Tickets for the race of heroes concert. Race of Heroes: The Best Way to Spend Your Weekend

Race of Heroes - Final.

The sporting event of a completely new format, the Race of Heroes, is gaining popularity with every start. The goal of the tournament is to overcome an obstacle course designed for training special forces of the Russian Army. The geography of these competitions is very wide. Already today they have become a favorite form of recreation for many. In addition, the social significance of the Race of Heroes is also great, young people learn from the example of sports stars who also take part in the tournament - will, endurance, striving for victory.

But sport is sport, there must be winners here. And the names of the strongest athletes, the winners of the stages held in different cities, will soon be announced in Moscow. They will take to the stage of the best Moscow concert venue during a grand show with the participation of Russian pop stars and will receive their well-deserved awards from the hands of the organizers - the League of Heroes. The headliners of the show will be Basta and the Mumiy Troll group. Viewers have an opportunity to order tickets for the Race of Heroes today.

- = The post was prepared in the interests of the "Race of Heroes" = -

Sometimes you write a post about a product or service, and then you start using it yourself. Over the weekend I was invited as a spectator on! And now I understand that next time I will go to participate. For three hours I watched with envy as office plankton swam in fat, fit athletes, serious adults and students overcame the obstacle course.

The race took place in Alabino near Moscow. And this is not the only place where people can shake off the office dust and pass the test of soldier's strength. This year, for example, the team of the League of Heroes holds its races in 14 cities at once. You can only admire her diligence, because even one sport's event per 1000 people - it's no longer easy, and they manage to do it all over Russia from Kaliningrad to Kamchatka.

"Race of Heroes" is a competition on an obstacle course similar to the one where special forces are trained. Participants need to run over rough terrain and at the same time jump over walls, climb ropes, swim over pits with mud and everything else (you've probably seen something like this in films about the American army).

Just look at the layout of the track and the number of obstacles! Next, I will tell you about a small part, since it is simply impossible to remove and insert everything into a post) You will not have enough traffic to upload all the photos!

You can participate alone or in a team. All people over 18 years old are allowed to run, regardless of physical fitness.

You need to buy a ticket for the race only if you are going to participate in it, spectators have free admission. There is no age limit for spectators, so you can bring your children and show them how you turn the heat on the obstacle course. There is a lot of entertainment for guests, so no one will be bored. Adults can watch the military demonstration organized by the organizers before the start of the race, and children can have fun in the children's area.

The event begins with the registration of participants. There is different variants participation in the Race. You can run the obstacle course for yourself in an individual race (but this is only for Moscow). Or you can run as a whole platoon team of 10 people (in Moscow in teams of 20 people). You can assemble your own team or join one that lacks members.

The teams here are called platoons. There is also an opportunity to participate in the championship. This is the same as the team races, only with stricter timing and obstacle judging. The winners of this format of participation will be able to compete at the final of the Race of Heroes in Moscow on September 10. Prize fund- 1 million rubles. :)

Luggage storage and changing rooms are provided for the participants. The organizers recommend that you bring comfortable sportswear and shoes.

Before going on a distance, you can try your hand at all sorts of activities. For example, they pull "Ural"

The whole competition is based on the army theme.

Even during the passage of the distance, there are obstacles such as smoke screens, ambushes and blank shots from tanks. Have you ever heard a tank shoot? Loud!

Since the competition is held at a real military training ground, there is a lot of operating equipment.

Before the race, there must be general warm-up... And then you can go into battle!


The first team went!

Teams start at intervals of several minutes.

Further, an endless series of obstacles. The entire route is 10 km long. Someone passes it in a little over an hour, and someone leisurely runs for 4 hours.

Many people face such challenges for the first time in their lives. In such an environment, you recognize yourself from the other side!

View from above!

After months of working in the office, this is not easy!

Here you have to jump into the water ...

One girl was afraid and the whole team persuaded her for 10 minutes. In general, the most correct thing is to gather a team and run all together, it’s more fun and in difficult moment friends will help.

But how proud they are after passing the tests!

This requires teamwork! So if you do not know how to unite your work collective, feel free to send it to the “Race of Heroes”.

Each platoon is supervised by an instructor who is a professional athlete.

It often happens that a participant who decides to participate in a team race meets his teammates just an hour before the start. But at the finish line after so many tests, they are already like family to each other!

During a simple solo team race, some obstacles can be skipped if you are not confident in your abilities. In the championship race, everything is much stricter: you cannot skip obstacles, all violations are recorded by the judges.

In total, about 1000 people took part in the races, and there were many girls among them.

Some of them passed tests not just on a par with men, but even better!


By the way, doctors are on duty along the entire route, just in case.

Look at these happy faces!

Friends will be jealous!


Here is the finish line!

Here each participant receives a real token.

After the race, a field kitchen awaits all participants. The menu includes buckwheat with stewed meat and sweet tea. Then you can take a hot shower.

Overall, the event is very well thought out. For participants, transfers are organized, and for those who are by car, there is a huge free parking.

All this is already included in the ticket price: transfer, parking, shower, meals, rewarding tokens and photography. Also, you will be issued medical insurance and provided with uniforms: a shirt-front with an individual number and gloves.

In general, I decided to put together a team of bloggers. Let's get 20 people - and we'll run at the end of the summer!

In Moscow and St. Petersburg, the Race of Heroes will run all summer, right up to September. (you can follow the news at

Auto and motor sports are incredibly popular all over the world these days. These sports disciplines are now actively attracting the attention of numerous Russian spectators.

It should be noted that auto and motor sports have been known to mankind for more than one century. It's hard to believe, but the first competitions in these disciplines appeared in many European countries and in America at a time when cars and motorcycles were just beginning to appear. Despite the fact that then the speed and technical capabilities of these vehicles were much lower than now, even in those years such events attracted the attention of a large public with their incredible entertainment, an amazing surge of adrenaline and many positive emotions. True, at that time, such events were no longer like competitions for perfectly trained athletes, but like competitions between car and motorcycle manufacturers, demonstrating their latest achievements and technologies. With the development of progress, such events began to actively spread throughout the world. Many different championships have appeared, such as, for example, "Formula - 1", "Nascar", "Superbike" and many others. Many of these competitions have become international in nature, which has made them popular with a huge number of fans. In addition, many countries around the world have their own national championships. Both professional racers and amateur athletes can participate in such races. In this case, they are used as specially built or prepared vehicles as well as serial cars and motorcycles. Over time, almost every country has its own talented and world famous athletes. And the events themselves became even more spectacular and vivid. Therefore, it is not surprising that tickets for cars and motor sports have begun to be in high demand among numerous spectators. By the way, this category of events can sometimes include not only the competition itself, but also demonstration performances teams and eminent champions in drifting, various automotive and motorcycle racing disciplines and similar events. Recently, sporting events sometimes began to be accompanied by a vivid entertainment program with a show of interesting rare or tuned vehicles, performances by artists and various games and contests for viewers. Competitions in these sports disciplines have been held in our country for a long time. Since Soviet times, races of national importance have been actively held here. And over time, domestic athletes began to participate in international racing series. But only recently, it became possible to hold serious world-class racing championships in our country. Several years ago, a race track "Moscow Raceway" was opened near Moscow, which meets the most serious world requirements. It was at this circuit that the stages of the largest races of the international format began to be organized.

Currently, in our country, there are many sporting events of this type. Moreover, most of them take place in Moscow or the Moscow region. Sometimes so many of these events are organized here that understanding their diversity turns out to be a very difficult task even for the most experienced spectators. To facilitate the selection of the desired program, a corresponding section of our website was created. All events of this type that will take place in the capital in the near future are presented here in a simple and understandable form for everyone. If you still doubt the choice or you need Additional Information about the competition, then you definitely need to contact our qualified specialists. They will not only help you choose a really interesting event, but also place an order for tickets for cars and motor sports, booking the most best places... In most cases, the company can guarantee that you will get to this event, even if it is of an exclusive nature, and there is very little time left before it starts. In this case, the delivery of your order will be carried out by employees of our own courier service at a convenient time and place for you.

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Sports grounds and stadiums in Moscow

Auto racing and motorcycle shows

Racing is perhaps now one of the most spectacular, intense and exciting sports. This is what explains their incredible worldwide popularity. Such competitions also enjoy stable success in today's Russia.

Racing is a unique sport in which not only athletes compete with their skills, but also specialists - technicians are measured by their achievements and breadth of thought. That is why it became possible only with the development of technical progress, with the advent of cars and motorcycles. Surprisingly, the first competitions of this type began to take place in Europe and the United States back in the nineteenth century, when vehicles were very far from their current perfection. And even then, such events have never been ignored by the public. With the development of technology and technology, it became possible to hold such championships not only of a national but also of an international nature. Subsequently, many famous world motorcycle and automobile racing series appeared, the most famous of which was the Formula 1 championship. In the twentieth century, in many countries appeared own clubs and racers' associations that train athletes and conduct competitions. And the largest technical concerns and companies began to be responsible for the creation of cars and motorcycles specially designed for sports. There are also races in which serial vehicles take part, both converted and not subjected to tuning. Very quickly, this sports discipline gained incredible popularity all over the world. The names of famous athletes who have won popular races more than once have often become known even to people who are very far from this. In our country, automobile and motorcycle sports began to develop actively during the Soviet era. Several of its own national championships have been established here. But later, domestic racers began to take part in international championships. Today, many of Russian athletes are widely recognized worldwide. And the opening not so long ago in the Moscow region of the largest modern race track "Moscow Raceway" made it possible to carry out stages of the world's famous motorcycle and car series, including "Formula 1". Tickets for such events were in great demand by a large audience. After all, such competitions attract the attention of the public not only by the skill of the participants, but also allow you to get acquainted with the latest achievements of technical progress, without which the organization of such events would be impossible. Also, many other racing events have recently begun to take place in the country, including races on trucks and tractors.

Currently, Russia hosts many competitions of this type, both national and international. Most of them are organized in Moscow or in the now famous Moscow region race track... Therefore, on city posters, you can almost always find messages about events of this type. At the same time, it is often very difficult to understand their diversity and choose really worthy and interesting ones from them. For the convenience of such spectators, a corresponding section of our website was created, where all racing events for a certain period of time are presented. And by contacting the experienced specialists of our company, you will not only be able to get the most full information about a specific event, but also book tickets for the races. At the same time, the employees of our own courier service are always ready to deliver your order at a time and place convenient for you.

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