Rowing exercise or block deadlift. Row on the horizontal block to the belt for back training

What do we do to gain back muscle mass? That's right, we pull the barbell to the belt in an incline, perform the deadlift in the classics, and pull up with weights. The biomechanical deadlift of the horizontal block resembles the bent-over barbell row, but this exercise is not for building muscle, but for shaping what is already there. The movement is multi-joint, but due to the use of simulators, stabilizers and legs are turned off from it, and the abdominal muscles practically do not work. This helps to maintain a certain shape, keep the waist slim, and develop the outlines of the lats. That is why sitting and standing deadlifts are a favorite exercise for performing bodybuilders, and, oddly enough, for women. With this movement, it is difficult to achieve a triangular shape of the back if there is not a lot of mass. But to tighten the "wings" so that there are no folds on the back is easy and at ease.

So, the goal is not to increase the mass, but to "sharpen" the lats so that the back becomes deeper, the relief is pronounced, and the outlines are clear and impressive. In strength sports, movement is used as an auxiliary exercise to the bench press, as it teaches to bring the shoulder blades to the spine with a flat back. The exercise is also used as a rehabilitation for injuries and muscle sprains, it allows you to recover faster, and not lose tone when there is no opportunity to train hard.

In the thrust of the horizontal block, work:

  • The lats, the shift of the load vector allows you to work out their individual segments or "parts of the back";
  • Diamond-shaped, these are the muscles responsible for our posture, and their tone is the key to the health of the shoulders, because in strength exercises correct work diamond-shaped - the basis of back stabilization;
  • Biceps - they bend the arm at the elbow, "pull" the handle of the simulator to the belt. Many people tend to turn them off completely, but in fitness, working with them on allows you to do without a thousand additional exercises on your hands, especially if it comes about girls. For the tone, such a load is quite enough, more serious goals are achieved with specialized exercises;
  • Trapeziums, large round muscles, and posterior deltoid bundles are additionally included in the exercise

Exercise is included in the back workout as a third or fourth, depending on the purpose of the training cycle, but it can provide benefits for both professional athletes and fitness enthusiasts.

The movement is technically simple. It is available for beginners, amateurs, and even rehab clients. Performed in block trainer with bottom or horizontal cable attachment. If there is no such simulator in the gym, you can “assemble” it by setting the crossover cable at the required level and sit on a regular bench. Legs in this position rest on the pancakes, but fortunately, in most modern gyms, it is not necessary to engage in design activities. It is enough to take the simulator.

How to do the exercise:

  • Sit on the seat of the car, grab the handle with your hands with a straight grip, and place your legs on the stand at close range;
  • Take an upright position;
  • The shoulder blades are brought to the spine, the back is straight;
  • By reducing the lats, start in the deadlift, bring the weight with the biceps;
  • Linger with a pen near the abdomen for 1-2 seconds;
  • Perform all repetitions;
  • Return the handle to starting position, and end the movement

The exercise is performed in 3-4 working sets of 10-15 repetitions, but there may be other options depending on the needs of the person.

The general rule of thumb for fitness is that finishing a set of 2-3 reps should be given with difficulty, through muscle burning, but without breaking the technique. That is, the ability to perform the exercise should be preserved, but a person should not work through super-effort.

You can use a simple scheme:

  • Set the weight of the weights to 10-15 kg and do 5 repetitions;
  • If it's very easy to work, add 2.5 kg and do a couple more reps;
  • Walk in this way to a weight that will actually be difficult to lift;
  • Leave the approach, and rest for 2-3 minutes or until complete recovery;
  • Perform 12 reps with this weight;
  • If it was easy - add the burden again

Important: you need to rest in the approach until complete recovery in order to find the really correct weight.

Most horizontal row machines are designed with the anatomical features a person, and allow to pull the weight without jerking, jerking, and violations of technique. The movement can be done smoothly and accurately, and this applies to people with any anthropometry.

Typical mistakes should be avoided simply because they will not allow you to get enough stress, or redistribute work in such a way that a person injures muscles, joints or ligaments.

During the deadlift, you should avoid:

  • Works like a rowing machine... Some athletes push their feet on the block machine pedals, and manage to unbend and bend them at the knees, fidgeting in the seat. This makes it possible to additionally load the legs, and does not make it possible to work in the amplitude that is needed to work out the back. By displacing the pelvis back and forth, a person reduces the amplitude for the broadest muscles, and redistributes the load. In addition, "rowing" can cause trapezius muscle strain and shoulder injury due to shifting force vectors;
  • Rounded Back Workout... Owners of "office posture", that is, the heads of the shoulders twisted forward, and a weak rhomboid muscle of the back with an overdeveloped trapezium, often perform this exercise incorrectly. They do not pull the shoulder blades to the spine and do not work actively with the back. This option does not allow them to load the lats and rhomboids, the thrust is performed by the biceps and, in part, due to "throwing" the weight up with the shoulders, the biomechanics of the movement is significantly impaired;
  • "Movement in three planes"... IN recent times it has become fashionable to promote wave-like spinal work in some strength exercises... This is called three-dimensional fitness. But in the pull to the belt, this is not appropriate, since due to sitting position the load is completely taken over by the lumbar spine. Excessive "looseness" in the back leads to overload and injury;
  • Stretching the arms forward with each rep... It can be caused by the athlete's anthropometry. People with long legs and short arms should fix their legs as rigidly as possible, and perform a tilt with a traction only once - when they grip the handle of the simulator;
  • Work in different planes in one approach... The block pull can be performed both to the waist and to the abdomen, or to the top of the chest. But working in different planes is harmful to the ligaments and joints. She overloads shoulder joint, and can lead to the fact that the person will then suffer from pain. In addition, part of the load will shift to the hands, since it is they who "direct" the handle of the simulator in different planes.

Technical mistakes can be avoided by choosing adequate weight for the job, and not rushing to do the repetitions. Movement control should be the foundation of your training.

Variations will vary based on machine, handle and seat height. The same pull can be done in a lever trainer or in a hummer to get enough load.

Options depending on the grip

  • When pulling narrow grip with co-directed palms is created good stretch center of the back, latissimus muscles. This version of the exercise allows you to work out the so-called "depth" of the back, to give relief to the center of the lats.
  • The traction option with a wide setting of the hands and palms inward with the perpendicular to the floor of the forearm allows you to additionally use not only the top of the lats, but also the posterior bundles of the deltoid muscles. This contributes to the formation of a beautiful, T-shaped back.
  • If the palms are directed inward, and the grip is left wide, or curved neck for the deadlift, the exercise will turn into a real "sculptor" for the contours of the back, and will allow you to form a beautiful relief along with the design of the lats.

Pull in different directions

There is a simple principle here, to which part of the body we pull, muscles are more involved there. To work on the middle part of the back, you need to pull to the belt, the waist line, and try to make the movement at the expense of the back muscles. Traction to the groin contributes to the design of the lower segment of the broadest, and to the chest - the upper. For beginners, it is more convenient to pull precisely to the chest, since their center of the back is often lagging behind. You can alternate the direction of pulling from workout to workout to develop your back harmoniously.

This exercise is often included in women's workouts, which is perfectly justified. Most girls do not want to have a significant mass of back muscles, and are content with a slight correction of posture and giving tone. The movement helps to activate the lats, removes the ugly "waves" on the back, which appear with insufficient muscle tone, and allows you to get rid of pain. IN women's training it can be the only horizontal pull if the goal is solely to lose weight and maintain muscle tone.

When you can't do cravings

This exercise has quite a few contraindications. Usually an active spasm of the piriformis muscle prevents pulling while sitting until it is eliminated and completely stretched. If there is pain in the buttock, radiating to the lower back and leg, it is worth pulling while standing at the crossover with vertical back, and use not heavy weight, while the gluteal and pear-shaped ones need to be stretched.

Low back pain of any nature also allows you to perform deadlifts while standing on the crossover, or lying face down on a light bench, but not in a seated machine. Hernia lumbar are a contraindication to this craving only if the person cannot sit in principle, and does not know how to pull with good technique.

In other cases, movement can be included in the training programs of both beginners and professionals.

In bodybuilding and fitness, the horizontal block deadlift is one of the most popular back movements. Horizontal thrust equally used by both beginners and athletes professional level... The main reasons for such a massive use of the exercise are its high efficiency, relative simplicity and maximum safety.

Pros and cons of exercising in the simulator

The horizontal row in a block machine is universal exercise on the back. It has a number of distinct advantages, due to which movement is included in almost all training programs.

The main advantages of the horizontal row in the simulator:

  • Effective pumping not only, but also.
  • Pronounced positive effect on posture.
  • Nearly zero injury risk, even when working with large weights.
  • Exercise allows you not only to contract the target muscles, but also to stretch the lats when you move the handle away from you.
  • The ability to change the degree of load on different muscles by changing the width of the grip and the type of handle.
  • Does not create harmful stress on the spine.
  • Involvement in the work of a large number of muscles (in addition to the main ones).

Cons of the lower block thrust:

  • If not correct execution and technical errors, the benefit of the seated horizontal block traction on the target muscle is significantly reduced.
  • Increased load on the lower back (minimized correct position legs).

Almost all the drawbacks of the horizontal block pull to the abdomen boil down to technical errors. Therefore, if you have mastered the correct execution of the movement to the fullest, it should not have any significant disadvantages.

Rowing Stick Options

There are two types of exercise:

  • Classic thrust horizontal block to the belt - performed with a narrow V-shaped or L-shaped handle.

  • The pull of the horizontal block to the chest is an implementation option that is aimed at working out the upper back (mainly the back deltas). Suitable for this cable car or wide handle with bends.

The grip depends on the type of handle selected.

  • For a narrow V-shape, this is the neutral position.
  • For Wide - straight grip.
  • When working with ropes, a neutral grip is used with a slightly changed position of the hands.

Pull of the lower block to the belt

What muscles work when pulling a horizontal block while sitting to the stomach

Main target muscles when performing a pull of the lower block with a narrow grip:

  • The broadest.
  • Trapezoidal.
  • Biceps.

Additional muscles(included partially or protrude to maintain the position of the body):

  • Lower lats.
  • Abdominal muscles.
  • Buttock.

Exercise technique

Mastering the seated row of the lower block is a primary task for any athlete. Only then should the weights be increased.

Execution technique:

  1. Sit on the bench. Place your feet on the platforms and bend your knees slightly. Grasp the handle so that you feel tension in the starting position. The back and neck are completely straight.
  2. Start pulling the weight towards you at a moderate pace. Bring your arms to your lower abdomen so that your elbows are closer to your body.
  3. At the peak, lean back 5-10 degrees to maximize amplitude.
  4. After a short pause at a slower pace, return to the starting position. Then bring your shoulders forward to stretch your lats further.

When performing a seated horizontal block deadlift, it is extremely important to perform the movement not with the biceps, but with the help of the back and shoulders. In the first part, it is recommended to keep the hands partially relaxed. This will allow the target muscles to deliver weight to the abdomen. After about half of the range of motion, the arms should be connected to maximize the approach to the abdomen. It is also very important at this time to powerfully bring the shoulder blades together.

The seated horizontal row in the machine should not go at the very beginning of the workout. It is recommended to proceed to this exercise after the basic movements to the lats (etc.) have been completed.

Analysis of the technique of traction of the horizontal block to the belt in video format

Row of the lower block to the chest

What muscles work with wide arms and pull to the chest

The traction option of the horizontal block on the shoulders is performed to the chest with wide grip... This ensures the elaboration and displacement of the load on such muscles:

  • Posterior deltoid.
  • The broadest.
  • All parts of the trapezoid.
  • Subspinal.

The main focus shifts to the trapezoid and the posterior beams of the deltas.

Technique for performing a row of the horizontal block to the chest for the shoulders

The technique of pulling the lower block to the chest is almost the same as the classic version, except for the angle and width of the grip.


  1. Take a position, resting your bent knees on the platforms. Take a long handle at the bend points (anatomically it is more convenient, although in the absence of such a handle, you can use the usual straight version).
  2. Start pulling the handle towards the bottom of your chest. The elbows should look out to the sides so that the arms are parallel to the floor.
  3. At the peak point, bring the shoulder blades as close as possible and pause for 0.5-1 seconds.

First rule, which should be remembered when performing the thrust of the lower block to chest- despite the similarity of movement, you cannot take a lot of weight in this exercise... If in the usual version you can take the maximum possible weight at which it is possible to make a movement without distorting the technique, then when focusing on the rear deltas and trapeziums, this approach is not only ineffective, but also traumatic.

It is much more effective in this type to work with moderate weight, at a slow pace and in a multi-repetitive mode (12-15 reps). Sets with a weight of 40-50% of 1RM in failure also perform well.

Another difference between the horizontal block thrust to the chest is the abduction of the body. If, when working on the lats, the body can swing up to 10 degrees (to provide additional stretching), then in this case, a strong deflection should not be made. The body must be securely fixed, excluding any swaying and inertia.

Analysis of the thrust of the lower block with a wide grip in video format


The seated horizontal row is an exercise that has almost no drawbacks. Subject to the technique and all the features, it can significantly accelerate the progression in the development of the back, rear deltas and even arms. Indispensable for those who want to improve their posture, in which case the movement should be the main one. Otherwise, it should be done after complex and challenging exercises such as pull-ups.


What muscle groups can be pumped with horizontal traction. Step by step order execution of the exercise. Helpful hints.

If you need efficient pumping muscles of the back, then the traction of the horizontal block to the belt must necessarily become part of training program... This basic exercise helps you work through many groups.

What are the options?

When performing a seated deadlift, the lower lobe of the lats of the dorsal muscles receives the greatest load. But not everything is clear here. If you change the execution technique, then the load can be shifted to a number of other sections:

  • with craving for the stomach (lower part), the lower lobe of the back muscles is more worked out;
  • when sitting to the chest, part of the load is taken by the upper lobe of the lats.

Abdominal cravings are considered the most natural and less traumatic. Therefore, it is used in practice most often.

Execution rules

To avoid back problems and to receive maximum effect sitting deadlift should be done correctly. Execution technique:

  • Adjust the seat so that the cable is parallel to the floor while driving. Then take the starting position;
  • place your feet on the support part of the machine (located at the front). The presence of such a stand is an opportunity to minimize the risks of sliding the buttocks from the seat;
  • the handles on the simulator can be different types- individual or fixed. When doing the work, make sure that the palms are "looking" at each other;
  • after taking the initial position and placing your feet on the support, grab the handle. The arms should be straightened as much as possible, and the elbow should be extended. A slight deflection is allowed in the lumbar region, but at the same time the back is as flat as possible. Special attention pay your shoulders - they should be straightened. To give the most of the load to the muscles, push your chest slightly forward;
  • the peculiarity of the sitting traction to the stomach is that it begins with a negative phase. Therefore, bring the arm to the torso and then exhale. Many athletes go the other way - when pulling the handle to the stomach, they, on the contrary, draw in air. It is believed that in this way, you can guarantee the best contraction of the broadest muscles. To define for yourself the best option, try both ways. Ideal if the exercise allows you to achieve a burning sensation in the muscle fibers;
  • the end of the first phase occurs at the moment when the muscles of the back (the broadest group) contract the most. This is guaranteed if the elbows are vertical to the torso. At the same time, at the peak point, they should move back a little;
  • as soon as the handle touches the lower abdomen, and all the manipulations described above are completed, hold this position for a while. This makes it possible for the muscles to work at full power;
  • exhale and inhale air (the order depends on the breathing option selected above). Then return the handle to its original position;
  • do the required number of approaches until a feeling of muscle failure appears.

There are a few tips to keep in mind when doing the exercise:

  • for a better work out of the muscles of the back, hold the latter in an upright position. In this case, the deviation should not be more than 5-10 degrees. The stronger the deviation, the higher the risks of damaging the lumbar spine;
  • to increase the range of motion and exclude the deltoid muscles from work, use a handle with parallel holders;
  • always make sure that the simulator is in good working order before starting the exercise;
  • do each set with correct technique giving yourself as much as possible to your workout;
  • in any case, do not push your elbows far apart. The tighter they are pressed against the body, the greater the load they take on. latissimus back and lower chest. Otherwise (when the elbows are separated from each other), the middle lobe of the trapezium, the upper lobe of the lats, as well as the rhomboid muscle are connected to the work;
  • when performing the exercise, the use of a straight handle is allowed. If you grab it and spread your elbows to the sides, then it will work rear end deltoid muscles, rhomboid muscle, and the middle lobe of the trapezius muscle. In the case when the handle has a curved shape at the edges, and the arms are directed downward along the body, then deltoid muscles hardly connect to work. In both the first and second cases, the trapezium and the rhomboid muscle take on the maximum load. As a consequence, depending on the installed handle and the position of the elbows, different loads can be applied. muscle groups.

Summing up

The horizontal row of the block is a quality and time-tested exercise that perfectly works and "finishes" the back muscles. The main thing here is to strictly observe the technique and try to work to the maximum.

Hello dear readers of the sports blog sportivs. This is Alexander Bely. Today our attention will focus on a rather interesting topic - the pull of the horizontal block to the belt. In this article we will find out which muscles work, what are the main advantages and recommendations.

The main purpose of the block pull to the waist is to give the back a visual width. Some types of deadlift will allow you to thicken your back.

So, let's look at the load on the broadest muscles depending on the change in technique and find out which area of ​​the back is most involved:

  • If you are doing the standard row, then you need to pull the block towards the lower abdomen, thanks to this, your lower back develops.
  • Making cravings for pectoral muscles you include your upper back.

With the correct execution of this exercise, you can noticeably add in the back, but you should take into account correct technique, let's talk about it.

Correct technique

1. The exercise is performed while sitting, before starting the approach, place the seat so that the work of the block cable is exclusively parallel to the floor.
2. The feet should be secured to the support that is located at the front of the training block, this will give you maximum stability during the approach.
3. The handles can be either fixed or separate, while performing each repetition, pay attention to the fact that the palms when grasping the handles are opposite each other.
4. Can be performed with two grips. For the best, I recommend alternating between narrow and wide grip.
5. Having taken the starting position, you should take hold of the handle and proceed to execution.
6. This exercise starts with a negative phase, you should smoothly, slowly, make a craving for the lower abdomen and exhale. Many experienced athletes take deep breaths before repetitions, motivated by better muscle contractions.
7. After the handle touches the abdomen in the lower part - hold in this position for a couple of seconds, this will contribute to maximum workout muscle fibers.
8. At the end of the repetition, exhale and slowly return the handle to its original position.
9. You should do 8-15 repetitions, depending on the results you want to achieve.

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For the best pumping of muscle fibers, I do not recommend that you deviate your back from the vertical position by more than 10-20 degrees. If you listen to my advice, you can prevent the occurrence of various injuries that are possible with a strong deviation. Excessive deviation is fraught with injury to the lower spine.

In order to remove the load from the back of the shoulder and fully concentrate on the latissimus muscles, you can do an exercise with a parallel nozzle.

Before performing the approach, be sure to check the simulator for serviceability, otherwise you risk getting an unpleasant injury.

Also, use all kinds of grips (narrow, wide, straight, reverse). This will help you work out your back in the best possible way from all sides. Do not take too much weight, optimal amount there will be 8-15 repetitions, which will help to work out the back well. To increase the mass, 6-8 repetitions will be enough.

When you pull the handle towards you, your back should be tilted slightly, I advise bringing the shoulder blades together, this will increase the intensity.

When performing, you should press your elbows against your torso, this will help to best load the lats and lower chest.

Another important nuance will be stretching with each rep. Thanks to this technique, you stretch forward with the weight, which allows you to squeeze out the maximum.
We have considered all the pros and basic tips for pulling the lower block, now let me tell you how you can replace this exercise.

What can be replaced

Replacing the main exercise can be the lack of equipment or the necessary simulator, various injuries that do not allow you to work on a particular apparatus, the desire to diversify the training cycle, or the need to work out the muscles at different angles.

It is then that the question arises and the need for the selection of alternative and no less effective exercises:

  • The first, which is a worthy alternative, can be safely called. This is a basic exercise that involves different areas of the back. The bent-over row is one of the most difficult basic elements that help build volume and massive muscles. Before starting the deadlift, be sure to warm up well.

  • The second variation is the T-bar row with a narrow grip. It works perfectly with the broadest muscles, it is basic, since in addition to the back muscles, biceps, triceps are also involved.

If you want to work in more detail back muscles, you can do the deadlift with one hand. During the exercise, concentrate fully, this will help to achieve maximum results.

Except heavy basic exercises on the back, there are a number of formative exercises that allow you to target specific muscle groups. For the development of the broadest muscles or wings, a horizontal block pull is perfect (another name for this pull is frontal).

The meaning of exercise and muscle work

The horizontal row in the block trainer is one of the compulsory exercises on the day you train your back. Thanks to the variation of the grip, you can pump your lats from all directions. This comes in handy when you have already built up mass with the basic exercises and want to shape the muscles you want.

During the exercise, work:

  • Latissimus muscles - they bear the main load.
  • Biceps - Helps to pull weight by bending your elbows.
  • The extensors of the spine, which are responsible for straightening the back.
  • Additionally, the trapezius muscles, large round, rhomboid, and posterior deltas are included.

If done incorrectly, the biceps or lower back will work, and the lats will tighten last. Therefore, pay special attention to the technique.


The seated block row, also known as the rowing row, is performed in a special block trainer. Usually the machine has a bottom and top block. The upper one can be pulled behind the head or to the chest, and we will pull the lower one to the belt.

Not to be confused, the barbell pull to the belt and the horizontal block pull are two different things. The first exercise is basic mass-gaining. The second is more formative, it is done while sitting.

So, let's start doing the exercise:

  1. Set the desired weight (for men - 10 kg, for women - 5). We will now do a warm-up with light weights.
  2. We rest our feet on special stops, bend them at the knees, find a comfortable position (it can be from small to 90 degrees). We keep our back straight, there is a natural deflection in the lower back.
  3. We stretch our arms forward and grasp the pre-installed handle.
  4. We pull the weight towards ourselves until the body takes a perpendicular position to the floor. From this point, we start doing repetitions.
  5. Straighten your shoulders, bringing your shoulder blades together, pull the handle towards your stomach. You should feel the load in your back, not your biceps. We will return to this later.
  6. When the handle touches the belt, hold this position for 1 second. In this position, your shoulder blades are maximally flattened.
  7. Then let go of the weight back. IN classical technique the body remains stationary. If you perform the exercise by tilting the body forward following the weight, then you should not bend over too much and round your back. Even if the tiles on the treadmill are not completely lowered. During the entire exercise, the deflection in the lower back is maintained, and the shoulder blades remain pressed. The difference between the two techniques is described below.

When, during the exercise, you tilt the body forward while lowering the weight, and then pull it back again during the next lift, you force the extensors of the back to contract. This is long muscles running along the spine. The broadest muscles (namely, the exercise was originally intended for their development) are responsible for bringing the arms to the body. That is, the lats work exactly when you pull your elbows back.

Therefore, if your goal is actually the broadest, fix the body in one position and work exclusively with your hands, without leaning forward following the weight. If you want to force your entire back to work, leaning forward will help you stretch your muscles better for the next rep. But remember that in this case there will be a risk of injury to the lower back.

Do 10-12 reps in 3-4 sets with a working weight.

How to find a working weight

To correctly choose the weight with which your back muscles will grow, you need to listen carefully to yourself during the exercise:

  1. Take a light weight, do 4-5 reps with it. Add 5 kg, do 1-2 times. Add pancakes to the simulator in this way until you feel the load. If the load is felt, but still light, go to a step of 2.5 kg.
  2. Now do 12 repetitions. If you cannot, rest for 3-4 minutes so that you can again adequately assess the weights. Taking a short break will prevent your muscles from restoring their energy reserves, and you will misinterpret your sensations.
  3. When you feel that your weight is normal - work. In the next workouts, add 2.5 kg each, guided by your feelings. And do not expect quick results, muscles grow slowly - be patient. Your tenacity will be rewarded.

Major mistakes

Horizontal traction in a block simulator, if incorrectly performed, from a useful and effective exercise will turn into harmful and even dangerous. Violating the technique, you risk tearing your back muscles, getting lumbar osteochondrosis, and pulling your biceps.

The technique has been designed with physiology and anatomy in mind to minimize the risk of injury and build muscle.

  • The back is round. The horizontal row in the block machine implies static tension of the back extensor muscles. In a straightened position, the back does not receive a critical traumatic load, and in a rounded state, the lower back suffers greatly.
  • Look down. You need to look forward so that the spine is in the right condition.
  • We pull the weight with our hands. For biceps there is special exercises why download them here? Pull the weight with your back. To do this, we first pull by bringing the shoulder blades together. We bring them as much as possible, all the way. Then we bring the weight with our hands. Thus, starting from the back, you will eliminate the prevalence of biceps in this exercise.
  • Excessive forward bends. You don't need to work your lower back, moving like a pendulum. The pull of the horizontal block is not done by the lower back, but by the lats.
  • Jerks. Remember to do the exercise slowly and thoughtfully. Feel each movement, listen to which muscles are working. After all, who, if not you, will do this? Except you, no one can.
  • Pushing off with your feet from the stops during exercise is not best idea... Because this is natural cheating. And a waste of energy. The weight is distributed between the muscles of the trunk, and the back does not work.

Exercise options

You can pull the weight to different places with a narrow and wide grip using different handles.

Grip features

Classical gym offers us 3 options for handles that allow you to pull weight with three grips:

  1. Row of the lower block with a narrow grip, palms turned towards each other. In this case, the middle part of the broadest muscles works.
  2. Wide grip row with palms inward. This grip allows you to pump the upper part of the broadest muscles.
  3. A curved bar designed for top pulley pulling allows you to engage outer part the broadest muscles due to the fact that you hold a wide grip.

Pull in different directions

Lower block rods to different parts the bodies force different parts of the back muscles to work. This feature is useful for creating a personalized contour of your back:

  1. The pull of the lower block to the waist allows you to load the middle of the lats. In general, this movement option is standard, it is recommended by most coaches. So, pulling the block to the belt can be one of the exercises in your bottom of the back. Another version of the name of the exercise is the pull of the lower block to the stomach.
  2. The groin pull will allow you to work your lower lats. This is the most difficult version of the exercise, since the bottom is always weaker than the top (judge for yourself by the volumes).
  3. Seated Rows are a common option for beginners. Sometimes this can be a sign that you have taken on a lot of weight and cannot complete the exercise, bringing it to the belt. If you pull towards the chest, then you know it sways more top part the broadest.

Recall that the exercise is done while sitting, not standing. Therefore, most of the muscles are isolated. However, your legs are a little tense to keep your pelvis from moving with your weight.

Cravings for girls

The girls' triangular back does not look very nice, you must agree, therefore, when working with this exercise, girls should not chase weights. You just need to tighten the lats, to tone them up. Work on quantity, doing 12-15 reps in three sets. Take your time, let the muscles work smoothly.

You shouldn't vary with different bars and pull them to different parts of the body. Do the classic - it rocks the lats almost evenly.

When shouldn't you do deadlifts?

When your lower back hurts, you can do this exercise by wearing a special orthopedic belt. It is necessary to protect the sacro-lumbar spine from unnecessary stress. Let your lats swing and keep your lower back safe.

If during the pulling of the lower block you have pain in your hands in the elbow area, stop doing it. When performing the exercise, it connects to the biceps brachial muscle that you can pull. It will heal for a long time, causing discomfort only with a significant load.

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