Push the platform with one foot on the machine. Squats or Leg Press? Which leg exercise is best? Sets and reps

My compliments, dear readers and all those who passed by and decided to come to our light! Well, a series of long May holidays has ended, victorious fireworks have died down, which means that it is time to roll into Kachkov's working days. Today we will just do this, namely, we will talk on a technical topic and consider (under the microscope) an exercise such as a leg press. After reading, you will learn everything about the technique of its implementation, mistakes that should not be made, some practical tricks and many more useful things.

So, I ask everyone to sit down, we begin.

Leg press. What, why and why?

I am very happy to write this article because the leg press exercise is my favorite exercise for training leg muscles. I am sure that if at the moment you treat it with coolness, then after reading it, look at it from the other side and be sure to get attached with all your heart :). As usual, we will begin our acquaintance with the basic theory and then gradually merge into practice.

Anatomical atlas

Leg press - (hip, knee and ankle joints) exercise for the muscles of the legs in the simulator at an angle 45 degrees, which consists in flexion / extension of the knee joint, which is under the weight of the platform. The platform is raised and lowered using a slide mechanism. Another version of the leg press is the classic one, when the athlete is repulsed from a platform located horizontally.

In doing this movement (incline leg press) the following muscular units are involved:

The main load falls on the quadriceps and hamstrings, and the buttocks are also involved.


  • accentuated study different muscles feet (you can shift the focus to the buttocks, adductor / abductor muscles);
  • the absence of axial load on the spine makes it an indispensable exercise for those with a weak back (like girls) or there is her injury;
  • increased calorie burning. You can burn for just 3 minutes from 9 before 18,5 calories depending on the tonnage being lifted (for comparison - standard 30 -minute strength training of a person weighing 70 kg helps burn up 115 calories)... Muscle tissue, even at rest, requires its maintenance with energy from calories. V scientific research published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (for 2010 year), scientists have found that each kilogram of muscle needs about 13 calories per day. With regular strength training average untrained person builds 0,87-1,8 kg of muscle mass for the first 2 months, after that growth slows down;
  • promoted metabolism. Leg Press will help your body burn more calories throughout the day. (basal metabolic rate increases);
  • in the male part - increased libido (in common people, I would say what it is called, but here the ladies :)) by enhancing blood circulation and stimulating the pelvic organs.

Execution technique

Step # 1.

"Equip" the machine by placing on both sides of the required weight of the pancakes.

Step # 2.

Lie under it and place your feet shoulder-width apart in the middle of the platform.

Step # 3.

Leaning on the platform, slightly push it with your feet forward, removing the load from the stoppers. Hold the platform up.

The original starting position looks like this:

Step # 4.

Slowly lower the "cart" down to the corner 90 degrees in knee joint.

Step # 5.

Extend your knees, pushing the weight with your heels, then return the platform to its original position.

Step 6.

Repeat the movement the required number of times.


In the picture version, all this disgrace looks like this:

Subtleties and secrets

At first glance, it may seem that the exercise is from the category of "lightness", in fact, there are many subtleties when performing it. Therefore, remember the following tips:

  • the legs should firmly rest against the platform, the push is made with the heels;
  • knees are directed parallel to each other, no blockages inward or outward;
  • when lowering the platform, it is better to focus not on the bending angle 90 degrees in the knee joint, and to a “safe” depth of the press - when the lower back is firmly pressed against the back of the seat;
  • in finding the optimal position of the heels and the angle of the socks, it is best to stick to your own, most natural sensations;
  • the depth of the press depends on the specific simulator and the degree of mobility of your knee joints;
  • while moving the "cart", the feet and knees must move in the same plane;
  • the head does not rotate on the sides, but is pressed against the back;
  • when lowering the platform - inhale, when lifting - exhale;
  • hands firmly hold the handrails;
  • use full range of motion;
  • do not straighten your knees to the end;
  • start the exercise with empty or light weight;
  • lowering the cart deeply will shift the focus to the buttocks;
  • if you feel that you yourself cannot complete the last repetition, put your hands on your knees and help yourself to squeeze the weight up;
  • Keep your entire body in constant tension throughout the movement - this will generate more power output.

It is also necessary to bear in mind that, by changing the position of the feet on the platform, one can more accentuate one or another muscle group of the legs. The following variations of the positioning of the legs in the simulator are possible:

  1. feet shoulder width apart (red option)- load on quads and hips (for dialing total mass legs);
  2. legs are wider than shoulders, toes outward (blue version) - the load is shifted to the adductors (adductors), the inner thickness of the thigh is being worked out;
  3. legs narrower than shoulders and located lower on the platform (green option)- working out the outer part of the quadriceps;
  4. feet in the upper part of the stand - the gluteal and sciatic-popliteal muscles of the thigh are loaded;
  5. one leg on the platform - it all depends on setting it around the perimeter; in the classic version, the entire muscle layer of the leg is worked out. The option is great for girls to create rounded fifth point shapes.

Well, we figured out the technique and practical tricks, it's time to move on to the errors that most often occur. These include: separation of the pelvis from the seat (1), reduction of the knees (2), separation of the heels (3), press in “bounce”.


By the method of electromagnetic tomography, it was determined muscle tension quads for leg presses and squats. The results showed the complete identity of these exercises, which allows us to speak of a complete replacement of one exercise with another, adjusted for the quadriceps muscle of the thigh.

Practical points

Usually, your humble servant performs this exercise at the end of leg workout and with a relatively large weight (for 200 kg) on 10 repetitions with full amplitude. Upon completion 3 -x sets, I still finish on 10-15 reps with dropped weight (drop-set principle)... After the end of the workout, the legs are reluctant to move, and it feels like they have one-stop weights attached to them. Therefore, the path from the gym to home, which usually takes 10-15 minutes, turns into a life-long road :).

It is also worth adding that an indicator of a well-done work on the trolley simulator is a feeling of slight nausea and dizziness.

The following information applies exclusively to males. Usually, when the tonnage (working weight) exceeds 200 kg, and you, for example, yourself by force 65-70 , then there is a feeling of a non-illusory kipish that the weight is large and anything can happen during execution. I will say right away - this is normal, i.e. when the body begins to turn on defense reactions and launch various “Sachkovo” signals into the brain. In such cases, I usually do not look at the tonnage and tell myself that weight is lightness, and sometimes a breath of fresh air of vodka helps.

Another little cheat code. Classic girls do not need large weights in this exercise, medium is enough ( 20-30 kg) and small ( 15 kg), but for a large number of repetitions (more 10 ) and sets ( 3 ). Guys should be looking for both weight and reps. So, when the tonnage becomes non-illusory-large, then it is simply not possible to perform the exercise at a calm pace. The body needs a strong emotional outburst, which results in the establishment of a "thick" channel "brain-muscle". In practice, this usually manifests itself in the form of anger - you need to learn how to induce this state by swinging your central nervous system. Thus, the neuro-muscular canal thickens, which allows the athlete to pull decent weights without reluctance :).

Well, that is, in fact, all that I would like to tell in this article. Let's sum up all this chatter and say goodbye.


Today we have learned how to properly load our legs through an exercise such as a leg press. Now you are aware of all the subtleties and nuances and can consolidate the knowledge gained in practice, i.e. in his gym... So we read the article to the end and blow into the hall! Good luck, my dears, until we meet again!

PS. I am always glad to receive your feedback, so do not hesitate to unsubscribe questions, comments and other miscellaneous.

PPS. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network- a plus 100 points to karma, guaranteed :).

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

One of the most common, demanded strength devices for training in a gym is a leg press simulator. Exercises on such devices completely replace squats with additional weight, allow you to activate the underdeveloped.

Design features of the simulator

The trainer includes a foot platform, canopy supports and a seat with backrest. Let's consider in detail each structural element:

  1. The platform is the main component of the simulator, which is set in motion during the exercise. In some devices, the specified element has the form of an all-metal sheet, in others it contains slots, a lining in the form of a non-slip material. The standard weight for a leg press machine is 25 kg. If necessary, the platform weight can be doubled by using outboard weights. However, beginners should not immediately engage in weights, since such a decision increases the risk of spinal injury.
  2. Seat with backrest - made of dense, hypoallergenic material with elastic filling. The structural element is adjustable in length and may contain a headrest. Some manufacturers make leg press machines without a seat. However, this version is quite inconvenient for novice athletes.
  3. Canopy supports - presented in the form of bars, which are located on both sides of the simulator. Designed for the application of additional weight.

What muscles are involved in using the simulator?

Pressing the legs while lying on the simulator makes almost all muscles work: the quadriceps, gluteus maximus, peroneus longus and tibialis anterior, soleus muscle.

For the athlete doing the leg press, horizontal trainer gives the main load on the buttocks and quadriceps area. However, changing position during seating activates other muscle groups as well.

Benefits of training with a leg trainer

The leg press machine has a whole host of advantages:

  1. Opens up an opportunity for the study of inactive, unused in Everyday life muscle groups. To activate the latter, they resort to changing the position of the limbs on the platform.
  2. Eliminates which is present when doing squats with additional weight. Thus, the possibility of complex pumping of the legs opens up for those who have back problems, have a poorly developed muscle corset.
  3. The seated leg press burns a huge amount of calories during a short workout, which helps to reduce fat in the thighs and buttocks.
  4. Exercising on the simulator activates metabolic processes in the body.
  5. Thanks to the flow of blood to the pelvic area, the work of the genitals improves.

Differences between leg press and squat

Pressing the legs in the simulator (exercise technique) involves the provision of an increased load on the quadriceps. At the same time, the spine remains relaxed, which avoids back injuries that often occur during

Another defining difference is the ability to quickly change the position of the legs, aimed at working out specific muscle groups... At the same time, squats put a load on all leg muscles at the same time, which contributes to the development of rapid fatigue.

Leg press in the simulator - technique

Compliance only correct technique Exercise can reduce the risk of injury. Consider the secrets that will allow you to bench press correctly.

To begin with, a suitable weight is set on the simulator, which corresponds to the strength capabilities of the athlete. The user is positioned in the simulator, resting the feet on the platform shoulder-width apart. The platform latches are gripped by hand.

The leg press in the simulator (exercise technique) involves a tight fit with the buttocks and back pressed against the bench. Moving the platform away from you is performed on exhalation. The platform is not completely squeezed out. The knees remain slightly bent throughout the exercise. This approach avoids damage to the joints.

The platform is lowered on a deep breath to the limits, until the lower leg and thigh are in a position at right angles to each other. In conclusion, hold your breath for a few moments and squeeze the weight again.

How to make leg muscles grow?

Which promotes progressive muscle building in the area lower limbs? For visible results, focus on proper nutrition... It is the saturation of the body with an abundance of protein that makes the muscles grow stronger and increase in volume. If you do not pay due attention to this moment, training will bring nothing but pain and fatigue.

The systematic use of additional weight and a change in the angle of inclination of the platform allows to increase the efficiency of training. Unfortunately, not all leg training machines have this functionality. Therefore, in cases where progress in training is almost imperceptible, it is worth using more advanced devices.

The final consolidation of the result allows performing the press with one leg. This strategy is especially effective at the end of a workout. Not every athlete can do the exercise. However, it is still worth trying to enhance the overall effect.


As seen, power trainer for the legs is an excellent device for complex pumping of the muscles of the lower extremities. Some athletes resort to its exploitation, working to consolidate the result after doing weighted squats.

Regular exercise on the simulator allows for a short time to increase the quadriceps, which visually make the legs more massive. In addition, athletes get the opportunity to focus on specific muscle groups without risking losing balance.

When lifting weights with their legs in a reclining position, they train Experienced athletes know how long their pumping can be when performing the deepest squats.

In general, while exercising with the use of the simulator, athletes are able to significantly isolate loads, reduce the risk of injury, even when working with increased weight.

Exercise rules and working muscles

With their legs lying down, they are aimed at working out the muscles of the legs and inner thighs. This is a basic exercise as it involves knee, ankle and hip joints... In contrast, the bench press allows you to avoid unnecessary stress on the spine.

Performing leg press in the simulator consists in alternately bending and unbending the legs under the weight of the platform - the exercise is quite heavy, energy-intensive and trains several types of muscles.

The squat, like the bench press, puts stress on the muscles of the glutes and thighs. The exercises have a number of differences:

  1. The body during the press is fixed on the back of the simulator, so you do not need to lift your own weight with the apparatus - this simplifies the exercise.
  2. The bench press is less traumatic, since the load on the back is reduced.
  3. Squats, in turn, are more effective than the bench press: they make you work not only, but also your back, hips and stabilizer muscles.
  4. Bench press is a simpler basic exercise for high-quality work of the quadriceps.
  5. They love the leg press in the simulator, since it does not require developed back muscles and the press. Squats, on the other hand, get the body fully engaged, which increases stress levels and production, so muscle mass grows faster.

It is definitely not worth making a choice in favor of one exercise and abandoning another. Try to combine or alternate them in a way that is convenient for you: this will definitely give a positive result.

Pressing in a simulator requires adherence to technique - this way you are more likely to achieve results and can avoid injury. The basic rules are as follows:

Pressing the platform with your feet may seem easy exercise, but there are many subtleties on the implementation of which its effectiveness depends. For beginners, it is best to seek the help of a trainer.

Stop setting

The simulator allows you to focus on a specific muscle group: the result depends on the position of the feet on the foot platform. There are several variations of the staging:

What muscles are trained

Pressing the legs on the simulator trains one of the most strong muscles body and the largest muscle of the legs - quardriceps. All 4 parts of it are involved: the intermediate broadest, straight, medial and lateral.

Together with the quadriceps, the gluteus maximus muscle and rear part thigh, which includes semi-transverse, semitendinosus and biceps(biceps).


The bench press is contraindicated for people with diseases of the spine: it can be scoliosis, spinal hernia or sciatica. Varicose veins and hypertension are also absolute contraindications.
It is worth refraining from training in case of problems with the heart or blood vessels - they require the advice of an experienced doctor. Never do leg presses if you have ligament or knee injuries.

Leg press refers to basic exercises, as it involves several muscle groups. First of all, these are the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. The design of the simulator allows movement along a given trajectory. This makes the exercise suitable for beginners. In addition, when performing a bench press in the simulator, there is no axial load on the spine. This makes it suitable even for people with back problems when squats are prohibited.

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Working muscles

When doing the bench press, the muscles of the front (quadriceps) and back (hamstrings) surface of the legs, as well as the buttocks, work.

This exercise is performed in special simulator... It consists of a backrest and a platform that is angled 45 degrees to the floor. Pancakes are used as a burden.

Leg Press Machine

The bench press resembles a squat as the legs are bent at the knees. The same muscles are involved in the work, but the trajectory of movement is set in the simulator, and top part the body is fixed. This allows even people with back problems to do the exercise when squats are prohibited due to the axial load on the spine.

In addition, in the bench, you can take much more weight and build muscle faster. But it should be said that squats contribute to a stronger release of testosterone, which is responsible for the growth of muscle mass. In addition, they strengthen the muscles of the core, developing the entire body.

Depending on your leg press technique, you can use your quads or glutes to a greater extent. Girls usually want to pump up their butts without enlarging their hips. Therefore, they are advised to use a wide stance.

Technique with an emphasis on the buttocks

The vector of the load on certain muscles in the bench press will depend on the position of the feet on the platform of the simulator.

If set high and spread wide, the emphasis will shift to the buttocks, inner and back of the thigh. Narrow setting with a low position of the legs on the platform promotes the development of the quadriceps.

Methods for placing stops on the platform

For women, the first option is preferable. The execution technique in this case will have its own characteristics. The first step is to properly adjust the treadmill. Depending on the model, you can move the bench or platform (or both). The main thing is to keep your feet in starting position reached the platform and remained slightly bent at the knees.

Further actions:

  1. 1. It is necessary to hang the desired weight and lie on the exercise machine bench. The lower back should be firmly pressed against the back.
  2. 2. Place your feet on the platform as high as possible. Tall people you may need to leave only your heels on it. The feet need to be spread wide so that they are at the edges. Hands must hold the stoppers that block the platform.
  3. 3. Having taken this position, you need to slightly squeeze the platform at the top and turn the stoppers with your palms, releasing the blocking. The legs should remain slightly bent at the knees. Hands need to hold on to the side handles, firmly pressing yourself against the bench of the simulator.
  4. 4. After that, lower the platform slowly and under control, bending your legs. It is very important to make sure that your knees do not bend inward. Otherwise, the load will go from the target muscles to the knee joints.
  5. 5. In no case should the weight drop sharply downwards. You need to lower the platform quite deeply, which allows you to make a wide setting. The end point will be the moment when the lower back begins to lift off the bench. This should not be allowed.
  6. 6. On exhalation, it is necessary to powerfully squeeze the platform, resting against it with the whole foot. If you press only with your toes, all the load will go to the quads. At the top, you do not need to fully extend the knees, as this is harmful to the knee joints.

Leg press with an emphasis on the buttocks

After completing the approach, it is necessary to turn the stoppers by hand, blocking the platform.

Throughout the exercise, the feet should rest firmly on the platform. If they slip, weight will fall on the athlete, causing injury. To prevent this from happening, do not take too much burden.

Sets and reps

The number of sets and reps will vary for different people... If the goal is to dial muscle mass and increase the buttocks, you need to do 3 sets of 8-10 times.

The weight in this case should be such that the last repetitions are given with difficulty. But this should not affect the correctness of the execution technique.

If you need to burn excess fat and strengthen muscles, it is worth doing the exercise in 3-4 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

The bench press should be done during leg workout after squats or instead of them, if there are appropriate contraindications. Such classes need to be carried out 1-2 times a week. Taking breaks is essential for muscle recovery.

How to quickly pump up your legs at home and in the gym - a ready-made training program

Types of leg press

In addition to the presented embodiment, there are other types of leg presses.

With their help, you can diversify your training program and better feel the target muscles.

One foot

An effective exercise for working out the gluteal muscles and hamstrings is the one-leg press. It is performed in the same simulator.

The difference with the standard version will be that you only need to put one foot on the platform. The second should be left on the floor. When lowering the platform, it is important to ensure that it does not touch the knee of the standing leg.

In this exercise, you do not need to place your foot on the very edge of the platform. The foot should be high, but closer to the middle than in the classic version.

One leg press

In addition, you will have to set less weight. The rest of the execution technique will be the same.

This exercise is not aimed at increasing the muscles, but at working them out in detail. In addition, it can help to get rid of imbalances in the development of the legs.

With rubber band

Many girls complain that even when doing the leg press with the above technique, they feel more quadriceps, and not the buttocks. In this case, in order not to swing the hips, you can use rubber band for fitness. This embodiment will allow directing the load to gluteal muscles.

You need to put on the tape above the knees. When lowering the platform and extending the knees, the muscles will have to overcome additional resistance. But in this case, you will have to make sure that they do not come down inward.

Rubber Band Leg Press

The greatest load with this embodiment is received by the gluteus medius muscles. Their development is very important, as they make the bottom round in the back, helping to get rid of the pits on the sides.

On an outdoor simulator

If you can't go to the gym, you can replace your regular exercise machine with an outdoor one. It can be set to sports grounds near residential buildings or in public stadiums.

Unlike the standard trainer, there is no moving platform. The feet are placed on special supports, from which you need to push off, straightening your legs. As a result of the push, the seat of the simulator moves back.

Outdoor Leg Press

The movement should be smooth, without jerking. To protect the joints, the knees cannot be fully extended.

And a little about secrets ...

The story of one of our readers Inga Eremina:

My weight was especially depressing for me, at 41 I weighed like 3 sumo wrestlers put together, namely 92kg. How to remove excess weight fully? How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person younger than his figure.

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? Recognized - at least 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? Slightly more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. You can of course try to run on a treadmill, to the point of insanity.

And when to find all this time? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. Therefore, for myself, I chose a different way ...

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Date: 2012-05-29 Views: 1 645 708 Grade: 5.0

For which articles are awarded medals:

Major muscles- and
Additional- and
Complexity of execution- average

Leg press in the simulator at an angle - video

Weight and repetitions for beginners

For men: 10-15 repetitions of 10-20 kg. 2-3 sets.
For women: 10-15 repetitions of 5-10 kg. 2-3 sets.

Muscle group load

The load is indicated on a 10-point scale (total load is summed up)

Limitations for injury / illness / pain

The degree of risk is indicated on a 10-point scale.

Exercise Description

Generally, the higher the angle of this machine, the heavier it is. It is better to put your feet closer to the upper edge of the platform. In this case, it is less likely that you will tear the basin from the bench. This can injure your back. The width of the legs can be varied.

Main features

1. This exercise is great for those with back problems. Since there is no axial load on the spine and the back is out of work. 2. The wider you put your legs and spread your knees to the sides, the more load will fall on interior hips. The narrower the legs and knees, the more it will work quadriceps(front of the thigh). 3. The lower you lower the platform, the more the buttocks will work. However, don't overdo it. At the lowest point, the pelvis should not come off the support. Lower back can be injured. 4. Alternatively, you can press with one leg. In this case, the foot is placed slightly away from the center of the platform. And the load goes more to the inner surface of the thigh. But I do not recommend this option for beginners. 5. You can also try not to straighten your legs to the end. This will make your muscles work harder and faster. 6. The higher you put your feet on the platform, the more your buttocks will be loaded. And the lower - the hips. 7. In general, this exercise is basic. But I do not advise them to replace the squat with a barbell. This is only justified if, due to injury, you cannot squat.
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