Maxillary hyoid muscle Latin. Anatomy and diagram of the structure of the human lower jaw and maxillohyoid muscle: processes, pits and canals

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middle group muscles starting from the hyoid bone is divided into muscles lying above the hyoid bone, i.e. suprahyoid muscles (tt. suprahyoidei), forming the diaphragm of the mouth, and the muscles located below the hyoid bone, - sublingual muscles (pcs. infrahyoidei)(Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Muscles of the neck, right side view (superficial muscles removed):

1 - maxillo- hyoid muscle; 2 - anterior belly of the digastric muscle; 3 - hyoid-lingual muscle; 4 - hyoid bone; 5 - thyroid muscle; 6 - lower constrictor of the pharynx; 7 - upper abdomen of the scapular-hyoid muscle; 8 - sternohyoid muscle; 9 - sternothyroid muscle; 10 - thyroid gland; 11 - tendon jumper; 12 - esophagus; 13 - trachea; 14 - clavicle (sawed off); 15 - first rib; 16 - anterior scalene muscle; 17 - middle scalene muscle; 18 - posterior scalene muscle; 19 - lower belly of the scapular-hyoid muscle; 20 - the muscle that raises the scapula; 21 - long muscle of the neck; 22 - long muscle of the head; 23 - semispinalis muscle of the head; 24 - the longest muscle of the head; 25 - belt muscle of the head; 26 - sternocleidomastoid muscle (cut off); 27 - posterior belly of the digastric muscle; 28 - stylohyoid muscle; 29 - chewing muscle

Suprahyoid muscles(Fig. 2)

1. Digastric(t. digastricus) has two bellies. The posterior belly (venter posterior) starts from the mastoid notch of the temporal bone, the anterior ( venter anterior) - from the digastric fossa of the lower jaw. The intermediate tendon passes over the hyoid bone and is attached to its body by a strong fibrous plate.

Function: with a fixed hyoid bone, the anterior belly lowers the lower jaw; with a fixed lower jaw, the posterior belly pulls the hyoid bone up and back.

Innervation: anterior abdomen - trigeminal nerve, posterior - facial nerve.

2. Maxillofacial muscle(t. mylohyoideus) is located between the body of the lower jaw and the hyoid bone, forming the diaphragm of the mouth.

3. Geniohyoid muscle(t. geniohyoideus) lies above the maxillofacial muscle.

4. Stylohyoid muscle(t. stylohyoideus) starts from the styloid process of the temporal bone; attached to the body of the hyoid bone (Fig. 3).

Function: raises the hyoid bone and pulls it back.

Innervation: facial nerve.

Rice. 2. Suprahyoid muscles:

1 - articular tubercle; 2 - mandibular fossa of the temporal bone; 3 - head of the lower jaw; 4 - mastoid process of the temporal bone; 5 - styloid process of the temporal bone; 6 - posterior belly of the digastric muscle; 7 - stylohyoid muscle; 8 - a large horn of the hyoid bone; 9 - shield-hyoid muscle; 10 - thyroid cartilage; 11 - the body of the hyoid bone; 12 - tendon loop; 13 - tendon suture; 14 - anterior belly of the digastric muscle; 15 - maxillofacial muscle; 16 - hyoid-lingual muscle

Infrahyoid muscles

1. Scapulohyoid muscle(t. omohyoideus) consists of two bellies, connected by an intermediate tendon (see Fig. 1). Upper abdomen (venter superior) starts from the body of the hyoid bone, lower (venter inferior) originates from the upper edge of the scapula. The lower abdomen passes under the sternocleidomastoid muscle, fusing with its fascial sheath.

Function: during contraction, it stretches the cervical fascia, lowers the hyoid bone.

Innervation: cervical loop, C I - C II.

Rice. 3. Places of origin and attachment of muscles on the hyoid bone:

1 - a large horn of the hyoid bone; 2 - stylohyoid ligament; 3 - small horn of the hyoid bone; 4 - chin-hyoid muscle; 5 - the body of the hyoid bone; 6 - maxillofacial muscle; 7 - sterno-sub-: lingual muscle; 8 - scapular-hyoid muscle; 9 - fibrous plate of the abdominal muscle; 10 - stylohyoid muscle; 11 - thyroid-hyoid muscle; 13 - average constrictor of the pharynx; 14 - cartilaginous muscle.

2. Sternohyoid muscle(t. sternohyoideus) starts from the inner surface of the handle of the sternum, the sternal end of the clavicle, goes up; attached to the lower edge of the body of the hyoid bone (see Fig. 1).

Function: lowers the hyoid bone.

3. Sternothyroid muscle(i.e. sternothyroideus) starts from the inner surface of the handle of the sternum and cartilage of the 1st rib; attached to the plate of the thyroid cartilage (see Fig. 1).

Function: pulls the thyroid cartilage, and with it the entire larynx down.

Innervation: cervical loop, C I - C III.

4. Thyrohyoid muscle(t. thyrohyoideus) starts from the plate of the thyroid cartilage; attached to the hyoid bone (see Fig. 1).

Function: lowers the hyoid bone, with a fixed hyoid bone raises the larynx.

Innervation: cervical loop, C I - C III.

Human Anatomy S.S. Mikhailov, A.V. Chukbar, A.G. Tsybulkin

The jaw of each modern person has its own unique structure. Dentists note that people with a normal structure of the lower jaw have regular facial features. This organ has many departments in its structure (coronoid process, pterygoid fossa, canal, uvula, opening, notch, neck, oblique line, etc.) The anatomy of the lower jaw is not simple, for which it is called one of the most complex bone systems in the body .

How well the jaw is built affects not only the aesthetic appeal of a person, but also the comfort of chewing food and swallowing it. The functions performed by the jaw are quite numerous and of great importance.

The appearance of problems in the jaw region is fraught with many troubles, one of which is a violation of digestion, since a person will not be able to chew food normally. Any problem associated with the jaw should alert and serve as a reason for an urgent appeal to a specialist.

Anatomy and functions of the human lower jaw

The described jaw, the value of which is quite large, differs from the upper mobility. In the structure of the mobile jaw, a body and two processes are distinguished. In turn, the body is divided into 2 parts. In addition to the fact that the jaw is mobile, it is rough and has many muscles - these chewing muscles are designed for the full chewing of food.

The main function of the lower jaw is to move in all directions - chewing food. The structure of the lower jaw allows it to perform conversational functions. The angle of the lower jaw has an area to which the pterygoid tuberosity is attached. Near the pterygoid tuberosity of the lower jaw there is a masticatory tuberosity and a canal.

The structure of the outer part of the bone

The described part has in its design a chin protrusion located on its outer side. On the outer surface of the chin there is a hole, characterized as a chin, where the roots of small teeth are located. The back of the chin opening is equipped with a beveled strip (oblique line) that functions as the front edge of the branch. There are 16 teeth on the alveolar axis, for which there is an appropriate number of alveoli.

The device of the internal part of the bone

In the design of the internal part of the body belonging to the mandibular bone, there is a chin bone. The mentioned part of the lower jaw of a person may be single, but often it is a bone branched into two parts. In the lower edge there is a digastric depression with reliable fixation of the corresponding muscle. Next, you can see the hyoid jaw lines stretched along the perimeter. Above the strips, it is easy to detect the hyoid fossa, a little lower is the submandibular fossa. On the inside of the branch belonging to the lower jaw, there is a hole.

Branches: posterior and coronal processes

As mentioned above, the mandible has a special joint anatomy that allows it to move horizontally and vertically without hindrance. This is the main difference between the lower jaw and the upper jaw, which is fixed.

The upper end of the branch is equipped with two processes of the lower jaw:

  1. The coronoid process of the lower jaw, where the temporalis muscle is fixed.
  2. Rear, protruding in the form of a head. The mentioned head of the bone, covered with the tissue of the joint, looks like an ellipse. It is this tissue that creates the joints (temporal).

The structure of the maxillofacial muscle

The shape of the maxillohyoid muscle is completely flat and looks like an irregular triangle. The maxillohyoid muscle originates from the line of the same name. The mentioned line is characterized by maxillo-hyoid. The bundles, which have a vertical and slightly horizontal direction, meet with the bundles located on the opposite maxillohyoid muscle. The described weave, which the maxillohyoid muscle has, forms a kind of seam. The location of the maxillo-hyoid line of the lower jaw is located near the branch.

The main function of the maxillohyoid muscle is to raise the hyoid bone and tongue. This function is necessary during meals - when the maxillofacial muscle lifts the tongue up, providing full swallowing.

If the jaw (lower) is without flaws, it will not look massive. The jaw can be massive in cases where there are deviations in its development.

Other features of the human jaw

Due to the fact that the human lower jaw has joints and is completely mobile, there is a danger of its dislocation (we recommend reading: dislocation of the lower jaw: symptoms and treatment). Any suspicions that it is not working properly should be the reason for going to the doctor.

As studies have shown scientists, the strength of the lower jaw is much less than the upper. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that in the event of any danger of mechanical damage to the face, the jaw takes the blow “on itself”, while protecting the upper one. Fractures and cracks in the bones of the upper jaw are much more dangerous.

The described human jaw contains the following sections:

Position of the teeth

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The functions of the lower jaw, without exaggeration, have great importance- they are not limited to chewing food and participating in speech, the jaw also serves as the basis for the teeth. This applies not only to the lower, but also to the upper jaw. The layout of the teeth on both of them is as follows - 16 on the lower jaw and the same number on the upper.

The teeth are located not in the gums themselves, but in the alveoli and perform the following functions:

  • chewing;
  • take part in the conversation;
  • aesthetic appeal.

Each tooth, without exception, has its own alveolus, for which there is an alveolar part belonging to the lower jaw. In it, the tooth is attached as securely as possible, even in a suspended state. Due to the characteristics of the alveoli, as well as the teeth themselves and the strong bones of the jaw, they can withstand an incredibly large load at the time of chewing food.

Development of the lower jaw in children

The development of the maxillofacial apparatus of a small person occurs along with his growth. The width of the alveolar processes increases up to 3 years. It is during this period that it is extremely important to make sure that the child does not have any problems and that there are no all kinds of anomalies of the dentoalveolar nature by contacting the orthodontist. At the described age, the child has the required number of milk teeth. As soon as the eruption of the last teeth has occurred, there are no changes in the width of the alveolar processes. With the growth of the child (from 6 to 12 years), a gradual elongation of the processes also occurs.

The development of the jaw in a child provides for the gradual formation of a bite. First there is a milky (temporary) bite. Approximately by the age of 5, the gaps between the teeth begin to increase, preparing the periodontium for the formation of the next bite - a removable one.

Interchangeable bite got its name because it is formed at the stage of changing milk teeth to molars. The normal development of the described occlusion is possible only in the case of good health of the milk teeth - even if they fall out anyway, the milk teeth need to be treated.

After the completion of the change of teeth in a teenager, his bite is called permanent. For normal jaw functioning, as well as an attractive appearance, it is recommended to strictly monitor the bite. With the appearance of the slightest deviations in permanent occlusion, it is recommended to consult a doctor to eliminate them.

Why is the wrong bite formed?

The formation of malocclusion, which often begins in early childhood, occurs for many reasons of a dental nature and not only. The most common causes of misaligned teeth include:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • abnormal development and jaw deformities;
  • mistakes in feeding after birth;
  • sucking a child's finger, lips;
  • short frenulum (we recommend reading: short frenulum of the upper lip in a child: ways to correct the defect);
  • early extraction of milk teeth.

Incorrect bite formation entails problems throughout the body. Not quite correct closing of the teeth causes disturbances in the entire skeleton - the person's posture changes, which is fraught with pain in the legs and back.

How can a kappa help?

To change the bite, kappa is now actively used - a special plate that repeats the shape of the teeth. Due to the snug fit to the dentition, the mouth guard corrects the position of not one, but several teeth at once. The manufacture of each mouth guard is an individual process, which takes into account all sorts of problems with the patient's bite. The use of mouth guards is also in demand in cases where it is necessary to increase efficiency. medicines applied topically and increase their impact. To whiten teeth, a special solution is applied to them and a mouth guard is put on.


to prepare for the commission exam

According to human anatomy

Saint Petersburg

Questions for preparing for the anatomy exam were compiled by the head. Department of Human Anatomy of the St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical Academy, Professor N.R. Karelina, Professor E.N. Komissarova, associate professor I.N. Sokolova and associate professor T.N. Nadyarnaya.

Questions for the practical part of the exam are based on the developments of the head. Department of Human Anatomy, Moscow Medical Academy. THEM. Sechenov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.R. Sapina.


Questions for preparing for the commission exam in human anatomy cover the program material of the entire course of anatomy in a higher educational institution. They are an important textbook for teaching and monitoring student knowledge in this discipline.

The commission exam in human anatomy sums up the work of students at the department for 1.5 years and is designed to assess the knowledge and skills acquired by students in lectures, in practical classes and during self-training after school hours.

The requirements for the commission exam should provide an objective test of knowledge of the subject, students' understanding of anatomical structures in connection with their development and functions, the ability to quickly and quickly navigate the details of the human body structure and apply the knowledge gained in further education and medical practice.

The list of questions included in the exam tickets corresponds to the program and determines the amount of knowledge to be tested by students at the end of the course of human anatomy.

The questions are arranged in the order of the plan for completing the course of human anatomy for 1.5 years: osteology, arthrology, myology, splanchnology, angiology, neurology, aesthesiology. The first part of this document contains practical questions - a list of anatomical formations (organs, their parts and structural details) from all systems and apparatuses of the human body, which students must accurately find and show on individual natural anatomical preparations and on a corpse. The second part is theoretical questions covering the material of the entire course of human anatomy.

The final grade for the exam is set taking into account the depth and breadth of the student's knowledge of the subject, the freedom of his orientation on preparations, knowledge of Latin terminology, and the level of knowledge shown on the test control.

When assigning a final mark for an oral answer on a ticket, the examiner uses the following criteria:

"5" - the story is complete, competent, logical; anatomical formations on preparations are shown quickly and confidently; fluency in anatomical terminology; answers to additional questions are clear, concise;

"4" - the story is not logical enough with single errors in particulars; insufficient confidence and speed in demonstrating anatomical formations on preparations; single errors in Latin; answers to additional questions are correct, not clear enough;

"3" - the story is not literate enough, incomplete, with errors in details; uncertainty when demonstrating anatomical structures; errors in Latin; answers to additional questions are not clear enough, with errors in particulars;

"2" - the story is illiterate, incomplete, with gross errors; errors in the demonstration of anatomical formations; ignorance of Latin terminology; answers to additional questions are incorrect.

At self-training students, holding a list of examination questions in their hands, can consistently study the theoretical questions of the anatomy course, using a textbook, atlas, lectures and other materials, as well as develop practical skills in finding and showing organs, details of their structure on preparations for each practical lesson, for control classes and in preparation for the state exam in human anatomy.

PART I– questions of the practical part of the exam

Part I presents a list of organs, their parts and details of the structure (anatomical formations), which each student should be able to find and show on a corpse or individual preparations. (Tickets for the "practical" part of the human anatomy exam consist of 10 listed questions).


Vertebral body

Vertebral arch

Upper vertebral notch

Lower vertebral notch

Vertebral foramen

spinous process

transverse process

superior articular process

inferior articular process

Anterior arch of the 1st cervical vertebra

Fossa of the tooth of the 1st cervical vertebra

Posterior arch of the 1st cervical vertebra

Axial vertebrae tooth

Carotid tubercle of the VI cervical vertebra

base of the sacrum

Ear-shaped surface of the sacrum

Apex of the sacrum

Anterior sacral foramen

Posterior sacral foramen

sacral canal

Rib head

Rib neck

Rib tubercle

Rib furrow

Tubercle anterior scalene muscle(I rib)

Groove of the subclavian artery (I rib)

Groove of the subclavian vein (I rib)

Sternum grip

Jugular notch of sternum

Body of sternum

xiphoid process

Sternum angle

Frontal eminence of the frontal bone

Glabella of the frontal bone

Supraorbital foramen (notch) of the frontal bone

The zygomatic process of the frontal bone

Fossa of the lacrimal gland of the frontal bone

Body of the sphenoid bone

Turkish saddle

pituitary fossa

Back of the saddle of the sphenoid bone

Lesser wing of the sphenoid bone

visual channel

Greater wing of the sphenoid bone

round hole

oval hole

spinous foramen

lacrimal bone


nasal bone

Pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone

Pterygoid canal of the sphenoid bone

Pterygoid fossa of the pterygoid process of the sphenoid bone

Basilar part of the occipital bone

Pharyngeal tubercle of occipital bone

Lateral part of the occipital bone

Occipital condyle

hypoglossal canal

External occipital protuberance

Internal occipital protuberance

Foramen magnum (of the occipital bone)

Pyramid (stony part) of the temporal bone

Mastoid process of the temporal bone

Roof of the tympanic cavity of the temporal bone

Trigeminal depression of the pyramid of the temporal bone

Internal auditory canal and internal auditory meatus

The zygomatic process of the temporal bone

Mandibular fossa of the temporal bone

Carotid canal of the temporal bone

External opening of the carotid canal

Internal opening of the carotid canal

Musculo-tubal canal of the temporal bone

Orbital plate of the ethmoid bone

Superior orbital fissure

Inferior orbital fissure

Body of the upper jaw

Orbital surface of the upper jaw

Infraorbital groove of the upper jaw

Infraorbital foramen of the upper jaw

Tubercle of the upper jaw

Lacrimal groove of the upper jaw

Cleft maxillary sinus (entrance to the maxillary sinus)

Frontal process of the maxilla

The zygomatic process of the upper jaw

Palatine process of maxilla

Perpendicular plate of the palatine bone (on the skull)

Horizontal plate of the palatine bone (on the skull)

Body of the lower jaw

Chin protrusion of the lower jaw

Digastric fossa of the mandible

Deltoid tuberosity of the humerus

Groove of the radial nerve of the humerus

Lateral epicondyle of the humerus

Medial epicondyle of the humerus

Furrow ulnar nerve humerus

Humerus block

Fossa of the olecranon of the humerus

Coronoid fossa of the humerus

Radius head

Articular circumference of the radius

Radius neck

Styloid process of radius

Olecranon of ulna

Coronoid process of the ulna

Tuberosity of the ulna

Ulnar head

Styloid process of ulna

Wrist bones:


Lunate bone

trihedral bone

Trapeze bone

Pisiform bone

trapezius bone

capitate bone

Uncinate bone

Base, body and head of the metacarpal bone

Proximal, middle and distal phalanges of the fingers

Obturator foramen of the pelvic bone

Acetabular pelvis

Semilunar surface of the pelvic bone

Notch of the acetabulum of the pelvic bone

iliac crest

Superior anterior iliac spine

Inferior anterior iliac spine

Superior posterior iliac spine

Posterior inferior iliac spine

Large ischial notch

Lesser ischial notch

Ischial tuberosity

Ischial spine

Pubic tubercle

Iliopubic eminence

Obturator sulcus

femoral head

Femoral neck

Lesser trochanter of the femur

Greater trochanter of the femur

Intertrochanteric crest

Intertrochanteric line

Rough line of the femur

Medial condyle of the femur

Medial epicondyle of the femur

Lateral condyle of the femur

Lateral epicondyle of the femur


Medial tibial condyle

Lateral condyle of the tibia

Tibial tuberosity

Medial malleolus of the tibia

Calcaneal tubercle

Head of the talus

Talus support

Navicular bone of the tarsus


Medial cuneiform bone

Intermediate cuneiform bone

Lateral cuneiform bone


Coronal suture (skulls)

Sagittal suture (skulls)

Lambdoid suture (skulls)

intervertebral disc

fibrous ring ( intervertebral disc)

nucleus pulposus (intervertebral disc)

Anterior longitudinal ligament (spine)

Posterior longitudinal ligament (spine)

Interspinous ligament

Yellow ligament (spine)

Supraspinatus ligament (spine)

Rib head joint

Costotransverse joint

Sternocostal joint

acromioclavicular joint

Interclavicular ligament

Coracoacromial ligament

joint capsule shoulder joint

Articular lip of the shoulder joint

Coracobrachial ligament

Ulnar collateral ligament

Superior pubic ligament

Acetabular lip hip joint

Iliofemoral ligament

Ligament of the femoral head

Peroneal collateral ligament (knee joint)

Tibial collateral ligament (knee joint)

Patella ligament

Transverse ligament of the knee

Lateral meniscus of the knee joint

Medial meniscus of the knee joint

Anterior cruciate ligament of the knee

Posterior cruciate ligament of the knee

Interosseous membrane of the leg

Tibiofibular anterior/posterior ligament

medial ligament ankle joint

Lateral ligament of the ankle joint

The transverse joint of the tarsus (Chopard's joint)

Bifurcated foot ligament

Preluso-metatarsal joints (Lisfranc joint)

Long plantar ligament


trapezius muscle

Latissimus dorsi back

Rhomboid muscle

Muscle that lifts the scapula

Muscle that straightens the spine

Big pectoral muscle

pectoralis minor muscle

Serratus anterior

External/internal intercostal muscles

Lumbar Diaphragm

Rib part of the diaphragm

The sternal part of the diaphragm

Aortic opening of the diaphragm

Esophageal opening of the diaphragm

Orifice of the inferior vena cava

Anterior plate of sheath of rectus abdominis muscle
rectus abdominis

inguinal ligament

Superficial ring of the inguinal canal
External oblique abdominal muscle

Internal oblique abdominal muscle

transverse abdominis muscle

Sternocleidomastoid muscle

Peroneus longus muscle

Peroneus brevis

Triceps muscle of the leg

Calf muscle

soleus muscle

Long finger flexor (feet)

Long flexor of the big toe (foot)

Superior extensor tendon retinaculum (foot)

Lower extensor tendon retinaculum (foot)

Flexor Retainer

Superior peroneal tendon retinaculum

Lower peroneal tendon retinaculum

Short extensor fingers (feet)

Short extensor of the big toe (foot)

Flexor digitorum brevis (feet)

plantar aponeurosis


Digestive system

sublingual salivary gland

Submandibular salivary gland

Parotid salivary gland

parotid duct

Crown of the tooth

neck of the tooth

Tooth root


Small molars

Large molars

Wisdom tooth

body of the tongue

tongue root

Back of the tongue

fungiform papillae of the tongue

Grooved papillae of the tongue

Foliate papillae of the tongue

Blind opening of the tongue

Lingual tonsil

Soft sky

Palatolingual arch

Palato-pharyngeal arch

Pipe roller

Vault of the pharynx

Pharyngeal tonsil

Pharyngeal opening of the auditory tube

Superior pharyngeal constrictor

Middle pharyngeal constrictor

Inferior pharyngeal constrictor

Stylo-pharyngeal muscle

Neck part of the esophagus

Thoracic esophagus

Abdominal esophagus

Anterior wall of the stomach

Posterior wall of the stomach

Greater curvature of the stomach

Lesser curvature of the stomach

Cardiac part of the stomach

Fundus of the stomach

Body of the stomach

Pyloric part of the stomach
pyloric sphincter
Circular folds of the small intestine

Upper part of the duodenum

Descending part of the duodenum

Twelve-skinny bend

Major duodenal papilla

Lesser duodenal papilla




Ileocecal orifice


Ascending colon

Right flexure of the colon

Transverse colon

Left flexure of the colon

Descending colon

sigmoid colon

Omental processes

Mesenteric band of the colon

Omental band of the colon

Loose Colon Tape

Semilunar folds of the colon


Diaphragmatic surface of the liver

Visceral surface of the liver

gallbladder fossa

Gate of the liver

Gastric depression (on the liver)

Renal depression (on the liver)

Right lobe of the liver

Left lobe of the liver

Square lobe of the liver

Caudate lobe of the liver

Groove of inferior vena cava (liver)

Fissure round ligament (liver)

Round ligament of the liver

common hepatic duct

Right hepatic duct

Left hepatic duct

The bottom of the gallbladder

Body of the gallbladder

Neck of the gallbladder

common bile duct

Respiratory system

nasal septum

Superior turbinate

Middle turbinate

Inferior turbinate

superior nasal passage

middle nasal passage

inferior nasal passage

Larynx (on a corpse)

prominence of the larynx

Thyroid cartilage of the larynx

Superior horn of thyroid cartilage

Inferior horn of thyroid cartilage

Arch of the cricoid cartilage

Plate of the cricoid cartilage

arytenoid cartilage

Muscular process of the arytenoid cartilage

Apex of the arytenoid cartilage


Thyrohyoid membrane

Median thyrohyoid ligament

Cricothyroid joint

Cricothyroid ligament

Cricotracheal ligament

Signo-bell-shaped joint

Interarytenoid notch

Entrance to the larynx

Throat vestibule

Fold of vestibule (larynx)

Ventricle of the larynx

Cricothyroid muscle

Posterior cricoarytenoid muscle

transverse arytenoid muscle

Oblique arytenoid muscle

Cartilages of the trachea

Annular ligaments of the trachea

membranous wall of the trachea

Bifurcation of the trachea

Right main bronchus

Left main bronchus

base of the lung

Apex of the lung

Costal surface of the lung

Medial surface of the lung

Diaphragmatic surface of the lung

Anterior edge of the lung

Lung of the left lung

Cardiac notch of the left lung

Lower edge of the left lung

Gate of the lung

lung root

Upper lobe of the lung (right, left)

Middle lobe of the right lung

Lower lobe of the lung (right, left)

Oblique fissure of the lung

Horizontal fissure of the right lung

Pleural cavity

Dome of the pleura

Visceral (lung) pleura

Parietal pleura

mediastinal pleura

Diaphragmatic pleura

costophrenic sinus

urinary system

Kidney (right and left)

renal gate

renal sinus

Fibrous capsule of the kidney

Cortex of the kidney

medulla of the kidney

renal pyramid

Renal papilla

renal pillars


Large renal calyx

Small renal calyx

Ureter (right, left)


The bottom of the bladder

Bladder neck

Urinary triangle

ureteral orifice

Internal opening of the urethra

Male reproductive organs

White shell of the testicle


Head of epididymis

Body of the epididymis

vas deferens

Ampoule of the vas deferens

seminal vesicle

seed tubercle

spermatic cord


Right (left) lobe of the prostate

Isthmus of the prostate (middle lobe)

glans penis

The foreskin of the penis

Cavernous body of the penis

Spongy body of the penis

Prostate part of the male urethra

The membranous part of the male urethra

Spongy part of the male urethra

Tendon center of the perineum

pelvic diaphragm

Ischiorectal fossa

Ischiocavernosus muscle

bulbospongiosus muscle

Muscle that lifts the anus

External anal sphincter

Female reproductive organs

Free edge of the ovary

Mesenteric edge of the ovary

Own ligament of the ovary


Fallopian tube fimbriae

Fallopian tube funnel

fallopian tube ampulla

Isthmus of fallopian tube

The body of the uterus

Fundus of the uterus


The supravaginal part of the cervix

Vaginal part of the cervix

Broad ligament of uterus

Round ligament of uterus

Posterior fornix of the vagina

Large labia

Small labia

Vaginal vestibule

External opening of the female urethra

Endocrine glands


The cardiovascular system

base of the heart

Apex of the heart

Sternocostal (anterior) surface of the heart

Diaphragmatic (lower) surface of the heart

Right atrium

Left atrium

Right ear of the heart

Left ear of the heart

Coronal sulcus of the heart

Anterior interventricular sulcus

Right ventricle of the heart

Left ventricle of the heart

Right atrioventricular orifice

Left atrioventricular orifice

Aortic opening (in the heart)

aortic valve

Pulmonary foramen (in the heart)

Pulmonary valve

Crested muscles (atria)

oval fossa (atrium)

Opening of the superior vena cava (in the heart)

Opening of the inferior vena cava (in the heart)

Fleshy trabeculae

papillary muscles

Tendon chords


Transverse sinus of the pericardium

Oblique sinus of the pericardium

Right coronary artery

Left coronary artery

Anterior interventricular branch

Coronary sinus of the heart

Pulmonary trunk

Right pulmonary artery

Left pulmonary artery

aortic bulb

Ascending aorta

Aortic arch

Shoulder head trunk

Left common carotid artery

Right common carotid artery

External carotid artery

superior thyroid artery

lingual artery

Facial artery

occipital artery

Posterior ear artery

ascending pharyngeal artery

Superficial temporal artery

maxillary artery

inferior alveolar artery

Middle meningeal artery

internal carotid artery

ophthalmic artery

Anterior cerebral artery

Middle cerebral artery

subclavian artery

vertebral artery

baeilar artery

Posterior cerebral artery

Arterial (willisian) circle of the brain

Internal mammary artery

Thyroid-cervical trunk

inferior thyroid artery

Suprascapular artery

Costo-cervical trunk

Transverse artery of the neck

axillary artery

Lateral thoracic artery

Subscapular artery

Thoracic dorsal artery

artery around the scapula

Posterior circumflex artery of the humerus

Anterior circumflex artery of the humerus

Brachial artery

Deep artery of the shoulder

Right coronary artery

Superior ulnar collateral artery

Inferior ulnar collateral artery

radial artery

Ulnar artery

Superficial palmar arch

Deep palmar arch

Common palmar digital arteries

Artery of the thumb

Palmar metacarpal arteries

Thoracic aorta

Posterior intercostal arteries

Abdominal aorta

Lumbar arteries

inferior phrenic artery

celiac trunk

splenic artery

Left gastroepiploic artery

Left gastric artery

Common hepatic artery

Own hepatic artery

central nervous system

Anterior median fissure of the spinal cord

Posterior median fissure of the spinal cord

Anterior funiculus of the spinal cord (on a section or on the whole brain)

Lateral funiculus of the spinal cord (in section or on the whole brain)

Posterior funiculus of the spinal cord (in section or on the whole brain)

Anterior horn of the spinal cord (in section)

Posterior horn of the spinal cord (in section)

Sickle cerebrum (dura mater of the brain)


Superior sagittal sinus (dura mater)

inferior sagittal sinus

transverse sinus

Sigmoid sinus

superior petrosal sinus

Cavernous sinus

Pyramid of the medulla oblongata

Cross pyramids

Oliva medulla oblongata

Basilar sulcus (pons)

Middle cerebellar peduncle

Inferior cerebellar peduncle

Superior cerebellar peduncle

The rear of the bridge (the tires of the bridge in the cross section)

Trapezoidal body (on the cross section of the bridge)

Anterior (basilar) part of the bridge in cross section

IV ventricle (sagittal section)

Rhomboid fossa

Lateral pocket (IV ventricle)

Median sulcus (rhomboid fossa)

Medial eminence (rhomboid fossa)

Facial tubercle (rhomboid fossa)

Border furrow (rhomboid fossa)

Vestibular field (rhomboid fossa)

Brain streaks (rhomboid fossa)

Triangle of the hypoglossal nerve (rhomboid fossa)

Triangle of the vagus nerve (rhomboid fossa)

Upper medullary velum

Inferior medullary velum

Cerebellar hemisphere

"Tree of Life" (in the section of the cerebellum)

Dentate nucleus (in the section of the cerebellum)

brain stem

Interpeduncular fossa (midbrain)

Posterior perforated substance

Anterior part (base) of the midbrain

Back part (tire) of the midbrain

Roof of the midbrain (lamina quadrigemina)

superior colliculus of the roof of the midbrain

Inferior colliculi of the roof of the midbrain

Inferior colliculus handle

Upper mound handle

Aqueduct of the midbrain (in the section of the midbrain)

Red nucleus (on the section of the midbrain)

Substance nigra (in midbrain section)


Epithalamic commissure (posterior commissure of diencephalon)

Pineal body

Medial geniculate body

Lateral geniculate body

optic chiasm

Mastoid body

gray mound

III ventricle

hypothalamic sulcus

Interventricular foramen

Longitudinal fissure of the brain

Transverse fissure of the greater brain

Lateral fossa of the brain

Central sulcus of the cerebral hemisphere

Lateral sulcus of the cerebral hemisphere

precentral sulcus

Superior frontal sulcus

Inferior frontal sulcus

Postcentral sulcus

Intraparietal sulcus

Superior temporal sulcus

Inferior temporal sulcus

Groove of the corpus callosum

Belt furrow

Parieto-occipital sulcus

spur furrow

Groove of the hippocampus

Collateral groove

Temporal sulcus

Olfactory furrow

orbital furrows

precentral gyrus

Superior frontal gyrus

Middle frontal gyrus

Inferior frontal gyrus

Postcentral gyrus

Superior parietal lobule

Inferior parietal lobule

Superior temporal gyrus

Middle temporal gyrus

Inferior temporal gyrus

The meanders of the islet

Insular lobe of the cerebrum (islet)

cingulate gyrus

Isthmus of the cingulate gyrus

paracentral lobule

Fore cunee

Parahippocampal gyrus

Lingual gyrus

Medial occipitotemporal gyrus

Lateral occipitotemporal gyrus

Direct gyrus

Olfactory bulb

Olfactory tract

Olfactory triangle

Anterior perforated substance

corpus callosum

Cushion of the corpus callosum

Trunk of the corpus callosum

Knee corpus callosum

Beak of the corpus callosum

Anterior commissure (brain)

vault of the brain

Transparent septum (brain)

Central part of the lateral ventricle

Anterior horn of the lateral ventricle

Posterior horn of the lateral ventricle

Inferior horn of the lateral ventricle

Collateral elevation of the lateral ventricle

Head of caudate nucleus

Body of caudate nucleus

Tail of the caudate nucleus

Lenticular nucleus

Outermost capsule (telencephalon)

Outer capsule (telencephalon)

Internal capsule (telencephalon)

Anterior leg of internal capsule

Elbow of internal capsule

Posterior limb of the internal capsule

sense organs

Sclera of the eyeball


Ciliary body (in the section of the eyeball)

Iris (in the section of the eyeball)

Retina (in the section of the eyeball)

Lens (in the section of the eyeball)

Vitreous body (in the section of the eyeball)

Lateral rectus eye

Superior rectus eye

Upper eyelid

lower eyelid

Superior conjunctival sac

Inferior conjunctival sac

Lacrimal gland

Pinna curl



ear lobe

PART II- Questions for an oral interview

Part II presents the questions included in the examination cards .

I. General theoretical questions. History of anatomy.

1. Human anatomy as a fundamental science. The place of human anatomy in a number of biological disciplines. The value of anatomy for medicine.

2. Subject and content of anatomy. The value of anatomy for the study of clinical disciplines and for medical practice.

3. Anatomy and medicine. The value of anatomical knowledge for understanding the mechanisms of diseases, their prevention, diagnosis and treatment.

4. Modern trends in anatomy, principles and methods of anatomical research. X-ray anatomy and its importance for the study of clinical disciplines.

5. Anatomy and age of a person. Features of the structure of organs and bodies in children, adolescents, in youth, mature, elderly and senile ages. Examples.

6. Individual variability of organs. The concept of variants of the norm in the structure of organs and the body as a whole. Body types.

7. The main periods of human ontogenesis.

8. Initial stages of human embryogenesis. The study of germ layers.

9. Axes and planes in anatomy. Lines conventionally drawn on the surface of the body, from the meaning to indicate the projection of organs on the skin (examples).

10. Stages of development of anatomical science. The significance of the works of K. Galen, Leonardo da Vinci, A. Vesalius, V. Harvey.

11. Development of anatomy in Russia. The first Russian anatomists of the 18th century: A.P. Protasov, M.I. Shein, E.O. Mukhin.

12. History of Russian anatomy of the XIX century. The significance of P.A. Zagorsky, I.V. Buyalsky, N.I. Pirogov, D.N. Zernov.

13. N.I. Pirogov - the great Russian anatomist and surgeon. Contribution of N.I. Pirogov in the development of anatomy. Public and state activities of N.I. Pirogov.

14. Functional direction in anatomy. The significance of P.F. Lesgaft.

15. Outstanding domestic anatomists: V.P. Vorobyov, V.N. Tonkov, V.V. Kupriyanov, M.G. weight gain. The value of their work in anatomy.

Digestive system

84. Development of the face. Malformations of the face.

85. Development of the digestive system. The relationship of the stomach and intestines with the peritoneum at different stages of embryogenesis

86. Development of the liver and pancreas.

87. Development of the peritoneum.

88. Development of the digestive system. Derivatives of the dorsal and ventral mesentery of the embryo.

89. Oral cavity: lips, mouth vestibule, hard and soft palate; their structure, functions, blood supply and innervation, lymph drainage. Developmental defects. Age features.

90. Dairy and permanent teeth, their structure. Change of teeth. Tooth formula. Blood supply, innervation, lymphatic drainage.

91. Language, its structure, functions, blood supply and innervation, lymph drainage. Age features.

92. Salivary glands, their topography, structure, excretory ducts, blood supply, innervation, lymph drainage. Age features.

93. Pharynx, its topography, parts, communications, structure, blood supply and innervation, lymph drainage. Age features.

94. Esophagus, its topography, parts, structure, blood supply and innervation, lymph drainage. Age features.

95. Stomach, its development, topography, structure, blood supply and innervation, lymph drainage. Age features.

96. Small intestine, its topography, divisions, macroscopic difference from the large intestine; blood supply and innervation, lymph drainage. Age features.

97. Duodenum, its parts, topography, relation to the peritoneum, structure; blood supply and innervation, lymph drainage. Age features.

98. Mesenteric part of the small intestine, its topography, parts, macroscopic difference from the large intestine, blood supply and innervation, lymph drainage. Age features.

99. Large intestine, its topography, divisions, relation to the peritoneum, structure; blood supply and innervation, lymph drainage. Age features.

100. Cecum, topography, relation to the peritoneum, structure; blood supply and innervation, lymph drainage. Age features.

101. Vermiform appendix, its development, topography, relation to the peritoneum, structure; blood supply and innervation. Age features.

102. Rectum, its topography, divisions, relation to the peritoneum, structure; blood supply and innervation, lymph drainage. Age features.

103. Liver, its development, topography, relation to the peritoneum, ligamentous apparatus, structure; blood supply and innervation, lymph drainage. Age features.

104. gallbladder, its, topography, structure; excretory ducts of the gallbladder and liver. Blood supply and innervation of the gallbladder, lymphatic drainage. Age features.

105. Pancreas, its development, topography, relation to the peritoneum, ligamentous apparatus, structure; blood supply and innervation, lymph drainage. Age features.

106. Serous membranes and serous cavities, their embryogenesis.

107. Peritoneum, its derivatives, the ratio of organs to the peritoneum.

108. Mesentery, omentums, their structure, blood supply and innervation, lymph drainage.

109. Topography and derivatives of the peritoneum in the upper floor of the abdominal cavity.

110. Topography and derivatives of the peritoneum in the middle and lower floors of the abdominal cavity.

111. Structure and topography of the greater and lesser omentums. Age features.

Respiratory system

112. Development of the respiratory system.

113. Nasal cavity, its structure, nasal passages, communications, innervation and blood supply, lymph drainage. Age features.

114. Larynx, its topography, departments, structure; innervation and blood supply, lymph drainage. Age features.

115. Cartilages and membranes of the larynx, their connections, functional significance. Age features.

116. Muscles of the larynx, their classification, functions, blood supply and innervation, lymph drainage.

117. Trachea and bronchi, their topography, structure, branching of the bronchi; their blood supply, innervation, lymphatic drainage. Age features.

118. Lungs, their topography, structure, boundaries of the lungs; blood supply and innervation, lymph drainage. Small circle of blood circulation. Age features.

119. Segmental structure of the lungs. Bronchial and alveolar tree. Acinus.

120. Structure and topography of the root of the right and left lung. Lymph drainage pathways from the right and left lungs.

121. Pleura, its leaflets, their topography. The cavity of the pleura. Sinuses of the pleura.

122. Mediastinum, its boundaries, division into departments. Age features.

Endocrine glands

143. Endocrine glands, principle of structure. Classification of glands (by origin).

144. Endocrine glands of the branchiogenic group (thyroid, parathyroid and thymus), their topography, structure, blood supply, innervation. Age features.

145. Endocrine glands of the neurogenic group (posterior pituitary gland, adrenal medulla and pineal gland (pineal gland), their topography, structure, innervation and blood supply. Age related

(sulcus mylohyoideus, PNA, BNA, JNA) linear depression on the inner surface of the body of the lower jaw; passageway for blood vessels and nerves.

  • - Maxillofacial muscle, m. mylohyoideus, flat, irregularly triangular. It starts from the maxillary-hyoid line of the lower jaw ...

    Atlas of human anatomy

  • - D., characterized by hypoplasia of the lower jaw and zygomatic bones with impaired development of the teeth, deformation of the auricles, and sometimes the middle ear, as well as macrostomia ...

    Big medical dictionary

  • - D., characterized by hypoplasia of the upper jaw, zygomatic arches, progeny, shortening of the anterior part of the skull base ...

    Big Medical Dictionary

  • Big Medical Dictionary

  • - see the list of anat. terms...

    Big Medical Dictionary

  • - a branch of surgery that studies diseases and injuries of the jaws and some other organs and tissues of the region ...

    Big Medical Dictionary

  • - see Infratemporal region...

    Big Medical Dictionary

  • - see the list of anat. terms...

    Big Medical Dictionary

  • - is a system of levers formed by the jaw and palatine bones and plays a role in opening the mouth. This projectile plays a role in the skull of poisonous snakes and partly birds. Poisonous maxillaria snakes have short,...

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - ...
  • - ...

    Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - ...

    Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language

  • - ...
  • - ...

    merged. Apart. Through a hyphen. Dictionary-reference

  • - ...

    merged. Apart. Through a hyphen. Dictionary-reference

  • - h "jaw-faces" ...

    Russian spelling dictionary

"maxillary-hyoid groove" in books

author Hamilton Don

Retention sublingual cyst (ranula)

From the book Homeopathic Treatment of Cats and Dogs author Hamilton Don

Retention sublingual cyst (ranula) Ranula, or sublingual retention cyst, is a cystic formation filled with a translucent fluid, which is located in the sublingual region. The cause of the ranula is unknown. Ranula

14.2. Maxillofacial fracture

From the book Ambulance. A guide for paramedics and nurses author Vertkin Arkady Lvovich

14.2. Maxillofacial fracture An maxillofacial fracture can be open (there is a communication between the bone wound and the environment, all fractures within the dentition are considered open) or closed (fracture of the mandibular branch, condylar and coronoid process,


From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BO) of the author TSB

Hyoid arch

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (PO) of the author TSB

Maxillofacial injury

From the author's book

Oral and maxillofacial trauma Oral and maxillofacial injuries are divided into closed (bruises, hemorrhages, ruptures of muscles, tendons and nerves, closed fractures of the facial bones of the skull, dislocations of the lower jaw) and open (wounds, open fractures). Bruises of the soft tissues of the face

Maxillofacial injuries

From the book Combat Training of Security Services author Zakharov Oleg Yurievich

Maxillofacial injuries Apply an aseptic dressing to the injury site in such a way that it does not cause suffocation. In case of nosebleeds, sit the victim down, squeeze the wings of the nose with your fingers, if the bleeding does not stop, insert into the nasal passages

os hyoideum, i n - hyoid bone

From the author's book

os hyoideum, i n - hyoid bone Approximate pronunciation: hyoIdeum.Z: Cunning One Idea: Who would say what it means: The bone is in place, the bone is in action, But it does not touch the bones. All other bones have connections with other bones. Even sesamoid ones still work on their own

sulcus, i m - furrow

From the author's book

sulcus, i m - furrow Approximate pronunciation: sulcus.Z: When the sky is angry, And hunger will attack, the SULTAN for a KUS of bread The plow in the furrow

Deep furrow Konstantin Sluchevsky: through the head of the Silver Age

From the book Movement of Literature. Volume I author Rodnyanskaya Irina Bentsionovna

Deep furrow Konstantin Sluchevsky: over the head of the Silver Age Whistlers in front of him are Balmont, Bely, Bryusov. They are like a stroke of a graceful cane in the sand. And he is like a gloomy, deep furrow drawn by a plow in a black, cloddy, clumsy arable land. S. N. Durylin Good,

4. Innervation of the maxillofacial region

From the book Dentistry author Orlov D ​​N

4. Innervation of the maxillofacial region The following nerves innervate the maxillofacial region: 1) trigeminal (V pair of cranial nerves), performing, in addition to sensory innervation, also motor (for chewing muscles) and extending from the trigeminal node in the composition

Actinomycosis maxillofacial

From the book Pain and diseases of the teeth and gums. Treatment and prevention of folk remedies author Dubrovskaya Svetlana Valerievna

Actinomycosis maxillofacial This disease is a specific inflammatory process that occurs after the introduction of a pathogenic fungus actinomycete into the tissue. Usually this microorganism is present in deep carious areas, plaque,

“Who in the Russian field himself is both a furrow and a plowshare ...”

From the book Literaturnaya Gazeta 6410 (No. 14 2013) author Literary Newspaper

“Who in the Russian field himself is both a furrow and a plowshare ...” March 26, p. It will be twenty years since the tragic death of Stanislav Kosenkov (1941-1993), Honored Artist of the RSFSR, famous graphic artist, whose works are kept in many museums of the country and the world, starting with the Tretyakov Gallery. V


From the book Newspaper Tomorrow 445 (23 2002) author Tomorrow Newspaper

WHEN THE FURROW REJECTS THE GRAIN Ivan Golubnichy June 3, 2002 0 23(446) Date: 04-06-2002 WHEN THE FURROW REJECTS THE GRAIN *** When the furrow rejects the grain And the flesh disintegrates into dust, When the wine sours in the cellars And the glow in the pupils fades, When in remote, secluded

José Maria Escrivá FOREWORD

From the book Furrow author Escriva Josemaria

José-Maria Escrivá THE FURROW FOREWORD Back in 1950, in the preface to the 7th edition of The Way, Father Josemaria Escriva promised the reader a new meeting with him - in the book The Furrow, but this desire of the founder of Opus Dei is being realized only today , on the 11th anniversary of his departure for
