Strength exercise table. Basic exercises - what are they and what are the benefits of them? Army press barbell standing

Friends, hello everyone. In this article, I have compiled bodybuilding training programs based on the principles and articles of this resource. I guarantee that by adhering to these schemes, you will finally be able to quickly build muscle mass.

In my view, building muscles is an intellectual job rather than a physical one. Here it is important to think over and plan everything clearly. And the better you do it, the better results will achieve.

Therefore, I prepared this lesson so carefully, in which I will tell and show absolutely everything.


  1. AtletiQ bodybuilding workout diary + pen or fitness app
  2. Water (regular without gas 1-1.5 liters, at your discretion)


The essence of the diary: manage muscle growth. Growth muscle mass- this is a constantly progressive load. In order for there to be a progressive load, you need to control your working weights, repetitions, approaches, write everything down in a diary and see what and how!

In this diagram, we will use the following load progression (see below for an explanation)

1st METHOD. Let's say on Monday you work in the barbell press for incline bench 50 kg for 6 reps, this means that the next workout (next Monday) you must do 50 kg for 7 or 8 or 9 or 10 reps (depending on your strength). In any case, if you did one or two or three repetitions more than the previous one, then your task is completed.

CONCLUSION: On that week it was 50 kg for 6 times, on this one already 7 times or 8 or 10 (depending on how much you did it) = load progression = muscle growth.

2nd METHOD. Okay, we got to 12 reps on the incline bench press. That is, 50 kg for 12 times. The next progression will be to increase your working weight, not reps. That is: 52 kg for 6-12 repetitions you see is no longer 50, already 52 = progression of weights (so, let's say, it turned out 52 kg for 8 repetitions, we again use the 1st method of progression - repetitions) we do 52 kg not for 8, and already by 12, then again we use the 2nd method, we increase the weight = 54 kg by 6-12 (etc.). I think you get the ESSENCE. We did less than 12 repetitions (let's say there are 10, we use the 1st method, we increase the repetitions), as soon as we reach 12 repetitions, we increase the weight (2nd method). And one more thing you should use the progression of loads (both methods) in all exercises, not just in the bench (this is just an example for you).

CONCLUSION: In order to manage the progression of the load (muscle growth), YOU NEED TO HAVE A TRAINING DIARY.

2) WATER - is simply necessary during training, because a dry mouth will not bring you anything good. On the contrary, it can only harm (dizziness, nausea), do not be afraid of the water is not high in calories, you can drink it as much as you like (of course, if it is plain water, not Coca Cola, etc., otherwise it will already be high in calories) + water during exercise , enveloping the joints and penetrating soft tissue, protects them from injury.

For those with soluble (powder) amino acids that can be mixed with water and absorbed during exercise, this will be most effective. (not necessary)

CONCLUSION: Take with you plain non-carbonated water 1-1.5 liters at least.

It's good what to have with you in training and why we have already discussed. Now I present to you the compilation of the training complex, by day and week.

I identified 4 training programs, from which I started. :

  1. For beginners (3-4 or 2 workouts per week)
  2. for the intermediate level (Split 3 days a week)
  3. for the intermediate and more experienced (Split both 3 and 5 days a week)
  4. for experienced athletes (Split 5 days a week)

For beginners (3-4 or 2 workouts per week)

Having started to engage in bodybuilding according to this training program in the gym, stick to it for at least 6 months. Then you can go to the next training program.

We split the body into two workouts using Split. Split- translated from English. to split. This means that we will be breaking down muscle groups on different days. Namely:


  1. 1st day - Legs, back.
  2. 2nd day - Chest, shoulders, arms.

After each such workout in the gym, we rest the next day. If you are not young or you have a very nervous job, you can safely put two days of rest instead of one. Therefore, in a week we will get either 3-4 or 2 workouts in the gym.


  • Day 2. Tuesday - Rest
  • Day 3. Wednesday - Chest, shoulders, arms
  • Day 4. Thursday - Rest
  • Day 5. Friday - Legs, back
  • Day 6. Saturday - rest
  • Day 7. Sunday - Chest, shoulders, arms

Etc. got the gist? For those who have a nervous work, constant stressful situations, poor nutrition, if you are already old, etc. etc. feel free to add instead of one day of rest two.

It will look like this:

  • Day 1. Monday - Legs, back
  • Day 2. Tuesday - Rest
  • Day 3. Wednesday - rest
  • Day 4. Thursday - Chest, shoulders, arms
  • Etc.


  1. Seated leg extension 4xMAX (in order to warm up the knee joints)
  2. Squats 1-2x10-15 (warm-up) + 3x8-12 (working approaches)
  3. Leg press 1-2x8-10 (warm-up) + 3x8-12 (workers)
  4. Pull-ups (if you can) or deadlifts vertical block to the chest 4X8-12
  5. Row bar in the slope 4X8-12


  1. Press the bar on an incline bench 1-2x10-15 (warm-up) + 3x8-12 (workers)
  2. Incline dumbbell bench press 4x8-12
  3. Press the bar, standing from the chest 1-2x10-15 (warm-up) + 3x8-12 (workers)
  4. Lifting the bar for biceps 1x10-15 (warm-up) + 4x8-12 (workers)
  5. Bars 4x6-12

For the intermediate level (Split 3 days a week)

First of all, decide whether the first training program continues to work or not? If you continue to gain strength and muscle mass, then nothing needs to be changed. This rule applies to any training regimen. While the gym is working, do not change it. If progress is not visible, go to the next level.

The essence of this training program is as follows: We pump the whole body in three workouts. We train the back with the deltas, and the chest with the arms. For the legs, we specially allocated a separate day (this will allow for better training of the largest muscle group). Training days(Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday) we adjust for ourselves. Stick to this program as long as there is progress, it is a very effective training system that will give you guaranteed results!

It will look something like this:

  • Day 1. Monday - Legs
  • Day 2. Tuesday - Rest
  • Day 3. Wednesday - Delta Spina
  • Day 4. Thursday - Rest
  • Day 5. Friday - Chest, Arms
  • Day 6-7. Saturday-Sunday - rest

This is what a training SPLIT looks like. :

  • Delta's back
  • Arms Chest

Program and selection of exercises


  1. Squats 4x8-10
  2. Bench press lying 3x8-10
  3. Seated leg extension 3xMAX (finishing exercise)
  4. Calf raises, standing 3x8-10


  1. Pulling up or pulling the block to the chest 4x6-12
  2. Bent over barbell 4x6-12
  3. Horizontal thrust 3x6-12
  4. Bench press, standing from behind the head 3x6-12
  5. Broach (rod pull to the chin, medium grip) 3x6-12
  6. Abduction of hands with dumbbells to the side 3x6-12


  1. Bench press lying on an incline bench 4x6-10
  2. Dumbbell bench press lying on an incline bench 3x6-10
  3. Bars 4x6-12
  4. French bench press, lying 3x6-10

For the intermediate level and more experienced (Split is suitable for both 3 and 5 days a week)

The essence of this training program is as follows: We train one muscle group during training, the intensity of the training increases, because we have more strength, and we can fully work on a specific target muscle more thoroughly.

This is what a training SPLIT looks like. :

  • Mon. BREAST
  • Tue BACK
  • Wed LEGS
  • Fri. ARMS

Program and selection of exercises



  1. Lever Row 4x6-12 reps


  1. Leg press 4x6-12
  2. Seated leg extension 4x6-12
  3. Lying leg curl 4x6-12


  1. Mahi, standing (3 approaches of the drop-set, first heavy, medium, light, all for 6-15 repetitions, rest 20 seconds)


  1. Lifting the bar for biceps 4x6-12
  2. Hammers with dumbbells 4x6-12

Features of these training schemes (see the explanation of the programs)

  1. Split 2,3,5 days a week
  2. Macro-reodization is mandatory in all schemes
  3. There is a load progression (mandatory in all circuits)
  5. Basic exercises in all schemes
  6. Work in 4 sets of 6-12 reps
  7. The last repetition is rejected

Explanations for all training programs

  1. We use competent 2, 3, 5-day SPLITS, which do not cause conflicts of the recovery process.
  2. We use macro-reodisation (gradually at each workout we increase the weights and work in the planned number of repetitions without breaking the schedule - we do not take heavier weight than planned).
  3. We maintain a TRAINING DIARY, thanks to which we use BOTH LOAD PROGRESSION METHODS (repetition METHOD 1, weight gain METHOD 2).
  4. We use basic exercises (these are exercises in which several muscles or muscle groups are involved, in short it is hard exercise which are carried out with free weights). WHY? How more muscle involved in work, the better for the overall development of muscle mass.
  5. We use the middle ground, namely 3-4 working approaches, after 2 warm-up approaches (these approaches include a warm-up + an approach approach, where the warm-up is an empty bar, then add weight (50-60% of the working weight) in the range of 12-15 Then we add more weights and do the approach approach (already 70-80% of the working one) for 8-10 repetitions. And only then do the working approaches (100%).
  6. Each exercise performs 6-12 repetitions. The only exceptions are the calf muscles (lower leg) where we perform 15-20 repetitions. WHY? The fact is that muscle failure should occur in the interval of 10-30 seconds. During this time interval, you will have time to complete no more than 6-12 repetitions. BUT in the case of calf muscles(shin) because there the amplitude is very short, then where we managed to do 6-12 repetitions during this time, THEN HERE we will have time to do 15-20 repetitions during this time. That's the whole secret of the increased number of repetitions for the lower leg.
  7. Using FAILURE (that is, the last rep is refused) you are no longer able to complete the last repetition of an exercise with the correct technique. IMPORTANT: refusal should occur in the interval of 10-30 seconds (6-12 repetitions).

What to do before TRAINING

1) Open your workout diary and see previous results for that week. Thenwrite down:

  1. Day of the week (for example, Monday)
  2. A muscle group (such as the CHEST)
  3. Number (e.g. 1.07.2013)
  4. Working weight, sets, reps (for example, 50kg X 10 times X 4 SETs).

The last paragraph is IMPORTANT progress (look at the previous results for that week, in order to know how much to increase the load NOW. All this is done in order to control the progression of the load thanks to the diary (see below how to keep it).


I think this method is the most convenient and understandable, but you can use other methods that are convenient for you (the main thing is that you understand the very essence).

On the first Monday, I wrote down all the exercises, weights, reps, sets. For you to understand, below is a clear example of how easy it is to maintain (but I also added - here we are using the 1st method, you do not need to write this, this is for you to understand).

Monday: CHEST (1.07.2013)

  1. Incline Bar Press 50kg X 6 reps X 4 sets
  2. Incline Dumbbell Press 16kg X 6 reps X 4 sets
  3. Press the bar on horizontal bench 50kg x 6 reps x 4 sets

Next Monday: CHEST (8.07.2013) - here we use the 1st method of progression

  1. 50kg X 10 x 4
  2. 16kg X 10 x 4
  3. 50kg X 10 x 4

Next Monday: CHEST (07/15/2013) - here we use the 1st progression method

  1. 50 kg X 12 x 4
  2. 16 kg X 12 x 4
  3. 50 kg X 12 x 4

Next Monday: CHEST (07.22.2013) - here we are using the 2nd method of progression

  1. 53 kg X 6 x 4
  2. 18 kg X 6 x 4
  3. 53 kg X 6 x 4

2) Do a good warm-up . Warm up without weights. Within 5 minutes, until perspiration begins to cover the forehead. Perform body rotation, swing your arms up and down, left and right, jump rope .. here your imagination works more. The purpose of the warm-up is to warm up the body, muscles, ligaments and joints and prepare the body for strength work.

Then proceed to the exercise, for example, bench press, perform with no large weights(50-60% of the working weight) in the range of 12-15 repetitions. Then add more weights and do the approach approach (already 70-80% of the working one) for 8-10 reps. And only then follow the working approaches (100%). All of these warm-up and approach approaches are done in order to warm up and prepare the muscles for hard strength work. V following exercises the warm-up is no longer so important, you need to look at your well-being (for the psyche, you can make another lead).

3) After each workout, it is important to do a HITCH . Cool down - done at the end of the workout. Consists of calming exercises to calm the cardiovascular system, reduce the risk of muscle congestion, and prevent muscle pain, return the contracted muscles to their normal state, lower the body temperature to normal, etc. You can just lie down and relax.

4) Immediately after your workout after entering the dressing room it is IMPORTANT to eat simple carbohydrates + fast proteins.

At this time, the protein-carbohydrate window opens, and nutrients are absorbed many times better and faster. BUT remember, you can have a full meal only after 30-40 minutes after training, so we eat fast carbohydrates+ fast proteins.

For instance:

  • Simple carbohydrates (any sweet: chocolate, snickers, gingerbread, banana, sweet juice)
  • Fast proteins ( Whey Protein or amino acids, a gainer, or the usual boiled egg products).

Combined with proper nutrition, this workout regimen will help you achieve fantastic results, believe me, I know what I'm talking about.

Ok, for this moment, I gave youTHREEtraining complexes (2,3 and 5-day splits) , told about the features and explanations for all the schemes, gave step-by-step actions.

The last set of exercises I made for these three, because it is radically different from those training programs. Why, you will learn BY STUDYING IT!

Fascia- it is a connective tissue sheath that covers organs, blood vessels, nerves and forms cases for muscles in vertebrates and humans; performs supporting and trophic functions.

When training fascia, our main goal is : Delivery of as many vitamins, minerals, amino acids, oxygen, etc. into the muscle, as well as stretching the fascia that surrounds it - this allows you to achieve maximum muscle growth. Fascia is a limiting factor for muscle growth because the muscle grows only as long as there is free space. By training them in 7 sets of style, we can stretch the fascia and thus make room for muscle growth.

There are 3 types of fascia in the human body, but bodybuilders should pay attention to only one of them - the deep fascia. It is a dense, fibrous connective tissue that surrounds the muscles, bones, nerves, and blood vessels of the body. The high density of this collagen fiber gives the deep fascia its strength and integrity. Its expandability and resilience is determined by the number of fibers. In other words, some of us have fasciae that are more massive and stiffer than others.

Genetically gifted bodybuilders have thinner fascia so their muscles look bigger and puffier. classic example are Ronnie Coleman and Phil Heath - these are people with thin fascia. Their muscles expand more easily.

But, for example, Jay Cutler has thick fascia. But as you can see, this did not stop him from gaining a lot of muscle mass, but his muscles look kind of round.

How to train fascia?

You should train with heavy weights using generally 6-12 repetitions as usual, when you have completed the planned amount of exercises for a specific target muscle group, you are in mandatory at the end of the workout perform the last exercise (as a rule, in simulators where the load is insulating) in 7 sets of 12-15 repetitions, the rest between sets is minimal (no more than 30 seconds, this is the only way we will get the maximum possible pumping (this will be the training of fascia).

The last exercise in 7 approaches is performed at the end of the workout with the same weight, we usually reduce the weight by 30%.

For example, if you perform 70 kg in the bench press, then 70 * 30: 100 = 21 kg. This means that the last exercise (training the fascia in 7 sets will be done with 21 kg).

It is vital to drink as much water as possible in your workout. At least 1.5 liters, it depends on your personality (sweating), season and your weight. More water is needed in summer.

What exercises are best for 7 sets of fascia training?

Basic polyarticular exercises such as deadlifts, squats, etc. - poor choice for two reasons:

  1. They involve other muscles and interfere with the full load on the target muscle.
  2. Good technique and balance are needed, which get spoiled when you try to do a lot of sets in a short amount of time.

The best choice is on simulators (because there is an insulating load) that interests us.

An example of a workout program designed along with fascia training

I have compiled a specific example of a training program, SPLIT 5 days a week (the program is suitable for experienced athletes) for beginners, it makes no sense to train on it. The usual training scheme, but at the end there is a finishing exercise of the fascia training, which is what we discussed today.


  1. Extension of the legs while sitting 4xMAX (as a warm-up, the exercise can be ignored at all)
  2. Squats with a barbell on the shoulders 4x6-12
  3. Leg press 4x6-12
  4. Lying leg curl 4x6-12
  5. Calves, standing in the simulator 4x15-20
  6. Calves, sitting in the simulator 4x15-20
  7. FASCIA: sitting leg extension 7x10-15


  1. Press the bar on an incline bench (30 degrees no more) 4x6-12 reps
  2. Incline dumbbell press (30 degrees) 4x6-12 reps
  3. Bench press on a horizontal bench 4x6-12 reps
  4. FASCIOS: press a bar or dumbbell on an incline bench in the Smith machine 7x10-15


  1. Chest Pulls or Chest Rows (for those who cannot pull up) 4 x 6-12 reps
  2. Bent-over barbell row 4x6-12 reps
  3. Row of a dumbbell with 1 hand in an incline 4x6-12
  4. Block Row 4x6-12 reps
  5. FASCIA: horizontal thrust block 7x10-15


  1. Row of the bar to the chin with an average grip (broach) 4x6-12
  2. Bench press, standing from the chest 4x6-12
  3. Setting dumbbells to the side (swing) 4x10-15
  4. FASTIONS: Swing, standing (3 approaches of the drop-set, first heavy, medium, light all for 6-15 repetitions, rest 20 seconds)

Drop sets are weight loss sets. For example, take 12 kg for 6-15 repetitions done, immediately take 10 kg for 6-15 done, immediately 8 kg for 6-15 and did 3 such runs with a rest of 20 seconds.


  1. Lifting the bar for biceps 4x6-12
  2. Bars (emphasis on triceps) 4x6-12
  3. Hammers with dumbbells 4x6-12
  4. Barbell bench press narrow grip 4x6-12
  5. FASTS: Raise the bar for biceps + Extension of the arms at the block) with a superset 7x10-15.

Superset- This is a work with weights, in which a bodybuilder connects two different exercises designed to work with the same muscle group, performing it without rest. In our case, we did a lift to the biceps, we immediately do the extension of the arms at the block without rest!

I tried to touch and show you everything, I don’t know what else I can add. I assure you, other resources will never share anything worthwhile, at least for free. Therefore, I hope for your positive feedback.

Request: Dear bodybuilding gurus, if you are copying information from this site, then at least insert a link to the source, be human!

Best regards, administrator.

Which can even be used with beginners. On the initial stage there is enough weight to carry them out own body, and it is fundamentally important to master the correct technique. Complicating elements (additional resistance, weights, unstable platforms, etc.) need to be added after the technique is mastered, and your own body weight becomes insufficient for further progress in the results.

1. Squats

The squat is a movement similar to sitting down on a low stool. The squat is one of the best lower body exercises. During the squat work gluteal muscles, muscles of the back of the thigh, quadriceps muscles of the thigh, muscles of the lower leg. It is important correct execution to avoid too hard impact on the knees and back and to avoid injury.

The movement is driven by the hips, not the knees. Keep your knees over your ankles and keep your feet forward while bending your legs. Do not let your knees push forward to the toes. The entire foot must be held on the floor, the weight of the body is moved to the heels, so that the gluteal muscles perform the main action, and not the hip flexors and quadriceps hips. You need to actively contract the gluteal muscles and include the stabilizing muscles. The upper body should be stabilized with a slight natural curve in the lower back, with the shoulders lowered and turned back.

If your client's heels come off the floor when squatting, then the triceps muscle of the calf is most likely overextended. To eliminate this tension, something should be placed under the heels (for example, pancakes from the bar - see photo), which will return the heels to the support. To correct tense calf muscles, it is necessary to add stretching of these muscles to the training program.

2. Lunges

Lunge is an exaggerated form of walking. Lunges are also widely regarded as some of the best lower body exercises. When performing lunges, the main muscles work. lower limbs as well as the muscles of the pelvis. From the main stance, one leg is put forward about 30 centimeters, the knees bend strongly and then unbend, lifting the body up, the legs return to the position together. The lunge can be performed forward or backward, and even performed in place if space is limited.

The ideal technique is in which the upper torso is held upright with the shoulders lowered down and turned back. The feet should be parallel to each other, the knee of the "front" leg should not "protrude" beyond the toes. The pelvis should not turn, both anterior superior iliac spines should be directed forward (as if ilium are the headlights on your car and you are driving straight ahead).

Your own body mass is quite enough for most people, lunges are quite stressful with the correct technique and without additional burdening. But at a later, more advanced level, you can use additional weights in the arms / on the shoulders.

3. Push-ups

Push-ups are another fundamental functional exercise based on a basic movement often found in everyday life - pushing away from something. Push-ups develop the pectoral muscles, arm muscles, and muscles that stabilize the lumbar spine.

Push-ups are a very popular exercise, but very few people understand the intricacies of the technique and perform it correctly. But this is the exercise that is worth learning - it is extremely effective.

When push-ups in the classic version (hands are narrowly on the floor), the elbows must be kept as close to the body as possible, push-ups must be done straight up, without fully straightening the elbows at the top of the movement (and, moreover, without making a sharp straightening movement at the end - what, to unfortunately, they do it very often, until the “click in the elbow joint”). The entire body from head to toes should be absolutely straight - an imaginary straight line should go through the ear, shoulder, thigh, knee and ankle. To prevent the middle part of the body from sagging to the floor, you need to tighten the stabilizing muscles and draw in your stomach.

Oddly enough, the speed of execution does not play a big role in achieving the training effect. It doesn't matter if you do 20 slow push-ups in a minute or 60, the result will be the same if done correctly.

Push-ups differ in a huge number possible options- both in the direction of complication and in the direction of relief. If push-ups with straight legs on the floor are too difficult, then you can put your hands on a higher support for relief. For example, you can start pushing up from a wall (the easiest option), then from a lower stable surface (table, chair, etc.) until you finally can do push-ups off the floor. What not to do is to use knee push-ups, as in this option it is very difficult to feel the alignment of the whole body and the stabilizing muscles will not be sufficiently involved in the work. It is better to immediately get used to push-ups with a completely straight body, let there be a higher support first. It can be gradually lowered as you get used to.

You can also complicate push-ups in many ways. For example, you can put your feet on a dais, or you can put your feet on a fitball (unstable support), which will put a lot of stress on the muscles, which will additionally participate in maintaining balance. To increase the load, you can also raise one leg or raise it additionally opposite hand, an even more difficult option is the same with feet on a fitball.

4. Pull-ups

The pull-up is an example of an exercise in a series of pulling (or "pulling") movements that are the opposite of a push-up (push-up). - a very effective exercise, it works on the muscles of the back, arms and muscles that stabilize the spine. In addition, it can be performed almost anywhere, you just need to find a crossbar or horizontal bar (if desired, this is not difficult).

When pulling up, make sure that the entire shoulder girdle is tense, the shoulders should be turned back and lowered down. And this position of the shoulders must be maintained at all stages of the movement. This will reduce the possibility of injury and allow you to perform the deadlift more comfortably and efficiently by tying the entire shoulder girdle together. The movement should be performed with full amplitude, but should be avoided over stretching when extending the arms.

The deadlift places high demands on the strength of the upper body, so not everyone can at the initial stage perform this movement independently and correctly even once. This is especially true for women. Therefore, you need to specifically learn to pull yourself up.

Better not to use for this special simulators in which assistance is provided by supporting the knees on the platform. The problem is that in this version the lower body is in a relaxed state, not allowing to simultaneously manifest the general strength of all the component parts of the body, called functional strength. (Similar to push-ups, which should not be done while kneeling, but rather start with a higher support, but keep your legs straight.)

Instead, it is better to use the help of a supportive partner from below, as shown in the photo, or, if there is no one to help, it is better to place something on which you can press with your toes to facilitate the exercise.

Special attention you need to turn on the execution of the inferior part of the movement - lowering down. (also called eccentric - negative phase of movement). You need to go down slowly. It seems like it is less difficult than pulling up quickly over and over again, but it requires constant muscle tension, which develops the correct technique and makes the execution more free and easy.

For more participation in the movement of the biceps ( biceps shoulder), the hands must be turned so that the palms are directed towards the face (bottom grip). This position of the hands will allow you to distribute a large load on the biceps and chest muscles while simultaneously straining the entire body.

In any embodiment, the legs and the whole body should be stretched and tense: the body should not dangle and sway, there should not be a "bouncing" movement - this is how it looks when the lack of strength is trying to compensate for the inertia from the swinging of the body.

It is wrong to forcefully pull the neck and chin to reach the bar - this can cause pain in the neck and shoulders. It is necessary to ensure that the movement is performed due to the strength of the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle.

5. Rotations

Rotations are movements that we constantly make in life, turning the torso. Rotational movements must be included in functional training in order to reduce the likelihood of back injury during torso turns. Almost all the so-called "back shots" occur at the moment of combination of some kind of effort (lifting something) with a turn of the body. Even an elementary movement of getting out of the car sometimes ends up with a "back grabbing": one leg is on the ground, the second is still in the car, the body is still bent at the hip joint, and the movement from the car up and down is accompanied by slight twisting - in the absence of functional connections in body, this movement can injure the back.

There are a lot of rotational exercises. Here we will analyze only one, basic one. This exercise involves resistance to twisting the spine to improve strength and stability. deep muscles stabilizers.

Secure the rubber bandage to a stationary object at waist height, such as a door handle. Grasp the rubber bandage with both hands and stretch it at a slow pace, turning the torso without simultaneously rotating the pelvis (the pelvis remains motionless!); The muscles that stabilize the lumbar spine should be constantly tense. Control the upright position of your torso. Then turn to the other side, standing with the other side to the place where the rubber is attached.

These are just 5 of the most basic functional exercises that can be used with clients of all skill levels, by choosing the desired variation, difficulty level, number of repetitions and combination with other types of training during the training period.

For those looking to gain truly massive amounts of muscle mass, choosing the best training method should be one of their top priorities. The right muscle building workout program should be tailored to your goals and capabilities, and here are 5 of the best workout routines for muscle gain and vigorous growth.

For anyone looking to gain massive amounts of muscle mass, determining the best training program should be one of their top priorities. There are many different workout programs, so it is very important to choose the one that suits your needs.

It is also important to understand which factors contribute the most to muscle growth, which exercises for gaining muscle mass are most effective, and a program based on these principles will be much more effective.

We have collected for you best programs weight training, which show amazing results with the right approach. Let's take a quick look at the most effective and popular of the programs strength training and define the pros and cons of each.

The best workout regimens for muscle growth

  1. 5x5 program

The 5x5 workout program is very popular with those looking to build muscle mass and increase strength in large quantities.

The program involves performing 3 basic exercises that target the main muscle groups (both upper and lower body in one workout). These exercises are done in 5 sets of 5 reps. If you want, you can add several sets of isolation exercises at the end of each workout, but this is not included in the program.

One of the main benefits of this program is the increased training frequency. Since you will be stimulating a large amount muscle fibers every other day, you will notice a high level of testosterone release, which is good for promoting muscle growth.

Most people also report that they experience increased hunger when following this program, which indicates its intense nature.

The disadvantage of this program is that it is most likely not suitable for beginners due to its intensity, which can lead to overtraining. It is best to first gain experience with strength training within 3-6 months, so you can be sure that your body is ready for this stressful load.

The second disadvantage of the program is that such intense weight lifting 3 times a week does not work well with other active sports. If you are involved in high-activity sports, you may be better off choosing a slightly less demanding program to avoid over-fatigue.

Workout example

You should try to follow the 5x5 formula in the main exercises as described above, and then reduce the amount of load in the additional exercises.

If you are having difficulty recovering from exercise, try following the 3x5 formula first and observing how it feels. With this program, it is very easy to overtrain if you are not careful.

Alternate program A with program B three times a week, resting at least one day between workouts. Try to rest for 1-2 minutes between sets for main exercises and 30-45 seconds between sets for additional exercises.

Workout "A"

  • Barbell Squat: 5 sets of 5 reps (basic)
  • Bench Press: 5 sets of 5 reps (main)
  • Bent-over Barbell Row: 5 sets of 5 reps (core)
  • Pull-ups: 2 sets of 8 reps (optional)
  • Side Dumbbell Raises: 2 sets of 8 reps (optional)
  • Abdominal Raises: 2 sets of 15 reps (optional)

Program "B"

  • Front Squats: 5 sets of 5 reps (core)
  • Army press: 5 sets of 5 reps (main)
  • Deadlift: 5 sets of 5 reps (core)
  • Push-ups: 2 sets of 8 reps (optional)
  • Barbell Curls: 2 sets of 8 reps (optional)
  • Seated Dumbbell Row: 2 sets of 8 reps (optional)
  1. German volume training

The next high-intensity muscle building workout program is called German Volume Training. It is similar to the 5x5 program in that it also includes a large number of sets, but differs in a high (over 10) repetition range in each set.

This program focuses on 2 main muscle groups ah in one workout, alternating these groups for 3 days a week.

For those who have experience in strength training, this program will allow you to gain muscle mass in an incredible fast pace, provided that the correct diet is followed.

You will make the mistake of not keeping track of your diet while exercising with this program, as you risk running out of energy soon.

If you want to get good results with this program, then use a high-calorie diet. This is necessary to maintain a given training volume.

As in the case of the 5x5 program, if you plan to additionally engage in any other sport, then this can be quite problematic. As a rule, such additional load so that the body has enough time to recover. Consider this factor.

Another disadvantage of this program is that it is not suitable for maximizing strength development. This is because increasing strength requires a low rep range, while this program assumes a higher rep range.

There are advanced versions of German volumetric training with reduced repetitions so that more weight can be used. If this is important to you, consider these options.

Workout example

According to this program, you should choose one basic exercise for each muscle group and perform it in 10 sets of 10 repetitions. After that, if you see fit, add some isolation exercises and do them in 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

Try to rest 60-90 seconds between sets. Remember that since you are training in the increased 10 rep range, you should not use the weight you are using in the 5-6 rep program. Therefore, adjust the load accordingly. Weight that is 50-60% of your 1RM is a good start.

This program is divided into 3 days: chest and back, legs and abs, and then shoulders and arms. Rest 1 day between workouts and 2 days after 3 workouts for full recovery.

Workout number 1

  • Dumbbell Bench Press: 10 sets of 10 reps
  • Bent-over Row: 10 sets of 10 reps
  • Reducing the arms in the simulator (butterfly): 3 sets of 10-15 reps
  • Incline Rows: 3 sets of 10-15 reps

Workout # 2

  • Squats: 10 sets of 10 reps
  • Standing Calf Raises: 3 sets of 10-15 reps
  • Seated Calf Raises: 3 sets of 10-15 reps
  • Hanging Leg Raises: 3 sets of 10-15 reps

Workout number 3

  • Press the bar up: 10 sets of 10 reps
  • Dumbbell curls for biceps: 3 sets of 10-15 reps
  • Extension of the arms from behind the head while lying in the crossover: 3 sets of 10-15 reps
  1. Fascia Stretching Training - 7 (FST-7)

The third type of training that is gaining popularity quite quickly now is called the FTS-7. This training program does not contain a list of specific exercises that should be performed, and does not indicate exactly how you should divide the body (for example, into the upper and lower parts, chest and back, legs and shoulders, etc.). Rather, she gives you guidance on what to do in the last exercise for each part of the body worked out.

The name FTS-7 stands for Fascial Stretch Training, which means “fascia stretching training”. This indicates that one of the main goals of the program is to stretch the fascia, which is the connective membrane that covers muscles and other organs.

Fascia is primarily responsible for helping to maintain the structural integrity of the body, providing support and protection, and acting as a shock absorber during active work both in the gym and outside.

When the fascia is stretched, then muscle growth increases, and also the flow of minerals, amino acids and oxygen to them increases.

This program involves doing 7 sets of 15 repetitions on the last exercise for each muscle group. Rest between sets should be about 30 seconds.

Note: Since you will be doing a lot of sets and reps, it’s natural to reduce the weight you’ve used in a given exercise.

In addition to improving the health of the fascia, the program can increase the overall structural flexibility of the body.

If you want to work on one specific part of the body, then the program also allows you to do this. In addition, you may not be able to get enough rest for the rest of the program.

Another plus of this approach is that a high range of sets and repetitions will significantly stimulate the metabolism. So if your goal is to gain muscle mass or lose fat, then the results of such a workout will please you, provided that you are on the appropriate diet.

A potential disadvantage of the program, which you may encounter, is that due to the high load, you will not be able to train as often as you did before. Over time, the body will likely adapt, so try not to abandon the program too quickly if it suits your goals.

If you are eating properly, stretching between sessions, and also not doing too much cardio, you will most likely see positive results and you will notice a decrease in the level of fatigue.

Workout example

This is another intense program, so you should always keep an eye on your recovery between workouts.

Some people prefer to use the principles of the FST-7 program for a particularly lagging muscle group during one workout. Others apply the program completely for a week.

Expect more from this program painful sensations than those you have experienced before, and also be prepared to adjust your personal schedule in this regard. Here is an example of an FST-7 program that applies to all muscle groups.

note that isolated exercise best done with 7 reps per set.

Rest for 1 to 2 minutes between sets, except for exercises where you must do 7 sets. You should rest in them for about 30 seconds to ensure maximum pumping.

Day 1: biceps, triceps and calves.

  • Hammer curl with dumbbells: 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Seated Calf Raises: 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Standing Calf Raises: 7 sets of 8-12 reps

Day 2: legs

  • Squats: 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Leg Press: 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Leg extension: 7 sets of 8-12 reps

Day 3: rest

Day 4: chest and triceps

  • Dumbbell Bench Press: 3 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Incline Dumbbell Press: 3 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Crossover Reduction: 7 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Bench press with a narrow grip: 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Seated Dumbbell Rows: 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Crossover Overhead Extension: 7 sets of 8-12 reps

Day 5: back and calves

  • Bent-over Row: 3 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Thrust top block To the chest: 3 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Seated Block Row: 7 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Standing Calf Raises: 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Seated Calf Raises: 7 sets of 8-12 reps

Day 6: Shoulders and Biceps

  • Seated Dumbbell Press: 3 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Raising arms with dumbbells in front of you: 3 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Dumbbell Side Raises: 7 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Lifting the bar for biceps: 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Incline Dumbbell Curl: 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Crossover Biceps Curl: 7 sets of 8-12 reps

Day 7: rest

  1. Split workout "top-bottom"

This program is based on the division of the body according to the principle of "top-bottom". Typically, the training schedule is 2 workouts in a row, followed by 1 rest day. This allows you to work out each muscle group 2 times a week.

This type of workout is great for beginners looking to gain muscle mass. This program is a good start as it gives you plenty of rest during the week and breaks down your body into specific muscle groups to make it less tense.

Advanced athletes can also enhance their workouts using the total number of sets, exercise mix, and rest periods included in this program. This will help accelerate muscle gain at any level of fitness.

Another benefit of this program is that it allows you to incorporate more isolation exercises into your workouts. If you want to work out one of the smaller muscle groups (biceps, triceps, mid-delts, etc.), then this program will make that task easier.

Due to the fact that this program is so versatile, it doesn't have many drawbacks. You can change it to suit your goals, making sure it fits with your training program.

The disadvantage can be found in the fact that this program involves training 4 times a week. So putting it on your schedule can be a challenge.

But this problem can be solved by training one week on the principle of "bottom, top, bottom", and the other on the principle of "top, bottom, top", constantly alternating this order.

Workout example

There are an endless selection of exercises for this type of workout, and you should tailor a program based on how much workout you want, what muscle groups you want to work out, and whether your priority is muscle size or strength.

The sample program below successfully combines basic and isolation exercises. It focuses on both strength and volume.

Try to rest for about 1 minute between sets in the first group of exercises and for 30-45 seconds in the second.

Do Workout A and Workout B one after the other, then rest for one day before moving on to Workouts C and D, which will end your training week.

Workout "A"

  • Squats: 4 sets of 5 reps
  • Lunges: 3 sets of 8 reps
  • Standing Calf Raises: 2 sets of 10 reps
  • Hanging Leg Raises: 2 sets of 15 reps

Workout "B"

  • Dumbbell Bench Press: 3 sets of 5 reps
  • Bent-over Row: 3 sets of 5 reps
  • Army Press: 3 sets of 8 reps
  • Bent Over Dumbbell Breeding: 2 sets of 10 reps
  • Standing Dumbbell Breeding: 2 sets of 10 reps
  • Reverse bench push-ups: 2 sets of 15 reps

Workout "C"

  • Deadlift: 4 sets of 5 reps
  • Dumbbell Ramp: 3 sets of 8 reps
  • Leg Press: 3 sets of 10 reps
  • Seated Calf Raises: 2 sets of 8 reps
  • Standing Calf Raises: 2 sets of 15 reps
  • Fitball crunches: 2 sets of 15 reps

Workout "D "

  • Incline Bench Press: 3 sets of 8 reps
  • Seated Block Row: 2 sets of 8 reps
  • Dumbbell curls for biceps: 2 sets of 10-12 reps
  • Incline Dumbbell Curl: 2 sets of 10-12 reps
  • Push-ups: 2 sets of 15 reps or until fatigue appears
  1. Comprehensive training program for all muscle groups

Finally, we move on to a training program for all muscle groups. The 5x5 program can also be considered to a certain extent, since you work almost all major muscle groups in 3 selected exercises. But a comprehensive program provides exercise for each muscle group - quadriceps, hamstrings, chest muscles, back and shoulders (the arms are worked out during exercises on the chest and back).

You can add some isolation exercises to these if you want to build small muscle groups individually.

And again, the plus of the program is that it is suitable for beginners, provided that a small number of approaches in each exercise are performed and the proper amount of training is observed.

Of course, this program can also be used by advanced athletes. It relies on a high repetition rate, which is usually effective.

You can make several different combinations of this program and use different principles to add variety and maintain your workout progress.

The main disadvantage of the program is that if you want to specifically work on a specific muscle group, then this program is not very well suited for this, since you have to perform several exercises on each part of the body during one workout.

As a rule, if you want to work out a specific muscle group, then you should devote 2-3 exercises to it, which slightly overloads the overall training program.

Workout example

Each comprehensive program focuses on the development of major muscle groups and includes as many basic exercises as possible to control your overall training volume.

At the end of the workout, several isolation exercises were added, which work on the relief and increase the pumping.

Alternate between the following workouts for 2-3 days a week, resting at least one day in between.

Rest 60-90 seconds between sets in the first group of exercises and 45-60 seconds in the second.

Workout "A"

  • Squat: 3 sets of 6 reps
  • Dumbbell Bench Press: 3 sets of 8 reps
  • Bent Over Row: 3 sets of 8 reps
  • Army Press: 2 sets of 10 reps
  • Barbell Curls: 2 sets of 10 reps
  • Seated Dumbbell Row: 2 sets of 10 reps
  • Seated Calf Raises: 2 sets of 15 reps

Workout "B"

  • Deadlift: 3 sets of 6 reps
  • Incline Dumbbell Press: 3 sets of 10 reps
  • Rows of the upper block to the chest: 3 sets of 8 reps
  • Leg extension: 2 sets of 10 reps
  • Lying Leg Curl: 2 sets of 10 reps
  • Side Dumbbell Raise: 2 sets of 10 reps
  • Abs crunches: 2 sets of 15 reps

Remember that you can and should change programs to keep progress in your workouts. It is not worth following the same program for a long time.

Based on materials:

Exercising in fitness and bodybuilding is not easy. When doing exercises at home, there is no spirit of competition, motivating "magic kicks" by the trainer and shiny new iron. Yes, you will have to be especially ruthless towards yourself, because the cozy atmosphere of home does not in any way dispose to intense work. But as soon as you start, you won't be able to stop, and this slight muscle tremor will become a pleasure. Regular exercise + proper nutrition= an inevitable result, and you will definitely come to it. But there is one important nuance. Only the correct exercise technique will give you the desired body. Want to achieve maximum effect? Stay with us .

Or maybe, well, these exercises for training?

No no and one more time no. Of course, if you choose to work out in the gym, then home workouts may be superfluous: the muscles do not have time to recover. But if a gym in your own living room is the only type of exercise, in no case give up this venture!

By choosing suitable exercises and fitness at home, you become independent. You do not need to spend money on a subscription, travel time, wait for your turn on the simulator. You do not have to be tied to the schedule of the sports club, and training will be possible at any time of the day or night. Make a schedule, increase the intensity, and go to your ideal body!

Exercise: Learn all the subtleties from A to Z

In the home workout section, you will find as much useful information as possible for those who are set for serious work. The most effective exercise, bodybuilding with or without equipment. Even if from the entire arsenal of iron you only have dumbbells at your disposal, you can achieve results. Dumbbell exercises lead to desired effect pretty fast.

Choose an exercise in several ways:

  • difficulty level
  • equipment
  • muscle groups
  • mind (basic and isolation exercises)

Convenient filtration system will allow you to make right choice... And the popular vote ranking of the most effective exercises at home will give you even more confidence.

Doing Exercise at Home: Take Action!

The exercise page contains not only a description of the technique for performing the exercise, but also advice from a practicing trainer. Photos and videos of training will help you avoid possible mistakes... Explore and take action without delay.

Within a couple of weeks after you start doing exercise, fitness and bodybuilding will become necessary for you like air. The body will get used to the stress, and you will get more and more pleasure from each workout.

“Real strength is born in the head. It makes you walk even when the body wants to fall. " Bear Grylls

    We often hear from various fitness bloggers that without doing basic exercises there can be no growth. What confirms their effectiveness? In this article we will try to answer this question, as well as figure out how to do basic basic exercises and how to implement them in your training process.

    What are basic exercises?

    Basic exercises are those in which several muscle groups are involved in movement at once, and at the same time, flexion or extension of several joints occurs at once. Due to this, the body receives a stronger training stress, increases the secretion of its own anabolic hormones, and desired result is achieved much faster. In basic exercises, you can use more working weights, which is why they are considered to form the strength "foundation" of the athlete.

    The best basic exercises for different muscles

    There are both basic and isolation exercises for each muscle group. Basic exercises are especially important for beginner athletes. So you will quickly lay a certain strength base, with which it will later be easier for you to build muscle, improve the functionality of your body, or increase record weights in strength movements.

    It should be noted that not all athletes will benefit from regular basic exercises. Many of these involve a strong axial load on the spine. Fulfill them Not recommended with herniated discs and protrusions, especially in lumbar... In addition, performing these exercises with huge working weights is a rather traumatic activity, and the slightest deviation from the correct technique can not only aggravate existing health problems, but also cause new ones.

    Below is a partial list of basic exercises for each muscle group. They are suitable for both men and women, the most important thing in them is adherence to the correct technique.

    Basic leg exercises

    Let's talk about basic leg exercises first. After all, many ignore this muscle group, but in vain.


    it is one of the fundamental exercises in any sport. Deep squats trigger a powerful release of testosterone, which helps you recover and progress faster. In this movement, almost all muscle groups in your body work in one way or another. The main dynamic load falls on the quadriceps, hamstrings, spinal extensors, gluteal muscles and adductors of the thigh. When working with a serious weight, a significant static load falls on the muscles abdominal, shoulders and trapezius muscles.

    The main thing in this exercise is to monitor your breathing (exhalation is done strictly when lifting) and keep your back straight throughout the entire movement - this way you will save yourself from injury.

    A clear position of the head helps to stabilize the movement - the gaze should be directed straight in front of you or slightly upward, so it will be psychologically easier for you to get up from a lower position.

    Leg press

    It will not be able to fully replace heavy squats with a barbell, but the load on the legs is no less here: the front, back and inner thighs and gluteal muscles work.

    The most important thing in this exercise is not to overdo it with your working weight. This will make it harder for you to control. correct position knees. If you wind them inside the trajectory of movement, you run the risk of injury to the ligaments. It is also important to work at a comfortable amplitude. Do not try to lower the platform as low as possible. The geometry of most simulators is designed in such a way that at the lowest point you will have a rounded spine in the coccyx area. This is an extremely traumatic position.


    You can perform lunges with your own weight, or. In any variation, you will engage all areas of the leg muscles. Depending on the width of the stride, direction of movement and position of the foot, you can slightly emphasize the load on one area or another, but such a load will create stress on the entire muscle mass and lead to faster progress.

    Sumo deadlift

    This is one of the Big Three exercises. A wider leg stance shifts almost all of the load on the adductors of the thigh and quadriceps. Also, the biceps of the hip and the extensors of the spine are actively involved in the movement. The range of motion in the sumo stance is slightly shorter, but this does not eliminate the powerful static tension in the abdominal muscles, back, traps and arms.

    The correct technique for performing the sumo deadlift involves a deep dip in the starting position and maintaining a straight back throughout the entire exercise. This will minimize the risk of back injury or umbilical hernia.

    Basic back exercises

    Now let's talk about how to achieve a powerful muscle corset and swing your back.

    Pull-ups on the horizontal bar

    The bar is a great machine with which you can work the entire muscle mass of your upper back. If you are, then the latissimus dorsi, trapezius and rhomboid, posterior beams are involved in the work deltoid muscles, as well as large and small round muscles.

    If you use more, then the muscles of the arms will be strongly involved in the work: biceps, brachialis and forearms. Use wrist straps to reduce some of the strain on your arms. If you want to load the back muscles even more, make a slight deflection in the thoracic spine and bring the shoulder blades together at the highest point of the amplitude.

    Bent over barbell or dumbbell row

    The horizontal rows make your back thicker, which is important for building a massive torso. Loads the entire upper back, back delts and biceps. Also, a strong static load is applied to the extensors of the spine and abdominal muscles. Experienced athletes will be able to accentuate the load on a particular area latissimus... If you want to put more pressure on the bottom of the lats, use reverse grip and pull the bar straight to the waist. If your goal is powerful upper lats, rhomboid and trapezius muscles, use a straight grip and lift the bar to the bottom of your ribcage.

    It helps to pump up your back just as well. This is a one-way movement, so the stabilizing muscles will work here even more: the extensors of the spine, the abs and the deltoid muscles. It is recommended to perform both of these exercises with moderate weight and do not use cheating (swinging the body).

    It is much more important to include the muscles of the back in the work as much as possible, bringing the shoulder blades at the top point, than to try with everyone available ways throw a barbell or dumbbell up.

    T-bar deadlift

    Almost every modern gym has a special machine for working out the muscles of the back - the T-bar. They are of two types: with and without a breast support. The variation of the T-bar row with a chest support allows you to almost completely simulate the execution of the barbell row in the slope, but with only one difference - due to the fixed position, the axial load on the spine is minimized. Working in the simulator without an emphasis does not allow this, but due to the constant retention of the tilt, all the back muscles work in statics throughout the entire approach.

    Another plus of this simulator is more grip variations. For example, a narrow parallel grip allows you to perfectly work out the middle of the back, you cannot simulate such a movement, working only with a barbell or dumbbells.

    If your gym does not have such a simulator, it doesn’t matter. You can mimic the T-bar deadlift with a regular Olympic barbell bar and a narrow parallel grip bar. block trainer for the back. Either way, this exercise is worth doing on a consistent basis - your back will quickly become more bumpy and massive.

    With the classic stance, it involves shifting the load on the back muscles. The classic stance implies the location of the legs shoulder-width apart, the arms hold the bar a little wider, a slight dip is done and the forward bend is done. Keep the barbell as close to the lower leg as possible, then the trajectory of movement will be strictly vertical. The legs work here only at the moment the bar is lifted off the floor, mainly the buttocks and hamstrings work. But you pass the upper 2/3 of the amplitude due to the work of the spinal extensors. A strong static load is applied to all muscles of the upper back, trapezium and biceps. It is fundamentally important to keep your back straight throughout the entire set.

    Doing the deadlift with a hump is one of the most common mistakes for beginner athletes, but lifting serious weight in this way is by no means possible, it can put an end to your sports career.

    It is very important to breathe correctly during the deadlift. Exhaling too late will lead to increased intracranial pressure, which can make you feel dizzy and likely to end your workout. If you want to increase strength indicators and work out the upper phase of the movement, do deadlift from plinths (stands). This will reduce the stress on your legs to almost zero, and you will be able to pump your back even more.

    Basic chest exercises

    Considering the basic exercises for the chest, one cannot but dwell on the following.

    Is probably the most common exercise in all gyms... For many, it is important here to lift as much weight as possible, and not try to pump the chest. Therefore, this exercise cannot be called isolated, the triceps and shoulders work here no less than the pectoral muscles. The static load falls on the extensors of the spine, lats and trapezius muscles of the back, biceps and abdominal muscles.

    Many athletes reduce the shoulder blades as much as possible, flex the lower back, make a bridge and use a wide grip - this shortens the range of motion and further reduces the load on the chest muscles. Nevertheless, this exercise is considered one of the most effective for gaining muscle mass. This is true, because all the muscles of the shoulder girdle work here in one way or another. You can do a bench press lying on an incline bench or lying upside down. This accentuates some of the load on the upper or lower chest, respectively, but the load from the triceps and front delts will not disappear anywhere.

    Dips on the uneven bars

    - This is an equally effective exercise for working out the lower chest, but the triceps and front deltas are not less involved here. Of course, getting your core and elbows right will help you focus on targeting a particular muscle group. If you spread your elbows to the sides and make a slight forward bend, the pectoral muscles will work harder. If you keep your back straight and lead your elbows along the body - triceps.

    However, many athletes ignore such technical subtleties. If you do not have problems with the elbow joints, then you can afford to do this exercise both in chest workouts and in arm workouts. If necessary, use additional weights in the form of a disk or a dumbbell suspended from a belt.

    In the common people, this movement is often called simply "wiring". This exercise should also be classified as basic, as to achieve a truly impressive volume pectoral muscles it will be difficult without him. The pectoral muscles "love" the accentuated stretching phase very much, for them it is a very powerful impetus to growth. Therefore, combine the set of dumbbells with two to three bench press exercises performed under different angles- this is enough for productive training and further progress.

    Basic hand exercises

    Now let's discuss basic arm and shoulder exercises.

    Bench press with a narrow grip

    This is the fundamental movement for the growth of the triceps. All three of its beams work evenly here, as well as interior pectoral muscles and anterior deltas. When doing it, it is important to unbend your arms in the same trajectory. To do this, concentrate on the position of the elbows, they should be pressed against the body at all times.

    Triceps is a fairly stubborn muscle. In order for it to grow, you need to do both strength work and simply pump the muscle with blood in a more multi-repetitive mode. That is why, while gaining muscle mass, it is recommended to focus on this movement, because your strength indicators in it will not be much lower than in the classic bench press with a wide grip.

    Lifting the bar for biceps

    The biceps brachii is a relatively small muscle group, and almost all exercises for its development come down to one thing - flexion elbow joint... This is exactly what it is, but here you can vary the width of the grip and the position of the elbows to evenly work out both biceps heads. In addition, this movement places a strong static load on the anterior deltas and trapezius muscles, and the extensors of the spine and the press play the role of stabilizers.

    Basic shoulder exercises

    Let's take a look at the most effective exercises to help strengthen your shoulders.

    Army press barbell standing

    In this movement, you work all three bundles of deltoid muscles, triceps and a little upper part breasts.

    In addition, it is very important for the development of control over the whole body, because all other muscle groups play the role of stabilizers to one degree or another.

    In this movement, there is a fairly strong axial load on the spine, so it is recommended not to chase record weights in it and, if necessary, use an athletic belt. If you want to reduce the stress on your lower back, do a barbell press or seated dumbbell press instead. Until now, there are numerous disputes about how to lower the barbell correctly: behind the head or in front of you.

    There is no fundamental difference in the load, simply due to the structure shoulder joint and its natural flexibility, some athletes are more comfortable doing the barbell press from behind the head. The fact that this makes the rear deltas start to work harder is one of the most common fitness myths.

    Barbell pull to the chin

    Despite the fact that the target muscle group when performing A set of basic exercises for men

    These basic workouts are a classic 3-day split (working out different muscle groups on specific days of the week). It can be applied at any stage of the training, but greatest result from it you will extract during the period of weight gain.

    Trained muscles Exercises Rest time between sets
    Chest + triceps + absBench press lying on a horizontal bench4x6-101-1.5 minutes
    4x8-121-1.5 minutes
    Dips with additional weight3x121 minute.
    Bench press with a narrow grip5x8-101-1.5 minutes
    Hanging leg raises4x15-201 minute.
    Back + biceps5x52-3 minutes
    Wide grip pull-ups4x8-151.5-2 minutes
    Bent-over barbell row3x8-121.5 minutes
    Dumbbell Row3x8-121.5 minutes
    Lifting the bar for biceps4x12-151 minute.
    Legs + shouldersSquats5x52-3 minutes
    Leg press4x6-121.5-2 minutes
    Barbell lunges4x10-151.5-2 minutes
    Sumo deadlift4x82-3 minutes
    Army press barbell standing5x8-121.5-2 minutes

    A set of basic exercises for women

    Principle basic training the same for men as for women: we just try to intensively do multi-joint movements. The only difference will be the order of the exercises, the number of repetitions, and the rest time between sets. This will allow you to train productively, to get rid of extra centimeters, but not to “kill yourself” in the gym.

    Trained muscles Exercises The number of approaches and reps Rest time between sets
    Chest + triceps + absBench press lying on a horizontal bench4x8-122-2.5 minutes
    Incline Bench Press3x8-122-2.5 minutes
    Dips on the uneven bars3x101 minute.
    Bench press with a narrow grip4x8-121-1.5 minutes
    Hanging leg raises4x15-201 minute.
    Back + biceps5x52-3 minutes
    Pull-ups in the gravitron with a wide grip4x8-121.5-2 minutes
    Reverse Grip Bent Over Row3x10-121.5 minutes
    Lifting the bar for biceps4x12-151.5 minutes
    Legs + shouldersBarbell lunges4x10-151.5-2 minutes
    Leg press4x10-121.5-2 minutes
    Squats4x8-102-3 minutes
    Seated Barbell Press5x8-121.5-2 minutes
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