How to assemble a winter float rod correctly. DIY winter float - making and painting

The more you master the topic of winter fishing, naturally, including its equipment, the clearer the presence of its specific features becomes. But the biggest change was the float rod with floats. In this matter, it is very important to ensure maximum sensitivity of the float... After all, it is necessary that he signal even the lightest and most inconspicuous bite, in no way resisting it. Because this behavior can scare the fish away.

Quick change

Classic float rod rig with interchangeable float. A clasp walks along the fishing line, to which the float necessary for the mass is fastened. Instead of an anti-twist carabiner, a cambric can be worn, into which a thin part of the float base is inserted (picture below).

There are also alternative ways attaching the float to the fishing line on a winter fishing rod.

Side slot floats

This type of floats belongs to the quick-change ones and for the most part is presented in the form of models with a flat body configuration. For example, take a look at the branded colmic foam float in the shape of an oval. Additionally, this model is equipped with a metal keel and a small plastic antenna, which behaves perfectly in the current and signals even the weakest bite.

Detachable antenna

This is a very effective and practical type of float and is most often recommended for moments when the fish “hit in the fall”. Such equipment is quite capable of fixing the catch of the bait by the fish until it reaches the surface of the bottom of the reservoir.

In this case, it is necessary to choose a float with the highest level sensitivity so that the fixation of even a small bite is audible. By reducing the surface area of ​​the float itself, there is simultaneously a decrease in water to its penetration. The removable tip also has its own niche at the moment of fixing the rig's mobility in the reservoir.

These techniques will allow you to feel even the lightest bite “in the fall”. Another positive side of using a float for winter fishing with a replaceable antenna, it is considered that in the process of fishing in small bodies of water, it is more suitable than ever. After all, it is necessary to ensure the noiselessness of the fall of the float into the water so that the fish is not frightened.

With internal line channel

Floats of this kind are difficult to replace. In them, the float is fastened to the fishing line quite tightly. And if you suddenly need to replace such a float, you will have to tear the fishing line.

Rigging for a float rod with a float

How to equip a line with a float, lead and hook to start fishing?

To date, you can equip a float rod for winter fishing in different ways... We will consider the most effective and practical ones.

The first version of the equipment

This method is appropriate for equipping a float rod in winter time when fishing is supposed to be at the very bottom of the reservoir. After all, it is there that fish mainly live in the cold. At the beginning of the search for fish, it is necessary to immerse the float a little under the surface of the water. This is possible when its carrying capacity is 0.1-0.2 grams less from the weight of the sinkers.

You need to check the float at home.... This is done using a bath or any other container. Lower the hook to the bottom. He can either lie or only touch him. The winter rig should not be buoyant.

Distance between jig, sinker and hook must be at least 7 cm... In the process of very light biting, if desired, this distance can be increased to 30 cm. To attract the catch, it is recommended to raise and lower the hook smoothly and naturally at short intervals.

The second option of the equipment

This method is perfect for fishing in a body of water with a large current. You can, of course, use it in a stagnant body of water, exclusively for those fish that live slightly above the bottom surface. Due to the additional equipment of the fishing rod with a lead lead, the float will sink slowly. A lead sinks to the bottom, and a little higher, already on the main line, a leash 5-35 cm long is fixed, moving freely and smoothly. It is also recommended to use a small pellet, but it must necessarily weigh less than the float mechanism itself. Fishing starts from the bottom, and only if the bite does not appear, you can gradually raise the leash higher to the surface of the water.

Sinker and hook

Before proceeding with the choice of a sinker, it is worth deciding on its required weight and dimensions. Since in the future it is these parameters that will actively affect the fishing conditions.

So, if you intend to fish in a stagnant body of water using a fishing rod for winter fishing, then choose light and small weights. They are fastened to the fishing line at a distance of no more than 6-8 cm from the hook. If you fish in a strong current, then you need a bigger sinker.

Experienced fishermen always consider lead dimensions, not just weight. It is necessary to select the load so that it will float the float in the reservoir by 2-3 cm, but at the same time do not pull out a piece of fishing line, which is located in the interval between the rod and the float in a stretched straight line.

One of the most important characteristics of a hook is its elasticity. Therefore, by pressing hard on it, no kink should occur. The hook should just bend a little. Plus, pay attention to its end, which should be sharp enough.

Depending on what kind of bait you prefer, you should also choose a hook.

  • using a special fishing rod for winter fishing with bloodworms, pick up a small hook with a short forend, size 2-3;
  • using a worm, bread crumb and pieces of meat, you need to choose larger hooks, size 5-7;
  • then for fry it is necessary to take hooks of size 8.5-10 with a long forearm.


The hook of the jig should be equipped with maggot, bloodworm, worm or dough, slowly lowering the bait to the bottom of the reservoir or to the place where the fish are concentrated. Further, it is worth putting the fishing rod on the surface of the bottom and watching carefully so as not to miss a bite. After all, it can be light and almost invisible. The positive side such a fishing technique is considered its simplicity, and negative - the roughness of the equipment itself, which can frighten and alarming a possible catch.

But still, if the bite is normal, the bait is bright and catchy, and fishing is carried out in a pond with strong current, then these gears are more than effective. A good result can be achieved in the process of fishing with a stationary jig of a large perch in those waters where the competition among fishermen is huge and there is a large accumulation of them.

Pay attention to the one that performs well when fishing for perch and roach.

Choosing a winter float

Which one should be given preference when catching this or that fish, what to look for?

In the process of choosing a winter float, you must follow these recommendations:

  1. it is worth choosing only those floats, the surface of which is completely painted. After all, only in this case it is possible to avoid the adhesion of ice to it.
  2. The best float option would be one made of dense foam. Since this prevents the product from being absorbed excess water.
  3. it is not recommended to use a sliding type of float, which is prone to freezing and complications during diving to the required depth.

Making a float with your own hands

Making a float for winter fishing with your own hands is not so difficult as it might seem at first glance. Moreover, it is also important here that such a hand-held model is able to show a better level of sensitivity than floats purchased from the store counter.

  1. First of all, prepare a hard and dense foam, from which the workpiece of your float will be cut. While it can remain somewhat angular. Note that the size of the float is directly proportional to its carrying capacity. Therefore, after making your workpiece, be sure to test it in a jar of water. It is necessary to reliably know how much weight it will withstand in order to determine the dimensions of the float itself.
  2. Further, with the help of a knife, removing the excess, it is necessary to give the workpiece the desired shape.
  3. Only then can you start grinding the finished product with fine sandpaper or a file.
  4. A mount is provided at the bottom of the float. To make it, make a hole with a hot needle and thread a simple wire fixture into it.
  5. Then, for greater reliability, the attachment point can be fixed with a drop of glue. Your float is now ready! You can go winter fishing!

In this article, using examples from fishing practice, the usefulness of using a removable float on a jigging rod with a nod is shown. This allows you not to clutter fishing box extra fishing rods. A simple step-by-step method for making homemade winter floats is presented.

Introduction and justification of the use of floats in winter

"Do you love the float as I love it, that is, with all the forces of your soul, with all your enthusiasm, with all the frenzy ..."

So, Belinsky "about the theater" got attached ...

“Do you know how to make winter floats correctly?

How do I make them correctly? "

Well, I've already composed it ...

How without great quotes? No way. Let's start with them.

Float for winter fishing rods- is he needed? In most cases, a nod is enough. Perch, grayling are generally not "float" fish in winter. However, the cunning and dodgy roach, during the period of weak bite, can bring the perch-perch with a nod to a twilight state of mind. Once, on a lake visited by the people, an unfortunate fisherman with a choleric temperament, after the 28th unsuccessful hooking of a roach, broke his box on the ice. Everyone has seen and knows this. Women don't bring it this way ...

I am not considering a hungry spring roach that comes at you with its mouth open, although it does have periods when it is not averse to making fun of our brother. In addition, a float in winter is a piece of warm summer in a hole, connecting the thread of a fisherman's emotional mood, coming from childhood ...

The closeness of the fisherman with the float becomes truly intimate. This is the soul of a fisherman, then sinking into the heels, when he is immersed, then soaring into the sky, when he rises: "I put the Leshchara!" and… didn’t get it - it also happens. But much less often than the nod, this synthetic extension of the whip, cold and calculating like the heart of a sports angler. Although athletes can be understood, the time limit, ranks-categories, sponsors-federations-horsenies, points-points-prizes, etc. They are not up to such trifles as a winter float ...

“Why make them yourself? You can stupidly buy them in bulk in stores ”- some will say. Yes, you can and should buy multiple samples. Only here I have not seen quick-detachable winter floats on sale. Or maybe he saw, but forgot. After all, you can buy nods, flies and much more. Down to fish.

In homemade products (hand made, as they say there) there is a special charm, uniqueness. And the very process of manual labor, making your own tackle, is useful to any fisherman. Suddenly a great master is sleeping in someone, and then he will take it and wake up!

Making a quick-detachable float for a winter fishing rod

Materials and tools are needed a little.

  1. For body. Hard foam, or cork, or balsa, that's understandable.
  2. For antenna. Toothpicks, matches, sushi sticks, wood chips, logs ...
  3. For fastening. Thin, durable tubes - from writing pastes, refills, etc.
  4. For rework. Several factory floats.
  5. Glue, paint, varnish.
  6. Sharp knife, scalpel, razor, machete, katana (daito), etc.
  7. Sandpaper.

Let's get started

We cut out blanks from the selected material, process them with sandpaper. The shape of such a float took shape a long time ago. The fisherman looks at him almost from top to bottom, so the float has the shape of a cone, point down. You can give it another shape. Dimensions - diameter 6-8 mm, length 8-10, and more is possible. "A float is not a dogma, but a living, creative indicator of a bite ..." - well, I got to Lenin ...

Next, we cut our tubes into pieces 6-8 mm long and select antennas, for example, toothpicks, cut into pieces of about 20 mm each, with one pointed end. You can sharpen it yourself. An important point- the cylindrical part of the toothpick sits tightly into our tube (nano tube). The sharpened part of the toothpick is lubricated with glue and inserted into the tip of the float cone.

Too hard materials, it is better to pre-pierce with an awl or drill with a thin drill (laser beam). It became clear that the winter float has a lower antenna. The float-to-line attachment point is our tube, but with a vertical cut made beforehand. If you are not a surgeon and the incision is slightly crooked, it doesn’t matter. After the cut, the tube should be pulled off (this is what strength is needed for) and only a trace from the knife will give out the quick removal of this device ...

This is followed by painting and varnishing the float. There is a whole field for creativity here. The antenna does not need to be painted. An important point is to test your materials for solubility from the used glue, paint and varnish, in advance.

A factory float can be altered. I came across this - a copy of the classic summer float... I tinted it a little and picked up the cut pipe. And that's all.

Float application and rod tuning

As soon as the whims of the roach are revealed, or without it, we put the float on! The jig is lowered to the bottom, a fishing rod with a nod in hand. We remove the tube from the antenna, thread the line into the tube cut and insert the antenna, pressing the line on the opposite side of the cut. Ready. The float should move with an interference fit along the line. And the jig - one or the lower one (if there are two of them) should sink the float - and rightly so! The normal immersion depth of the top of the float is 1-2 cm - this does not interfere with collecting sludge from the hole. In the spring or in a tent, you can raise it, then the bites of a careful fish will be especially similar to the summer bites. A well-proven attitude with a jig at the bottom and a hook on a leash.

There is one problem with the winter float - in a decent frost, it freezes over. In order to remove ice from it, you sometimes have to take the float in your mouth. Those who consider such an action not aesthetic, can simply take it in hand. Not for long. The ice flies quickly. Although, I've heard that some daredevil anglers keep bloodworms and even maggots in their mouths - wow. And here, just a float. You can talk for a long time about the bite of smart roach, but you don't need to - you yourself will understand everything very quickly. If the float has come up and lay down, then don't yawn.

Food for thought

Once I visited a small reservoir, in which there are a lot of roach spoiled by complementary foods and tackle. Best result was with a fisherman with a float - about 5-6 kg of medium-sized roach. I was not dressed properly (lasted exactly 1 hour), did not have the necessary test and bait. And my bloodworm was far from the first freshness. However, I still caught almost a kilogram of roach - maybe thanks to the float. Including the perch for the game, the float does not interfere at all, sometimes, to make a couple of control postings of the jig, with the game and stops ...


Self-production of miniature quick-detachable floats for ice fishing rods with a nod does not present any problems. From simple materials at hand, you can make yourself excellent signaling devices for cautious roach bites. Examples from fishing practice are given, confirming the above.

Correct equipment of a winter rod for roach and correct fishing technique for this fish are the basis of successful fishing. One of the most common fishing methods is passive, in which the rig is thrown into the hole, after which the bite is visually monitored by the float or nod. This article describes exactly this method of fishing. Active, as well as on, are described in the relevant articles on our website. Equipment for roach rods in winter can be implemented in different options rig, depending on the fishing conditions and preferences of the angler.

How roach winters

Roach does not sleep in winter, it feeds all winter. Depending on the weather, it can be more or less active. At the beginning of winter, she feeds on shallow water areas and her summer favorite places, gradually sliding into deeper areas of the reservoir. Then the fish gradually activates, feeds more often and more, and again comes out closer to the shore. Read more about the winter habits of roach here:

Many anglers successfully catch roach in winter with a float and a nod during this cold season. Others sometimes cannot catch anything but a couple of small fish. In order to successfully hunt the sorghum in winter, you need to go through several "stages", to piece together some of the "variables" in the dam bite equation:

  1. The choice of fishing tactics depending on the season and the characteristics of the reservoir.
  2. Search directly on the reservoir.
  3. The correct system of ice feeding and the composition of the bait.
  4. Correct rig and bait.

Fishing for roach with a winter rod - tactics and fish search

I hope you have read the general article on winter roach linked at the beginning of this post. From it it will become clear to you at what time and in what places you need to look for this fish in winter. We will assume that we have decided on the reservoir, time and all other factors, and decided to fish with a passive method on a float (or nod).

It is important to understand that in order to find roach sites on a reservoir, especially on a large one, you should actively search for it. The whole tactic of catching this fish in winter is based on this. It's good if this place is known in advance. You can join the fishing town that has grown on the ice - they are not just sitting in one place. If you do not like noisy companies, then move away from the concentration of fishermen at least 500 meters in order to get to another feeding zone, so that there are tens and hundreds of kilograms of bait under fishing tents didn't spoil your tactics.

For search, you can use it with success. Providing good visibility under water, exploration using this device can be carried out much faster than with a fishing rod.

Places to search

Finding a cool place

Fishing rod scheme with a float for the flow

Low flow rig option


The main bait is, of course, bloodworms. And here, too, it is important to choose an option that the fish will like. Roach can take on one larva, but no longer for two or three, and vice versa. Sometimes she reacts to a bloodworm and maggot sandwich. In addition to the bloodworm, there are a number of attachments that can be tested on the pond - they show very good results.

Among the many options, we will indicate only those that actually work on roach:

  • Cow's udder dyed red with food coloring (piece)
  • Maggot
  • Chernobyl (burdock moth larva)
  • Semolina talker (via syringe)
  • Mormysh

The udder deserves special attention. The roach is very attracted by the smell of this bait. Few people use it, as it is difficult to get it. You can't find it in a department store, but you can get it in the market or at the slaughterhouse. A small piece of 300 grams is enough for the whole winter, if you cut it into small pieces the size of a matchbox (for every fishing trip) and put it in bags and put it in the freezer.

On a fishing trip, cut off a pea-sized piece with a knife and put it on a hook. This bait holds well on the hook, even with a very active bite, sometimes the bait does not change even once during the entire fishing trip. Once a year it is worthwhile to get confused and find it, thus providing yourself with an excellent bait for the whole season.

Another excellent and rarely used bait is Chernobyl. You can get it in the fall in the dry branches of the Chernobyl (burdock). The bushes must be broken and stored somewhere in the yard, and the larvae must be taken out before fishing. It will not work to get it right away and store it all winter - the larvae will die. And in the branches, they will feel great even in severe frost. To catch a roach, you can try to use various special dips, ferromones and activators. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't.

Burdock moth larvae


Fishing for roach and ramming on a float in winter involves the active use of bait. As we have already said, it is important not to overfeed the roach, it is necessary to feed it a little, pointwise and constantly add a little bit to maintain the feeding post. In more detail about this, as well as about the composition and manufacture of the best bait for roach in winter, see this article:

Correct use of bait is the most important factor for successful winter fishing for this fish. Therefore, when preparing for fishing, pay maximum attention to this issue.

Fishing for roach in winter on a float video:

When choosing a fishing rod for, you need to decide on which body of water you will be fishing and which fishing method you prefer. Depending on the fishing conditions and fishing preferences, the tackle for the sorogi varies greatly.

Fishing rod for flow

If you are going to catch roach in the current, keep in mind that in addition to it, silver bream, and sopa, and even bream can bite. Therefore, the rigging of the ice fishing rod for the river must be strong.

Elements and construction of tackle for the flow:

  1. Alarm clock. We choose a model with a separate handle and legs. This tackle is stationary, so special lightness is not required here.
  2. Coil. It is advisable that the reel has at least some kind of friction in case of insurance when playing a large specimen of a pecked roach or a bream that has entered the bait.
  3. Fishing line. Main cord for winter river- Monofilament 0.16-0.18 mm, preferably dyed. Unlike a transparent fishing line, it is clearly distinguishable on the white snow of a winter reservoir.
  4. Nod. Large and bright, visible from a distance. At the same time, he must be very sensitive, allowing him to notice the weakest bite of fish. The best for flowing are plastic balls with springs.
  5. Sinker. Depending on the current, its weight on the river fluctuates from 10 to 40 grams.
  6. Leash. Winter roach leashes are usually knitted from 0.10 to 0.14 millimeters.
  7. Hook. Since in winter roach is caught on the current both with bloodworms and worms, the sizes of the hooks are chosen accordingly: No. 18 - in the first case, and No. 12 - in the second.

The installation of this tackle is carried out according to the paternoster principle as follows:

  1. At the end of the main line, make a large loop of 30-40 centimeters.
  2. Cut the loop in a ratio of 1/3 and 2/3 of the length.
  3. A swivel with a carabiner for attaching the sinker is tied to the short end.
  4. At the long end, a small loop is knitted for attaching the leash.

For standing water

On a pond, lake or reservoir, roach is caught with three types of fishing rods:

  • melting;
  • jormus with a nod;
  • rewinder.

Each of the three tackles, despite the external similarity, has a different set-up.


The very name of this rod speaks of its purpose. This tackle is very sporty due to the lack of any plant or animal bait. The installation of this tackle is the most delicate and delicate.

  1. Alarm clock. The lightest of all, which allows the hand to not get tired for several hours of fishing. Often, athletes make the lightest fishing rods with their own hands.
  2. Reel or reel. Used only for storing line stock.
  3. Fishing line. For sports fishing, which is undoubtedly the recoilless one, the thinnest are chosen: from 0.06 to 0.10 millimeters.
  4. Nod. Each angler selects a lodge for the necessary game of a certain jig. Therefore, you can see several fishing rods with different equipment in the boxes-chariots. Nods are made of metal or various plastics.
  5. Mormyshka. The choice depends on the mood of the roach and the ability of the angler to apply this or that bait.

Of the popular winter roach jigs, the following are worth mentioning:

  • devil;
  • goat;
  • uralka;
  • witch;
  • ant.

Jig with a nod

If you put bloodworms on the rewinder jig, then the class of the fishing rod changes. Although a fishing rod can be assembled for winding tackle in the same way as installing a rewinder, only a jig can be a simple shot with a hook. After all, the fish is tempted by bloodworms, and not by the special frequency of playing with tackle.

In order to be ready for different conditions of the reservoir, you need to have several tackle with different installations with you, which should differ in such characteristics as:

  • line thickness - from 0.06 to 0.10 millimeters;
  • the weight of the jig and the corresponding nod;
  • the shape of the jig, sometimes a simple pellet does not suit the roach;
  • the color of the jig - at the depth it is better to use a light one, in the shallows - dark.

Float rod

A winter float rod is a type of stationary fishing. The floaters are usually located in one place at the fed holes, in contrast to the rushing back and forth without moths. Let's consider the structure of the winter float in detail.

Alarm clock

Just like a fishing rod for winter fishing on a float stream - the tackle is stationary, so there is no need to lighten it. We choose a rod with a comfortable grip, a good reel and a flexible but rigid whip.

Fishing line

Often other representatives of the carp family are tempted by the dam's bait. If the white bream or bleak does not cause significant damage, then the bream or chub swimming by can give heat, so the main line should be set at least 0.14 millimeters in diameter. The leash can be made a couple of hundredths of a millimeter thinner.

It is impractical to use braided line for winter fishing due to its increased freezing!


In winter fishing, several types of floats are used, here they are truly different in taste and color. Here are some of their modifications as examples:

  • a float with a longitudinal hole, attached to the line with a fixing pin-antenna;
  • floats with pins and cambric fastening;
  • two-piece model, folding when biting;
  • models with petals that open when biting.


Basic loading requirement winter gear based on the fact that the float should not freeze into the ice of the hole. Therefore, weights are hung so that the float is approximately one centimeter below the surface of the water in the hole. This will allow him to signal a bite even with a small crust of ice.

On a small current, the tackle is deliberately overloaded to ensure that it is held in one place. In this case, it is similar to the version of a fishing rod for a stream.


A float rod is often hung on two leashes. One leash lies on the bottom ground, the other is in a suspended state, which allows you to seduce fish in two horizons. In addition, this equipment allows you to use two different lures on the hooks.

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