Choosing a sports section for a child: martial arts. Activities for children

Wushu for children from 4 years old

School methods Silk road, developed for all ages, allow you to successfully master martial arts, taking into account the individual characteristics of children.

Our club hosts classes for boys and girls from 4 years old. Preschoolers receive the preparation necessary for practicing various areas of wushu: the development of dexterity, strength and flexibility, self-insurance in case of falls, the study of the basic elements of martial arts.
In the future, in 1-2 years, your child can go to the Wushu school group, where intensive training in all types of wushu will be conducted: technical complexes, self-defense, fencing. He will have the opportunity to take belt exams and participate in competitions.
Even if you choose any other kind of martial arts with him in the future, the abilities acquired in our section will make him successful in a new business.

The result of classes in a preschool group:

  • coordination of movements;
  • speed of reaction;
  • flexibility and strength;
  • correct posture and healthy joints;
  • self confidence;
  • ability to work in a team.

Wushu classes for boys and girls of school age.

Wushu is a unique type of martial art and a system of self-improvement, which has no analogues in the world. Wushu is based on ancient oriental philosophy and allows a person to develop himself comprehensively, to improve harmoniously both physically, mentally and mentally. Unlike sports and other martial arts, wushu develops a whole range of qualities necessary in life.

Let's formulate some of them:

  • the ability to set goals and achieve them, coping with difficulties;
  • harmony of body, mind and spirit;
  • highly developed care and intuition;
  • the ability to maintain well-being and regulate condition nervous system and psyche;
  • possession of martial arts skills and behavior in conflict situations;
  • the ability to do without a fight, etc., etc.

This is what modern schoolchildren lack so much. Wushu will also help the child adapt to school life, be prepared for difficulties in communication with peers and adults.

In our classes:

  • general and special physical training;
  • Wushu complexes;
  • respiratory and joint gymnastics qigong;
  • percussion and throwing technique;
  • fencing;
  • techniques for releasing grips;
  • psychological preparation.

Safe, effective, fun, affordable
Assignment of belts, tournaments, demonstrations.

We invite you to classes!
Enrollment in groups is made taking into account the age and level of preparedness. For information on training and the schedule of classes, please call the numbers indicated in.

What is Wushu and how is it useful for a child? From what age is it better to start classes and what are the contraindications? We answer the most important questions in this article.

Literally "wushu" translates as " martial arts"And is a complex complex of physical and spiritual development... Like others oriental martial arts Wushu that came from China is very popular in our country - and for good reason! Practicing this martial art makes a child strong, agile, confident and tempered both physically and mentally.

Wushu styles

Wushu is a truly diverse sport. Everyone will definitely be able to choose a direction to their liking: today, more than 120 styles of this martial art have been registered in China. Moreover, there is no unity even in their classification: someone divides the types of wushu according to the South / North principle, someone - according to the place of their origin, river valleys, and so on.

Let's consider the most popular styles of this martial arts.


One of the most popular styles, which originated in the famous Shaolin monastery. The main tenets are: skill (skill needs to be honed), conformity, courage, ferocity, speed and authenticity. A distinctive feature of the style is powerful perfected strikes, spectacular jumps and somersaults.


Another very common type of wushu, better known as the Mantis Style. According to legend, it was created by the Shaolin monk Wang Lan, after observing how the insect fights and attacks the victim, and borrowing several techniques from him.


The so-called "inner" style, the exact origin is unknown. Due to the softness of the movements, it is often practiced as a type of health-improving gymnastics and is suitable for people with any physical fitness.


A type of wushu in which strikes are made not with a fist, but with a palm. Another one distinctive feature- all movements are performed in a circle, intertwining and smoothly flowing from one to another.


A style created in the 19th century by the Chinese martial artist Chen Heng. Differs in a large number of kicks and palms in a jump. The key images of Tsailifo are the leopard and the cobra. The effectiveness of the style was appreciated by Bruce Lee himself.


A variation of Wushu originally from the province of Canton. Developed in the 17th-18th centuries, today this style is popular not only in China, but also in the west, primarily for its combat effectiveness. In Russia, the Vietnamese variation of the Hungar called Hong Za Kuen is widespread.

From what age

As a rule, children are given wushu early enough: the age of 4-5 years is considered ideal, although if the child is capable, you can start classes at 3-3.5 years.

Serious practice of wushu as a martial art begins at about 7 years old. Until this moment, training takes place in a playful way, and the classes themselves are aimed at gradual and harmonious physical development. Children begin to comprehend the philosophical concepts of this martial art at a more conscious age.

Experienced trainers advise not to get upset if a child is not ready to practice wushu at the age of 4-5 years. In no case is it necessary to force the baby to be forced: take him to the pool, to or to any other sport that will just as positively affect the physical shape and develop the child's endurance, flexibility, agility and strength. Often wushu for children becomes interesting a little later, by the age of 10-12.

Medical contraindications

There are practically no health restrictions for practicing wushu. However, this sport will have to be abandoned if the child has:

  • severe trauma, especially craniocerebral trauma;
  • heart disease and other diseases;
  • serious damage to the spine;
  • some infectious diseases.

Various eye diseases (astigmatism, myopia, hyperopia and others) are not a categorical contraindication, however, you should definitely consult a doctor before exercising.

For some diseases, wushu can be useful, but it is important to be careful, choose the optimal level of stress and be sure to inform the trainer about all existing health problems.

If you want your daughter to become strong, flexible, graceful and able to stand up for herself, Wushu is ideal for this purpose. Unlike boxing, Muay Thai and other aggressive martial arts, Wushu for children is much more safe view sports. The loads are less intense, the movements are smooth and beautiful, and the emphasis is not on physical superiority, but on the ability to use what nature has given.

You can also choose the type of wushu that the little athlete will practice: in addition to contact sanda fights, there is the so-called wushu-taolu - a set of exercises and acrobatic elements, which in competitions is evaluated similarly to gymnastic performances. Only technique and no contact combat with the enemy!

In any case, no matter which wushu option you choose, this martial arts will give the girl knowledge basic principles self-defense, beauty and self-confidence and will not affect her femininity in any way.


The benefits of wushu for children concerns not only physical, but also spiritual aspects, because this is not just a set of techniques, but a whole teaching about the harmony of body and spirit. So, what will your child get by practicing wushu?

  • Stamina, coordination, strength and agility will improve. Wushu children react faster and are less traumatized in everyday life. Wushu will give girls plasticity and beautiful posture.
  • Wushu consists of complex complex exercises: in order to perform them correctly, you need to be able to concentrate and control your body and mind. This skill is useful not only in sports hall but also at school.
  • The body will develop harmoniously. The loads in wushu are uniform, and all muscle groups are involved in training.
  • Immunity will be strengthened. Like any sport, wushu has a positive effect on health: it improves the functioning of the lungs, cardiovascular and, of course, the immune system.
  • Will be formed a strong character... Wushu not only teaches children how to do exercises and fighting techniques, but also brings up in kids such important traits as responsibility, courage, and nobility, and also teaches to analyze the situation and react quickly.
  • Social skills will be developed. In the section of the child, communication with peers and adults awaits, and the self-confidence that comes to each athlete will help to feel better in the classroom, in the yard and in other circles.


Unlike many other disciplines, wushu is practically not traumatic for children. However, this is only true with an experienced coach. Improper performance of exercises, ignorance of safety precautions and the peculiarities of the child's body can lead to injury and damage. To prevent this from happening, pay special attention to the choice of a coach. He must clearly understand what kind of loads small athletes can handle and what exercises can be given at a given age. It is better if up to 10 people are engaged in one group, because it is very important to monitor everyone, and it is simply impossible to pay attention to 20-30 children at the same time.

Another feature of wushu that may raise questions for parents is its philosophical basis. Indeed, young children are much more interested in outdoor games than spiritual concepts of wushu. If you are afraid that your child will be bored in the classroom, do not worry: as we wrote above, in preparatory groups emphasis is placed on general development and physical activity... Acquaintance with wushu as a teaching begins at a later age - from 7-12 years old.

And, finally, the main fear of those who send a child to wushu, dreaming of teaching him self-defense, is the ineffectiveness of wushu in real combat. Of course, not all techniques will help to cope with hooligans, but the child will still have a clear understanding of the capabilities of his body and the knowledge of how to use them against a superior opponent: to wriggle out of the grip, block the blow, etc.

How much do classes cost

Financial investments depend on the city and on the type of wushu that the child is engaged in. Let's see what you have to spend money on:

  • Trainings - there are both free and paid sections... In the latter, the average cost starts from 600 rubles per lesson.
  • Equipment - if a child is engaged in wushu-taolu, then only a standard uniform (kimono-ifu and pants) is needed for classes, which costs from 2,000 rubles. For wushu sanda, you will have to buy special protection: for the body (from 3000 rubles), ankle (from 1000 rubles), groin for boys (from 700 rubles) and mouthguard (from 200 rubles).
  • Competitions and fees - the cost depends on the conditions of the section in which the child is engaged. Expenses for trips can be borne by the club, but most likely they will have to be paid on their own, and the price will consist of the city / country of destination, ticket prices, accommodation and meals.

Summing up

When sending a child to the martial arts section, parents are almost always guided by the desire to teach him self-defense. In fact, while practicing wushu, a small athlete gets much more: not only the body develops, but also the character, coordination improves, and the reaction becomes aggravated. Boys grow up smart and strong, girls - graceful and fast. Regardless of gender, children learn to feel and control their bodies.

Compared to other sports, wushu has less aggression and health risks, and with good coach even minor injuries can be avoided. Also, classes do not require large financial investments and are equally well suited for boys and girls.

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Head of Wushu School Ma Shi Tongbei Ui Oleg Morozov,
head of the Moscow Wushu Club Sergey Nikolaev
invite to classes and seminars on traditional Wushu.

12 best tunbei tricks

Over the course of 24 years of working with Chinese masters, we have identified 12 best tunbei techniques based on the main criterion for studying traditional wushu and martial arts "he li" - efficiency. As one of the masters said, "These are martial arts flowers."

Effective self-defense for women based on the tunbei system.

The self-defense lesson program includes techniques that do not require great physical strength, strikes in the most dangerous zones for a person, important principles and methods of using the enemy's force, as well as the study of advanced strike techniques. This seminar will be useful not only for women, but for all those who care about their safety.

Fundamentals and basic techniques of the styles included in Tongbei: Baji, Pigua, Fanzi, Chojiao.

Understanding the relationship of these Wushu styles, good workout basic technique, will help you not only to study well and effectively use this system, but also to create your own unique self-defense technique based on it.

Fencing at a short distance (sword dao, jian) and long distance (spear qiang).

For 20 years of experience of working with Chinese masters, a whole system of training and application of the main technique of spear fencing, "la na zha", has been developed. Also, the technique of movement, maneuvering, interaction of spear techniques and body work is analyzed in detail.

Fencing with the use of the two-handed sword miao dao and the bian gan stick.

The workshop program includes 16 Miao Dao sword techniques based on famous technology compiled by the patriarchs of traditional wushu Ma Feng Tu and Guo Chang Sheng - miao dao against the spear, as well as the biangang technique wu ying qi shou, shi san fa.

Wellness system tongbei da jia zi.

Movements in Tongbei Da Jia Zi are performed in a slow rhythm with small accelerations, naturally and freely, with concentration on the inner state and even breathing. Special attention the movements focus on the coordination of feet and hands, knees and elbows, hips and shoulders, as well as the interaction of breathing and the flow of internal energy.

Wellness Tunbei system da jia tzu includes over 100 techniques. This video demonstrates the basic techniques of this system. This video can be used as a tutorial.

Self-control, excellent physical form and the ability to stand up for oneself - this is what martial arts give to everyone who studies them. And, of course, it is better to start from childhood, so that martial arts for a child become a familiar part of life.

On sites sports clubs you can often see advertisements where training in any type of martial arts begins at the age of 4. In fact, it should be understood as follows: from the indicated age, plus the next 1-2 years, children will mainly engage in health-improving gymnastics (jumping, stretching, somersaults, etc.). Later, the practice of "correct" falls will be added. More serious things related to the technique of martial arts are studied later: initial training- usually at 10–12 years old, and training sessions - at 12–14 years old.

The benefits of exercising in sports sections for children

Before registering a child with a particular coach, parents should make inquiries: find out whether he works in the education system, whether he has the necessary licenses, whether he belongs to any federation (then this organization will be responsible for the coach's actions), ask sporting success disciples of the master, the opinion of children and parents. And only after that, record your child in sports section.

A professional coach in the sports section for children will never make the guys fight for real. Hard punches and grabs are not practiced in training - instead, the guys learn to simulate a real attack, stopping a potential blow an inch from pain point enemy, as well as to evade the attack in time.

Eastern martial arts are designed to develop in a person not only strength and dexterity, but also the spiritual principle. For children, it is primarily about self-control and discipline. She is iron in training. The guys are forbidden to talk to each other, rush around the hall and interrupt the coach. By the way, it was noticed: 5-6-year-old children find it easier to learn to observe sports rules than 7–8-year-olds, since junior schoolchildren have already developed certain behavioral stereotypes, which are very difficult to change.

Doctor's advice
The age norms for starting practicing martial arts are approximate. Some children are ahead of their peers in physical development for 2-3 years. They can start playing sports earlier. A coach and sports doctor will help parents decide when to start training.

Gradually, to the general physical training, the training of the movements of the selected martial arts (for example, kats in karate) is added to the classes. All martial art techniques for a child are built on these exercises. It is important that the child memorizes the techniques at the muscle level, so numerous repetitions cannot be avoided. Practicing punches on "paws" (special soft training devices), in front of a mirror image, the child polishes the technique of martial arts, develops the main fighting qualities: speed, strength, flexibility.

Now we should consider the specific features of popular oriental martial arts, since the choice of one direction or another should be made not under the influence of romantic ideas, but based on knowledge of their characteristics - naturally, in the context of children's possibilities.

Wushu for children

One of the most ancient systems of physical and spiritual development originated in China over two thousand years ago. In this country, wushu to this day is not just a form of martial art, but a system of human education. Wushu exercises performed at a leisurely pace resemble wellness gymnastics however, each form of wushu has martial uses. Children can start classes from the age of 5, but it is better - at the age of 7-8.

Separate sets of wushu exercises for children have a good therapeutic effect in case of joint diseases, curvature of the spine and disorders of the development of the musculoskeletal system. Gymnastics in this type of martial arts gives an even load on all muscle groups. Wushu classes for children are good for girls. And wushu for children is the best suited for slow children who, before deciding to do something, think for a long time.

Wushu for children is the only kind of martial arts that has no contraindications... The same exercises individually affect everyone, being at the same time methods physical training and improvement of the body.

It is a fact
Classes in martial arts are contraindicated for all acute and chronic diseases in the acute stage, mental retardation, epilepsy, head injuries and spinal cord and their consequences, vascular diseases of the brain and spinal cord and their consequences, rheumatic diseases, systemic diseases of the connective tissue, diseases of the blood and hematopoietic organs, diseases of the optic nerve, disorders of the motor apparatus of the eyes.

Aikido for children

Aikido for children is another type of martial arts recommended for girls. This is a defense technique that is based on intercepting the attacker's arms. The trajectories of movement of the "soldier" himself are smooth and in shape resemble the description of circles. There are many advantages in aikido for children: the warm-up includes elements of self-massage and staging correct breathing... Subsequently, the child learns to "calculate the moves", ie predict the actions of the enemy. Main result Aikido practice for children is a high degree of coordination: mobile, flexible movements, free from muscle tightness.

Judo for children

In judo for children, any blows to the head and torso of the opponent are completely absent. The basic principle of judo is the ability to use the body's weight and strength of the opponent against himself. In this sense, judo resembles aikido. The difference is that in judo for children, less is involved physical strength the person himself and more "grips" by the clothes, and not by the hands, so that the "enemy" loses balance. Judo allows you to train willpower, endurance and calmness. Aggression here is completely supplanted by the spirit of rivalry, martial arts, the desire for a sporting duel.

Judo should not be practiced by children with pathology cervical spine, developmental anomalies, diseases of the joints, heart, kidneys, eyes.

Karate for children

This is a Japanese unarmed martial art. Literally translated, karate means "empty hand". There are many styles of karate - shotokan, goju-ryu, kyokushinkai, etc. Some of them focus on stretching, others on spins and throws, etc. The main thing is to understand what the emphasis is on in this section - on the contact or contactless fight in perspective. The non-contact style of karate for children is most optimal for girls, since it reduces the risk of injury, and is useful in general for children in that it develops attention, speed and accuracy of reaction. Further contactless karate for children will be an ideal base for strengthening self-defense skills.

Karate lessons develop quick and accurate reaction, dexterity and endurance, attention. The technique involves the work of a large number of muscles, which creates excellent conditions for general training, develops coordination and dexterity, allows you to maintain good sports uniform... In karate lessons for children, the child learns to interact with other children, control his emotions, and be prepared for difficult situations.

But not everyone can practice karate. In this sport, there are many sudden movements, turns, jumps - this is contraindicated in any form of scoliosis, eye diseases, arthritis and dysplastic syndrome.

Jiu-jitsu for children

The history of "soft art" (and this is how this name is translated from Japanese) is rooted in antiquity. In the style of jiu-jitsu, you can see the techniques of judo, aikido, karate. It is not surprising, because all these martial arts originated from jiu-jitsu. It is based on a combination of striking and throwing techniques with a forceful effect on the joints. The purpose of the technique is to unbalance the offender, stop, and then apply a painful or suffocating technique. Naturally, in jujitsu classes for children, preschoolers and junior schoolchildren practice techniques with the help of non-contact jiu-jitsu.

Jiu-jitsu for children is especially recommended for children with increased aggressiveness. Such classes teach not only the basics of self-defense, they help to control the internal state, fight weakness, impatience and anger. Many parents bring their children to Jiu-Jitsu not for the sake of sports, but for education. In addition, this type of single combat teaches self-control, discipline, and self-esteem.

However, jujitsu for children is contraindicated for any diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system.

Taekwondo for children

The peculiarity of this sport is the unique kick technique. By its principles, this is a defensive technique based primarily on speed, not on human strength. Taekwondo for children is suitable both for hyperactive fidgets, from whom parents and educators moan, and for timid quiet people who are afraid of even a hint of conflict and are therefore always offended. For the first taekwondo for children, it is a great way to throw out energy, learn sympathy for the weaker, and strengthen leadership qualities. For the second, this type of martial arts will serve as a source of self-confidence. A coach will help a shy toddler overcome their fears, build up their fortitude, and learn how to fight back when needed.

However, taekwondo for children cannot be practiced in case of diseases. of cardio-vascular system, kidneys, musculoskeletal system.

By by and large, almost every child, even the weakest and most non-aggressive, can find a suitable martial art. Ahead is the school, where it is very important to feel confident among peers. When a child knows that he can stand up for himself, then he lives in peace with himself, and this is already the foundation of health in a broad sense.

I am 26. I am physically poorly prepared, I have never been involved in such martial arts before. Once, once, I tried to do this kind of martial arts ( hand-to-hand combat). I came to the section, there for a long time without talking (because there was no time for conversations - there were a lot of people), they put me in sparring with ...

quite an experienced partner who mistook me for a pear and "marked" me in full. On this coaching ended. I realized that it was more like a coaching club for the improvement of already trained athletes. I had to start from scratch. Therefore, on the recommendation of experienced people, I turned to Marshall with a request to take up my training in martial arts. Here, I met a complete understanding of how to build classes with beginners like me. The main attention was paid to the issue of technique and techniques used in martial arts. Most importantly, he took into account my peculiarity - a weak physical fitness and other individual characteristics, patiently clarifying and correcting my mistakes. From the very first lessons, I learned a lot about the technique of defense and striking. This instilled in me confidence in my abilities and I believed in myself, which was not there before. For all this I am very grateful to him and I consider him a very good, thoughtful coach, able to teach martial arts to any beginner (even such as - I am a "nerd" :-))

Grade 5+

Andrey, M. Dynamo, Maryina Roshcha, Timiryazevskaya

Order services: Hand-to-hand combat.


The impressions from working with the trainer are extremely positive. I have been practicing with him at the "Moscow Kodokan" martial arts center for over a month now and I am almost satisfied with everything. Roman Viktorovich is extremely pedantic about the formulation of technology and devotes a lot of time to beginners, working out all aspects of ...

the slightest detail. He starts from the very beginning and does not let you go to the next "step" until you have completed everything. basic exercises perfectly. On the one hand, such an approach may seem overly pedantic and even knock down arrogance from an ambitious beginner, but you very quickly understand that this is how you can understand the fundamental foundations of the studied single combat, and not just learn how to fight well. The small size of the group is also encouraging, which, in fact, allows the coach to pay enough attention to everyone. Of the shortcomings, I can only note the specifics of the hall, originally intended for karate training, and not boxing. There is only one punching bag, but you have to practice barefoot on the tatami. However, the absence of pears is successfully compensated by the abundance of pair work and physical exercise and it is easy to get used to the tatami.

Grade 5-

novel, m. Chistye Prudy

Ordering services: Boxing.


I really like the training program that Alexey offers. She and her son are engaged in general physical training with elements of martial arts, Alexei teaches him to do push-ups, pull himself up and even taught him to jump on a rope, the child did not know how to do this before, also great attention is given to self-defense and techniques from ...

martial arts. The child is small, he is a first grader, but I think that the knowledge and skills that Alexei gives will be put off by his son and will certainly be useful to him in the future. We are very happy!

Grade 5+
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