That bites on barley. How to cook barley for fishing: steaming recipes

Fishing with barley requires certain skills. This attachment is very easy to prepare. When is barley fishing successful?

Fishing with pearl barley - good way to catch big fish summer. The fish begins to peck at the barley at the end of May. Good biting continues until September. There are times when the fish ignores the worm and bites only on the pearl barley.

Barley grains processed in a special way are called pearl barley. Many anglers are aware of its high performance. Each angler has his own proven methods of making a barley bait.

Little tricks when preparing a barley bait

  • Water is used for cooking. Of course, you can cook in milk, but the effectiveness of the attachment practically does not increase. Milk costs significantly more than water.
  • There is no point in salt water. For humans, salty porridge is tastier, but under natural conditions fish does not use salt. Fish feed only on food known to them for a long time. Salt is not found in freshwater bodies.
  • After barley is cooked, the grains are covered with slime, which is slippery to the touch. Inexperienced anglers wash and dry the grains. After such an operation, the grains are clean. DO NOT RINSE GRAINS! Starch, which is released during heat treatment, gives the grains an unpleasant mucus to the touch. It is known that fish have an excellent sense of smell and perfectly feel the well-known attractive smell of starch.

I don't think it makes sense to add odorous substances to the nozzle. Heat-treated barley has its own well-known smell to fish and should not be interrupted.

How to choose grits for barley fishing

The groats should be white, whole. The grains must be completely peeled off. The darker the pearl barley, the older it is and it is difficult to make a normal bait from it.

The best bait is obtained from this year's barley. Poorly peeled grains exfoliate during cooking.

Methods for preparing barley baits

  1. First, the selected white pearl barley grains are soaked for two hours in cold water... Then, on low heat, the nozzle is brought to a boil and cooked for 10 minutes. The finished barley is put to cool for several hours in a warm place.
  2. The pearl barley filled with cold water is put on fire. When the water boils, the fire decreases and the future nozzle is cooked for about an hour. After cooking, the nozzle cools down in a warm place.
  3. Put the required amount of pearl barley in a thermos and pour boiling water in such a way that the boiling water completely covers the cereal. After two hours, a steamed nozzle is obtained.
  4. Grits are poured into boiling water. After boiling the water, the pearl barley is boiled over high heat for 30 minutes. In this case, it is often necessary to stir the barley. This is one of the fastest ways to prepare a bait.

Fishing with barley - storage of the bait

When fishing, pearl barley is conveniently stored in a tightly closed box. It is necessary to exclude the ingress of foreign odors into the prepared nozzle. The attachment can be stored well in the refrigerator for up to three days.

Boiled or steamed barley is an excellent bait for fishing roach and many other carp fish.

Barley is often used for catching large roach. float rod(swing and plug). Taking into account the significant weight of the grain, it is necessary to adjust the weight of the equipment in accordance with the weight of the nozzle. The size of the hook should be selected taking into account the number of grains planted on it at the same time. So, if hooks No. 18–20 are used for fishing with bloodworms, then when fishing with pearl barley, you should take larger hooks - No. 18–14.


It is not difficult to prepare barley, however, it should be remembered that when boiling and steaming, the barley grains increase in volume by 5 times.

Method 1: A handful of whole grains are soaked in a saucepan with cold water for 2 hours, then put on low heat, boiled for 5-6 minutes, then removed from heat, wrapped in a towel and allowed to cool slowly. Then the grains are washed in a colander.

Method 2: the grains are soaked in cold water and put in the refrigerator for two or three days, while the water is changed once a day. As a result, the shell of the grains practically does not break, but inside they become soft and hold well on the hook.

Method 3: a couple of tablespoons of grains are placed in a liter thermos and 0.5–0.6 liters of boiling water are poured. Steamed for 4-6 hours. I steamed the grains in a thermos in the evening, sometimes adding a teaspoon of honey. I prefer to fish with well-steamed grains.

Barley can be flavored and dyed. For coloring, you can use food colors: red, yellow, green, etc. As flavors, you can use both special compositions intended for flavoring fishing baits or bait mixtures, and natural products: seed oils, spice powders, essences, etc. .d.

Some anglers sprinkle the barley with breadcrumbs or groundbait mixtures before use to “break” the grains and create, in their opinion, a more attractive type of bait. In my opinion, breading dries the grains unnecessarily, and well-steamed barley itself attracts fish very well.


There are different opinions about the method of attaching grain to the hook. I dare say that the point of the hook should always be open and sticking out of the attachment. Depending on the method of preparation, pearl barley has a different density and thus the ability to stick to the hook, thus: the denser the grain, the stronger it sits on the hook and vice versa. At the same time, its attractiveness to fish and, accordingly, the number of bites depends on the softness of the grain. The number of effective bites increases if the grain is well steamed, which allows the hook to “tear” the flesh of the grain when striking and reliably pinpoint the fish. Hard grain, especially if it is planted so that it overlaps the bend of the hook, gives a significant amount of idle bites. Often, roach is more willing to take on barley than on bloodworms or other baits, however, the predilections of the fish can change in the process of fishing, so the angler should be able to use different baits and their various combinations, including those with pearl barley grains.

When fishing with barley, you can add it to the bait and periodically toss a certain amount of grains into the fishing area with your hand or with a catapult (slingshot). I recommend barley as one of the main catching baits for catching large roach, bream, crucian carp and other peaceful fish.

For fishing, I take well-steamed grains and pierce them with the sting of a hook 2-3 mm from the edge of the grain, while trying to ensure that the shell of the grain is at the puncture site. It is noticed that when using steamed pearl barley grains as a nozzle, the roach is caught larger, and the bites are usually correct.

Among the popular vegetable baits for fishing such as corn, semolina or peas, pearl stands out as a real pearl. This grits are also used as a hook attachment and are a component of groundbait. Good for pearl barley, bream, roach. This review will help you understand how barley is used for fishing. We will tell you how to cook barley for fishing, how to steam it and how to add it to bait.

Who bites

The French call a pearl by the word "pearl". Indeed, the grain of barley, peeled from the outer shell, is very similar to this jewel. Barley is truly nutritious. It turned out that among the underwater inhabitants there were also her admirers.

Barley for crucian carp has become a truly popular bait, but it can seduce carp, bream, roach, and other fish from the extensive carp family.

By the way! It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of "bait" and "bait". Plant baits are planted on the hook, and animals baited!

Occurred in fishing practice and such incidents as the bite of a pike. But here the natural greed of the predator was triggered, chasing after pearl grains planted in the form of a propeller and creating swirls.

Preparing the nozzle

Barley is prepared for fishing for a bait in several ways:

  • Cooked in a saucepan on the stove.
  • Steamed in a thermos.
  • Soak in the refrigerator.
  • Use a multicooker.

Do not be lazy to rinse the cereal before preparing the nozzle!

It is not known what way the pearl barley went from the field to the supermarket counter, with what odorous substances it was adjacent. Therefore, in order to avoid the repulsive effect from the future bait or bait, the barley must be thoroughly rinsed, as for the porridge that you cook for yourself.

Cooking on the stove

How to cook barley for fishing correctly? It's very simple, pearl barley is cooked like any other porridge. Here are the cooking steps in a nutshell:

  1. We rinse a glass of cereals (a glass is enough for both a bait and bait, and you yourself can have a snack).
  2. We fall asleep in a saucepan.
  3. Fill with three glasses of water - the 1 to 3 rule applies to all cereals.
  4. Cook, stirring constantly, not bringing it to readiness a little.
  5. Before removing from heat, add a little sugar, salt and introduce aromatics.

At first, to understand the degree of readiness of the grains, we use a fish hook or a needle. Correctly cooked barley, when planted, pierces well with a tip, holds, but does not fall apart.

If you accidentally digested barley, it's okay. The resulting porridge can become the basis for groundbait, and for the nozzle, cook a new portion.

Another tip for beginners on how to cook barley for fishing: if you are afraid that the porridge will burn, cook it in a water bath.

If you add a little baking soda when boiling pearl barley, literally at the tip of a knife, the grains will get a pleasant pink color, which will make them more attractive in the eyes of crucian carp or bream.

Steaming in a thermos

Many beginners ask how to steal pearl barley for fishing. In the presence of a thermos, this is not difficult.

  1. We wash the groats.
  2. We put the required amount into a thermos. Do not get carried away with the volume, pearl barley swells a lot, so you should not fill up more than a third of the container.
  3. Fill with boiling water so that its level is three centimeters higher than cereals.
  4. Add flavorings and close.

How much time to steam, only experience will help here. Depends on the thermos and on the type of barley. Some fishermen steam up in the evening, others remember how to steam the pearl barley in the morning before going to the river. And then they bring the prepared pearl barley for fishing in a thermos to the pond, so that it gets steamed better.

If you don't have a thermos, you can also steam in a saucepan wrapped in towels or old jackets, in the manner of housewives snatching jars for the winter. How much to steam in this dish depends, among other things, on the air temperature in the room.


Barley for fishing is also prepared by soaking. True, this process is long, lasts 2-3 days, but the grains are soft and elastic at the same time, they hold perfectly on the hook.

  1. We wash the grains.
  2. Fill with water one finger above the cereal.
  3. Add the flavor you want, like garlic.
  4. We put it in the refrigerator.

Using a multicooker

The multicooker is the best invention for cooking all kinds of cereals. Barley for fishing is well prepared in it. Refer to the specific instruction manual for your particular model for exact recommendations. Note that the cooking time for barley should be slightly reduced in comparison with the recommendations for cooking porridge.

Pearl barley in groundbait

In fishing, there is such a rule: "what you catch - so you feed." That is, if you are going to use pearl barley for a hook attachment, you also need to add it to the bait.

Barley for fishing for bream or crucian carp can be added to the ready-made "branded" bait, or serve as a component of porridge, which is easy to make with your own hands.

Recipe 1: with peas

  • Put the washed peas into a saucepan.
  • Fill in water at the rate: one part of peas for four glasses of water.
  • When the peas are boiled and mashed, add the pearl barley grains and cook until cooked.
  • Close the pan and let it brew.

On a fishing trip, this porridge can be put into the trough right away, or you can mix it in small portions with dry mixes. Bream especially loves peas with barley, and they do not disdain crucian carp with carp.

Recipe 2: with millet

  • Pour a measure of barley with six measures of water and cook until half cooked.
  • Add a measure of millet and cook until characteristic air bubbles appear.
  • Add sunflower oil and aromatics. Let it brew.

It turned out great. If you add barley and corn grits to this porridge by the measure, you get the famous "salapinka" for bream.

Question: how much cereals do you need to take in order to get a real "salapin" porridge?

Answer: one measure of millet, barley and corn grits, and pearl barley - half the measure.

Aromatization of cereals

To attract crucian carp, roach or bream to the pearl barley table, you need to season the grains to get them an appetizing aroma.

The following are used as flavoring agents for pearl barley:

  • Sunflower seeds crushed in a meat grinder. They need to be added to cereals when boiling or steaming. On a fishing trip, pearl barley grains are dipped in a mixture of sunflower seeds with ground breadcrumbs. Such a nozzle will attract fish, giving off the smell of seeds and particles of turbidity from crackers to the water.
  • Vegetable oil. Added during cooking. For example, in "salapinka" after barley is ready, before adding millet. Oil is better unrefined with a natural scent.
  • Hemp seeds. They can be cooked with pearl barley, or added later crushed.
  • Honey. Great flavoring for summer fishing crucian carp. Better to add during cooking for better dissolution.
  • Garlic. An almost irreplaceable smell for crucian carp. Better to use fresh cloves than using "chemistry" or cubes.
  • Fruit and berry components are added during steaming.
  • Vanilla, cinnamon - these additives are also added to the porridge during the cooking process.

How much and what kind of aromatics to add depends on the season. In cold water, spices and a little, in summer - more sweets.

For better visualization of the pearl barley nozzle at the bottom of the reservoir, the grains are stained. Food colors are mainly used, for example, from Easter sets.

Storage and transportation

The nozzle prepared on the basis of pearl barley should be protected from drying out. Therefore, it is best to store it in small glass jars with lids, like the ones sold in fish stores. It is convenient to lay out barley with different aromatization in them, and mark so as not to get confused. The steamed pearl barley can be delivered for fishing directly in a thermos, as mentioned above.


Pearl barley grains are planted, piercing them in the middle where there is a dark strip. How many grains to plant is determined empirically and empirically on the reservoir. You need to start with one, then gradually add.

Used for catching crucian carp or bream and barley sandwiches. Maggot is used as the second component. Larvae and grains can be alternated on a hook or framed with a "pearl" maggot.

Barley is an excellent bait not only for catching crucian carp. You can catch almost any peaceful fish on it. However, some carpfishers also sometimes use this bait. Therefore, we could not help but talk about how you can catch carp with barley, what are the ways to prepare this bait and bait using pearl barley.

For carp fishing, you can use barley

When and how is the best way to catch carp with barley

Since pearl barley is a vegetable bait, it is advisable to use it for carp fishing in the summer, when the water warms up enough. This nozzle performs especially well in the heat. That is, when the carp refuses maggots, worms and bloodworms, and begins to "pick and choose", trying to find unusual food with pleasant smells and tastes.

However, it is worth remembering that not only carp is actively caught on barley. Loves her roach, crucian carp, bream and many others. etc. All this sometimes complicates the process of fishing in many reservoirs (especially if this is not a purely carp pond). After all, it is mainly other peaceful fish that are biting, and not carp, which takes more time to search for and swallow barley.

You need to try to enlarge the bait. But it is difficult to do this with barley, because the grains of this cereal are not large. One thing remains - to use various combinations of nozzles. For example, to put large corn on the hook, or to make a "sandwich" of boilie and pearl barley.

You can use pearl barley when fishing on the top.

What tackle to use when fishing for carp with a pearl barley bait? The best thing:

  • float rod;
  • feeder;
  • pacifier.

In this case, you always need to put several pearl barley grains on the hook. You can't have less than three of them. Better and even five or six (just right for a large carp hook). Otherwise, the bait will look unappetizing for carp, and the fish may not even notice it at the bottom. Also, choose only large, whole grains. Those that are damaged during cooking or transportation can be simply thrown away or added to the groundbait.

What else is important to know about barley carp fishing? Firstly, it is necessary to change the nozzle as often as possible. Essentially every re-roll. After all, pearl barley easily gives off the odors that it received during processing with flavors and attractants. Also, when immersed in water, particles of cake, hemp, flax, etc., which lure the fish, are immediately separated from it, which was added during steaming or cooking. As a result, upon repeated casting, the nozzle loses its former attractiveness.

Secondly, when fishing for carp, it is good to paint pearl barley in a brighter color. After all, white food particles rarely attract these fish. Various food or fishing dyes will help you with this.

How to cook barley for carp

Before catching carp with a pearl barley bait, it must be cooked. Can be boiled or steamed. There are anglers who believe that the best option Is cooking. Others are categorically against boiling, preferring to steam it. Therefore, we will tell you about two cooking options at once.

First option

Let's start with how to cook barley for carp. To do this, we will introduce you to the following recipe:

Barley should be boiled with salt and sugar.

Second option

To steam barley for carp you will need:

  • thermos (preferably with a wide neck);
  • pearl barley;
  • bread crumbs (you can use ordinary ones, as long as they are small).

It must be remembered that when steamed the pearl barley grains will swell and increase in size, so you should not fill up a full thermos. A third will be enough. In this case, it is advisable to warm up the thermos before steaming. This is done simply - it is poured with boiling water for 5-10 minutes. Then all the water is drained away.

Pouring the pearl barley into a thermos and pouring boiling water over it, immediately add honey. Enough 1-2 tablespoons. Focus on the size of the thermos and the number of beans. Then close the thermos tightly with a lid and shake thoroughly. Now we wrap the thermos in a towel or thick cloth. So, it will cool down even more slowly. It is best to put the thermos on its side.

For carp fishing, you can prepare barley with the addition of honey

It takes about 2-3 hours to steam the pearl barley. No more! Otherwise, it will fall apart and will not hold well on the hook.

Therefore, after 2-3 hours have passed, open the thermos and drain the remaining water (if any). Then let the barley cool slightly. Then add the breadcrumbs. Mix everything and close the thermos again. Barley for carp fishing is ready.

At the same time, keep in mind that cooking pearl barley for fishing is a responsible occupation. It is worth digesting this cereal or letting it burn, and the carp will hardly be tempted by such food. What can we say about the fact that you need to cook the barley so that, according to its consistency, it would suit the taste of the fish in a particular body of water. Indeed, in some areas, carp prefers harder grains, in others - soft or medium hard.

You can use a thermos to prepare barley.

What to add to barley for taste and smell

It is equally important what flavorings the carp angler uses when fishing with barley. In this case, it is not necessary to take expensive attractants. You can treat the barley with garlic juice, honey or fragrant oil. Dill, caramel, ground sunflower seeds, cinnamon, fruit or berry syrup, etc. are also suitable. You can drop a little valerian or corvalol, but this smell will actively attract crucian carp. Therefore, it is better not to do this in bodies of water with a large amount of this fish.

There is still one controversial point to be touched upon. You all know that pearl barley has a little "snotty" appearance. More precisely, after cooking it becomes covered with sticky mucus. This is the starch that grains release during heat treatment. Some anglers believe that after boiling or steaming the barley, you need to remove the mucus from it, since the fish do not like it.

Karp is, of course, a gourmet and an esthete, but he does not pay attention to this. Moreover, on the contrary, the slimy structure formed during the preparation of pearl barley makes the bait more nutritious and retains the attractive odors of various flavors for a longer time.

By adding various ingredients to the barley, you can make the bait more attractive to carp.

There is no need to rinse the ready-made porridge or, conversely, dry it. It is enough to remove the barley in an airtight container. This is extremely important, because the pearl barley bait easily absorbs foreign odors that the carp may not like.

Bait for carp from barley

It is not recommended to feed carp with barley alone. Such a bait is unlikely to interest this fish. It is best if pearl barley is combined with other feed. This could be:

  • peas;
  • millet;
  • bread;
  • corn;
  • wheat, etc.

For bait, pearl barley should be combined with other ingredients.

That is, the best option is to use barley as a component of groundbait. You can add it to the dry ready-made mixture. Or combine with shredded boilies and pellets.

Boiled or steamed pearl barley, to which cake is added, shows itself well as a bait. As a result, the bait is aromatic and tasty. At the same time, pearl barley with oil cake is well molded into balls, which are convenient to throw in places of fishing.

Here is just one recipe for a fairly effective groundbait for carp, which includes barley:

  1. We take half a glass of peas (you can fresh or shelled). Fill it with 5-6 glasses of water. We put on the stove and cook for 20-30 minutes. During this time, the peas should be like soup.
  2. Then we fall asleep in the future groundbait half a glass of pearl barley.
  3. We reduce the heat to almost minimum (the main thing is to keep boiling) and cook for 30-40 minutes, stirring constantly.
  4. Turn off the fire. It remains to add a little cake, honey, sugar, etc.

A good option for bait is barley with peas.

The resulting mixture of pearl barley porridge and peas can be mixed with ready-made groundbait for carp. Or add a little black bread, gingerbread or cookies to it. Then, already on the pond, mix the groundbait with the local soil. Catching with the use of such a feed will definitely give a good result.

How effective is barley as a bait or bait for carp

Of course, you can make a high-quality bait and a pretty good bait from barley. However, it cannot be said that this is an effective and popular carp lure. There are several reasons for this:

  • Firstly, in some bodies of water, carp generally refuses to peck on pearl barley. Even if it is treated with various catchy attractants and flavorings.
  • Secondly, the size of pearl barley (barley) grains does not allow catching large carp. Basically, small carp, resembling the size of a crucian carp, peck at such a nozzle.

Depending on the reservoir, carp can peck at barley well or ignore it altogether.

  • Thirdly, even in those waters where carp is good at picking up barley, fish prefers other food more. That is, if she has a choice, she will bite better on a hook with corn or peas than on a pearl barley bait.

Therefore, barley can be used for carp fishing, but only as additional nozzle or in the role of one of the components of the bait (and not the main one!). It is not worth building a feed program based on this cereal, because there are much more effective baits for carp.

You will find the recipe for making barley in the video:

Pearl barley is a grain of barley, from which the peel (bran) is removed by primary processing. This cereal is of interest not only for cooks and housewives, but also for fishing enthusiasts. Steamed pearl barley is considered one of the best baits for catching white fish.

general information

Pearl barleyPearl barley- this is one of the favorite "dishes" of roach, bastard, crucian carp, ide. Another advantage of barley is its versatility, that is, it can be effectively used both as a bait and as bait in large quantities, unlike, for example, other popular baits - a worm or maggot.

This versatility allows you to comply with one of the main rules of the baiting process, namely: the bait must have ingredients that will later be used as a bait. That is, in other words, what we will put on the hook should be in the composition of the bait mixture. Moreover, you can experiment with barley by combining it with other different attachments, both animal and plant origin, which gives very good results. Especially, such a combination is relevant with a sluggish and inactive bite, when the angler is forced to select, for capricious prey, a new, more attractive menu.

Selection of pearl barley

It turns out that not every pearl barley suitable for fishing. Only correct selection cereals will facilitate cooking and will be the key to a good bite. There are several things an angler needs to look out for in a store or market:

  • The pearl barley grains should be large, white and completely free of grain shells.
  • It is easier and faster to prepare cereals from a fresh crop.
  • The groats of past years will be dark, and the cooking process will take a long time.
  • Dark grains, even well-cooked ones, are of less interest to the fish.
  • You should not take pearl barley for fishing, in which a moth is wound up or rodents are interested in it.

Cooking pearl barley for fishing

Each such recipe has its own characteristics, so several methods of making pearl barley for fishing are discussed below. Every angler has his own proven methods of preparing barley.

  • Today in all stores you can buy a box of pearl barley in sachets. We cook porridge in these bags. In 20 minutes after boiling water, the barley is ready. Put the contents of the bag in a cup and add any flavorings. One bag is enough for one fishing trip. The groats are crumbly and do not stick to the hands. With the advent of barley in bags on sale, the problem of the safety of the bait in multi-day fishing trips has disappeared. This technology does not allow the porridge to burn at the stake and does not require constant stirring. It should be noted right away that boiled pearl barley is tempting for fish only when fresh. Groats from the refrigerator are suitable only for complementary foods, and even then not in all cases.
  • Pearl barley is thoroughly washed under running water for several minutes. A glass of pearl barley is taken for a liter of boiling water poured into a thermos with a wide neck. The lid closes tightly, and the cereal languishes for at least six hours. Better to steam in the evening, and add flavorings in the morning. This method pays off if the barley is languishing with 1-2 cloves of garlic. Roach and crucian carp are unlikely to refuse such a nozzle.
  • The groats are washed and taken at the rate of 1 glass of pearl barley for 5 glasses of boiling water. The porridge is cooked for 1-1.5 hours over low heat until the water is completely boiled away. Then the pearl barley is infused under the lid for another 20-25 minutes.
  • The pearl barley is washed. A saucepan with a large amount of water is placed on the stove, for about 1 glass of pearl barley 2 liters of water. Bring the water to a boil and pour the prepared cereal into it. Keep the barley on high heat for 25-35 minutes. We try for readiness every 3-4 minutes. When the barley is ready, put the pan under the tap with cold water and rinse thoroughly. The method is quite quick, and the porridge is quite enough for baits and complementary foods.
  • Thermos steaming method. For a hook attachment, cereals can be brewed in a thermos, at least many fishermen do just that. One tablespoon of cereal is placed in a thermos and poured with boiling water, then you need to tighten the lid and shake the case. After such manipulations, the content will not stick to the walls. It is imperative to let the cereal infuse, a few hours are enough for this. Thus, cereals can be brewed in the evening, and in the morning, before going fishing, you just need to throw it on a strainer and pack it in a suitable container.

Features of the preparation of barley

  • Water is used for cooking. Of course, you can cook in milk, but the effectiveness of the attachment practically does not increase. Milk costs significantly more than water.
  • There is no point in salt water. For humans, salty porridge is tastier, but under natural conditions fish does not use salt. Fish feed only on food known to them for a long time. Salt is not found in freshwater bodies.
  • After barley is cooked, the grains are covered with slime, which is slippery to the touch. Inexperienced anglers wash and dry the grains. After such an operation, the grains are clean. DO NOT RINSE GRAINS! Starch, which is released during heat treatment, gives the grains an unpleasant mucus to the touch. It is known that fish have an excellent sense of smell and perfectly feel the well-known attractive smell of starch.
  • It is not necessary to add odors to the nozzle. Heat-treated barley has its own well-known smell to fish and should not be interrupted.

Barley recipes for bait

Barley is much cheaper in comparison with ready-made bait mixtures. Therefore, it is often and a lot used both as the bait itself, and as one of the main components of the bait mixture, especially when fishing with a feeder.

  1. We take 6 glasses of water and a glass of pearl barley, add sugar and salt there. After 20 minutes of cooking, add a glass of millet and continue to cook over low heat, stirring for 30-40 minutes, until water remains on top. After turning off the heat, you can add vegetable oil, honey, etc. We leave the bait to infuse. This recipe works well for fishing such fish as bream, crucian carp, carp.
  2. We take peas and water in a ratio of 1 to 5 - 6 and cook until a thin soup is obtained, add 1 part of pearl barley there and continue to cook for 30 - 50 minutes over low heat. After that, you need to leave the groundbait to infuse warm. Such a mixture is put into the trough, and the pearl barley grains are put on the hook. This bait works well for bream during the first autumn cold snaps, when it begins to actively feed both during the day and at night.

The fishing process for such baits is as follows: first, we use dry mixes to pull the fish to the place of fishing. Then mix the dry mixture with porridge. We fill the feeder without effort, since this bait adheres well to the walls of the feeder.

That's basically all about some recipes for the preparation and use of barley.

Tackle for barley fishing

  • Rod should be very light. If there are several rods - then the same lineup, for knee replacement. Due to their design, lightweight rods allow you to cast very sensitive tackle upwind for a good distance - up to 8 meters and hold the rod all the time you are fishing. The optimal rod length is 4.5 meters. 6 meter rods are heavy and inconvenient for such active fishing.
  • Diameter line depends on the fish intended for fishing - (main / leash): 0.12 / 0.1; 0.14 / 0.12; 0.16 / 0.14 mm. We only connect the leash with the main line from a loop to a loop, which play the role of a shock absorber.
  • Hooks used by No. 12 according to European standards, made of fine wire, neutral steel color, electrochemical sharpening.
  • Floats are used with a carrying capacity of 0.3 to 0.5 grams.

Fishing with pearl barley

Organize yours before the first cast. " workplace". Put a convenient chair (if necessary), on the left, place a jar of pearl barley and a cloth (wipe your hands), as well as a landing net, on the right, fix the cage, in front of you under right hand stick in the pegs so that it is convenient to lay the fishing rod - at the time of removing the fish from the hook. If this is not done right away, and you start biting, then you will be inconvenienced for the entire fishing trip.

After each cast, when the hook is about half water down, make a sharp, short jerk with the tip of the rod. Thus, you will immerse the line in the water, and it will not be pulled by the wind along the surface along with the float. After casting, this movement should be developed to automatism and performed "on reflex". Strike short and sharp whenever you move or change the position of the float. After a short sweep, take the fish out, slowly - so that it does not scare away the rest of the fish, and you have time to catch your buzz. Do not be lazy to change the barley every time, this is the key to your success.

And - declaratively: nearby - no one bothers; lightweight, comfortable fishing rod, one in hand; soft, "snotty", cool, deliciously smelling barley; strict adherence to fishing technology; you are comfortably located with good mood, on a beautiful pond, and after that - try not to catch anything. Will not work!!! The proposed fishing technique, although effective, is very laborious, does not allow you to relax, it is closer to the sports style, therefore, it is not acceptable for everyone.

With float and bottom fishing rods, this bait is used to catch roach, crucian carp, rudd, ide, bream and bleak. The most effective fishing is obtained when baiting the place of fishing. Two or three grains are placed on the hook.

Putting barley on a hook

Barley on a hook

There are different opinions about the method of attaching grain to the hook. The tip of the hook should always be open and sticking out of the hook. Depending on the method of preparation, pearl barley has a different density and thus the ability to stick to the hook, thus, the denser the grain, the stronger it sits on the hook and vice versa. At the same time, its attractiveness for fish and, accordingly, the number of bites depends on the "softness" of the grain. The number of effective bites increases if the grain is well steamed, which allows the hook to "tear" the flesh of the grain when striking and reliably pinpoint the fish. Hard grain, especially if it is planted so that it overlaps the bend of the hook, gives a significant number of blank bites. For fishing, they take well-steamed grains and pierce them with a sting of a hook 2-3 mm from the edge of the grain, while trying to ensure that the shell of the grain is at the puncture site.

It is noticed that when using steamed pearl barley grains as a nozzle,

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