Ice hockey sports school. Ice hockey personal training

a charge of excellent mood and good physical shape are provided!

Fulfill your dream - sign up for adult hockey and win amateur competitions. Come to training, and we will teach you everything we know ourselves:

    the basics of the game, including the technique of skating backwards;

    club possession;

    maneuvering techniques;

    power techniques and much more.

Age, basic skills and physical training do not matter - a professional trainer will find the right approach for you. There will be only 7-9 people in the hockey group for beginners - so you don’t have to stand in line and all the attention of the coach will be directed to your skills, he will explain complex technique personally to you or give personal recommendations for training. Group trainings are held at the base at the address Berezhkovskaya embankment, 20 building 6, HC Innovation.

Make the most of your free time: adult hockey training will make you stronger

    Bring the game to professional level . Start with a course of adaptation to loads - after 3-4 months of hockey training for adults in Moscow, you will take part in real competitions. Our clubs Krasnaya Zvezda and Red Falcons compete in amateur and international championships.

    Open the internal reserves of the body. Become resilient, agile, self-confident, physically and mentally strong man. During the training of adults in hockey, we pay attention to psychological preparation and sports development. The trainer conducts individual conversations, shows techniques of auto-training, self-hypnosis and self-persuasion.

    Get good physical form . Catch interested female and envious male glances. An additional bonus from hockey training for adults is weight loss, building muscle mass and an increase in strength. An obligatory component of the classes is various physical exercises, from warm-up running to outdoor games ahead of the opponent.

Go to adult hockey practice at your convenience

Keep the rhythm of life as it is - you won't have to take time off from work or refuse to meet up with friends to fit into our schedule. Hockey training for adults from scratch takes place every day from 09:00 to 24:00 in different districts of Moscow - detailed information

Group training for beginners

Hockey is a team sport, but the team starts with each individual player. The success of the team directly depends on the reaction of the goalkeeper, the defender's technique and the striker's shot. These and many other skills are developed in personal training hockey in the hockey training centers "BeeLikePro".

Benefits of individual hockey training

Majority sports schools Russia works according to the old group system. It implies the simultaneous training of the entire team, regardless of the level, role and problem areas of the hockey player. With this approach, the coach is not able to give the athlete more than a few minutes, which significantly slows down, and sometimes even stops the progress of the player.

Individual training in hockey are fundamentally different from the usual system of training. They imply the close work of the coach with one athlete throughout the allotted time. The benefits of this approach include:

  • taking into account the level, capabilities and role of the player, as well as the goals that the hockey player sets for himself;
  • quick identification and elimination of game problems, bringing skill to almost any level;
  • rapid progress: the athlete's skills progress with each hockey practice;
  • real pleasure from the training and the results obtained.

The effectiveness of this method proves Canadian school hockey, which, at the moment, is the best in the world. Canadian hockey players train separately from the team, gathering only to work out tactics and interaction. This approach makes them individually strong players without weaknesses, which manifests itself in every match at the level of clubs and teams.

Classes professional hockey discipline, develop dexterity and endurance. But it should be understood that daily training is a lot of work for both the child and the parent. On the eve of the seventh International Youth Hockey Tournament ŠKODA CUP, we decided to figure out where to start the first steps in this sport. So before raising a second Ovechkin or Kovalchuk, let's figure out why this sport is needed at all, how much the equipment costs, what site to choose and how you can fill a long and tiring traffic jam on the way from school to training.

5 skills to improve your hockey practice

In order not to be unfounded in this difficult issue, we consulted with professionals. We understand all the nuances training process together with a team of experts from one of hockey schools. So what qualities does hockey really help develop?

Learning to plan. The daily routine of a young athlete includes studying at school, daily training 1-2 times a day, training homework, time for personal affairs, as well as observance of good sleep for at least 8 hours a day. Classes make the day rich, dynamic, require a rational distribution of time.
We become stronger. During training, the body gets used to physical activity. From early childhood young hockey players develop skills such as strength, speed, endurance, agility. Due to the fact that classes are held in constant motion, they have a beneficial effect on blood circulation and the heart muscle. Hockey lessons are shown even to children with heart defects (provided that they take place under constant medical supervision).

We are tempered. Hockey can be played not only in ice palace but also in open areas. Outdoor activities in cold winter weather harden the child's body, increase resistance to microbes and viruses. Moving on fresh air children receive more oxygen than their non-athletic peers.
We are working on the speed of the reaction. Events on the hockey rink develop very quickly, so during game training, the child can easily hone such qualities as dexterity, decision-making speed and attentiveness.
We relieve stress. Psychologists note the fact that hockey classes help children cope with aggression and teach them to control it.

Use every minute: 5 ideas for what to do on the way to the section

Any situation can be turned to your advantage, even if it's standing in a traffic jam or a long way to a hockey school on the other side of the city. is not only the safe transportation of children in a car, but also the ability to correctly allocate your time and not lose a single minute. We figure out what you can do in the car.

Listen to an audiobook, podcast, or favorite song. Doing several things at the same time is not easy. It will be even more difficult for a dad if one of the tasks is to follow the road, the second is to keep a conversation with his child, and the third, fourth is to change tracks in the playlist. Imagine how great it would be if half of these problems could be solved with the push of a button. For connoisseurs of comfort and functionality, the ŠKODA OCTAVIA steering wheel is equipped with a multimedia system control function. Therefore, it will not be difficult for you to turn on the desired track without deviating from the route.

Sleep and recover. The safe transportation of a child in a car is ensured. But not only a baby, but also a teenager can comfortably fit and lie down in the back seat of the car.
Eat on the go. No long trip is complete without snacks, especially when it comes to a child. For this case, the line of original ŠKODA accessories is provided (there are two options - for 15 and for). It can carry water, food, snacks and a pharmacy minimum. You can put it both in the back seat of the car and in the trunk.

Do homework. The spacious back seat of the safe ŠKODA OCTAVIA is designed so that a woman can sit there with a child to help with everything that is given at home. In addition, the car is stable on the road, and they can easily cope even with written lessons on the road.

Overview of the best hockey schools in Moscow

Still undecided on the choice of a hockey school for your child?
Come join us for a FREE trial lesson!
Booking by phone 8-925-465-45-00

During the trial session, you and your child:

  • Meet the trainer and the group
  • See how the class goes
  • Give your child vivid impressions and a storm of positive emotions!
  • We will be happy to answer all your questions and select the optimal level and mode of training.

Why is the children's school "Hockey Academy" one of the best in Moscow?

We have advantages that distinguish us from other sections:

  • qualified coaching staff Our coaches are masters of sports, winners of Russian and world championships. Head of the school - Honored Coach of Russia Viryasov A.S.
  • convenient training time 4 ice rinks and a team of professional trainers allow you to choose a schedule and training regimen that is right for you.
  • individual approach to the child. Each child has individual traits: features of character, temperament, physical layer preparation. We try to unlock the potential of each child, strengthen his self-confidence and choose the optimal pace of learning.
  • training from 3 years For the youngest children, the school has developed a special training program. The first acquaintance with the ice and learning the technique of skating, classes in a playful way will allow your child to easily get used to the ice and instill an interest in hockey.
  • innovative teaching methodology We cooperate only with professional hockey coaches who have extensive experience working with children different ages. The school has developed and successfully put into practice its own teaching methodology, which allows achieving optimal results on the ice.
  • modern playgrounds Morozovo Ice Complex is a modern sports complex that includes 4 ice arenas, as well as comfortable locker rooms, dryers sportswear, gyms for training and general physical training, dry cleaning and skate sharpening services. In our sports complex adults won't be bored either. While the children are training on the ice, at your disposal: a cozy LED cafe.
  • permanent recruitment to the hockey section. Didn't have time to sign up with us before September 1st? Nothing wrong! You can start learning at any time. Come, and we will select for you a convenient schedule and training regimen.

Section tasks:

  • basic training
  • sports improvement
  • increase in general physical condition
  • formation of individual and group programs
  • additional game practice
  • conducting training camps
  • master classes with professionals

Enrollment in the Academy is carried out by phone:
8-925-465-45-00 or online.

What are the trainings for children at the Hockey Academy?

The children's hockey section of our complex conducts training for children with any level of training, including training from scratch. If you want to send your child to sports, then you should start with our school. Skating and throwing techniques are practiced on the ice, and general physical training classes are held in the gym.

Professional coaches will help both take the first steps in the sport and work out the existing mistakes. An individual approach is selected for each child. The coach definitely focuses on the moments that are more difficult for the young athlete than the rest, and helps him master the technique.

As part of the lessons at the hockey school:

  • children have been playing hockey since the age of 3;
  • the technique of skating and throws is being worked out;
  • pass general physical education classes and SFP.
  • children participate in training camps and competitions.

Please note that in order to enroll in the "Academy of Hockey" you need permission from a doctor for classes physical education! Certificate of admission must be provided within 2 weeks from the start of training.

Hockey section for adults NHL-center - a hobby with health benefits

Keeping the body in good shape, having fun, is real. The ice hockey school for adults at Arena Morozovo trains amateur teams and improves the skills of professionals.

Ice hockey is the best alternative to the gym. Games and activities on ice:

  • normalize blood pressure;
  • reduce cholesterol levels;
  • align the heart rhythm;
  • contribute to the appearance of muscle tone;
  • improve the process of thinking;
  • speed up the reaction.

And, most importantly, this is a real emotional release for any man.

What does training in the amateur hockey section for adults include?

Hockey Training Center "New Hockey Legend” (“NHL-center”) offers optimal programs for non-professional players:

  • mastering the game from scratch;
  • throwing technique training;
  • dribbling training;
  • improving skating.

Training is conducted by professionals, so amateur hockey players can feel like athletes preparing for training camps. If necessary, we have test two-sided games between amateur teams. Coaches will analyze your team work, complete the units, give recommendations and build the right tactics.

Our coaches are not used to giving indulgence, so the game will be tough, but exciting!

What can professionals get at the adult hockey school?

Our trainers also conduct individual and group training for athletes. Players preparing themselves for professional career, will be able to work out complex techniques, throw-in techniques and learn secret mastery techniques. Also, continuous classes allow you to control the speed of skating.

Hockey school schedule for adults "NHL-Center"

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

3 field

Double sided game

2 field

Double sided game

3 field

Double sided game

2 field

Double sided game

4 field

Throwing training

4 field

4 field

Throwing training

4 field

Hockey "from scratch" (group for beginners)

4 field

Throwing training

3 field

3 field

skating + hands + throws + play

2 field

Double sided game

3 field

skating + hands + throws + play

Advantages of the NHL-center adult hockey school

The sports complex "Arena Morozovo" offers:

  • competent coaches with awards and extensive experience;
  • modern sites with regular filling of ice;
  • comfortable location;
  • convenient training schedules;
  • spacious dressing rooms;
  • gym with exercise equipment for all muscle groups;
  • the ability to choose the training program that suits you.

Call us at +7 926 199-6-335 or +7 926 199-6-333 to ask all questions and sign up for your first lesson!


Project Manager, Head Coach:
