Karate belts. How many belts are in karate

“Let your loins be girded and your lamps burning. And you be like people waiting for the return of their master from marriage, so that when he comes and knocks, immediately open to him ”(Luke 12: 35,36).

The symbolic meaning of the belt

Chastity, moderation and self-restraint - these godly qualities are symbolized by the belt that every baptized person should wear.

Christians have always attached a symbolic meaning to the belt of the blessed power that strengthens them in the fight against invisible enemies:

Stand therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and donned the breastplate of righteousness, and shod your feet with the readiness to preach the gospel of peace; and above all, take the shield of faith, with which you can quench all the fiery arrows of the wicked one; and take the helmet of salvation, and the spiritual sword, which is the Word of God (Eph. 6: 14-17).

Therefore, (beloved), having girded the loins of your mind, while being awake, trust completely in the grace given to you in the appearance of Jesus Christ(1 Pet. 1.13).

Saint Basil the Great This is how he wrote about the wearing of a belt by Christians:

The saints who lived before us prove that the use of a belt is necessary: ​​John, with a leather belt tied his loins (Matt. 3: 4); and even before his Elijah, because as the distinction of this husband is described: “The man is shaggy, and girded about his loins with a belt (leather)” (2 Kings 1, 8).

Belt and pectoral cross are never removed

In the sacrament of Baptism, each of us is dressed with a pectoral cross and a srachitsa (shirt, shirt) with a belt. The cross and belt are never removed, as accessories of holy Baptism.

In the Novgorod province, a wide linen sash - a "swivel" - was wrapped around a newborn, and at the christening, the godmother gave the child a pectoral cross and a belt, which was considered to protect from all adversity and remained throughout life. After the baptism, the mother of the newborn as a token of gratitude presented the godfather and godfather (godfathers) - each was given a cake wrapped in a towel and tied with a woolen belt.

Old Believers have always attached special importance to the custom of wearing a belt. Without a belt, a Christian did nothing. There are two types of belts - "lower" and "upper". The "lower" belt is simpler and not decorated. It is worn at baptism on a naked body. They wear it all their lives and don't even take it off in the bathhouse. The "top" belt belted the outer garment.

The division of the bottom and top by the belt, as well as the right and left sides, has not yet lost its meaning. The belt is not just an attribute of clothing, but also signifies a readiness to serve God. Without a belt, you can neither pray nor go to sleep.

"Walking without a belt is a sin"

A corresponding attitude towards a person who neglects the tradition consecrated by antiquity has been preserved. For example, the word "unbelieve" means:

  1. Untie your belt.
  2. To become licentious, to lose all restraint.

To girdle a person is to dishonor him. That is why the people who behaved unworthily were called unbelievable by the people, that is, self-willedly depriving themselves of honor. "The belt is still considered a sacred object ... and is not removed either day or night," write researchers of traditional Russian life.

It was considered extremely indecent for a man without a belt to be on the people, in society. By removing the belt at the feast, the grandson of Dmitry Donskoy Vasily Kosoy (mid-15th century) was insulted, which served as a pretext for war.

There was such a saying among the people: “Why are you walking without a belt, like a Tatar ?! It is a sin to walk without a belt. " That is, a person who walks without a belt, in the popular mind, becomes not only not a Christian, but not even a Russian. Walking without a belt was condemned in every possible way: in Russian folklore "without a belt" all kinds of evil spirits walk. About a person who already "has no shame", they say: "he is completely loose."

Moreover, people walking without a belt were considered sorcerers associated with unclean forces, for example, mermaids are traditionally described as dressed in white shirts, but the absence of a belt is always emphasized.

Traditional element of many cultures

The belt has existed for a long time, for which there is convincing archaeological and written evidence. In the Slavic mounds of the 10th – 13th centuries, which belonged to the rural population - "smerds", narrow leather belts with a copper buckle are found in burials.

Terracotta figurines of men found by S. G. Tolstov in Khorezm were also belted around the waist. Painting of architectural monuments of the 6th-7th centuries. in Central Asia, medieval miniatures also depict men with belts.

In her book on Samarkand, the well-known ethnographer OA Sukhareva says: "The girdling of outerwear symbolized the readiness for service, for action." Being ready for professional work meant girding the apprentice-artisan during his initiation into a master.

Belt in Russian culture

Belts are twisted, leather, braided, semi-woven, woven, and embroidered; very different colors (in the middle of the 19th century, aniline dyes already appeared). Women weaved belts for themselves and their families. Each person had several belts.

Not a single wedding was complete without belts, they served as gifts to the groom's relatives and friends, and played an important role in rituals. In some villages bordering on Belarus, during the wedding, a belt and a towel were placed under the feet of the young.

If the bride gave the belt to the groom, she no longer had the right to change her mind and refuse to marry. As a rule, the bride gave the groom a narrow woolen belt woven by her in red tones. In Russia, the belt also served as a parental blessing, and was also inherited from generation to generation.

The belt also personified the road. In wedding rituals, this is the road to a new family life, in the funeral - in a different life. The deceased was girded, on the belts the coffin was lowered into the ground. Burial belts were distinguished by special prayer texts: “ I place all my hope in You, Mother of God, keep me in Your si roof».

Old Believers did not wear belts with knots

Imposing various amulets on oneself and tying knots for magical purposes is condemned as a relic of paganism. Saint Cyril of Turov (XII century) equated “wearing” with “koshchuns and demonic songs”.

The monks confessed: "Those who have sinned, the elms on themselves and to the sorcerer and to the wizard and to the sorcerer who walked ... sinned, carrying the words on themselves ..." Wearing a magic band was equated to witchcraft, spells.

In the Potrebnik it is indicated: “The Elitsy sorcery ... and they impose tying on their children and on the animal, for a lesson for the sake of ... 6 years so they will not receive communion ... or aprons ... and they impose sholki on their head and on their neck, as if to drive away ailments ... 6 years so they will not receive communion ... or in remembrance of the Passion of Christ on Friday, the Great prisoners knit themselves according to the number of the Gospels, so they will not receive communion for 6 years. "

Rule 36 of the Laodicean Council (IV century) prohibits the "pre-depositories" (phylacteries), which superstitious Christians used to bandage a sore spot on the body or were constantly worn around the neck during illness. The Fathers of the Council call these "preservers" the fetters of the soul. “Guessing by birds, enchanting, divination, or pendants on the neck against the fringe of the ghost, or on the sheets of writing, sorcery, or other evil tricks and other similar lewdness are the essence of serving the devil,” said St. Cyril of Jerosalim.

The confusion of Christian concepts with pagan ("demonic witchcraft") was interpreted by the Church "as a particularly grave sin leading to the profanation of sacred things and blasphemy." Therefore, Old Believer craftswomen do not use nauses in the manufacture of belts.

Lestovka and belt accompany a person all his life

Many museums keep belts and girdles made over 200 years ago and donated to museums by modern heirs.

Since ancient times, the belt has been the keeper of the "kalita", that is, the wallet. Weapons were kept in their belts. This long-standing tradition has reached the 20th century. in a more extended version: in addition to a wallet and weapons, a chair, a knife were attached to the belt, the coachmen plugged the whip of the whip. For women, a pocket was attached to the belt, which contained the keys to pantries, chests and treats for children, which is why, over time, such a pocket was called "gourmet".

Thus, the belt accompanied a Christian from birth to death in a variety of life situations. Just as a ladder is used for unceasing prayer, and therefore Christians have it with them at all times, wherever they are, so the belt accompanies a person all his life.

Each weaver belt is more than just a product for everyday and festive girdling. When you weave old belts and they come to life with a wave of your hands, your heart is always happy! And not even the beauty of the belt itself, but the fact that a person will wear it and offer his prayers to God in it.

The form on -а, -я in some words can be single or predominant: side - sides (sides only in a phraseological combination of hands to sides); century - century (forever only in phraseological combinations for once, forever and ever, forever), eye - eyes, meadow - meadows, fur - fur, snow - snow, haystack - haystacks, silk - silk.

Forms can have different meanings: tones (about color) and tones (about sound), bread (about cereals) and bread (about baked bread), workshops and workshops (at an enterprise) and workshops (medieval organizations of artisans).

Forms of nouns can differ in stylistic coloration: beads and obsolete. sides; home and outdated. houses; feed and obsolete. stern; horn and obsolete. and a poet. horns; varieties and outdated. varieties; volumes and outdated. toms as well as thunders and poet. thunder; coffins and poet. coffin.

Finally, the forms of nouns can be equal and interchangeable: years and years (but: years of adolescence, severe hardships; nineties, zero years), workshops and workshops (at the enterprise), storms and storms.

To resolve the issue of the status of the "controversial" form of the word (non-normative, variant, stylistically colored, etc.), in any case, you need to refer to the dictionary.

Belts or belts as correct

In geogr. values ​​are declined according to the scheme 1e:


  • IPA: ed. h. [ˈpo (ɪ̯) ɪs]

Semantic Properties

Meaning Edit

  1. ribbon, cord, belt or sewn-on strip of fabric, covering the waist, for tying, fastening clothes so swollen on their knees and shabby at the bottom that the Scary Boy with one look of these trousers could panic the population. A. T. Averchenko, "Scary Boy", 1916 (quoted from Wikisource)
  2. an item of women's underwear, to which garters for stockings are attached ◆ And a silk belt falls // At his feet - like a paradise snake ... // And they tell me - I will calm down // Someday, there, underground. M. I. Tsvetaeva, "Don Juan", 1917 (quoted from Wikisource)
  3. open waist, the place where the body is covered by such a belt ◆ Enter the water up to the waist. ◆ Poured to the waist. ◆ Thin at the waist and broad at the shoulders. ◆ Bow to the belt.
  4. transfer layer, environment, space encircling, surrounding, encompassing something, as well as the contents of this layer; transverse stripe or stripe of other wool on an animal ◆ Forest park (green) belt of the capital. ◆ The lake is closed by a belt of thickets. ◆ Black pipes with white belts. ◆ The patterned tile belt at the church has collapsed.
  5. geographic part of the earth's surface: (1) an area of ​​15 degrees wide between two meridians, (2) a zone between parallels, characterized by certain physical, geographical, climatic features; zone of distribution, finding something ◆ The earth is divided by meridians into twenty-four belts. ◆ Hot, cold belt. ◆ Tropical belt. ◆ Temperate zone of the northern hemisphere. ◆ Belt of deserts, trade winds.
  6. economic space, band, which are part of the division of the country according to any economic characteristics ◆ Tariff zone. ◆ Set prices depending on the belt. ◆ First, second, third belt.
  7. Anatomical part of the skeleton of vertebrates and humans, serving for articulation with the body and support of the limbs ◆ Shoulder girdle. ◆ Pelvic girdle... ◆ Belts of the limbs.
  8. sport. sports category in single combats ◆ There is no example of use (see recommendations).


  1. belt, belt; partial: gaitan; outdated: sash, harness, belts (belts), belts
  2. waist
  3. partial: rim

Antonyms Edit

Hyperonyms Edit


  1. dyaga (obsolete)

Holonyms Edit

Meronyms Edit

Related words

  • decrease-caress. shapes: belt, lumbar
  • nouns: loin, waistband, waistband, non-belt
  • adjectives: girdle, girdle, girdle, lumbar, unbelted
  • verbs: girdle, girdle, girdle, girdle, girdle, girdle, girdle, girdle

Etymology Edit

Comes from praslav. * ro-jаsъ, from the cat. among other things happened: Old Russian, Old Slav. by ІАсъ (ancient Greek ζώνη), Russian, Ukrainian. poyas, bulg. poyas, Serbo-Horv. pȍjȃs, pȃs, Slovenian. роjа̑s, р̑s, Czech., Slovak. pás, Polish. ras, v.-puddles., n.-puddles. ras. Praslav. * ro-jаsъ - inverse derivative from ro-jаsati; Wed Russian girdle, from * jasati, whence Russian-Church-Slavic. The "belt" was applied (Cyril Jerusalem, XII century). Further here is lit. júostas "belted", júosta "belt", Latvian. juo ^ stа - the same, lit. júosti, júosmi (júosiu) "to girdle", juosmuõ "hips, belt", Latvian. juo ^ zt "to girdle", ave. уāst- "belted", уāh- cf. R. "Belt", Greek. ζῶμα "belt", ζώνη - the same, ζώννῡμι "girdle", ζωστός "belted", Alb. ngjesh "girdle". The data of M. Vasmer's dictionary were used. See References.

Belts or belts as correct

Explanatory dictionary Dahl. IN AND. Dahl. ...

See what "BELT" is in other dictionaries:

BELT - belts, pl. belt, m. 2. The place where the body is covered by this strip, the waist (vernacular). Tight in the belt. Waist-deep in water. 3. ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

belt - to plug in the belt .. Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. belt girdle, girdle, girdle, girdle, corsage, girdle, obi, vest, corset, velvet, velvet, bandage, grace, girdle, ... ... Dictionary of synonyms

belt - BELT, a, m. Belly, abs, solar plexus. Hit the belt. See also: Everything from below the belt (to below); above the belt In the animal kingdom. ; bend the belt; Put on the belt of innocence; to the waist ... Dictionary of Russian argo

belt - belt, pl. belts, genus. belts and obsolete belts, belts. In prepositional combinations: for the belt, for the belt and obsolete for the belt, for the belt ... Dictionary of pronunciation and stress difficulties in modern Russian

BELT - BELT, a, pl. a, ov, husband. a belt and a belt to plug someone n. (undoubtedly surpass whom n. in what n .; colloquial.). Shut up the ax for step 2. pere ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

belt - BELT, sash, colloquial. belt, razd. the back belt is reduced. caress. BELT, decrease. caress. kushachok ... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

belt - A detail of a garment for fixing it on a human figure and (or) decorative design. Belt 25 [GOST] Topics details of garments ... Technical translator's guide

Belt - see Clothes ... Brockhaus Bible Encyclopedia

BELT - (northerly) strip or ridge of ice rushing into the sea. Samoilov K.I. Marine dictionary. M. L .: State Naval Publishing House of the NKVMF of the USSR, 1941 ... Marine dictionary

Belt - Ural Mountains Geographical names of the world: Toponymic dictionary. M: AST. Pospelov E.M. 2001 ... Geographical encyclopedia

Searching for an answer

Total found: 14

Is it possible to say: "This skirt (pants) suits you"?

This is a very interesting question: can we say about clothes that are worn, so to speak, below the waist (for example, trousers, shorts, a skirt) that it suits the face? In the dictionaries, this phrase is interpreted quite broadly: “suits, suits someone”, “makes someone attractive (about a suit, hairstyle)”, “suits someone, is in perfect harmony with something”. However, it is used actively precisely in relation to what is closer to the person's face - a dress, a blouse, a hairstyle, a hat. And although the word face can be used metonymically - in the sense of outward appearance, but the phrases “shoes suit you”, “the color of stockings suits you very well” sound comical, because they are literalized. Skirts and trousers seem to be on the verge of permissible. In the "Big Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language" V. N. Telia (Moscow, 2006) gives such an interesting example: She stood on the threshold of her room, looked warily, but portrayed a smile. She was young, slender, long-legged, with blonde hair flowing down her shoulders. Blue jeans and a blue sweater clearly suit her, if not for the crease on the bridge of her nose and thinly pursed lips, I would call her pretty (Ogonyok, 1997). Here jeans come to face, but not alone, but with a sweater - again as a whole, a suit.

To summarize: it's better to talk about clothes below the waist - it comes, it fits. And the turn to face in the same sense can be safely used in relation to a coat, suit, jumper, panama hat, stole, veil, make-up, beard - that is, to what appears exactly on the face or on the face.

Dear portal staff! An answer is urgently needed! What is better to put in a sentence after the word "slabs" and the phrase "folded belts"? Name and show on the map the largest lithospheric plates: / - Eurasian, Indo-Australian, North American. ; folded belts: / - Pacific, Alpine-Gimola.

Russian language help desk response

Name and show on the map the largest lithospheric plates (Euro-Asian, Indo-Australian, North American), fold belts (Pacific, Alpine-Himalayan.).

Do you need a comma? Keep in mind that the time is counted from 0 to 12 o'clock, therefore (,) to understand where is 8 o'clock in the morning, and where is 8 o'clock in the evening, you need to remember the time zones x. thanks

Russian language help desk response

Correctly: the belt of the martyr (singular), and the plural - the belt of the martyr or the belt of the martyrs.

Russian language help desk response

See answer to question no.

Good day! Please tell me which is correct: a martyr's belt or a martyr's belt? Thanks.

Russian language help desk response

About several explosive devices - suicide belts.

Russian language help desk response

Correct spelling in lowercase: Slutsk belts.

How should you write: "we will call you at seven according to your opinion" or "we will call you at seven according to your opinion" - if we mean the difference in time zones x?

Russian language help desk response

That's right: we'll call you at seven, your way.

I ran a search for this expression.

And I noticed that in your answers this expression in completely identical cases is either separated by commas or not.

I mean cases without an obvious ordering, where, as I understand it, comma separation is not required.

What is the etymology of the word "matches"?

Russian language help desk response

The word match is originally Russian; in other Slavic languages, matches are called differently, for example: igniter in Bulgarian, sirka and zapalka in Czech, etc. Match is a derivative (diminutive) of knitting needles, which in turn goes back to the ancient Indo-European basis.

Dear Help, please shed some light on the etymology of the word "izvazdat"

Russian language help desk response

We spill. Izgvazdat - formed from the verb gvazdat, which, in turn, goes back to n. gvazda "slush (in bad weather), mud, swamp". A related verb in Polish means "dirty, dirty", in Slovenian - "to talk nonsense". Etymologically, it can be associated with the adjective soggy "repulsive, disgusting", with the ancient Indian gutham "filth, filth."

In turn, it does not isolate itself, if it is used as an adverbial expression in the meaning of “from my side, in response, when it’s a turn”: Asya looked at me inquiringly. I, in turn, held out my hand to her and this time firmly squeezed her cold fingers. I. Turgenev, Asya. But commas are needed if the words, in turn, act as an introductory expression, indicating that this statement is related in meaning to the previous one: In the center there was a round white building surrounded by a wide black ring. The black ring, in turn, was about the belt but a golden-yellow ring, followed by an even wider ring - green, and, finally, outside there was another, the largest, black ring. N. Nosov, Dunno in the Solar City.

Russian language help desk response

The fact is that the difference between an adverbial combination and an introductory expression, in turn, is not always obvious; in practice, the author of the text makes the final decision on separating / not separating these words with commas. In the answer regarding the isolation of this combination, only general patterns are indicated.

How correct: belts or belts?

Hello, friends! In this article, I want to talk about how to make a belt for extra weight with your own hands. Moreover, this belt can be made from readily available materials. If you don’t have the materials that appear in the article, then it’s not a problem - you can easily find an alternative.

The meaning of the word belt and its definition. Who is (s) or what ...

In clothing, it is a ribbon, harness, a strip of fabric, cords or other material, which is tied, as a rule, at the waist or on the hips of a person. Supports clothing covering the lower body (pants, skirt) or prevents clothing covering the upper part body (sheepskin coat, robe). A thin belt in the form of a cord or rope, often with tassels at the ends, was called a belt, a wide belt made of a long wide piece of cloth or cords - a sash. A special belt for a kimono is called an obi. Belt equipped with a buckle - belt; to fix it, belt loops are usually attached to clothes.

What are women's belts and belts, which one to choose and what to wear with?

Accessories take an important place in the image. Even a small detail can complement or distract from the bow. Women's belts are able to decorate any representative of the fair sex, if you choose them in accordance with clothes. Moreover, for each type of figure there are suitable accessories that can highlight the dignity.

Stress in the word BELT

How to put stress in the word BELT? Correctly in the word "strap" the stress is placed on the second letter "e" in the second syllable - strap. How to remember where the stress is?

In order not to forget which syllable the stress falls on in the noun "belt", you can memorize the phrase:

How to choose the right belt or waistband?

With the help of a bright, expressive belt, you can make an interesting accent in any outfit, emphasizing favorably prominent parts of the body: the waist or hips. And its presence on a coat plays the same important role, and there are many examples of how to beautifully tie a belt on a coat.

BELT, which means BELT, what is BELT, BELT is, meaning ...

From excess weight a very large number of residents suffer, which affects not only self-confidence, but also health. There are most ways to lose weight: diet, training system and cosmetology procedures... But in recent times belly slimming belts have become more and more popular, but before you buy it, you should find out if it is really effective, as the manufacturers claim, what is the mechanism of its action.

Discussion: Time Zone - Wikipedia

There is a huge variety of types of belts. They can be hard or soft, narrow or wide. Many materials are used for making belts: natural and artificial leather, fabric, suede, metal and so on. Belts perform several important functions: they are a decorative element, help to complete an image, or they can fulfill their practical function. No matter how the belt changes its color or shape, it always remains a relevant accessory.

What is the difference between the words belt-belts - School Knowledge.com

How to wear a women's belt or belt

A belt or a belt is a very practical element of a woman's wardrobe. He seems to be invisible, but thanks to him we can completely change appearance the whole outfit and even your figure. Moreover, the belt fits any figure without exception, it can reveal advantages and hide possible shortcomings, the main thing is to know how to choose it. We will show you

How to choose the right women's belt?

Previously, the main function of the belt was reduced to one thing - maintaining the trousers. But now this thing has become one of the most common women's accessories, with which you can look not only stylish, but also, if necessary, hide figure flaws. But there is a belt, and there is a belt that has the same function. So what is the difference between the two? And how not to get trapped in the store by coming to buy a belt. Or is it a belt? Now let's look at this issue.

How to use a weightlifting belt

Get expert opinion on the benefits weightlifting belt, how to choose a good power belt, and how to wear it correctly. “To be a power belt or not to be,” Shakespeare would ask if he wrote his works today, and not 400 years ago. At a certain stage on the iron road, every serious weightlifter asks himself this question.

The use of a weightlifting belt in bodybuilding.

Who should wear a weightlifting belt? The answer to this question is quite simple. It is advisable to girdle for everyone who is going to perform squats or deadlifts with maximum loads. But in what cases is it better to abandon this piece of equipment? There are already several options:

The BELT is ... What is the BELT?

Belt (clothing) Wikipedia

Competitions in categories; squat with a barbell, barbell row in an incline to the belt, deadlift, lifting the barbell over your head are extremely traumatic, primarily for the back area. Therefore, in such cases, it is necessary to use highly effective elements of equipment to stabilize this muscle group.

Belts or belts as correct

1. Ribbon, cord, belt or sewn strip of fabric for tying, fastening at the waist. Leather p. P. skirts. Per

3. The same as the waist 1. On the item in the water. Grass up

ok, -ska, m. (to 1 value).

Belts or belts as correct

Altitudinal zoning is most fully and distinctly expressed on mountain ranges open to the west, southwest, or north, while on the inner ridges it is sometimes somewhat obscured or modified; on the high inland highlands, the lower belts fall out.

I am in a hurry, princess, to send you the belts.

What are the "belts":

Making the Word Map better together

Hey! My name is Lampobot, I am a computer program that helps to make a Map of Words. I can count very well, but so far I do not understand well how your world works. Help me figure it out!

Thanks! Over time, I will definitely understand how your world works.

I already understood what a building refers to as a structure or structure. More precisely:

  • transport, heavy equipment and their parts: aircraft carrier, ark, sail, porthole;
  • wall, border, fence: wall, fence, hedge, curtain, screen, wicket;
  • material: brick, tiles, tiles, granite, polystyrene;
  • dwelling and its elements: skyscraper, tent, roof, awning, spire, stairs, fireplace;
  • non-residential building: stall, gas station, station, church;
  • monuments and culture: monolith, monument, sculpture, pedestal, stele;
  • natural structure: beehive, hollow, birdhouse, den, windbreak;
  • infrastructure: bridge, gas pipeline, overpass, viaduct, lighthouse;
  • military structure: dugout, bunker, digging, bastion.

Word belt

The word Belt in Dahl's dictionary

m than they are tied across the camp, they tie up their clothes; girdle, girdle, sash; a belt, of thread, braided, with which the peasants are girded on a shirt. In meaning. sash, pl. belts and singing; in other meaning belts. Belt in a building, strip with a ledge, release in a circle. Our land is divided into five zones: hot, between the turning circles; freaked out or average, from them to the polar, icy circles; cold, from these to the pole, ostya. Mountain belt, ridge of mountains; The Ural ridge in the north is called the Stone and Belt. Belts, in the Arctic Sea, architect. long ridge of ice. Belt of the vessel, thicker plating, protruding in a strip. The belt of the tool, frieze, dish, convex hoop, are now little used. Belt in heaven, milky way. Orion belt, three bright stars in this constellation. Belts on animals, transverse stripes of other wool. A fool's belt, but a clever one will pass dry. He will shut up his girdle. On seven belts, God set a stellar current. We are all people at the waist (that is, half, and there are cattle). It is sinful to be baptized across the belt (i.e. below, through the belt), schismatic. During the day, like a hoop, at night, like; who can guess will my husband be? belt. A thousand brothers with one girdle, put on a mother? sheaf on the ground. There are belts along the waist, belts along the poes, stripes. | Belt or waist waist thief. loins, the natural interception of the human body, a transverse strip above the sacrum, along the last vertebrae, between the ribs and the pelvis; in this place, the belt lies, the belt for men. Bow to the belt, bending at the waist, lower back. Got in the waistband, climb up and down the throat! You will live with ours, you will recognize the lower back, which aches in old age. No matter how you rot, you can't kiss your lower back. Bowing of the lower back cannot be broken. Lumbar, lumbar, to the belt, lower back relate. Bow bow, in the belt. Waist-belt striped to the waist. Lumbar vertebrae, the last five (dorsal 12, cervical 7). Lumbar aches. | Waist m. Waist who sharpens, weaves, and generally makes belts, for o (under) belts. Belting, belting who, what, belting or hugging, tying with a belt. And he will bellow and lead, but he doesn’t want to, John. The barrel is belted with hoops. -sya, they suffer. and return. within the meaning of. When you were young, you yourself, John. Gird, gird someone, -sya. You will get loose, you see the sash is loose! Waist, girdle, action. by verb. Poor, in belts, stripes, transversely striped. Belt, girdle, belt or girdle related. Belt one hundred. Psk belt. girdle, belt. Belt Wed belt, sheaf knitting, tied. Lumbar, plant. Potentilla norvegisa, gourd.

The word Belt in the Ozhegov dictionary

BELT, -a, pl. -a, -ov, m. 1. Ribbon, cord, belt or sewn strip of fabric for tying, fastening at the waist. Leather p. P. skirts. 3a belt and gag someone in the belt. (undoubtedly surpass someone. in something; colloquial.). Shut up the ax for step 2. transfer. The space surrounding, encircling something. Forest park (green) p. Of the capital. 3. The same as the waist by item in the water. Grass to the waist. Bow to p. (Bending the torso). 4. Allocated for some n. sign of part of the earth's surface (between some n. parallels or between two meridians), as well as part of the celestial sphere. Physico-geographical p. Tropical p. Sentry p. P. Zodiac. 5. The space allocated within the territory of the country on the basis of some n. own signs. Tariff item 6. Part of the skeleton, which serves for attachment to the body and support of the limbs (special). Shoulder p. Pelvic p. || decrease. belt, -ska, m. (to 1 value). || adj. waist, th, th (to 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 digits). P. belt. P. bow (in the belt). portrait (to the waist). P. tariff. Zone time.

The word Belt in the dictionary of Efremova

The word Belt in Vasmer Max's dictionary

The word Belt in D.N. Ushakova

1. Long narrow strip of fabric, cord or belt, serving for circular coverage, tying at the waist. Leather belt.

The word Belt in the Dictionary of Synonyms

The word Belt in the Dictionary of Medical Terms

The word Belt in the Dictionary of Synonyms 2

The word Belt in the Dictionary of Synonyms 3

plug in the belt ..

The word Belt in the dictionary Synonyms 4

armopoyas, bandage, velvet, velvet, brestrop, waterways, grace, edge, vest, zodiac, zone, corsage, corset, sash, sash, ENT, obi, girdle, interception, strip, belt, belt, connected, sparketing, subantarctic, subtropic, waist

Interpretation (meaning) of the word belts

This page contains all the useful information we have collected on the word belts. If you think that the information is not complete, or did not find what you were looking for, then please leave your comment in our VKontakte group and we will try to improve our dictionary to meet your high requirements.

Below you will find the interpretation of the word belts, how to correctly stress the word belts, as well as synonyms for the word belts

BELT m than they are tied across the camp, they tie up their clothes; girdle, girdle, sash; a belt, of thread, braided, with which the peasants are girded on a shirt. In meaning. sash, pl. belts and singing; in other meaning belts. Belt in a building, strip with a ledge, release in a circle. Our land is divided into five zones: hot, between the turning circles; freaked out or average, from them to the polar, icy circles; cold, from these to the pole, ostya. Mountain belt, ridge of mountains; The Ural ridge in the north is called the Stone and Belt. Belts, in the Arctic Sea, architect. long ridge of ice. Belt of the vessel, thicker plating, protruding in a strip. The belt of the tool, frieze, dish, convex hoop, are now little used. Belt in heaven, milky way. Orion belt, three bright stars in this constellation. Belts on animals, transverse stripes of other wool. A fool's belt, but a clever one will pass dry. He will shut up his girdle. On seven belts, God set a stellar current. We are all people at the waist (that is, half, and there are cattle). It is sinful to be baptized across the belt (i.e. below, through the belt), schismatic. During the day, like a hoop, at night, like; who can guess will my husband be? belt. A thousand brothers with one girdle, put on a mother? sheaf on the ground. There are belts along the waist, belts along the poes, stripes. || Belt or waist waist thief. loins, the natural interception of the human body, a transverse strip above the sacrum, along the last vertebrae, between the ribs and the pelvis; in this place, the belt lies, the belt for men. Bow to the belt, bending at the waist, lower back. Got in the waistband, climb up and down the throat! You will live with ours, you will recognize the lower back, which aches in old age. No matter how you rot, you can't kiss your lower back. Bowing of the lower back cannot be broken. Lumbar, lumbar, to the belt, lower back relate. Bow bow, in the belt. Waist-belt striped to the waist. Lumbar vertebrae, the last five (dorsal 12, cervical 7). Lumbar aches. || Waist m. Waist who sharpens, weaves, and generally makes belts, for o (under) belts. Belting, belting who, what, belting or hugging, tying with a belt. And he will bellow and lead, but he doesn’t want to, John. The barrel is belted with hoops. -sya, they suffer. and return. within the meaning of. When you were young, you yourself, John. Gird, gird someone, -sya. You will get loose, you see the sash is loose! Waist, girdle, action. by verb. Poor, in belts, stripes, transversely striped. Belt, girdle, belt or girdle related. Belt one hundred. Psk belt. girdle, belt. Belt Wed belt, sheaf knitting, tied. Lumbar, plant. Potentilla norvegisa, gourd.

Ural-Mongolian folding belt

Pacific geosynclinal zone

poyas, -a; shove smth. for the waist (in the direct meaning); shut up smb. (surpass); waist-high; pl. belts, -ov; Time Zones

BELT. Obsleslav. From pojasati ‘girdle’, pref. derived from jasati (cf. Old Rus. yasalo ‘belt’), related to lit. júosta - also, avest. yāsta ‘belted’ etc.

Belts or belts as correct

1. Ribbon, cord, belt or sewn strip of fabric for tying, fastening at the waist. Leather p. P. skirts. Per

shut up someone. (undoubtedly surpass someone in some way; colloquial). Shut up the ax for p.

2. transfer. The space surrounding, oh

living something. Forest park (green) p. Of the capital.

a. Bow to p. (Bending the torso).

4. Allocated for some n. sign of part of the earth's surface (between some n. parallels or between two meridians), as well as part of the celestial sphere. Physico-geographical p. Tropical p. Sentry p. P. Zodiac.

5. The space allocated within the territory of the country on the basis of some n. own signs. Tariff p.

6. Part of the skeleton, which serves for attachment to the body and support of the limbs (special). Shoulder p. Pelvic p.

noah, th, th (to 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6 digits). P. belt. P. bow (in

a). P. tariff. Zone time.

What is BELT, BELT is, the meaning of the word BELT, origin (etymology) BELT, synonyms for BELT, paradigm (forms of the word) BELT in other dictionaries

a) Long narrow strip of fabric, cord, belt, etc. for under

dressing at the waist.

b) A strip of fabric sewn into the upper part of the skirt, pants.

2) decomp. The place where the torso is covered by such a strip of fabric.

a) transfer. That which is in a band around smth.

b) A transverse strip or strip of other hair on the animal.

1) Part of the surface of the globe - 15 degrees wide - between two meridians.

a) The part of the earth's surface between the parallels, which is a specific climatic zone.

b) Zone of distribution, finding of smth.

3) The space that makes up a part in the division of the territory of the country according to some. economic characteristics.

belt, sash, girdle, girdle, corsage, girdle, obi, vest, corset, velvet, velvet, bandage, grace, sash, interception, brestrop, connected, ENT, spirketing, lacing, edge, waist; zone, district, strip, waterway

1. Long narrow strip of fabric, cord or belt, serving for circular coverage, tying at the waist. Leather belt.

2. The place where the body is covered by this strip, the waist (· simple). Tight in the belt. Waist-deep in water.

3. Part of the surface of the globe (15 ° wide) between two meridians (geogr.). The entire earth is divided by meridians into 24 belts or zones.

4. Part of the earth's surface between the parallels, which is a specific climatic zone (geogr.). Hot belt. Temperate zone. Tropical belt.

5. A certain space, a strip, which is part of the division of the country's territory according to some economic characteristics (special). Tariff belt. Packs of salaries by belts.

round metal, cloth or other strip (tech.). Zeppelin belt. Barge belt. Belt at the body of the samovar. Farm belt. Belt in the building.

9. Names of parts of the blast furnace (tech.). Oxidation Belt. Melting belt. Carbon saturation belt.

Rescue belt (special) - a cork circle worn on the body and serves to support the body of a drowning person on the surface of the water. Shoulder girdle (anat.) - the clavicle with the shoulder blade. Bowing at the waist - bowing, bending the torso. To plug someone in the belt - see to plug someone.

genus. n. -a, ukr. poyas, Old Russian, Old Slav. byѩсъ ζώνή (Ostrom., Sup.), bulg. poyas, Serbo-Horv. pȍjȃs, pȃs, slovenian. роjа̑s, ра̑s, Czech., slvts. pás, Polish. ras, v.-puddles., n.-puddles. ras.

Praslav. * ro-jаsъ - inverse derivative from ro-jаsati; Wed Russian girdle, from * jasati, whence Russian-tslav. The "belt" was applied (Cyril of Jerusalem, XII century; see Srezn. III, 1665; Schwitzer, WuS 12, 32 et seq.). Further here is lit. júostas "belted", júosta "belt", lts. juôstа - the same, lit. júosti, júosmi (júosiu) "to girdle", juosmuõ "hips, belt", lts. juôzt "to girdle", ave. уāst- "belted", уāh- cf. R. "Belt", Greek. ζῶμα "belt", ζώνη - the same, ζώννῡμι "girdle", ζωστός "belted", Alb. ngjesh "I girdle" (see Trautmann, BSW 108 et seq .; Pedersen, IF 5, 46; Bartolome 1291; G. Mayer, Alb. Wb. 308; M.–E. 2, 127 et seq. Meye-Vaillant 30; Hoffmann, Gr. Wb. 104.

What is used to gird clothes around the waist (belt, cord, sash, etc.).

The groom Spiridon sat as a coachman - in one shirt, barefoot, belted with a red woolen ribbon belt. S. Aksakov, Family Chronicle.

Seeing the assistant, he buttoned up and tightened his belt. Crown, House and Ship.

A strip of fabric sewn into the upper part of the skirt, pants and serves to pull them together at the waist.

A metal or other band that encloses smth.

The tank even looked solemn: around the turret hatch there was a wide blued belt, and on it burned letters from stainless steel: "USSR-I". Karavaeva, Lights.

The pipes are black with white belts. Shuleikin, Days gone by.

What is in a band around smth. Surrounds smth.

Behind the meadows dotted with groves and watermills, the forests were green in several green belts. Gogol, Dead Souls.

The lake, enclosed by a belt of impenetrable thickets, gleamed below. Paustovsky, The last devil.

The narrowest part of the body is between the chest and abdomen; waist.

He ties a long rope around the waist of a tiny five-year-old girl in front of him. Kuprin, Allez!

Part of the surface of the globe between two meridians.

The part of the earth's surface between the parallels, which is a specific climatic zone (geogr.).

Hot belt. Temperate Belt, Cold Belt.

A piece of the world that has some characteristic natural features.

The mountains take on more severe forms and spruce forests appear on them, the lower limit of which denotes a belt of summer rains. Przhevalsky, From Kuldja beyond the Tien Shan and to Lop Nor.

A certain space, a strip, which make up a part in the division of the country according to some l. economic characteristics.

Tariff belt. Dividing the country into belts based on commodity prices.

Part of the skeleton of vertebrates and humans, which serves for attachment to the body and support of the limbs.

Shoulder girdle. Pelvic girdle.

(cingulum, PNA, BNA, JNA; syn. bundle of the cingulate) an associative nerve path that runs in the cingulate gyrus and connects the cortex of the frontal lobe with the parahippocampal gyrus and the amygdala.

noun 1. zone, lane 2. girdle, sash, girdle 3. waist, interception

Word check:

Searching for an answer

Total found: 14

Question number 293158

Is it possible to say: "This skirt (pants) suits you"?

This is a very interesting question: can we say about clothes that are worn, so to speak, below the waist (for example, trousers, shorts, a skirt) that it suits the face? In the dictionaries, this phrase is interpreted quite broadly: “suits, suits someone”, “makes someone attractive (about a suit, hairstyle)”, “suits someone, is in perfect harmony with something”. However, it is used actively precisely in relation to what is closer to the person's face - a dress, a blouse, a hairstyle, a hat. And although the word face can be used metonymically - in the sense of appearance, but the phrases “shoes suit you”, “the color of stockings suits you very well” sound comical, because they are literalized. Skirts and trousers seem to be on the verge of permissible. In the "Big phraseological dictionary of the Russian language" V. N. Telia (Moscow, 2006) provides such an interesting example: She stood on the threshold of her room, looked warily, but feigned a smile. She was young, slender, long-legged, with blonde hair flowing down her shoulders. Blue jeans and a blue sweater clearly suit her, if not for the crease on the bridge of the nose and thinly pursed lips, I would call her pretty(Ogonyok, 1997). Here jeans come to face, but not alone, but with a sweater - again as a whole, a suit.

To summarize: it's better to talk about clothes below the waist - it comes, it fits. And the turn to face in the same sense can be safely used in relation to a coat, suit, jumper, panama hat, stole, veil, make-up, beard - that is, to what appears exactly on the face or on the face.

Question No. 293064

Dear portal staff! An answer is urgently needed! What is better to put in a sentence after the word "slabs" and the phrase "folded belts"? Name and show on the map the largest lithospheric plates: / - Eurasian, Indo-Australian, North American ...; folded belts: / - Pacific, Alpine-Gimola ...

Name and show on the map the largest lithospheric plates (Euro-Asian, Indo-Australian, North American), fold belts (Pacific, Alpine-Himalayan ...).

Question No. 289263

Do you need a comma? Keep in mind that the time is counted from 0 to 12 o'clock, therefore (,) to understand where is 8 o'clock in the morning, and where is 8 o'clock in the evening, you need to remember the time zones x. thanks

Russian language help desk response

The comma is needed.

Good day! Please tell me which is correct: a martyr's belt or a martyr's belt? Thanks.

Russian language help desk response

About multiple explosive devices - martyr's belts.

Question No. 282514
Please tell me which is correct: Slutsk belts or Slutsk belts?

Russian language help desk response

Correct spelling in lowercase: Slutsk belts.

Question number 270873
Hello! I had the following question: the adverb "your way" is written with a hyphen, but the phrase "according to your time" is separate.
How should you write: "we will call you at seven according to your opinion" or "we will call you at seven according to your opinion" - if we mean the difference in time zones x?

Russian language help desk response

Right: We'll call you at seven.

Question No. 261351
Good day!

I was interested in the question of separating the expression "in turn" with commas.
I ran a search for this expression.
And I noticed that in your answers this expression in completely identical cases is either separated by commas or not.
I mean cases without an obvious indication of the order, where, as I understand it, comma separation is not required ...

Question number 226014
What is the etymology of the word "matches"?
Natalia Vladimirovna
Russian language help desk response
The word match is originally Russian; in other Slavic languages, matches are called differently, for example: igniter in Bulgarian, sirka and zapalka in Czech, etc. Match is a derivative (diminutive) of knitting needles, which in turn goes back to the ancient Indo-European basis.

Question No. 256202
Dear Help, please shed some light on the etymology of the word "izvazdat"

Russian language help desk response
We spill. Izgvazdat - formed from the verb gvazdat, which, in turn, goes back to n. gvazda "slush (in bad weather), mud, swamp". A related verb in Polish means "dirty, dirty", in Slovenian - "to talk nonsense". Etymologically, it can be associated with the adjective soggy "repulsive, disgusting", with the ancient Indian gutham "filth, filth."

And here is your answer regarding the use of commas with the expression "in turn:
In turn, it does not isolate itself, if it is used as an adverbial expression in the meaning of “from my side, in response, when it’s a turn”: Asya looked at me inquiringly. I, in turn, held out my hand to her and this time firmly squeezed her cold fingers. I. Turgenev, Asya. But commas are needed if the words, in turn, act as an introductory expression, indicating that this statement is related in meaning to the previous one: In the center there was a round white building surrounded by a wide black ring. The black ring, in turn, was a girdle but a golden-yellow ring, followed by an even wider ring - green, and, finally, outside there was another, largest, black ring. N. Nosov, Dunno in the Solar City.

Please comment.

Russian language help desk response

The fact is that the difference between an adverbial combination and an introductory expression in turn not always obvious; in practice, the author of the text makes the final decision on separating / not separating these words with commas. In the answer regarding the isolation of this combination, only general patterns are indicated.

Question No. 252296
Are phrases such as "in the first place", "in turn" highlighted in the letter with commas?

Russian language help desk response

Combination first of all, usually does not require punctuation marks. However, in some contexts where the words first of all close in meaning with the introductory words "first, first of all," isolation is possible. In this case, the author of the text makes the decision to put the commas.

In turn it does not stand apart if it is used as an adverbial expression in the meaning of “on my part, in response when the turn came”: Asya looked at me inquiringly. I AM in turn held out his hand to her and this time firmly shook her cold fingers... I. Turgenev, Asya. But commas are needed if words in turn act as an introductory expression indicating that this statement is related in meaning to the previous one: In the center was a circular white building surrounded by a wide black ring.Black ring, v my queue, there was a girdle but a golden-yellow ring, followed by an even wider ring - green, and, finally, outside there was another, the largest, - a black ring... N. Nosov, Dunno in the Solar City.

Question number 249945
Option 8
Exercise 1
Insert missing letters and punctuation marks.
Early in the morning Laska was running merrily (in) in front of the troin ...; Levin followed her with a quick, light step without ... constantly looking at the sky. He wished that the sun would not rise before he reached the swamp.
But the sun (not) hesitated. The month that was still shining when it came out now only bl ... steled like a piece of mercury; in the morning… .yuyuyuyu .. previously (not) defined ... spots in the far field were now clearly visible. It was rust ... thumps. The dew (not) visible even without sunlight in the fragrant tall hemp from which the manners had already been chosen, wetted Levin's legs and Levin's blouse above the waist. In the transparent silence of the morning, the slightest sounds were heard. A bee with a whistle of a bullet flew past Levin's ear. He pr ... ch ... went and saw ... l still another and a third. All of them flew out from (behind) the bee's wattle and hid over the hemp in the direction of the swamp. The stitch led straight into the swamp. The swamp could be recognized by the pairs that rose from it, where it was thicker, where less often, so that sedge and broom bushes, like islets, swayed on this pair. At the edge of the swamp and the road, boys and men who had erased their nightlife lay and before dawn they all slept under caftans. Not far from them were three satellites ... horses.
Assignment 2
Put stress on words.
Enviable, spoiled, industry, Cossacks, flounder, medicines, gross, instrument, kilometer, more beautiful.
Assignment 3
Write out obsolete words. Determine their meaning. Attic, horse-drawn tram, prison, escalation, ofenya, cloak.
Assignment 4
Explain the meaning of the above figurative expressions. Explain the origin of one of the expressions.
A noble place, the promised land, the game is not worth the candle, Tantalum torment, stumbling block, cornerstone, beating of babies, as Mamai passed. Assignment 5
Write down sentences using numbers in the desired form.
1. At the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, classes are conducted with 4061 students.
2. Up to 325 people study in graduate school.
3. Engineers with 739 diplomas have gone to different parts of the world.

Assignment 6
Write the noun in parentheses in the appropriate case form.
1. The flocks (cloud) above the abyss of the sea are burning with a blue flame.
2. On this boundless field lie the whole worlds of magical cities (building, tower, monster).
3. The dvornya was thrilled by the news of the engagement of one of the (young lady).
4. There are many in our city (Bashkirs, Turkmens, Georgians).
5. I have visited the Volga everywhere - from (upper reaches) to (lower reaches). Assignment 7
Correct mistakes in the formation of the comparative degree of adjectives and adverbs.
1. Her life in her mother's house was better.
2. The speech of the grandmother is brighter and more expressive than the speech of other characters.
3. For the first stories of the writer the deepest lyricism is characteristic.
4. Due to downpours this year the expedition worked in more difficult conditions.
5. His words made the strongest impression on me.
6. Task 8
Mark the sentences in which there is a mistake in the use of participles and participles, and correct these sentences.
1. Without restoring his health, he will not be able to seriously study.
2. Hastily dressed and washed, the boy ran to school.
3. Looking at the problem of ratification from the other side, a good solution has come to us.
4. Having reached the nearest traffic light, the car's engine suddenly stopped.
5. Seeing a clear army life, many guys have changed their attitude towards the army.
Assignment 9
Determine the gender of the nouns. Write phrases, choosing an adjective for each word.
Euro, ancient settlement, psalter, mouse, sconce, bunch, interview, muffler, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Delhi.
Assignment 10
Form verb combinations with these words (in their terminological meaning). Make sentences.
Sample: act-draw up. The members of the commission drew up an act on the write-off of the equipment.
Report, agenda, signature, censure, resolution, proposal, prescription, warning, assistance, accounting.
Assignment 11
Complete the introductory part of the application. From whom and to whom is it addressed? A. Who is the application from?
Sergey Mozgovoy, Ivan Belykh, Marina Yukhnevich, Pavel Rishes, Elena Gunich B. Who is the application addressed to?
Alexey Vasilets, Stanislav Shostok, Daria Malykh, Irina Rappoport, Taras Sidorenko

Russian language help desk response

What question did you want to ask the Information Desk?

Question No. 242238
Thanks for the "temple" and "church". Word-codpiece, I can not find an interpretation anywhere.

Russian language help desk response

Codpiece - [Dutch. gulp flap on trousers] upper front (below the waist) part of men's trousers (“Explanatory Dictionary of Foreign Words” by L. P. Krysin).

Question No. 212545
1) When is the word "belts" used, and when is "belts"? 2) Is the word "belts" used in general in modern Russian, as the plural of the word "belt"?

Russian language help desk response

Correct form: _belt _. The form "belts" is deprecated.
Question No. 201052
how to correctly say: "hair falling to the waist" or "hair falling to the waist"? thanks

Russian language help desk response

Both options are possible, the second is considered bookish.
Question No. 200550
Which is correct: time zones or time zones? In the encyclopedia, the first option is written, in the Russian language tests of the federal testing center - the second. thanks

Russian language help desk response

Correct: _ time zones _.

This is one of the most popular martial arts. Its full name is karate-do, which means "the path of the empty hand," where an empty hand means unarmed. This name was born in 1929. It was invented by a master who is the ancestor of modern karate.

The external attribute of the corresponding degree of skill is karate belts. They are also a symbol of a certain load during training, as well as a reward for a fighter's efforts.

How many belts are there in karate?

They reflect the corresponding degree of mastery in a given Japanese martial art, in particular:

  • kyu - student degrees in a gradation from 9 to 1;
  • dan - workshops - from 1 to 9.

Based on the corresponding skill level, belts are differentiated by color. With the improvement of combat skills, the shade darkens. Previously, there were only two colors of belts in karate: white and brown, and now there are six. They correspond to 10 student levels (kyu). First, the student receives a white belt (the level of potential and purity), then, after hard training, he is awarded an orange - 10 and 9 kyu (stability level). After it comes blue - 8 and 7 kyu (level of variability), then yellow - 6 and 5 kyu (level of approval), then green - 4 and 3 kyu (level of emotions). Brown color - 2 and 1 kyu (creative level). This is the highest level for a student. The black belt is given) - is available exclusively from the masters of this martial art.

What does the latest shade of a belt in karate represent?

It is personalized, therefore the name and the given of the owner are embroidered on it. Due to the fact that a black belt is assigned only once in a lifetime, it must be very durable and thick enough, therefore, its production is carried out using a special technology. The basis of the black belt is white, which is trimmed with black fabric.

The material from which the obi (belt) is made is often frayed and torn due to intense training. When the black belt is completely worn out, according to the rules of karate, its wearer is considered to have reached the highest possible skill level.

Karate kyokushinkai

Translated from the Japanese language, this is interpreted as a "society of the highest truth." Kyokushinkai is a style of karate that was founded in 1950. It is considered a rather difficult and tough variety of the considered Japanese martial art.

This style was created as a counterbalance to many non-contact schools and the most fundamental principle of the considered martial art - karate without contact. He demonstrated to the whole world the real power of Japanese martial art and thus gained popularity among fighters from many countries, and later served as the basis for other contact styles of karate.

Karate kyokushinkai as a sport

It is extremely spectacular. Fights (kumite) take place with full contact and without special protective equipment (gloves, helmets, projectors). The only rule is that no punches to the head are allowed.

In a full contact duel, one can often see powerful blows hands and high kicks. This does not leave indifferent a large number of spectators.


As in many other species oriental martial arts, in karate kyokushinkai has its own "vestment". The form of clothing in this style is dogi, or keikogi, which is often incorrectly called "kimono". The dogi consists of pants, a loose-fitting jacket and a belt. All items are only white, of course, except for the belt, which has the appropriate shade, depending on a certain degree of skill of the fighter.

Dogi for this style of karate is slightly different from the traditional one, as it has short sleeves (to the elbow or slightly lower). This cut is called the Oyama style, which is characteristic not only of Kyokushinkai Karate. Belts and lobes have federation and school specific patches. However, most often it is the calligraphic inscription "Kyokushinkai", located on the chest on the left side.

The meaning of belts in karate

White, orange, blue and yellow are given to beginners. The list opens which symbolizes the potential of the new student with regards to achieving higher degrees of mastery. All the spiritual power that is hidden inside the student comes out after hard training.

The orange belt expresses the qualitative and quantitative component of the obstacles. This color - Mooladhara - comes from the fighter's dorsal center (coccyx). It is associated with earth, as it is the largest element among all the others. The student practices the ability to concentrate in the appropriate stability stances.

The blue karate belt is the color of water. It symbolizes the element of Water located in the dorsal center (sacrum). Training for a given karate belt color develops the student's main ability - to be flexible and adapt.

Yellow belt - Manipura - chakra located in the third vertebral center, the element of which is Fire. This center is connected by polarity with a single point located in the lower abdomen (the store of creative energy and the center of physical balance). This belt color requires the student to seriously consider how physical fitness, dynamic coordination and balance, and the psychological aspect of training (perception, awareness, approval).

The green belt of karate, as with a combination of colors, is obtained by mixing yellow (Fire) and blue (Water). The skill level corresponding to the green belt acts as a kind of reference point on the path to a more serious degree of skill. This is Anahata - the chakra, which is located directly near the heart, and its element is Air.

A student at this level learns the true meaning of love for others, that is, he should not be indifferent to the fate of his neighbor.

The brown belt is an important level, so the student's approach to training must be very serious, responsible and mature. A student seeking to master this level of skill is distinguished by significant physical strength combined with the equanimity that is demonstrated during technical exercises.

In preparation for the master level (black belt), the brown belt student gradually assumes a number of responsibilities in the dodge. He instructs the class, guided by how personal experience and traditional training. This student can clearly and correctly articulate various psychological and physical concepts, as well as explain the essence of the spiritual potential of karate-do within the framework of dojo.

A black belt in karate is kind of the most important step in a karatek's life. The practical technique of this master level (first dan) is associated with good attunement, finding the appropriate technique and helping younger black belts to improve.

So, the karate belts were listed above in order, that is, in accordance with the degrees of mastery of this Japanese martial art. As it has already become clear, the spiritual essence of a person is also affected here, which participates in the process of developing the internal discipline of a fighter.

Shotokan karate style

It is considered the largest in this Japanese martial art. The emergence of this style dates back to the 30s of the last century. Its creators are the closest students and sons of Funakoshi Gichina (a karate master who introduced the Japanese to this Okinawan martial art): Funakoshi Yoshitaka, Egami Shigeru, Obata Isao, Nakayama Masatoshi, Hironishi Genshin and Hiroshi Noguchi.

The Shotokan karate style is based on the shuri-te technique, which is characterized by sophisticated fighting techniques, mainly at close range, as well as kicks at the lower level. Funakoshi studied it with such masters as Itosu and Azato, and later, together with his students, supplemented the technique with new elements: at the upper level, fighting at medium distance, developing a system of sports combat.

Thus, this style now includes both the old traditional techniques of Okinawa and the newly introduced techniques and methods of fighting in the sports section of karate.

Features of the Shotokan style

Firstly, it has strict requirements regarding physical fitness, the level of knowledge in relation to technique and dedication.

Secondly, each action must be associated with the following elements:

  • correct breathing (activation of ki circulation);
  • timeliness of action;
  • control of the movement of the striking limb (clear completion of the reception);
  • development of the maximum possible speed and strength in a minimum period of time.

Thirdly, it is required to study over 20 technical sets of techniques, which are designed for a combat duel with two or more opponents.

Exceptional attention is paid to points such as:

1. Development of rigid balance and general stability through long-term development of low deep struts.

2. Rotational "click" movements of the hips horizontally in one of two directions: along the blow vector or in the opposite direction (generation of significant destructive force in relation to blows and blocks).

3. Instant activation of all major muscle groups precisely in the final phase of the strike: with a quick change from positive acceleration to negative one or an instant stop.

Belts typical for this style

Today, unlike other styles, traditional Okinawan belts retain the existing gradation of colors in relation to the degrees of mastery in Shotokan karate. The belts have such shades as:

  • white is the color of innocence;
  • yellow - a shade of the sun, light, wealth;
  • green is the color of growth, grass and forests;
  • brown - a shade of earth, support.
  • black is the collection of all colors.

As you can see from the list, the colors of the belts in this style of karate are slightly different from the gradation of the Kyokushinkai.

Belt tying technique in kyokushinkai

  • First, you need to take both ends of it behind your back.
  • Secondly, pulling the belt behind your back, you need to stretch its ends forward (they should be equally extended in length).
  • Thirdly, it is required to tie both ends together on the stomach with a flat knot (the remaining length of the ends should be 15-20 cm.)

So, as it has already become clear, it is very easy to master the technique of tying a karate belt.

Thus, in both shokotan and kyokushinkai-karate, the belts are differentiated depending on the degree of skill of the fighter. The ultimate goal of a karateka is, of course, the achievement of the most top level masters, that is, getting a black belt, which, after hard training, wears out and rubs to white.

It is a well-known fact that karate belts are not washed during all the numerous trainings, they can only be dried. That is, it is a kind of tradition, when, for example, white is sprinkled with red spots after hundreds of fights, which indicates the fighter's diligence on the way to achieving the next level of mastery of this Japanese martial art. But keikogi (training suit), on the contrary, should always be neat and clean.

The philosophical aspect of the meaning of the colors of the belt

This historical gradation is determined by the hierarchy of schools of the considered Japanese martial art, which arose on the basis of the structure of the existing samurai clans. Both those and others had purely individual "genealogical books" in which the branch of all the rulers was reproduced - the Syoguns and their courtiers, as well as teachers and corresponding students. This made it possible to accurately determine, through the appropriate stripes of the coat of arms, the fighter's belonging to a particular school or clan.

The color of the belt was a distinctive feature of the degree of proximity in the hierarchical ladder to the existing head of the clan. In fact, this system initially assessed not the technical component of a fighter's skill, but his proximity to the so-called spiritual center of each of the schools - to Iemoto. She subsequently transformed into modern system assessment of the degree of mastery, according to which, after passing both the theoretical, physical, and technical exam, the student is assigned an appropriate belt and degree (dan and kyu).

As mentioned earlier, the obi (belts) were not washed, because it was a symbol of very hard work that the student put into daily training. After some time, according to Japanese beliefs, the white belt turned yellow due to sweat. Then, from his injuries, he takes on an orange tint. Further, after several months spent in hard training in nature, the obi became due to the grass. Some time later, the belt faded and faded, taking on a light gray, close to blue color. Gradually, this shade darkened, turning into a gray-blue, or After several years, the obi turned brown.

Further, if the karateka decides to continue his training, then the belt darkens and takes on a black shade. The owner of such a belt is a person who has diligently studied karate for many years. In the case when the karateka has devoted his whole life to the study of this Japanese martial art, his obi gradually darkens, and then wears out and greatly fades, that is, begins to turn white.

Thus, the philosophy of karate regarding the learning process is that even when the highest level of mastery is reached, the study of this martial art does not end, since this path has a spiral shape, symbolizing infinity.

husband. (from to drink, to hug, as if understanding), strapping, a strip around something; than they are tied across the camp, they tie up their clothes; girdle, girdle, sash; a belt, of thread, braided, with which the peasants are girded on a shirt. V · value sash, pl. belts and singing; in other from · mean. belts. Belt in a building, strip with a ledge, release in a circle. Our land is divided into five zones: hot, between the turning circles; freaked out or average, from them to the polar, icy circles; cold, from these to the pole, ostya. Mountain belt, ridge of mountains; The Ural ridge in the north is called the Stone and Belt. Belts, in the Arctic Sea, Arkhan. long ridge of ice. Belt of the vessel, thicker plating, protruding in a strip. The belt of the tool, frieze, dish, convex hoop, are now little used. Belt in heaven, milky way. Orion belt, three bright stars in this constellation. Belts on animals, transverse stripes of other wool. A fool's belt, but a clever one will pass dry. He will shut up his girdle. On seven belts, God set a stellar current. We are all people at the waist (that is, half, and there are cattle). It is sinful to be baptized across the belt (i.e. below, through the belt), schismatic. During the day, like a hoop, at night, like; who can guess will my husband be? belt. A thousand brothers with one girdle, put on a mother? sheaf on the ground. There are belts along the waist, belts along the poes, stripes.

| Belt or waist for women. waist thief. loins, the natural interception of the human body, a transverse strip above the sacrum, along the last vertebrae, between the ribs and the pelvis; in this place, the belt lies, the belt for men. Bow to the belt, bending at the waist, lower back. Got in the waistband, climb up and down your throat! You will live with ours, you will recognize the lower back, which aches in old age. No matter how you rot, you can't kiss your lower back. Bowing of the lower back cannot be broken. Lumbar, lumbar, related to the belt, lower back. Bow bow, in the belt. Waist-belt striped to the waist. Lumbar vertebrae, the last five (dorsal 12, cervical 7). Lumbar aches.

| Belt husband. waist for women who sharpens, weaves, and generally makes belts, for o (under) belts. Belting, belting who, what, belting or hugging, tying with a belt. And he will bellow and lead, but he doesn’t want to, John. The barrel is belted with hoops. -sya, suffering. and · return. within the meaning of. When you were young, you yourself, John. Gird, gird someone, -sya. You will get loose, you see the sash is loose! Explanation, belts, action according to Ch. Poor, in belts, stripes, transversely striped. Belt, girdle, related to the belt or girdle. Belt one hundred. Psk belt. girdle, belt. Belt Wed belt, sheaf knitting, tied. Lumbar, Potentilla norvegica plant, gourd.

Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary... IN AND. Dahl. 1863-1866.


See what "BELT" is in other dictionaries:

    Belts, pl. belt, m. 1. Long narrow strip of fabric, cord or belt, serving for circular coverage, tying at the waist. Leather belt. 2. The place where the body is covered by this strip, the waist (vernacular). Tight in the belt. Waist-deep in water. 3. ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Shut up in the belt .. Dictionary of Russian synonyms and expressions similar in meaning. under. ed. N. Abramova, M .: Russian dictionaries, 1999. belt, girdle, girdle, girdle, corsage, girdle, obi, vest, corset, velvet, velvet, bandage, grace, sash, ... ... Synonym dictionary

    belt- BELT, a, m. Belly, abs, solar plexus. Hit the belt. See also: Everything from below the belt (to below); above the belt In the animal kingdom ...; bend the belt; Put on the belt of innocence; waist-high … Dictionary of Russian argo

    belt- belt, pl. belts, genus. belts and obsolete belts, belts. In prepositional combinations: for the belt, for the belt and obsolete for the belt, for the belt ... Dictionary of pronunciation and stress difficulties in modern Russian

    BELT, a, pl. a, ov, husband. 1. Ribbon, cord, belt or sewn strip of fabric for tying, fastening at the waist. Leather p. P. skirts. For the belt and for the belt to shut up someone n. (undoubtedly surpass whom n. in what n .; colloquial.). Shut up the ax for step 2. transfer ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

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