One-handed kettlebell press technique - develop your shoulders. One-handed and two-handed kettlebell bench press is an alternative way to develop kettlebell deltas: what is effectiveness for the body used for?

represents strength exercise for the development of deltoid muscles and bi-chain, which can be performed in several variations. Weights press can be done with one hand, can be performed with two hands simultaneously and alternately. In essence, control-not-being is a classic bench press, but it is favorably distinguished by the fact that the kettlebell, like a sleep-row, has a displaced center of gravity, therefore, during execution of this exercise with weights, there are more muscle groups, as well as, in addition to the upper muscle layers, loading ku are also received by postural ones. To study the tech-no-ku you-no-ness follows with the smallest kettlebell, even if you already know how to do the barbell press, because to kettlebells generally need to get used to.

The kettlebell press is performed over the head, therefore, before starting this exercise, learn how to lift the kettlebell on the chest, especially since the inappropriate reception of sleep can cause further spinal problems. In spite of the fact that exercise-ness is quite difficult from a technical point of view, we recommend including exercise-ness with weights in the exercise plan for beginners. The bottom line is that a weight, like no other sleep-row, is able to develop a neuromuscular connection, which, in general, is is the main goal of a beginner's training. Experienced athletes also re-ko-me-doo-sya from time to time add similar exercises in a tre-no-ro-voche-ny program for the development of co-or-di-nation and those muscles that are usually not refined in the exercise-not-no-yah from the pants -ha-mi and gan-te-la-mi.

Muscle and joint work

As in the regular press, during the kettlebell press, the deltas and triceps mainly work, but due to the displaced center of gravity, the biceps also receive the load. In general, the work of the bi-chains in this exercise is the most important, since the correctness of the timing of the brush during the lifting and lowering of the kettlebell on the chest provides the correct distribution -level load on the spine. That is why, before embarking on zi-mam, na-u-chi-tee, take-mother a weight on your chest! In addition to the main working muscle groups, the load is also given to the legs, back and a little press, stabilizing the position of the body and posture in the space ...

The main working joints are the shoulders and elbows, but the main attention should be paid to the work of the spine, since it is he who is most susceptible to injury. For an hour, athletes, performing a kettlebell press with one hand, lean their free hand on the leg, or on the side, in no case should this be done! You should distribute the load between your legs as evenly as possible, going under the kettlebell so that its weight falls on the middle of the center of gravity held in the heels and the middle of the foot. It is also important to take into account that the legs should be shoulder-width apart, and the knees should be turned to the sides, so that the body is in the most favorable and stable position. -ge-nii.


1) Perform a kettlebell lift on your chest, or simply lift them if you are performing a press with two hands, taking starting position as during lifting.
2) Performing a bench press, the athlete must penetrate the hand, as if unfolding it away from himself, so that at the top point the palm looks forward.
3) At the top point, the elbow should be fully inserted, but stopping to rest is not re-com-me-du-et-sya, try to perform the exercise dynamically.
4) Lowering the kettlebell down, you should slightly tilt the body to the opposite point and slightly bend your knees, cushioning the impact of the kettlebell on the chest.


1) It is very important to lower the kettlebell not on the shoulder, but on the chest, because if you lower the kettlebell on your shoulder, this will lead to spinal injury.
2) When lifting the kettlebell up, be sure to bring your head forward so that your hand can comfortably fit in the middle of the center of gravity.
3) Perform a kettlebell press on the exhale, and breathe in as the kettlebell returns to its original position.
4) Always start the exercise with weak hand so that in all approaches you can do the same number of repetitions for both right and left hands.


The deltoid muscles are represented by three bundles, each of which performs its own task, in this case, the front and middle bundle receives the load, the first, performing active work, and the second, stabilizing shoulder joint... The biceps consists of two heads, different in strength and size, so the main load is taken by the inner head, which is more and stronger. Triceps, respectively, consists of three heads, but the main load is taken by the medial bundle, which is easiest to in-nerve. Nevertheless, all this is not very important, since the exercise does not pre-set a method for detailed study of a particular muscle group, but is a bas-zo - a new exercise that develops strength and coordination.

Summing up, we can say that the kettlebell press is great exercise that should be used by athletes different levels preparation. Nevertheless, before including the rh-ma in your training program an athlete is obliged to learn the technique of applying-e-ma gi-ri to the chest, in-e-mu, one should begin acquaintance with the kettlebell with other exercises. In no case should you allow imbalances in the development of muscle groups, and therefore, any exercises with weights and, in particular, bench press should start with a weak hand , you are full of one-on-one number of repetitions on both sides. But this does not mean that there is no need to strive to increase the number-honest-to-re-ny, just that the prog-res-s-ro-v to load the load in the control-not -nees with weights follows precisely by increasing the number of repetitions and / or approaches!

Weights can be used to replace familiar technique... In addition, in order to hold and squeeze the kettlebell, more muscles are needed. Previously, kettlebell bench press was included in the obligatory complex of kettlebell lifting triathlon. Now this exercise is used separately not only in, but also in gyms as an assistant for the development of deltas.

First of all, when you press a kettlebell, the deltoid muscles, in particular, are included. Additional muscles are: triceps, top part trapezius muscle, rhomboid. In addition to the main muscles, the muscles of the back and abdomen work during the press, which stabilize the position when the projectile is raised, which, to the same extent, does not happen with army press rods. Like many kettlebell exercises, the bench press develops deep muscles that do not work on delta isolation exercises.

Benefits of standing kettlebell bench press

  • Develops strength and mass deltoid muscles and the triceps of the shoulder.
  • Increases the overall endurance of the body.
  • Improves joint mobility.
  • Improves the work of the heart muscle.
  • Speeds up metabolism.

Contraindications and precautions

  • For hernias, protrusions of the spine, displacements of the disc, loading with weights is contraindicated.
  • If you experience pain in the joints, when working even with a small weight, it is worth postponing the bench press.
  • Do not "break" the hand, keep the forearm with the hand in a straight line.
  • Try to do the press up in a concentrated manner, do not jerk. It is important not to confuse the exercise with, because they are performed not with the shoulders, but with an impulse due to the power of pushing the legs.

Where to begin?

  • Warm up muscles and joints, not only shoulder girdle, but the whole organism. Since the kettlebell press is not an isolated work of the arms, the muscles of the back and abdomen are connected here, so it is important to avoid injuries by full warming up.
  • Naturally, to begin with, choose a small load weight - from 8 kg. If this weight turns out to be heavy, carry out the load or weights with a lighter weight.
  • Having mastered the technique with one hand, proceed to the bench press of two weights while standing, having also correctly selected the load.
  • Learn the technique of lifting the kettlebell to its original position. A jerk, or lifting the kettlebell to its original position, is as follows: in an inclination with a straight back, grasp the bow of the kettlebell, swing back and forth, allowing the kettlebell to fly up. In the middle of the amplitude, bend the elbow and gently rotate the hand so that the kettlebell rests on the forearm.
  • Do not jerk through pain under any circumstances., keep your back always straight, avoid injury intervertebral discs and pinching of nerve endings.

One-handed kettlebell press technique

After completing the movement, straighten your elbow as if you were dropping a kettlebell. But the dump should not be accompanied by a jerk in the joints. Gently lower the kettlebell with a straight back.

Two kettlebell bench press technique

  • Put two weights together, stand in front of them with your feet slightly wider than the pelvis in a stable position.
  • Bend and grab the arches, toss two weights to the starting position - weights at the shoulder, elbows are as close to the body as possible.
  • Exhale and squeeze both weights up over your shoulders. without tipping the body back.
  • As you inhale, lower the kettlebell to the starting point.
  • Follow the approach, and carefully drop the kettlebells without jerking and lower them to the floor.

Important! Perform the technique on straight legs, do not go into the squat when pushing the kettlebells. Remember that the exercise is done in concentration, try to isolate the shoulders from the help of the pelvis and legs.


  • For strength training must be performed 4-6 times for each hand, or two at the same time. But working with a lot of weight in this mode requires good physical fitness athlete. In this case, the kettlebell press can be performed with a weight of 24 kg, and even 32 kg.
  • If you work on time, at which it is necessary to perform maximum amount reps, choose small weights.
  • With the development of endurance select kettlebell weights for more than 15 reps.
  • For mass growth- 8-12 reps for 3-4 sets.

Don't forget about correct technique execution.

Technique for pressing kettlebells in video format

Kettlebell is sports equipment for strength and cardio training, made in the form of a sphere with a molded handle. Kettlebell exercises have their own characteristics and differ from the more familiar exercises with dumbbells. We offer you a detailed material on the advantages and disadvantages of training with kettlebells, as well as a selection effective exercise with a kettlebell to strengthen muscles and burn fat.

Weight training develops strength, endurance, agility and balance challenging both muscle and aerobic endurance. The birth of kettlebell lifting dates back to 1885, while the country of origin of this sports equipment is Russia. For example, in Spanish the weight is called "pesa rusa" (literally - "Russian weight"). V English language The kettlebell is called the kettlebell because it resembles a kettle in shape.

Now weight-lifting became widespread all over the world, but it is especially popular in the USA. Kettlebells are used by American athletes in both playing and Olympic sports sports. Often kettlebell lifting are found in CrossFit and other ultra-intense group programs. For example, Chris Hemsworth used weights in preparation for the film Thor.

Kettlebell: what is it used for and its effectiveness for the body

Kettlebell exercises are designed to train the whole body, develop functional strength, agility and endurance. Kettlebell training simultaneously gives strength and cardio load, so with the help of this equipment you can strengthen muscles, burn fat and improve body relief. Kettlebell training is equally suitable for both men and women ... Exercises with kettlebells are especially often used in such areas as:

  • high intensity interval training
  • cardio workout
  • game sports

Do not confuse kettlebell lifting with classic strength training for muscle growth. During the kettlebell exercise, you will focus on the movements , not on the muscles. Kettlebell lifting develops your functional strength, that is, it is more aimed at learning motor actions and development physical qualities: strength, endurance, flexibility, quickness and coordination abilities ... This sports equipment is great not only for training in the gym, but also for training at home.

Kettlebell exercises are generally not designed for bodybuilding and anabolic training. Kettlebell lifting helps to accelerate muscle growth and shift stagnation into strength training, but it practically does not affect muscle growth . Basic exercises with a kettlebell do not imply an insulating load, they are aimed at improving functional fitness and explosive strength. Therefore, weight training is more suitable for those who want to lose weight, get rid of excess fat, accelerate muscle growth, and shift the plateau in strength training.

What muscles work during kettlebell training?

During exercises with a kettlebell, large muscle groups: back and legs... The muscles of the arms and shoulders, chest, buttocks, and the press also work. Kettlebell workouts are ideal for general fitness, basic kettlebell lifting helps to develop all major muscle groups at the same time. You can use a kettlebell in isolation exercises instead of dumbbells, but the kettlebell's true purpose is to work out the whole body.

Anyone who has worked with a kettlebell at least once could feel the peculiarity of the load during the exercises. The unusual shape of the kettlebell makes it work stabilizer muscles , acting on them with a wide range of movements. For example, dumbbell and barbell exercises affect the stabilizing muscles to a much lesser extent. Weak stabilizing muscles cause poor posture as well as discomfort and pain in the neck, back and lower back. This is because the back muscles are not able to properly support the spine.

So, during training with a kettlebell, they work especially actively:

  • leg muscles (quadriceps and adductors)
  • muscles in the back of the body (back, lower back, buttocks, hamstrings)
  • core muscles (abs and stabilizer muscles)
  • muscles of the shoulder girdle

In order for kettlebell training to be effective, it is very important to learn evenly distribute the load between the muscles of the back and legs... Many people make a mistake during kettlebell lifting, working intensively with their backs and arms, without including their legs - the strongest muscle group - in the work. This will not only reduce the effectiveness of the exercise, but can also lead to back injury. It is the muscles of the thighs and buttocks that should give impetus to the implementation of swing and jerk movements, and not the muscles of the arms.

In one of the American studies on kettlebell training, an experiment was conducted in which they revealed the high energy consumption of exercises with a kettlebell. It was found that when doing exercises with a kettlebell, on average, about 20 kcal per minute or 1200 kcal per training hour is burned! The researchers explained this fact by the fact that during kettlebell lifting, a lot of muscles , and also maintains a high pace with which exercises with a kettlebell are performed.

Therefore, kettlebell training is very effective. for weight loss and fat burning... If you want to reduce the percentage of fat and strengthen the muscles, you can do kettlebell lifting 2-4 times a week for 20-45 minutes. Since kettlebell lifting already implies cardio and power load then you do not have to add other activities to your plan.

And here for muscle growth kettlebell training is not the best option... Kettlebell exercises help develop functional fitness and explosive power but for muscle growth it is better to use dumbbells and a barbell. However, kettlebell exercises help avoid stagnation in strength training and accelerate muscle growth, so you can enable weight training to your plan every 7-10 days.


1. Kettlebell training combines cardio and strength training, which means you will train less, but more efficiently.

2. The kettlebell allows you to work efficiently on all muscle groups without exception: shoulders, arms, chest, back, abs, buttocks, legs.

3. Exercises with kettlebells perfectly train the heart muscle and develop endurance.

4. This is a fairly durable and durable shell that will serve you for a very long time, unlike resistance bands, for example.

5. Weight training helps to build a lean, muscular body with elastic muscles and a minimum percentage of fat.

6. Exercises with kettlebells involve a lot of muscles the whole body at the same time, which means you can get in shape as quickly as possible.

7. Kettlebell training helps to strengthen the muscle corset that stabilizes your spine.

8. Exercises with kettlebells are aimed at developing dexterity, speed, coordination, which is why they are so popular in and game types sports.

9. Exercises with kettlebells strengthen tendons and ligaments making joints stronger and less susceptible to injury.

10. Kettlebell helps improve mobility and range of motion without static provisions and prolonged stretching.


1. Kettlebell is not the most effective tool for working on muscle growth.

2. High risk of injury, especially for those who are just starting to play sports.

3. Exercise with kettlebells puts stress on the back, which can lead to problems with the spine.

4. High-quality weights made of durable materials are quite expensive.

Weight training not recommended those who have problems with the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, trauma or recent surgery. Before starting kettlebell training, be sure to read correct technique exercise, consult your doctor if necessary.

Top 30 kettlebell exercises

We offer you a unique selection kettlebell exercises to help you work all the muscles in your body, increase endurance, burn fat and improve body contour. After the exercises, there is a ready-made lesson plan that you can follow.

14. Kettlebell forward lunge

25. Kettlebell push-up

29. Triceps kettlebell pullover

Thanks for the gifsyoutube-channels: shortcircuits with Marsha , Live Fit Girl, Max's Best Bootcamp, RdellaTraining, CardioHatersTraining.

Ready-made kettlebell lesson plan

We offer you a ready-made kettlebell lesson plan: for the upper body, for the lower body, for the abs and for the whole body ... If you want to work on muscle mass, then do no more than 15 repetitions with the maximum possible weight. If you want to work on fat burning and body sculpting, then do 15-20 repetitions at a medium weight.

If you highlight one day for kettlebell classes and plan to train the whole body, you can perform all the proposed exercises in one approach. If you separately train the upper and lower body, then you can perform each exercise in several approaches or repeat the exercises sequentially in several circles.

Upper body kettlebell exercises:

    15-20 reps 10-15 reps (for each arm)10-15 reps (for each arm) 15-20 reps 10-20 reps (possible from the knees)
  • Triceps kettlebell pullover: 10-20 reps

Exercises with kettlebells on the press:

    10-15 reps 10-15 reps (each side)20-25 reps (each side)10-15 reps (each side) 10-15 reps 30 seconds (each side)

Lower-body kettlebell exercises:

    10-20 reps 15-20 reps 10-20 reps 15-20 reps 10-15 reps

Exercises with kettlebells for the whole body:

    10-15 reps (for each arm)10-15 reps (for each arm) 10-20 reps 10-20 reps 10-15 reps (for each leg) 10-15 reps 5-7 reps

1. Be sure to warm up before training and cool down after kettlebell training. When preparing to perform kettlebell exercises, the muscles and ligaments should be well warmed up.

2. Choose the weight of the kettlebell based on your strength capabilities: the last repetition in the approach should be performed at maximum effort. Can begin train with a kettlebell of 4 kg (for girls) and 8 kg (for men), gradually increasing the weight of the projectile.

3. If you already have sufficient training experience, then the average recommended kettlebell weight for men is 16-24 kg, for women: 8-16 kg.

4. During the kettlebell exercise, keep back straight , do not slouch. When squatting, pull your pelvis back to protect your lower back from injury.

5. Try to keep your hands in a neutral position, there should be no bend in them. You can use special wrist restraints to help you support your joints.

6. Do each exercise slowly while maintaining complete control. Do not swing the kettlebell and do the exercises quickly and at speed. Correct form exercise is the most important thing in kettlebell training.

7. If you are working on muscle growth, do not do kettlebell exercises more than once a week. Kettlebell training allows you to develop endurance and explosive strength of the muscles, which will help to shift the plateau and provoke muscle growth. But for anabolic training, it is better to use dumbbells and a barbell.

8. If you have two weights available, you can exercise using both kettlebells at the same time. Note that in this case the kettlebells must be of the same size to avoid imbalances in muscle development. Examples of exercises:

How to choose weights

If earlier weights were sold by weight in 4 kg, 16 kg, 24 kg and 32 kg, now you can find almost any kettlebell weight you want. How more weight kettlebell, the higher its cost. Depending on the material of manufacture, weights are divided into plastic, neoprene, cast iron and steel.

1. Plastic weights

Ideal for workouts at home, they do not make a lot of noise when hitting the surface, and furniture and floor will remain intact. The disadvantage of plastic weights is that their service life is shorter than, for example, with cast iron or steel. Although if you buy plastic weights of proven brands, then they will last you a long time.

2. Cast iron weights

These weights should be chosen by those who value reliable quality. Cast iron weights have a high anti-corrosion property, they are time-tested and will serve you for a long time. But if used carelessly, cast iron weights can scratch the floor or even injure the practitioner.

3. Steel weights

Chrome steel weights have a pleasant appearance and reliable construction. In addition, such weights are also available with a collapsible design, which is very convenient from the point of view of weight regulation. The price of steel weights is slightly higher.

4. Neoprene weights

The peculiarity of this type of kettlebell is its soft neoprene coating. Such weights are not so common on the market, but they are quite practical and safe. Especially suitable for beginners.

Plastic and neoprene weights more safe in use, they are better suited for home conditions and their cost is cheaper. Cast iron and steel weights generally have a longer service life and are more reliable over long periods of time.

If you are planning to purchase all-metal weights, then it is better to take a shell covered with rubber or vinyl so as not to scratch the floor and not create a lot of noise. The weights are filled mainly with sand, cement and metal shavings.

Kettlebell Workout Videos

Here's a selection of 15-40 minute kettlebell workouts for home use to help you strengthen your muscles and lose fat.

1. FitnessBlender: Killer Total Body Workout (40 minutes)

2. BodyFit By Amy: Kettlebell HIIT Workout (35 minutes)

3. Popsugar: Kettlebell Workout (20 minutes)

4. HASfit: HIIT Kettlebell Workout for Fat Loss & Strength (30 minutes)

5. The Body Coach: Full Body Kettlebell Workout (15 minutes)

Kettlebell is simple, but very effective sports equipment to strengthen muscles, burn fat, increase endurance, strengthen of cardio-vascular system and musculoskeletal system. Kettlebell exercises are a great addition to your workouts, whether you are working to lose weight or gain muscle mass.

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