How to learn how to spin the ball in soccer training. How to spin a basketball

The ability to rotate the ball on your finger is one of the most effective and simple athletic tricks. It is quite easy to learn this, it is only important to be patient and diligent in training, as well as to know the secret of this trick. And it is simple - in order for the ball not to fly off your finger during rotation, you need to find the so-called heaviest point of the ball. To do this, you need to put basketball into any container of the same diameter, filled with water, then you need to mark its lowest point. So, how to spin the ball on your finger:

The first way

Stand up straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. Keep the ball on an outstretched hand (if you are right-handed - then on the right, left-handers need to learn how to twist the ball, respectively, on the left hand). The point you marked should be strictly on the fingers. Hold the ball on top with your other hand.

Not with a strong movement of the fingers of the hand on which the ball lies, twist it around its axis. And at the moment when it hovers in the air, you should substitute your index finger under the point that you marked. The index finger should point straight up.

Second way

You can learn how to spin the ball on your finger in another way. The rack is the same. Take the ball in your hands and keep it at a distance of half a meter from your face. In this case, bend your arms at the elbows. Use your fingertips to roll the ball to the side.

Throw the ball up, while remembering to spin it with your fingertips. Try to make the spin as fast as possible.

At the moment when the curled ball is at its highest point, carefully place your index finger pointing up. Remember that a ball that is thrown too high is difficult to catch and may injure your finger. To prevent the ball from falling, add speed with your free hand.

One of the most effective and dangerous blows in football - twisted blow... It is these attacks that goalkeepers and defenders of any level do not like most of all. “In skillful legs” such a blow is very dangerous and difficult to intercept. Corners, penalties, dodgy passes - a twisted shot is useful in many situations. To master the spinning kick is an important task for every self-respecting football player.

General theory

Twisted kicks can be delivered with both the outer and inner surfaces of the foot. However, both professionals and amateurs are more likely to use punch inside, since in this case it is easier to control the degree of twist and the accuracy of the direction of flight. Hit outside feet (sometimes punching and lifting) allows you to achieve more force, but less spin of the ball, moreover, it is much more difficult to master. To perform any kind of twisted kick, you need to learn the following:

  • Hitting the right half of the ball will direct and spin it to the left.
  • Hitting the left half of the ball will direct and spin it to the right.

The recommended angle of the preliminary take-off is about 45 °. To raise the ball up, a blow is applied to its lower part. For an even stronger rise, a football player must tilt the body and shoulders back, for a twist to the bottom - vice versa.

The technique of spinning the ball with the outside of the foot

When performing a blow right foot the supporting (left) leg is on the left side of the ball and its toes are directed slightly to the left of the target. Kicking leg with a swing, tangentially strikes the lower left or middle part of the ball. After the impact, the leg should be turned across the body (towards the gate). Right-handers prefer to spin the ball clockwise, left-handers - against. The leg, which serves as a support, should be motionless during the strike, and to maintain balance, you can slightly put your arms to the sides.

Ball spin technique inside feet

If the kick is with the right foot, the reference (left) is located a little further than the distance chosen in the previous case. This is necessary in order not to interfere with the swing and penetration of the ball. The toes of the supporting leg are directed towards the twist. At the moment of impact, you need to touch the ball with the connection point thumb with the foot, so that the ball rolls slightly along the inside of the foot. The target to hit is the lower left quarter of the ball. After breaking through, the working leg should be turned in the direction of the strike, i.e. perpendicular to the body. The supporting leg also remains motionless on the ground; to maintain balance, you can balance with your hands.

Useful Tips

  • In order for the strike to be accurate and strong, the movement of the leg is always brought to the end.
  • First of all, they work out the technique of strikes, and only then strength.
  • A hit closer to the edge of the ball will provide a strong spin, but less force.
  • The spin trajectory depends on the time the ball has spent in the air - the longer the ball flies, the steeper the trajectory.

The twisted ball is one of the most effective (and spectacular) shots known to both players and spectators. In skillful legs (yes, that's right), this is a weapon against which the goalkeeper is very difficult to resist. There are cases when the goalkeeper "took" twisted ball and literally flew into the gate with him (at close range) or caught him and ... missed. As a result, the next goal was recorded on the scoreboard. The goal of the article is to explain to beginners how to hit a spinning ball correctly.

Before starting to practice, I would like to focus on one more advantage of this specific blow. The fact is that a twisted ball is dangerous not only for the goalkeeper. Having learned this shot, you can easily pass through the field, including through the defender. A twisted ball is great for taking penalties and corners.

Let's start with theory

    The trajectory of the ball depends on the accuracy of the shot. Here, too, you need to aim.

    The ball hit from the right will fly to the left. Accordingly, the rotation will be the same.

    The ball hit from the left will fly to the right. Accordingly, it will rotate in the same way (to the right).

    The ball hitting the inside of the foot will turn out to be well twisted and accurate. Are there other options possible? Of course. However, the ball will be less curled. And it is much more difficult for many novice footballers to master these strikes.

Now - practice

Let's start by taking a run and defining a pivot leg. Let's say you are about to hit a twisted ball with the inside of your foot. To do this, the take-off run must be taken on the right, if it is convenient to hit with the left foot, and vice versa. It is necessary to "estimate" and the acceleration angle. Ideally 45 ° (in relation to the ball). You can take a straight run, but you won't be able to spin the ball well. The accuracy of the blow will also decrease. Increasing the force of rotation can increase the angle or distance.

At the beginning of your workouts, do not put your supporting leg at a great distance. However, too close a distance is very undesirable. During the impact, you should feel balance, support.

How to hit a twisted ball? The blow should fall on the bottom of it. At the very moment of impact, the foot is held in the far upper part ball. Thus, it is twisted. All this takes a split second. The ball spinning around the axis will cause the kick to be casual. Pay attention at this moment to the work of your knee - it should follow the blow after, giving additional twisting force and setting the trajectory.

By the way, a twisted ball is very similar to a cheek pass - the same area of ​​the foot is used, but the leg rotates on impact. Want to improve accuracy? Immediately after hitting, rotate your chest and shoulders to the target.

Tune in for long, hard workouts. This is a pretty tricky hit. Start practicing it by defining a goal. Any clearly visible object is suitable in this capacity: a cone, a bottle, an ordinary stone. The main thing is not to drive the ball across the field just like that. The goal will allow you to learn how to calculate the accuracy and power of the hit. Start with 10 meters, and you yourself will determine the time to increase the distance. Agree, hitting the set goal (and even seeing the results) is much more convenient and enjoyable than spinning the ball into nowhere. Make the ball spin first. You will practice the strength and accuracy of your blow later.

One with the most effective strikes in football, of course. Twisted ball - enough in skilled hands strong weapon(hmm, I didn't pick it very well, because we won't kill anyone :)) against which it is very difficult for goalkeepers to stand - a twisted ball is many times harder to catch in hand, this is a fact.

Also, if you learn how to hit with a twisted shot, it will be easy for you to pass across the field, and the defenders can hardly intercept the ball.

Twisted Shot - Great for passing through the defender, also for shots. The twisted shot is also suitable for long-range shots, corner shots, and penalties. Therefore, you need to learn how to hit with a twisted ball.

A bit of theory

In this article you will find out how to learn how to hit a twisted ball correctly what you need to know in order to be able to hit with a twisted blow internal part of the foot. We will break down the basics of what you need to know for a twisted shot.

The first thing you need to learn on your way to hitting hard and most importantly in football is how the trajectory of the ball depends on where you hit it.
All you need to know:

  1. The ball that was hit in right side, will fly to the left and rotate to the left.
  2. The ball that was hit on the left side will fly to the right and rotate to the right.

Twisted blow can be beaten in different parts feet, but if you want to hit with a twisted kick, hit with the inside of your foot. I think this is the best and easiest way to make the ball spin well and accurately.

But you can also hit with the outside of your foot, or with the instep if you want more power when hitting, but the ball will spin less and these kicks are a little harder to master (at least for me). A little later, I will write an article on this one on the twisted outside, but now the main thing for us is to learn how to hit the twisted ball first with the inside of the foot.

Takeoff run, support leg

To hit the curled ball with the inside of your foot, you need to take a running start. right side, if you hit with your left foot, and vice versa, that is, you need to take a run from the side. You need to accelerate to about 45 degrees from the ball.

If you take the run straight straight, you will not be able to spin the ball normally, the accuracy of such a twisted shot is greatly reduced.

Conversely, if you run from an angle of about 45 degrees, the strike will be quite accurate. To make the twist kick stronger, you can increase the angle or distance.

Place your pivot foot a short distance from the ball, but make sure that your foot is not too close. You should feel support, balance during the impact.

Twisted blow

In order to perform a twisted shot, you need to hit the ball on the bottom of the ball, and when you are already touching the ball, lead your foot to the upper far corner of the ball, thereby twisting it. For a twisted ball, you need to casually hit the ball to make it spin on its axis.

Pay attention to how you turn the knee during the kick, it should follow the kick after the kick, and also spin the ball, setting the trajectory of the twisted kick.

A twisted ball is very similar to a regular cheek pass - you use the same part of your foot as you did for the pass, but when you hit, you twist your foot to twist it and lift it high.

When you do a twisted kick, hit with the area shown in the picture. This part of the foot receives the strongest blows, and is very wet great strength upon impact.

Also, this advice to you: roll your shoulders and chest to your target after hitting - accuracy increases.

Schematically, a twisted ball hit can be depicted as shown in the figure to the right.

Playing football is good for your health. Almost every man and even some girls try to connect their lives in one way or another with this amazing ball game. One of the main elements of football can be considered the execution of a twisted kick on the ball. In order to perform it at the proper level, you must have the appropriate level of dexterity and skill.

The importance of having a twist kick skill for a football player

Today, to become a first-class footballer, it is not enough just to own a couple of dribbling techniques or to have good speed with strong blow... In our time, truly successful football players are those athletes who have almost every method of play, the ability to maneuver. These people usually have an understanding of how to hit a spinning ball as early as childhood, through training from coaches and mentors. The training program of many modern teams includes such an element as the performance of a twisted kick on the ball in various game situations.

Variants of execution of a twisted blow

Depending on how you hit it, the twisted ball can twist in one direction or the other. There are three ways to play a twisted ball:

Before learning how to hit a twisted ball, you should understand for yourself all the options for performance and theoretical basis this technique. The simplest to execute is the twisted kick with the inner side of the foot, so even small children can learn to perform this element relatively quickly. The other two twisted strikes are somewhat more difficult to execute, so in order to learn them, you need to spend a considerable amount of time training. Today, not every professional footballer can boast good twist kicks from the instep or outside of the foot.

Twisted kick with the inside of the foot

This option, as mentioned above, is the easiest to learn and use in practice. However, it is not as simple as shown and told in theory. In order to perform a first-class twisted kick on the ball, a number of methodological requirements must be met. But the learning outcome will be impressive. So, the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • firstly, before striking, you need to measure your steps during the takeoff run. Remember that in a twisted kick with the inside of the foot, accuracy is the main factor, so the takeoff run can be no more than two or three steps;
  • secondly, after the takeoff run and during the impact, the supporting leg should not be too far from the ball, namely 10-30 centimeters from it. In this case, you will have the opportunity to make a more accurate shot than with a large distance between the supporting leg and the ball.
  • third, the kicking foot must strike lightly on the tangent of the ball. It is in this case that the twisting effect will occur. At the moment of impact, it will seem that the ball is flying past the target, but in flight due to torsion it will change its trajectory towards the goal.

Outside twist kick

It is very easy to explain in words how to hit a twisted ball with the outside of your foot, but in reality it will not be so. If hitting with the inside of the foot can be learned quite simply due to the fact that the process of hitting is very organic and logical, then with the outside everything is a little different. During a blow in this way, a person must put the supporting leg a little further than when hitting with the inner side of the foot, because otherwise it may accidentally touch it with the hitting leg. It is also necessary to rotate the ankle to the inside about 40 degrees so that the ball can spin after impact. This kick can be unpredictable, but if it is successfully executed, the final goal against the opponent can become very effective.

Twisted kick

Surely every boy, and not only, wants to learn how to hit a twisted ball with the instep of the foot, because it was with such strikes that such masters scored their most beautiful goals modern football like Roberto Carlos and Cristiano Ronaldo. If we talk about the Brazilian national team player, then his kicks from the rise reached a speed of 135 km per hour, and the trajectory was so unpredictable that the ball could dodge directly in front of the goalkeeper's hands. In order to perform such a blow, you need to scatter well enough in 3-4 steps, set your supporting leg in line with the ball and hit a little to the left or right of the center of the ball to give it a twist.

How to hit a spinning ball: with the inside or outside of the foot, or with its instep - the choice of a purely individual player. However, one thing should be remembered: only thorough and constant training can give the expected result. The strikes need to be practiced hundreds of times, then they will become effective.

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