects (medicine balls, fitballs, gymnastic sticks, hoops, with balls of various diameters, skipping ropes), on apparatus (vault, wall, bench,).
1.2. Outdoor games.
1.3. Relay races.
1.4. Obstacle courses.
1.5. Acrobatic exercises and flexibility exercises.

2. Special physical training.

2.1. Exercises to develop the speed of movement of the volleyball player.
2.2. Exercises for the development of jumping ability.
2.3. Development exercises speed-power qualities volleyball player.
2.4. Exercises to develop the agility of a volleyball player. 2.5. Exercises to strengthen the fingers, develop hand strength.

Technical training.

1. Exercises without the ball.

1.1. Leap up and forward with a push of one leg and landing on one leg.
1.2. Moving with side steps with the right (left) side:

at different speeds;

in the same direction and in different directions.

1.3. Moving right - left side.
1.4. Moving in a basketball player's stance.
1.5. Flexibility exercises (lunges, half splits)
1.6. Running with a change in direction and speed.
1.7. Running jumps on the net
1.8. Imitation of an attacking blow.

2. Top transfer of the ball.

2.1. Transfer in pairs on site at a distance of 3-4 meters.
2.2. Passing in pairs basketball ball at a distance of 2-3 meters. (to strengthen the fingers)
2.3. Passing in pairs with a difficult direction.
2.4. Transfer in pairs with the implementation of the open switchgear.
2.5. Transfer over oneself in place.
2.6. The same in motion.
2.7. Passing in pairs on the move.
2.8. Transfer in pairs through a net over a short distance.
2.9. Also with increased distance.
2.10. The same in motion.
2.11. Transfer of small medicine balls.

3. Lower transfer (reception) of the ball.

3.1. On the spot in pairs.
3.2. Bouncing off the wall
3.3. In pairs through the net.
3.4. Reception through the net after serving.
3.5. Transfer back behind the head in pairs, triplets.
3.6. Passing for accuracy to a partner or to a zone.
3.7. Accuracy passes to the target on the wall.

4. Upper straight, lower straight ball serving.

4.1. Multiple serves from the spot.
4.2. The same for hitting accuracy.
4.3. Multiple jump serves.
4.4. The same for hitting accuracy.
4.5. Submission of the ball to the wall with a bottom reception.
4.6. Serves to different areas of the site.
4.7. Serves in pairs with a bottom or top reception.

Tactical training.

1. Passing the ball in pairs, triplets, groups from different starting positions.
2. Passing the ball in groups with movement around the court.
3. Passing the ball in threes to the attacking kick.
4. Play the ball after service.
5. Passing the ball in a team with a quick change of players by zones.
6. Passing two or more balls in a circle.
7. Team action in the attack.
8. Playing volleyball with predetermined tactical actions.

Expected Result:

The implementation of this program will help to increase the physiological activity of the body's systems, help optimize mental and physical performance in the mode of educational activities, a more successful adaptation of the child to school, an increase in interest in physical education, an increase in the number of students striving to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Technical training:

The student in the section must:

Master all the techniques of the game known to modern volleyball and be able to carry them out in different conditions.

Be able to combine techniques with each other in any sequence in

various conditions of movement, diversify actions, combining various techniques.

Master a set of techniques that you have to use more often in the game and perform them with the greatest effect; sharp combinational play requires the maximum use of individual abilities and characteristics.

Constantly improve techniques, improving their overall consistency


Tactical training:

The student in the section should be characterized by:

The speed of complex reactions, attentiveness, orientation, ingenuity,

creative initiative.

Individual actions and typical interactions with partners,

the main systems of command actions in attack and defense.

The formation of skills to effectively use the means of the game and

studied tactical material, taking into account one's own strengths, capabilities,

external conditions and characteristics of enemy resistance.

The ability to switch from one systems and options during the game

team action to others.

Methodological support and literature.

Comprehensive program of physical education for students in grades 1-11 / V.I. Lyakh, L.A. Zdanevich / "Education". M., 2011.

Approximate federal program (Matveev A.P., 2009).

120 volleyball lessons. Zheleznyak Yu.D. 1970 "Physical culture and sports"

Volleyball. A. V. Ivoilov Moscow, 1981

Calendar - thematic planning.

35 hours.


Topic name



Volleyball history. Volleyball safety rules

Running and jumping exercises. Top gear

Top gear

General physical fitness testing.

Running and jumping exercises.

Bottom reception.

Overhead straight serve

Simulation exercises without the ball at the net.

Bottom ball reception.

Upper straight serve of the ball.

Special exercises for development physical qualities volleyball player.

Top pass of the ball. Improvement.

Bottom reception and transfer of the ball.

Exercises for flexibility and coordination.

Submission of the ball.

Simulation exercises without a ball.

Special running and jumping exercises.

Site zones.

Exercises to develop strength.

Educational game

Exercises to develop speed.

Educational game.

Player interactions on the court

Upper straight feed. Improvement.

Downward pass and ball reception. Improvement.

Arrangement on the site by zones. Educational game.

Exercises to develop coordination. Educational game.

Team actions in defense and attack.

The interactions of the players in the team.

Educational game.

Repetition of techniques.

Repetition of techniques

Special exercises for the development of physical qualities of volleyball players.

Educational game.

Volleyball competition.

Volleyball competition.

General Fitness Testing

Player interactions on the court. Educational game.

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