The best forearm and hand workouts. Swinging the forearms: increasing volume and strength

Why is it important to develop forearms? In this article, you will learn what role these muscles play, as well as learn about exercises that stimulate their growth, regardless of genetic characteristics.

Massive forearms are considered a sign and business card a real bodybuilder or athlete. Indeed, well-developed, muscular forearms create a feeling of gigantic strength. And from a functional point of view, they allow the athlete to work with constantly increasing weights. The forearms increase grip strength, and thus participate in deadlift exercises. On stage, underdeveloped forearms are immediately evident and also distort the proportions of the body.

If you want big muscles, you have to do special exercises and workouts for the forearms. In addition to being some of the most difficult muscles to grow, their shape and size limit depend on genetics. And those who have not been rewarded with good heredity by nature will have to sweat a lot in training.

Arm muscle anatomy

The muscles of the arms have many large muscles that are visible from the outside that help us in our daily activities, such as changing clothes or lifting weights.

The most sophisticated design of the forearms allows us to perform completely different movements of our hands. Also strikingly designed are our fingers, which allow us to grab the barbell and dumbbells. All parts of the forearm, hand, fingers interact so harmoniously with each other that this is a real ensemble of bones, ligaments and tendons.

34 complex muscles provide a wide range of mobility in our fingers and hands. They are so strong that trained people can hold their weight by grabbing something with a few fingertips.

Brachioradialis (brachioradialis muscle) It is located on the front of the forearm. It starts from the shoulder, or rather from its outer part, after which it makes an intersection through the elbow and extends to the radius. It is involved in flexion of the elbow, and also helps to rotate the forearm up / down.
Wrist arch support It is thanks to this muscle that we can do supination while pumping the biceps, as it rotates the hand outward. It resembles a thin plate in the shape of a triangle. Attached from our elbow from the side thumb.
Long radial extensor wrist Be close to the brachioradialis from the side of the triceps muscle. Participates in the outward extension of our hand.
Radial and ulnar flexors of the wrist These muscles are visible from the side of the biceps on inside our forearms. They work when you need to bend the brushes towards yourself. They also perform the pronation of the hand (unfold outward), this is their additional function.
Finger extensors and flexors These muscles are located all over the forearm, on the outer and inner sides. Provides grip strength, but gives little volume.
Round pronator The main function of this muscle is to turn the hand inward from the side of our little finger. It is also used for flexion of the forearm.
Square pronator It is similar to the round one, but differs in that it has the shape of a plate with four corners and is located next to the palm.

As in the case with calf muscles, forearms require frequent and heavy loads. Despite the fact that when working with large weights (especially with various deadlifts without wrist straps), the forearms are also involved, it is still better to do special exercises.

Why swing your forearms

Statistics show that one of the first things girls in a man pay attention to when they meet or get to know each other is on their hands, and this is not surprising.

Reason # 1. Aesthetic

Let's be honest. Most bodybuilders develop their forearms to look bigger and ultimately balance the physique. Massive forearms give the impression of tremendous strength, that is, they reflect the physical capabilities of a person. In addition, the forearms, as well as the neck, are often the only visible parts of the body. But when athletes start doing wrist curls, few people think about efficiency and safety.

Reason # 2. Safety and grip strength

Strong forearms allow you to perform various exercises to other muscle groups. Oftentimes, the forearms can be a kind of weak link, limiting exercise choices. For example, pull-ups are necessary to work out the back qualitatively. reverse grip and the bent-over barbell row, in which strong forearms take the lead.

Reverse grip pull-ups

Strong forearms allow the entire upper body to develop and the athlete can lift more weight without risk of injury. Thus, forearm exercises are the key to safer and more effective training.

Bent-over barbell row

As with the calf muscles, the forearms require frequent and heavy exertion. Despite the fact that the forearms are involved when working with large weights (especially with various rows without wrist straps), it is better to perform special exercises for the forearms.

The best forearm exercises in the gym

The forearms are a fairly complex group of small muscles with several functions. The brachialis and brachioradialis muscles help to flex the arm in elbow joint and help the forearm during bends. The pronator circular muscle helps the forearm in the prone position, as well as when bending the arm at the elbow joint. Flexor muscles - long palmar muscle, the radial flexor of the hand and the ulnar flexor of the hand - flex the palm, and the extensor muscles of the ulnar and short radial extensors of the wrist - unbend it. And each of these muscles must be loaded to one degree or another with special exercises.

Extension exercises

These muscles consist of eight heads: the extensor of the fingers, the long radial extensor of the wrist, the short radial extensor of the wrist, the elbow extensor of the wrist, the extensor of the index finger, the extensor of the little finger, the long and short extensors thumb. These muscles stretch beyond the forearm, so it is very important to develop them with the following exercises

Barbell Wrist Curl, palms down

Standing pronated grip lifting

To diversify your work and stimulate further extensor muscle growth, do one of these exercises for each workout, holding the bar with your palms down. The forearms should be completely on the knees. Lower the weight so that the muscles stretch strongly. Then straighten your wrists for maximum contraction. If you are using dumbbells, work with each hand in turn.

Extension exercises

This is the largest muscle of the forearm, stretching along the entire length of its inner part. Flexors consist of six heads: the superficial flexor of the fingers, the deep flexor of the fingers, the radial flexor of the wrist, the ulnar flexor of the wrist, the long palmar muscle, and the long flexor of the thumb. Best Exercises for the flexor muscles of the forearm:

Sitting wrist curl on a bench, palms up

Seated Wrist Curl on the Bench

Sitting wrist curl with dumbbells, palms up

To perform this movement, hold the bar as you would with a normal barbell lift. Place your forearms on your hips and bend your wrists upward with maximum effort. Tighten your muscles and return to the starting position.

Exercises for the shoulder-radial muscle

The brachioradialis muscle is on the outside of the forearm and is a thick, rope-like muscle that can be easily seen when the arm is fully extended. It consists of only one head - the brachioradial. Recommended exercises for the brachioradialis muscle:

Reverse grip barbell lift

Scott Bench Curl with EZ Bar Reverse Grip

Curl of the arms for biceps on the lower block with a reverse grip

Standing alternating dumbbell curls

Ultimately you will find your own ideal exercises, having tried all of the above. Of one thing, we are completely sure, they definitely work.

Ways to enlarge your forearm at home

Forget about wrist straps. The wrist straps take the strain off the forearms and compensate for a weak grip, but in this case the muscles of the forearms are weakly loaded. For a high-quality study of the forearms, maximum muscle contraction is necessary, which is impossible with the presence of belts.

Buy collapsible dumbbells... With this amazing projectile, you will have a lot of opportunities to quickly build up the muscles of your arms and at home, diversify the number of available movements with new exercises and complexes with dumbbells for your arms.

Use a thick bar. This will make it harder to grip, and as a result of regular training, the size of the forearm will increase. If a thick bar is not at hand, simply wrap a regular bar with a towel. Similar equipment can be thought over at home.

Useful video from Yuri Spasokukotsky on the development of grip strength and forearms using the Axel Apollo traction.

Wrap the rope around the weighted roller. Stand up straight and grip the roller with your palms down. Raise your arms parallel to the floor. Start winding the rope around the roller by turning each hand up and down in turn. When the weight reaches the roller, slowly unwind the rope using the same wrist movements.

Winding the rope around the wrist roller

Basically, this device is a heavy plate attached to a small handle with a thin rope. Slowly raise the handle on straight arms to shoulder level and start winding the rope around the roller by turning the hands. When the weight reaches the roller, slowly unwind the rope with reverse movements of your wrists. Then relax and repeat the exercise.

Box. Repeatedly hitting the punching bag will also help develop forearm strength. Incorporate these exercises into your program from time to time and you will soon see progress. For example, 50 uppercuts with each hand are great for developing the forearm flexors.

Use isometric exercises. Complexes of isometric forearm exercises allow you to strengthen the muscle frame, increase strength and increase athletic performance without exhausting hours of training in the gym. Its effectiveness and availability to everyone has been proven by time, as well as its widespread use in yoga, bodybuilding, fitness, rehabilitation programs, martial arts and strength training.

Forearm Growth Gym Workout Programs

As with any muscle group, the rule applies to the forearms: changes training program will enhance muscle growth... Therefore, mix the proposed exercises periodically to increase their effectiveness. The following three programs can be incorporated into your workouts as you wish. The main thing is not to forget and mix the exercises - in order to avoid boredom and growth retardation.

As for the time to work on the forearms, this is a completely different story: it is better to train them once a week, preferably at the end of the biceps workout.

You can also work on the muscles of the forearms on separate days, for example, 2 times a week, or combine with calf training.


There are many reasons for building powerful forearms: they give the impression of strength, provide complete physical development, create a visual balance of the bodybuilder's body and, most importantly, strengthen the grip, contributing to strength work on all muscle groups. With the forearm exercises on offer, you will be able to develop these muscle groups and create a harmonious and muscular body for yourself.

Forearm training requires special attention and discipline when performing, since the forearms are an important part of the harmoniously developed muscles. Try this elaborate program for maximum forearm development.

Many people don't see forearm training as important element general training the whole complex of muscles. , and - this is the goal of most bodybuilders in any sports hall but what about the rest? Small muscle training is what completes the development of the entire muscle complex in your body.

Small muscle training is what completes the development of the entire muscle complex of your body.

The biceps femoris, calves, hind and forearms are among the small muscles that correct training can make your body more harmonious and proportional. It is thanks to these muscles that you can win or lose a bodybuilding competition, or just arouse the admiration of others.

Consider what massive shoulders are if you don't have a pair of well-developed forearms. Not only will they improve your appearance, you will also be able to develop the strength you need to lift weights and subsequently gain mass in other areas such as your back, shoulders, and biceps.

Of course, the forearms get some of the stimulation from flexions, rows, and up / down presses, but in order to unleash the full potential of the forearms (especially if they are your weak point), you need to add special complexes exercises in the training program. This does not mean that you can limit yourself to a few random movements for the forearms, performed carelessly and half-heartedly.

Training the forearms requires special attention and discipline when performing a set of exercises in a sitting position or with a press on a bench. A well-thought-out plan that includes the required amount of exercise of the appropriate intensity, as well as the use of different angles, is The best way achieve maximum muscle development.

A bit of anatomy

Surprisingly, the forearm is a complex group of small muscles with multiple functions. Brachialis ( brachial muscle) and brachioradialis (brachioradialis muscle) are responsible for flexion of the elbow and support the forearm during flexion. The circular pronator supports the forearm during rotation as well as flexion of the elbow.

Flexor muscles (palmaris longus, radial wrist flexor, and ulnar flexor of the wrist) compress the palm, while extensor muscles (ulnar extensor of the wrist and radialis extensor of the wrist) unclench it. A comprehensive program should include movements for the full development of the muscles of all parts of the forearm.

Pumping up steel forearms!

Now that you know about the anatomy and mechanisms of movement, let's figure out how to pump up the forearms. The movements and exercises presented are designed to maximize your performance every time you go to the gym. Remember to always use correct technique and don't lift too heavy weight so as not to risk your safety.

Flexion of the wrists

Basic wrist flexion (flexor muscles work more) can be done with a barbell, block, or a pair of dumbbells. The advantage of dumbbells is that they can be used when the trainer restricts the rotation of the wrists and when it is difficult to use a straight bar.

Take a load approximately shoulder-width apart and place your forearms either on a bench or on your thighs so that your hands can be lowered down towards the floor.

To begin with, extend your forearms and lower the weight down, firmly holding the bar. Reverse the motion and return the hands upward to achieve a strong muscle contraction. The range of motion will be small, so do not jerk or swing the load to avoid injury.

Advice: For those who find the position of the forearms on a bench or kneeling a little uncomfortable, it is worth trying to bend the wrists behind the back. In a standing position, with an overhead grip, hold the barbell behind your hips.

Press your forearms against your buttocks for extra support and, using only your hands, lift the bar up until the muscles contract. Doing movements in this way can sometimes relieve the pain that some feel when stretched when doing traditional wrist curls.

Reverse Grip Wrist Curl

Reverse grip wrist curls are performed in the same way as normal wrist curls, except that the palms are facing downward and the extensor muscles are working.

Hold a barbell, block handle, or dumbbells over the bench or thighs with your palms down, allow the weight to stretch the extensor muscles, then reverse the upward movement to achieve muscle contraction. Remember to control movement and not rock the load.

Advice: To achieve greater repetition intensity, try holding each contraction as you lift the bar up for a few seconds. You don't have to use a heavy load and the results will be worth it!

Hammer-style arm curl

Hammer-style curls are commonly used in biceps training, but they are also a great addition to a comprehensive forearm development program. During hammer curls, the brachialis and brachioradialis work along with the biceps to help develop the apex of the biceps.

Just hold your arms with a pair of dumbbells along your torso so that thumbs looked down. Without supinating your forearms, bend your arms and lift the weight to your shoulder - the movement should resemble a hammer. Lower your arms, then repeat.

Advice: Another way to do this exercise (some find it more effective) is with hammer-style crossbends. Move as above, but instead of bending along the body, bend through upper part torso towards the opposite shoulder. Alternate hands.

Reverse Grip Curl

Reverse-grip barbell curls are a great alternative to hammer-style curls. Perform a barbell curl as you would for a bicep workout, only with a reverse grip on the bar about shoulder-width apart. Make sure you stick to your exercise technique and use a medium weight.

Advice: For best results with isolated training forearms, try a reverse grip curl on a Scott bench. So you will not only fully work out the movements, but also ensure the isolation of the trained muscles. In this case, also choose a load of moderate weight, because perform this exercise with heavy load extremely difficult.

Grip training

There are many ways to improve your grip when training strength and building muscle mass forearms. A set of exercises for training the grip, the absence of straps when performing some exercises for the back muscles and the grip-lifting of the pancakes are just a few of the ways to develop the muscles of the forearms.

One of the most suitable methods is to have a firm grip on the bar at the end of all wrist curl sets. For example, after each set, bend your wrist into a contraction position, squeeze the bar firmly, and hold for five to ten seconds. This exercise will be difficult after a standard set, but it will increase your grip strength and add intensity to your forearm training program!

Friends, hello everyone. In this issue I decided to talk about a small muscle group, which, in my opinion, is not a priority, but, nevertheless, looking at the statistics of requests, it seems that many are interested in it - how to pump up the forearms? I will try to be concise compared to previous releases.

Friends, to be honest, I wanted to start the release, as always, with muscle anatomy. Because I have always said and still say, in order to achieve something, you need to understand how it works. In our case, we want to pump up the forearms, which means that we need to figure out how they work in order to understand what the most effective exercises are suitable for training them. But after writing a paragraph, I realized that most of them would not even understand anything, these are senseless jungles that an ordinary person would be too lazy to read.

I decided to do it a little differently, a little theory, which in theory you should understand (only the most important) and then go straight to practice, i.e. how, when and with what exercises to train the forearms. Then we will draw up training schemes based on this information. That's all. Let's go!

1. The most effective workout of the forearms, on the day of the BICEPS training! On other days it is not profitable to do this, because the forearms will receive an excessive (too much) load and possibly this will lead to

2. The forearms are the weakest muscle group in our body. I mean, you can't train your forearms at the beginning of your workout, only at the very end! Otherwise, if you train your forearms at the beginning of the workout, then it will be difficult to COMPLETELY train your back or the same biceps. FOR the forearms are a traction movement (in back training, we pull ourselves up, do various bent over rows, deadlifts and more, well, in general, the back = traction muscle group, the same with the biceps, and after training the forearms (they will get very tired) training the back or bitsuhi will be In addition, injury cannot be avoided.

In general, train your forearms only after training. And based on the first rule, train them at the end of the workout on the day of bicep workout. This will be as effective as possible.

3. Train your forearms in the same way as the rest of the muscle groups. Many gurus believe that this is a small muscle, it is very hardy and recovers faster than others, and it can be trained almost daily. I don't think this is wrong. In general, I believe that there is no need to train them separately, many professional athletes do not train them at all, because they already get enough load during the training of the back and biceps. In general, train your forearms as well as others. muscle groups, more often not necessary.

4. Increased reps. Yes, it's useless to argue here! This is very similar to training the lower leg, because the amplitude here and there is very short, and I have already said for muscle growth it does not matter how many repetitions, it is important to find the muscles under load and the time of the offensive And it should come within 10-30 seconds, that's the whole secret of the increased number of repetitions for the forearm and shins, i.e. where we manage to perform 6-12 repetitions in 10-30 seconds, then because the amplitude is very short, we will perform more (about 15-30 repetitions).

Best Forearm Exercises

  1. Reverse biceps barbell lift
  2. Barbell wrist curls

Less effective forearm exercises

  1. Extension of the forearm, sitting with a barbell on a bench
  2. Lifting dumbbells for biceps with supination
  3. Hammer bending

Forearm training scheme

In general, let's summarize: We train the forearms, like other muscle groups, not more often. It is most profitable to train for training with biceps. We train the forearms only at the end of the workout, with a higher number of repetitions (usually 15-30) according to the following scheme:

  1. Reverse lifting of the bar for biceps 4x6-12
  2. Curl of the arms at the wrists with a barbell 4x15-30

This will be enough for your forearms to start growing. Hope you found this issue useful and interesting!

Best regards, administrator.

Strong and large forearms increase the impression of appearance in general, they are always in sight in summer. also helps to make a better grip of the hands during deadlift or hanging on a horizontal bar. The forearms, arms and wrists need to be given attention during exercise.

Choose a dumbbell of the right size and weight. Sit on a bench and hold the dumbbell so that your elbow and forearm rest on your hip and your hand hangs loosely from your knee.

The elbow should be bent at an angle of 90 degrees, and the palm raised up. Now lower your arm with the dumbbell down and bend your wrist up so that your palm is toward your shoulder. Try to do it slowly. Perform 3 sets of at least 10 reps.

This is one of the most effective exercise to build larger and more powerful forearms in a short period of time. It also promotes the development of iron grip. Another benefit of this exercise is that it improves the shoulders and develops a powerful torso. Choose two dumbbells or kettlebells of the correct size.

Stand up straight with one in each hand. Start walking, while tightening your abs, lift your chest and take your shoulders back. When doing this exercise on a warm-up exercise to prepare the whole body, do 3-4 sets of 14 meters. You can also add weight, if possible, for 20 minutes.

Stand by strength training machine with his back turned to him. Attach the D-handle to the power machine, squeeze it with your right hand and step away from the machine.

Continue moving until you feel tension in the cable and your arm is slightly pulled back. Stand on your feet, swaying slightly so that left leg was ahead. With your elbow locked to prevent it from moving forward, pull the handle. 3 sets and at least 12 reps would be a good solution.

Pay close attention to your movements while doing this exercise. Grasping the fingers of your right hand with your left hand, bend the elbow of your right hand. Bend your wrist slowly so that backside hands are closer to the forearm, then slowly extend right hand to feel how the muscles stretch.

After that, rest for 1 minute and stretch the muscles from the back, bending the wrist and fingers so that the palm is closer to the forearm. 3 sets of at least 10 reps will give nice results.

Make sure your hands are not slippery before doing this exercise. This exercise allows you to wear much more weight versus a farmer's walk. And as a result, it makes the whole body more pumped up, as well as the forearms become much more powerful compared to a farmer's walk. Add to the trap fretboard heavy weight, stand inside, lift the bar up and start walking slowly.

Keeping your abs tense and shoulders back, keep as high as possible. This will increase the grip strength to a great extent. Do 3-4 sets of 9.1 m. You can also carry the weight as far as possible, if possible, for 20 minutes.

One-handed kettlebell jerk

Choose a weight that will be comfortable to handle during the exercise. This exercise will tighten all the muscles in the body. Keep the kettlebell in stable position, in balance, dusting the pen with talcum powder.

Hold the kettlebell upside down by lifting the round piece with the weight by the handle. Tighten your abs and squeeze the handle. Pull the kettlebell and fix it on straight arms above your head. A good option is 3 sets of at least 8 reps.

Adjust the height of the Scott Bench for a comfortable seating position. The armpits should touch the upper surface of the bench. Hands should remain shoulder-width apart, apart. Grab the EZ bar with your arms outstretched. Do not lock your elbows in one position.

Keeping your hands back to the bench, bend the bar. Take your time to lower the bar back to the starting position. The back should remain straight during this exercise. Do not use a weight that is too heavy to pull. 3 sets of at least 6 reps is a great option.

Towel Machine Pull Up

This is an extremely simple exercise that has a very strong effect on the forearm. Stand next to the cable pulley with your face facing the pulley. Place a towel around the rope pulley.

Grasp the ends of the towel with one hand, squeeze the shoulder blades, and pull the towel towards chest... 3 sets and at least 10 reps will give good results. This exercise can also be done while sitting on a bench.

Powerful grip

Choose a dumbbell that is comfortable to lift with one hand. Sit on a bench and take a dumbbell in your right hand. Extend your arm toward the floor and grab the back of your inner right thigh.

Let the dumbbells roll down to your fingertips and unclench your hand. Then, squeezing your hand, do twisting of the wrists, squeeze the weight as much as possible. Move slowly. Next, change your hand and do the same exercise with the other hand. 4 sets of at least 10 reps is the right choice.

Add a weight to the bar that is comfortable to work with during the exercise. Stand with your back straight. Then bend your arms up in half and hold the bar for a couple of seconds. Then slowly lower it back to the starting position.

Next, holding the barbell, bend your arms to the middle and twist all the way up. In this exercise, the bottom point of each rep will be the middle link of the entire movement. 3 sets of at least 8 reps will give good results.

This exercise is very effective for building the brachioradialis muscle. These muscles give strength to the back of the forearm near the wrist. Sit on a bench so that it is comfortable, straighten your back.

Place your forearms on your hips with your thumbs pointing up. The dumbbell should be in the hammer position. Now start slowly moving the dumbbell back and forth. This exercise harmoniously outlines the forearm as it targets the brachioradialis muscles.

In this article, you will learn why it is so important to swing your forearms, we will look at a number of exercises that will help you to increase the muscles of your forearms, regardless of your genetics.

Massive forearms are one of the hallmarks of a harmoniously developed bodybuilder and an athlete's strength. Indeed, large forearms give the impression of titanic strength, and in functional terms, they make it possible for a bodybuilder to work comfortably with large weights.

The forearms will increase the grip strength, which will allow you to work with large weights in the deadlift exercise.

In order to pump up large forearms, you need a complex special exercises... However, it is not uncommon for athletes to have huge forearms and without special exercises. This suggests that large forearms are often the result of genetic predisposition.

Given the anatomy of the muscles of the forearm (flexors, extensors of the hand….), Exercises are needed that are aimed at fully contracting the target muscle.

In my experience, the forearm is optimally pumped after biceps work, twice a week. In addition to isolated exercises, broad-spectrum exercises that involve the forearm are required.

Why train your forearms?

Aesthetic reasons

The forearms swing to look more massive and stronger. Big muscles forearms give the impression of great physical strength.

Show off. Often, when the athlete is dressed, only the neck and forearms are visible ... .. also the reason.

Symmetry. Another reason is to look harmonious. Lee Priest is considered the most symmetrical and harmoniously developed bodybuilder. Look at his forearms.

For security reasons. Grip strength

Strong forearms expand the athlete's range, allowing for challenging exercises that were not previously available. Often times, the forearms can be the weak point and constrain the bodybuilder. For example, training your back with weighted pull-ups and bench rows. Without strong grip, these exercises are not possible.

The athlete can afford to work with large weights and thanks to strong hands, such exercises will be more or less safe.

Best Forearm Exercises

The forearm is made up of the following muscle groups: flexors, extensors, and brachioradialis muscle.
For maximum results, it is best to train each of these groups. Below we will consider exercises covering all the muscles of the forearm.

Wrist extensors

As the name implies, a muscle group extends the hand.
Exercises for this group:

- Extension of the arms at the wrists with a barbell;

- Reverse grip dumbbell curl.

On forearm day, you can use one of these exercises on the extensor group. From workout to workout, it is best to alternate these exercises for progress and variety. Pay attention to the execution technique, palms are constantly facing down. The forearms can be positioned on the knees or on a bench. Strive for complete muscle contraction, do not half-fold.

Wrist flexors

Flexors occupy inner part and are the most massive and prominent forearm muscle group. Exercises targeting this group:

- Curl of the arms at the wrists with a barbell;

- Flexion of the arms at the wrists block trainer;

- Dumbbell wrist curls.

When performing exercises, the forearms can be fixed in the knee area or on a bench.

Brachioradialis muscle

Upper, outer part forearms. Exercises for this muscle:

- Reverse grip barbell curls;

- Flexion of arms on a block trainer with a reverse grip;

- Curl of arms with dumbbells (hammer).

A few more ways to enlarge your forearms

Use a dedicated rubber wrist strap

This will increase resistance to flexion and extension of the hand during exercise.

Work with a thick neck

This will create additional load on the brush.

Wrist roller

This is a roller with a rope fixed in the middle, on which the load is suspended. Twisting back and forth will work great on the entire forearm.

Carpal expander

An excellent trainer for developing hand strength, grip and forearm volume.


Working on a punching bag, especially with weighted gloves, gives good load on the flexors.

Jumping rope

Great cardio exercise. After 20 minutes of jumping rope, load well the entire outer surface forearms.

Forearm muscle growth programs

As often happens - not only with the forearms, progress can stop and you need to force further growth of this muscle group. To do this, you will need to change the exercises in the program and the pace of their implementation.

A separate question is how often to train the forearms. Twice a week is optimal. Better after biceps work, and a separate, dominant forearm day.

Program number one

Barbell wrist curls: 3 sets, 12-15 reps.

3 sets, 12-15 reps.

Dumbbell Curl (Hammer): 3 sets, 12-15 reps.

Wrist Roller: 2 approaches, in both directions.

Program number two

Reverse Grip Dumbbell Curl: 3 sets, 12-15 reps.

Dumbbell wrist curls: 3 sets, 12-15 reps.

Reverse Grip Barbell Curls: 3 sets, 12-15 reps.

Program number three

Extension of the arms at the wrists with a barbell: 3 sets, 12-15 reps.

Curls of the arms at the wrists on the block trainer: 3 sets, 12-15 reps.

Reverse grip curl on the block trainer: 3 sets, 12-15 reps.

Hopefully this article will nudge you to include forearm exercises in your workout plan, and the massive arms you get from training will help you achieve your goals.

Personal trainer David Robson.

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