How can physical exercise (in the classroom and independent) affect the development of the physique? Impact of Exercise on Physique Development How Exercise Can Impact.

Purpose: to show a direct connection between bodybuilding and physical fitness.

Anyone who has been to the beach, swimming pool or gym locker room has seen for themselves that people have similar physical characteristics from birth. Some of us are taller or lower, narrower or broader at the shoulders, longer arms or longer legs. People have different levels of endurance, the structure of muscle cells, the ratio between muscle mass and body fat.

One popular method of classifying body types distinguishes between three fundamentally different categories called somatotypes:

- Ectomorphic type characterized by a short torso, long arms and legs, long and narrow feet and palms. Fat deposits are insignificant; narrow chest and shoulders; muscles are usually thin, elongated.

- Mesomorphic type... Wide chest, elongated trunk, dense muscular structure; great muscular strength.

- Endomorphic type. Soft muscles, rounded face, short neck, wide hips; a significant amount of body fat.

Of course, no one person belongs exclusively to one type or another, but rather is a combination of all three types. This classification system has more than 88 subsections, differing in terms of the dominance of each category of physique from 1 to 7. For example, a person with the characteristics of ectomorphism (2), mesomorphism (6) and endomorphism (5) will be an endomesomorph, with a dense muscular physique, but with a tendency to obesity.

While the basics of bodybuilding training apply equally to all body types, people with different physiques often respond very differently to training, and what works for one body type may not necessarily work for another. Physique can be developed with the right training and nutrition, but people with different body types should approach bodybuilding from different starting positions, although their long-term goals may be the same.

Understanding your body type can save you a lot of time and frustration. An ectomorph that trains like an endomorph runs the risk of overwork and developmental delay. An endomorph who considers himself a mesomorph will be able to build muscle mass, but he will constantly have problems getting rid of excess subcutaneous fat. Certain training principles are the same for one and all. But individual training planning and its combination with a diet program can vary greatly depending on the type of physique that was given to you by nature.

For the typical ectomorph, the main goal is to gain weight, preferably in the form of quality muscle mass. Even with the strength and stamina for a marathon run, the ectomorph finds that his muscles develop very slowly and he often has to force himself to eat more than usual in order to gain weight. Therefore, for ectomorphs, I recommend:

1. Include a lot of intense strength training in your program for maximum muscle building. Your program should rely mainly on heavy weights and low reps (6-8 reps after a good warm-up),

2. Learn to train hard so that every streak counts. This way, you can keep your workouts relatively short without sacrificing quality (14 to 16 sets per major body part instead of 16-20 sets). Get adequate rest between sets and give your body enough time to recharge between workouts.

3. Pay close attention to your diet. Consume more calories than you are used to; if necessary, drink protein shakes to replenish the body's energy resources.

4. Remember that you are trying to convert food energy into body weight. Therefore, do not burn a lot of energy by overdoing it with activities such as aerobics, running, swimming, and other active sports. Cardiovascular training is desirable and essential for health, but someone who spends several hours a day on aerobic exercise outside the gym will find it much more difficult to build muscle in training.

A mesomorph can build muscle mass relatively easily, but he definitely needs to draw up a sufficiently varied exercise program so that his muscles develop proportionally and have a beautiful shape, and not just dense and massive. Here's what I recommend for mesomorphs:

1. Emphasize quality, detailed workouts that isolate specific muscle groups along with basic exercises to increase mass and muscle strength. You can easily increase the volume of the muscles, so you can work on their shape and definition from the very beginning.

2. Mesomorphs gain weight so quickly that they don't have to worry about conserving energy or overtraining. A standard workout (16 to 20 series per body part) is fine; you can adjust the rest periods between episodes as you see fit.

3. A balanced diet with lots of protein to maintain calorie levels with a maximum weight deviation from tournament form of no more than 10-15 pounds throughout the year. You shouldn't put on 30-40 pounds and then work hard to get rid of that weight before the competition.

Usually, it is not difficult for an endomorph to build muscle. First of all, he should focus on getting rid of body fat, and then follow a special diet. Therefore, I recommend the following to endomorphs:

1. Increased volume of high-speed training with high repetitions (at least 10-12 before the MTBF), with very short rest periods to burn as much fat as possible. Whenever possible, perform a few additional series: this will help you lose weight even faster.

2. Complementary aerobic exercise, such as cycling, jogging, and other high physical activity. A workout in the gym also burns calories, but not as intensely as a daily cardiovascular workout for 35-40 minutes.

3. Low-calorie diet with the right balance of nutrients. You don't need to rule out anything, but eat the minimum amount of protein, carbohydrates, and fat. Vitamins and mineral supplements are necessary in order to make up for possible deficiencies of important micronutrients.

All body types can be found among bodybuilding champions. Steve Davis, a well-known bodybuilder of the 70s, once weighed about 270 pounds, which meant that he gravitated strongly towards the endomorphic body type. Steve needed to lose a lot of fat while building muscle in order to win the competition titles. Dorian Yates is one of the greatest champions of all time; at its best, he weighs approximately 270 pounds. However, between competitions, Dorian weighs more than 300 pounds, which suggests that his physique tends to be of the endo-mesomorphic type. The legendary Dave Draper was a different endo-mesomorph, although due to his lower muscle mass, he should be classified in a more endomorphic category than Dorian. Dave could easily gain weight and swim fat, but quickly became lean and fit before the competition through training and a strict diet.

On the other hand, Frank Zane is much closer to the ectomorphic body type. Building muscle has always taken Frank a lot of time and effort, but that didn't stop him from winning the Mr. Olympia title three times. Bodybuilders like Frank Zane and Shawn Ray, who at 200 pounds could defeat much more massive opponents, are not inherently powerful and muscular people. Their muscular development and perfect physique are the fruit of many years of hard work. “My muscles are not natural,” said Larry Scott, the first Mr. Olympia title holder and another ectomorphic bodybuilder. "I was one of those 98 pounds jerkies who got into bodybuilding workouts to build muscle."

As for Arnold Schwarzenegger, in many ways he is close to the mesomorphic type and can build muscle mass relatively quickly. At certain points he gained up to 240 pounds, but by nature his physique was thin, which makes him always an ecto-mesomorph than a mesomorph or endo-mesomorph.

Flex Wheeler, which is deservedly famous for its shape and body proportions, is another ecto-mesomorph. Look at Flex and you will see how gracefully built he is despite his enormous muscle size, especially compared to massive bodybuilders like Dorian Yates. In terms of bodybuilding, Flex Wheeler, Frank Zane and Arnold Schwarzenegger are characterized by the so-called Apollonian physique (muscular, but prone to ectomorphism, more aesthetics than brute power), while other massive bodybuilders such as Nasser, Tom Platzbati , Casey Viator, Dorian Yates and Mike Mentzer, have a Herculean physique (pronounced mesomorphic or endo-mesomorphic). Both Apollonian and Herculean body types can have outstanding aesthetic qualities with completely different looks. Apollonian physique is generally considered to be more aesthetic today due to its lines and proportions, but if you look at examples of classical art, you will find that painters and sculptors were often inspired by the Herculean physique.

However, today's leading bodybuilders are so massive and well-developed that it is sometimes difficult to determine their original body type. But attend any hobbyist competition and the difference will immediately become much more apparent.

In reality, no champion-level bodybuilder can be too ectomorphic or endomorphic, otherwise his physique will be devoid of proper proportions, symmetry, muscle mass and relief. All bodybuilding isn't just about building muscle; it implies the maximum aesthetic development of the muscles. A lean physique with well-defined muscles can be very pleasing to look at, but lacks the density and bulk needed to compete at the highest level. The powerful, super-mesomorphic physique is excellent for weightlifters and football strikers, but the aesthetics of this physique fall short of the podium in bodybuilding competitions.

Understanding your body type can save you a lot of time and frustration. Ectomorph runs the risk of overwork and developmental delay. An endomorph who considers himself a mesomorph will be able to build muscle mass, but he will constantly have problems getting rid of excess subcutaneous fat. Certain training principles are the same for one and all. But individual training planning and its combination with a diet program can vary greatly depending on the type of physique that was given to you by nature.

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The effect of exercise on the human body

One of the dominant features of our time is the limitation of the motor activity of a modern person. One hundred years ago, 96% of labor operations were performed due to muscle efforts. Currently - 99% through various mechanisms. It is necessary to compensate for the deficiency of motor activity, otherwise there will be a disorder, disharmony of the complex system of the human body.

The human body consists of individual organs that perform their inherent functions. There are groups of organs that jointly perform common functions - organ systems. From the external environment, the body receives all the substances necessary for life and development, at the same time it receives a stream of irritants (t, humidity, solar radiation, industrial harmful effects, etc.), which seeks to disrupt the constancy of the internal environment of the body (homeostasis).

Normal human existence under these conditions is possible only if the body responds in a timely manner to the effects of the external environment with appropriate adaptive reactions.

Physical exercises become a kind of regulator that ensures the control of life processes and the preservation of the constancy of the internal environment. This means that physical exercise should be considered not only as entertainment and rest (which is important!), But also as a means of maintaining health (which is even more important!)

Insufficient physical activity creates special unnatural conditions for human life, negatively affects the structure and functions of all tissues of the human body. As a result, there is a decrease in the general defenses of the body, and the risk of diseases increases.

The progress of science and technology makes a high demand for a modern person - to his physical condition and increases the load on the mental, mental and emotional spheres.

Along with a reasonable combination of work and rest, normalization of sleep and nutrition, rejection of bad habits, systematic muscular activity increases the mental, mental and emotional stability of the body.

A person who leads an active lifestyle, systematically engages in physical exercise, can do more work than a person who leads a sedentary lifestyle. This is due to the reserve capabilities of a person.

The activity of metabolic processes increases

The metabolism and energy in the human body is characterized by complex biochemical reactions. Nutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) that enter the internal environment of the body with food are broken down in the digestive tract. Cleavage products are carried by the blood to the cells and absorbed by them. Oxygen, which penetrates from the air through the lungs into the blood, takes part in the oxidation process that occurs in cells.

Substances that form as a result of biochemical metabolic reactions are excreted from the body through the lungs, kidneys, and skin.

Metabolism is a source of energy for all life processes and body functions. When complex organic substances are broken down, the energy contained in them is converted into other types of energy (bioelectric, thermal, mechanical, etc.)

Physical exercise or sports increases the activity of metabolic processes, trains and maintains at a high level the mechanisms that carry out metabolism and energy in the body.

The nervous system is improving

Being engaged in physical education, we acquire the motor skills necessary in everyday life and in work. Agility, speed and strength of movements of our body develops. The control of movements, which is carried out by the central nervous system, is being improved. When practicing physical exercises, more and more conditioned reflexes are formed, which are fixed and folded into long successive rows. Thanks to this, the body acquires the ability to better and better adapt to greater and more complex physical exertion, thanks to which we can carry out movements more and more economically - our body, as they say, trains. As a result of training, the work and structure of all organs of our body and, above all, the higher parts of the central nervous system, improve. The mobility of the nervous processes of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex and in other parts of the nervous system increases, i.e. the process of excitation passes more easily into the process of inhibition and vice versa. Therefore, the body reacts faster to all kinds of external and internal stimuli, including stimuli that go to the brain from contracting muscles, as a result of which body movements become faster and dexterous. In trained people, the nervous system more easily adapts to new movements and new conditions of the motor apparatus.

In the absence of the necessary muscle activity, undesirable changes in the functions of the brain and sensory systems occur, the level of functioning of the subcortical structures responsible for the work, for example, of the sensory organs (hearing, balance, taste) or those responsible for vital functions (respiration, digestion, blood supply), decreases. As a result, there is a decrease in the general defenses of the body, an increase in the risk of various diseases. In such cases, mood instability, sleep disturbances, impatience, and weakening of self-control are characteristic.

Physical training has a multifaceted effect on mental functions, ensuring their activity and stability. It was found that the stability of attention, perception, memory is in direct proportion to the level of versatile physical fitness.

Increases muscle volume and strength

Muscle strength and size are directly related to exercise and training. With physical exercise, the strength of the processes of excitation and inhibition in the cerebral cortex increases, as a result of which muscle tension increases during their contractions. In this regard, the structure of muscle fibers changes - they become thicker, muscle volume increases. The ability for physical work, endurance is the result of training the muscular system. By systematically engaging in so-called strength exercises, for example with kettlebells, you can dramatically increase the volume and strength of muscles in 6-8 months.

This is because the nutrition of the working muscles is significantly improved. In muscles at rest, most of the blood capillaries surrounding the muscle fibers are closed to blood flow, and blood does not flow through them. During work, when the muscle contracts, all capillaries open, therefore, the blood flow to the muscle increases by more than 30 times. During training, new blood capillaries are formed in the muscles. Under the influence of training, the chemical composition of the muscle also changes. The amount of so-called energetic substances increases in it, i.e. substances, the disintegration of which releases a lot of energy. These substances include glycogen and phosphagen. In trained muscles, glycogen and phosphorus compounds that break down during contractions of muscle fibers are restored faster, and oxidative processes (processes of combining with oxygen) are more intense, muscle tissue absorbs and uses oxygen better.

An increase in the physical activity of children and adolescents leads to changes in the skeletal system and a more intensive growth of their body. Under the influence of training, bones become stronger and more resistant to stress and injury.

Maintains a slender posture

Training is beneficial not only for the muscles. The entire musculoskeletal system is also strengthened, bones, ligaments, tendons become stronger. Systematic physical exercise significantly affects the external shape of the body, contributes to its proportional development in childhood and adolescence, and in adulthood and old age allows you to preserve beauty and harmony for a long time.

On the contrary, a sedentary, sedentary lifestyle prematurely ages a person. He becomes flabby, his stomach sags, posture deteriorates sharply. Usually, a person who is not engaged in physical labor and sports slouches, his head is tilted forward, his back is humped, his lower back is excessively bent, his chest is sunken, and his stomach is protruded forward due to weakness of the abdominal muscles, even if there is no obesity (and it very often develops in those who move little and do not engage in physical education).

Exercise that strengthens the muscles (especially the trunk muscles) can improve posture. To this end, it is useful to do gymnastics and swim - best of all with the breaststroke style; the correct posture is promoted by the horizontal position of the body and the uniform exercise of numerous muscle groups.

Specially selected physical exercises can eliminate the lateral curvature of the spine at the initial stage of development, strengthen the abdominal muscles weakened by inaction or prolonged illness, strengthen and restore the arches of the foot or flat feet. Vigorous exercise and diet can be successful in combating obesity, disfiguring a person.

Physical exercises that correct body defects should be used according to the instructions and under the supervision of a specialist doctor.

Improves heart function

A trained person becomes more resilient, he can make more intense movements and do heavy muscle work for a long time. This largely depends on the fact that his circulatory, respiratory and excretory organs are working better. Their ability to sharply enhance their work and adapt it to the conditions that are created in the body with increased physical exertion significantly increases.

Hard working muscles need more oxygen and nutrients, as well as faster removal of metabolic products. Both are achieved due to the fact that more blood flows into the muscles and the rate of blood flow in the blood vessels increases. In addition, the blood in the lungs is more oxygenated. All this is possible only because the work of the heart and lungs is significantly increased.

When we are at rest, the heart throws about 5 liters of blood into the aorta within a minute. With intense physical stress, for example, while running, when overcoming an obstacle course, etc., the heart rate increases from 60-70 to 120-200 beats per minute, the amount of blood ejected by the heart in 1 minute increases to 10-20 and even up to 40 liters. The blood pressure in the arteries increases from 120 to 200 mm Hg.

In trained people, the heart adapts more easily to new working conditions, and after the end of physical exercises it quickly returns to normal activity. The number of contractions of a trained heart is less, and, therefore, the pulse is less frequent, but on the other hand, with each contraction, the heart throws more blood into the arteries.

With more rare contractions of the heart, more favorable conditions are created for the rest of the heart muscle. The work of the heart and blood vessels as a result of training becomes more economical and better regulated by the nervous system.

Pulse pressure during physical work increases, its decrease is an unfavorable indicator (observed in untrained people). The decrease in pressure may be due to weakening of the heart or excessive constriction of peripheral blood vessels.

Physical work contributes to the general expansion of blood vessels, normalization of the tone of their muscle walls, improved nutrition and increased metabolism in the walls of blood vessels. When the muscles surrounding the vessels are working, the walls of the vessels are massaged. The blood vessels passing through the muscles (brain, internal organs, skin) are massaged due to the hydrodynamic wave from the increased pulse rate and due to the accelerated blood flow. All this contributes to the preservation of the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system without pathological abnormalities.

Strenuous mental work, a sedentary lifestyle, especially with high neuro-emotional stress, bad habits cause an increase in tone and a deterioration in the nutrition of the walls of the arteries, a loss of their elasticity, which can lead to a persistent increase in blood pressure in them, and, ultimately, to hypertensive disease.

Loss of elasticity of blood vessels, which means an increase in their fragility and the accompanying increase in blood pressure, can lead to rupture of blood vessels. If a rupture occurs in vital organs, then a serious illness or sudden death occurs.

Therefore, to maintain health and performance, it is necessary to activate blood circulation through exercise. Particularly beneficial effect on blood vessels is provided by cyclic types of exercises: jogging, swimming, skiing, ice skating, cycling.

Breathing gets deeper

At rest, a person produces about 16 breathing movements per minute. With each inhalation, about 500 cm3 of air enters the lungs.

During exercise, due to the increase in oxygen consumption by the muscles, breathing becomes more frequent and deeper. Pulmonary ventilation volume, i.e. the amount of air passing through the lungs in one minute increases sharply, from 8 liters at rest to 100-140 liters during fast running, swimming, skiing. And the more air passes through the lungs, the more oxygen the body receives.

At rest, a person absorbs about 0.2 liters of oxygen per minute. During muscular work, the amount of absorbed oxygen increases, but within certain limits. The maximum amount of oxygen absorption, the so-called oxygen ceiling, is not so great in untrained people, it is equal to 2-3.5 liters, and in well-trained people, the body can receive through the lungs 5-5.5 liters of oxygen per minute. Therefore, during physical work, trained people do not develop an "oxygen debt" so quickly (this is the name of the difference between the need for oxygen and its actual consumption) and they better mobilize the adaptive capabilities of respiration and blood circulation. This is clearly seen, for example, when measuring the vital capacity of the lungs with a spirometer.

Physical training contributes to the adaptation of tissues to hypoxia (lack of oxygen), increases the ability of body cells to work intensively with a lack of oxygen.

Circulatory system

The heart is the main center of the circulatory system, working like a pump, thanks to which the blood moves in the body. As a result of physical training, the size and weight of the heart increase due to the thickening of the walls of the heart muscle and an increase in its volume, which increases the power and performance of the heart muscle.

The blood composition improves, and the body's defenses increase.

In trained people, the number of erythrocytes (red blood cells) increases from 4.5-5 million in 1 mm3 of blood to 6 million. mainly to the muscles.

In trained people, the number of lymphocytes-white blood cells also increases. Lymphocytes produce substances that neutralize various poisons that enter the body or are formed in the body. An increase in the number of lymphocytes is one of the proofs that exercise increases the body's defenses and increases the body's resistance to infection. People who systematically engage in physical exercise and sports are less likely to get sick, and if they get sick, in most cases, infectious diseases are more easily tolerated. In trained people, blood sugar levels become more stable. It is known that with prolonged and hard work of the muscles, the amount of sugar in the blood decreases. In trained people, this decrease is not as sharp as in untrained people. In people who are not accustomed to physical labor, with increased muscle work, urine excretion is sometimes impaired. In trained ones, the kidney function better adapts to the changed conditions, and the metabolic products formed with increased physical activity in a greater amount are promptly removed from the body.

Thus, we see that physical culture and sports have a beneficial effect not only on the muscles, but also on other organs, improving and perfecting their work.

To be a healthy, strong, hardy and versatile person, you need to constantly and systematically engage in various types of physical exercises and sports.

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The effect of exercise on physique and basic body systems.

Systematic exercise and sports have a beneficial effect on the development of all organs and systems of the body.

Regular exercise promotes strengthening the heart muscle... Studies have shown that the heart of a trained person with each contraction sends 1.5 - 2 times more blood into the blood vessels than the heart of an untrained person, and therefore contributes to a better supply of oxygen to all organs of the body.

A trained heart works more economically, gets tired less, becomes resilient to positive loads, and after them restores the normal rhythm of work.

The untrained heart of a person leading an immobile lifestyle gets tired quickly, which means that it poorly supplies peripheral organs with blood, especially the tissues of the limbs. The muscles do not receive the necessary portions of oxygen and cannot continue to work for a long time.

So the main cardiovascular muscle function- delivery of oxygen and nutrients to cells and tissues. The growing and developing organism of schoolchildren has a particularly great need for them. The supply of oxygen to tissues and cells improves with an increase in the stroke volume of the heart, i.e. when more blood is thrown out with each heartbeat. This is exactly what physical exercise contributes to. Therefore, it is important that the student's motor regime is active, that he spends at least 2.5 - 3 hours a day in games, exercises, walking in the air.

Exercise improves blood circulation in the tissues of all human organs. In the muscles of those engaged in physical culture, there are much more functioning capillaries, while in those who are sedentary, the capillaries in the muscles are in a compressed state, not allowing blood to flow. For example, when sitting at a table for a long time, the blood stagnates in the veins of the lower extremities, the blood flow in the vessels is disturbed, the tissues are poorly supplied with oxygen, therefore, the normal functioning of the body is disrupted. If the muscle works, then the number of capillaries acting in it increases by about 100 times, due to which the blood supply to the muscles is dramatically improved, and hence their performance.

Develop well under the influence of exercise lungs. In people who regularly go in for sports, the capacity of the lungs increases significantly. For example, for athletes - rowers, it is 1.5 - 2 times more than for a person who is not engaged in physical culture. This means that with increased load, the athlete's lungs are able to pump a large amount of air, providing tissues and muscles with oxygen. Just like the heart, the lungs of those engaged in physical education and sports work more economically, breathing becomes deep, rhythmic and rare - 12 - 14 breaths per minute, which is significantly less than that of an untrained person.

The mobility of the chest and the strength of the respiratory muscles largely depend on what kind of sport the student is mainly engaged in after school hours. The greatest vital capacity of the lungs is observed in swimmers, climbers, rowers, runners, football players, volleyball players, basketball players, etc.

Exercise has a great impact on proper development the musculoskeletal system of the body of children and adolescents. The volume and strength of muscles, the mobility of joints and ligaments increase. It has also been found that under the influence of prolonged and regular exercise, the bones become thicker and grow faster in length. The correct development of the musculoskeletal system has a positive effect on posture, gives a person's movements lightness, smoothness, beauty.

Systematic physical activity strengthens central nervous system... People engaged in physical education have a good motor reaction, as a rule, they have a more balanced, calm character, are able to restrain negative emotions.

In the process of regular training in combination with the use of natural factors of nature (sun, air, water), trainees acquire a hardening that helps the body fight various colds and infectious diseases. The preventive role of physical exercises in relation to nervous disorders arising from overload in studies, from an incorrect daily routine was also noted. Thus, systematic physical exercises, maintaining a healthy lifestyle change, rebuild the entire body of a student, as a result of which his health is strengthened and his working capacity increases.

Physical activity has always been beneficial for any human body. Thanks to physical exercise, many different changes occur that improve the condition of a person, both physical and moral. Do you feel changes after a warm-up in the middle of the day or after morning exercises - how the blood rushes through your veins, how does your state of health improve?

And many after sleep do not come to their senses until they walk to work. Gymnastics, walking - all these are the simplest exercises, the example of which is the easiest to notice the effect of physical exercise on a person. And what happens after them with the person?

1. Physical education provides us with the acquisition of motor skills, which are undoubtedly necessary in the process of life. There is a development of dexterity and speed of movements that our body carries out. The central nervous system controls every movement, every new reflex developed in the process of receiving physical activity. The body trains, hardens, and in the future it will be easier for us to overcome various motor difficulties.

In the process of them, the work of each organ of our body improves, the mobility of nervous processes, both inhibition and excitation, increases. The movements of our body improve, become more dexterous, stronger and faster, this is due to the fact that the body adapts more quickly to respond to stimuli from the muscles to the brain.

2. When a person is engaged physically, the strength of the emerging processes (excitation and inhibition) increases, and muscle tension increases. Thus, the structure of muscle fibers changes, that is, their volume increases and thickens. Exercise regularly - you can increase muscle mass in six months.

It happens according to the following principle: in a state of calm, the blood capillaries are closed and blood does not flow through them, and when some kind of force load acts on the muscles, the capillaries open, and blood enters the muscle tissue 30 times more than there is usually blood.

During exercise, new capillaries are formed, muscle mass grows due to an increase in substances, which, when decayed, generate a lot of energy.

3. The influence of physical activity on a person leads not only to an increase in muscle mass. His musculoskeletal system becomes stronger, bones and ligaments become stronger.

Regular physical activity not only helps to form a proportional body in adolescents, but also preserves the beauty and slimness of the body in older people. A person who moves a little gets a stomach, posture worsens. Such people, as a rule, are stooped, their head is tilted forward, the lower back is too bent, and there is a hump on the back. But with exercise, all of the above can be remedied.

There are special exercises for aligning posture, for getting rid of excess weight, for correcting the curvature of the spine. It is very useful for the body to engage in swimming, as all muscles work.

4. A person who is physically engaged, gains greater endurance, can perform more complex movements for a long time. It depends on the circulatory and respiratory organs, which work better.

Thanks to physical training, the human body adapts any of its actions to external stimuli and conditions for carrying out these actions. Muscles work harder, which means they need more oxygen.

The rate of blood flow into the muscular system increases, the blood is saturated with oxygen, this indicates that the work of the lungs and heart is enhanced. In a state of calmness, about 5 liters of blood enter the aorta from the heart, and in a loaded state (during exercise) - up to 40 liters of blood.

5. When the human body is at rest, about 8 liters of air passes through the lungs, and in a state of active activity (running, swimming, cycling) the amount increases to 140 liters of air at the same time.

With the systematic performance of physical exercises, the fitness of the body increases. Therefore, trained people adapt their breathing much better to the load they perform, which means that an ordinary person absorbs up to 3 liters of oxygen, and athletes - up to 6 liters of oxygen, in addition, for those who regularly exercise, the oxygen debt is formed more slowly, then is, the body receives as much oxygen as it needs.

6. The effect of exercise on the body and the fact that they improve the composition of the blood, and this leads to an increase in immunity. Erythrocytes are necessary to move oxygen through the blood, enrich tissues and organs with them, and the more there are, the more saturated the blood.

It is known that trained people have more red blood cells. Those people who often go in for sports get sick much less than those who lead a passive lifestyle, and if they do get sick, they recover faster and cope better with the disease. In such people, the amount of sugar in the blood is stable, and the kidneys quickly adapt to new conditions.

3. Features of the preparation and conduct of tourist trips (to complete a practical task for packing a backpack).

1. In all types of athletics, injuries to the ankle and knee joints are most common, especially sprains and ruptures of the ligamentous apparatus, tendons (Achilles tendon, head of the biceps brachii), and sometimes muscles (back of the thigh, back, lumbar spine). Before starting classes, you must fulfill the following conditions:

  • carefully study all points of the requirements for security measures;

  • correctly plan the course of the lesson and physical activity;

  • check the condition of the sites, the serviceability of inventory and equipment;

  • in hot weather, rubber-bitumen and synthetic tracks should be sprinkled with water, and cleaned in winter. In case of icing, sprinkle the treadmill with table salt or a special mixture;

  • before performing long jumps, it is necessary to dig up the sand in the jumping hole and make sure that there are no objects in it that can cause injury (broken glass, scraps of metal, stones, etc.);

  • wear a tracksuit suitable for the weather conditions and sports shoes with non-slip soles;

  • warm up.

It should be borne in mind that with common starts at cross distances, it is possible to injure each other with spikes, as well as acute physical overstrain of the cardiovascular system. Sometimes gravitational shock is observed - a short-term loss of consciousness as a result of an abrupt stop after an intense run.

2. Systematic and properly organized physical exercises leave a noticeable imprint on the entire external appearance of a person. People who have been engaged in various physical exercises since childhood are distinguished by a beautiful, proportionally developed body. The question of body proportions has long been of interest to scientists. Even in ancient times, it was believed that the physique should be considered proportional, in which the width of the arms spread apart to the sides is equal to the height of the body. The height of the head should, according to some scientists, fit in the length of an adult's body eight times, the width of the shoulders should be a quarter of the height, the circumference of the chest should be equal to twice the circumference of the waist. Doing a particular sport leaves its mark on the shape of the body. Middle and long distance runners are lean, slender, with slightly muscled muscles, with a well-developed chest. Jumpers are usually tall, relatively light in weight, thin skeletal structure, significant hip circumference with a relatively short length. Swimmers are characterized by high to medium height, good chest mobility and high lung capacity. They have a correctly and evenly developed body with soft, mild muscle lines. Weightlifters (kettlebell lifters), on the contrary, often have relatively short legs, a powerful wide torso, very prominent muscles of the back, shoulder girdle, and arms. To have a good physique, you need to exercise regularly. It increases muscle strength and has a beneficial effect on the health of bones and joints. Muscles during exercise act as an active stimulus that affects bone nutrition and growth. Bones begin to acquire strength, movement in the joints - greater freedom, smoothness. Correctly conducted exercises can contribute to the growth of bones in length even after 20, and even after 25 years, when the ossification of the skeleton is basically completed. Exercises that include jumping and jumping of all kinds are considered to be especially valuable.

Lack of movement weakens not only our muscles and bones, but also our brain, which plunges into deep "sleep". Children with developed muscles are easier to learn. They get tired less, recover faster, do more than their sedentary peers. In order for the muscles to decorate the torso with their relief and be strong, and the ligaments to withstand heavy loads, they need to be trained. However, it should be borne in mind that an increase in some muscles with a noticeable lag in others can lead to curvature of the spine. The predominance of flexion strength over extensor muscles causes a stoop. The predominant development of the strength of the muscles of the chest with a lag in the development of the muscles of the shoulder girdle and back reduces the mobility of the chest. That is why in adolescence, the number one task should be during any training to prevent and correct posture disorders.

3. Participation in hiking trips contributes to the development of such qualities as initiative and mutual benefit, perseverance, willpower and discipline. The document giving the right to carry out one-day and multi-day non-categorical hiking (travel) is a route sheet, expeditionary certificate or voucher, and for hiking of I-III categories of complexity - a route book. Schoolchildren at least 14 years old with experience of participating in small tourist trips can participate in category trips. Each participant in the hike must undergo a medical examination and obtain a doctor's permission. First of all, it is necessary to accurately determine its purpose, the area of ​​conduct, and then start developing the route (outline the route, stops for observation and rest, determine the duration of the hike, draw up a route schedule in hours). When planning a route, you must adhere to the following rules. For one-day hikes, the length of the path (both ways) should not exceed 15 km - for students 13-14 years old, 20 km - for tourists 15-17 years old. The length of the two-day hikes is 24 and 35 km, respectively. Average speed of movement is 3-4 km / h. The lunch break takes about 4 hours; it should be appointed during the hottest time of the day (11.00-15.00). At the place of overnight stay (during a multi-day hike), tourists should be no later than 2 hours before dark. The leader of the hike preliminarily goes along the planned route and checks whether the path is not blocked off somewhere, whether the bridge is destroyed, whether the places for a halt, bathing, and overnight stay are well marked; whether there are epidemic diseases in the area of ​​the campaign, etc. According to the results of the reconnaissance, the route of the campaign is specified. Before departure, the participants of the hike get acquainted on a schematic plan (homemade or copied from a map) with the route, stopping places, swimming, and overnight stay. You should think over and outline a plan for the trip in advance. The success of the campaign largely depends on how the movement of the group will be organized on the way. You need to save energy while hiking. One of the ways to preserve it is to develop a gait. No need to sway on the go; in this case, the traveler does a huge amount of unnecessary work in a day. You need to walk with your knees slightly bent, not fully straightening your leg during push-off, and not strive to take large steps. On a flat road, the foot is first placed on the heel, then on the entire foot; on the rise - on the whole foot; on steep sandy slopes - only on the heel, sharply pressing it into the ground; when moving across the slope, one leg is placed along the slope, toe down, and the other - across. When going uphill, you should not talk and shout: this saves energy and does not interfere with the even breathing necessary when climbing. The speed of the group depends on the quality of the road and the fitness of the tourists. On a flat, smooth road, the speed can reach 4 km / h. On ascents and steep descents, on slippery and rocky roads, the group walks more slowly. At the beginning of the journey (15-20 minutes), you should also walk slowly, so that gradually everyone is drawn into the pace of movement. In these first minutes, all the shortcomings of the equipment are revealed. At the stop, after 15-20 minutes of walking, everyone fixes any problems with shoes, clothes or a backpack. In the future, you can stop no more often than after 40-50 minutes. Short (no more than 10 minutes) respite stops should be done in places where it is pleasant to rest (in the shade, on soft grass). After 2-3 hours of movement, a big halt is arranged. This place should be running (preferably spring) water, fuel for a fire, shelter from the wind and sun. An excellent place for a halt is the bank of the river, the gentle slope of a dry ravine, the edge of the forest. Here, tourists must first take off their backpacks and put them in one place, and then deal with the equipment of the camp. Responsibilities at the halt must be distributed so that everyone has a job. When the fire is lit and everything is ready for cooking, you can bathe if there is a good, proven bathing area nearby. After swimming, lunch and then rest. When the rest is over, the campfire extinguishes the fire: it floods the coals and ash with water, and lays the campfire with sod or covers it with earth. The group continues their journey, all the while checking their route on the map. During stops for the night, night attendants are appointed (in twos). The duty of the attendants is to protect the rest of the guests and keep the fire in the fire. Each shift is on duty for 2 hours. At the set time, the attendants wake up the group. In cases of any incidents (the appearance of unauthorized persons, heavy rain, thunderstorm), the attendants wake up the group leader, report to him and act on his instructions.

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