Lifting the bar for biceps in the Scott bench. Scott bench curls

Among bodybuilders, Scott's bench lift is considered the best exercise for building neat and beautiful biceps. Let's try to understand the benefits of the exercise.

Lifting a barbell on a Scott bench: features and exercise technique

All connoisseurs know that the biceps should be beautiful and have good relief. To develop its mass, you need to choose an exercise. For biceps, a barbell lift on a Scott bench is best suited. The exercise itself arose much later than the classical ascent. And they love him for the fact that during the training you can feel how the muscles burn and work, how they tense. Many famous athletes got maximum effect from training precisely during classes on the Scott bench.

Benefits of Scott Bench Exercise

The main advantage lies in the fact that during the exercise the muscles seem to train with full force. Both muscles and tendons - everything works to its fullest. Due to the structure of the bench, all the muscles seem to be pulled up, so the training of the biceps with a barbell occurs in full force. However, if an athlete entered the gym for the first time and has not yet held a barbell in his hands, then this exercise is not for him. You can start exercising on the Scott bench only when the body is used to the stress, and the athlete himself has mastered traditional exercises with a barbell.

Scott Bench Exercise Technique

To perform the exercise correctly, you need to sit on Scott's bench and set your elbows so that they rest and are above the base dedicated platform benches. There is also a special bottom point. It is important to make sure that the arms are not straightened - this does not allow the muscles to relax. During the exercise, you need to keep your back straight. You only need to look forward on the Scott bench during the exercise. That's what it is correct technique work with a projectile. If you do the exercises incorrectly, you can seriously harm your health.

With the help of a special back grip, you can strengthen different groups muscles and make them perfect. For a reverse grip, you need to sit on Scott's bench and make sure that your elbows are slightly spread out. In doing so, they must rest against the base of the platform. This will not only increase the comfort for exercising, but also make the exercise even more effective. With this simple exercise, you can build biceps in a short time, when, like other athletes, spend many years on it. And the whole point is that they do not know the anatomy and do not understand how to approach the simulator correctly.

As a conclusion, I would like to add that the famous actor Arnold Schwarzenegger owes his success to Scott's bench, with which he was able to increase beautiful muscles hands. Most of the record holders also train exclusively on this apparatus. With enough thoughtful and structured workouts over the course of several months, your biceps will be perfect and worthy of praise. The only thing to remember is to take care of the technique of performing the exercises and monitor the diet.

(3 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Today, in almost every gym, whether in a metropolis or in a provincial city, there is a special bench for doing manual exercises, namely biceps and forearms training. This bench bears the name of its inventor Larry Scott.

Often this simulator is classified as a "man's" one, since it is male athletes, especially beginners, who love to start training with exercises to pump up the muscles of the arms.

Execution technique

Despite the fact that the exercises on the Scott bench are not technically difficult, however, trainees often make certain mistakes when performing them. Therefore, it is worth considering in detail all the elements of the exercises.

First step

The first step is to carefully adjust the music rest to give it a proper and comfortable height for the position of your hands. If training is carried out with an ez-bar, then the width of the grip should be determined by the notches on the neck. It is imperative to monitor the position of the palms: they should be slightly bent inward and directed forward.

Bend your arms slightly and put them parallel to each other for the entire length of the bench, and rest against the bend of the simulator with the armpit. Legs to rest as tightly as possible on the floor, keep your back straight. This is starting position before the start of the lesson.

Second step

Slowly lower the barbell while inhaling, unbending the elbow joint. Thus, there is a complete extension of the biceps. Then lift the projectile, applying only the efforts of the biceps until they are completely contracted. At the same time, the bar of the bar should rise to shoulder height. Exhale at the moment of effort. Make the maximum muscle contraction at the final point of the amplitude.

In this case, the voltage must be maintained for two seconds. It is not worth "battering off" the weight when the arms return to a straight position. Repeat the indicated sequence of actions a certain number of times, for example, according to the formula 3 × 8.

The above example is for the classic way doing exercises on. But how to replace the barbell? And can this be done? It is allowed to use ordinary dumbbells instead of a barbell.

This method is often used to increase concentration. You can often see how a small block topped with a straight rod is used as a weight, which acts as a substitute for the barbell neck.

During the exercise itself, it is advisable to experiment with the width of the grip. This will allow you to determine for yourself in which position of the hands the tension on the muscles will be maximum. It is also worth changing the position of the grip when pain occurs, especially in the elbow joints.

Scott Bench Curls: Video

What muscles work

  1. Targeted:
  • biceps;
  • brachialis.
  1. Synergists:
  • brachyradialis;
  • round pronator.
  1. Stabilizers:
  • diamond-shaped;
  • back extensors;
  • trapezoid;
  • flexors of the wrist.

When bending the arms on the Scott bench, only the target muscle groups should be strained -. The main requirement in this case is optimality, that is, all efforts should be directed to the inner head of the biceps muscle. Part of the work is distributed to the forearm, since it is with its help that the bar is held.

However, this should be the only load that the forearms will receive. Improper arm training can cause biceps loads to go to the front deltas or forearms. It is not right. There is no need to connect additional muscle groups.

After all, the point of exercise is precisely to train the biceps, and not to learn how to pull heavy weight... Of course, exercise progress is necessary, but it should only grow at the expense of the targeted muscle groups.

Workout nuances

The apparent simplicity of the exercise is actually deceiving. Therefore, you should not neglect the advice that professionals give about the correct exercise technique. First of all, you need to adjust the simulator before training in such a way that top part reached the middle of the chest or slightly below.

But by no means higher. This is another way to prevent exercise injury. Another tip on this is not to fully lower the barbell. Leave the elbow joint slightly bent. It is also desirable to have an assistant nearby who will be able to deliver and receive the projectile.

Do not lower your head, but look only straight ahead: for this, doing the exercise in front of a mirror can help. For better stability and less fatigue, the spine should remain neutral and the posture itself should be balanced when exercising on the bench. No need to hunch over and round your shoulders.

Keep the chest straightened. Perform each movement with a barbell slowly, with proper concentration and control, without using the force of inertia. The thrust of the projectile is carried out not at the expense of the hands, but using the force of the biceps.

One of the important nuances of the exercise technique is the isolation of the elbows in order to avoid unnecessary mobility in the joints. Thus, the efficiency of the work of the biceps increases, which, in turn, contributes to the elaboration of the contour, shape and volume of the muscles themselves.


As a result, we can conclude that curls of the arms on the Scott bench are most necessary for those who have poor "feel" of the biceps. Due to the isolated nature of the exercises, it is possible to load this particular muscle group.

Composing an individual set of exercises, you should dilute biceps training, for example, exercises with dumbbells. Pumping up the biceps carries both the aesthetic side and contributes to the growth of performance during the bench press.

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The advantage of this exercise is that it excludes the use of chitting, so the biceps brachii gets the maximum load.

The exercise is named after the famous bodybuilder Larry Scott, with whom he achieved good results in the development of biceps. It is believed that this exercise acts more on the lower biceps. The Scott Bench Curl is one of the best exercise for the development of the biceps brachii.

Consider the options and techniques for performing this exercise.

1. Curl of the arms with a barbell on the Scott bench

The main working muscles:

  • Biceps

Starting position:

Sit on Scott's bench and put your pelvis back a little. The armpits rest against the corner of the bench. The shoulders are firmly pressed to the surface up to the elbow. Take a barbell with a middle grip from the bottom (palms facing up). You can use a regular bar - to put more load on the inner bicep head or EZ ( curved neck) - to shift the load on the external head and brachialis muscle.

  1. As you exhale, bend your elbows.
  2. As you inhale, lower your arms to the starting position.

2. Curls of arms with dumbbells on the Scott bench

The main working muscles:

  • Biceps

Starting position:

Sit on Scott's bench and hold dumbbells in both hands (palms facing up). You can also take the dumbbells with the "Hammer" grip (palms facing each other) - to work out shoulder muscle(brachialis).

Exercise technique:

  1. As you exhale, straining your biceps, bend your arms as much as possible, lifting the dumbbells to your shoulder.
  2. Lower the dumbbells while inhaling.

3. Flexion of one arm from dumbbells on the Scott bench

The main working muscles:

  • Biceps

Starting position:

Place your working hand with the dumbbell on the bench cushion and hold the dumbbell in a straight arm.

The Scott Bench, named after, is the best way for isolated and local work on the biceps. Unlike standing curls and dumbbells, the bench principle is that the biceps cannot have support muscles. Working on a special bench will help increase the volume and shape the "peak" of the biceps brachii. Also, in addition to the bench, there is block trainer Larry-Scott.

Anatomy exercise

The main working muscles are:

  • biceps brachii (biceps);
  • shoulder.

Secondary muscles in work on the bench, are the brachioradialis muscles and the round pronators.


Working on the volume of the biceps, important to give correct load, namely, isolating from other muscles, this will give the necessary impetus to growth and quality.

It is when the barbell is lifted on the Scott bench that the arms and elbows are positioned so that you can't help yourself with a jerk or other muscle groups.

Here you can concentrate on maximizing the contraction of the biceps, and high-quality work does not require huge weights.

Medium Grip Straight Bar Curl Technique

  • Good .
  • Prepare a straight bar of the required weight by placing it on special bench racks.

Step-by-step exercise algorithm:

  1. First, while standing, grab the bar with a shoulder-width grip, then sit on the bench, resting your elbows on the armrest, and lift the bar.
  2. The feet rest on the floor.
  3. Take a comfortable sitting position, having previously adjusted the height of the seat for growth so that your shoulders do not lift up on the back of the simulator, rest chest.
  4. Exhale: Perform a barbell curl on a Scott bench, flexing the biceps as much as possible in the upper phase.
  5. Inhale: Slowly lower your arms without fully extending your elbows - this will prevent joint injuries and tendon sprains.
  6. Work with moderate weight, as the muscles and ligaments are under great stress. Find a comfortable weight for 8-12 reps, do 4 sets. Desirable working with an assistant, on the last difficult repetitions, the insurer with a little effort will help to qualitatively refine the approach.
  7. On the last rep, slowly straighten your arms, rise and lower the bar to the racks, then rest 2 minutes. Desirable stretch the muscles, pressing with one hand on the wrist of the other palm, unfolded "away from you", feeling the bicep extension, and change.

You can also do biceps curls with EZ fretboard on Scott's bench. This curved neck helps reduce the load on the joints of the hands and shoulders, while their correct position will not allow pain in the joints to distract from the main muscle work. The bar will help you choose a comfortable grip for everyone, depending on anatomical features.

  1. Prepare an EZ bar of the required weight by placing it on the stands.
  2. Place your palms narrow grip on the bends of the neck from below. Without forgetting about safety precautions, remove the bar.
  3. Exhale: do a flexion of the arms, straining the peak of the biceps as much as possible.
  4. Inhale: Slowly unbend your elbows, but do not fully straighten your elbows.
  5. The option must also be performed 8-12 reps, 4 sets... Remember to rest no more 2 minutes.

Great exercise for biceps in that the hands, working with dumbbells, cannot compensate each other, that is, the stronger one does not pull the weak one. With dumbbells, everything is fair. But the technique will not differ much from the barbell. This version of the exercise on the Scott bench is quite difficult and concentrated, but fortunately, the weight of the dumbbells can be minimal, select the load individually.

  1. Take dumbbells in your hands and, placing your hands in front of the armrest, sit down.
  2. Exhale: do a dumbbell curl, including the biceps as much as possible.
  3. Inhale: slowly, but not all the way, unbend your elbows.
  4. Follow 8-12 reps, on 4 sets. Desirable start with light dumbbells, increasing it with each set.

In fact, the simulator is the same bench, but instead of free weight, you will already be lifting the bar-handle. Here you can add load by hanging pancakes or setting the required number of plates.
The exercise is performed in the simulator as follows:

  1. Sit with your elbows on the cushion of the simulator, grab the handle from below with a medium or narrow grip.
  2. Exhale: bend your arms all the way, feeling the work of the biceps muscle.
  3. Inhale: Slowly lower the bar without bending your elbows all the way.

Of course, the best for muscle growth is work with free weights, at which more muscle fibers therefore the volumes will be larger. Therefore, the Scott bench is ideal for arm training.

Pick your weight wisely, don't chase large weights, here quality is important, not quantity.

Try not to release tension from the muscles during the set., let the biceps constantly work, only then do the stretching of the fibers for. Do not neglect warm-up and - this will preserve the elasticity of the muscles, flexible muscles grow faster without being enslaved.

Flexion of arms on Scott's bench in video format

Also read what exercises to do in the gym for pumping biceps
How to build biceps at home.

My compliments to beginners and actively continuing! Wednesday is on the calendar, 22 April, which means it's time for a technical note on the project, and today we will talk about bending the arms on Scott's bench. After reading, you will learn all about the execution technique, muscle atlas and the benefits of “beastly” flexion. In addition, we will compare and evaluate the effectiveness different types manual exercises.

So, take your seats, I give the third call.

Scott's bench curls. What, why and why?

In almost any, even the most mossy gym, there is a Scott bench - a specially designed bench designed for doing exercises on the arms, in particular, the biceps and forearms. I am sure that you are also familiar with it firsthand, and you have paid your respects to her at least once. For the most part, Scott's bench is a male machine because swinging arms is a favorite pastime of most beginners (and not only) athletes. Ladies are more worried about triceps. (so that nothing hangs at hand) and of course, the center of the universe is the priest. By the way, she also worries men, but in a completely different context, so to speak, contemplative and watchful. Well, okay, let's return to our rams and take a closer look at the bestial exercise.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Muscle Atlas

Seated Scott Bench Curls are a single-joint isolation exercise aimed at working out the biceps brachii. It excludes any swaying and cavitation and precisely “puts” the load on the biceps. In addition to the biceps, brachialis, brachyradialis are involved in the work. (especially with reverse grip top), and wrist flexors act as stabilizing muscles.

A complete muscle atlas presents the following picture:


By doing Scott Bench Curls, you get the following benefits:

  • complete isolation and accentuated study of the biceps brachii;
  • lack of body movements and more independent (without assistants) study of the biceps;
  • development of strength and increase in muscle volume of the biceps;
  • exercise variability (different grips, bars, shells);
  • minimizing stress on the wrists.

Execution technique

The exercise does not belong to the category of technically difficult, however, this does not prevent the practitioners from making mistakes in it. Therefore, we will analyze the step-by-step execution technique, which looks like this.

Step # 0.

Walk up to Scott's bench and adjust the backrest to the desired / comfortable arm height. Equip the EZ bar and grip it shoulder-width apart along the notches. Pay attention to the palms of your hands - they should be facing forward and slightly tilted inward. With your arms slightly bent, place them (along the entire length) parallel to each other on the bench, and rest your armpit against the bend. Firmly rest your feet on the floor, keep your back straight. This is your starting position.

Step # 1.

While inhaling, slowly lower the barbell, straightening your arm in elbow joint and fully stretching the biceps. Using only the strength of the biceps, lift the barbell until it is fully contracted and the bar is at shoulder height. Exhale with effort. At the end point of the amplitude, perform a peak contraction while holding the voltage 1-2 seconds. Repeat the specified sequence the specified number of times.

In the picture version, the bending of the arms on the Scott bench looks like this:

In motion so ...


In addition to the classics, there are the following variations of bending the arms on the bench:

  • straight neck;
  • with dumbbell / dumbbells;
  • on a cable simulator;
  • bending arms with dumbbells with a hammer grip;
  • reverse flexion with a barbell.

Secrets and subtleties of execution

Despite all its simplicity, it is necessary to remember about the following technical features:

  • do not extend your arms completely at the lowest point;
  • use an EZ bar preferable, it puts less stress on the wrists and is more comfortable;
  • do not wiggle your body on the seat and do not help to pull weight with muscles / body parts other than the biceps;
  • do not take your elbows off the bench surface;
  • do not throw weight, but lead it slowly and under control;
  • do not hang at the top of the movement and do not rest there;
  • squeeze the biceps as much as possible at the top;
  • do not bend the brushes towards you at the top of the trajectory;
  • do not use heavy weights and keep the number of repetitions in the range 8-12 ;
  • when performing curls on the block, tension is constantly maintained in the biceps, and in the starting position it is more stretched.

Different work with different grip. Which to choose?

When performing curls on the Scott bench, the bar can be taken with different grips, and the shift of the load depends on this, in particular, always remember that:

  • standard grip - all two biceps heads work;
  • narrow grip - the emphasis is shifted to the outer / long head, lighter weights;
  • wide grip - the emphasis is shifted to the inner / short head, greater weights.

We have finished with the technical side, now we turn to the comparative one.

Dumbbells VS barbell. What to choose?

Biceps exercises are divided into unilateral and bilateral. The former use one hand in motion (e.g. lifting a dumbbell), the second - two. In unilateral exercises, each arm receives an equal amount of resistance / load. Bilateral exercises use both hands and the disadvantage is that strong hand can lift more (leading), and the weak will simply follow her. This is something to remember and incorporate versatile exercises into your biceps workout.

How to work out your biceps effectively?

Biceps - Small muscle group, nevertheless, she also (like the big ones) loves to work from different angles, so it is important to periodically change the angles / grips / types of the projectile in order to shock as much as possible biceps... In particular, the following proved to be an effective mass-gaining scheme: bending of the arms with an EZ-bar on a sitting bench, alternate bending of arms with dumbbells on a Scott bench while sitting, reverse bending of the arms.


Another technical note has come to an end, today we talked about bending the arms on Scott's bench. Now your manual exercise arsenal has arrived. We finish reading these lines and blow into the hall, test theory in practice, go ahead!

PS. What exercises do you use in your biceps workouts?

PPS. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network- a plus 100 points to karma, guaranteed :).

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

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