How to hit from head to nose. Striking technique

The victory does not start from a certain moment of the battle, where one of the fighters hit well, and his opponent did not miss this hit well, victory begins before the fight, in the head of the winner... Sometimes non-standard actions in combat can be much more effective than the usual punches and kicks, one of these actions is a head blow. Of course, its main purpose is to think and think, but when an intellectual headbutt does not help, it makes sense to literally bang your head.

The brain is an organ fragile, but the skull itself is far from tenderness and fragility. After all, it is in it that there is a very powerful bone - the frontal, the thickness of which is 2.5-3 centimeters, its shape is domed, a direct blow from it slides off. A special fluid separates the brain from it. Among its main tasks is to extinguish the inertia of the movement of the brain inside the skull.

For a strong headbutt, you need to fix the skull with the muscles of the neck. V otherwise you can even get a concussion, as on a relaxed neck the head dangles like a stone on a chain. Therefore, during the final (if possible a little earlier) phase, you need to tighten the neck muscles and fix the head, they also take part in the transmission of the impulse, like the muscles of the forearm when punching. The main power and speed of a head blow depends on a sharp and short contraction of the press. And the most severe blow comes out with a sub-step.

Remember the blow must come top the frontal bone, where the hairline is, and the bone takes on a small sloping protuberance rather than the forehead. A forehead punch can knock you down, but not your opponent, but you. In the days of pre-glove boxing, there was an effective trick to catch a fist blow on the oncoming movement of the upper part of the frontal bone. The result is a fracture of the forearm or dislocation of the wrist. Also, the blow should take place a little casually, launching a tangential impulse. This uses the hardness and mass of most of the frontal bone, rather than 2.5-3 centimeters of its immediate thickness. The direct movement of the blow can damage the brain.

It is best to hit in the area of ​​the browbones and nose. A blow to the nose is very effective, if not knocking out, then certainly disorienting. It makes no sense to beat on the forehead, and it is also undesirable to run into the teeth, cut it out, but damage your forehead against the attacker's teeth. In addition to the head, you can hit the chest, but in this case additional speed and surprise is required. Heavy from the involvement of the whole body, a blow delivered on inhalation can knock out even a physically powerful opponent for a long time. An example of this is the kick of football player Zinedine Zidane.

You can be a head as unexpectedly, pretending to be frightened, turning away “charge” the body. A sharp short movement hits your head in the villain's nose. The fight will most likely not continue. Also, a headbutt can be used in a clinch (striking blows to the nose, cheekbones, temples, sides of the jaw), preferably by immobilizing the opponent's hands. But it is best to use the head for its intended purpose - think and think.

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When you find yourself in a situation where you have to use your fists, you need to know how to hit correctly, take punches and overcome pain.

It seems so easy in action movies like Rocky. You got hit in the face fifty times like that, and you easily stand up and swing your opponent, don't you? Not at all. If you find yourself in a situation where you have to use your fists, then you need to know how to punch correctly, take punches and overcome pain. If you want to learn how to stand up for yourself, then this article is for you.

1. Striking

1.1 Accept correct posture... Stand facing the enemy, turn slightly sideways. If you are right-handed, turn towards your opponent with your left hip. Do not turn completely, just put your non-dominant leg and hip forward. This will help you avoid being an easy target and will give strength to your punches.

Catch a steady center of gravity. Keep your weight on your foot (right if you are right-handed). If you stand in front of the enemy directly, it will be easy to knock you down. Keep your weight on your feet, standing perpendicular to it.

Raise your hands to your head, keep one at eye level, the leading one at chin level. Clench both hands into fists for quick application and reflecting blows.

1.2 Clench your fist correctly. Thumb should be on top, and not inside your fingers, as if you are holding a bug in your hand and do not want it to break out. Do not squeeze your hand too tightly, otherwise blood circulation will be disrupted; do this only when hitting, and not when defending.

People injure their fists because they hit with the wrong part of the hand. Hit the target with the middle knuckles, which are between the index and middle fingers.

1.3 Be careful with your elbows when striking straight. Beginners often hit poorly and are out of control. Use a direct blow to the enemy, you do not need to do it "in a circle". After all, you are not playing Street Fighter II. A powerful blow is your friend.

Good punches come from the lower body, although the main strength is in the hands. If you use more than just your hands, the hits will be stronger. Practice on the bag: let the blows come from the inside, also connect your leg at the moment of impact.

1.4 Hit soft spots. Striking your opponent in the jaw or cheek can cause you much more damage. The nose is the most painful and vulnerability for a blow, but a blow to the nose will make him very angry. A blow to the ribs would strip him of air and he would lose his balance. When the opponent bends to defend, he will open his face for the next blow.

Throat, groin, and below-the-knee kicks are also effective when fighting to the death. If you are fighting with friends, you should not use these dirty tricks, it is better to save them for serious combat.

1.5 Apply quick strikes rather than copy Rocky. Strikes must be accurate and sharp, striking the enemy directly into the target. The winner is not always the one who hits with more frequency, but the one who hits with more force.

Make sure you can deliver the punch. Imagine that you need to punch something behind your target.

1.6 Shout like crazy. The masters martial arts make quite a lot of noise during combat, because the screams generate adrenaline, frighten the enemy and awaken a long-buried animal feeling. It's time for the Hulk to come out, so shout without holding back.

1.7 Use more than just your fists to win a battle. The role of head strikes is greatly underestimated. The contact of the enemy's nose with the hardest part of the body - your forehead will end the fight very quickly.

In sports - boxing or wrestling, head strikes are prohibited, but if you are attacked - defend yourself without regard to sports rules.

2. Protection

2.1 Know how to take blows. If you decide to fight, then be prepared for a portion of the punches. Moving will make it harder for your opponent. Do not open up if you see that he is ready to attack.

If you get hit in the face, tense your neck muscles, close your jaw and lean forward. Movement towards the impact will soften it, and if you lean back, you may fall. This is not an easy task, as you will have a natural tendency to pull away from the impending fist. Just imagine this is soccer ball and you need to fight it off - it will be easier this way. If the enemy hits you in the forehead, then he is worse off.

Tighten your abdominal muscles to hit the abs. You don't want a liver knocked off under your ribs.

2.2 Never back down. This is the most important element protection. If you retreated, then this is like inviting the enemy to move forward, which will ultimately lead to your defeat. You should lean forward to meet the blows, then this will weaken their strength and prevent you from losing balance.

This will open up your body for attacks, so be prepared to fight back. Be careful.

2.3 Keep moving. Keeping your hands close to your face will help you deflect punches, but remember to move as this will make it difficult for your opponent. The more you move, the more difficult it will be for him to punch your face or neck.

Your legs should be in motion as if you were on hot coals, and your head should be tilted and dodged as if the ceiling is about to collapse on you - this will help to avoid blows.

2.4 Keep yourself in shape. Usually fights last several minutes, but during this time you need to hold out. If you are loose and weak, it will be difficult to become a winner.

Do aerobics. Lessons for 30 minutes 3 times a week will help you with this.

Pump your abs and do push-ups regularly. George Foreman won the World Cup in heavyweight without even crossing the threshold of the gym. He rocked the press, did push-ups and practiced punches. You don't have to be a bodybuilder to be in good shape.

3.1 Don't fight over trifles. A good samurai holds a sword in a sheath. If you are in doubt about whether to get involved in a scrape, you better not do it. Try to solve problems peacefully, and use your fists only for self-defense.

Try to resolve the situation before you smell fried. No need to threaten or be rude to the interlocutor, speak in a calm tone.

3.2 Anticipate the actions of the enemy. Most likely, he is very angry and right-handed. These notes will help you win if you cover right side, expecting blows or strike first in the throat or nose.

3.3 Take it easy. If you fight with your fists, then it depends on your fear whether victory or defeat awaits you. Even if you are injured, you will not feel it thanks to the adrenaline rush. Do not think that your nose may be broken, otherwise it will be harder for you yourself. Just fight.

3.4 Do not continue fighting on the ground. If you follow our advice, then you have surely pleased the enemy with a portion of strong blows. In a fit of despair, he can do anything. Beware of its girths, otherwise you risk ending up on the ground.

Always keep your balance, especially if the enemy wants to knock you to the ground. If you are already on the ground, protect your face, hair and eyes from the attack.


Keep your eyes on your opponent. Do not tilt your head down, otherwise you will not have time to notice where he is directing his blows.

Watch your breathing during the fight. This way you will be able to hold out longer, and this is another step towards victory!

Try not to lose your balance after hitting hard, as this will give him a chance to knock you out.

Do not fight with one hand; both arms and legs should be used.

Always be vigilant; one has only to fall - and this will give the enemy a chance to knock the whole spirit out of you.

Always look at your opponent. If you know that you will have to fight as soon as you enter the room - be careful. Whatever you do - do not look away, otherwise the enemy will immediately hit.


It just so happened that in a person-to-person fight, very often it is not physical capabilities that take over, but psychological attitude... Each of us, willingly or not, entering the battle, plans our actions based on individual expectations. For most people, a fight is an exchange of punches and kicks. And so many effective techniques just drop out of our attention. We do not make them ourselves or expect from others. But non-standard actions can be much more effective than fist techniques. This is exactly what a powerful blow to the head belongs to.

Headbutt. Bone sledgehammer

The skull is designed in such a way that it is quite suitable for powerful blow head.

What will become of her, the head is a bone! Many have probably heard this humorous phrase. But in fact, there is a fair amount of truth in it. Despite the fact that it is in the head that our most important internal organ- the brain, the skull itself is far from fragility and defenselessness. Nature has taken care of how to properly protect our thought from external influences environment... It is here that one of the most powerful bones is located - the frontal. It has a thickness of 2.5-3 centimeters and a domed shape, from which a direct impact slips. The brain itself is separated from the bone by a special fluid. One of its main tasks is to extinguish the inertia of the movement of the brain inside the cranium.

However, the headbutt is not inflicted only by the very receptacle of thoughts and hopes. If the skull is not securely fixed by the muscles of the neck, then a strong blow will not work. In this case, a heavy head, launched like a load on a rope, will itself damage your cervical vertebrae, and by twitching from the recoil, it can also arrange a concussion. After all, he swims there and has his own inertia. In order to avoid all these troubles in the final (or better and a little earlier) phase, the neck muscles tense and fix the head and generally participate only in the transmission of the impulse, just as the muscles of the forearm participate in the punch. All the force and speed of the head blow actually comes from the abrupt and short-cut abs.... And the most severe blow is obtained if a substep is added to this effort.

Headbutt. What and how

Correct headbutt technique.

The headbutt can be a truly terrifying weapon. But only on condition correct execution... In fact, special art is not required here, otherwise " jerk blow"would not be a favorite feature of criminal punks of all times and peoples. If you know a few simple rules, it can be mastered in just a couple of lessons. Well, let's start.

Headbutt: Rule one.

Headbutt should not be applied with the forehead... Indeed, in this case, you yourself organize an impulse directed straight to the brain. The skull moves forward, the brain is delayed due to the fluid. And then the bone stops abruptly. By inertia, the frontal lobes continue to move and crumple. Crack! Most likely a knockdown. And with you, not the enemy. Therefore, the head blow must be applied with the upper part of the frontal bone. Approximately where the border of the hair passes, and the bone we form a small sloping protrusion. In pre-glove boxing, there was such a mean trick when a fist was caught with an oncoming movement in this very place. The result was often a dislocated wrist or a fractured forearm.

Headbutt:Second rule

The head strike must not be delivered with a straight head movement. The reason is the same - the brain. Therefore, you need to hit a little casually, sending an impulse tangentially. It also helps to use the mass and hardness of most of the frontal bone in the impact, and not 2.5-3 centimeters of its straight thickness.

Headbutt. When and where

In this trick from the Soviet army leadership, a headbutt to the face helps to disarm the fascist.

The best target for head strikes is the head itself. More precisely the front part thereof. But here you have to be extremely careful. A forehead to forehead punch will not give you any advantage, except that initially you have a bony part of the head that exceeds human dimensions. Too low to mark is also not worth it, otherwise you will run into your teeth. Most likely, you will knock out the enemy, but also cut your forehead to the bone. What do we have left? The brow ridges and nose. A blow to the latter is especially popular with all sorts of lessons - if it does not cut it out, then it deprives a person of orientation for sure. In addition to the face, a blow with the head can also be inflicted on the chest. To do this, however, you need to act even faster and more unexpectedly. Inflicted on inhalation into the sternum and heavy due to the attachment of the entire body, such a blow is able to knock out for a long time and physically strong adversary... The effectiveness of this technique was demonstrated to the whole world by footballer Zinedine Zidane, who beat the Italian Materazzi.

A headbutt to the body for many will be "Zidane's blow" for a long time to come.

In general, the headbutt refers to the techniques of a surprise attack. Well, there you are, you are talking. The "interlocutor" behaves insolently. You are showing a willingness to back down. Turn away a little, actually "charging" the body. And with a sharp short movement, you imprint your head into the enemy's nose. Most likely there will be no further fight. In such a situation, only lightning reaction and experience as a fighter. However, a headbutt can be used not only as a surprise attack. If already during the fight you entered a clinch with the enemy, you can bang his head (and not only in the nose - the cheekbone, temple and the side of the jaw will also work). Before that, it is advisable to take the enemy's hands down so that they do not interfere. But in general ... First of all, you have to think with your head, not beat. This is the last rule, and hopefully it will help you more than your technical skills.

A blow to the face is one of the most common injuries. After which the person may have health problems.

What does a headache after a facial blow signal?

You don't need to be a medic to figure out what if after unpleasant situation and, for example, a fight starts a headache, then the consequences have arisen. This is usually a concussion. If the pain does not go away in the next 1-2 days, other unpleasant symptoms are added to it - dizziness, nausea, loss of visual acuity and even consciousness, then it makes no sense to wait for everything to go away by itself. A person may also begin to be afraid of sudden movements, sound, light, it is difficult for him to concentrate, to remember something. An urgent need to go for diagnostics, as these signals are alarming.

Dangerous symptoms and their consequences

If you ignore the headache, trying to get rid of it only with pain relievers, you can seriously harm your body. There is a risk of developing a tumor, hematoma, blood vessels may burst and hemorrhage may occur. A person has a loss of consciousness, or his body can shackle convulsions anywhere at the most unexpected moment. All this affects vision, hearing, psychological state and also leads to death or coma. Even hitting a ball in the nose on sports ground may cause concussion. Therapy and examinations are necessary after any injury.

How will the doctor help?

Headache after hitting the nose, as a result of which - you are wondering what the hospital can offer you, no matter what they themselves could do at home. Well, firstly, an MRI is done, symptoms are analyzed, and secondly, only after that medication or hospitalization can be prescribed.

In this case, pills cannot be drunk at your dispensation.
The need for therapy
To eliminate the problem, therapy will be aimed at restoring cellular metabolism in the brain, strengthening blood vessels, eliminating pain, normalizing blood circulation, and reducing the risk of cerebral edema. As you can see, the treatment is not only about taking pills from the head.

Hello everyone. Well, now about the headbutt. Headbutt - very effective hit, which is not used often, but is used. The fact is that most people look at a fight as a fist fight, and occasionally kicks, but if you expand the boundaries a little, you can see a lot of punches that often do not fit into the arsenal of fighters who grappled in street fight... These include not only a blow to the head, but also other, if I may say so, not honest blows.

Punch to the head

Dishonest blows include the following:

Again, these are not all dishonest strikes. Much depends on the level of morality. For example, for me it is quite honest, but for someone it is not. A blow to the back of the head is also quite an honest blow for me, but there will certainly be people who disagree with me.

Headbutt is included in the arsenal of army combat disciplines, as well as in the arsenal of cormorants - the art of fighting convicts and courtyard punks. Yes, cormorant, I think, has the right to be considered a martial art, as it has interesting strikes in its arsenal. Although, I have a suspicion that all cormorant techniques have long been used by the military. But about baklak somehow later, but for now about the headbutt.

Thinking about how best to strike with your head, you should not forget that there is a brain there, and what else you need to eat in it, therefore, if it is pressed, and you need to hit your head, then you need to beat it carefully so as not to hurt yourself.

So, the strongest part of the head is the frontal bone, which has a thickness of 2.5-3 cm, and it is with the forehead that you need to beat, or more precisely, with the upper part of it, where the hair begins, so as not to get knocked out on your own, from a brain strike on the cranial box. At the same time, do not forget what our head rests on. That's right, it is held on the neck, which is a tool for moving the head. During the strike, you need to strain the neck, and make a sharp movement of the head towards the target, or rather, directly along the target itself, so that the opponent does not understand what happened. We close our teeth during the execution of the blow.

The good thing about this blow is that it can be the most sudden. For example, there is an aggressor trying to "run over" you, while he allowed himself to close the distance by entering your zone. A good answer would be a strong head bang and, if necessary, a finishing move. At strong blow the opponent immediately loses orientation, and within a certain time, you can do whatever you want with him.

So, we figured out how to beat, but now let's figure out where to beat. It makes no sense to beat your forehead to the forehead, since you will not be able to inflict damage. You can beat in lower jaw, but the main thing here is not to drive your head in the teeth. When striking the lower jaw, you need to be as careful as possible. The safest areas for you to hit your head are the browbones and nose. The most effective point, in my opinion, will be the nose. First, the opponent will immediately lose orientation, tears will begin to flow, and even a fracture is possible. A blow to the eyebrows is also not a pleasant sensation, I think, since it is fraught with dissection, and as a result, the face is filled with blood, and, of course, it just hurts.

This blow will not require any special fighting skills from you. Just take it and hit it. You don't need to know how to stand, you don't need to be able to punch or kick. One blow to the head can solve all the problems that have arisen on the street.

The head can be hit not only in the head area, but also in the torso, but there are not many points for impact in the torso. In my opinion, the only decent point to hit.

A blow with a "bowler hat" can be applied not only as the first, but also during a fight, when it is possible to use it. For example, if you are on the ground with your opponent, but you are on top, and you grasp his hands with your hands. You can't do something with your hands, and your legs, too, but you can kiss your head very well.

That's all, gentlemen. Beat your head wisely!

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