What exercise to replace the army press. Rules for the competition in the division "military bench press"

The military bench press is a subset of basic exercises that helps to maximize the load on the deltoid muscles, shoulders and develop strength. Thanks to the powerful load, it helps to increase - bench press. We will find out what the army version is, what muscles are involved, technique, benefits and interesting facts.

What muscles are working?

The main load falls on the shoulders. More powerfully, the exercise pumps the front bundle of deltas. At the same time, the back and middle deltas are actively involved in the work, although they receive less load.

Army style work involves the trapezius, pectoral muscles. Squeezing the bar up turns on the triceps. Using a wide bar grip reduces the load on the triceps. Narrow grip style - increases.

The world record in the army bench press is 235 kg.

The classic grip is slightly more than shoulder width. Consequently, the stabilization of the body will be carried out.

The wide range of effectiveness of the military bench press for the development of the aesthetic body of the body requires the use of additional exercises. It is impossible to get impressive shoulders by working exclusively on the front deltas. It is prudent to swing three bundles together. Such a fit will make the middle delta come out. You will have bulging, inflated arms. To do this, take into account the following varieties:

  • Army style.

It is appropriate to include the army press after the main workout on the chest. Then swings, machines, and the bar row to the neck. Your deltoid muscles are fully pumped. It is inappropriate to use huge delta weights.

Army press standing: execution technique

After information about which muscles are effectively loaded while standing, let's consider the technical component. Knowing the secrets will enable you to do the right thing to get athletic quickly.

Warm up

We start mastering the technique with a warm-up. Well-warmed joints and muscles keep you safe from stretch marks, dislocations, or severe fractures.

Weight fixation

An important nuance that experienced athletes often forget about. Try to check the fixed weight with the levers before starting the bench press. Rational weight selection will increase delta hypertrophy.

Approach to the projectile

We take the barbell in our hands, at the same time we look up a little. We take a step back with each foot. We become comfortable. We place our legs shoulder-width apart, and the toes look to the sides. Bend your legs at the knees. The back should be in one position - even. Bend your lower back slightly. You cannot lean back or forward - this is a chance to get a serious spinal injury.

Now we put the bar on the chest. It should touch your upper chest lightly.

Working with the fretboard

Take a deep breath, tighten your body from the very bottom. We hold our breath a little and squeeze the barbell above the head. At the level of the mouth, we begin to exhale air. It is not necessary to straighten your elbows. It is best to keep them in a slightly bent position.

Pause at the top for a second to feel the tension of the deltas. Return to the starting point. Touch your chest and do more reps.

We need to do it the number of times. We lower the barbell to the chest and put it on the platform racks.

Runtime errors:

  1. You cannot pull the barbell;
  2. Push randomly along a different trajectory, removing the durability of the body.

The army press with a barbell is one of the most powerful exercises for the back and lower back. To stabilize the body and spine, it is better to wear a weightlifting leather belt. It will help to fix the spine with high quality, and the internal pressure outside will not bother.

Army press dumbbells

This option provides for conventional dumbbells. What is the best choice? It all depends on you. The strategy can be based on changing the bar with dumbbells every two weeks. The two styles load the front delta, so do it for a change.

For beginners, dumbbells are better suited. For athletes with straight shoulders, it is advisable to supplement the delta workout with dumbbells. Athletes whose shoulders have a curved or bulging appearance will primarily work with the bar. Please note that the recommendation is conditional. It is not supported by research. Every rule has an exception, so use whichever you like.

Other types of execution

Diversify your activity by including options:

  • behind the head and immediately on the chest;
  • to the top of the head - half of the trajectory.

The seated military press will allow you to concentrate on building your shoulders. You don't need to keep your body stabilized.

Other subtypes of performance are more necessary for the variety of training. Any option is effective if done correctly. Different methods are suitable for other exercises and will help to get relief and a beautiful volume of deltas.

What to replace?

The army press standing is a basic exercise for working out the relief and growth of strength indicators. In parallel, many are interested in what to replace? It happens that the exercise needs to be changed. Building mass on the shoulders depends on a set of combinations with other vertical and horizontal trainings. It is impossible to completely replace it.


Let's summarize. The military variant is aimed at almost one group. Together with isolation exercises, the upper body responds significantly. It is difficult to replace in terms of efficiency, so it will take a long time to learn how to work with it. It is very valuable and often underestimated by many athletes. In the hall you can see that many of the shoulders are lagging behind.

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To this end, they perform many different exercises, while doing many sets and reps. This technique is very effective and gives a positive result. But you can choose one exercise for the muscles of the shoulder girdle, which will fully help to achieve your goals, namely, the army press.

The essence of the exercise

Army press- an activity that is included in training, both for gaining muscle mass, and in order to give the already formed muscles a beautiful relief appearance.

The essence of the exercise is to develop the muscles of the shoulder girdle well. It is very important to observe the correct execution technique when performing the bench press, otherwise you may not achieve what you want. This exercise is ideal for people looking to build strong shoulders.

What muscles are working?

With the help of an army press, you can well develop a muscle group that is located in the upper body, the muscular apparatus of the back works effectively. At the same time, the triceps gain strength, increase the size, and add the deltoid muscles in growth.

Exercise is the core of your workout to build your shoulders. Although it is worth noting, other muscles are drawn into the process. Among other things, with the help of the army press, you can strengthen the muscles of the thighs (namely, the upper part of them), gluteal muscles, and abs. In order to stabilize the body while moving, these parts must also be well pumped.


There are 2 options that are considered basic:

  1. Standing;
  2. Sitting.

The second option is often performed with, but you can replace it with dumbbells. The first one can rightfully be considered classic, many people use it, motivating it by the fact that it is more correct.

But if we consider the bench press, then it is worth noting that it is less dangerous, since when it is performed, some muscles do not work for stabilization, the lower back is subjected to much less stress.

It is believed that the use of dumbbells while sitting is much more convenient, and the technique is easier. This is due to the fact that dumbbells are much easier to lift than a barbell. But do not forget, more effect can be obtained from the classic standing.

In addition to its advantages, exercise has its main disadvantage. Any option can lead to injury., the lumbar spine is hit.

In order to avoid such a nuisance, you must follow two rules:

  1. Correct execution technique.
  2. Warm up before starting a workout.

Beginners should seek professional help so they can show the correct technique. This will not only help to achieve a good result, but also protect against possible injury. Do not neglect the help of a trainer, training videos, trial approaches.

Technique for performing the press standing

First, do a warm-up. A good warm-up of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, stretching the rest will help to avoid traumatic situations.

Before starting the exercise, make sure that the plates on the fretboard are well fixed. Apart from that, the extra pounds are also important, and most importantly, the technique, which must be correct. Compliance with all the rules will help to achieve the result.

The technique is as follows:

It is contraindicated to perform an army press when a person has diseases associated with the ridge or joints of the shoulder girdle.

It is best to do the exercise with a projectile when you are just starting classes, since the strength is still saved, and it is possible to take more weight. But it is worth realistically assessing your capabilities, it may be better to take less weights, perform a high-quality bench press. The weight should be calculated so that 3-4 sets can be done with 5-10 repetitions.

Sitting technique with dumbbells

When performing this exercise, it is worth taking much less weights than with a bench press with a barbell, so that the technique is followed:

  1. Sit on the bench, on the edge. It is good to rest your feet on the floor. Dumbbells in each hand. Raise your arms to the level of the neck, arms bent at the elbows. Turn the hands with palms inward. The back is straight, the head is fixed straight.
  2. Inhale (deep), hold your breath, squeeze the dumbbells up. We exhale at the top point, with a second delay, and return to the starting position.

To begin with, when the technique is just being put on, you need to work with light weight in order to work out the movements, only after that add pancakes.

In any exercise, the weight and number of approaches depends on the purpose for which it is being performed. To build mass, it is better to take a weight with which you can do 3-4 sets with a number of repetitions of 6-8. if your goal is to burn fat, then you need to take less weight, but the number of repetitions will be 10-12.

Frequent mistakes

  1. For any exercise that is used for the muscles of the shoulder girdle, it is important warm-up... Although often, most do not do it, and as a result of injury, convulsions.
  2. Beginners very often make a common mistake, and it is associated with incorrect position of the projectile... According to the rules, the barbell at the highest point should be placed above the head.
  3. As mentioned above, the back should be straight and slightly arched in the lumbar region... But when a person takes too much weight, the body tilts back. This cannot be done, you can injure your back.
  4. All movements should be performed slowly and smoothly. Some athletes want to finish the exercise as soon as possible, they begin lifting with a quick jerk and lowering the barbell to the chest.

It is very rare in the gym to find a person doing an army press standing. This is due to the fact that this exercise is very difficult in terms of technique and dangerous due to the possibility of injury. But, despite this, it is the most effective of the basic ones. If you nevertheless decide to include it in your workout, remember the safety rules and the correct execution technique. This will help to achieve a good result and avoid disastrous consequences.

The military press is considered one of the best exercises for the muscles of the shoulder girdle, the benefits of which affect the muscles of the upper chest, deltoids and even triceps. By using the exercise regularly in your workouts, you can build beautiful and powerful shoulder muscles. However, in order to feel the maximum result, it must be performed technically correctly.

The military standing press is a basic exercise, since it involves more than one joint, in the classic version it is performed with free weights and includes several muscle groups in the work. It comprehensively develops the shoulder girdle, but at the same time it is an ideal exercise to load and shape the deltoid muscles.

Let's see what the military bench gives, and what muscles work during the exercise. First of all, the deltoid muscles are included in the work, more precisely, their middle and anterior bundles. The clavicular part of the pectoralis major muscles, the supraspinatus muscle and the anterior dentate are also involved. Triceps receive a unique load. The fact is that at the moment of maximum stretching during the exercise, the triceps muscle of the shoulder is reduced as much as possible, and this gives a good impetus to the growth of strength and volume of the muscles of this group.

In addition to the target muscles, stabilizing muscles are included in the work. In this case, these are the muscles of the lower back, cortex, legs. If the technique of its implementation is observed during the military bench press, this exercise helps to build up mass, improves metabolism in the body.

When evaluating a man when they meet, women first pay attention to the eyes, and then gradually evaluate everything that is lower. And the next item of assessment after the face is precisely the shoulders. Having compared the pros and cons in this way, the woman decides to pay attention to you or not. Therefore, if you are not sure about your facial features, you can compensate for them with the width and volume of the shoulders.

The exercise begins with a thorough general, and then a special warm-up. During the last one it is necessary warm up the shoulder and elbow joints, hands well.

Then prepare the bar for the exercise. Don't go too long or too heavy, especially if you are not yet confident in your technique. Hang the operating weight on it and secure with locks.

Now come close to the projectile and take the barbell. Place your hands slightly wider than your shoulders. You can navigate by the marks on the neck - hands are placed at a distance of about three to four centimeters from them.

Grasping the barbell, pull your chest and shoulders under it and, straining your whole body, remove the projectile from the rack.

Take one or two steps back and take the starting position. To do this, spread your legs shoulder-width apart and bend slightly at the knees, your back should be straight. From this position, gently lift the bar up and slightly behind the crown of your head until your arms are fully extended.

Do not fully straighten the elbow joints, this is fraught with injuries: leave them very slightly bent.

Now slowly lower the bar to your chest so that at the lowest point it does not completely rest on it. It is also impossible to completely relax with this movement. Repeat the movement for the planned number of times (usually no more than 10). During the last run, the bar remains on your chest, and you take the required step or two to the rack and carefully put the bar in place.

For safety precautions when performing an army press, see the video

Alternative execution options

In the classic version, the army bench press is done while standing from the chest. But there are other options as well. For example, you can do it in a sitting position, standing or sitting from behind your head, do the exercise not with a barbell, but with dumbbells, use a Smith machine. All of them are performed in about the same way as the classical version, only the position of the trainee changes, or the barbell relative to him, or the projectile.

When you are just mastering the technique of performing the exercise, take the minimum weight. You can increase it only after you have worked out exactly each phase of the movement.

Military Seated Chest Press

During the exercise while standing, there is a strong load on the lower back. If this is done incorrectly, pain and even injury can occur in the lower back. If your lower back is weak, it is best to do a seated military press. In this case, the procedure will be slightly different.

The exercise is performed on a bench. To do this, raise its back vertically and move the bench closer to the rack with a barbell. The bar should be below the level of outstretched arms. The projectile is removed in the same way as in the previous version. The exercise itself is performed in the same way. When lowering down, you need to take a short pause and strain the working muscles as much as possible. After the last movement, return the projectile to the rack.

Those who, even in this case, fear for their lower back or cannot master the correct technique, can use the Smith machine. It allows you to move strictly along a given trajectory, excluding any possibility of deviation from it, which is less traumatic.

Smith Machine Seated Press

To master the technique of performing the exercise and start with the minimum weights, you can do the dumbbell press. In this version, the increase in mass and strength will be minimal, but at the initial stage of mastering the exercise, they are not the main goals.

The exercise is performed on a bench with a vertically raised back. Sitting on it, take dumbbells, raise them so that the shells are directly over the shoulders and drop to ear level (do not straighten your arms). Unfold your elbows so that they are facing downward and your palms facing forward. The distance between them must be kept slightly wider than the shoulders. The shoulders themselves must be pulled back, and the chest should be straightened.

After inhaling, tighten the muscles and, on a gradual exhalation, lift the dumbbells up in a wide arc so that the shells are in the same plane. Having raised them to the top point, hold this position for a few seconds. In this position, the shells practically touch each other, and the elbows are slightly bent. Then, smoothly and under control, return your hands to their original position along the same trajectory.

It is important to slowly raise your arms, and not sharply press the dumbbells. If you feel that your chest is straining, spread your shoulders wider - the load should go to the deltas and a little to the trapezoid and triceps.

Follow the set and then gently place the dumbbells on the floor or pass them to the coach / partner. When working with more serious weights, at the end of the exercise, you can pull your knees towards you and put the dumbbells on them, and then lower your legs with the dumbbells. But at the same time, you need to keep your back straight.

Quantity: 4 sets of 10-12 times when working on weight, 4-5 sets of 12-15 times for drying. Pick up a comfortable weight, but so that at the end of the exercise you feel a burning sensation in the deltas.

Advice for training with a partner: at the end of the set, when the muscles are very tired, the partner or trainer can stand in the back and, when moving the arms up, push them with palms upwards in the triceps region on the last repetitions.

As we said, exercise puts a lot of stress on the lower back, which can lead to injury. To minimize the likelihood of such injury, the following precautions should be followed:

The Army Press is a very effective basic exercise. Having mastered his technique, you will achieve excellent results. Beginners can use various lightweight options for its implementation: sitting, with dumbbells, in the Smith machine.

The Army Press is a basic exercise that uses the entire shoulder girdle, accessory arm muscles, and stabilizers. It is considered the main one for working out the shoulders. Came to "Russian" bodybuilding from the west. Originally called Military press, that is, military press.

Interesting fact: back in the 1970s, this movement was considered an absolute indicator of strength. It was highly appreciated by weightlifters around the world, since previously the bench was included in the performance program. The legendary Soviet hero Yuri Vlasov also spoke flatteringly about him. According to Arnold Schwarzenegger, no movement can work the shoulders as much as the army press.

It is worth noting that the shoulders have always been an indicator of a strong athlete. If the press is a beautiful attribute that is not visible under clothes, then broad shoulders cannot be hidden by anything. From time immemorial, it was an indicator of physical strength among the male half of the population.

What muscles work in the army press standing

The movement is polyarticular. The shoulder and elbow joints are involved. The main load is received by the anterior and middle deltoid bundle. Triceps is also well developed. Its stress is unique, since at the moment of maximum stretching, the deltas are peak stress.

The upper part of the chest muscles is tense enough. Such as the abs, legs, lower back, ligaments of the hand and back are involved.

All this makes the exercise energy-consuming, which spurs the body to the increased production of hormones and the acceleration of metabolism.

Exercise options in training

The first option is the classic army bench press. Performed while standing with a barbell. It is also permissible to work with dumbbells. This will allow the brushes to be twisted slightly, relieving pressure on them. The method will be useful for people with forearm injuries.

The second option is performed while sitting. Amplitude and general requirements remain unchanged. The stabilizers in the form of legs are turned off. The loin receives complete security. Recommended for people with back injuries. Often, this method is used by all beginners, arguing this by the fear of injury in the classical performance.

The third option is the head press. Such a movement is difficult to attribute to the army, but sometimes it is called that way. The press for the head is performed while sitting with a barbell. In some cases, dumbbells are used. The movement from behind the head gives a more accentuated load on the middle bundle of the deltoid muscles.

It happens that the bench press is confused with the army press, but you need to understand that these are different exercises.

It should be noted that all sedentary options successfully protect the athlete from injury. But you should not use this method for the simple fear of injury. Due to the fact that stabilizer muscles rest and the body as a whole receives less stress, this makes it less effective in terms of anabolism. With the correct implementation of all technical requirements, the risk of injury is practically reduced to zero.

What harm can exercise do

The spine is at greatest risk of injury. This happens most often from an incorrect calculation of forces, when a weight is taken larger than the athlete can handle. Lumbar fixation is also important. At the moment of movement, the body should be as tense as possible, the spine is strictly vertical, without signs of deviation.

On the scales, when the repetitions are less than 5 times, you need to use It increases the pressure in the lower back by 30% and allows you to more rigidly fix the back. But don't wear it unnecessarily. If used always, the muscles of the lower back and core will get used to rest against something and will lose their strength. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically use hyperextension and abdominal exercises in training. This will be useful for all basic movements.

Also, the elbow joints receive strong pressure. At the bottom, the elbows are over-twisted forward, which makes the military bench press dangerous. To eliminate the risk of injury, you do not need to relax your arms and put the shell on your chest. You must always keep them on your toes.

Technique for performing an army press

In order to avoid injury and to properly work out the shoulder girdle, it is worth adhering to the following points:

  1. The bar should be set slightly below shoulder level.
  2. Hands are placed on the bar at a distance of 10-15 cm from the shoulders.
  3. Step under the bar with one foot.
  4. The body is as tense and concentrated as possible. On exhalation, the projectile is removed from the racks.
  5. Step back. Starting position - feet shoulder width apart.
  6. Deep breath. On exhalation, the projectile rises horizontally upward.
  7. Delay 2 seconds. The neck goes down.

At the top point, you should not unbend your elbows to the end. Extending the arms as much as possible will put additional stress on the elbows, and the shoulders will not feel any difference. All movement is carried out smoothly, without sudden jerks.

Do not lower the barbell to your chest, giving your hands time to rest. This will shut off the muscles, and with sudden exertion creates the risk of injury to the elbows. On near-maximum weights, the position of the feet "split" is permissible, when one leg is slightly in front, and the other, on the contrary, is behind. This will allow you to keep your balance more steadily. The knees should always be slightly bent to absorb the weight.

It is worth remembering the importance of warm-up. Newbies often miss this point. It is not only the shoulders that need to be warmed up. Since the movement is basic, it is necessary to stretch the triceps, hands, legs, lower back and abs. With a high-quality warm-up, the risk of stretching or other injury is practically excluded.

The main mistakes when doing the exercise

The main mistake that occurs among beginners is an unfixed barbell at the top point. Ideally, it is directly overhead, but due to lack of experience, people wind it back. This situation is dangerous not only with injury, but also with the fall of the projectile, which can lead to damage to property. At the initial stages, you should train in pairs or ask other visitors to the gym to insure them. Even on small scales.

The next mistake is the deviation of the pelvis back. With a sharp progression of weights, technique suffers. The body is trying to push the projectile not only with its shoulders. With insufficient fixation of the lower back, the thighs go back, and the pressure on the spine becomes uneven. On high weights, this promises the appearance of protrusions and hernias.

Pressing with the Shvung element is another mistake. When a person unnecessarily tilts the body back, trying to bend and helping the pectoral muscles, the spine suffers greatly.

Should you use it in your workout?

Definitely, training with an army press is almost indispensable if you want to build a powerful shoulder girdle. An increase in anabolism, increased production of hormones, the development of general physical strength - all these are the advantages of this movement.

The risk of injury is present, as with almost any exercise. Adherence to technique and a gradual progression of weights will make this movement the best friend of the novice athlete.

The bench press is one of the most popular, known for more than one decade. Exercise is one of the most effective and easiest ways to achieve the correct athletic figure, since only powerful ones make it possible to fully achieve ideal body proportions. In addition, that, if not strong and muscular shoulders can help a man stand out among friends and acquaintances.

However, not many even experienced athletes own the ideal performance of this exercise, because only reliable knowledge of how to properly raise the bar while standing will help not only achieve excellent results, but also avoid severe injuries of the shoulder girdle.

Therefore, today we will reveal all the secrets of the correct technique for performing the army bench press, and also consider the tricks of its correct implementation.

Description and benefits of the exercise

The army press today is quite common among both beginners and professional athletes, as it is included in the list of basic strength exercises. This means that during the training process, in addition to the main muscles, the load is distributed immediately to several muscle groups.

As a result of the complex effect on the body, a general strengthening of all shoulder muscles is achieved, as well as additional strengthening and.

Did you know?To this day, the Soviet weightlifter Vasily Alekseev is considered the record holder in the army bench press. The athlete set a world record for the maximum mass of a projectile with a figure of 236.5 kg.

According to the world legend, this exercise as an independent exercise originated far overseas, where the press is still called "Military press". For a long time, the US military has been looking for a versatile exercise that will help their soldiers keep in top shape.

During a long search, a set of movements and a projectile were selected, with the help of which it was possible to achieve the necessary training process, as a result of which the soldiers were able to develop all the necessary muscles to perform combat missions.

Today, lifting the bar overhead with a load on the shoulders has become so popular that many professional athletes have developed their own techniques for performing it, and in addition, a lot of its variations have arisen.
Therefore, in modern sports, the bench press is used both as a basic one and as an exercise of localized impact on a specific joint or muscle.

In addition, many athletes decided to simplify the army press a little, so they perform it in a sitting position, and replace the usual barbell with ordinary ones.

As a result, it was possible to spread the exercise not only among visitors to professional gyms, but also among adherents of modest home sports corners.

What muscles swing

The soldier bench press, as a complex exercise, is aimed at engaging the main muscle groups of the upper body of a person. If performed correctly, it is possible to achieve uniform development of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, as well as the back muscles.

Let's take a closer look at which muscles are involved in this exercise, since most young athletes may not know which muscles work in the military standing press.

The main

The main muscles involved in the exercise are:

  • anterior delta head: located in front and partially located at the top of the shoulder joint;
  • middle head of the delta: located in the upper part of the shoulder joint;
  • supraspinatus: a muscle located at the top of the back, attached to the humerus and covered by the delta and trapezium.


The assistant muscles of the main muscles are:

  • Trapezium: A large muscle that sits in the middle of the upper back.
  • : concentrated at the top of the hand on the back of it;
  • muscle lifting the scapula: located on the back of the neck and covered with a trapezoid;
  • the upper part of the pectoralis major muscle: located in the upper part of the chest;
  • the coracohumeral muscle: located on the inside of the upper arm and attached to the outermost part of the scapula;
  • serratus anterior: located above the ribs and covering their lateral part;
  • stabilizing muscles: among them, the upper thigh muscles, buttocks, abdominal muscles are distinguished (they help to keep the body in a horizontal position during the exercise).

How and how many times to do

The correct technique for performing any strength exercise is the key to high results and the absence of injuries, this also applies to the military bench press. In addition, this type of exercise is quite dangerous, primarily due to the full horizontal position of the body.

Did you know?The standing barbell press is considered one of the most traumatic exercises. That is why, in 1972, this exercise was excluded from the competition program of the International Weightlifting Federation, since in the pursuit of weight, many athletes received serious health problems.

Therefore, both beginners and experienced athletes often injure the lumbar region, shoulder joints, which leads to a debilitating and long recovery period.

Correct execution technique

The exercise should be done at the beginning of the workout. This is due to the fact that its implementation requires a huge amount of energy consumption, therefore, in order to pump muscles qualitatively, it is precisely the beginning when the body is vigorous and full of energy is needed. The bench press should be started carefully. To do this, it is necessary to stretch not only the whole body, but also to carry out a thorough, targeted warm-up of the shoulder girdle. This will help not only to achieve the correct load on the body, but also to protect the muscles from spasms, sprains and other injuries.

After warming up, you need to prepare the projectile. To do this, choose a comfortable bar length, hang a certain amount of weight on it (depending on the sports form and the goals of the exercise).

When the bar is assembled, carefully check the reliability of all fasteners, the technical condition of the projectile and fasten it to the racks. Next, go to the bar and grab it firmly, your arms should be slightly wider than your shoulders.

To do this, you can use the tips on the neck in the form of special notches. The hand grip should be 3-4 cm wider on each side than the overall width of the notches. The body should be in a comfortable position.

Important!The standing barbell press must be performed using a standard barbell; a shortened biceps bar is not suitable for this. Failure to do so may result in serious injury.

In this position, place your feet shoulder-width apart, parallel to each other and bend your knees slightly. Also, the correct position should be at the back.
To do this, it must be aligned, and the lower back must be slightly bent forward, while the head and neck must also be fixed and directed forward.

Before starting the lift, you need to take a deep breath, strain your muscles as much as possible and, after which the bar can be raised above your head.

In this case, the bar should go as close to the chin and nose as possible, but at the maximum distance at which it will be impossible to injure these parts of the body.

Important!When performing an army press, the elbows in the maximum upper position of the projectile should be slightly bent, otherwise you can injure them or even lose control of the bar.

The barbell press should be performed on exhalation with a slight forward bend. After reaching the maximum upper point, you need to fix the position of the body for 1-2 seconds, after which the projectile can be lowered to the extreme lower position. It is necessary to lower the bar with weight smoothly and gently, without jerking, otherwise trauma to the chest part of the body cannot be avoided, while it is necessary to take a deep breath. After completing a certain number of repetitions, the bar must be returned to its original position, after which it can be gently returned to the racks.

During the exercise, movements should be smooth, but clear, without the slightest deviation from the ideal amplitude. In this case, the body should be in a comfortable position and not experience painful sensations.

The number of approaches and reps

The number of repetitions and approaches of the standing barbell press with a load on the shoulders directly depends on what goal is set before the exercise and what is planned to be achieved after a long period of its performance.

Also, in this matter, it is worth taking into account the level of the athlete's athletic training, since the general training experience of a person can quite significantly level the indicators. But in order to facilitate the information for perception, we present the average data.
As you know from the general rules of organizing the training process, in order to achieve maximum strength indicators, it is necessary to select weights that will allow you to perform up to 5 repetitions per set.

An increase in the number of repetitions in the ranges from 6 to 10 will allow the athlete to develop maximum endurance indicators and good strength training, but an increase in reps to 15 will help to achieve ideal body relief and burn the amount of excess body fat to the maximum.

The number of approaches is strictly determined based on the level of training. It is not recommended for beginners with a total continuous work experience in the gym for up to 1 year to perform more than 3-4 approaches of the exercise, as this can end very badly for the general condition.

Important!If this is your first time doing the exercise, it is not recommended to load the body with huge weights. Try doing no more than 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions at first, this will help to effectively prepare your body for serious weight work in the future.

Experienced athletes can increase this figure. If you have been playing sports for a long time, then for a barbell press while standing, you can perform about 4-6 approaches throughout.


Exercise has a huge number of contraindications, since during its implementation there is a serious load on the body. Therefore, the military bench press is intended for absolutely healthy athletes with a high or medium level of physical fitness.

Exercise, first of all, is contraindicated for any pathologies of the spine and joints (especially shoulder joints), since the main load of the projectile falls on these parts of the body.

  • heart failure;
  • coarctation of the aorta;
  • aneurysm;
  • mitral valve prolapse;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • insufficiency of valves with regurgitation.

Due to the fact that exercises with a barbell are quite common and popular, today there are a lot of recommendations and descriptions, which, according to their authors, are an unbreakable truth.

Unfortunately, most of them were created by amateur athletes who are not fully aware of all the processes that take place in the body during the performance of power.

In addition, since the body of each person is different for individual characteristics, often the recommendations of an individual athlete do not bring much effect on others.

Therefore, we analyzed all the existing comments regarding the army bench only from professional athletes, which we will share a little below.

Common Beginner Mistakes

Often, when doing the military bench press, both beginners and experienced athletes make the same mistakes.

Among them, the most common are:

  • insufficient warm-up of the shoulder girdle, as a result of which complex ones arise;
  • traumatic position of the body, in which the natural "S-shaped" shape of the spine is disturbed;
  • incorrect position of the projectile at the top point (excessive tilt backward or forward);
  • jerky movements of the athlete during exercise, especially with heavy weights;
  • uneven projectile weight entrainment during the sports process.

Important!When working with serious weights, it is necessary to use a special wide sports belt, since only in this case it is possible to give the lower back the correct position and avoid serious injuries.

Nuances and tricks for implementation

Each athlete has his own secrets that make doing the bench press not only more effective, but also less traumatic.
Today we have carefully analyzed all the subtleties of this exercise and have reduced all the most common recommendations to a few clear points:

  • it is strictly forbidden to relax the muscles of the back, otherwise the athlete may lose balance and control over the apparatus;
  • to give additional stability to the position of the body, it is necessary to slightly push forward one of the legs;
  • to perform the army press, you need to use durable and comfortable shoes. For this purpose, weightlifting shoes or athletic shoes with flat and dense soles are best;
  • lunges or lowering are prohibited, since otherwise the muscles of the shoulder joint will not receive the necessary load;
  • the standing press is best combined with general training for the development of the shoulders and arms, this will help to get the greatest effect from the exercises;
  • in case you are afraid to perform this exercise, you can replace the army press with the help of training on the Smith simulator.

Overall, the military standing press is one of the best exercises for building strong and prominent shoulder and back muscles.

However, it must be carried out, strictly observing all the rules and the sequence of the stages.

Therefore, if you are not confident in your physical fitness, pay attention to simpler exercises, this will help you seriously prepare your body for the bench press and avoid injuries to the spine and joints.

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