Do I need to do the approach to failure. What is muscle failure

Performing sets to complete muscle failure is one of the fundamental principles of modern bodybuilding. And I must add, the most modern. The "stars" of the past decades did just fine without this technique, but the current elite simply cannot imagine their training without "refusal".

It is worth emphasizing that only bodybuilders pray for "refusal". The rest of the security forces - weightlifters and powerlifters - know how to do without this technique and, nevertheless, build up tremendous strength and colossal muscle volumes. And what is this theory that has elevated "refusal" to the rank of a methodological imperative? No matter how outwardly convincing it is, it makes sense to test its postulates in practice and try to figure it out: is it necessary to bring oneself to absolute muscle "failure" or is it not?

Birth of an idea

There have always been two schools of thought in bodybuilding. One argued that relatively small weights and a large number of sets and reps give "mass", while others insisted that the opposite is true - muscles grow under pressure critical weights applied in low reps and sets. Arthur Jones, the famous inventor of the Nautilus simulators, was also a supporter of the second point of view. True, he went much further than his associates and said that in each exercise of the complex, only one working set should be done. This point of view would have remained in the annals of bodybuilding as a kind of celebrity eccentricity if Jones had not added the following: the set must be brought to a complete inability to perform even partial reps.

Jones had considerable authority, and many listened to his voice. As a result, a real sensation broke out in bodybuilding: thousands of athletes different levels- from "dummies" to cool masters - got really sensational results! Well, theorists were quick to declare that training to “failure” is the quintessence of the whole philosophy of bodybuilding, which says that there is no growth without stress.

Enough time has passed since those distant times to look at the "failure" with a sober unbiased look and sum up many years of experience.

Law of laws

Weight training is based on two fundamental physiological factors:

2. Muscle growth under the influence of the same type of load is short-term.

This is why novice bodybuilders grow with the most inept training: their muscles receive training stress in any case. But then beginners have a hard time - the muscles get used to the loads and the growth of "mass" stops. Now is the time to make changes in the training, but few people have enough intelligence for this. Usually, amateurs just try to lift training weights, thinking that in doing so they are lifting training load... In fact, they are marking time in one place.

There is no ideal long-playing program at all. The whole point of the training is to jump off the step of one technique in time and immediately jump to another. The condition of the game is as follows: each train goes to the depot. If you fell asleep in the carriage, you will wake up in an empty and cold dead end ... In this sense, in bodybuilding, one cannot speak of any one super effective technique at all. "Mass" is provided by balancing different kinds techniques, in particular, cyclic change of large and small weights. True, in the days of Jones, this aspect was little studied. The entire effect was attributed to "failure", although in fact it was a commonplace, known today to every more or less literate novice bodybuilder. Fast growth"Masses" was due to the transition of bodybuilders to a fundamentally new for them "refusal" training.

Purpose or means?

Joe Weider's famous overload principle, loosely interpreted, means that the load on a muscle should at least slightly exceed its midpoint. It is clear that bringing the muscles to the point of severe fatigue and even failure is a practical tool for the embodiment of the principle. Nevertheless, training cannot be reduced to "refusals": from the outside it seems to be effective, but in fact, not only does it give little, but in addition it is harmful!

The main criterion for pumping is the growth of "mass". But this, as they say, lies on the surface. It is much more important that the "mass" grows constantly. So from a long-term perspective best approach- not to "tear" huge weights, but to increase the load in small portions and at a rate. It’s not a problem if you don’t get to the point of “rejection” - the main thing is not in him. The key is that the weights you train with actually grow, albeit a little. This will automatically mean permanent growth of your muscles. Starting from 60 kg in squats and gaining only 2-2.5 kg per month, you are guaranteed to get to 120-150 kg (well, believe me, significant changes in muscles correspond to such numbers).

I'm not sure if your result will be similar when working to "failure". To begin with, the main condition of training will be downright hysterical weights - otherwise how to bring the muscle to "failure" in one set? However, such weights, as paradoxical as it sounds, mean a lack of load for muscle growth... It has already been proven that anabolism stimulates a lot of work done, i.e. a large number of sets and reps. Arguing with this is simply stupid. This pattern means relatively low working weights, which give you a better chance of recovery between workouts. In addition, the body itself perceives small weights positively. Suffice it to say that testosterone and growth hormone levels rise in the blood just from multi-set workouts.

The data from Bulgaria confirm that the total volume of loads is extremely important for the growth of "mass", and not the specific value of the weight of the load. A large number of sets and reps - this, as evidenced by the research of Bulgarian scientists, is an excellent growth stimulator, even for advanced athletes. All this allows you to avoid injuries, nervous exhaustion and contributes to the overall recreation of the body.

Second. It is well known that super-intense "failure" loads cause an acute shortage of oxygen. If such loads last for a long time, it is possible to deregulate the function of blood oxygen saturation, including the so-called. "Oxygen ischemic shock". This term denotes an unexpected instant "release" of oxygen into the blood, which leads to massive destruction of muscle cells. This explains what sometimes happens to athletes who regularly practice "refusal" training, a landslide "weight loss".

Third. "Failure" technique leads to loss muscle coordination while performing sets, and already in the first exercises of the complex. As a result, individual muscles are no longer able to fully perform the functions of joint stabilizers during subsequent loads. And this is already an emergency when working with large weights... According to many coaches, "failures" are overwhelming nervous system and therefore quickly lead to overtraining. This super-intense technique can only be practiced by top-class athletes who use the most powerful and super-expensive pharmacology between workouts.

Fourth. The exercise is accompanied by a complex nervous technique, in which the nerve endings of the tendons play an important role. If during normal training the sensitivity of such endings grows, and with it the endurance and strength of the muscles grows, then "failure" training leads to the opposite result - the sensitivity of the nerve endings decreases. As a result, muscle strength also falls.

So is a "rejection" necessary?

The answer is obvious: of course not. The "failure" technique is not a mandatory rule of daily training. You don’t have to work every muscle to the limit of fatigue in every set — that alone will not add bulk to you. The "refusal" technique is one of the pumping methods, nothing more. Do not pass it off as the main bodybuilding training technique. Undoubtedly, “rejection” is beneficial, but only if applied reasonably, that is, temporarily.

Complete muscle failure is not a guarantee of future muscle growth. Such a guarantee can only be given by a confident build-up of training weights. However, it should not be linear throughout the training cycle. This approach is a sure way to stagnation. It is necessary to combine periods hard training with periods of lightweight, where in the latter the intensity increases due to an increase in the number of repetitions and sets with the same, or even completely reduced weights. Such periods should be combined in a 3: 1 ratio. It has been proven that muscle increases anabolism not by weight, but by total training volume. The dependence here is direct - more repetitions and sets - more "mass". Nevertheless, it is difficult to recruit a significant amount of work: fatigue does not allow you to fully complete the required 10-12 sets. How to be? The secret is that the illusion of the impossibility of performing the exercises further is created not by the target muscles, but by the so-called. muscle stabilizers. For example, on the bench press, a significant cumulative mass of muscles (other than the pectorals) is occupied with maintaining the bar in an upright position. Since stabilizers, in general, have a small volume, they fatigue much faster than pectorals. As a result, the exercise has to be stopped even before the muscles of the chest receive the optimal load for growth. To prevent this from happening, you need to start with a bench press with dumbbells to warm up and strengthen the stabilizer muscles. Then you can move on to the barbell of the same total weight. Well, then - to the bench press simulator, where, again, you should put the same weight. Please note that with a barbell, you would not have overcome a couple of sets with the same weight in any way due to the failure of the stabilizers. But in the simulator, stabilizers are simply not needed: their fatigue does not interfere with the main muscles, and therefore it is quite possible to add at least 2-3 additional sets. Anyone who only does the bench press with a barbell usually does not even suspect that his chest is chronically not being finalized. By the way, the simulator can be a good solution for those whose pectorals have stopped growing. Perhaps the whole reason is in the stabilizers. After all, these are small muscles, and it is easy to "hammer" them with large weights. Here it is necessary to take up the enhanced pumping of the chest in the simulator - the pectorals will begin to grow again.

Does this mean that basic exercises need to be abandoned? Of course not. The rule here is this: first you should take up the basic exercises and do them as long as there is an increase in "mass". When the growth of the latter stops, it switches to simulators.

In strength training, the term " muscle failure"Is used to describe the inability to continue with an exercise set due to short-term muscle weakness.

Some people think that muscle failure is the moment when you just believe that they are not able to perform additional repetitions. This is not true.

Muscle failure is the moment you actually reach the point after which you cannot finish the repetition. You try to finish it, but you are unable to do it.

For example, if you tried to do 10 repetitions in any exercise, but could only do the 9th repetition halfway, then the achievement of muscle failure occurred on the 9th repetition.

It turns out that one of the most common points of controversy among strength athletes is whether to intentionally achieve muscle failure with one set (or all sets), or should try to avoid it.

To answer the question of whether bodybuilding needs rejection, let's look at the pros and cons of training to muscle failure.


If you achieve muscle failure in a set, it is usually means that you are training hard enough, applying substantial effort, causing significant muscle fatigue.

it's the same usually means that you are striving to make progress, and this is the true key to achieving positive results from strength training.


Many people do not understand that training to failure is extremely difficult test for the body. This applies not only to the trained muscles, but also to the entire central nervous system.

This means that achieving failure will affect both short-term and on the body's long-term ability to recover.

Training to failure in one (or more) set will not only affect performance on subsequent sets of that exercise AND the remaining exercises in your workout, but often your overall performance and ability to recover for the next workout.

In addition, there is a security issue. Sure, training to failure on biceps curls or leg extensions is pretty safe, but reaching failure (especially without a spotter) while doing bench presses, barbell squats, or the like can have dire consequences.

And now, based on scientific data, general practical results, recommendations of various experts and, of course, my own experience, I want to say that deliberate training to muscle failure does more harm than good.

I (like most experts) tend to think that deliberately achieving failure in one (or each) approach is a bad idea. In most cases, should stop 1 or 2 reps from the moment of muscle failure.

So if you're trying to do 10 reps but feel like the 9th will probably be the last you can do, stop and don't fail on 10th rep. Try it next time.

In both the short term (the remainder of the workout) and the long term (future workout), this definitely seems to be the smarter decision.

Unintentional achievement of failure

On the other hand, if you thought you COULD do the 10th rep and tried to complete it but failed to complete, so be it.

Sometimes achieving muscle failure is beneficial in my opinion, and in order to progress in training, it must happen from time to time.

If your goal is not to consistently deliberately train to failure, then it's good that you will occasionally inadvertently achieve it.

For the most part, just try to avoid it by stopping 1-2 reps from muscle failure.

Based on materials:

Former weightlifter, now bodybuilder, ingenious trainer, popularizer of neurotypes Christian Tibado wrote an article about sets to failure. And we translated.

High-intensity training with failure sets was extremely popular in the late 90s of the last century, but to this day - although they have already gone out of fashion - the pitching continues to debate whether to bring sets to failure.

Scientific arguments are sometimes given in its favor, for example, a study by Cameron and Mitchell in 2012 showed that training to failure with weights of 30% and 80% of 1RM stimulates the same gains in muscle mass.

Cons of extreme loads

Failure sets in the middle range (say 3 to 12 reps) are extremely exhausting, especially the nervous system. Muscles, of course, accumulate beneficial fatigue (stimulating growth), but the last rep for our nerves is almost like trying to lift a record weight.

Let me emphasize that we are talking about the middle range with the corresponding intensity. Multi-repetitions with low weights (sets lasting a minute and a half) do not load the central nervous system as much, but it is interrupted not due to muscle fatigue, but due to the accumulation of metabolites in them. Failure sets of 6-8-10 reps are another matter entirely.

Here's a practical example: Let's say you took 70% of your 1RM and set out to do 12 reps. In each subsequent repetition (after the first), the strength will decrease by about 3% due to muscle fatigue.

Rep 1 = weight perceived objectively - 70% of 1RM (not fatigued yet)
Repetition 2 = perceived as 73%
Repetition 3 = perceived as 76%
Repetition 4 = perceived as 79%
Repetition 5 = perceived as 82%
Repetition 6 = perceived as 85%
Repetition 7 = perceived as 88%
Repetition 8 = perceived as 91%
Repetition 9 = perceived as 94%
Repetition 10 = perceived as 97%
Repetition 11 = perceived as 100%
Repeat 12 = it just doesn't work.

Although a 6-12 reps failure set does not put as much stress on our body (bones, joints, ligaments, etc.) as walking (lifting 1RM), in this example the 11th rep for the central nervous system is almost like a one-time record.

This load is helpful to induce hypertrophy, but overworking the nervous system can impair recovery and slow muscle growth. With a high activity of the central nervous system, an excessive amount of adrenaline is produced, and dopamine is consumed for its production. Lack of dopamine after such strains leads to a loss of motivation, a deterioration in mood, a decrease in libido, drowsiness, etc.

And regular refusal training leads to an excess of cortisol, which brings its own "joy". In short, rejection has more disadvantages than advantages.

What to do?

You can work to failure in simple and "small" exercises that do not require high activation of the central nervous system. If the movement is so difficult that in itself it tires the nervous system, it is not worth performing it to failure - there will be more harmful effects than useful ones.

I divide all exercises into 7 levels (according to the degree of involvement of the central nervous system), here is a plate with examples of movements and recommendations for "failure" approaches:

Remember that significant strength and mass can be achieved without failure training. Even when I was addicted power records(weightlifting squat 270 kg, front squat 220 kg, bench press 200 kg, bench press 125 kg), then in training I never brought the approach in exercises 1 and 2 levels to failure.

Find out all the pros and cons of training to failure, important tips and tricks, when you can use failure and what is the cost of using it incorrectly.

Improper use of training to failure can lead to a cessation of muscle growth, while its competent use stimulates anabolism and an increase in muscle volume. Let's be clear about the type of failure and what kind of research has been done.

Training to failure

In the field of fitness and bodybuilding, the opinions of different specialists were divided, some shout that this is the path to fame, the king of bodybuilding Arnold Schwarzenegger is a striking example of this, he just claims that it is the last 2-3 repetitions that activate and make muscles grow, this is the only way to break through sleeping muscle areas. It is by crossing the threshold “through I can’t” that the way to Olympus opens and this distinguishes ordinary people from champions.

Other experts insist that this is useless work, which leads to total, which puts a barrier to muscle progress. After all, the main thing is to pump the muscle well, fill it with blood, nutrients and oxygen.

So how do you get the most out of your workout to failure with minimal waste.

When to apply waiver

Despite the opinion of supporters against the use of refusal, research conducted by a specialist in strength training Brad Schoenfeld, proved that an increase in the concentration of lactic acid directly affects the stimulation of muscle growth, due to an increase in the production of intramuscular growth factor. And much more lactic acid is produced just when muscle failure is achieved.

A big plus of working to failure is that working at the limit of capabilities, small muscle areas quickly get tired, this forces the nervous system to send a command to engage large rapidly contracting muscle fibers.

But at the same time, a big minus immediately appears, having completed the approach to complete refusal, the emotional state is greatly depleted, after completing an approach of 8 repetitions, the next one is unlikely to be done again at 8, most likely the work will go according to the following scenario - then do it at 7-6, and then 4-5 repetitions.

Consequences of refusal

The fact that training to failure depletes our body is an undeniable fact that cannot be ignored. Scientific research carried out by Spanish experts, proved that work to wear, increases the level of the nucleotide adenosine monophosphate (NAM), because of it, the cell experiences a lack of energy, which reduces the level of synthesis.

Also, the Spaniards put forward a scientifically based theory that refusal activates the hormone Cortisol, which triggers the mechanism of muscle resolution (catabolic processes), which in turn stops the process of muscle growth in the long term.

In order to prevent this, muscle failure must be used from time to time to give the body a good recovery and not drive itself into muscle stagnation.

What's beyond rejection

Many people wonder how you can go beyond muscle failure, what is beyond it ?! Unfortunately, to influence the refusal of our
the body cannot when the arms refuse not to lift the bar, but simply to bend the arms.

But in your arsenal there are several good methods:

- thanks to which you can take small weights and additionally pour blood on the muscles, making them swell before our eyes.

- let a real masochist, when you perform a given number of repetitions, and then you are slightly helped at the beginning of the rise by the last 2-3 repetitions, which you lower yourself.

- when your body refuses to lift the weight at all, it is lifted to you completely, you only lower it, concentrating efforts on the negative phase.

- having completed, for example, the planned number of 8 repetitions, reduce the weight by 20-25% and again do the same 8 repetitions and so on until the end, after that your hands will burn and burst, reaching a mega refusal.

Using these methods of continuation of refusal, I just want to shout at the end - "Mom give birth to me back, what am I doing here." 🙂

Harry supported our project with donation and asked the question: “Hello. I have already subscribed to you for half a year, I learned a lot of new things. Thank you for always giving so much valuable information. So I decided to support you with money and ask - how do you feel about rejection training and whether straight people need it? "

Hello, thank you for your kind words and support. Today we have a lot of questions, and therefore, without further ado, let's go.

In fact, the very concept of rejection is very different for many of us. For example, experienced athletes know that failure is extreme fatigue, in which you cannot complete the next rep without breaking technique. Less experienced athletes believe that failure is achieved only when they are physically unable to lift the bar, sometimes even with the help of a teammate.

In this case, the refusal occurs both for the person performing the exercise and for the belayer.

It would be so funny if it weren't so scary. People get a lot of injuries just when they start to really kill themselves in the gym.

If we talk about just this type of training, then we treat them extremely negatively, and it doesn't matter if a person trains naturally or uses pharmacological support.

As for the first option, when failure is understood as an attempt to perform a repetition with a violation of the technique, then this method can be used, but only if this particular workout falls on the peak load in terms of your periodization system. In this case, it really makes sense as you shock your body and then reduce training stress in subsequent workouts, allowing the body to recover by making the most of the supercompensation period.

Due to this approach, it is possible to progress and reduce the risk of injury to a minimum, however, only experienced athletes can use a really qualitatively similar method of varying the load. For beginner and intermediate athletes, we do not recommend failure training in principle, since it is very easy to not calculate your strength and earn an injury, which at best will roll you back a few months, and at worst will significantly limit you both in sports and in life.

PLAY TUBE asks: “I'm watching your channel, it's a very interesting channel. The question is, is it possible to type muscle mass and at the same time remove fat. Does cardio burn your muscles? Thanks in advance and good luck to the channel. "

Thanks. No. Although the most straightforward person says otherwise, well, God be his judge.

It's actually pretty simple here. Roughly speaking, all that our body needs in order for muscles to grow is a surplus of calories, exercise stress, which forces the body to adapt, proper rest during which recovery and growth will be carried out and a certain level of hormonal levels, which will contribute to this growth and retention of muscle mass.

Again, to put it simply, fat starts to burn when, firstly, there is a calorie deficit, and secondly, physical activity uses fat reserves as an energy source.

That is, it becomes clear that it will not work to be in plus and minus calories at the same time.

Therefore, under normal conditions, it will not be possible to simultaneously burn and build, at least for those who train exclusively naturally.

People who have been exercising for less than 2 years may decide that they are able to burn fat and build muscle, because at first glance they become more prominent and at the same time their working weights increase. However, the growth of strength indicators during this period occurs mainly due to the fact that the neuromuscular connection is significantly improved, the technique is perfected and the articular-ligamentous apparatus is strengthened.

The same goes for cardio. If you are in a calorie surplus and your catabolic hormone levels are not high, then there is nothing to be afraid of. It's another matter that with natural training it's very easy to drive yourself into overtraining, so you shouldn't put too much on cardio.

sailau aitbaev asks: "you could get pumped up without a smudge at 14 years old, thank you."

No, you can't pump up without protein. Because protein is protein, and without protein, you can't build muscle. You cannot build a brick house without using bricks. Another thing is that for this it is absolutely not necessary to use sports nutrition... It is enough to get by with protein from eggs, meat, poultry and fish. To build a diet exclusively from natural products is a completely solvable task.

iskander kurbanov asks: “Hello, you have a cool channel, very informative, please answer my question, otherwise I’m already losing hope for everything, I’ve been doing it for a year, I don’t miss it, I trained a couple of times, I gained about 15kg, I’m doing the exercises correctly, there is no overtraining , but the breast still does not grow and does not grow, which can you advise. "

Hello and thank you. If we understood correctly, then you have already managed to intervene 2 times in the work of your hormonal system, in the first year of training?

Do not do like this. At least I want to believe that you are at least over 25 years old. But all this is lyrics. We all have genetically gifted muscle groups that grow much better than the rest. In addition, almost everyone has muscle groups that respond much worse than others with growth to load. We recommend that you carefully consider the choice of exercises for pectoral muscles... Try to use only those in which you really feel their work. Alternatively, press the barbell or dumbbells at an angle and set the dumbbells. If you train naturally, then two exercises should be sufficient. Train your chest once a week. It is possible that you managed to torture them pretty much by training according to the principle - grow or die.

Reduce your working weights for the first time. This is necessary in order to learn how to feel the muscles for real. When you don’t think about how to survive under the barbell, then it will be easier for your brain to build its interaction with all the beams, which will definitely give good results in the future.

If we talk about pressing the bar at an angle, then try to work within the amplitude without lowering the bar to the end or squeezing it completely. In the positive phase of the movement, try to squeeze the bar, bringing your hands together. Due to this, the load on the chest will increase significantly. In the negative phase, guide the bar to the collarbone, but, again, do not lower it to the end. Reduce lower back deflection and maximize opening chest... Release tension from your legs. This is achieved by mental concentration and a decrease in working weight. Sometimes, in order to take two steps forward, you need to take one step back. Stretch the muscles between sets, which in these exercises should not be more than 2-3. These simple tips can really help if you take them seriously. Good luck.

Emil Lime asks: “hello. the channel is very informative and the timbre of the voice-overs is very pleasant) after a 5 year break I returned to training, in 1.5 months I regained my shape and even better than it was 5 years ago .. I eat, I drink protein once a day, I bought myself 2 weeks back creatine capsules..AAC has never been used..MY QUESTION: HOW TO UNDERSTAND IF I AM OVERTRAINED? AND IF THIS IS SO, HOW TO GET OUT OF IT? how long to rest? week? two? or what to do? I thought about this because I often did to failure, and sometimes after failure I took less weight and went to the second failure .. I don’t do that anymore .. Split 3 days: 1) 3 chest exercises, 3 triceps exercises, in between between them I swing the press 70-80 times 4 times .. 2) 4 exercises. on the back, 2 on the biceps, 4 times pres ... 3) 2 exercises. on legs, 5 different on deltas, trapeziums and forearms .. between them also press 4 times ... in everything except press 1-2 warm-up sets and 3-4 workers on average 12 repetitions each .. I never sit in the gym less than 1.5 hours .. usually 2 hours .. Please help with a question. I'm afraid that in such a mode my progress will stop due to overtraining .. and if something needs to be changed in it, I don’t know how not to sacrifice exercises .. thankful in advance. "

Hello and thank you for your kind words. Press, press, press. Constantly jerking off the press is a very common mistake. In fact, the press is the same muscle as everyone else, but for some unknown reason, almost no one trains their legs at every workout.

One abdominal workout per week will be more than enough. In addition, many do not train him in principle, since they understand that all the success of the press is in good drying. Let's go further. 2 exercises for each muscle group will be enough. In each exercise, you should not do more than 2-3 working approaches. It is preferable to rest between hikes for about 40-45 seconds. This time is just enough to record the result of the approach in the training diary, take a sip of water and restore the pulse and breathing. An exception to the duration of rest can be made in squats, increasing the time between approaches to one and a half to two minutes. A similar scheme training is most optimal for gaining muscle mass.

The main signs of overtraining are lethargy, apathy, decreased appetite, insomnia, manifestation of unwillingness to go to workout, decreased immunity, and frequent injury. At the first sign, we recommend taking rest, which, depending on the severity of overtraining, will vary from 2 to 4 weeks. In extremely severe cases, this period can be significantly increased. Learn to listen to your body. This is much more important than anything, including our advice.

Dima Sanko asks: "Is it possible for schoolchildren to work with weights"

Can. Even it comes about bathroom scales.

We would advise you to carry out several workouts under the guidance of a trainer, as a last resort, contact more experienced athletes, because you can even break a pussy inappropriately, and it is very easy to do this during school years.

There are several basic rules, following which you can build muscle by exercising naturally, and it does not matter if you are a student or if you are in your fifties. You can watch a video with these recommendations by the link, which will traditionally be in the description for this release.

True Customs asks: "The question is guy like this: the impact of strength training on vision (worsening or improving (uh huh ...)). and how to minimize harm to the eyes. "

Decreased vision can indeed occur, but only in those people who, when working with submaximal weights, are accustomed to holding their breath. In this case, intraocular pressure increases significantly, which, over time, negatively affects our vision. Therefore, learn to breathe correctly. Do not hold your breath and enrich your diet with foods that are rich in vitamins A, C, E and D, and then you can examine the phyto-baby before touching it.

ALeX _DeAT_ asks: "Is there a dependence on body vegetation and testosterone levels?" The more the second, the more the first? Or you can be bald and sleek, having high level of this sex hormone? Conversely, hairy, like a gorilla, but low in its content. I really hope for advice, thanks

Make a video about determining the type of physique, thanks. I would like to hear more details on the definition of type in adolescents. "

The hairiness level mainly depends on two factors. The first is really the testosterone level, and the second is genetics. Body hair has 2 main functions - on the one hand, it retains heat, and on the other hand, it protects the body from overheating. The ratio of genetic characteristics and own level of hormonal background determines the amount of hair on the body. Therefore, to say that everyone whose hair breaks through a T-shirt has an exorbitant level of testosterone is not true.

As for the question about the types of addition in adolescents, it does not make much sense to determine the type of physique up to 18-20 years old. The fact is that hormonal surges inherent in all during this period can radically change a person. Personally, I have several acquaintances who literally in a year from fat koloboks with thin bones turned into tall mesomorphs. Therefore, leave this problem for a few years and then you can easily understand what type of physique you belong to.

Albert Khaidarov asks: "Greetings. How would you describe the type of training in the book "dinosaur training"? Isn't it too shock load for the heart and the whole organism? "

Hello. We could not ignore this issue, if only because now we have the opportunity to joke that if dinosaurs trained in this way, it becomes clear why they all the same became extinct.

After reading this book, it will become obvious to anyone that training is primarily aimed at becoming strong. Moreover, they propose to develop strength similar to the one that the strongmen demonstrate, lifting stones, throwing barrels, pushing huge dumbbells with thick bars. Etc. etc. If your goal is precisely the development of such all-round strength, then this training method really takes place, but you must be prepared for the fact that the blow to your body may be too strong. The first principle of dinosaur training is hard work, and the author is talking about working until you lose your pulse. He describes his training, at the end of which very often he literally lost consciousness for a while. It is clear that such training will definitely have a negative impact on wear and tear. It breaks where it is thin, so if you have a weak heart, then the first blow will fall on it. If the joints or ligaments are naturally not too strong, then their injury will not take long. Work for wear and tear is not just called that, because it literally wears out the body. For the sake of fairness, it must be said that the general idea of ​​training dinosaurs is very appealing to us, but being overly fanatical is clearly not going to benefit everyone. As they say, everything is good in moderation.

Do you need rejection training for REAL naturals? updated: August 16, 2017 by the author: rorshax

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