How to get into the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championship): rules, weight categories. Crossfit program for MMA fighters What it takes to become a professional mma fighter

The contract with the UFC is currently signed at 35 Russian fighters... Several dozen more would like to sign it. Match TV asks how to do this.

From 1993 to 2012, five fighters from Russia managed to compete in the UFC, who had five 17 fights (of which 9 were Oleg Taktarov). From 2012 to the present, 46 fighters representing Russia have entered the octagon. The first in the new era was Khabib Nurmagomedov (debut on January 20, 2012), in the same year Rustam Khabilov and Azamat Gashimov fought their battles. After that, the Russians began to sign contracts with the UFC much more often.

Khabib's contract was negotiated by his close friend Eldar Eldarov with manager Sam Cardan (real name Shamil Kardanov - "Match TV"), and Cardan with UFC matchmaker Joe Silva.

Since 2016, Joe Silva has not worked in the UFC, and even earlier, Khabib Nurmagomedov began to cooperate with the tandem of managers Rizvan Magomedov and Ali Abdelaziz, who is considered one of the most influential in the UFC. Abdelaziz and Magmoedov conduct the affairs of most of the fighters from Russia, Sayat Abdrakhmanov is considered the second most signed by Russians. A few more fighters from Russia are led by managers with fewer athletes on contracts. At the same time as more and more fighters from Russia are entering into agreements with the UFC, stories are beginning to sound sharper when someone failed to get into the organization.

Sayat Abdrakhmanov - about the lack of clear criteria

History: Abdrakhmanov manages the affairs of more than ten fighters signed to the UFC, Peter Yan works with him (No. 4 in the bantamweight rating), and the manager himself simultaneously cooperates with the Tiger gym in Thailand.

Now it is much easier to sign up: there are more tournaments, the geography is expanding, the UFC is interested in new fighters. And there is no clear criterion with which you will definitely be taken. The advantages are the record without defeats, spectacular victories, the ability to somehow stand out. There are many fighters, and all other things being equal, they will choose the one who is media, who speaks English, who has no problems obtaining a visa. Plus, for the Russian market, a very relevant moment is doping tests. Russian organizations do not have them, and accordingly, not all fighters can enter the UFC on short notice in order to immediately pass clean tests.

The statistics 20-0 does not guarantee anything, and, on the contrary, there are examples when people were signed without a record in MMA: they gave a contract to Bilyal Makhov (world wrestling champion; professional boxer James Toney also fought without experience in MMA in the UFC. - "Match TV"), so if you are very popular or you have merits in some other sports, you can sign a contract without any experience of performing in MMA. Some fighters signed with both negative statistics and uncovered defeats, the chances in such cases are less, but there were examples.

Go through specific examples for us. Arman Tsarukyan has excellent statistics, but he is not the most popular fighter in Russia, and he has no known rivals among the defeated ones, but he gets a contract. Sergey Khandozhko with a large number of defeats in last battles- too. Alexander Shlemenko and Eduard Vartanyan - no.

Arman Tsarukyan signed up for a certain tournament - an opponent was needed for Islam Makhachev. On a short notice, there were few people willing to fight Islam. Armand was ready, fit stylistically and in terms of level. Sergey Khandozhko - many people say “the level or not the level of the UFC”. If you get signed, then you are UFC level. The UFC has its own reasons, and not every fighter is signed to become a champion (according to Match TV, Sergei Khandozhko was signed with the participation of high-ranking officials from the Krasnodar Territory, where the UFC tournament was previously planned. August 2019).

Eduard Vartanyan as an athlete corresponds to the level of the UFC, but I suppose that if you want to sign a contract with the UFC, this should be your priority, and not a choice from several options. Perhaps you need to be ready to go out on short notice, be ready to go for a fee reduction, but this is if it is acceptable to him. In general, there may be a situation where the fighter will normally exist without the UFC, and the organization will live without him.

In the case of Alexander Shlemenko, as I can judge from the outside, it was important, firstly, to close the defeats that were before that, secondly, to understand whether the UFC is ready to pay as much as he receives in Russia, and thirdly, The UFC seems to have some nuances regarding doping tests for fighters who had some problems with athletic commissions: if an athlete had complaints, then he can be tested for six months before being allowed to perform (Alexander Shlemenko had a trial with the California State Athletic Commission after being accused of using illegal drugs - Match TV).

- If I have good conditions in Russia, do I have to go to lower the fee, getting into the UFC?

The standard UFC fee for a beginner is $ 10 + 10 thousand, but that doesn't mean you can't get more. For example, they are ready to see how much you received before, and can repeat the offer that was from the previous organization.

It is believed that the fact that you work with Dani Rubinstein, who has a good relationship with Sean Shelby, makes it easier to sign up through you than through your competitors.

All managers with more than 20 fighters in the UFC, and there are few of them, have direct contacts and built relationships with matchmakers. This is a matter of relationships, and there is no favoritism, this is a reputation that is earned over the years, which is guided by. It is important for matchmaker that if he contacts you, you will be ready to help.

- How many people write to you with a request to see someone, help someone?

In the direct, requests for correspondence, as they stopped at +99, are still there, although I often look through and try to answer, suddenly from a thousand messages I come across some particularly valuable one. But I have so many fighters that I have to focus on those who are working with me now and pursue their careers. I already have a relationship with those with whom I work, there is trust in each other, so it is very difficult to imagine that I would start working with someone completely unfamiliar - only if one of my friends or acquaintances would recommend a specific person to me ...

Alexander Skaredin - why fighters refuse to wait for the UFC

History: signed Roman Kopylov in the UFC, for a long time negotiated the signing of Nikolai Aleksakhin, but in the end Aleksakhin, continuing to work with Skaredin, signed a contract with the PFL.

Fighter signing in the UFC is primarily a matter of matchmakers: Mick Maynard is responsible for the middle to heavyweight, flyweight and women's divisions; Sean Shelby is the Bantamweight, Featherweight, Lightweight and Welterweight. Every matchmaker in any good organization is a very busy and in-demand person. And you must understand how you can impress him, since their windows, in order to perceive some information, are very small. I think the UFC is looking at fighter records and maybe highlights. If you have a 60-second video of you vividly cutting out your opponents, that is also a plus. But in any case, the assessment of matchmakers remains subjective, and the issue of personal relations is quite important. For example, I have direct contact with Mick Maynard, I have good communication, he can directly say who he would like to see and what data a fighter should have, what chances this or that person has to sign a contract. Sean Shelby is considered a slightly more honored person: he has been in the UFC for a long time, he signed Rhonda Rosie and Conor McGregor, and it is much harder to sign through him. American managers Danny Rubinstein and Jason House have good contact with him, and their fighters get into the UFC more easily.

- But you could not sign Aleksakhin and he left for the PFL.

When we were trying to get a contract for Nikolai Aleksakhin, we talked to Shelby for a long time. At first he said “keep winning,” then he looked for some options, then we just waited, and at some point he told us in plain text: “I have a flair for who needs to be signed. I signed Rhonda when they knew nothing about her. Signed by Conor when he had stronger competitors ... ". We realized that we can wait a very long time, and we knew that there are examples when fighters wait a year or a year and a half until they are offered to fight at least at some tournament, and decided to see what other options there are on the market. As a result, two organizations made an offer to us, one of them sent us a very good contract from a financial point of view, and we signed it (at the moment Nikolay Aleksakhin is a PFL fighter - Match TV).

If Nikolai Aleksakhin gave brighter interviews, put on nice suits and would have 500 thousand subscribers?

My opinion is that, in general, matchmakers globally do not care about the level of opposition, media coverage, the number of followers on Instagram. I can say for sure that they look at some of the fastest things to understand: a record and methods of victories. About attempts to summon one of the current UFC fighters, to make any appeals, I have a literal quote from one of the matchmakers: "It doesn't mean anything." The UFC does not have a task for everyone to be in the media, rather they just provide a platform, and natural selection already begins on it, and everyone can decide how it will be best for him: to become a media person, to offend someone, to fight spectacularly.

Once upon a time, the signing of a contract by three fighters from Russia seemed like a big step forward. Now contracts for about 35 Russians - is this a ceiling?

You must understand that Russian market for the UFC, this is not yet the highest priority area of ​​interest. Although I would suggest that a significant number will be added to the 35 fighters who are signed now, since we are objectively the third after the USA and Brazil in terms of the number of professional MMA fighters. But it is interesting that if, for example, the UFC is going to enter India, the Indian fighters will also get into the UFC, although we understand that the level of the Indians in MMA is still nonexistent. That is, it was previously believed that the UFC is really the absolutely best league in the world and only best athletes, and now it is already obvious to everyone that this is not entirely true. I would say that about a quarter of the UFC fighters are really top, and the rest is the same level as in other promotions. There is an example of a Russian fighter who turned the turntables on not the most understandable opponents, walked without defeat, and was taken. He lost the first fight. Another important point is that in a light weight(up to 70.3 kg) quite a lot of Russians have signed, and no one has been fired yet, so it will be very difficult to get into this category, and partly because of this, both Edurad Vartanyan and Alexander Shabliy are still standing still. It turns out that 70 kg is a very hammered weight, followed by 77.1 and 65.8 kg. Subscribing there is very difficult.

Ivan Bannikov - how Alexander Volkov got into the UFC

History: Volkov had two defeats at Bellator, after which he closed them with fights in M-1, signed a contract with the UFC, received major fights in tournaments three times, is in the top 6 heavyweight division and played at big tournament UFC in Las Vegas.

Alexander retired from Bellator after two losses by split decisions. After that, he had two fights in M-1, where he took the belt, defended it and in each case won ahead of schedule. On top of that, the UFC was hungry for the heavyweights, so we signed a contract without any problems.

- When and how did you start communicating with people from the UFC?

In February 2016, Alexander became the M-1 champion, was preparing to defend the belt, and around that moment we talked to people from the UFC. In America, we have good relations with the Black House club, our friend, agent Ed Soares, works there. He helped us arrange a personal meeting with the matchmakers, and after that we already had a good business relationship. Now we can communicate both with matchmakers: Sean Shelby and Mick Maynard, and on some global issues, you can contact Dane White.

- At the same time, many have a question why Edurad Vartanyan, who cooperates with you, cannot get into the UFC?

Nothing prevents Edward from signing, except for certain bureaucratic processes associated with both the UFC and the league where he plays. Hopefully we'll see Edward in the UFC soon, it's a matter of a couple of months. Also in Strela there are several more fighters who may be there in the near future, we just plan to make them come to the UFC to win, not to lose.

Kirill Timofeev - how to get a lot of money under a new contract

History: Nikita Krylov was signed to the UFC back in 2013, after that he changed the weight category, began to represent Russia in the promotion, not Ukraine, left the UFC, spent four fights in other organizations and, upon returning, signed a contract under which he received 80 thousand dollars for going out to battle and the same amount for winning.

From the moment Nikita left the UFC, we already knew that he would return there. At the same time, I became his manager and at first I just asked my acquaintances how it would be possible to contact one of the matchmakers. While they told me “I'll ask a guy who knows exactly who to ask,” we decided how Nikita's career outside the UFC should be built. We assumed that he would have 3-4 fights, set dates and started performing in Fight Nights.

And then Kamil Gadzhiev gave me quite valuable advice, he suggested just writing to Mika Maynard by mail and discussing Nikitin's contract with him directly.

I found a contact, wrote and he answered. We started discussing the contract. The fact that Nikita had already fought in the UFC influenced, plus on the level of rumors we were told that the UFC seemed to be interested in him too. I wrote a letter - they answered me pretty quickly. Discussion began on the terms: we were bargaining for money and initially asked for a little more than we were ultimately offered. These conditions did not suit the promotion, we were asked to move slightly, we made some concessions and eventually agreed. The most interesting thing is that we almost only corresponded by mail and in the end, they simply sent us a contract, we signed it and sent it.

Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the athlete - the main objective circuit training in wrestling and martial arts MMA.

For this reason, several principles have been formed on which this type of training is based:

  • Circuit training for mixed martial arts representatives is characterized by high intensity, and the sport itself is traumatic, it must start with a warm-up.

At this stage, the most important muscle groups, joints and tendons are prepared for stress, Special attention given to the cervical, lumbar spine, knee and elbow joints. .
Circuit training must be consistent and comprehensive.

This involves alternating between cardio and strength training, special exercises for fighters to develop specific skills that are necessary in mixed martial arts. Constant increase in the intensity of the training, its duration.

  • The circuit training program should be consistent and comprehensive. This involves the alternation of cardio and strength loads, special exercises for fighters to develop specific skills that are necessary in mixed martial arts.
  • Constant increase in the intensity of the training, its duration.

Muscle work

The specificity of the development of the main muscle groups in wrestlers and fighters is that the main emphasis is on to increase strength, and not on relief and other external characteristics.

Work is being done primarily on top corps ( shoulder girdle, arms, chest muscles, abs) and leg muscles.

This ensures the effective use of military techniques and reduction of injuries during the fight or the training process.


Energy consumption during circuit training is very high, therefore, the nutritional principle for MMA wrestlers and fighters is balance. The diet involves the predominance of protein foods, fiber, complex carbohydrates and unsaturated fats, these components provide the athlete with the necessary amount of calories, prevents the formation of excess weight.

Photo 1. Meat, eggs, fish, legumes, nuts - products that must be included in the diet of wrestlers.

Mixed martial arts have their own weight categories, so athletes have to adjust the diet during preparation for battle... This is accompanied by a decrease in the amount of calories and fluids consumed.

Reference! From the diet of athletes alcohol, fast food is excluded and the amount of simple carbohydrates is minimized.

What to do after class?

Circular training takes a lot of energy, causes overload of muscle, cardiovascular, and sometimes nervous system.

For these reasons, the body must recover after exercise:

  • At the end of the workout stretching must be included which relaxes muscles, develops elasticity of tendons, increases joint mobility.
  • Professional fighters are often resort to the help of masseurs and also incorporate Pilates and yoga into their workout routine. These techniques prevent damage to joints and the musculoskeletal system in general.
  • A good sleep it is necessary not only to restore the body, but also to maintain the nervous system in a normal state, the overload of which will negatively affect the results.

Exercise for training the press

1. Thai bar

Take a prone position, then bend your arms and lower your forearms to the floor (A). Rotate the body to the right, tearing off right hand and right leg off the floor, and then bring your elbow and knee together. Tighten your core muscles vigorously and hold the position for three seconds (B). Repeat for the opposite side. If the exercise seems too difficult, do it on your knees.

2. Side bar

Number of approaches: 3 Number of repetitions: 5-10 (on each side)

Get into a prone position and then twist your torso to the right, raising your right hand above your head (A). Stretch your core muscles vigorously and bring your right knee and right elbow together (B). Hold the position for three seconds and then repeat on the opposite side. If the exercise seems too difficult, do it on your knees.

3. Thai crunches

Sets: 4 Reps: 10 (each side)

Lie on your back, lift your legs off the floor and place your hands behind your head. Pull in your abdomen and lift your torso by touching your right elbow to your right thigh (A). Hold for three seconds and then lower upper part back to the floor. Repeat for the left side (B).

4. Reduction of knees and elbows while standing

Sets: 5 Reps: 10

Stand up straight, put your right palm on the wall, left hand lift it over your head, left leg lift (A). Lift your left knee, touch it with your left elbow and hold the position for three seconds (B). Do the prescribed number of repetitions and then repeat on the opposite side. If you can, do the exercise without leaning against the wall.

5. "Kicks" with the knee

Sets: 5 Reps: 5-10

Stand against the wall so that you can reach it and maintain balance (if necessary). Get into a fighting stance with your arms outstretched in front of you as if you were grabbing your opponent by the neck (A). Slowly bring your hands to your chest, raising your right knee as if you were stabbing them in the head of your opponent (B). Hold the position for three seconds. Do the prescribed number of repetitions and then repeat on the opposite side.

6. Raises arms with dumbbells

Take light dumbbells in each hand, spread your feet shoulder-width apart. Keeping your arms straight (but not fully extending your elbows), raise the dumbbell to shoulder level (A). Lowering one hand down, raise the other (B). Move in this rhythm for three minutes (use a timer or just keep track of the time), keeping your abdominal muscles tense and keeping your torso stationary. After completing the non-rest exercise, move on to the next one.

7. Turns of the trunk to the sides with a dumbbell

Number of sets: 1. Do reps for 3 minutes

Take a light dumbbell with both hands, spread your feet shoulder-width apart. Rotate outstretched arms to the left while keeping the head and body stationary (A). Do a similar movement to the right (B). Continue for three minutes, then move on to the next exercise without rest.

8. Lifting a dumbbell overhead

Number of sets: 1. Do reps for 3 minutes

Take a light dumbbell with both hands, spread your feet shoulder-width apart and extend your arms in front of you (A). Raise the dumbbell over your head (you can slightly bend your arms in the upper phase of the movement) (B), and then return to the starting position. Continue for three minutes.

Based on materials:

Triple workout

As noted above, Kane's cardio training became his business card... The hardy "breather" was not given to him from birth, it is the result of non-stop cardio workouts. His hard work has made him one of the fastest growing fighters.

Even in heavyweight Kane moves very easily and fights at an incredible pace.

While most athletes find the daily split tiring, Kane trains 3 times a day, 5 days a week. The training is broken down into 3 Phases that develop every aspect of the fighter: Strength and Endurance, Grappling and Punching, and Cardio. And he does it every day, Monday through Friday!

To develop strength and endurance, Kane trains with own weight to increase power and mass. His power training with weight are very short and simple, because he avoids being overly muscular - this can affect cardio - the more muscle an athlete has, the more oxygen they need to maintain performance.

Kane lifts weights to constantly increase and maintain the strength needed to improve wrestling, punching and grappling performance.

For the "Big Four" (squat, bench press, deadlift Overhead Squat), Kane uses a 5/3/1 pattern, 5 reps max in the first set, 3 in the second, 1 in the last.

For all other exercises, 3 sets of 10 repetitions are done. He sometimes uses kettlebells to develop explosive strength and varied workouts.

During training, Kane uses the GymBoss Timer: when training 5/3/1, he spends respectively 10/8/5 seconds on the exercise, then a break of 1-2 minutes between sets. The heavier the set, the longer the rest.

Where is the best place to train for MMA fighters

When choosing a fitness center for your workouts, pay attention to. For 20 years of work in Russia, this brand has established itself as a close-knit team of professionals

Modern sports equipment, latest programs trainings, attentive attitude to each visitor - all this can be found in the Gold's Gym clubs. There are regular martial arts classes under the guidance of experienced trainers. You can study both in a group and individually. If you are only interested in training in the gym, then new multifunctional simulators and consultations from qualified instructors are at your service.

By developing their body and athletic skills at Gold’s Gym, fitness enthusiasts and professionals also develop their spirits and become members of a large and friendly family.

Kane Velazquez workout program

  1. Full body workout:


  • Squats. 3 sets 5/3/1, rest 1-2 minutes
  • Leg press. 3x10, 15 seconds per approach, rest 1-2 minutes


  • Bench press. 3 sets 5/3/1, rest 1-2 minutes
  • Incline press. 3/10, 15 seconds per approach, rest 1-2 minutes


  • Deadlift. 3 sets 5/3/1, rest 1-2 minutes
  • Pull-ups. 3x10, 15 seconds per approach, rest 1-2 minutes


  • Bench press. 3 sets 5/3/1, rest 1-2 minutes
  • Superset: curls of dumbbells in front of you, curls to the side, pulls of the bar to the chin. 3x10 in each exercise, no rest. Rest 1-2 minutes between supersets.


  • Bars. 3x10, 15 seconds per approach, rest 1-2 minutes
  • Triceps on the block. 3x10, 15 seconds per approach, rest 1-2 minutes.


  • Curls for biceps. 3x10, 15 seconds per approach, rest 1-2 minutes
  • Concentrated flexion. 3x10, 15 seconds per approach, rest 1-2 minutes

Remember, you are timing, not just sets! You can use a stopwatch on your smartphone, or a regular stopwatch.

Kane's grappling workout consists of wrestling and jiu-jitsu. A natural born wrestler, he improves his punching skills through kickboxing by training with American Kickboxing Academy fighters Josh Koschek, John Fitch and Phil Baroni, among others.

As for cardio, Kane spars with 5 different opponents for 3 minutes - this is done to keep each new opponent fresh, to test his will and push his limits. In a nutshell, this style MMA training helps Kane Velazquez to do what other fighters cannot.

After sparring, Kane runs 10 kilometers a day to improve lung capacity and VO2 Max (a measure of your ability to absorb and metabolize oxygen).

Reasons to do MMA

Many novice athletes often ask questions about why MMA fighters need training at all, because even without it, you can also learn to fight. It is worth noting that martial arts, like any sport, have their own rules and guidelines, which cannot be violated in any way.

The training of MMA fighters provides an opportunity to develop strength and endurance, which is necessary not only for them, but also for people who are fond of any other sport. Apart from this, there are many reasons to start MMA. The main ones are:

  1. Music for MMA workouts energizes and directs you to achieve new goals.
  2. Through regular exercise, self-confidence is gradually developed. When a wrestler knows exactly how to fight, he feels calmer and more relaxed. That is why, when a threat comes suddenly, it will be much easier to get around it.
  3. Discipline is one of the main advantages of MMA. Home workouts, like gym sessions with coaches, teach discipline not only in the body, but also in the mind. Proper nutrition, the sleep and exercise schedule are the main points that you will have to accustom yourself to from the very first lesson.
  4. MMA class (workout) is a great opportunity to improve your physical capabilities and become the owner of a gorgeous athletic body.
  5. Exercise allows you to drive out the anger and anger that people absolutely do not need in Everyday life... It is enough just to spend some time in the gym and realize all your aggression there.
  6. Victories and defeats in competitions give drive, which is reflected in other areas of activity.
  7. Visiting the gym and meeting there the same athletes, there is a considerable chance to find real friends who will be close in spirit and interests.

From particular to general

You can consider the training programs of various fighters for a long time, but it will be more useful to understand for yourself some of the basic principles of strength training.

During the battle, you will have to constantly move: jump, wriggle in grips, push, pull, squat, etc. Accordingly, you need to choose those exercises that are similar to movements in a duel. This especially applies to work with your own weight. Perfect for push-ups, squats, burpees, pull-ups, lunges, etc. All these exercises can (and should) be combined into a circuit training and performed without pauses or with a short break, depending on your functional readiness.

It is extremely useful to use medball in your workouts. You can make a complex for 2-3 minutes from several throws. Then spend several rounds, taking a break in between to recover.

You can also try doing barbell complex(20kg Olympic bar):

  1. Deadlift
  2. Taking on the chest
  3. Standing chest press
  4. Front squat
  5. Dash
  6. Bent over row

All exercises are performed in 5-6 rounds with a one-minute break. You can gradually add weight, but 45-50 kg is enough for even the most trained heavyweight fighter, so don't overdo it.

The key point, as you have already noticed, is cyclicality. Circuit training is the choice of a martial arts athlete.
It is clear that MMA fighters cannot afford to spend a lot of time on strength training. The lion's share of training is spent on practicing striking and wrestling techniques. Before serious fights, athletes practically do not leave the hall at all, trying to add something new to the existing arsenal or even further improve their favorite hits and throws.

Since we are talking about preparing for battles, let's see how the masters do it today. the highest level, fighters from the top 10 of the MMA rankings in different weight categories.

crossfit program for MMA fighters complex 8. Fight gone bad

  • 1 minute: throws the ball at the target, 9/6 kg - maximum reps
  • Minute 2: Sumo Rows to Chin, 35/24 kg max reps
  • 3 minutes: boxing jumps, 50 cm - maximum reps
  • 4 minutes: shvungs, 35/24 kg - maximum reps
  • 5 minutes: - maximum calories


Acceleration is perhaps one of the most basic components of success in battle, because if a fighter is soot, then there can be no question of any victory. Therefore, for the development of a massive jerk in the initial phase of a blow with both a foot and a hand, a sprint is used.

The training of MMA fighters always anticipates running with the greatest acceleration over a short distance. At the same time, you can run along a flat, straight section of the road, downhill, up the stairs. Excellent proven themselves shuttle run running in harness. Before performing such an exercise, it is fundamentally excellent to stretch your body in order to greatly protect yourself from injury and guarantee a gradual improvement in the result.

MMA workouts at home from scratch.

The fact is that each person has a different bodily sensitivity and a different ability to analyze their own movements. It often happens that a person, practicing any blow, thinks that he is doing everything right, although in fact, he is doing it completely wrong.

In this case, a competent person is needed who can look from the outside and evaluate whether the exercises are being performed correctly, and this role is usually fulfilled. But a friend who is more experienced in martial arts can also do it. If a trainee at home does not have such a person, then mastering MMA skills will be problematic.

In order to successfully master mixed martial arts you need to check yourself somehow. And if a person who is mastering MMA skills at home does not yet know how to hit correctly, then he will not be able to test himself on his own.

Conclusion. It is impossible to master MMA skills at home from scratch, if there was no training with a trainer before and there is no opportunity to test yourself with the help of a competent person. The only thing that can be done is to carry out the bulk of the workouts at home, but sometimes find an opportunity to work out with a trainer individually or in a group, in order to identify problematic points for yourself that are worth working on. Also important point the test of their skills is participation in sparring. Sparring is main parameter assessments of the skill of MMA athletes. And if there is no partner, then it will be impossible to mate.

Why do you need MMA training for adults

Mix Fight itself is a combination of wrestling and boxing - the emphasis is on combinations of various kinds wrestling and strength work with hands, additionally training the fighter's endurance and agility. At the moment, MMA has become very popular all over the world - the reason for this is the high spectacle of the fight and the availability of a huge number of techniques. Often fighters move into the discipline from other sports - boxing or wrestling. Almost all novice adults ask the question - is it possible to practice in adulthood? The definite answer is yes. As a discipline, mixed martial arts can be studied at any age. It carries with it certain positive sides for health, and contraindications are usually dispensed with more gentle workouts.

For an adult, mixed martial arts:・ The ability to lose weight; ・ A way to learn how to defend; ・ Prevention of various diseases that develop due to an immobile lifestyle.

All classes begin with a mandatory warm-up and general physical fitness... Most exercises are mobile, aimed at different groups muscles, which is a certain prevention of the development of diseases and supports physical fitness. MMA workouts for beginner adults, if you practice with a certain stability for six months, they change a person beyond recognition in better side, both externally and internally. The physical development of the body improves both appearance, and relieves of most diseases. However, aspiring adults should exercise according to their needs. physical condition... Even serious injuries and chronic illnesses will not become an obstacle with the proper attention of a trainer who will adjust the training program to the characteristics of the body.

Benefits of our MMA section for beginners

Classes are held in groups of eight to twelve participants under the guidance of highly professional, accomplished athletes, experience coaching which is at least five years. This allows the trainer to fully control the process, noticing student mistakes in time, correcting their actions and ensuring an appropriate level of safety while practicing certain techniques and performing exercises.

At your service:

  • Spacious, modern, well-equipped hall with showers and comfortable changing rooms
  • The ability to use simulators free of charge
  • Free parking located within walking distance of the club.

If you are looking for a place where beginners can be as productive as possible and, most importantly, safely practice, remember that doors sports club"Gigant" is always open for you!

Free equipment for the first trial lesson.

The free introductory training does not oblige you to anything. This is an excursion into the world of spectacular martial arts. And it's free. Take a look around, feel the atmosphere of our club, get to know the coaches and students.

Reasons to go in for MMA

Each beginner, choosing mixed martial arts for training, should understand that this kind of sport has mixed in itself a variety of arts. It uses elements from boxing, karate, judo, taekwondo, muay thai, jujitsu. In the process, the athlete is taught protective actions, as well as attack, combat on the ground, and the use of grappling skills. Therefore, the special thing is done not so much with striking technique as with wrestling, gripping techniques, reception, and so on. Not everyone understands what advantages they will get from practicing mixed martial arts, but this sport has much more advantages than disadvantages. There are several reasons to do MMA:

  • The athlete quickly gets used to the discipline, which tidies up not only the body, but also the mind.
  • In the process, self-confidence, a sense of calmness and relaxedness are developed.
  • The fear of threats is dulled, there is confidence that you can stand up for yourself in case of danger.
  • In training, you can throw out all the anger and anger, which calms and eliminates aggression in everyday life.

Wins and losses in the classroom are an indescribable drive that gives motivation to go towards goals, to achieve what you want, which is a useful skill in your career as well.

Section Mix Fight MMA for beginners in Moscow

Mix fight in Moscow is gaining more and more popularity, so it can be practiced by both men and women, and adults, and teenagers (from 14 years old), and beginners, and experienced fighters.

There are many clubs in Moscow where in the MMA section for beginners and amateurs you can take your first steps in the world of sports. And our martial arts center is a confirmation of this! Coaching staff the club is made up of ambitious and friendly people. We have gathered under our wing real professionals and enthusiasts in their field - active athletes, professional trainers who know how to teach any contingent in an accessible and understandable way, even those who have never been associated with martial arts or other sports, so to speak from scratch.

Ultimate fighting training

MMA training for beginners is the same as training in other types of martial arts: warm-up, work with a rope and medicine ball, crossfit training (in cases of fights without MMAfit rules), self-belay, stretching, improvement of striking technique with arms, legs and head, work with shells, improvement of throwing technique, work on technique on the ground, as well as sparring, where you can apply in practice all acquired knowledge and skills.

Mix fight for children;

Mixed martial arts for girls;

Mix fight - individual training;

Mix fight in Moscow Skhodnenskaya, Planernaya, Tushino, Tushinskaya, SZAO, Northern Tushino, Khimki, Kurkino, Mitino.


A set of MMA exercises (training) must necessarily contain positions that require logs, tires, stones, barrels, sledgehammers, etc. The main goal of an athlete is to move a heavy object a certain distance. It can be done by lifting, dragging or throwing this weight somewhere.

Exercises of this type can be performed either separately or in combination with others. When a novice fighter decides to start training, it is best to choose no more than 5-6 exercises in which the entire body will be fully involved.

You can perform exercises by combining them into a series or dividing them into approaches. Training should be made more difficult only when a person feels lightness. But you should not overload yourself too much, so you need to complicate things gradually. The ideal option is to complete the maximum amount repetitions. In addition, you should not forget about short recovery breaks, without which you will not be able to gradually increase the load.

MMA training is a professional format.

« Professional training»MMA is the second format. Only those who train in this format performs at tournaments or preparing to perform. Here, the requirements for students are much higher. The goal of this group is to win MMA tournaments, so not everyone can get here. MMA trainings are held 4 times a week, and additional independent work is also encouraged.

For fighters of this format, the coach develops individual mma training program for each fighter, taking into account the goals and objectives, as well as based on the preparation for this or that tournament. Also, other professional fighters from outside are periodically invited to these groups to exchange experience. Admission to this group is only after an interview with the coach.

Fighters who have a confirmed CCM category in any of the types of mixed martial arts, or who have the title of Master of Sports, can count on the preferential cost of season tickets, in the flesh until they are released from payment. But this is decided individually with the head coach of the club and only upon the provision of documents confirming the status of the athlete.

The following techniques are prohibited in the mix fight

  • bite;
  • hitting the groin;
  • along the spine;
  • on the throat and on the back of the head;
  • you cannot poke eyes and manipulate small joints.
  • it is also categorically impossible to apply such a technique as “ fishing hooks"(This is the grip of such vulnerabilities like nostrils, ears and mouth).

Such martial arts have been known since ancient times - in Ancient Greece at the Olympiads it was possible to apply painful holds in such a single combat as pankration. It was this type of wrestling that became the ancestor of modern mixed martial arts. The Romans and Etruscans had a popular pankratium - even more hard option Greek pankration. In the vastness of the CIS, the predecessor of the mix fight was hand-to-hand combat and Combat Sambo, which were cultivated in the armed forces of the Airborne Forces, as well as in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB. At the moment, mix fight is one of the strongest disciplines and is at its peak of popularity.

What you need to know if you are going to come to MMA training for beginners in Moscow

Choosing the mixed martial arts that our TIGRIS martial arts club offers to its customers, every novice athlete should be ready not only for serious stress, but also for the purchase of suitable equipment. Here's what it includes:

  • Clothing. All classes are held in an equipped sports hall, with a normal microclimate. You do not need a special form for training, so you can take loose shorts for MMA or Valetudo with you. For the first visits to the gym, ordinary shorts are also suitable, which are devoid of sections with zippers or any metal elements.
  • Equipment. By choosing mixed martial arts, each beginner is instructed in detail regarding necessary equipment for regular activities or individual training... For the first time, the necessary protection is given during classes, and then you should think about purchasing your own. Shin protectors, shell, teeth protection and gloves are usually required.

Forms individual sessions and general Mix Fight training by the trainer himself, based on general training groups. Usually, all training includes practicing fighting techniques, as well as defense. If you plan to go to MMA training for beginners on an ongoing basis, in the future it will be desirable to purchase sports trousers With compression effect and a rashguard. They will be a kind of protection from damage and abrasion. It is best to coordinate the entire arsenal of equipment with a trainer before purchasing.

Circuit training example

This type of training is complex load aimed at comprehensive development physical strength and fighting skills.

A set of exercises with their own weight

Bodyweight exercises are an integral part of the training process, which is included in the circuit training program for MMA wrestlers and fighters. This complex contains a series of necessary exercises that provide safety of athletes in a duel, in addition to improving physical fitness.

  • Dips on the uneven bars.
  • Pull-ups on the bar with different grip.
  • Pushups(on palms, fists, back of palms, fingers).
  • Abdominal exercises on an incline board.

Photo 2. A man does push-ups on parallel bars, the exercise helps to improve physical fitness.

  • Strengthening the back from a lying position as well as on an inclined board.
  • Pumping neck muscles special complex ("Wrestling Bridge", "Runs on the Bridge" with circular rotations around its axis with support on the forehead, "Headstand against the wall").
  • Jump rope.
  • Jumping onto the curbstone in various ways.
  • Jumping out.

Sled pull

This exercise is done using a special device: a sled. They consist of a base on which the weights are placed and fastening systems and handles.

Exists three kinds this common exercise:

  • behind yourself;
  • pushing in front of you;
  • craving with your back forward.

Photo 3. The man performs the pull of the sled behind him - this exercise is the basis of the training of the fighters.


This device is widely used when working with abdominal press, squats and specialized fighting techniques. Exercises with a medicine ball - an integral part of training fighters.

  • Double pumping of the press with throwing the projectile from a prone position and raising the body.
  • Standing medical ball throws with twisting of the body aimed at the work of the oblique muscles of the abdomen and strengthening the arms.
  • Throwing a projectile with one hand from a combat stance(alternately with each hand) develops explosive strength of the hands.


Barbell exercises in circular training for fighters are aimed at the development of explosive strength of the muscles of the hands, shock power.

And also exercises with this projectile are used to increase strength.

  • Classic bench press on a straight board.
  • Bench press on an incline board.
  • Deadlift.
  • Biceps Curls and Triceps Press.
  • Throwing the barbell from the chest from a standing position.

Important! Throwing out refers to the speed-strength type of training and produces impact force fighter and fighter. ... Sprint


It is a dynamic exercise that is often included in circuit training programs for wrestlers and MMA fighters. Weighted sprint develops endurance, cardiovascular and respiratory system, what necessary for representatives of mixed martial arts.

Working on striking technique

Striking technique - one of the most important components circuit training for fighters.

MMA unites representatives of various martial arts(judo, freestyle wrestling, Greco-Roman) and representatives of percussion techniques (boxing, kick-boxing, karate).

Percussion training involves the presence of certain shells: punching bags for punching and kicking, a punching bag (used to improve coordination and speed).

Exercises aimed at strengthening the blow:

  • punctuated punch with weights;
  • imitation of a blow by a hand with an obstacle in the form of a stretch tape;
  • hammer blows on the tire;
  • pushing, throwing the shot.

Answers to frequently asked questions

  • I haven’t done mixed martial arts before, what should I do? Absolutely not a problem. The main thing is to make up your mind, come and start practicing. We will select the optimal loads based on the level of your physical fitness. Under the guidance of a mentor, you will learn the technique from the very basics.
  • MMA - brutal sport... Can I get hurt? This is definitely a serious contact sport. But our students are not allowed to fight until they master the technique. Any training sparring is conducted only in protective equipment. Moreover, if you decide to engage in mixed martial arts for general physical and spiritual development, sparring is optional.
  • I'm a beginner and I'm afraid that everyone in the group already knows how to fight well.In our groups, both beginners and experienced athletes train. In a group, there is always someone to study with and someone to ask for advice.
  • What is required to start practicing MMA? sports uniform do not need anything. In our halls, everything you need for classes is always available - helmets, gloves, jump ropes, bandages. Later, the mentor will select the appropriate equipment and help you save money on the purchase.
  • How many students are in each group? The size of one group does not exceed 12 people. This allows the trainer to focus on the process as much as possible, correct technical errors in time and pay enough attention to each student.
  • Will I be able to lose weight? With the proper approach, in one workout, you can get rid of 1 - 2 kilograms of excess weight. This is due to intense combined loads (cardio and strength). In the classroom, all muscle groups are involved and metabolism improves.
  • Is it possible to start MMA classes if you are already over 30? The oldest student of the club is 49 years old. He's an absolute beginner. It is never too late to start promoting health and improving the quality of life. If there are no contraindications, drop all fears and doubts! We have people of all ages.
  • When will the result be seen? 1 - 2 months of regular training is a tangible result. Learn to hit correctly, move around the ring. You will feel a surge of strength and vitality, you will become much more confident.

Abs workout like an MMA fighter

This is why we decided to compile a list of abdominal exercises based on Muay Thai - the same kind of movement can be seen today in fight clubs in Bangkok. By doing them, you will not only strengthen your core, but you will also be able to pump up the same sculpted abs that you usually see on MMA champions, such as, for example, featherweight king Conor McGregor (and avoid bruising!).

Exercise purpose

Most of the exercises below mimic wrestling techniques such as hitting the knee or pinching the opponent between the knee and elbow. Their goal is to imbalance the body, forcing you to try to maintain balance and engage your core muscles. You will also be able to work out those deep muscles, which "do not reach" the classic push-ups and squats. Result? Awesome Abs, Lots of Calories Burned & Stamina Boost!

A Brief Description of the Fighting Abs Workout Program

Target muscles:

  • Press

Preparation level:

  • Elementary


  • Up to six workouts per week


  • 45 minutes


  • Do the exercises for the specified number of sets, resting between them as needed, and then move on to the next.

Working on striking technique

A correctly delivered blow is the key to a successful ending of the battle. But in order for it to be performed correctly, it is necessary to regularly develop single options and combinations.

Impact MMA training includes work on the "paws", on the bag, practicing blows with. At the same time, it is advisable to pay attention not only to attack, but to defense and counterattack. ... At home, the most suitable option for practicing strikes will be the so-called "shadow boxing"

This type of training involves striking the air, the main task of which is mastering technical elements attacks and defense without the involvement of a real partner. Working in this way, a fighter thinks over various options for technical actions that he will carry out in a real fight. All movements should strive to be performed with maximum speed and explosion, thereby increasing the real speed of strikes in combat, as well as the maneuverability of the athlete himself. At the same time, conducting rounds of such a fight with a virtual opponent, you can use weights - small dumbbells or other weights. Their use allows you to achieve the desired effect a little faster.

At home, the most suitable option for practicing strikes will be the so-called "shadow boxing". This type of training involves striking in the air, the main task of which is to master the technical elements of attack and defense without involving a real partner. Working in this way, a fighter thinks over various options for technical actions that he will carry out in a real fight. All movements should strive to be performed with maximum speed and explosion, thereby increasing the real speed of strikes in combat, as well as the maneuverability of the athlete himself. At the same time, conducting rounds of such a fight with a virtual opponent, you can use weights - small dumbbells or other weights. Their use allows you to achieve the desired effect a little faster.

At the same time, it is quite often important to strike into the air at a slow pace. Due to this, you can quickly identify existing flaws in technology, determine the degree of your stability, understand the reasons for the imbalance, master new techniques

In addition, "shadow boxing" allows you to choose a strategy for the upcoming fight if the athlete plans to compete in an amateur or professional tournament.

It is also important to pay attention correct breathing, because the final result of the fight, his health and well-being depends on how easily and naturally a fighter breathes.

Our advantages

Classes in mini-groups of 8-12 people

We learn to fight, strike, and move correctly. Sparring - after 3 months and only at will.

159 champions prepared

Our athletes regularly participate in competitions. They brought up champions in mix fighting, grappling, boxing, etc.

Unlimited visit to the club

The ability to combine different types martial arts and the price will not increase from this.

Within walking distance. Free parking!

15 minutes. from metro Alekseevskaya and 4 min. from the railway station Moscow-3.

Stellar coaching staff

All coaches are Masters of Sports of Russia. Winners International tournaments... Champions of Moscow. Coaching experience from 5 years.

Personal nutrition program

Is free! Taking into account the type of martial arts and your taste preferences. We will improve your health, physical fitness.

Sled pulls

Many novice athletes do not like this exercise very much, since it is not easy to perform, but for a real fighter it is a must. Even the best (MMA) workouts always include sled rows.

Among the most effective exercises:

  • thrust with advance;
  • pulling heavy sledges when running facing forward;
  • sled presses with advance;
  • deadlift in running backwards.

The most advantageous option would be to combine all these exercises into separate series, which should be completed in about 30 seconds. Thanks to this, you can quickly develop endurance. And to achieve great results in the development of explosive strength, you will need to do luge trainings with approaches of up to 10 seconds, the breaks between which should be at least one and a half minutes. In total, each of the exercises requires 4-12 approaches.

Multifunctional component

The MMA training program in its own base assumes an increase in the high-speed and power characteristics of a fighter, an improvement in endurance, an improvement in the technical abilities of strikes and wrestling. In this regard, realizing that the fight takes place in different styles, the exercises will be focused on so that the fighter can effortlessly pull, push his own opponent, bend, squat, jump out, be his, and so on during a given period of time. Do not forget that quite often the enemy should be held in a static position. In general, now it is worth finding the means and methods of training.

Why would an MMA fighter need aikido

An interesting trend is the desire of top fighters to invite masters as trainers. traditional martial arts- karate, aikido, capoeira and wushu. For example, the aforementioned Daniel Cormier, before the fight with the already great (4 title defenses) and terrible John Jones, invited Steven Segal himself, a famous aikido master, as his mentor. professional level highly appreciated by prominent experts from the world of martial arts.

True, Segal's advice did not help Cormier in the battle with the champion - the defeat turned out to be quite painful. But this does not mean that there is no point in inviting masters of traditional martial arts. In the long run, they can teach a fighter to better control his body, which will ultimately lead to serious progress.

So that explosive power your muscles should be far from last if you want to excel in mixed martial arts.

A lot of people, especially guys under 25, very often ask the question of how to learn how to fight from scratch and become a fighter. There are many articles on the Internet with headlines on how to become a fighter in a week and so on ...

But in fact, you don't become a fighter in a week, but you have to sweat, in order to get something you need to invest in it and spend time and energy.

Usually a person goes to study in the sports section, be it judo, jujitsu, all this is good, but this sport sections and along with many useful skills and physical training, a person receives a bunch of sports skills that are not applicable to street fighting.

On the street, they usually hit their heads with their hands - this is the basis. First of all, for those who want to fight well, since the basis of everything is punches in the face. This is how they usually fight outside the halls.

Therefore, there is a need for protection in the first place. Along with protection, it is necessary to put a quick and swipe... A man with a knockout punch is like a man with a weapon.

You can see the statistics - a boxer killed someone with a blow to the head ... Conclusion - boxing technique is the basis of all fighting and any effective martial art. Therefore, the first step is to be like boxing for at least a year. At the same time, boxing is the first single combat when working with several opponents, because fast boxing movements and punches to the head are ideal for this.

Along with boxing techniques, knees and low kicks are quite applicable on the street - strikes to the hip, knee and below, and above the waist on the street swinging legs is dangerous, because you can fall and be hammered by opponents.

Setting low kicks and knees is just as easy and accessible - it is everywhere. But in muay thai hands and movements are much worse, therefore, as written above, you need to master punches while doing boxing.

And as a special physical training, wrestling is quite suitable, and mainly in a standing position, because on the street you cannot fight in the ground with 2-3 opponents. Wrestling perfectly loads all the muscles of a person and prepares well for physical confrontation. You can learn simple throws and work 2-3 to automatism.

Basically, the trainees gain the skills that he gets in free combat, that is, in sparring and all sorts of "deadly schools" simply do not work because in a gym you will not gouge out your eyes or hit in the groin, therefore, sports schools much stronger than the self-defense sections with their deadly moves. Conclusion: 1-2 years of boxing + six months of Muay Thai and at the same time fighting at least once a week, such classes will make you a trained fighter who will be much more prepared than representatives of street fighting schools and just street fighters.

But we are sure that in the process of studying in our martial arts school you will comprehend the philosophy of martial arts and pass psychological preparation such a level that you can solve all conflicts before the start of a fight with a massacre.

From time immemorial, there was an opinion that the crowd needed two main things - bread and circuses. It goes without saying that such a statement in the modern interpretation implies that people have sufficient means for a normal life. Since at the moment a fairly impressive part of the planet's population has all the material wealth, it turned out to be quite logical that new entertainments for the public appeared, which are sometimes quite cruel, but at the same time spectacular.

One of these tournaments, which emerged at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries and attracts millions of viewers to this day, is the UFC - Ultimate Fighting Championship. It is this media product that has grown from a small tournament into a global organization, under the auspices of which a great many eminent athletes from all over the world perform. Thanks to this championship, martial arts received tremendous recognition and love, and the owners of the promotion received billions of dollars in profits.

A brief excursion into history

So, before we figure out how to get into the UFC, first of all, let's get acquainted with the main milestones of the organization itself.

It owes its origin to a businessman from California Arthur Davey. It was his studies of martial arts in 1991 that allowed him to get acquainted with one of the adherents of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Rorion Gracie. This tandem subsequently stimulated the holding of the world's first tournament among fighters of different directions. It happened on November 12, 1993, when the representatives of boxing, karate, savata, shoeboxing, sumo and jujitsu came together in the octagon cage. It was a Brazilian named Royce Grace who eventually won the first UFC championship. There were no weight categories at that time.

Features of the first competition

Despite the fact that the motto "No rules!" Was originally cultivated, in fact it was not so. It was forbidden to gouge out the eyes, bite, hit in the groin, or tear open the mouth. Basically, the fighters adhered to certain ethics and did not take liberties. Although there is a known case when, in a duel between Hackney and Sanaa, the latter was inflicted several deliberate blows to the causal place. In addition, the newly created martial arts were characterized by the fact that the anthropometric difference between rivals could be simply gigantic. So, in the fight between Keith Hackney and Emmanuel Yarborough, the difference in weight was 180 kilograms.

Confrontation with the Senator

Today many fighters ask themselves the question: "How to get into the UFC?" But after the first competition, US Senator John McCain made every effort to ban the now insanely popular promotion. According to the politician, such fights were the personification of cruelty and had no right to exist. Therefore, he sent letters to all states of the country with a request to prohibit the showing of such tournaments. For this reason, the UFC contacted the athletic commissions and made changes to the rules and regulations, thanks to which protective gloves appeared, the number of bans increased, and rounds were established with a certain duration (five minutes).

The rescue

Long ordeals and bureaucratic red tape have put the UFC on the brink of extinction. But the situation changed radically when in 2001 former promoter Boxing Dana Wyatt and several casino executives Frank and Lorenzo Faritta bought the organization for $ 2 million. To do this, they created a company called Zuffa.


Almost every fighter, before getting into the UFC, is already quite familiar with the rules The leading American organization of MMA adheres to the following requirements in its regulations for the conduct of fights:


As for prohibited actions, the following are not allowed in the octagon:

Weight frames

  • the lightest weight (from 53 to 57 kg);
  • lightest weight (57 to 61 kg);
  • featherweight (61 to 66 kg);
  • light weight (from 66 to 70 kg);
  • welterweight (70 to 77 kg);
  • average weight (from 77 to 84 kg);
  • light heavyweight (84 to 93 kg);
  • heavy weight (93 to 120 kg).

For women, there is still a minimum weight (from 48 kg to 52 kg).

Ways to sign a contract with the UFC

If you analyze what is needed to get into the UFC, then you can find out: the fighter of this tournament is the athlete who adheres to several points. We will dwell on them in more detail.

It is necessary to have a certain talent and to train regularly with full dedication.

As practice shows, this statement is 100% correct. There are many known cases when a talented fighter was never able to fully realize himself due to elementary laziness. Therefore, as the popular wisdom says: "Work and work will grind everything."

There are a huge number of examples when a fighter started his career in a promotion less known than the UFC. Take the same Eddie Alvarez. This guy started his performances at Bellator, became a champion there and ended up in the UFC. Or Belarusian Andrei Arlovsky, who, as many believed, had already gone off the rails of big sport, returned to the main octagon of the planet thanks to his diligence and ability to work.

Fall in love with the audience and TV people

In this way, Chel Sonnen fought for the title three times, who, in principle, does not have bright fighting skills. In fact, this point helps to understand how Conor McGregor got into the UFC, since he is also a recognized master of trash. Due to his vivid and sparkling statements, he was able to attract the attention of the public, and then back up his words with active actions in the cage, literally shocking the world with an instant victory over former champion

Qualify through TUF

The Ultimate Fighter is a show that has gone through hundreds of fighters and saved the organization from bankruptcy. This "meat grinder" was attended by: Nate Diaz, Kenny Florian, Forrest Griffin, Mat Serra, Josh Koschek, Rashad Evans and many other stars, which are known today by many MMA fans. It is thanks to the battles in this mini-tournament that many guys have reached the top.

Be "in short supply"

In this case, only weight is meant. If you look at how many fights it takes to reach a title shot for a middleweight, and how many for a fighter in the lightest division, it becomes clear: a small fighter will be in a better position.

Be the star of any other martial arts

Everything is clear here. It is much easier to promote an athlete who has already created a name for himself than to raise him from the bottom. Poster in the style best boxer world in the past, and now - an MMA fighter ”will always attract the public and, accordingly, the money, for which everything, in principle, is done. And finally, another way to get into the UFC.

Fill out the form

Most recently, the UFC provided an opportunity for athletes to fill out an online application form on its website and upload videos of their fights. Based on the results of the views, the management can make an offer to the fighter to sign a contract. As you can see, modern technologies also do their job and save athletes' time.

These briefly described steps give you an idea of ​​how to get to the UFC, where fights are a matter of prestige for many hand-to-hand combatants.

Good day, dear editorial staff of BroDude magazine! I regularly read you throughout the year and sincerely admire your advice and articles: everything is clear, to the point and for men. Thank you, I wish you continued prosperity and development.

I'll tell you a little about myself. I am 21 years old, completed my 3rd year at the university, now I work as an electrical fitter in a factory as part of my industrial practice in a village far from the city where I live.

And although I have a girlfriend, I feel like I'm terribly insecure and insecure. Sometimes even the local teenagers here do not have the courage to put in place in the event of a verbal skirmish. That is, I decided first of all to overcome the fear of getting in the face. After reading one of your articles on MMA, as well as on the advice of his grandfather (he is a very trained and intelligent man at 69), I decided to start mixed martial arts in September. However, there are difficulties with this. My height is 198 centimeters, and my weight is only 76 kilograms. I also have bronchial asthma, but since he was previously engaged in ballroom dancing, the lungs are more adapted to cardio training than that of an ordinary asthmatic. Accordingly, my weak points are the knees and the spine. Since in MMA training there will be a lot of throws and all sorts of different loads on my joints, I would like to prepare my body for such loads as much as possible in a month and not literally "break" in the first lessons. In order, if not to be trained, then at least in good shape by the beginning of September. At the moment, for the fifth week now, I've been training pull-ups and squats on one day and push-ups and raises on the other day. And so six days a week. Now I can pull myself up with fresh strength about 10-12 times, push up from the floor about 35-40 times, on the uneven bars from the chest - 12-14 times. Also, after analyzing the information on the Internet, I found out that training in the gym is similar to CrossFit.

In this connection, a reasonable question arises: what training program should I choose to prepare for MMA, taking into account my physical characteristics and taking into account that I train without gym?
Thank you for your attention, dear editors! Sincerely, Dmitry.


Hi Dmitry! Please accept our multiple "Thank you!" for positive words addressed to the magazine. Keep reading us, and we, in turn, will try to keep the brand and will continue to supply you and our other readers with interesting materials. And it's especially nice that one of our articles, along with your grandfather, inspired you to practice martial arts. It is not in vain that we write them. And hello to my grandfather, by the way!

The courtesies are over, so let's go straight to the answer to your question. Let's make a reservation right away that, no matter what advice we give you here, before starting training, it is better to consult a doctor. We are incompetent to give advice in the field of medicine, and since you have certain health problems, you need to know how some types of stress relate to your capabilities. Moreover, our advice is of a general nature and is aimed at those who are able to withstand base loads.

The fighters really have a specific training program, which is designed to develop those physical indicators that are applicable in martial arts. In principle, you are already doing some of them. Pull-ups and push-ups are universal exercises and are suitable for people with different sporting goals, including for fighters. By the way, you wrote that you train 6 days a week, that is, almost every day. We suppose you remember that you need to alternate the muscle groups on which you give the load, especially if this load will increase.

In general, you're right: strength training for fighters is like CrossFit training. They are distinguished by high intensity and diversity. For a fighter, both muscle strength and endurance are equally important, and therefore he strives for complex body development, which will include both strength exercises and cardio. But we remember your main condition: you want to train at home, not in the gym. It is possible, but for effective training some inventory will have to be purchased.

You said you were doing push-ups and pull-ups. It's good. You can also attach to them (if you have not done this before) push-ups on the uneven bars. In general, for martial arts, especially with the presence of percussion techniques, strength exercises on the hands are very important, the implementation of which is carried out in a "jerky" way. This creates a kind of imitation of a blow and has a positive effect on both its strength and speed. That is why we recommend that you buy small dumbbells (1-2 kg) and practice "shadow boxing" with them. Thus, you will kill two birds with one stone, even three: first, you will hone the plasticity of fighting in a standing position; secondly, you will increase the power potential of your strike; Well, thirdly, it is good for your endurance. You can do rounds of 1 minute each, working at a high pace with a break of 30 seconds, or work out 3 minutes in one round in a fighting stance. The rhythm may be less, but then try to follow the technique of strikes, imitating a real fight. Rest in this case should also be at least 1 minute. And we repeat that these tips apply to people without restrictions for health reasons.

You can also purchase a rubber shock absorber with a handle. With it, you can perform hand exercises that can qualitatively improve your striking technique. This shock absorber is easy to use: just tie one end of it to a stable support, and you can work. The main thing is that when practicing strikes with him, you observe the technique and the required amplitude.

Another item that can greatly diversify your workouts is a barbell pancake. Moreover, it is not necessary to buy the barbell itself. Choose the size of the pancake based on your physical data. Considering your weight, we recommend that you take a shell weighing 10-15 kg. Here are some exercises you can do with your pancake:

1) Hold the pancake on outstretched arms straight in front of you at chest level. With sharp movements, press it to you and push it forward again to its original position. Do this non-stop for 30-40 seconds. The main thing is to try to maintain maximum pace and fully straighten your arms during the push. This exercise is very useful for developing punching power.

2) Take the pancake with both hands and move it around the head 360 degrees so that the rotation occurs due to the movement of the shoulders. This will strengthen the muscles in the arms and shoulders and will be very useful for wrestling work.

3) Press the pancake to the body, grabbing it with both hands, and move around the room, all the time moving on your feet. The essence of this exercise is constant movement, as if during a fight. This will improve your footwork and endurance, which are essential when standing.

In general, a training program for fighters can include many more exercises. We just briefly talked about some of them that can be performed outside the walls of the hall without a large amount of equipment. This also includes exercises for the press (again, with the use of a pancake, their effectiveness will only increase). Don't forget about cardio. Good old running and jumping rope has not been canceled.

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