Entertaining mma in pictures. George St. Pierre defends title in close fight (video) Johnny Hendrix vs. George St. Pierre

Below is my vision of this battle, which I wrote without relying on any statistical data from information resources.

Round 1.
From the first seconds, George began to work in his favorite manner: we saw his typical jab and a rapid takedown, and then the already relaxed fans of the Canadian got nervous again, for Joni quickly got up into a standing position, protecting himself from George's sluggish attempt to carry out the "guillotine" along the way. Further, the fight turned into a clinch, where Hendrix was more effective, as he defended the body well and himself repeatedly hit with his knee on inside thighs of St. Pierre. After the referee put them in a standing position, there was an uppercut from Hendrix and Saint-Pierre, having received a blow in passing, held a leg grab, but he could not overturn the opponent himself, holding his leg in the hold, received several short uppercuts to the head, then pinning Hendrix to the net, he attempted a takedown, but again received only a few short elbows to the head. After Joju failed to knock down the opponent, Joni took the dominant position in the clinch and, pressing Saint-Pierre to the net, knocked him down on the floor, grabbing both legs, but he could not work on the canvas, because with his back to the net, George was difficult target for attacks. The rest of the round, the fighters spent mainly in a standing position, where they exchanged several spectacular blows, but the more significant ones were still from Hendrix's side.

Outcome: 10 - 9 Hendrix.

Round 2.
George decided to hold the second round in a standing position, as attempts to fight Hendrix were unsuccessful. The long-range barrage of George ended Hendrix's powerful uppercut that left the Canadian staggering, which in turn allowed Joni to build on his success and land a few more powerful hits. After another attack, Hendrix pushed Saint-Pierre to the net, but was unable to build on his success, which allowed George to recover and partially recover. The rest of the round was held in a stance, where the fighters attacked each other with varying success, George's attacks did not hide their power, but the jabs from time to time reached the goal.

Outcome: 10 - 9 Hendrix.

Round 3.
After two rounds, Saint-Pierre realized that he had more chances to defeat the stocky wrestler in the standing position and began to successfully implement his plan. Let Hendrix snarl powerful blows, but Joj's striking arsenal turned out to be much richer, which allowed him to work on all floors, showing us that Saint-Pierre is originally a karate player and can make out in a stance such a simple drummer like Joni. By the end of the round, Hendrix tried to shift the fight to a more comfortable plane and masterfully performed a takedown, but did not manage to realize his dominant position.

Round 4.
Realizing that he had found the right key to defeating Hendrix, George continued to work at a distance, but after making a mistake, he was thrown onto the floor, where he felt the weight of Joni's blows for more than a minute. Rising to his feet, he tried to stick to the established plan, but being exhausted, he could not work effectively, after delivering a few blows, he received much more tangible responses. Seeing this turn of events, George attempted a takedown by pushing Hendrix to the net, but lost to the dominant position twice in the clinch, allowing Joni to work as number one.

Outcome: 10 - 9 Hendrix.

Round 5.
George entered the "championship" round, realizing that he had to work it out to the end. It was in this round that we saw the real George, who is a truly versatile fighter. Hendrix tried to attack and also worked confidently in the clinch, but he, by and large, there was nothing to oppose to George, who was not sure of his victory, like Joni. In this round, Saint-Pierre showed himself more confident in the standing position, made a takedown and generally pressed throughout the last five minutes.

The result of the fight: 48 - 47 Joni Hendrix.

Official result: George St. Pierre won 48-47, 48-47, 47-48 by split decision.

In the UFC, there were fights with no less controversial referee decisions, but this match among fights for the belt is the undisputed leader and will remain so forever and ever (I want to believe it). If we cut off the one-day fans, then the opinions on this match are the same among the whole world, except for the two judges who gave the victory to Saint-Pierre.

Also for the readers, I have prepared statistics taken from the official website of the UFC and FightMetric.

In the images below you can familiarize yourself with the dry statistics of this fight and see what decision each of the judges made.

On the next images, we can get acquainted with more detailed statistics and also see the result of this fight according to FighMetric.

As we can see here, as on many other information resources, we gave the victory to Hendrix, but here we see not emotions and impressions of the battle, but only statistics and facts, which are proof that that evening we saw a brazen robbery from outside. judges. I would like to note that such decisions have an extremely negative impact on the sport in general and leave a bitter residue in the hearts of millions of fans.

In conclusion, I would like to show you after the match interview with Saint-Pierre, in which you will see the reaction of the spectators and the athletes themselves to the announced result.

2013.11.18, 03:20 | Conor 441

Title fight between Georges Saint-Pierre and Johnny Hendrix caused a lot of controversy among MMA fans about the result. The editors of our site also did not stand aside and we decided to make our decision after reviewing the battle. 3 judges were chosen who could carefully review the fight and make their decision. So, the judges were Ruslan, Boris and Mikhail. The task was simple: to describe each round of the battle, making a decision on it with a score.

1 round


An immediate jet takedown from St. Pierre followed early in the round. The fighters quickly got up into a stance, then a clinch ensued where the fighters exchanged knees. Saint-Pierre again threw himself at the feet of Hendrix, for which he paid by missing the elbow strikes at the net. Hendrix reversed at the net, then knocked St. Pierre down. But he, in turn, could not keep the opponent, the Canadian quickly got up to the rack. And so, the fighters exchanged takedowns, knees in a click and Hendrix struck with his elbows. The fight continued in a standing position, where the remaining two minutes of the round passed. They passed under the dictation of Saint-Pierre, who successfully used a jab and kicked, and on all floors, I included a successfully applied hike. A very equal round, but the beginning of the round, and, most importantly, the ending - were behind the champion.

Check: 10-9 in favor of Saint Pierre


To judge such a fight objectively, I decided to turn off the sound and the picture changed immediately. In the first round, there was little action from one side and the other. St. Pierre tried a few takedowns, but Hendrix defended well. The challenger managed to transfer the champion 1 time, but not on his back and control of the position lasted for a rather short time. Hendrix made several elbows with St. Pierre pinning him to the net while the champion shot and hit a highik, and also delivered more accurate kicks and worked more as number one. In this round, Saint-Pierre has a minimal advantage, since Hendrix threw a lot of punches into the milk and even a takedown does not give him the opportunity to give him a victory.

Check: 10-9 in favor of Saint Pierre


From the first seconds, George began to work in his favorite manner, we saw his typical jab and a rapid takedown, and then the already relaxed fans of the Canadian got nervous again, because Johnny quickly got up into a standing position, protecting himself from George's sluggish attempt to carry out the "guillotine" along the way. Further, the fight turned into a clinch, where Hendrix was more effective, as he defended the body well and himself repeatedly struck with his knee on the inner side of St. Pierre's thigh. After the referee put them in a standing position, an uppercut from Hendrix followed, and Saint-Pierre, having received a blow, casually grabbed the leg, but he could not overturn the opponent himself, holding his leg in the grip, received several short uppercuts to the head, then pressing Hendrix to the net he attempted a takedown, but again received only a few short elbows to the head. After Georges failed to knock down the opponent, Johnny took the dominant position in the clinch and, pressing Saint-Pierre to the net, threw him onto the floor, grabbing both legs, but he could not work on the canvas, since George was a difficult target for attacks with his back to the net. ... The rest of the round, the fighters spent mainly in a standing position, where they exchanged several spectacular blows, but the more significant ones were still from Hendrix's side.

Check: 10 - 9 in favor of Hendrix

2 round


The start of the round is behind St. Pierre. Again using jabs and kicks. Johnny explodes a couple of times at the very beginning of the round, but he sent all the punches into "milk". But then there is a short uppercut that shook Georges. Hendrix immediately rushed into the attack, completing what he had begun with heavy combinations. Saint-Pierre missed a couple of three more heavy punches, but survived, managing to knit an opponent. The fight turned into a clinch near the net, where Hendrix hit his opponent's thighs with his knees. A little fiddling and the fight turns into a stance again. Saint-Pierre is already successful. Clearly delivering jabs and swings to the opponent's head, combining this with kicks. The remaining time the round was also held in a standing position, the rivals exchanged jabs, but the Canadian looked preferable, shooting the opponent in general and on last minute doing a great hike. But this was not enough to take the round. The start of the round when Hendrix punched the opponent and delivered excellent heavy blows- bring him a round.

Check: 10-9 for Hendrix


Everything is more or less clear about the winner. Saint-Pierre kept Hendrix on the left jab and when he was waiting for the opponent's attacks, he hit virtually everything he threw out. But the problem is that when Saint-Pierre started to attack first, then for some reason he was not ready for strong blows to the left of Hendrix. At one point, the challenger hit powerfully and the champion took a slight lead, noticing that Hendrix had a powerful streak, but St. Pierre held out and climbed into the clinch, where Johnny hit with powerful punches a couple of times. It was thanks to the powerful punches that Hendrix won the round. In this five-minute period, he hit, which made it possible to equalize the score in rounds.

Check: 10-9 for Hendrix


George decided to hold the second round in a standing position, as attempts to fight Hendrix were unsuccessful. The distant barrage of George ended Hendrix's powerful uppercut that left the Canadian staggering, which in turn allowed Johnny to build on his success and land a few more powerful punches. After another attack, Hendrix pushed Saint-Pierre to the net, but I could not build on this success, which allowed George to come to his senses and partially recover. The rest of the round was held in a stance, where the fighters attacked each other with varying success, George's attacks did not hide their power, but the jabs from time to time reached the goal.

Check: 10 - 9 in favor of Hendrix

3 round


Almost the entire round was held in a standing position. And with a confident advantage of Saint-Pierre. Single punches more and more often reached the target, combinations with the use of kicks were also present. At the end of the round, with just over 30 seconds left, Hendrix managed to takedown and hit a couple of hammerfists. But after a couple of seconds, Georges managed to get up. So, in general, heavy low kicks, jabs, counter-punches bring it to Georges Saint-Pierre throughout almost the entire round.

Check: 10-9 in favor of Saint Pierre


This round is completely behind the champion, who shot the challenger in one wicket for the first 3 minutes. Hendrix has a takedown and 20 seconds of overhead position without active action. Saint-Pierre had a great jab on Hendrix and had some great combos ending with power punches. In principle, you don't have to argue here and just give the round to the champion because everything is obvious.

Check: 10-9 in favor of Saint Pierre


After two rounds, Saint-Pierre realized that he had more chances to defeat the stocky wrestler in the standing position and began to successfully implement his plan. Hendrix may have snapped back with powerful punches, but Georges' striking arsenal turned out to be much richer, which allowed him to work on all floors, showing us that Saint-Pierre was originally a karate player and is able to make out in a stance such a simple drummer as Johnny. By the end of the round, Hendrix tried to shift the fight to a more comfortable plane and masterfully performed a takedown, but did not manage to realize his dominant position.

Check: 10 - 9 in favor of St. Pierre

Round 4


The first minute and a half of the round were held in a standing position. Without the obvious success of one of the fighters. But then Johnny managed to unexpectedly hook the opponent and the fight went to the flooring. Hendrix did a great overhead job with great punches including elbow strikes. The remaining 3 minutes of the round were spent in a standing position, where Hendrix was also preferable, delivering a couple of three accurate punches. At the very end of the round, the fighters decided to fight, making takedown attempts, but both, in turn, showed an excellent takedown defense and the round ended on their feet.

Check: 10-9 for Hendrix


Johnny Hendrix looked great this round, beating St. Pierre in almost every way. At the beginning of the round, Saint-Pierre decided to go according to the worked out plan and keep the challenger on the jab, but at one point Hendrix began to put pressure, and the champion decided to step back, but slipped from below. Hendrix had excellent control of St. Pierre on the ground and in the standing position hit with quite powerful blows, taking the round into his own hands. Saint-Pierre did almost nothing in those 5 minutes, so everything is pretty obvious here.

Check: 10-9 for Hendrix


Realizing that he had found the right key to the victory over Hendrix, Georges continued to work at a distance, but after making a mistake, he was thrown onto the floor, where he felt the weight of Johnny's blows for more than a minute. Rising to his feet, he tried to stick to the established plan, but being exhausted, he could not work effectively, after delivering a few blows, he received much more tangible responses. Seeing this turn of events, George attempted a takedown by pushing Hendrix to the net, but lost to the dominant position twice in the clinch, allowing Johnny to work as number one.

Check: 10 - 9 in favor of Hendrix

5 round


From the first seconds of the round, Saint-Pierre was active in a standing position. All in the same way as, namely, using jabs and kicks. Then there was a takedown attempt, which was successfully stopped by Johnny Hendrix. Then Saint-Pierre struck an excellent middle kick to the body and added a two to the opponent's head, and immediately made a takedown. Johnny got up quickly and the fight continued in a prolonged clinch at the net, with varying opponents' success. Mario Yamasaki stops this by separating the fighters from the clinch. The fight continues, respectively, in a standing position, but Georges again makes a successful takedown, but the opponent got up and again clinched, which lasted until the end of the round, and the fight, respectively. An active start to the round in a standing position, coupled with a successful two takedowns, brings the round to Georges Saint-Pierre.

Check: 10-9 in favor of Saint Pierre


More than 3 minutes in this round were spent in a clinch, where there was only a fight for an advantageous position without any blows from both sides. But at the same time, in the remaining 2 minutes, the champion managed to carry out 2 takedowns, but could not control the position from above for a long time. This is a plus for Saint Pierre. In the standing position, the champion completely surpassed the challenger, smashing him with jabs and occasionally high kikiki. In addition, at the end of the round, St. Pierre tried to carry out a kimura, but the gong rang about the end of the round. This is the worst round for Hendrix and the best for St Pierre.

Check: 10-9 in favor of Saint Pierre


Georges entered the "champion" round, realizing that he had to work on it to the end. It was in this round that we saw the real Georges, who is a truly versatile fighter. Hendrix tried to attack and also worked confidently in the clinch, but by and large he had nothing to oppose to George, who was not confident in his victory as Johnny. In this round, Saint-Pierre showed himself more confident in the standing position, made a takedown and generally pressed throughout the last five minutes.

Check: 10 - 9 in favor of St. Pierre

Results of the battle:

Ruslan gave 48-47 in favor of Georges Saint-Pierre

Boris gave 48-47 to Georges Saint-Pierre

Michael gave 48-47 in favor of Johnny Hendrix

Here, as in Las Vegas, Georges Saint-Pierre won the victory by a split decision, who finally staked out the title best fighter of all time, but Hendrix deserves a rematch after what he featured in the Octagon.

Won against Tim Elliott by points; all results Ufc 167.

Tournament was held in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA today Ufc 167 Timed to coincide with the 20th anniversary of Ultimate Fighting Championship... The event turned out to be full of wonderful, spectacular fights, becoming a real "cherry" on the UFC birthday cake.

The main card of the tournament was opened by the duel of our compatriot Ali Bagautinov (Fight Nights Team) against No. 7 in the UFC ranking Tim Elliott... Bagautinov showed that training in Greg Jackson's camp was not in vain - constantly "cycling", counterattacking and exploding with short, but furious attacks, Ali managed to shoot Elliot, actually working as number two. Tim constantly went forward and pressed - but for the most part demonstrated the ability to copy the "pendulum" style of Dominic Cruz, without causing serious damage to the enemy. As a result, “Puncher” deservedly won the fight by unanimous decision, having won the second consecutive victory in the octagon. Our congratulations!

Josh Koschek welterweight scrum and Tyrone Woodley ended in the first round with a striking victory for the Strikeforce veteran. Tyrone, pushing forward like a tank, left Koschek no chance, sending him to "sleep" on the canvas with two heavy blows.

Another welterweight bout ended with a loud upset. Another Strikeforce native Robbie Lawler brutally disassembled the "heir to GSP" Rory MacDonald, almost ending the fight ahead of schedule. Rory's careful tactics of using his own size and controlling the distance did not pay off this time - in the 2nd and 3rd rounds Lawler skillfully passed the jab minefields and shot his opponent with the cannons of his fists, winning the principled battle on points.

Rashad Evans in the first round he dealt with his TV colleague Chail Sonnen. Once on the cover, "American Ganst" could not get out from under the "Suga" and went into a deaf defense; a series of unanswered strikes was enough for the referee to intervene in the matter.

In the main battle, the evenings met UFC champion welterweight George St. Pierre and title contender Johnny Hendrix. In the early rounds, Hendrix had every opportunity to end the fight ahead of schedule and become the new champion - GSP's usually successful tactics hit an impenetrable wall this time around. Jeb did not work as effectively as in the fight with Koshchek - Hendrix skillfully closed the distance and hit Saint-Pierre in series from his hands; Johnny was not inferior to the champion in the fight, and the takedown attempt almost always ended in a "dead" clutch in the clinch. At the same time, “Big Rigg” himself in the second round felt a gap in the defense of St. Pierre and perceptibly shook him - it seemed that it was about to end.

But no matter how it is.

A true champion always has more than just a set of physical condition, technique, experience and a good battle plan. He must have a fortitude or, as they say in the USA, a "heart" - an inner core that does not bend, does not break, and helps him to get out of the most difficult situations. Saint-Pierre also has it, who did not lose his head under the hail of blows, did not panic, but developed new tactics right in the process of the fight and began to methodically follow it. Johnny, on the other hand, was perceptibly tired, surrendered in the speed and power of the blows; at the end of the battle, he completely decided that he had won, starting to dance and sing songs before the start of the last five minutes.

The fight went to the end and turned out to be very equal - however, the judges gave the victory by split decision to Saint-Pierre. After the fight, George announced that he wanted "hang gloves on a nail for a while" due to personal circumstances. Hendrix said that, in his opinion, he "won the fight", and at the post-match conference he said that "hit 70% of his power without going to knock out George"- whatever that means.

What awaits us - an immediate revenge, or "retirement" of St. Pierre? The question remains open.

Full tournament results:

Main battles:

Georges St-Pierre Defeated Johny Hendricks by split decision (47-48, 48-47, 48-47)
Rashad Evans defeated Chael Sonnen by TKO, 4:05, R1
Robbie lawler won Rory MacDonald via split decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)
Tyron woodley defeated Josh Koscheck by KO, 4:38, R1
Ali Bagautinov defeated Tim Elliot via unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 30-27)

Preliminary fights:

Donald “Cowboy” Cerrone defeated Evan Dunham by submission (triangle choke), 3:49, R2
Thales leites defeated Ed Herman by unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
Rick Story defeated Brian Ebersole by unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
Erik perez defeated Edwin Figueroa by unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
Jason high defeated Anthony Lapsley by unanimous decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)
Sergio pettis defeated Will Campuzano by unanimous decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28)
Gian villante defeated Cody Donovan by TKO, 1:22, R2

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