Increase the volume of the biceps. Workout program to increase arm muscles

So, let's take a look at how to increase the volume of your arms using pull-ups. reverse grip, spending 5-30 minutes a day on it.

If you have never used linear progression when performing basic pull-ups, then know that by doing so you have left a "hole" in your development that is just waiting to be filled.

Even if you are an experienced athlete and you have your own training program, you can use this program in parallel with yours. It will be like an anabolic addition to yours and after 2 months you will increase the volume of your arms by 2 cm.Most of these programs are aimed at increasing the number of pull-ups, but the goal of this program is precisely to increase lean muscle mass and strength, we do not want to be skinny guys who only and they know how to pull up a lot.

This program does not interfere with your main training process, but only complements it. You don't need to adjust your program either, only on hand day you can reduce the number of approaches. The beauty of it is that it works for both the beginner and the experienced athlete if it hasn't been used before. In addition to the volume and strength of the arms, you will strengthen almost all the muscles in the upper body.

The program is divided into two stages (months), the first is an increase in mass, the second is an increase in mass and strength.

The essence of the first stage of this program is frequent non-refusal pull-ups during the day 5 days a week, and one intensive refusal day for 5 minutes. To complete this program, you must be able to pull up at least 12 times cleanly, without jerking. If you cannot, then at first you can transgress up to 12 times.

In the second stage, we focus on strength training, we perform them in a day or two, according to our state of health. For this we need a weighting agent. This can be a weighted belt or a weight vest. We select the load in such a way that we can pull ourselves up no more than 6 times in one approach. With this weight, we should pull up a total of 25 times per workout. Rest between sets is not limited, rest as much as you want. In the process, when you can pull up more than 6 times, increase the burden.

Pull-ups must be performed either neutral grip(palms parallel to each other), or reverse (palms facing you)

Sample program:

Target: Volume

We will do several sets of pull-ups every day. None of them should be abandoned, and you don't need to rest between sets less than an hour... For this, use a horizontal bar, a tree branch, a beam in the garage, and other improvised means.

Once a week we will do an extra intense workout. To do this, set a timer for five minutes and do as many pull-ups as you can, observing correct technique... The next day should be made a day off.

Keep a notebook and record your progress, increasing the number of repetitions in a linear progression each week.

Week 1

Monday: 10, 10
Tuesday: 10, 10, 10
Wednesday: 10
Thursday: 10, 10, 10
Friday: 10, 10, 10
Saturday: Super Intense Day: 40 reps in five minutes
Sunday: Rest

Total: 160 reps
Week 2

Monday: 10, 10, 10, 10
Tuesday: 10, 10
Wednesday: 10, 10, 10
Thursday: 10, 10, 10
Friday: 10, 10, 10
Saturday: Super Intense Day: 45 reps in five minutes
Sunday: Rest

Total: 195 reps
Week 3

Tuesday: 10, 10, 10
Wednesday: 10, 10, 10, 10
Thursday: 10, 10, 10, 10
Friday: 10, 10, 10, 10
Saturday: Super Intense Day: 50 reps in five minutes
Sunday: Rest

Total: 250 reps

Week 4

Monday: 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
Tuesday: 10, 10, 10, 10
Wednesday: 10, 10, 10, 10
Thursday: 10, 10, 10, 10
Friday: 10, 10, 10, 10, 10
Saturday: Super Intense Day: 52 reps in five minutes
Sunday: Rest

Total: 282 reps

Total for the first phase: 887 pull-ups in four weeks.

Results: One centimeter gain in arm circumference (very fast for an experienced athlete). Noticeable increase in upper body size and strength. Increase in abdominal muscle strength, grip and decrease in level subcutaneous fat.

  • - Try not to kill yourself in the first week. There is no need to do 250 pull-ups in the first week, you need to gradually increase the intensity and number of pull-ups.
  • - Do not train to failure, the exception is an over-intense day.
  • - Do not use this program while on a low-carb diet or if you are in a large calorie deficit. Semi-starvation and the absence of anabolic macronutrients cannot build muscle.

Duration: Four weeks
Goal: Increase mass and strength

In a month, we switch to a program with an emphasis on strength.

  • Determine your 6-reps maximum for reverse or neutral grip pull-ups using weights.
  • Using this weight, do 25 reps for each workout. It doesn't matter how many approaches you get. Even if at the end there are sets of two or one repetitions, then that's okay.

Set 1: 6 reps
Set 2: 6 reps
Set 3: 5 reps
Set 4: 4 reps
Set 5: 2 reps
Set 6: 2 reps

Increase the weight when you can easily learn to do more than six reps in the first set.

Step 3: execute this workout 3 times a week every other day. If your muscles and ligaments do not have time to recover, you can increase the rest interval by 2 days. Accordingly, the program will stretch for one and a half months (6 weeks)

After two months, we measure the biceps girth and are happy with the results. Remember to eat right and consume enough protein. All anabolism!

The very first thing that beginners want to pump up is their hands. Each of their workouts is dedicated to biceps swotting, and sometimes a little triceps. Quite a funny picture, isn't it? Over time, their efforts come to naught, since such training does not give absolutely any result. Let's all the same figure out how to build correctly training program to increase arm muscles

Hands are composed with enough small muscles, and therefore the load on the arms should not be too large, otherwise growth will be possible only when using anabolic steroids... In bodybuilding magazines there are often interviews, programs and articles on how to train your arms, but you must understand that these materials contain an exclusively “chemical” point of view, because in “big” bodybuilding, “straight people” are not very competitive.

Basic principles of hand training

  • The load should be sufficient to stimulate muscle growth, for biceps or triceps, this is a total of 6-9 approaches, divided into 2-3 exercises (for better pumping). Very often, even experienced bodybuilders train the muscles of the arms with very similar exercises (for example, various variations of the extension / flexion of the arms on the block) - the muscles receive the same load, the emphasis on shifting the load on other muscle bundles is minimal. Therefore, you should not chase the maximum variety, the main thing is to load the muscles in full. To train a certain muscle group, you can choose 2 exercises for 4 sets, or 3 for 3 sets - this will change little, much more important are the exercises themselves.
  • Muscles take time to recover and grow. The muscles of the arms are quite difficult to restore, and with growth it is completely difficult. main feature hand training programs- increased amount of rest and less stress on others muscle groups... Therefore, it is quite problematic to enlarge the chest, back and arms at the same time, something has to be sacrificed. In general, arm muscles take 12-20 days to recover and grow, so training cycle should be long. But this does not mean that after training the hands, you cannot touch them for 2-3 weeks, a light or indirect load in most cases is beneficial.
  • For the growth of any muscle, and the muscles of the arms are no exception, an increased hormonal background of the body is required. For these purposes, some resort to drugs such as ecdysterone or tribestan, and there are those who use anabolic steroids. Without the use of pharmacology, an increased hormonal level can be achieved basic exercises ... Therefore, the training program should contain a large number of exercises such as leg presses, squats, push-ups from the uneven bars. It may sound strange, but this is the basis for increasing the volume of hands. After intense workout high level hormones in the body of a bodybuilder lasts 2 days, on the 3rd it drops strongly, on the 4th it comes to a normal state. It follows from this that one cannot rest more3 days, best of all - 2 (but in this case, the recovery time is reduced).
  • You also need to remember that without quality food and excessive sleep is almost impossible to achieve growth.

Note for beginners

Remember, to train your arms you need to have enough general muscle mass if the muscles are not enough - the arms practically do not grow! Therefore, the emphasis on hand training should be done one year after the start of the training.

Workout program to increase arm muscles

Program 1

Exercises Sets and reps Time relax
Workout 1
1 Leg press 3x8-10 3
2 Rise on toes 3x20 2
3 Standing barbell curls 3x10 3
4 "Hammer" with dumbbells 3x12 4
5 EZ Barbell Curls 2-3x10 5
2-3 days of rest
Workout 2
1 Push-ups from wide bars 3x4-6 4
2 Bench press 3x8 3
3 Dumbbell Bench Press 2x10 3
4 3x10 3
5 Dumbbell Shrugs 2x10 3
6 Crunches on the press 3x10 2
2-3 days of rest
Workout 3
1 Squats 3x15 4
2 Lying Leg Curl 3x10 3
3 French press 3x8-10 3
4 2-3x10 4
5 Extension of arms on the block 3x12 5
2-3 days of rest
Workout 4
1 Deadlift 3x7 5
2 Upper block 2x10 3
3 T-thrust 3x12 3
4 Reverse grip pull-ups 2-3x8 2
5 Hanging crunches on the press 3x10 2
2-3 days of rest
The beginning of a new cycle

Beginners when training their arms should not use cheating, supersets, negative phase and so on. Any methods of intensifying training can be used when the body's potential is practically exhausted.

Program 2

Exercises Sets and reps Time relax
Workout 1
1 Leg press 3x8-10 4
2 Caviar 3x20 2
3 Medium Grip Barbell Row 3x8 3
4 Dumbbell Shrugs 2x10 3
5 Bench press with medium grip 2x10 2
2-3 days of rest
Workout 2
1 Push-ups from wide bars 3x6 5
2 Bench press in an incline 3x8 3
3 French press 3x8-10 3
4 Extension of arms on the block 4x10-12 3
5 Crunches on the press 3x10 2
2-3 days of rest
Workout 3
1 Squats 3x15 4
2 Lying Leg Curl 3x10 3
3 Upper block 2x10 3
4 Reverse grip pull-ups 2x8 2
2-3 days of rest
Workout 4
1 Deadlift 3x7 5
2 T-thrust 2x10 3
3 EZ Barbell Curls 3x10 3
4 "Hammer" with dumbbells 3x12 4
5 Hanging crunches on the press 3x10 2

These programs are not designed to develop other muscles in the body besides the arms, but, albeit to a lesser extent, the whole body will develop. Each program is designed for 1.5-2 months of training. The sequence of application of the programs is as follows - first take the first program, after 2 months you switch to your usual program or a program that develops legs or upper body, after 2-3 months you can return to the emphasis on the hands, in this case, go to the second program.

Do you have thin, flabby arms with weak muscles? If you eat high protein foods and exercise daily physical exercise then your arms will become strong and muscular very quickly! Many people prefer to study in gym, however, you can train at home without any sports equipment... Exercise regularly and you will reach your goal much faster than you expect!


Part 1

Dumbbell Hand Exercises

    Start with light weights and work your way up over time. There should be enough weight for the exercise to be effective enough, but at the same time, you should be able to lift it. If you find it difficult to complete a certain number of repetitions, choose a lower weight and keep training! Too much heavy weight may cause injury.

    Train your biceps. The biceps are considered the “largest” part of the upper arm. And this is a really important part to train in order to have big hands!

    • Perform arm curls. Choose a weight that is large enough that you can lift several times. Sit on a bench, bend forward and place your elbow on your leg near your knee. Take a dumbbell, extend your arm so that your forearm is parallel to the floor, and then lift the dumbbell towards your chest. In this case, the elbow should remain on the knee all the time. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  1. Train your shoulders. A person with large arms should also have large shoulders. This is an important part of big hands that is often overlooked. When training your shoulders, make sure that your back stays straight, otherwise you can get injured!

    Train your triceps, which are located on back side the upper half of the arm. These are very important muscles, but they often receive significantly less attention than the biceps. However, strong triceps are just as important for arm development!

    • Do two rounds of dumbbell extension from behind the head, one for each arm. Choose a medium weight dumbbell. Lean forward slightly, keeping your back straight and slightly bent at the knees, and bring the dumbbell back behind your head, bending your elbow. Then straighten your arm over your head and bend it back again. Repeat the exercise 10 times for each hand.
  2. Train other parts of the body. A person with well-developed muscular arms and thin, weak legs looks rather strange. Regularly train the muscles not only of the arms, but also of other parts of the body: legs, back and chest... Many people find it convenient to set aside specific days to train different muscle groups.

    • For example, Monday and Thursday can be reserved for arm training, Tuesday and Friday can be reserved for legs, and Wednesday and Saturday can be reserved for back and chest muscles.
    • Set aside at least one day a week to rest. For muscles to grow and strengthen, they need time to rest and recover.
  3. Train your shoulder muscles without dumbbells with raised legs. At the same time, put your feet on a chair, gymnastic ball or box and do push-ups from the floor 10 times in one set. Keep your back and legs straight to avoid injury.

    To train your triceps without dumbbells, do bench push-ups. Please select suitable bench, sit on it, rest your palms on the sides of your torso and stretch your legs in front of you. Slowly lower yourself off the bench, resting on your hands. Then straighten your arms and raise your body, then bend your arms again and lower yourself down. Do not sit on the ground or help yourself with your feet, or the exercise will be less effective.

Part 3

Diet to build muscle

    Eat foods that are suitable for your purposes. If you want to build up muscle mass, you should eat a large amount of protein. Research has shown that eating protein foods can accelerate muscle growth. The reason is simple: your body uses proteins to build muscle tissue. The more protein it gets, the faster the muscles grow. When you start exercising regularly, you need to consume enough protein to get quick results.

    Eat protein-rich foods. Think about your preferred food. Are there many proteins in it? For example, lean beef is an excellent source of protein. 120 grams of lean ground beef contains 30 grams of protein. If you like lean beef, try to eat it more often. If you don't eat meat, quinoa is an excellent source of protein, which contains 8 grams of protein per cup (200 grams).

    Eat more healthy foods. If you are trying to build muscle, you should provide your body with building materials. This means that you need to consume significantly more calories than usual. To determine the number of calories you need, multiply your weight by 44. For example, a person weighing 75 kilograms will need 3,300 calories daily to build muscle.

Part 4

Using protein powder
  • Start with small loads and work up gradually over time. Don't use too much large weights to look spectacular - this way you will only harm yourself and not impress anyone.
  • There are hundreds of other hand exercises that can be found on the internet. Watch a YouTube video or join a dedicated internet forum to find out which exercises are best for you.


  • Be especially careful when exercising with weights; if you use the wrong technique, you can easily hurt yourself.
  • Your muscles will ache for the first 1 or 2 weeks. Start with light loads.
  • If you are an older person, you have excess weight or other health problems, consult your doctor first.
  • Observe the measure. A slight "burning" sensation in the muscles is a good sign, but if you are experiencing severe pain, stop exercising immediately.
  • Do not follow hard exercise by oneself. If you get injured, there is no one to help you.

There is no bodybuilder who doesn't want massive, sculpted arms. Nearly all IFBB champions exhibit phenomenal arm muscle development. There are bodybuilders whose genetic potential allows you to have huge hands without spending a lot of effort for this - for example A. Backles. Even before a competition, he rarely does more than 10-12 sets of biceps and triceps, 2 times a week. Meanwhile, others devote a lot more time to developing their hands and still can't catch up with Backles. However, any bodybuilder with a serious approach to this issue can significantly increase the volume of the arms and improve the shape of the biceps and triceps.

1. For full biceps development, you must supinate the hand while doing dumbbell or block curls. Some champion bodybuilders made a quantum leap in biceps development as soon as they began to roll the wrist.

2. All types of concentrated curls will help you develop the natural "peak" of your biceps. However, do hundreds of sets of these exercises, but if genetic biceps flat, you will not have a “peak”. Remember S. Oliva! Boera Coe, having good genetics and by including concentrated curls in his training, on the contrary, he developed his biceps to failure.

3. Many bodybuilders, wanting to develop their triceps to the maximum, often injure them. What to do?

It is better to avoid injury from the very beginning, but if the elbows are already injured, one must try not to get "traumatized". The main thing is a thorough warm-up. L. Ferrigno advises starting arm training with the biceps, and then kneading the triceps with three to four "light" sets of deadlift blocks with a high number of repetitions. The weight in each set increases slightly. Do more presses in your programs narrow grip and push-ups, not French presses. Hand pumping is not as difficult as it sounds. You just need to believe in yourself and really want to make your hands big.

If you're looking for a workout program that will inflate your arms to gigantic proportions in a record a short time, and that it was a highly scientific program, and that it was a win-win program, then this article is what you need. After just three workouts in the "shock therapy" program, you will find your hands quite fat, as if there were two 8kg hams in the sleeves of your shirt (or 6kg, it depends on your genetics). How uncomfortable will you have to feel for such a metamorphosis? Well, the procedure is, in general, quite painful, but short. First, you need to scientifically explain where these results come from:

1) the program uses the most effective exercises.

2) The muscles are worked out completely, without emphasis on individual heads, bundles, etc.

Extension arms on the block (Decline extensions).

This exercise loads all three triceps heads as much as possible. You get full accentuated stimulation of the entire muscle in one exercise. If this exercise is done while lying on your back, it works mainly long head triceps, so if you want to thoroughly reach your triceps, do it in an incline.

Overhead extension with dumbbells.

This is also a very effective exercise, loads all three triceps heads. Interestingly, the same exercise, performed with a barbell instead of dumbbells, hits only the lateral and middle heads, leaving the long one to rest. The reason why the dumbbell option is more effective is the position of the hands, palms turned inward, towards each other.

Narrow grip barbell curls.

Fully loads both biceps and brachialis heads. If you do this exercise with a wide grip, basically only one head of the biceps, closest to the body, works, and the other (together with the brachialis) only observes it. The grip should be narrow, about 25 cm between the hands.

Sitting dumbbell curls incline bench.

It also bombards both biceps heads, as well as a bunch of small muscles in the elbow area. The reason this exercise is effective is good stretch... The soles of your feet should be firmly on the floor, your arms should be bent at the same time and do not linger below - immediately begin to bend your arms.

Stretching greatly contributes to the maximum connection to the work of all muscle fibers. This works especially well if one of the superset exercises is working at high amplitude, stretching the muscle. For example, you are doing a superset "Incline Biceps with Dumbbells + Narrow Grip Barbell Biceps". What it does: After a couple of warm-up sets, you do a heavy-weight, narrow-grip biceps set to failure. Cheating is possible here (it's hard after all). After a short rest, the shock superset begins. First comes the biceps with dumbbells on an incline bench, this forces the muscles to work by stretching and react to the stretch by incorporating new muscle fibers. Then, without giving muscle fibers cool down and settle down, you do a lighter approach with a narrow grip barbell, 20% lighter than the first set. After resting for two minutes and massaging your swollen biceps, you finish them with concentrated flexions, one or two approaches, straining the biceps to the limit at the end point.

Triceps are handled in the same way: One approach of decline extensions, light cheating won't hurt here either. Take a moment to rest, throw a couple of pancakes on the barbell, then do an overhead barbell extension set in the decline triceps extensions superset. Then your bloated triceps will beg for mercy. Rest for about two minutes, admire your triceps, and finish them off by extending your arms in an incline. Keep an eye on the position of your elbows. One approach is enough, but some masochists take two ...

Shoot your muscles with supersets until they start to burn. The last Scientific research show that using supersets lowers blood pH, which stimulates the production of the growth hormone we all need.

Brachialis is important for the "biceps peak". The brachialis is located under the biceps, so as you develop this muscle, you raise the biceps. Since the barbell curls work well on the brachialis, you can do one final set. Very good exercise on brachialis - "hammer" curls of the arms (curls of arms with dumbbells sitting on an incline bench, palms look inward, thumbs- up).

More rest means more volume. You load each muscle to the maximum with only four or five sets, which means that you have more opportunities for hypertrophy. Remember what more approaches you do, the less your body has opportunities for recovery after an intense load, efficiency is what is most important. This key moment any program for the hands - for the smallest possible amount, exhaust the largest possible number of muscle fibers.


Biceps lift

The main impact. The exercise works on the biceps as well as the muscles of the inner surface of the forearms.

Method of execution. Grasp the bar with a bottom grip. The grip is about 10-15 cm wider than the shoulders. Now straighten your torso. The bar should rest on the front of your thighs. Press your elbows to your torso and keep them in this position until the end of the exercise. Trying to keep your torso perfectly straight, slowly bend your elbows. Lift the bar up until the bar is under your chin. Also slowly return the bar to initial position... Experiment with your grip width.

French press

The main impact. Exercise has a strong effect on the triceps as a whole, especially on its middle and inner beams. Method of execution. You need to take the barbell with a narrow grip from above, lie on the bench and spread your legs, comfortably resting your feet on the floor. Straighten your arms and begin to lower the barbell down until the bar touches your forehead or nose. Try to keep your elbows still and lift the bar with the effort of some triceps. Options. The exercise has many varieties. They do not affect the effect, but they can significantly diversify the workout. Firstly, " French press»Can be done on an incline bench with the head up or down. Secondly, you can do it while standing or sitting. It is clear that in the first case, the weight of the bar should be increased, and in the second, on the contrary, reduced. Third, you can use a barbell with curved neck and so unload the forearms a little.

One of the common problems that many athletes face is that the width of the biceps is too small at a sufficiently impressive height. As a result, the biceps looks great in profile, but in the front view, your hands look as if you have never touched a dumbbell in your life. The reason for this lies, oddly enough, not in the biceps, but in the brachialis - the muscle that is located under it, because it is she who allows the hands to look voluminous in front.

Unfortunately, brachialis exercises cannot be seen in every program. Of course, this muscle works in some exercises for the biceps, but this load may not be enough for his hypertrophy. So it's time to take on a couple of exercises that will give an accentuated load on the brachialis and help demonstrate the muscle volume of the arm muscles from any angle.

Cross Dumbbell Raises

How to increase the width of the biceps? It is enough to slightly change the technique of the popular hammer exercise to shift the load off it. To do this, it is necessary to lift the dumbbells not straight up, but up obliquely - towards the solar plexus.

  • Take dumbbells in your hands with a neutral grip: palms facing the body.
  • As you inhale, lift your right dumbbell obliquely towards your solar plexus.
  • Pause at the top and as you exhale, slowly return the dumbbell to its original position.
  • Repeat with the other hand.

Pull-ups with a narrow grip

To get the brachialis involved, you need pull-ups with a narrow, straight grip. They can be performed both on a regular bar and in a simulator if the muscles do not have sufficient strength to perform the required number of repetitions.

  • Hang on the horizontal bar so that the distance between your palms is about 20-30 centimeters.
  • Slowly as you exhale, pull yourself up to the bar so that the bar is at chin level.
  • Hold for a short time and, while inhaling, also slowly return to the starting position.
  • Do the required number of repetitions.

Reverse grip barbell lifts

Not the most popular barbell exercise, but it works in relation to the brachialis, which is included in the work thanks to the reverse grip.

  • Take the barbell so that your palms are shoulder-width apart. The grip is the opposite, which means that the palms are looking straight at the floor.
  • As you exhale, slowly lift the barbell until it is at shoulder level.
  • Hold at the point of peak contraction and slowly return the bar to its original position while inhaling.


Since the brachialis is located under the biceps, after including it in the program, you will notice that your biceps have become visually wider and more voluminous. Moreover, since the large brachialis will push the biceps outward, the peak of the biceps will increase along with the width.

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