Hand-to-hand combat airborne troops. Interview with a veteran of the Airborne Forces

Hand-to-hand combat special forces of the Airborne Forces.

From an article by Sergei Nikolaevich Badyuk.

Hand-to-hand fighting lessons.

A fighter is dressed in defense, put up against an order of magnitude stronger and more experienced fighter - and beat. This is how the fighting character and the determination to go to the end are formed. Not to be confused with hazing, the soldier is always given the opportunity to fight back. Even so: a soldier who does not fight back is sent over the fence. The peculiarity of special forces hand-to-hand combat is that any fight comes down to one thing - to destroy the enemy. Hence the motto of the spetsnaz: "Only idiots fight with their bare hands." First of all, the soldiers are taught to use the means at hand: a machine gun, a knife, sticks, stones, broken bottles, pieces of glass, tightly rolled newspaper.

And only later, when they have mastered all the essentials, a very compact set of percussion techniques is trained.

Side left and side right from boxing techniques.

Direct strikes are very difficult to teach how to hit hard, in my entire service I have hardly seen fighters who hit straight strikes well. Such a blow requires the highest level preparation. We proceed from the fact that it is necessary to quickly and well prepare a fighter. Since there are no restrictions, there are a bunch of varieties and variations that can be brought up to this side impact. It fights from any position and angle. Moreover, it is advisable to first strike the enemy in the throat.

In close combat, we hit with our elbows. We train the knocking out power of the blow with exercises with a sledgehammer.

The whole technique of kicking in special forces comes down to one thing - swipe in the groin. This is not a sports ground.

Kochergin even surpassed Badyuk. I haven't heard of him for a long time, but a recent video reminded once again how much martial arts are saturated with all kinds of swindlers.


Only from documentary filmmaking questionable information and, frankly, shameful archival videos.

If everything that is shown in the video was really taught in this form, then hand-to-hand combat in the Airborne Forces can only be helpful.

Firstly, the terrible technique of performing techniques, even by the standards of Soviet karate.

Secondly, training in some kind of medical battalion ???

And let's be frank, hand-to-hand fighting is, of course, a cool thing, but, often, many coaches either have a limp in their “kick” or are very bad at wrestling (the latter is more common). Yes, and you will not see among the champions and celebrities in MMA, for example, representatives of the Republic of Belarus of any kind, and this says something about martial arts, since mixed sports are a litmus test, a kind of reality check of one kind or another. And just don't talk about being “confined” to a real battle. In a real fight you need bullets Combat vehicles and specialists who could manage it.

As for hand-to-hand combat, there are specific techniques that were not shown in this pseudo-documentary film at all.

I had a chance to communicate with veterans of the special forces of the Airborne Forces, the special forces of the GRU, who served in those years, there was nothing close to what was shown and said in the film in the Soviet airborne units (maybe with rare exceptions). Yes, and taught specific techniques, like removing the sentry, taking the tongue, and not the whole ballet shown.

The most important thing. Yes, the faces shown may be quite real, yes, perhaps some swindler could teach this incomprehensible mixture from the Soviet-style Shotokan, but those who are new to the security forces do not understand the main thing.

Army, Ministry of Internal Affairs. The FSB and other structures have always been places of "nepotism" and cronyism. Being there as some kind of instructor is not a reflection of professionalism. All such positions were always occupied by “thieves”. You teach yourself fizo, and the service goes on, the titles are not bad either.

Well, Kasyanov was a sportsman in the army.

Let's be objective and ask ourselves a question - did he have real combat experience? He trained some doctors, for this they reduced the hours of their specialized subjects.

That is, there is some kind of terrible profanation here too. Yes, and Kasyanov developed not the ARB, but his own version of the RB, without contact in the head, more reminiscent of karate.

Shturmin. With all due respect, what real combat experience did he have? Soviet intellectual, with a fashionable passion. Did he participate somewhere? Fought somewhere?

I remember the battle scenes they filmed in the "Zone special attention". If it were not for sambo techniques, looking at this would be excruciatingly painful, especially in a fight with repeat offenders.

This whole story with the medical battalions, in which they taught half-karate, clearly reminds me of the Kadochnikov system, which was taught for, in fact, a construction battalion.

The creators of this film did not even think how much they disgraced the physical training in the Airborne Forces, athletes from hand-to-hand combat. Having seen such a film, a specialist will think about what kind of professionalism can we talk about in the airborne units?

The worst thing is that all this took place, which means that with melee fighting we have even worse than I thought.

Army hand-to-hand combat airborne forces

In modern society, every person, young and old, needs to be able to at least to some extent protect themselves from outside influences. After all, it is not known who will have to face, for example, walking in the park. The guy is obliged to stand up for his lady and protect her at a difficult moment that may arise in any situation. Yes, of course the internal troops and the police are guarding our peace with you, but they will not always be able to come to the rescue promptly.

There are many different sections in which you will be taught the basics of hand-to-hand combat. You will be able to fight off the attacks of criminal elements with ease. But of course, nothing beats the training of airborne troops. Hand-to-hand combat of special forces of the Airborne Forces is a completely different level, which you will never be able to reach on your own. In order to comprehend this art, you will have to join the ranks of the airborne troops, because in battle, not only are important power qualities, but also moral endurance that you can easily get in the process of service.

Meanwhile, hand-to-hand combat was studied at the end of the 19th century, it was mandatory for low military ranks... In the future, his importance increased and each soldier was required to have a certain set of skills that would help him cope with the enemy when meeting face to face. Nowadays, this aspect of the training of soldiers is just as important.

Paratrooper hand-to-hand combat techniques

On the Internet, nowadays, you can easily find many videos, which capture the lessons of hand-to-hand airborne battle... It will not be difficult to study a lot of techniques and try to do them yourself. Here in this video are some notable moments from the hand-to-hand combat of the Airborne Forces.

The Airborne Forces hand-to-hand combat techniques are perfectly demonstrated in this video, but this is just one of many podomny filming. You can always find many more different complexes. If you set a goal, then learning simple techniques hand-to-hand combat will not be difficult for you.

You can watch hand-to-hand combat of the Airborne Forces on many portals. You can find especially a lot of this video on specialized sites dedicated to the airborne troops. In addition to short videos, you can also find entire films teaching hand-to-hand combat.

Without a doubt, even if you did not serve in the Airborne Forces units and do not plan to go there to serve, then you can study the army hand-to-hand combat of the Airborne Forces in specialized sports sections... Now a lot of proposals on this topic are easy to find in any newspaper with ads. Often, these lessons are taught by former paratroopers who have passed full course training in their units, and some have been in a combat situation. So you can safely go to this section and we are sure. That you will acquire skills that will undoubtedly help you in the harsh modern life.

Airborne forces hand-to-hand combat complexes: video materials

For a true paratrooper, to be able to fight the enemy in close combat is a priority task. When the outcome of the battle is decided by a split second, it is necessary to make complex and important decisions with lightning speed. All this is undoubtedly taught in the military units of the Airborne Forces. Not everyone is given a worthy endure of all victories and defeats. But, without a doubt, a strong-minded paratrooper will be able to do it. From any defeat, he will undoubtedly learn a lesson and work on mistakes in order to prevent these mistakes in the future.

The techniques of hand-to-hand combat of the Airborne Forces, such a soldier, will study constantly, because there is no chapel to perfection. This phrase should remind a real paratrooper for a long time that he should never forget about training. Self-study the videos will help him to constantly be in shape. Watching hand-to-hand combat and absorbing the knowledge gained in the video is the lot of real men who strive for improvement.

It is probably very difficult to find a hand-to-hand combat complex suitable for an ordinary person, because a wide variety of activities offers us to study the world wide web. In order to choose exercises and techniques for you, we advise you to contact competent specialists who will select a training schedule for you. Do not be afraid, you will succeed, the main thing is to start doing anything in any business, and then you will get involved and you will not notice how you have mastered a lot interesting tricks hand-to-hand combat.

We hope that after all of the above, you will turn to any section for hand-to-hand combat, or you yourself will study various technologies of army hand-to-hand combat of the Airborne Forces. Believe me, these skills will definitely come in handy for you sooner or later. Of course, we hope that in peacetime, and not during hostilities. The main thing is to stay calm and not provoke violence yourself, but only use the acquired skills for self-defense.

"Remember, the main technique of hand-to-hand combat: First, throw a grenade at the enemy ..."

Perhaps the main secret of the style of hand-to-hand combat of the Airborne Forces is that ... there were no "secrets"! There have never been any terrible special strikes at super-secret points, no "Delayed Death Touch" and other super-exotic ... So, are the paratroopers and commandos lying, claiming that "Beret" will cope with several opponents in a fight? -No! Don't lie! Cope and very EFFECTIVELY! That's just, if you shoot this fight on film and then show it at normal speed, then 9/10 of the viewers simply will not understand anything about what is happening, and half will be disappointed and bewildered: why do they fall so easily? What's the matter?

Immediately I want to clarify, I'm not talking here about the hand-to-hand combat of "Spetsura", especially officer units such as "Vympel", Alpha "and" Cascade ", especially those sharpened for the forceful detention of living languages ​​or criminals! And about the combat hand-to-hand training of ordinary airborne forces (Uncle Vasya's troops). Once in one book I came across the following reasoning, I quote in a free retelling: “No matter how cynical it sounds, everything has a price and a soldier's life, even more so. This price - price training of a new soldier instead of the one out of action. After all, no matter how skillful a fighter was, it will not save him from either a crossbow bolt, or, what is more offensive, from bloody diarrhea "... Rough, but fair ...

I don’t want to say anything bad about the eastern schools of martial arts, but ... For six months or a year to prepare real person using the training methods of Karate, Taekwondo, Tai Chi Chuan and so on is impossible! In six months, at best, he will learn two or three basic stances, and the ability to breathe more or less correctly in a stance, and not in battle! In real hand-to-hand combat, such a fighter poses a danger to only one person - to himself! Only after five to seven years of daily painstaking many hours of training will he begin to realize that he is only getting closer to mastering the basics! You understand that cooking SOLDIER in this way is pointless! There are simply no five or seven years to train not even a semi-finished fighter!

On the human rights of the participant (and the SURVIVAL!) After three real hand-to-hand combat fights, let me tell you! that the school of airborne forces, the training system is still there! And it is EFFECTIVE! What are the basic principles of training a fighter? We must also take into account that in addition to Fizuha, there is also a daily service! Shooting training, training in a combat specialty, Combat training (for it), outfits and guards, and so on and so forth! But the system has proven its effectiveness, so what does it consist of, this system of training a hand-to-hand paratrooper? I'll try to answer ...

The entire system of combat hand-to-hand training of the Airborne Forces is based on three whales, each component is important; and there is no point in the question - which one! These are Psychological training, Physical training and a set of basic hand-to-hand combat techniques. Let's analyze them one by one. So, psychological preparation. It includes bringing to the level of the subconscious, to a conditioned reflex: a fight is NOT a competition! It is not possible to WIN OR LOSE! In battle, you can either WIN or die! the third, as they say, is not given ... No one will shake your hand before a fight or perform a ritual bow. They will immediately try to kill you, and in all ways that are available at the moment! The preparation was carried out quite simply, but effectively, no one conducted conversations with us and psychological tests - they just beat us! Not to defeat, but so that it didn’t seem a little! Let me emphasize! They did not beat, but beat! Feel the difference! You could get a splash or be caught in a choke hold at any moment: at the moment of a conversation with an officer, standing on the nightstand as a day-caretaker, just walking through the unit. Avoiding hitting or grabbing was shocked! The answer is even more so! Although, in all fairness, it is worth saying, rarely did anyone succeed! They say that such a system was introduced into the practice of the Airborne Forces by their commander, the legendary V.F. Margelov, I don’t know, but if this is so, then a low bow to him for that! SUCH a training system saved many lives in real wars, and so did me ... I still, although more than thirty years have passed, I just physically cannot go around the corner of the building close to it, I go around in three or four steps ... Constant pressure , in which, by the way, there was nothing personal, because the grandfather received the same as the young one, developed the skill of constant vigilance, the ability to not relax even in a dream, some sixth sense of danger ...

Physical training in the Airborne Forces does not require special comments. Workout endurance - running in different conditions, goose-step movement, alternation of accelerations, ragged rhythm ... strength training- pull-ups, push-ups different kind, squats, jumping ... swinging the press again in different ways. All this - "through I can not" until complete darkness in my eyes ... The touch is still enough, although dmb-77 ... As for the basic techniques of hand-to-hand, here it is necessary to decipher ... Not for airborne troops and special forces - they are all know and so! For fans of Rimbaud movies ... this is exactly the workout BASIC technician, but not "RECEPTIONS", and rather individual ... Someone is more comfortable with a throw, someone prefers shock, someone suffocating grips or techniques for rupture of ligaments and fractures of joints - closer. The basics were given to everyone, then the development of stereotypes, bringing the movement to the level of the knee reflex - there is no time to think in battle, the body reacts on its own, the thought does not have time! The strikes were practiced on all sorts of simulators such as makiwara and punching bag, throws with each other, VERY CAREFULLY AND NOT IN FULL power, also applies to all sorts of painful and suffocating. And after mastering the basic movements, everyone trained himself! No combat sparring in real life, with one exception, which is described below ... After all, an attempt to carry out, for example, in sparring conditions, an elbow blow to the Adam's apple for one of the fighters may well be the last ... And I also note, no BALLET in the spirit of Wang - Lady and Chuck Norris! Legs work up to the knee, not higher! The front of the lower leg and ankle, the inner surface of the lower leg. Knee blow in the crotch and along inside hips. The elbow is mainly for finishing off an opponent who has already lost orientation. Everything is simple and ineffective, ugly ... BUT - EFFECTIVE!

Now about the exception: Approximately once every two weeks they put on a boxing helmet and let you out, spoiling four or five people, old-timers or officers. Not immediately, in turn. I had to hold out for five minutes ... From the first time, as far as I remember, no one succeeded ... For the first time I went to rest in the tenth second, having missed a powerful straight line in the head ... In a real battle, the result would have been my death, since I stood up I only ten minutes later ... On the third attempt I received a letter of gratitude in the order for the unit, for I was able to "put in the ring" the deputy tech regiment. The captain, by the way, was not offended by me, and the first, having regained consciousness, shook hands. At the same time, he said: "I started classes ... we need to work" ... We did not kill rats with our bare hands ... but everything is the same, the readiness to fight, at any second of the day or night, and not for life, but for death, was absorbed into the flesh and blood, into the bone marrow ... That's, in general, all the "Terrible military secrets" that I was going to tell you ...

Remember the main technique of hand-to-hand combat: first, throw a grenade at the enemy... "- from the instructions of the hand-to-hand instructor, chief of physical training of the parachute regiment (PDR).
Perhaps the main secret of the style of hand-to-hand combat of the Airborne Forces is that ... there were no secrets! There have never been any terrible special strikes at super-secret points, no "touching delayed death" and other super-exotic ... So what, the paratroopers and special forces are lying, claiming that "Beret" will cope with several opponents in a fight? - No! Don't lie! Cope and very EFFECTIVELY!

But if you shoot this fight on film and then show it at normal speed, then 9 out of 10 spectators simply will not understand anything about what is happening, and half will be disappointed and bewildered: why do they fall so easily? What's the matter?

I want to clarify right away - I'm not talking here about the hand-to-hand combat of "special forces", especially of officer units such as "Vympel", "Alpha" and "Cascade", especially those sharpened for the forceful detention of living languages ​​or criminals! - it has its own specifics and without knowing I will not even speak! I'm talking about hand-to-hand combat training of conventional airborne forces (Uncle Vasya's troops). Once in one book I came across the following reasoning, I quote in a free retelling: “ No matter how cynical it sounds, everything has its price and a soldier's life - even more so. This price is the price of training a new soldier instead of a soldier who is out of action. After all, no matter how skillful a fighter is, this will not save him from either a crossbow bolt, or, what is more offensive, from bloody diarrhea"... Rough, but fair ...

I don’t want to say anything bad about the eastern schools of martial arts, but ... It’s impossible to train a real person in six months or a year using the methods of training karate, taekwondo, tai chi chuan and so on! In six months, at best, he will learn two or three basic stances, and the ability to breathe more or less correctly in a stance, and not in battle!

In real hand-to-hand combat, such a fighter poses a danger to only one person - to himself! Only after five to seven years of daily painstaking many hours of training will he begin to realize that he is only getting closer to mastering the basics! You understand that it makes no sense to cook a SOLDIER in this way! It's just that these five or seven years are not available to train not even a fighter - a semi-finished product!

As a human being who participated (and SURVIVED!) After three real hand-to-hand combat fights, let me note that the school of hand-to-hand combat of the Airborne Forces, the training system is still there! And it is EFFECTIVE! What are the basic principles of training a fighter? We must also take into account that in addition to physical training, there is also a daily service! Shooting training, training in a combat specialty, drill (for it), outfits and guards, and so on and so forth! But the system has proven its effectiveness, so what does it consist of, this system of training a hand-to-hand paratrooper? I'll try to answer ...

The entire system of hand-to-hand combat training of the Airborne Forces is based on three whales, each component is important, and the question does not make sense - which one! It - psychological preparation, physical training and a set of basic hand-to-hand combat techniques... Let's analyze them one by one.

So, PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAINING ... It includes bringing to the level of the subconscious, to a conditioned reflex: a fight is NOT a competition! It's impossible to WIN OR LOSE! In battle, you can either WIN or die, the third, as they say, is not given ... No one will shake your hand before the battle or perform a ritual bow. They will immediately try to kill you, and in all ways that are available at the moment!

The preparation was carried out quite simply, but efficiently, no one conducted interviews with us and psychological tests - we were simply beaten! Not to defeat, but so that it didn’t seem a little! I emphasize - they did not beat, but beat! Feel the difference! You could get a splash or be caught in a choke hold at any moment: at the moment of a conversation with an officer, standing on the nightstand as a day-caretaker, just walking through the unit. Avoiding hitting or grabbing is encouraged! Answer - even more so! Although it is fair to say, rarely did anyone succeed!

They say that such a system was introduced into the practice of the Airborne Forces by their commander - the legendary V.F. Margelov - I do not know, but if this is so, then a low bow to him for that! SUCH a training system saved many lives in real wars and for me too ... I still, although more than thirty years have passed, I just physically cannot go around the corner of the building close to it, I go around in three or four steps ...
Constant pressure, in which, by the way, there was nothing personal, because the grandfather received as well as the young one, developed the skill of constant vigilance, the ability not to relax even in sleep, some kind of sixth sense of danger ...

Physical training in the Airborne Forces does not require special comments... Endurance training - running in different conditions, walking in a goose step, alternating accelerations, a ragged rhythm ... strength training - pull-ups, push-ups of various types, squats, jumping ... swinging the press again in different ways. All this - "through I can not" until complete darkness in the eyes ... The touch is still enough, although dmb-77 ...

What up KIT OF BASIC TECHNIQUES hand-to-hand, here it is necessary to decipher ... Not for airborne troops and special forces - they already know everything! For fans of films like Rimbaud ... This is exactly the training of BASIC techniques, not METHODS, and quite individual ... Someone is more comfortable with a throw, someone prefers a shock, someone is closer to suffocating grips or techniques for rupture of ligaments and joint fractures. The basics were given to everyone, then the development of stereotypes, bringing the movement to the level of the knee reflex - there is no time to think in battle, the body reacts on its own, the thought does not have time!

The strikes were practiced on all sorts of simulators such as makiwara and punching bag, throws - with each other, VERY CAREFULLY AND NOT IN FULL POWER, also applies to all sorts of painful and suffocating. And after mastering the basic movements, everyone trained himself! No combat sparring in real life, with one exception, about which below ... After all, an attempt to conduct, for example, in sparring conditions, an elbow blow to the Adam's apple for one of the fighters may well become the last ...

And also note, no BALLET in the spirit of Van Dam and Chuck Norris! Legs work up to the knee, not higher! The front of the lower leg and ankle, the inner surface of the lower leg. Knee - a blow to the perineum and to the inside of the thigh. The elbow is mainly for finishing off an opponent who has already lost orientation. Everything is simple and not spectacular, ugly ... BUT - EFFECTIVE!

Now about the exception: about once every two weeks a boxing helmet was put on you, and released against four or five people, old-timers or officers. Not immediately, in turn. I had to hold out for five minutes ... From the first time, as far as I remember, no one succeeded ... For the first time I went to rest at the tenth second, having missed a powerful straight line to the head ...

In a real battle, the result would have been my death, since I got up only ten minutes later ... On the third attempt, I received gratitude in the order for the unit, for I managed to "put in the ring" the deputy tech regiment. The captain, by the way, was not offended by me, and the first, having regained consciousness, shook hands. At the same time, he said: "I started the classes ... we need to work."
We did not kill rats with our bare hands ... but everything is the same, the readiness to fight at any second of the day or night, and not for life, but for death, was absorbed into the flesh and blood, into the bone marrow ... That's, in general, that's all "Terrible military secrets", which I was going to tell you.

/Andrey Popov, topwar.ru /

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