The most difficult and tedious swimming style. One of the hardest swimming techniques is the butterfly.

A person is born without the ability to swim, to our great regret. But even in ancient times, people were forced to learn to stay on the water, since their survival depended on this. And the example to follow were, of course, waterfowl. Many have probably heard of such a swimming style as a dolphin or butterfly. For those who want to swim in this way, this article is intended.

What is this swimming style and how did it come about

Swimming style butterfly (from English - butterfly), or dolphin, even in the opinion of professional swimmers - the most difficult and energy-consuming, but one of the fastest and most spectacular.

When swimming in this way, the body is in the water with its stomach down. Both hands make a sweeping stroke, thereby raising top part bodies above water (hence the name - butterfly). And the lower part makes movements that resemble the swimming style of a dolphin, that is, wave-like.

This style appeared in the arsenal of swimmers relatively recently - in the thirties of the last century.

Did you know? Initially, only three swimming styles were shared among swimmers: crawl, breaststroke and crawl on the back. And the butterfly-this is a modernized breaststroke. The upper limbs began to be raised above the water, which made it possible to increase the speed, and the movements of the legs were modified, and they became closer to natural.

It is no coincidence that swimmers call the butterfly the most difficult, because when it is performed, muscles on the arms, legs, abdomen and back are involved, that is, almost the entire body works.

Let's list in more detail which muscles are involved in the work:

  • two-headed and triceps shoulders;
  • pectoral muscles;
  • the broadest muscle of the back;
  • abdominal muscles;
  • quadriceps femoris muscle;
  • calf muscles.

Correct swimming technique

To be successful in this type of swimming, you need to know very well correct technique fulfillment and strictly adhere to it. High speed will not be possible with only good physical training, it is also important how you move and breathe.

The most difficult moment for beginners is to return the whole body, and especially the arms, to its original position, taking into account the required rhythm.

Body position

All body movements are wavy, that is, when your shoulders go down, your hips up, and your pelvis crosses the water line. At the next stage, the opposite is true - the shoulders are up, and the hips are down. At the start, the athlete jumps into the water and freely moves forward under the water surface.

So on sporting events you can swim up to 15 meters, after which the athlete must emerge to the surface.

This stage is very important for athletes, since they swim a sufficiently long distance, while applying minimal costs due to the fact that water resistance is negligible.

Before turning, the swimmer must definitely touch the sides of the pool with both hands. Then he makes a U-turn. To do this, first tears off one arm from the side and unfolds it, while the legs also reach the side.

Leaning them on the side, the swimmer unfolds the torso, simultaneously tearing off the other hand. He goes deeper under the water, but at the same time his ribcage should be parallel to the bottom to the maximum. After that, a push is made, and the swimmer, by inertia, swims a certain distance under the water.

Usually it is allowed to swim the same 15 meters as at the start.


When performing this method, the lower limbs must be kept together and make movements that repeat the wave. In this case, you need to start from the lower back and end in the calf muscles.

The movement of the legs in such a swim is a continuation of the movements of the trunk, and its purpose is to raise the upper body above the water. Using two kicks (strong - up, weak - down), the athlete raises his head and shoulders above the water.

Then two more kicks are made (strong - down, and weak - up), and the back is raised. All these movements should smoothly transition from one to another due to the fact that the swimmer's body makes a wave.

Footwork is similar to another swimming style called. The movement from the knees is very similar, the legs play the role of a whip, which is used to strike.

The movement of the legs is also similar: they come not from the knees, but from the whole body. But there is also a significant difference: the legs work simultaneously as a whole during the butterfly, and separately during the crawl.

Important! The muscles of the legs perform more than just a motor function. They are also responsible for coordination and allow a person to set the rhythm of their body movements.


Hands move in three phases: towards yourself, away from yourself and return.

  1. Phase "to yourself": hands are immersed under the water with palms to the sides and slightly down to approximately shoulder level, and then spread apart in the form of the Latin letter Y.
  2. Phase "from yourself": hands describe a semicircle, and the elbows are located higher than the hands, and the hands themselves are directed downward and slightly under oneself. After the hands reach about a third of the thigh, the next phase begins. Speed upper limbs increases proportionally, starting from the start of the movement and ending at the finish at the maximum value. This acceleration allows the upper body to be lifted off the surface.
  3. Return phase: begins when the hands are still under water. We sharply bring them forward, working with triceps at maximum load and then immerse them in the water again. Thus, we return to the beginning of the cycle.

Important! Try not to lower your hands deeper ahead of time, otherwise unnecessary water resistance is created and it will be harder for you to row.


The swimmer does not have much time to inhale, so it is important here to coordinate it with his hands. In the stage of raising the arms, the neck is strained, as a result of which the head is above the line of water. It is now that there is a moment to inhale. At the same time, it is better to direct the eyes to the area of ​​the lower sector of the side, so that the body balancing is better.

Then the arms begin to go forward, and the head sinks again into the water. The exhalation is performed immediately before each inhalation, and this is done both with the mouth and nose to prevent water from flowing into the nasal passages.

It is common to inhale and exhale in one full arm cycle, but some experienced swimmers inhale every other time to reduce the strain on the neck muscles and prevent hyperventilation.

Assisted Exercises

Master this technique it is not easy at all, and in order to improve your results, you need to perform special auxiliary exercises that develop mobility and prepare the muscles for stress.

On the land

First you need to understand that for this style of swimming you need a rather big physical training... For a beginner in sports, first you should build a muscle corset in gym, developing the whole body in a complex way.

But from the very beginning, more attention should be paid to those muscle groups that are most involved in the butterfly, namely the muscles on the shoulders, back, and muscles on the legs.

Here are the basic exercises that can be performed for each of these muscle groups:

  • muscles of the shoulder girdle:, lifting the bar to the chin, swinging with dumbbells while standing and in an incline;
  • back muscles:, horizontal thrust and vertical block, ;
  • triceps: bench press narrow grip, extension of the arms on the block;
  • leg muscles:, leg press, extension and flexion of the legs on the simulator.

We also do not forget about those that help develop breathing. It can be casual, cycling, aerobics or something else, choose what you like.

However, a strong athletic body is not everything. An important role is played by a person's ability to coordinate movements and joint mobility. To improve your motor skills, you can imitate butterfly movements while on land.

Such exercises are suitable not only for training coordination, but also as a warm-up before diving.

  1. Exercise for the legs: starting position - standing, arms extended upwards behind the head. We perform vigorous swinging the pelvis back and forth.
  2. Hand exercise: we stand in a half-bend, slightly bent our knees and perform the same movements with our hands as when doing butterfly stroke in water.
  3. Exercise to coordinate hand movement and breathing: the initial position is again a half-bend, we carry out inhalation-exhalation and hand movements in the butterfly style.
  4. Exercise to coordinate arm and leg movements: we imitate the movements of the arms and legs during swimming, only instead of two legs one works, the second acts as a support on the floor.

Important! You can also imitate butterfly swimming while lying on a bench. it great option for beginners who are just learning the technique.

In water

In order to perfectly master the butterfly swimming technique, it is necessary, in addition to training, to directly perform swimming special exercises that reinforce certain skills.

  1. Strikes with feet from different positions. Train your strikes from the prone, back, and side positions to develop different muscles legs, which will further affect your swimming speed. These exercises can also be performed using a board and fins.
  2. Vertical strikes. This exercise will teach you how to keep the rhythm. To do this in a deep pool, place your body upright and maintain your position without allowing your body to move. Next, perform back and forth strikes with both feet simultaneously.
  3. Four hits and one pull-up. This exercise is a slightly modified technique in which you make four kicks in one hand movement. During the stroke, a breath is taken. After doing it regularly, you will learn to maintain the correct breathing rhythm.
  4. One-armed flight. To perform the exercise, one of the arms must be pulled forward, and the other hand is stroking. We breathe in on the side of the active hand. As for the legs, you need to do two blows with them in one stroke according to the following scheme: the first - the hand is immersed in the water, the second - comes out of it. There is another variation on this exercise. In this case, the passive hand remains pressed to the body. This exercise reinforces the completion of the stroke and the return phase.
  5. Three strokes with one hand, then three strokes with the second and three more strokes with both. Thanks to this exercise, the coordination of the movements of the hands increases when they perform strokes.
  6. Swimming with flippers. Fins make all movement in the water easier, so this is a great workout for strengthening skills. Put on your fins and swim with your regular butterfly. Do not forget that the hands must be immersed in the water before the shoulder girdle.
  7. Underwater return. When you reach the middle of the underwater part of the stroke, lift your chin and inhale. Hold your hands at the end of the underwater phase, inhale and return your hands under water, while striking with your feet in parallel. Thus, while doing this exercise, your hands are always under the water. By doing it regularly, you will learn the necessary breathing technique and organize your movements.
  8. Four-stroke flight. Push off the side of the pool, perform four strokes and then swim in a free style. Don't breathe when you stroke. You need to row as long as possible and make every effort. When the stroke phase ends, the arms should almost reach the lower abdomen. This type of exercise improves the efficiency of strokes and strengthens the execution of the final part of the underwater stroke phase.

Did you know? The butterfly allows you to reach a fairly high speed, only a professional rabbit can overtake the butterfly. In addition, butterfly style is one of the most energy-consuming way of swimming. In an hour, a swimmer weighing 80 kg burns about 700 calories, and in the same time normal running a person will spend 200 less calories, that is, 500.

Major mistakes

Butterfly style is very difficult to master, and to swim with correct technique, it takes time and a lot of training. In addition, as you master the technique, you will encounter many errors.

But we hasten to please you with the fact that even before they occur, you have the opportunity to familiarize yourself with them and avoid them in the future.

Let's list the most common:

  1. Poor pelvic function or lack of it. It may seem to a beginner that the arms and legs do the main work, but the pelvic muscles also play a big role, it is from these muscles that the wave movement begins, which then turns into a blow with the lower extremities, therefore, one should not forget about the work of the trunk (and especially the pelvis).
  2. Incorrect footwork. There are several oversights here. The first is when the swimmer keeps his feet right at the water line and because of this, most of the strength is simply wasted. As a result, the swimmer loses much speed. The second is not synchronous leg work, and the last, third, is the kick not due to the work of the hip, but due to the bending of the knees. The last mistake will greatly reduce the speed and, in addition, can cause injury to the knee.
  3. Wrong position of the upper limbs when they enter the water. It is very important to place your hands correctly during strokes; according to the execution technique, they should be strictly shoulder-width apart. If the setting is narrower, then the shoulders go deep under the water, which does not allow you to correctly capture, and if the setting is wide, the resistance of the water flow will increase, the speed will decrease, and the person will get tired faster.
  4. Low hand speed. If you row at a slow pace, then not only will the movement slow down, but also additional tension will be obtained in the shoulder joints.
  5. Short stroke. In the case of an early transition to the return phase, the body will bend unnecessarily, and the power of the stroke (as well as speed) will be lost.
  6. Incorrect breathing technique. If the breathing technique is not correctly coordinated, then the neck will be constantly in tension, which will disrupt the general rhythm of movement.

it key points swimming style such as butterfly or dolphin. By following these recommendations and constantly exercising, you will succeed, and soon you will be able to show off your ability to swim in such an unusual and difficult style.

Butterfly or Dolphin (from the English word butterfly - "butterfly") is one of the most technically difficult and tiring swimming styles.

This is swimming on the stomach, in which the right and left parts of the body at one moment make symmetrical movements: a powerful and wide stroke is made with the hands, raising the human body above the water surface, the swimmer's legs and pelvis make wave-like movements.

The butterfly is a challenging but very fast swimming style. Faster people swim only by crawl (free style).

Swimming on the back at intervals of 200 meters or more is almost as fast as a dolphin, which, in particular, can be explained by low start first.

The history of the butterfly style

Initially, there were only three swimming styles: freestyle, back crawl and breaststroke. Butterfly appeared during the "modernization" of the breaststroke. Hands began to be carried over the water, which accelerated the swimmer's progress. And then the movement was also changed lower limbs more natural.

In 1933, Henry Myers swam at the Central Brooklyn YMCA Championship in a dolphin-like style. Iowa-based collegiate swim coach David Armbruster researched breaststroke. In 1934, the method was improved by Armbruster and the arms moved forward over the water surface during breaststroke. He gave the name to the new style - "Butterfly".

Despite the difficulty of the style, there was a significant increase in speed. A year later, in 1935, swimmer Jack Sieg, also from the University of Iowa, was able to develop a stroke technique that involves swimming on the back and striking the legs in unison, like a fish strikes with its tail. Then I changed my technique to swim face down. He gave the name to this style - "dolphin". Sieg and Armbruster immediately realized that combining the two techniques would create a very fast style swimming.

Butterfly. Swimming technique

In butterfly stroke, it is extremely important to follow the correct technique. Unlike freestyle, breaststroke and backstroke, butterfly stroke cannot be obtained good speed only at the expense physical strength... Many people call the dolphin the most difficult style to learn. The main difficulty for beginners, it involves the simultaneous return of the whole body and hands above the water to their original position, while observing correct breathing.

The technique involves a synchronized movement of the legs and arms. Important role at the same time, the undulating movements of the entire human body play. In the starting position, the swimmer is on his stomach in the water, arms outstretched forward, legs stretched back.

Hand movements when swimming with butterfly style

Hand movements include 3 main phases: towards yourself, away from yourself, return. But they can be divided into smaller components.

At the beginning, the movements are somewhat similar to breaststroke. Hands are immersed in water with palms to the sides (and slightly down) at about shoulder width, and then spread apart in the form of the letter Y.

  • In the phase "away from oneself", the hands describe a semicircle around the body, the elbows are located above the hands, and the hands themselves are directed downward and slightly under them. The movement reaches about a third of the thigh, then the return begins. The hand speed increases from the very start to the point of highest acceleration at the very end of the movement. This acceleration provides sufficient push to float the front of the body to the surface of the water.
  • Next, there is a "return phase", in which the hands are rapidly moved forward, without bending the elbows, the hands must be relaxed. This phase begins at the moment when the hands are still in the water. Then they are carried out with a sharp push forward due to the efforts of the triceps muscles. It is important not to submerge them too early in the water, as forward movement in the water creates additional drag, although at long distances it is impossible to avoid the described effect.

    Hands are again immersed in water to the length of the shoulders down thumbs... It is no longer recommended to spread them wider or to bring them together, so as not to reduce the stroke. A number of swimmers, despite this, prefer to touch their hands at this point, which gives them the opportunity to make the stroke more energetic.

  • If in the initial phase of the movement the hands describe a semicircle, then at the end of the phase "away from oneself" they can move in parallel. This has always been the classic trajectory of movement, but in last years there was a tendency to make only a large semicircle along the total length of the arm movement.

Butterfly-style leg movements

With butterfly movements, the movements of the legs are somewhat similar to movements in the crawl, but here the legs move not alternately, but simultaneously.

With the help of a strong upside down movement, then a weak downward movement, the head and shoulders are brought to the water surface, then the back is raised with a strong downward movement of the legs and a weak upward movement. Both of these movements pass into each other due to the natural wave-like vibration of the body.

The legs are kept together. The feet go down. The rules do not indicate how many kicks a swimmer must complete per cycle. This directly depends on convenience, and, as a rule, swimmers make 2 strokes per cycle.

Some swimmers can combine dolphin arm movements with breaststroke kicks. Until 2001, the rules did not prohibit this. And until now, the rules allow exceptions, but most swimmers now prefer wave-like leg movements.


The inhalation should be done in a very short period of time. It is convenient to help yourself by bending your torso. This requires a perfectly honed technique of movements. They begin to take a breath in the last phase of the arm movement: stroke at the level chest raises the body above the water.

Raising his head at this moment, a person can inhale through his mouth. At the same time, experienced swimmers know how to direct their gaze to the lower sector of the opposite side, in other words, to leave their head slightly lowered - with this option, the body is more balanced and lies better on the water.

When the hands begin to swing forward, the head is immersed again in the water. You do not need to hold your head above the water, as this will slow down the return movement. The exhalation is done through the nose and mouth during the entire subsequent cycle until the start of the next inhalation. Many swimmers like to breathe in through the side as in free style, but all other conditions are the same.

For example, Denis Pankratov, an outstanding domestic representative of butterfly of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, loved to do this.

Usually, a breath is taken for every 2nd exit from the water - this is the most the best option for stayer distances. You can do breathing at each exit, but this will lead to a decrease in the speed and hyperventilation of the lungs. Trained athletes achieve equally fast breathing cycles and therefore can breathe in every time. This is how Michael Phelps does it.

Body movement when swimming in butterfly style

Difficulty coordination of movements in a dolphin can be facilitated by correct body movements. When lowering the shoulders down, the hips are raised higher, the pelvis crosses the line of the water surface. From this, a wave goes through the body. Further, during the next phase of the stroke, the shoulders move up and then the hips go down, and this impulse seems stronger.


In the butterfly, a regular start is used. After the jump, the phase of sliding under the water surface begins, after which there are wave-like movements of the legs. The underwater phase is extremely important as the water resistance is minimal during this time. The rules allow a maximum of 15 meters of scuba diving, then the athlete's head must be above the surface of the water.

Turn and finish

At the finish and when turning, the athlete must touch the side with both hands, the face turns down.

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Swimming is different from other sports and has its own specifics. It contributes to a positive effect on the body - an increase in the strength of the respiratory muscles, an increase in ventilation of the lungs, a strengthening of the cardiovascular vascular system, improving posture, increasing stamina and immunity.

Butterfly swimming lessons: swimming technique and steel, video lessons

In the aquatic environment, without the usual support, the human body acts differently, this promotes mobility and develops the body. Due to the lack of a sense of weight, the support system is unloaded and the physical formation is distributed. Performing repeated movements in a horizontal position, the force of gravity ceases to "press" on the organs and makes them easier for the robot.

The swim harmoniously improves the capabilities of the body, positively affecting all organ systems and helps to lose overweight... There are different swimming techniques: breaststroke, crawl, or butterfly. Find out more here about butterfly swimming.

What is Butterfly?

Butterfly- this is swimming on the chest with the fulfillment of simultaneous synchronous movements of the right and left extremities. The swimmer should raise a part of the body to the surface and make a massive stroke with both hands to raise the body above the water.

What is Butterfly?

At the same time, you need to bring your legs together and synchronously perform a kind of blows with them. Butterfly is translated from English as "butterfly". This style is also sometimes called "Dolphin" and is among the most exhausting and difficult to perform, but it is almost the fastest nonetheless.

A bit of history about Butterflay

Butterfly swimming style so far younger than everyone else. It arose 80 years ago and was then considered a type of breaststroke. It was only in the 50s of the last century that it was recognized as the official swimming style. Under what circumstances?

A bit of history about Butterflay

For breaststroke swimmers in competition, the criteria for movement were not accurately described and therefore they were all very different for everyone. The most cunning athletes lengthened the stroke with their hands, starting it on the surface to reduce the water resistance.

In 1936, at the Olympic Games in Germany, a swimmer from Japan, using a butterfly stroke, won the 200 m breaststroke distance. He broke the world record by 3 seconds.

In the USSR, swimmers were among the first to fully master swimming technique butterfly... Here, in 49, she was separated from the classic breaststroke. All over the world, this happened 4 years later.

It is not enough to apply force when using a dolphin to achieve speed. Many people find this style to be very difficult to learn. Butterfly Swimming Technique Video on the Internet there are a lot.

Butterfly swing technique

However, if you want to analyze this type of swimming in more detail, you should familiarize yourself with the principle in theory:

Body position

The shoulders are parallel to the water, the face looks down, the limbs are extended. When moving, the angle of attack ranges from -20 ° to 20 °.

Hand movement

They are divided into 3 stages: from oneself, to oneself and the initial one. The palms, heading towards the water shoulder-width apart, look outward and slightly downward, after which they spread apart.

  1. At the first stage, the hands describe a circle around the body, the hands are located below the elbows and are guided mute under themselves. To develop the speed of movement should be from the start.
  2. The return comes when the hands are still in the water. When they have reached the thigh, you need to relax them, straighten them and move them forward. Don't put them back underwater too early.

While dipping your hands down with your thumbs, keep them parallel between them, or, to get more vigorous, touch your fingers at the desired point.

  1. Here you can move not in a circle, but in parallel.

Leg positions

In butterfly leg movements resemble a way crawl swimming, however, they necessarily move together, and not in turn.

First, you should make a powerful upward movement, and then a weak downward movement. So the head and shoulders emerge from the water. Then they do the opposite: strong down and weak up (now the back rises). It turns out quite wavy. Traditionally, 2 strokes are made per cycle, but it doesn't matter.

Before proceeding to Butterfly Swimming Video, you need to know one more important thing. How to breathe correctly.

Swimmer's breath

Inhale should be done when the body is bent and very quickly. You need to start inhaling at 3 stages of hand movement, when the head is raised. Simultaneously with the wave of the arms forward, the head is lowered under the water and, until the end of the cycle, exhale. As a rule, the breath is taken after one emergence.

Body movements

To make coordination a little easier, special body movements are used. As the shoulders drop down, the hips are lifted so that the buttocks are above the water. This creates a "wave". According to the same simple scheme, the following cycle occurs: shoulders up, pelvis down.

Body movements during butterfly throw


A classic start is used in this technique. After sliding underwater, they begin to work with their feet, this is very important. The swimmer is allowed to swim 15 meters under water before the head is on the surface.

What muscles work while swimming with Butterfly?

The muscles of the arms and shoulders are most strongly involved in moving the body in the water. The abdominal muscles also work to push up to the surface and return under the water. Athletes who use the butterfly feel better for lower back pain because the back muscles are also involved. Legs and buttocks are not of secondary importance. Great efforts are made to simultaneously hit them on the water.

Butterfly- swimming style on the chest, during swimming in which the athlete performs simultaneous and symmetrical movements of the left and right-hand sides body. With both hands, the swimmer makes a powerful wide stroke, during which the upper part of the body is raised above the water, while simultaneously performing symmetrical kicks "from the pelvis". This style is considered the second fastest after the chest crawl.

Swimming method Dolphin is a speed variation of the butterfly style. The dolphin swimming technique is distinguished by the movement of the legs: they move in a vertical plane up and down (similar to the movements of a dolphin's tail). In the classic butterfly stroke, the legs work with the breaststroke.

Dolphin swimming technique

The movements are performed symmetrically: hands do a stroke in the water, and then simultaneously sweep over the water; legs and torso perform active undulating movements. The most widespread is the two-hit dolphin, where the cycle of movements consists of one hand stroke, two kicks, inhalation and exhalation.

Body position

Starting position on the chest, shoulders parallel to the surface of the water, face down. The angle of attack during swimming is constantly changing and takes a value from -20 ° at the end of the kick from top to bottom to 20 ° at the moment the hands move above the water.

Leg and torso movement

The swimmer performs wavelike movements of the legs and trunk with increasing amplitude from the shoulders to the middle of the trunk, from the middle of the trunk to the pelvis, from the pelvis to the hips, from the thighs to the lower leg and feet. The whole cycle of undulating movements ends strong blow stop from top to bottom (this is the main working movement of the legs). When the feet make an overwhelming blow down, the pelvis rises up, during the movements of the lower legs and feet up, the pelvis energetically drops down, shoulder girdle moves forward and mute up.

When swimming with a two-hit dolphin, undulating movements of the upper body in the second half of the cycle at the end of the stroke are minimized, since the swimmer must keep his shoulders at the surface and ensure that his arms are carried over the water. Therefore, the amplitude of the pelvic movements should be sufficient to ensure the transmission of wave-like movements to the legs, but not too strong so as not to cause the shoulders to sway.

The movements of the legs play a coordinating role and make a significant contribution to the creation of driving forces: when swimming by a dolphin, using movements with only legs, approximately 70% of the swimming speed is achieved with full coordination of movements.

Hand movement

The hands when swimming in the dolphin way serve as the main driving force: when swimming with the help of movements with one hand, 90% of the swimming speed is achieved with full coordination.

The cycle of hand movements can be divided into phases:

  • Bringing or moving hands over water... The sweep is performed with a swing across the sides forward with almost straight relaxed arms, while the shoulders are raised above the water. Towards the end of the phase, the hands turn with the palms down and outward, and the elbows turn so that the water first touches the hand.
  • Hands entering the water... The swimmer sends his arms and shoulder girdle forward into the water, hands enter the water shoulder-width apart.
  • The supporting part of the stroke... During the support phase, flexion of the arms begins, the hand and forearm perform an advanced support movement in relation to the elbow in the forward-outward-downward direction. By the end of the phase, the hands diverge to the sides wider than the shoulders by about 1.5-1.7 times, the arms are slightly bent in elbow joints(up to 130-140 °), the plane hand - forearm in relation to the water surface is at an angle of about 45 °.
  • The main part of the stroke... The elbows are retracted outward, a powerful stroke is performed due to active flexion-extension in the elbows and powerful adduction and extension of the shoulders. By the end of the first half of the stroke - pull-ups - the angle of flexion of the arms at the elbows reaches 90 °, the hands approach each other. In the second half of the stroke - pushing off - the movements become even more powerful, by the end of the phase the elbows are brought to the body, the hands move near the pelvis.
  • Getting your hands out of the water... The hands relax at the thighs, the arms are carried out in a quick movement, while the elbows appear first above the water. The hands emerge from the water behind the pelvic line and slightly away from the hips.


Dolphin swimming technique (top, side and front view)

Butterfly is the most energy-consuming and tiring style of swimming. However, it is slower than. But at the same time, this style is the most beautiful. When someone on the next lane is swimming with a butterfly, few can resist and not look in his direction.

Basic moments

Technically, this style is quite complex. However, if you are aiming to lose weight, it is worth learning to swim with a butterfly - it burns the most calories.

During swimming, the butterfly moves the whole body synchronously. The hardest part is connecting to the movements. Therefore, at first, focus only on the movements, holding your breath and swimming only a few meters. As soon as the movements become clear, connect your breathing and increase the distance.

For one movement of the hands, there are two movements of the legs and one breathing cycle, inhale-exhale.

Unlike other styles, you are unlikely to succeed in butterfly swimming completely wrong, but the following videos will help you eliminate some technical errors.

Video # 1: body position

Keep your head in a neutral position, looking towards the bottom. This will help keep your body flat in the most efficient way along a line. During inhalation, the face rises above the water, but you can use a mask with a snorkel for breathing.

Video number 2: legs

The push is carried out with both legs at the same time. Remember that the movement of the legs in swimming comes from the hip, not from the knee. All parts of the legs are involved in the downward movement of the legs, which gives speed,: hips, legs, feet. During the upward movement, the legs are relaxed. Use fins for extra speed.

Video # 3: hands

Under water, the arms move symmetrically: the hands come together, the fingers are directed to the bottom, the elbows are raised. Move over the water with straight and relaxed arms just above the surface of the water. Hands enter the water shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. Extend your arms immediately after immersion to achieve the most streamlined position.

Video # 4: breathing

Do not tilt your head back as you inhale so as not to strain your neck. The movement of the whole body helps the head to get out of the water, sufficient for inhalation. The face sinks back into the water at the end of the movement of the hands above the water. Exhale through your nose and mouth at the same time.

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