Squats. Inside view

Many novice athletes consider squats to be the main exercise for their legs, while athletes, in turn, squat to pump up their buttocks. In fact, in addition to these roles, squats also help build muscle mass all over the body. If your goal is to gain mass, then keep in mind that it will be very difficult to achieve this without squats.

There are several differences of opinion in bodybuilding regarding technique. Some advise using bars or pancakes under the heels, others say that squats need to be done not full, only up to the knee level, and still others. Check out some videos on the internet on how to do squats by different athletes. Most likely, their technique will be different from each other. As you can see, this problem is very urgent and needs detailed discussion. This is what we'll talk about.

Squat technique

First of all, you need to remember the emphasis on muscles with different squat techniques. For example, deep squats allow you to shift the load from the hips to the buttocks, but incomplete squats are the main tool for working out the quadriceps. Often an athlete's technique is determined by his body type. Here's a good example: a middle-aged athlete always puts his legs narrower than a tall person. To practically eliminate the risk of injury, squats are best performed in a special rack box. If the workout is planned at home, spare some money and buy a universal stand, the design of which includes safety supports. It will be useful not only in squats, but also in other barbell exercises. Understand the main rule for yourself, squats should be accompanied by a straight back. Incorrect spine position is a big risk of seriously injuring your back and dropping out of training for a long time.

Legs position

Legs are just as important for muscle performance. Mostly athletes put their feet too wide, or too close to each other. For each you need to choose your own setting of the legs, this is done as follows. Take the bar from the bar and start experimenting, first place your feet shoulder-width apart, turn your toes slightly outward so that when lowering the body, the knee joints do not bend inward. If such inaccuracy is often the case, at best, the knees will ache a lot, at worst, serious injury is provided. Next, you need to choose a comfortable position for yourself, which would provide the desired amplitude and would not cause unpleasant sensations in the joints. Always put your socks out, remember this nuance.

Technique from the side

Next, you will need a partner, so ask someone. You do squats, and your partner should evaluate your technique, in particular, the lateral view of the lower back is important. When it begins to round arbitrarily, to make an irregular bend, the exercises must be stopped. Often, the onset of bends occurs even before the moment the hip is parallel to the floor. This mistake can be corrected by stretching for 2-3 weeks and doing squats without extra weight.

Some athletes cannot squat to parallel at all, based on their physiological characteristics. There is nothing scary here, each person is individual and this cannot be ignored. You just need to remember at the level of consciousness that optimal point at which the back makes the first urge to round. It is not recommended to cross this point, it is in it that the required amount of load on the spine is laid. The reduced range of motion has its significant advantages, one of which is the ability to work with large weights.

Squat technique for girls

Bench squats

Learning to feel the lower point of lowering, a bench or stool of the desired height will help. A few workouts using this trick will allow you to get used to the desired height and no longer cross this line. But on the other hand, at the beginning of training, it is not safe to do this, since it is easy to get a spinal injury. The athlete does not yet know the technique, he simply "throws" the body down, and restriction on this path will cause compression of the spine and its crush. This method can be useful in cases where the athlete is faced with problems when lifting the bar. To learn how to overcome a difficult lifting point, you can easily use the bench.

Heel pads

While doing squats, you have to build your own individual body structure. First you need to find the optimal body position in which the back, buttocks and leg muscles will receive the desired load. Leaning forward, roundness of the back, rocking, jerking are unacceptable. The main support should be on the heels, not socks. It is often noted that the heels are literally pressed into the floor during squats.

We have already partly mentioned the use of heel pads, thanks to which it is possible to significantly change the "angle" of the exercise. As a result, the load is better distributed throughout the muscles of the leg, but it also suffers more knee joints... Often athletes complain of knee pain after the decision to use pads. Never think of squats as exercises to strengthen the legs, they have a beneficial effect on the entire muscles, so the load should be taken on several muscle groups.

Squat bans

  • transfer the load to the socks (tear off the heels);
  • round the spine (this is an unnecessary burden on important element musculoskeletal system);
  • direct your gaze in any direction other than the forward direction (thus, the load is not distributed as needed).

Get a solid shoe for squatting, mean a firm sole with low cushioning. Keep your laces tied at all times.

Squat is one of the three most important exercises in bodybuilding. It will help to radically change the previous physique of a person, turn a thin person into a pumped-up, fit athlete. True, if the correct technique and perseverance are observed. To learn the technique, ideally, it is unlikely that it will be possible in 2-3 workouts, some of them are not subject to this even in a year.

The main nuances of squatting technique

Full concentration on your movements, even distribution of the load in the complex on different groups muscles, an even back during squats will ensure a positive result and constant progress. Good luck in your sports achievements.

A tall athlete looks much more impressive than a short one, but it is more difficult for a tall one to gain weight. According to our data, only 10% of those whose height exceeds 188 cm do not experience problems with gaining muscle mass.

It is also worth pointing out a certain visual moment: people with the same body mass index and the same body build (for example, ectomorphs) look different, having significant differences in height, and the superiority here is on the side of those who are shorter - they seem more massive.

There is one more problem. Let's call it "mechanical" - this article is devoted to it.

Mechanics of Exercise in Tall People

Mechanical problem is one of the significant barriers limiting muscle gain in tall guys. The essence of this problem is as follows: high growth is, first of all, long limbs (legs, arms). Especially if a person is an ectomorph by his bodily nature. All the main (basic) work in the gym is carried out by the limbs.

In this case, it is necessary to understand the importance and peculiarity of the length of the limbs. After all, the longer the limbs, the longer the mechanical lever. What is Leverage? Imagine a simple experiment: two people are holding a shovel brick by brick (the shovel is held at its end with their hands). But one person has a 1-meter shovel, while another has a 2-meter one. Let's imagine that the shovels are of the same weight. Who finds it harder to hold a brick on a shovel? Of course, the one with the longer shovel!

In addition, the long lever creates conditions not only for additional efforts, but also for a greater range of motion. All this cannot but affect the performance of the exercises and their effectiveness.

For people with long limbs, this problem is quite noticeable in exercises such as the bench press, bench press, and squat.

In these (and some other) exercises, tall people (with long levers) usually demonstrate below average strength indicators (see Table 1). In turn, the inability to reach more heavy weights(due to long levers) may interfere with muscle gain. The main thing is not to be disappointed, but to understand the essence of the problem, and then look for ways to solve it.

Tab. 1. Average indicators of maximum results
in some exercises (for amateur bodybuilders)

Bench press 100 Kg
Squat with a barbell on the shoulders 125 kg
Deadlift 140 kg
Bench press standing 70 Kg
Standing barbell curl 55 kg

It is appropriate to quote the words of Arthur Jones from one of his articles when he compared the strength indicators of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Franco Colombo: “Arnold Schwarzenegger has at least three times more muscle than his friend Franco Colombo, and yet Franco can lift more than Arnold, which means absolutely nothing. Arnold's forearms are three inches longer than Franco's, so Arnold needs to lift the weight a greater distance when lifting the bar for the biceps. That is, even when lifting the same weight, Arnold will have to move the bar six inches further than Franco, and thus do more work. "

But in some other exercises - primarily in the deadlift - high growth, on the contrary, is an assistant in performing exercises, which allows you to have strength achievements above average. Here, the leverage effect is the opposite. Remember Archimedes and his famous phrase: "Give me a foothold and I will turn the earth." In the deadlift, the fulcrum is the floor and the lever is the legs + torso. And the longer the lever, the easier it is to lift the heavier weight. By the way, purely technically for a tall deadlift, the deadlift may not go with certain proportions of the length of the legs, arms and body. With such proportions, the positive effect of the leverage will fade into the background.

How to solve the problem?

First option... People with long arms should spend a lot of time experimenting with movement techniques to find the positions of the smallest arm radius. That is, the minimum task is to find the most optimal vector (direction) of movement in a particular exercise.

Second option... People with long levers are allowed to experiment not only with the motion vector, but also with the amplitude of motion. Judge for yourself: the longer the lever, the greater the range of motion. Compare two people in the bench press with a height difference of about 30 cm (for example, 190 cm and 160 cm) and observe how much distance (how many centimeters) the range of movement of the barbell takes from the position of straightened arms to touching the chest. You will find that a shorter person will lower the barbell to a distance that for a tall person will be equal to about half of his range of motion.

From our side, there is no call to switch exclusively to half-exercises and half-squats and to forget about full-amplitude movements forever. However, we strongly recommend that you do not ignore these exercise options (read about options in and) and do not perceive them as some kind of technical error (and this is how many approach this issue). Remember if you tall(with long levers), you have every right to act contrary to the recognized rules, because these rules were clearly not written from you.

Poll in the article: Pirrone M. 5 tips for thin and tall guys to gain muscle mass // Bodybuilding for hardgainers, 2013,

Jones A. Size and strength // Ironman. 1972, no. 1.

2014 © Bodybuilding for hardgainers

Helping lanky athletes avoid hazards and inconveniences is not an easy task. The proposed measures will simplify the solution of this task and help tall guys become strong and muscular!

The gym is a real torture chamber for tall guys. Lanky athletes often have to twist and position their levers at an uncomfortable angle to get the correct starting position and perform the exercise correctly, which increases the risk of injury and increases the distance of the working weight.

A daunting problem for tall gym dwellers who constantly have to adapt basic movements to their anatomical and biomechanical features.

If you are not sure whether you need to adjust your work in the gym, let's first decide who is considered “high” in relation to strength training.

In this situation, we're not talking about guys with a slightly above average height. We are talking about men who are over 192 cm and women over 178 cm. We are talking about real skyscrapers.

If you calmly look down on a professional basketball player, and in the gym it is difficult for you to cope with your long legs, then you need to somehow deal with it. I am ready to offer you simple solutions that will help you fix technical errors and eliminate long-legged and long-armed obstacles.

1. Basic isometric exercises

Because of long legs and hands, it is extremely difficult for you to take the correct starting position, and this leads to poor performance of the entire exercise. Isometric exercises, in which you hold a static contraction, provide an opportunity to develop the correct position. They teach lanky athletes to start and finish correctly.

Over time, isometric exercises will help the athlete feel the correct range of motion. If you have difficulty with half squats, but can easily do quarter squats, then start with a quarter and gradually work your way down and deeper. This will help you systematically improve your deep squat technique and increase your overall range of motion without experiencing physical discomfort.

Isometric holding will make you stronger, even if your flexibility is limited by tall growth.

Don't miss the very essence isometric movements: this is not a long and tedious waiting for the weather by the sea, it is active work, albeit in a static mode. Whatever position you take, you must hold it with the help of the efforts of the whole body.

Stay in static position until you feel decent fatigue, but not long enough for your posture to begin to resemble a deformed garden chair. Start with 10-15 sets of 10-15 seconds, work your way forward, increasing the length of the set, decreasing the total number of sets, and gradually moving into the correct position.

2. Leave only the concentric phase

Guys who constantly bump their heads against the doorway have some difficulty with proprioceptive sensitivity and motor innervation. As if the signal from the muscles to the brain and back goes a little longer than usual. As a result, the eccentric, or negative, phase of movement, or rather, its outcome, becomes a matter of chance: either the fixation of the body is lost, or the arms are crooked. In a word, the whole exercise is down the drain.

By placing emphasis on the concentric phase (the contraction phase), for example, doing bench press in a squat rack or squatting in the same manner, lanky athletes will get at least some relief, because the basis of these exercises will be isometric movements. They will improve your range of motion, stabilize your starting position, and perform the exercise with enough force and vigor to develop strength and volume. And you don't have to worry about the forced reduction in working weight.

The success of a concentric exercise depends on acceleration. Even with a lot of weight, you need to focus on moving the projectile from start to finish as quickly as possible. Stick to 3-8 repetitions in concentric exercises. If you do fewer reps, you turn the exercise into a quasi-maximum, an unproductive movement.

3. Loose negatives

Once you've mastered the concentric exercises, add loosening movements that involve using the shoulder straps to ease the eccentric phase of the bar movement — mainly when doing bench presses and squats.

For loose negatives, tie one piece of webbing to the top of the squat rack and wrap the other around the bar. As the projectile is lowered, the strap will stretch, which will reduce stress during the eccentric phase and help initiate the concentric phase of the movement.

The elastic straps fixed to the squat rack will help you maintain the correct position in the eccentric (downward) phase of the movement and give impetus for the concentric phase of the movement

This strategy is designed to help the athlete move from concentric exercise to full movement. Isometric exercises teach you to take and hold the correct position, concentric presses teach you to develop maximum effort from the starting position, and weakened negatives teach you how to cleanly overcome all phases of the movement.

4. Medium repetitions

Tall athletes have long levers that interfere with proprioception and movement control. Excessively intense exercise with high weight and low repetitions is tantamount to a dangerous, painful and potentially traumatic approach. Get hung up on extreme weights and one-rep sets and your performance will drop much faster than normal arm length athletes. High-quality repetitions and long sports career are built on medium repetitions.

Take this strategy and do sets of 5-8 reps. If you want to gain mass, increase the volume by increasing the number of sets per training session or training cycle. To increase strength, focus carefully on the starting position and do quality reps that develop fierce tension.

Training program

High growth should not hinder your success in strength training... Success depends on many factors. Learn to hold the position with isometric movements, develop starting strength with concentric movements, and learn to deal with the eccentric phase with relaxed negatives.

Master these techniques with medium repetitions and you will solve all the problems of the lanky athlete.

In our women's team in fitness training, almost everyone has their own problems: someone would need a bigger ass, but the figure is boyish, someone cannot get rid of annoying "pies" and "ears", and someone whines that everything would be fine, but the belly is too big, although the hips are narrow. Men have about the same problems, only they do not trumpet about it to the right and left, but try to keep quiet and either puff in sports clubs, or try to pass off their disadvantage as an advantage.

It turns out that if you want to get rid of certain problems, you need not just work hard on general program or spy on her from a neighbor, and build your own, and preferably with a coach at least at first. Since what suits your stocky neighbor is unlikely to suit you if you are 187 cm tall.Coach Adam Bornstein gives useful tips to help you achieve desired result no injury.

1. Bench press - for those with long arms

The bench press is a very popular exercise, but due to the fact that in its standard variation, it is only suitable for those with an average figure. If you are not one of the lucky ones, you need to correct some points. In the case of tall guys with long arms the standard version does not work, since their shoulder joints are more prone to problems with the rotator cuff.


It is proposed to replace the standard bench press with a bench press from the floor, not from a bench, work with dumbbells, simple push-ups and push-ups with weights.

Bench press from the floor

Incline dumbbell bench press

Push-ups with extra weight

2. Barbell Squats - For Tall Guys

The main problem tall guys face with this exercise is back pain. Sound familiar? You should not completely abandon this exercise. You just need to modify it a little and remove it. heavy weight... It can be replaced with standard lunge squats, bulgarian lunge squats, front squats barbell, Romanian deadlift and slopes with a barbell "Good morning".

Lunge squats

Bulgarian Squat Lunge

Barbell Front Squat

Romanian deadlift

Bends with a barbell "Good morning"

3. Rows and pull-ups - for men with short arms and long legs

They say that the less arms you have, the less weight you can lift. Grip strength, the strength of your hand, can be one of the most underestimated of all arm lifting exercises. In this case, the gym is clearly not your place. Instead, try a sumo deadlift, rack deadlift, or just take your average weight and walk with it for as long as you can hold it. Gradually increase the load when you feel you can handle it longer.

Sumo Deadlift

Rack pull

In principle, girls can take note of the same exercises, but usually they have slightly different problems, which we will talk about in another article. ;)

Most effective exercise to strengthen the muscles of the legs. Due to improper execution, it can cause many injuries to the back and knees. This article details the technique, pros, and types of squats.

What is Barbell Squat

Squats are one of the basic exercises that allow you to develop strong legs... And that's not all of its benefits. Without this exercise, there is no quality athleticism. In addition to the glutes and quads, the exercise involves the core, lower back, and shoulder stabilizers. Gaining great strength and building a powerful corset is impossible without using such an exercise.

The impact of weight on a large muscle group puts serious stress on the body, forcing the body to adapt by releasing testosterone and growth hormone, which allows for faster muscle development.

No exercise other than the deadlift will utilize so many energy reserves. What separates the casual gym goer from the athlete? Strong foundation. Legs - business card athlete. Ask a weightlifter, bodybuilder, anyone familiar with power sports how to become strong? The answer is simple: shoulder squats.

From a technical point of view, the exercise is difficult to perform, in contrast to the isolated movements. It is quite traumatic with incorrect positioning of the legs, body and other nuances. To achieve maximum effect without harming the body - read the article to the end.

Myths about the dangers and futility of squats

The abundance of information often does not allow for a detailed understanding of the issue, which gives rise to many myths. Visitors gyms, in particular males, are rarely included in training program this exercise. Let's analyze the main myths and misconceptions:

  1. Misunderstanding. Guys do not want to load their legs, fearing the strong growth of the buttocks and lower torso. But in vain. Barbell Squats for Men - The Basis for Stable muscle growth... The body will not grow only in shoulder girdle... Moreover, everything is interconnected. Moreover, it will take years to develop huge quads. Do not be afraid of disproportionate growth, leaving the squat for the ladies.
  2. Injury hazard. It is believed that similar exercise will give the performer broken joints and hernias in the future. Don't lie to yourself. At correct technique squatting is no more dangerous than other movements. Next, we will analyze in more detail the execution of the exercise.
  3. Uselessness. Many, training their legs, perform only extensions, lunges and running, considering replacement as a worthy alternative. People forget that the huge load that squats with a barbell on the shoulders cause the body to release hormones and speed up the metabolism, which will bring more use than a thousand leg extensions in the machine.

The movement is really difficult technically and, if performed incorrectly, will lead to injuries. But having studied all the subtleties of the exercise, you can only get advantages that cannot be acquired by substitutes.

When to start squatting

It is recommended to perform the exercise from the very beginning. sports activities... It is also indispensable for thin people with a lack of muscle mass. Using a large number of extensor muscles, joints and stabilizers will have a better anabolic effect than isolation exercises.

People who want to lose extra pounds should also pay attention to the squat. Multi-joint movement expends a lot of energy, allowing you to burn more calories. Moreover, the acceleration of metabolism will have a positive effect on the process of fat burning.

Varieties of basic exercises

There are 4 variations of the barbell squat to work your hips and quads:

The first option is the most common due to its availability and simpler technique. You can train in this way in any gym and even at home, having a barbell and a partner who will help you put and remove the bar.

The second option will allow you to work out the quads in more detail, reducing the load on the lower back and hips. Performances in this style are more difficult technically. The weight of the projectile is reduced due to partial isolation.

The rack and the GACK simulator are similar. They allow you to train the legs for people with anthropometry that is not suitable for regular squats. People with long thighs and short shins will experience additional load on knees. It cannot be reduced without reducing the amplitude. The GACK and the stand will completely remove the pressure on the knee joints. The only negative is that such simulators are not always present in the gym.

Correct position of the bar on the shoulders

How the projectile is fixed will determine which area the load will shift to. The best position is in the middle of the trapezoid, perhaps a little lower. Tall people will find it easier to squat by placing the barbell lower. Low - higher. Unacceptably high position when the bar is on the middle beam deltoid muscles(shoulder). Moving closer to the neck is hazardous to health.

The high position shifts the balance to the front, which can cause you to fall forward. In addition, the higher the projectile is located, the stronger the load on the knee joints becomes.

The correct option is middle and low position. The pressure from the projectile is evenly distributed over the spine, hip joints and feet, excluding injuries. Not always flexibility elbow joints allows low fixation. Here you need to try the most convenient option.

What amplitude will give the best result

A common question is how deep to squat? It is worth deciding what goal the person pursues by performing the exercise. the main task squats - pumping strong quads. Indirectly, it strengthens the hips, lower back and core muscles.

Correct barbell squat technique involves lowering the pelvis to parallel hips with the floor, creating a 90 ° angle. And if you reduce it even more? The movement below engages the thigh muscles. Many athletes lower their pelvis "to the floor", forgetting what kind of load the knees receive. Moreover, with insufficient elasticity of the biceps of the thigh in the lower position, the lower back will bend, creating a load on the spine. These squats are very traumatic.

Is it worth putting additional stress on the hips, creating unnecessary stress on the knee joints and spine, when there are many safe exercise? Everyone decides for himself.

How to put your feet wide

The more the legs are put, the greater the load will go on outer part legs, creating an isolation effect for the quads. With a wide arrangement, the muscles of the inner side of the thigh are connected, so this setting is most common among the female half of the gym visitors.

The standard setting implies a middle position. Feet shoulder width apart. Feet deployed in outside at a slight angle (30-45 °). The knees are bent strictly in the direction of the feet. It is unacceptable to "fall" of the knees inward. This bodes well for serious injury.

Optimal back position when squatting

Throughout the entire movement, the back should remain straight, without the slightest deflection in the lower back. Also, the spine is perpendicular to the floor in almost all its amplitude. Contrary to opinions, it is only necessary on a near-critical scale. At heavyweight the shell creates a lot of pressure on the muscles of the core, which can create microtrauma and painful sprains in the lumbar region. No belt is needed for working weights. Its absence will create conditions for the natural formation of a strong muscular corset.

If the hamstrings are not elastic enough, the stretch will not allow keeping the lower back straight at the lowest point of the amplitude. The bend can form a stretch in the sacrum area. Therefore, you need to take 5-10 minutes of stretching before exercising.

How to place your heels correctly

Ideal Shoulder Squat Technique includes correct location heels. Performing an exercise with a heel or toe lift, in addition to losing balance, strikes the knee joints. The displacement of the load to the frontal part will erase the joints into "dust" over time.

Initially, many people find it problematic to keep their heels on. The fact is that the ligaments in this area are practically not involved in Everyday life... To do this, beginners put small discs or other objects under their heels. At the same time, stretching is carried out, and in 1-2 months the person gets rid of the linings. You can immediately buy specialized footwear - weightlifting shoes. These are boots made of strong material, with small heels, which firmly fix the ankle joint, protecting the legs from injury.

How not to hurt your knees

In the long term, the knees will be the most stressed. Therefore, correct positioning and bending is required attribute correct squats with a barbell. The main nuances:

  • knees should not go over the toes;
  • bend your legs with your knees pointing to the outer corner;
  • do not "fall" inside.

Going beyond the toes is the main mistake of beginners and very dangerous. This position creates strong pressure on the joint. You should train your body to squat by tilting the pelvis back, and not by bringing the knee over the toe line. You need to start with small loads, gradually increasing them. Then the movement will become automatic.

Correct exercise technique

By following all the instructions on the points, you can easily master the technique of performing squats with a barbell:

  1. Place the bar holders just below shoulder level. This will help you easily remove and return the barbell after exercise.
  2. Sit under the bar, bending one leg, leave the other in its original position, forming "scissors".
  3. The palms are 20-30 cm wider than the shoulders.
  4. Having bent the lower back, with the help of the legs we return to starting position.
  5. With feet hip-width apart, begin a smooth downward movement.
  6. When the pelvis reaches the level of parallel with the floor, we unbend the legs.

Please note that the head should be slightly raised. This will prevent the boom from rolling forward. Many beginners will have a hard time figuring out where the edge is when the amplitude is complete. To do this, a bench or any other object is installed under the buttocks at a parallel height. The man crouches down to touch. This technique will allow you to gain a sense of the depth of the squat with a barbell.

Squat Rack and GACK Trainer

Often, a person is not able to correctly follow all the technical instructions when performing an exercise. Early injuries to the spine and knees can be the cause, but more often anthropometry. For example, too long hip bones and short shins will not allow squatting without putting the knees behind the toes, thereby creating a traumatic situation.

For such cases, there are special racks and GACK simulators. In the first case, for squats with a barbell, the bar is fixed at power frame excluding pressure free weight... The technique is slightly different. The feet are not placed at body level, but slightly in front. With this movement, the load on the knee joints is completely eliminated.

The SACC serves the same principle. In the simulator, you can put your legs as conveniently, thereby distributing the load. You can lead strongly forward, creating special emphasis on the buttocks. GACK is also used for leg presses, one of the basic exercises for building strength and mass.

The only drawback is the lack of free weights. This simplifies movement by keeping the stabilizer muscles out of action. Therefore, the overall anabolic effect of this exercise will be lower. But this option would be better than complete isolation, like leg extension in the simulator and others.

How often to train your legs

Legs are the largest muscle group. The moment of supercompensation occurs after a longer time than in small muscle bundles. Optimal time for recovery - 1-1.5 weeks between severe strength training... Between these sessions, you can give your legs a light jogging or light weight to increase blood flow and nutrient intake.

You don't need to force things by loading your lower body several times a week. Excessive exercise will cause catabolism. It should be remembered that muscles grow from squats with a barbell, they need quality rest.

For experienced athletes, it is possible to add two squat days to the training program for a week. In this case, a hard workout is carried out on one day, and a light one on the other, when the weight does not exceed 60-70% of the performance indicators. However, for unadapted muscles, such exercises will turn out to be detrimental.

How many reps to do in squats

The number of sets and reps depends on the goal. If the main desire is to increase the strength indicators, then it is enough to perform 3 working approaches, without taking into account the warm-up weights. The first approach is near-maximal. In the second approach, the weight is taken, which is lifted a maximum of 6 times. In the third, an attempt is made to take a new weight (if there was a reserve in the second) or the first approach is repeated. Move for 5-6 reps.

If the main goal is to build muscle mass, then the amount changes. It is necessary to remember which muscles the barbell squat is training. Legs are the largest group. Muscles grow as they recover from destruction. Therefore, the number of repetitions will be 10-12 times with 4 approaches.

Bottom line: to do or not to do?

The bottom line is that barbell squats should be done by everyone, regardless of gender or experience. This is the best basic exercise that uses calves, quadriceps, buttocks, back, arms, core muscles and stabilizers. It has a strong anabolic effect. With the right technique, the risk of injury is minimized. You should not give up such advantages.

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