Special attacks in hand-to-hand combat. Unarmed Self-Defense Techniques: A Review of Effective Easy Simple Techniques, Prohibited and Combat

In this lesson, we will talk about self-defense without the use of specialized tools, some hand-to-hand combat techniques, methods of attack and defense, and ways to get out of a fight with an attacker with minimal losses. The information is mostly intended for beginners, but for those who already have certain knowledge and skills, it will also be useful.

Below we will look at:

  • Most Effective Hits
  • Basic protection techniques
  • How to free yourself from suffocation and capture
  • Tricks for girls and women
  • Receptions for girls and women

Where possible, we will provide the material with pictures or links to videos.

Features of self-defense on the street

The street is not a gym, and the observance of sports and moral rules is not provided here. Almost always any street fight is a fight without rules. Also on the street there is a surprise factor: a criminal can attack at any time and from anywhere. The stake here is on fear and a state of shock, in which it is difficult to take any adequate action. When walking or going somewhere, you should always keep in mind that an unforeseen extreme situation may arise in which you will have to defend yourself. Of course, you don’t need to be paranoid, but you should always and everywhere. The advantage is that when attacking on the street, the defender has many options for action: from escaping to using a very different arsenal of techniques.

Features of self-defense in a confined space

Attacks in entrances, on landings, in bars, etc. far from uncommon. Protecting yourself in a confined space is more difficult than on the street, because. there is no room for sweeping movements, turns, etc. Here the beats must be different maximum speed, accuracy and efficiency. The distance from the enemy also matters: the closer he is to you, the more likely it is that he can quietly use some kind of weapon. It is necessary to strive to attack as early as possible and stronger in order to quickly retire.

Most Effective Hits

To work out the blows, it is advisable to set aside time and practice with a partner. We will consider not only classical, but also strikes prohibited in sports, based on the impact on pain points person. There are many such points on the body:

The blows described below hit the most vulnerabilities on the body of the attacker:

  • Direct hit. Apply to the nose, jaw, eyes, neck, throat. Able to "knock out" the attacker, knocking him out, and knock him down. Tip for beginners: in order to avoid injury to the hand and knuckles, you should beat not with your fist, but with the base of the palm:

  • Uppercut. It is applied with a fist to the opponent's jaw from the bottom up. Instantly neutralizes the attacker. When striking, it is recommended to slightly turn your fist towards you - this way the blow will be stronger (training is needed to practice the blow, because unprepared knuckles and fingers can be knocked out):

  • A blow to the groin. A sneaky, but trouble-free blow that can seriously harm the offender. You can hit with your knee or foot, as well as with your backhand. For greater efficiency when hitting the opponent's knee, you can take the breasts and pull it towards you. It is better to beat with the feet when it is impossible to reach with the knee:

  • Hit under the kneecap. Painful and effective hit. Apply sideways or straight. If you hit from the side, the enemy can be unbalanced, and if you hit him directly, you can break his bone or joint:

  • Hitting the Sun. Apply to the solar plexus area. You can beat with a fist or the base of the palm, but as sharply as possible. When attacking from behind, it is convenient to beat with the elbow. The blow knocks out the breath and neutralizes the offender (a strong blow deprives consciousness):

  • A blow to the shin. Causes severe sharp pain in the opponent, as well as temporary paralysis of the limb or bone fracture. It is recommended to hit with the inside of the sole. You can hit with a toe only if you are wearing strong shoes with a hard toe or a massive tread:

  • A blow to the ears. Belongs to the category of prohibited. Quickly throws an opponent off balance, stunning them. Can damage eardrums and cause ear bleeding:

  • A blow to the toes or the instep of the foot. It is better to apply with the whole heel. Can cause temporary paralysis of the limb and fracture of the fingers:

Basic protection techniques

Self-defense techniques are very diverse, and defense techniques occupy a separate place among them. Considering that the course information is more intended for beginners, we will describe just a couple of them:

  • Block. Universal element of protection against blows by hands. To perform the simplest block with your hands, you can intercept the opponent’s hands, knock them to the side, or simply cover your face with your forearms:

  • Brush grip. Used to protect against punches. When performing, you need to capture exactly the hand with which the opponent beats:

Defense elements are always more complex than attack elements. For professional mastery, you need to contact sports section or a school in some kind of martial art (we will look at martial arts in the next lesson). Successful defense requires fast reaction and .

However, for protection, you can use not only blocks and grips of the brush, but also special techniques. In most situations they show greater efficiency, because their execution does not require well-established movements and such skill as for blocks and grips. We continue our self-defense lessons.

How to free yourself from suffocation or capture

Self-defense techniques are a good opportunity to free yourself from captures and suffocations. One of effective ways consists in the following: if the criminal grabbed you by the throat with one hand, you need to hit him in the face to loosen his grip. Then you should lean on the opponent’s arm with your forearm or shoulder from top to bottom with all your body weight.

In the case when they grabbed your hand, you need to turn it to the side thumb opponent, then transfer the center of gravity through the front leg to the captured arm and hang on it. The unloaded leg can be used to strike the offender in the thigh or groin. In addition, it is useful to use the energy of a turn to hit the offender in the face with a backhand.

What to do if clothes are grabbed

If the offender grabs you by the clothes, you need to put your feet slightly wider than your shoulders for greater stability, put your palm on the attacker's arm and press it as hard as possible. Then you should hit him in the shin to divert attention. After that, without letting go of the scoundrel's hand, you need to turn around to face him and, raising your other hand, free yourself from the grip.

It is important not to spin in the direction of the opponent, otherwise he will be able to easily hit you with his free hand, but to spin in the other direction to make it harder to reach you. If the kick went past the shin, you need to take a step back and hit the enemy again, but not with your foot, but with your hand - in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lower ribs. You need to hit with all your might in order to influence for sure.

What to do if grabbed by the neck

Let's say the criminal grabbed your neck with both hands. You need to raise your hands to confuse him - he will think that you are giving up. Then you need to hold his hands, step back slightly and turn around, while removing the attacker's hands from his neck. After that, it is important to quickly turn to face the enemy and sharply hit him in the nose or throat with one hand, and with the other - in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lower ribs.

You should not kick the scoundrel in the groin when grabbing the neck, because. men instinctively protect it, and the attacker can simply squeeze the hips, thereby stopping your leg. Also remember that your neck is only under the control of two thumbs criminal, and if you manage to grab at least one of them, you can easily unscrew him.

What if they try to push

If the attacker wants to push you, it's best to simply shrug it off: raise your arms and keep them at shoulder level with your opponent, then step to the side and slam one hand down the opponent's arms, as if you were brushing off mosquitoes. After that, you can hit the offender with the base of the palm of the other hand in the nose.

Never step back or you may fall on your back. In addition, by stepping back, you give the criminal space to continue the attack. And shifting to the side will change the trajectory of the attacker's movements, which will give you some time.

While doing this, keep your arms relaxed and do not spread them wide. When you are pushed with your right hand, fight back with your left, and vice versa. When pushing with both hands, fight back with your left (if you are right-handed) so that you can strike with your right (for left-handers, the sequence is reversed).

What to do if they want to punch

If you have fixed that the opponent is going to perform a blow in a straight line, take a step to the side, knock off the blow that has begun with one hand, and with the other hit the attacker in the nose.

If you understand that the blow will be from the side, you can either duck or block with the hand that is being struck. After parrying the attack, use the opposite hand to strike back at the offender - direct or side.

Keep in mind that if the attacker manages to knock you down, you will be in a vulnerable position - you can just be pinned down from above and start beating, etc. It is very difficult to get out of this situation. And if you lie on your stomach, then the chances of repelling attacks and getting back on your feet are reduced to zero.

Tip: if you are lying on your back and the enemy sat on top of you, in any way try to free at least one hand in order to poke your fingers into the eyes of the offender with all your might or hit him with the edge of your palm in the neck or nose.

What to do if grabbed from behind by the body

Self-defense techniques give a person many advantages. If you were taken into a “bear” grip (grabbed with both hands behind the body), you will only have your hands at your disposal. Try to find the attacker's little finger and pull it sharply in the direction of the wrist - believe me: it will be very unpleasant for him.

You can do otherwise: sit down, slightly shifting the pelvis, try to get your hands to the attacker’s inner thigh and squeeze with all your might soft tissues or scrotum. The pain will cause the attacker to loosen his grip, and you can free yourself.

By the way, when grabbing the neck from behind (not with your hands, but with your forearm), you don’t need to waste time trying to hit in the groin. It is much more effective to press the chin to the chest and sharply hit the back of the head in the opponent's face. Even if he is taller than you, you have a chance to damage his jaw.

What to do if grabbed from behind by the neck

If you are grabbed by the neck, there is no need to panic, because. if you wanted to kill, you would not be able to think. You have to grab it with both hands upper hand attacker and bring your chin to his elbow to make it easier to breathe. Then you should sit down, continue to hold the offender's hand with one hand, and squeeze the inner surface of his thigh with all your might.

As soon as you feel that the grip is weakening, quickly free yourself, turn around and hit the attacker sharply in the nose or throat. The enemy will be disoriented, and you will have time to escape or continue the attack.

What to do if they grab the elbow

When you are grabbed by the elbow, turn to face the opponent and accept stable position. Then, with your free hand, press the attacker's hand to yourself with maximum force, and lift the other hand a little up and make it Roundabout Circulation around the attacker's forearm. This will allow you to free yourself from the grip.

What to do if attacked with a knife

If the criminal put a knife to your neck, you can only resist if you are sure that there is no other option and to protect yourself from the knife. Then wrap your hands around the attacker's hand, firmly fix it, sit down, tilt the body forward and point the blade towards the attacker.

If the attacker is at a distance from you, it is best to move away from him by increasing the distance and amplitude of the movement of the weapon. You can also use special brush grips, but this is much more dangerous, and only trained people can perform them. But remember the trick: the longer the knife, the easier it is to knock it out - with your foot or with some object, so short and small knives are more dangerous.

For a more visual representation of the techniques discussed above (as well as some others), we suggest you watch some useful training videos:

Now we are moving on to the second big part of the lesson - self-defense for the fair sex.

Safety rules for girls and women

It is wrong to believe that criminals only attack frivolous girls walking around in the middle of the night in miniskirts. The results of studies conducted by the UN have shown that around the world, every third girl becomes a victim of street violence. Statistics is a stubborn thing, and therefore we recommend that ladies first familiarize themselves with the safety rules for girls and women:

  • If you notice that someone is following you, change your route several times to confuse the perpetrator. You should not allow persecution to the house, especially if you have to pass through a deserted courtyard or if there is no one at home. In such a situation, it is best to call someone close or friends and ask to be met.
  • When returning home at night, prepare the keys to the entrance in advance so as not to stand in front of the door, looking for them in your purse. The same goes for car keys.
  • Try not to go into the entrance with someone you don't know. It is better to quickly enter and immediately close the door behind you. A person going to visit someone will call the intercom without any problems to open the door for him.
  • Try to walk mainly on crowded and lit streets.
  • If suddenly there are signs of breaking on the door to the apartment, you should not go inside. It is likely that someone is in the apartment, and it is better to immediately call the police and call for help.
  • When you go to work or school and return home, from time to time pay attention to places where, if necessary, you can be helped. Such places include private homes, convenience stores, offices, etc.
  • Who is forewarned is forearmed. Just in case, get yourself a shocker or gas cartridge and put it in your purse.
  • If suddenly, while you are waiting for the elevator, an unfamiliar man appeared at the entrance, it is better to let him into the elevator, and wait for him to go up to the desired floor. It is not recommended to ride in elevators with strangers.
  • If you spent the evening at a party or just visiting someone, if you are wearing a bright and provocative outfit, in case there is no one to take you home, be sure to call a taxi.
  • Always and everywhere remain vigilant so that in case of a potential threat, in time to pay attention to it.

In addition to the safety rules, there are a few more tricks for girls that are very easy to use. True, they already relate to situations when the attack occurred.

Tricks for girls and women

  • If you are attacked, you need to buy time. To do this, no matter how strange it may sound, you can offer the attacker to go to a more suitable place where he can accomplish his plan. You can also offer something to drink "for courage" or a snack. Sometimes it is effective to talk about your poor health, pregnancy, menstruation, venereal disease or some other dangerous and contagious disease.
  • If an attack on you is carried out in a deserted place or a confined space, and the attacker is armed and is determined to carry out his plan, you cannot offend him and make him nervous. Of the two evils, choose the lesser. The main thing is to stay alive.
  • An effective trick is to pretend to faint or have a heart attack, an epileptic seizure or an attack of vomiting. If you become a "vegetable" for a while, the criminal will most likely lose interest in you. If not, you will have an advantage - at a moment unexpected for the villain, you can strike him in the groin or jaw, cling to his eyes with your nails, or start scratching your face with all your might.
  • If the attack occurs in the entrance or courtyard of your house, start calling someone you know by name. You can shout anything: “Vasya, help!”, “Sveta, we are on fire!”, “Sasha, they are killing! Help!”, “Vitya, save! Robbery!” etc. It is highly likely that one of your friends or neighbors will pay attention to your cries and take the necessary measures.
  • Rapists most often think that by frightening the victim, they will plunge her into shock and stupor. But a different scenario can disrupt all their plans. If you have enough determination, start attacking the aggressor as fiercely as possible so that he himself feels like a victim. But here you should be careful: if the maniac has a weapon or looks like a hardened criminal, such tactics can provoke him to more decisive actions.

When tricks do not work, and preventive measures do not work and there is no one to wait for help, it is time to use self-defense techniques.

Receptions for girls and women

If it is necessary to engage in a fight, you need to attack the offender in such a way as to neutralize him for sure. Otherwise, you can only anger the attacker and provoke him to attack without regard to belonging to the weaker sex. Here are self-defense techniques that work almost flawlessly:

  • A blow to the groin or a seizure of the scrotum. Very painful and effective. It must be performed as strongly and quickly as possible so as not to enrage the attacker. To hit hard, you need to fold your palm with a “boat” and hit with the side surface of your fist from the side of your thumb (approximately like they hit with a knife from the bottom up).

When the enemy is behind your back and holds you by the hair or throat, you need to hit the groin in a backhand direction down and back with the base of the fist, or with the edge and the base of the palm. If the opponent is much taller than you, you can strike with your elbow. You can also kick in the groin - as we described in the first block of the lesson.

You can also “play along” with the rapist: pretend that you don’t mind granting his “request” and enjoy it yourself. When he loses vigilance and exposes his “device”, squeeze his scrotum with all his strength, pull it towards you or twist it to the side.

  • A poke in the chest cavity. To perform the technique, place all fingers together as if you were taking a pinch of salt with them, and then poke them as hard as possible into the opponent's chest cavity. The blow is applied at an angle of 45 ° either from the bottom up or from the top down, based on the growth of the attacker. If everything is done correctly, the villain will cough, his eyes will begin to water. Swipe causes fainting. By the way, you can beat not only in the chest cavity, but also in the throat and any part of the face (preferably in the eyes).
  • A blow to the nose or upper lip. It is applied with the edge of the palm from the side of the little finger. To disguise an attack, you need to fold your hands in front of your chest, palm to palm in a "begging" gesture. Ask the criminal for mercy to embarrass him. At the right moment, slightly pull your right palm (if you are right-handed) towards you and sharply hit the attacker on the upper lip (under the nose) or on the nose.
  • Ear blow. Disguised in the same way as the previous one. At the time of the attack, the hands are sharply, but not strongly spread apart, after which a blow is made to the ears of the attacker. A strong blow causes rupture of the eardrums, pain shock and ear bleeding. Having stunned the rapist, you can continue the attack: grab him by the ears and start twisting his head sideways and down in a helical movement.
  • Leg kick. There are two variations of the kick. Both are performed at a distance close to the attacker. First, if you're wearing heels, pull your toe slightly towards you, lift your leg, and drop your heel sharply onto the instep or toes of the attacker. Second: put one foot back a little, and then sharply kick the toe into the shin of the criminal.
  • Eye gouging. The thumbs of the hands must be stuck with force into the eyes of the villain, and with the rest of the fingers, grab on both sides into the corners of his mandible to create pressure. You need to press with your thumbs until the offender loosens his grip and steps back. If there is a wall behind the attacker, at the moment when he is disoriented, you can hit him with the back of the head against it.
  • Female strike. At a moment unexpected for the criminal, you need to slightly press the leading (or free) hand to yourself, and then bitingly hit the attacker in the face with the edge of the palm or knuckles, as if you are whipping him in the face with a glove. Remember that at the beginning of the strike, the elbow is brought forward, and then the forearm and hand are “thrown out”.

It is very important not to turn your back to the enemy lying on the floor or covering his face with his hands, because. this mistake can cost a life. If you managed to buy time, you need to leave the scene of the incident as soon as possible, finish off the enemy (remember the limits of the necessary defense), call for help or call the police.

But there is another scenario: attackers can attack when a guy walks with a girl. In general, according to the laws of the street, this cannot be done, because. this is "not in a kid's way", but still such cases are far from uncommon. In most situations, the man comes into conflict, and the lady just looks, gasps and sighs, sympathetically pressing her hands to her chest. Shyness, fear, shock - all this is understandable, but you can’t stand still, and your companion needs help.

How can you help a companion in a street brawl

There are several options here. Firstly, you can start screaming with all your might and call for help, attract attention, etc. But it can work when the attacking amateurs themselves are tense and afraid of unnecessary witnesses. If experienced criminals are attacking, it is better not to go on the rampage and use cunning at the right moment.

Secondly, if the offender put, for example, a knife to the throat of your missus or friend, you can play on surprise and stun the attacker with a blow to the head from behind. As a rule, the attention of the villain is riveted to the victim, and he forgets about the woman who is nearby. At this point, you just need to quietly sneak up behind and hit the villain on the back of the head, which is urine.

Thirdly, if a fight broke out, the offenders will most likely forget about you, and an attack from a woman is a phenomenon that does not fit into the standard bandit scenario. You can throw a strap from your bag around the neck of one of the attackers and start strangling him, hit him with a bag or some improvised object in your field of vision, get a pepper spray or even hairspray from your purse and direct the jet at the attackers.

Of course, all self-defense techniques need to be worked out. You can practice with a friend or other half in their performance. By repeating each technique 10-20 times, you will already know approximately what to do in an emergency situation.

And in addition, a little self-defense video for beautiful ladies:

  • Rape protection for girls

    Canadian self-defense specialist Richard Dimitri, who has studied the factors affecting the outcome of a street fight, says that 60% of self-defense success depends on how prepared a person is for a critical situation psychologically. 25% depend on emotions and only 15% depend on physical training and ability to defend. That is why one must always keep in mind that everywhere there is a potential threat of attack.

    Naturally, and physical strength no one has canceled yet. Based on this, it is advisable to lead, engage in at least some kind of sport and pay attention to the development of your body. If you are seriously interested in the topic of self-defense, you can enroll in combat section where you will learn how to effectively defend and attack.

    And we will talk about which sport to choose in the final lesson of our course. We will cover the basics of two popular and powerful martial arts, Krav Maga and Sambo, as well as introduce you to many other martial arts that you can look into.

    Do you want to test your knowledge?

    If you want to test your theoretical knowledge on the topic of the course and understand how it suits you, you can take our test. Only 1 option can be correct for each question. After you select one of the options, the system automatically moves on to the next question.

Basic hand-to-hand combat

You can independently master some hand-to-hand combat techniques that are designed for self-defense. The set of exercises consists of two parts, each is designed for eight accounts. Each part can be done separately.

Part one

1. Take a step back with your right foot, take a fighting stance and perform a defensive block with your left hand.

2. Take a step forward with your right foot and deliver a straight blow with your right hand.

3. With your left foot, perform a side kick and take a frontal stance.

4. Turning to the right, with a step with your left foot, make a stand with your left hand.

➣ Classes are best done outdoors or in a ventilated area. If you feel that you are physically tired, it is best to postpone the workout. Caution should be exercised even after an illness.

5. Taking a step forward with the right foot, inflict a chopping blow with the edge of the right palm on the neck or collarbone of an imaginary opponent.

6. Sharply lean forward and strike with the foot of the left foot back at the attacking opponent.

7. Lunge with your right foot to the side and strike with an edge right hand backhand.

8. With a turn to the left, perform a lower external blow, repelling the enemy with your foot, strike with your right foot in the groin area, take a combat, and then a combat stance.

Hand-to-hand combat techniques. Part one

Part two

Starting position: initial stance.

1. Turning to the right, with a step with the left foot, perform an inside block with the left hand.

2. With a step forward with the right foot, strike with the right elbow from the side to the opponent's head.

3. Turn sharply to the left and strike with the back of the fist at the opponent's solar plexus.

4. Continuing to turn to the left, strike with the knee of the right leg in the face of the opponent, who leaned forward, with a turn to the left, take a frontal stance.

5. With a step of the left foot, strike the opponent's body with the left hand.

6. With a step of the right foot, strike with the muscular part of the fist from above on the opponent's head or body.

7. Turning on right leg to the left, deliver a side kick with your left foot, and then take a frontal stance.

8. Take a combat stance.

First you need to learn how to perform each exercise separately to automatism. Then you can collect them in a sequential complex.

Combat training of security service workers Zakharov Oleg Yurievich

Methodology for teaching hand-to-hand combat

When studying each technique, the instructor must give the necessary knowledge about this technique, teach correct technique and develop the strength of the skill in the correct and quick execution of this technique in a real situation.

Training for each technique is carried out in the following sequence:

- familiarization;

- learning;

- workout.

The instructor calls and shows the technique as a whole, as it should be performed in a real combat situation. Explaining the execution technique, shows the blow in slow motion, explaining the position of the arms, legs, torso, indicates the direction of efforts and the coordination of actions of all parts of the body, the final position after the execution of the technique. Indicates typical mistakes when performing a technique or action, how to avoid them, what to pay special attention to when performing a technique.

The display of the technique should cause the trainees to feel admiration for its performance, confidence in its effectiveness and a desire to perform the technique in the same way as it was performed by the instructor.

The learning of strikes must be carried out with particular care, correcting all the mistakes along the way, it is necessary that the trainees analyze them after each performed technique or action and consolidate the successful ones. If the reception is basically studied and performed without gross errors, you can start training. During training, the ability to perform the technique quickly, accurately and in various situations is developed. As a result of repeated repetition, a reception or action is performed easily and confidently, automatically. Automaticity in the application of special techniques has great importance in hand-to-hand combat, where you need to quickly assess the situation and immediately carry out the necessary reception.

Improving special hand-to-hand combat techniques is a long process. It requires a constant and gradual complication of the conditions in which certain methods and actions are applied. This complication is created not only by the orientation training sessions in hand-to-hand combat, but also by practicing techniques in combination with other sections of combat training, in field conditions, as close as possible to the working conditions of security service employees.

The main form of education is a training session.

In the preparatory part of the lesson, a general and special warm-up is carried out, which includes general developmental exercises on the spot and in motion, exercises to develop flexibility and mobility in the joints, strengthening the shock parts of the arms and legs (stuffing), coordination of movements and balance.

In all classes, it is necessary to include acrobatic elements in the preparatory part: somersaults on the floor with a soft surface to the maximum fast pace, running jumps over various obstacles.

As you study the techniques of hand-to-hand combat, the preparatory part of the lesson should acquire a more special focus. It is necessary to include the execution of strikes on projectiles, on the spot and on the move, running from one impact projectile to another. Striking after acrobatic exercises. The preparatory part must be carried out with great density, emotionally, with an increase in pace.

In the main part of the lesson:

- the technique of performing techniques is studied;

- training of special techniques is carried out;

- exercises are performed to increase the level of general physical fitness.

In the final part:

- special breathing exercises are performed;

- exercises for relaxation and muscle tension are performed;

- easy running and walking.

An instructor conducting classes in special hand-to-hand combat techniques must be proficient in teaching methods, have practical skills, be able to technically correctly perform techniques, think over the course of classes, their organization and material support, draw up a plan-outline of a training session.

A rationally constructed system of training in hand-to-hand combat, along with the use of the principles and methods of training widely used in various sports, requires the mandatory use of some methods and means specific to this type of combat training. These include, in particular:

- a high degree of programming classes. Most of the time of the lesson, students work in a single formation, synchronously practicing the same movements, techniques, ligaments in rhythms set by the instructor. It is this circumstance that makes it possible to provide optimal density and physical activity at each lesson in relation to any contingent of those involved;

- big role breathing exercises. Their regular implementation during training under the direct supervision of an instructor:

a) allows you to relieve fatigue;

b) mobilizes for a more perfect holding of the technique, ligaments, fights;

c) prepares some parts of the body to more steadfastly accept possible blows;

- the use of exercises in the process of training aimed at increasing the resistance of certain parts of the body, especially the forearms, lower legs, abdominals, hips, mechanical impacts from inflicted blows;

- the use of special protective equipment to protect the forearms, shins, perineum, head and torso from blows during contact fights. Such equipment allows, on the one hand, to reduce the possibility of injuries to a minimum, and on the other hand, frees the trainees from the fear of injuries and pain from the blows received, allowing them to more fully concentrate on practicing accurate and strong defenses at a close combat distance - the most effective, but also the most dangerous in a real situation;

- the use of special means of moral and psychological preparation of those involved for the entire training, for the implementation of individual techniques and combinations, for a decisive fight. One of these means is the use of methods of psychoregulatory or autogenic training at the beginning of a lesson, before practicing a technique, before a fight to develop or strengthen an appropriate psychological attitude and even physical condition.

The most rational is the following sequence of studying and practicing techniques and their combinations:

- “in the air” (i.e., in an imaginary enemy);

- “into the projectile” (i.e., into any training device or into special “paws” put on the partner’s hands);

- “into a partner” (on the spot and on the move into a partner dressed in protective ammunition);

- repeatedly “into the air”, but with a feeling of real resistance of the material of the projectile or the partner’s protective equipment.

The study and development of techniques can also be carried out in various tempo-power modes, the most important of which are the following:

- "on the form" - slowly, smoothly, with minimal muscle effort;

- "for strength" - slowly, smoothly, with increasing muscle effort, as if doing the exercises of isometric gymnastics;

- "at speed" - quickly, smoothly;

- in the "combat" mode - with maximum speed and concentration of muscle efforts, especially at the end of the movement at the moment of contact with the target.

Sheaves should be considered and practiced as complex compound techniques, taking into account the above recommendations. When working out the connections, in addition, it is necessary to introduce one more tempo-power mode - “fused”, in which the techniques that make up the bunch, after they are learned and performed separately, are performed as one technique. Of course, in this way you can work out a bunch in all four of the above modes.

As the student masters the link, he moves on to studying and practicing a new link, while the learned link at the beginning of the main part of the lesson is repeated “in the air” or “into the projectile” in the “combat” mode with a small (no more than five) number of repetitions. As a result of such repeated repetition, the studied ligaments are firmly deposited in the "muscle memory", from where they can be instantly retrieved at the appropriate moment in a training fight or real hand-to-hand combat.

Each training session should be planned and carried out in such a way that, on the one hand, it ensures the development of typical skills for performing defensive and counterattacking actions with a given (and already practiced) set of techniques, and, on the other hand, teaches them to adapt these skills to the actions of the enemy in the face of a specific partner, alternately playing the role of an attacker and a defender.

A characteristic feature of the proposed methodology for teaching hand-to-hand combat is also the fact that throws, painful and suffocating techniques are considered and studied as a continuation of a separate set of combinations that begin with a blow or defense with obligatory fulfillment following a throw or painful hold of the final (“finishing”) blow with a hand or foot.

The third stage of training - practicing the technique - begins in the strict sense of the word from the moment when the technique as a whole is correctly performed in the “on form” mode and the instructor begins to increase the speed and strength of its execution.

From time to time it is useful to hold small competitions for the best performance of a technique or combination in the "battle" mode. For example, part of the students (2-4-6 people) line up in one line and, at the instructor's command, begin to perform a reception on the spot, or moving a given number of steps forward or backward, with the maximum speed and strength for each participant, but without losing the correct form of reception and rack.

The development of techniques and combinations in the above and some other options allows you to master them to such an extent that they can be practically applied in any situation of necessary defense or a forced attack.

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In this article we will tell you how to learn to fight, because in modern conditions such a skill will come in handy. not only for a man, but also for a fragile girl who may find themselves in a difficult situation.

Each of us at least once in a lifetime had to deal with bouts of open aggression from another person. Even if you are a non-conflict person, remember that everyone can become a victim of the inappropriate behavior of others. Very often, teenagers who, according to the attacker, are not able to defend themselves on their own, fall into such situations. In this regard, every boy, perhaps, wondered: "How to learn to fight?".

Of course, for this you should have the appropriate physical training and mental attitude. We are not saying that you need to get into a fight in response to any remark of the offender. Vice versa, strength of character appears in cases where you can resolve the conflict peacefully and not start a fight at all. However, it is still better to be able to protect yourself and your loved ones in any situation.
Before you master the necessary techniques, realize that it is simply impossible to learn how to fight in one day, tune in to regular workouts and periodic physical exercise, be prepared for possible bruises and abrasions.

The main assistants in mastering self-defense skills are endurance, strength and speed of reaction. After all, learning to fight is half the battle, it is also important to quickly and correctly move away from blows. To master this skill, you will need a potential opponent, so it is best to turn to a professional in this case. In the hall you will be taught not only to fight like a ninja or like a special forces, but they will also tell you in detail what pain points are present on the enemy’s body, what methods psychological impact the most efficient, etc. Agree, having such an advantage, you will be able to fight much better and hit your opponent much faster, while avoiding serious consequences, both for yourself and for him.

It so happens that there is simply no opportunity to work with a coach. However, don't despair learn how to fight on your own. We will talk about the basic skills in this subsection, as well as demonstrate several visual exercises.

Agree, any of us can meet on the street with a person who, to put it mildly, will be unfriendly. Before you start exercising at home, watch some video tutorials below.

And most importantly, remember that the willingness to hit back should be your main assistant.

You can be saved not by technique, not by style, and not even by excellent knowledge of wrestling, but by mastery of yourself and your body. Even if you have not yet mastered any technique, memorize the basic techniques of street fighting and apply them where necessary.

  1. Kick your opponent in the groin.
  2. Point your knuckles straight into your opponent's eyes and press hard.
  3. Hit your fist in the Adam's apple.
  4. Use improvised means: keys, phone, lighter.

Yes, someone will call it " dirty tricks", but sometimes street fight the main thing is to survive or get as few injuries as possible, and sometimes there may be several attackers, so these techniques can be extremely effective.

If it’s still hard for you to learn how to learn how to fight at home, then it’s better to go to the gym to study with one of the trainers in some direction close to you.

How not to be afraid to fight?

Sometimes we face a psychological barrier, because not everyone is ready to hurt another person. Some are afraid to miscalculate the blow and inflict serious injuries. Here it is important not to be afraid, but to start serious work on yourself, to prepare yourself for possible difficulties.

Before you say to yourself: "I'm weak, I don't know how to fight," think about whether you could calmly watch if someone molested your girl, and start training right now. Of course, during sparring you will have to face unpleasant sensations. No manual will tell you how to learn to fight if you are not mentally prepared for it. Do not try to avoid pain, do not be afraid of it, only then can you get rid of fear.

hand-to-hand army fight- this is nothing more than a universal system of skills for applying in practice the methods of attack and defense, which has absorbed all the best from the arsenal of the most famous martial arts in the world. Thanks to his entertainment, he managed to win a huge number of fans not only in our country, but also abroad.


It is believed that hand-to-hand army combat appeared in the Soviet Union in 1979, when sports base, assigned to the 7th Guards Airborne Division, located in Lithuanian Kaunas, the first championship was held with the participation airborne troops. This was the product of many years of cooperation between specialists in the field of sports and physical training of both airborne and other military branches.

A lot of work has been done in this direction: from among the conscripts, athletes-rated athletes and prize-winners of competitions in sambo, judo, wrestling, boxing, etc. were carefully selected. In the end, the joint efforts of fighters and commanders gave an excellent result - a new system was born commonly known as army hand-to-hand combat.

Techniques borrowed from various techniques, represent a harmonious combination of wrestling skills with hands and head. By the way, in the 1970s, they already began to conduct such training for conscript soldiers called up for army service in the Airborne Forces, but it did not go beyond the special physical one. Moreover, any use of hand-to-hand combat techniques for non-official purposes was unlawful and entailed, at best, disciplinary, and at worst, criminal liability. The servicemen were constantly reminded of this by posters placed in parts of the Airborne Forces. At that time, hand-to-hand army combat could only be used during special operations.

Out of the shadows

As mentioned above, in the USSR until the end of the 80s of the last century there was a ban on the teaching and use of karate and other martial arts. After its removal, there was a rapid commercialization of this sports field. In this regard, numerous schools, clubs, sections began to appear one after another, where they taught mainly martial arts east direction.

Until 1994, hand-to-hand combat skills were considered one of the types of military-applied sports. It was cultivated exclusively in military units. Gradually widest set techniques and application capabilities, as well as the highest qualification coaching staff and a fairly tight schedule of competitions began to arouse increased interest from both athletes who have the skills various kinds martial arts, and the younger generation.

Given this interest of a huge number of people, it became possible already in 1995 to create a Russian public organization called the Federation of Army Hand-to-Hand Combat (FABR), which is officially registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. Thus, she received permission to develop this type of martial arts, as well as the right to use its techniques for the purpose of self-defense and training people not related to military service.

Further development

The extraordinary spectacularity of fights, the universal training of fighters, the reliability of protective equipment, as well as understandable refereeing, to a large extent contributed to the popularization among military personnel. Thanks to this, it became possible in 1991 in Leningrad to hold the first army hand-to-hand combat championship, which determined the path for its further development.

Initially, its educational and methodological base was determined by the Military Institute physical education. A new department of hand-to-hand combat was opened here, where classes were held to train future specialists in sports and physical training as for the army Russian Federation, and for different power structures. The Institute trains instructors, judges and coaches, and also develops and develops various hand-to-hand combat manuals and textbooks.

Protective equipment: helmet

As you know, this sport is one of the toughest and most effective categories of martial arts. That is why army hand-to-hand combat competitions require certain protective equipment, which every athlete participating in the tournament must be equipped with.

First of all, the performing fighter must have well-trained neck muscles, since during fights his head is put on a special helmet, to which certain requirements are imposed. One of the main conditions is that the protective grille should not adjoin or in any other way come into contact with the athlete's face. The fact is that several cases were recorded when, during an accented blow directly to the helmet, she literally cut the skin of a fighter, causing profuse bleeding, which could only be stopped with the help of urgent surgical intervention.

When analyzing such incidents, they usually came to the same conclusion: the protective grilles were made without observing any safety requirements and, moreover, in an artisanal way. To prevent such injuries, the grating bars must be fastened together exclusively by argon welding.

The next requirement is that each athlete must have an individual helmet for army hand-to-hand combat. This means that it is adjusted to the structure of the fighter's head in order to avoid the so-called dangling effect at the moment of impact. To do this, special foam pads are installed inside the helmet.

Other equipment

Given the severity of the fights, not only the head of the athlete, but also some other parts of the body also need protection. To prevent serious leg injuries, special pads are used for the shins and knees, and wrestling feet are used to lift the foot and heels. Protection is also used for elbows and forearms.

The hands must be bandaged with boxing bandages, since the leggings themselves cannot guarantee the safety of the bones of the hands in contact with a metal helmet. In addition, the fighter's equipment includes a protective vest called a protector and a groin shell. All of the above uniforms, except for a metal helmet and gloves, are worn under a kimono.

Basic rules of army hand-to-hand combat

● All fighters are necessarily divided into up to 18 years, and then - depending on the Regulations on the competition. There is also a division into weight categories: athletes up to 60 kg and over 90 kg in 5 kg increments. But it happens that at local tournaments for adults, they first agree on only two - up to and over 75 kg.

● Fights of athletes are held on a tatami (square carpet) with a size of at least 14x14 m. In this case, the fight itself takes place inside the designated space above. Its size is either 8x8 or 10x10 m, and the remaining outer zone, at least 3 m wide, ensures the safety of the fighters.

● The fight takes place in one round and lasts differently: for boys and young men - 2 minutes each. clean time, and for men - 3 minutes. As for girls, as well as girls and women, the duration of fights can be reduced based on the results of the pre-tournament meeting and by mutual agreement of the representatives of their teams.

● Each athlete is assigned a second who is responsible for his ammunition during the fights. For example, his duties include fixing special protective pads and a protector, as well as girdling a kimono, bandaging a helmet, and similar actions that the fighter himself is not able to perform in the time allotted for this purpose. When the duel takes place, the second sits on a chair located behind the place of the competitor. However, he cannot communicate with the fighter, giving him advice or any commands. For such a violation, the athlete is first reprimanded, and for repeated failure to comply with this requirement - a warning.

Start of the fight

Athletes are required to appear on the tatami within 1 minute from the moment their names were announced. Immediately before the start of the fight, the correct equipment of the competitors is checked, for which they stand on the edge of the mat for inspection by the judge. He is obliged to carefully check the availability of all necessary protective equipment on each of the athletes: the presence of protectors, helmets, gloves, shells, as well as pads on the shins and feet.

After the end of the inspection, the rivals go outside the tatami, where they are waiting for the command “Fighters to the middle”. When it sounded, the athletes go to the center and stand in specially designated places, after which they greet the spectators, the judge and their opponent with a bow. And, finally, after the appropriate command, the duel itself begins.

Evaluation of fights: tournament

Army hand-to-hand combat, however, like other sports, has its own criteria by which the result of fights is determined. The following technical actions are counted: attacks with legs and arms, painful holds and throws. Only wrestling in the stalls and headbutts are not taken into account.

Estimates for performed technical actions:

● 1 point - punches to the body and kicks to the leg, as well as a fall, ie a throw made without taking the opponent's body off the mat;

● 2 points - kicks to the body and a hand to the head, a throw with a complete separation of the opponent's body from the tatami;

● 3 points - kicks to the head, knockdown and fast amplitude throw;

● a clear victory is a knockout or 2 knockdowns, effective painful reception, disqualification, non-appearance or refusal of the opponent.

Victory in a duel

It may be awarded:

● for a clear advantage, ie when one of the athletes stops resisting or turns his back to his opponent;

● on points, according to the decision of the judges;

● in connection with the disagreement of one of the opponents to continue the fight - the reason for such behavior may be fatigue, injury, etc.;

● submission of the opponent against whom the painful hold was applied;

● non-appearance of one of the athletes for the duel;

● with two knockdowns of one of the opponents during the fight (the fight is stopped in order to avoid unwanted injuries);

● knockout;

● in case of disqualification of one of the athletes. It can be caused by receiving three warnings, and in special cases - inflicting illegal blows on your opponent, after which he is physically unable to continue the fight.

Forbidden tricks

Hand-to-hand army combat has restrictions on the use of certain strikes and other technical actions, such as:

● suffocating grips and painful holds on the neck, hand and spine;

● stomping blows and jumping on a fallen opponent;

● painful holds performed in the stance;

● blows to the neck and groin, to the joints of the arms and legs, to the spine and back of the head, and also to inside hips;

● a grip made on the helmet or its bars.

Sections for the younger generation

As for adult athletes, military hand-to-hand combat for children is taught by experienced professional trainers not only in Moscow, but also in many large cities of Russia. In the sections, classes are held in self-defense, personal safety, special attention is paid to psychological preparation. In addition, children are taught the basic methods of both defense and attack, which include wrestling techniques, kicks and punches, as well as submission techniques.

Reading this article, some may be indignant: why teach children such a tough type of martial arts as army hand-to-hand combat? The section in which the child will be engaged will help him find true friends, gain self-confidence, not be afraid of conflicts with hooligans and act effectively, winning in almost any extreme situation.

Degree of popularity

Now in the country more than 500 thousand citizens are actively practicing army hand-to-hand combat. Russia ranks first in the number of prize-winning fighters in this sport. Due to the fact that the FABR is officially registered with the Ministry of Justice, it has received the legal right to independent development, as well as the spread of this type of martial arts in the regions of the Russian Federation. Therefore, it is successfully developing both in various sports societies and in law enforcement agencies.
