What is the account of the training load. Training plans

Comprehensive control

Comprehensive control is the measurement and assessment of various indicators in training cycles in order to determine the level of an athlete's readiness (pedagogical, psychological, biological, sociometric, sports-medical and other methods and tests are used).

The complexity of control is realized only when three groups of indicators are registered:

1) indicators of training and competitive influences;

2) indicators functional state and the fitness of the athlete, registered under standard conditions;

3) indicators of the state of the external environment.

Comprehensive control in most cases is implemented during testing or the procedure for measuring results in tests. There are three groups of tests.

The first group of tests- tests performed at rest. These include indicators of physical development (height and body weight, thickness of skin and fat folds, length and girth of arms, legs, trunk, etc.). At rest, the functional state of the heart, muscles, nervous and vascular systems... This group also includes psychological tests.

The information obtained using the tests of the first group is the basis for assessing physical condition athlete.

Second group of tests- these are standard tests, when all athletes are asked to perform the same task (for example, to run on a treadmill at a speed of 5 m / s for 5 minutes or pull up on the bar 10 times for 1 minute, etc.). A specific feature of these tests is to perform an unsatisfactory load, and therefore motivation to achieve the maximum possible result is not needed here.

The third group of tests- these are tests, during the implementation of which it is necessary to show the maximum possible motor result. The values ​​of biomechanical, physiological, biochemical and other indicators are measured (forces manifested in the test; heart rate, VO2 max, anaerobic threshold, lactate, etc.). A feature of such tests is the need for high psychological attitude, motivation to achieve marginal results.

Varieties integrated control... (types of control)

Based on the tasks of managing the training of an athlete, there are operational, current and stage control.

Operational control- this is control over the operational state of the athlete, in particular, over the readiness to perform the next attempt, the next exercise, to conduct a fight, fight, etc. It is aimed at assessing the reactions of an athlete's body to training or competitive loads, the quality of performance of techniques and combinations in general.

Current control- this is an assessment in microcycles of preparation of the results of control competitions, the dynamics of loads and their ratios, registration and analysis of everyday changes in the level of an athlete's preparedness, the level of development of his technique and tactics.

Stage control- this is the measurement and assessment at the end of the stage (period) of preparation of various indicators of the competitive and training activity of an athlete, the dynamics of loads and sports results at competitions or in specially organized conditions.

Directions of control

Control over competitive influences has two directions: control over the results of competitions in training cycles and measurement and assessment of the effectiveness of competitive activity.

Control over the results of the competition consists in assessing the effectiveness of performance in competitions in a certain (most often one-year) training cycle. Measuring and evaluating the effectiveness of competitive activity. Modern measuring and computer technology allows registering dozens of different indicators of competitive exercise and competitive activity.

Control over training influences consists in the systematic registration of quantitative values ​​of characteristics training exercises performed by an athlete. The same indicators are used both for control, so for planning loads.

The main indicators of the volume of the load are the number of training days; number of training sessions; time spent on training and competitive activities; number, mileage of specialized exercises.

Indicators of the intensity of the load are the concentration of exercises in time, speed, power of the exercise.

In the process of monitoring the load, the volume of specialized exercises is summed up; the amount of exercise performed in individual zones of intensity (power); amount of exercise; aimed at improving general and special physical, technical and tactical readiness; the volume of exercises of a restorative nature, performed in microcycles, monthly and in an annual cycle. Comparison of these indicators with the dynamics of sports results allows the trainer to identify rational relationships between individual types of training loads, the timing of achieving the highest results after their peak values, the period of delayed transformation of training loads into high sports results.

Control over the state of preparedness of an athlete. The assessment of the state of fitness of an athlete is carried out during testing or in the process of competition and provides for:

Assessment of special physical fitness;

Assessment of technical and tactical readiness;

Assessment of the psychological state and behavior on

The assessment of the state of health and the main functional systems is carried out, as a rule, by medical and biological methods by specialists in the field of physiology, biochemistry and sports medicine. The methodology for this control is given in special textbooks.

Assessment of special physical fitness consists of individual assessments of the level of the main physical qualities: strength, speed, endurance and flexibility. At the same time, the main attention is paid to the leading physical qualities for a given sports discipline or to individual abilities that make up these generalized concepts.

Technical readiness assessment . Control over technical readiness consists in assessing the quantitative and qualitative sides of the athlete's action technique when performing competitive and training exercises.

Technique control is carried out visually and instrumentally. The criteria for the technical skill of an athlete are the volume of technique, versatility of technique and efficiency.

Assessment of tactical preparedness. Control over tactical readiness consists in assessing the expediency of an athlete's (team's) actions aimed at achieving success in competitions. It provides for control over tactical thinking, over tactical actions (the volume of tactical techniques, their versatility and effectiveness of use).

Usually, the control of tactical readiness coincides with the control of competitive activity.

Accounting in the process sports training

An effective accounting system in the process of sports training is essential. Taking into account the indicators of sports training allows the coach to check the correctness of the selection and use of means, methods and forms of the process of sports training, to reveal a more effective way to improve sportsmanship. It allows you to monitor the levels of various aspects of fitness of athletes, the dynamics of sports results, physical development, health conditions, etc. Analysis of accounting data makes it possible not only to control, but also, actively intervening in the training process, to improve it. All aspects of the training process are subject to consideration.

The accounting of sports training indicators is carried out in the following forms.

Milestone accounting carried out at the beginning and end of any stage, period, annual cycle. In the first case, it is called preliminary, in the second - final (final).

Preliminary accounting allows you to determine the initial level of preparedness of an athlete or a group of athletes. The data of the final accounting, when comparing them with the results of preliminary accounting, make it possible to assess the effectiveness of the training process and make adjustments to the subsequent training plan.

Current accounting is carried out continuously in the process of individual training sessions, in micro- and mesocycles of training. It provides for the fixation of means, methods, values ​​of training and competitive loads, assessment of the health status and fitness of the athlete.

Operational accounting is a variation of the current one. The data of operational accounting allow you to get the necessary information about changes in the state of the trainees, conditions, content and nature of training during the lesson. This information is necessary for successful management of the training process during one lesson.

The main accounting documents in a sports school are a logbook of classes, a training diary, a logbook for athletes-rankers, public instructors, sports judges, a table of records sports school, protocols of the competition, personal cards and medical control cards of the trainees.

table The main content of integrated control and its varieties (Zh.K. Kholodov)

Varieties of integrated control Directions of control
Control over competitive and training influences Control over the condition and fitness of athletes Control over the state of the external environment
Competitive activity control (SD) Control of training activity (TD)
Staged a) measuring and evaluating various indicators at competitions completing a certain stage of preparation b) analyzing the dynamics of SD indicators at all competitions of the stage a) construction and analysis of the dynamics of the load at the stage of preparation b) summing up the loads for all indicators for the stage and determining their ratio Measurement and evaluation of control indicators in specially organized conditions at the end of the preparation stage For climatic factors (temperature, humidity, wind, solar radiation), for the quality of inventory, equipment, surfaces of sports facilities, the characteristics of the competition and training tracks, gliding, spectator behavior and the objectivity of judging at competitions and their influence on the results in sports competitions and control training classes.
Current Measurement and evaluation of indicators at the competition completing the macrocycle training (if provided for in the plan) a) constructing and analyzing the dynamics of the load in the microcycle of training; b) summing up the loads by all characteristics for the microcycle and determining their content Registration and analysis of everyday measurements of athletes' readiness caused by systematic training sessions
Operational Measuring and evaluating performance in any competition Measurement and evaluation of physical and physiological characteristics of exercise load, exercise series, training session. Measurement and analysis of indicators that informatively reflect the change in the state of athletes at the time or immediately after exercise and classes
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The principle of systematicity is, first of all, regularity of classes, rational alternation of loads and rest.

The regularity of classes presupposes a rational alternation of psychophysical stress and rest. Any load has four phases: energy expenditure, recovery, over-recovery, return to the original level. This is why physical education classes are never held for two consecutive days. In addition, it is precisely the need to observe the principle of regularity that explains the program requirement for the discipline "Physical culture" - regular attendance at all classes provided for in the curriculum.

The principle of systematicity in conducting educational and training sessions largely ensures the continuity and consistency in mastering teaching material.

The principle of systematicity ensures continuity educational and training process with optimal alternation of loads and rest.

The fact is that even J. Lamarck (1809) noticed, and later many researchers studied in detail the remarkable property of living systems, which consists in the fact that the body does not just compensate for working expenses, but compensates them "in excess". The basis for the delayed effect of the work performed is created by super-restoration of the spent energy substances and the renewal of protein structures. This provision reveals the essence of improving the functional systems of the body (increasing fitness) under the influence of systematic (regular) purposeful training sessions.

However, it should be borne in mind that if a training session is followed by too long a break, then the indicated effect is gradually lost to one degree or another (reduction phase). This applies, first of all, to the level of working capacity (formed skills and abilities are preserved for a longer time). Therefore, the rest interval must end earlier than the reduction phase begins. This provision emphasizes the importance of the principle of systematicity and one of its aspects. - the continuity of the educational and training process.

Repeatability and variability in the application of various exercises and tasks at optimal time intervals are also essential components of the principle of continuity.

Factor repeatability in physical education it is expressed to a greater extent than in other types of education. This is due to the specific patterns of acquiring and consolidating skills and abilities, improving the forms and functions of the body.

Equally important is variability, those. modification of exercises, dynamism of loads, updating the forms and content of classes without changing their target orientation. This diversifies the educational and training process, reduces the psychological overload that occurs when performing monotonous tasks.

Subsequence in the development of educational tasks and educational material within one lesson, many months and many years of process physical education also from the sides of the principle of systematicity. The total last multi-month and multi-year aspect) will be determined; yes, from a broad general physical education to more specialized occupations. In a long-term plan, the sequence is also influenced by the characteristics of a person's age-related development.


The impact of physical exercises on a person is associated with the load on his body, causing an active reaction of functional systems. To determine the degree of tension of these systems under load, intensity indicators are used, which characterize the body's response to the work performed. There are many such indicators: the change in the time of the motor reaction, the respiratory rate, the minute volume of oxygen consumption, etc. Meanwhile, the most convenient and informative indicator of the intensity of the load, especially in cyclic sports, is the heart rate (HR). Individual zones of stress intensity are determined with an orientation specifically to the heart rate. Physiologists define four zones of stress intensity by heart rate: 0, I, II, III.

The division of loads into zones is based not only on a change in heart rate, but also on differences in physiological and biochemical processes at loads of different intensities.

When developing general endurance, a trained athlete is characterized by natural "entry" into the second zone of intensity of loads. In second training zone(from 150 to 180 beats / min) anaerobic mechanisms of energy supply of muscular activity are connected. It is believed that 150 beats / min is the threshold of anaerobic metabolism (TANM). However, in poorly trained trainees and in athletes with low sports uniform TANM can also occur at a heart rate of 130-140 beats / min, while in well-trained athletes, TANM can "move back" to the border of 160-165 beats / min.


To manage the process of self-study, it is necessary to carry out a number of activities: determine the goals of self-study; determine the individual characteristics of the student; adjust lesson plans (promising, annual, semester and microcycle); to define and change the content, organization, methodology and conditions of training, used training means. All this is necessary in order to achieve the greatest efficiency of training, depending on the results of self-control and accounting of training sessions. Accounting for the training work done allows you to analyze the course of the training process, make adjustments to training plans. It is recommended to carry out preliminary, current and final accounting with data recording in a personal self-control diary.

The purpose of the preliminary registration is to fix the data of the initial level of preparedness and fitness of the trainees.

Current accounting allows you to analyze the performance of training sessions. During training sessions, the following are analyzed: the number of training sessions per week, month, year; completed volume and intensity of training work: results of participation in competitions and performance of individual tests and norms of category classification. The analysis of the indicators of the current accounting allows you to check the correctness of the course of the training process and make the necessary amendments to the plans of training sessions.

The final accounting is carried out at the end of the training period or at the end of the annual training cycle. It proposes to compare data on health and fitness levels, as well as data on the amount of training work, expressed in the time spent on the exercise, and in the number of kilometers of athletics running, skiing and swimming of varying intensity with the results shown in sports competitions. Based on this comparison and analysis, the training plans for the next year cycle are adjusted.

The results of many types of self-control and accounting during independent training sessions can be presented in the form of quantitative indicators: heart rate, body weight, training loads, test results, sports results, etc. Information on quantitative indicators will allow a trainee to set a certain quantitative task at any time , carry it out in the process of training and evaluate the accuracy of its implementation.

It is useful to present the quantitative data of self-control and accounting in the form of a graph, then the analysis of indicators of the diary of self-control, preliminary, current and final accounting will more clearly reflect the dynamics of the state of health, the level of physical and sports readiness of the trainees, which will facilitate the daily management of the process of independent training.


Sport competitions - one of the most effective forms organization of mass health and sports work... Competitions are not only as a form, but also as a means revitalizing general physical, sports and applied and sports training students.

Sports results are, in essence, an integrative indicator of the quality and effectiveness of psychophysical training of a student, carried out on educational training sessions... Under the conditions of competition, students more fully demonstrate their physical capabilities. That is why the acceptance of standards for general physical fitness for training sessions is carried out in a competitive environment at test competitions in a training group or in a training stream.

Thus, sport competitions can act both as a means of training, and as a method of monitoring the effectiveness of the educational and training process.

The entire system of student sports competitions is built on the basis of the principle "from simple to complex", i.e. from intra-university credit competitions in a study group, on a course (often according to simplified rules) to inter-university, etc. before international student competitions.

Intra-university sports competitions include credit competitions within study groups, educational streams on a course, competitions between courses of faculties, between faculties. Depending on the content of the "Regulations on the competition", the competition can be either personal (for each speaker), or team, or personal-team; accessible to every student, or for the "sports elite" study group, course, faculty, determined at the preliminary competitive stages. But in any case, every student can participate in the first stages of this system of intra-university competitions, regardless of the level of his sports readiness.

Intra-university competitions in sports (including mass crosses, relay races, etc.)

credit competitions in training sessions

competition for the championship of study groups

championship course competitions

Faculty championship competition (hostel championship competition)

university championship competitions

Intercollegiate sports competitions or complex sports events

friendly competitions between courses, faculties, universities

district, city competitions

regional competitions

zonal competitions (on a territorial or departmental basis)

Russian student competitions and participation in national teams in competitions of the Russian Federation

International student sports competitions

friendly competition between individual faculties

or universities

championships and Universiades

International University Sports Federation (FISU)

participation in the national teams of Russia in the European, World and Olympic Games Oh

In interuniversity competitions, the strongest student-athletes usually participate and compete either personally or as part of national teams of individual courses, faculties, and a university.

The target objectives of interuniversity competitions, as well as their sports level, can be very different: for example, friendly sports meetings between students of the same faculties of different universities or between teams of one-profile educational institutions. The purpose of such competitions is rather to establish personal contacts between future colleagues in the profession than to find out a sports advantage. However, a sporting task can also be set - to achieve the best sports performance at competitions between universities of the city, district or universities of Russia. This determines the level of sports readiness of students of each university, and, consequently, the nature of the attitude in individual educational institutions to the sports interests of students and to the creation of necessary conditions for the sports development of student athletes.

At the level of individual universities, on the initiative of the administration and public organizations, international sports meetings can be organized. International student competitions are also organized by interuniversity public sports associations.

Olympic Games - the most authoritative and representative international sports competitions.

Students-athletes have always successfully performed as part of the Olympic team of the former USSR. Since the XIX Olympic Games in 1968 in Mexico City, 45-48% of the students have been on the team.

In 1994, after a long hiatus (since 1912), the Russian Olympic team again entered the sports arena under their national flag to participate in the Winter Olympics in Lillehammer. The team included about 75% of students who made a worthy contribution to successful performance Russian athletes.


In order to adjust the training methodology physical exercise, regular observations are required over a period of time.

Here is an example of control over the development of the strength of the flexor muscles of the hand (manual dynamometry). The research was carried out in 1996 on groups of boys and girls. Hand strength, measured in the classroom athletic gymnastics from October to April. As shown in fig. 9.11, from October to December, the strength of the hand increased by 1.6 kg among students, and decreased by 2.6 kg among female students during the same time.

Figure 1 - Average indicators of the strength of the flexor muscles of the hand (in kg) by months (according to A.I. Zaitsev)

Figure 2 - Change in muscle strength of the flexor hand in (kg) under the influence of atl. gymnastics (according to A.I. Zaitsev)

After exams and vacations, the results are lower for boys compared to December by 4.3 kg, and for girls by 3.7 kg. For students from February to April, the result continues to decline and in April is 52.0 kg, for girls it increases to 37.5 kg by April.

Fig. 2 it can be seen that the load was insufficient and became the reason that the strength of the hand in the practitioners after classes changed insignificantly. This requires revising and increasing the load on athletic gymnastics classes.


    Ilyinich V.I. Student sports. M., 1995.

    Yu.I. Evseev Physical education. Rostov-on-Don, 2004

    Maslyakov V.A., Matyazhev V.S. Mass physical culture at the university. M., 1991.

    Physical culture / Ed. IN AND. Ilyinich. M., 2004

    Controlling your own training process is possible only if there is information about the physical, changes in the level of development of motor qualities, the degree of mastery of the technique of movements, the functional state of your body and overall performance.
    Documentary form accounting the necessary data is a training diary. In this diary, the indicators of the completed training loads and self-monitoring data.

    You can make a diary from an ordinary general notebook by drawing it out according to the pattern (see table 61).

    Table 61. Sample Training Diary Page Preparation

    After each classes it is necessary not only to write it down in detail in the diary, but also to analyze it, noting how this or that exercise stress, their feelings and observations in the process of learning exercise techniques, as well as their state of health.
    To obtain the necessary information, training loads are classified and systematized by type, direction and specificity. Loads different kind- this is running, skiing, swimming, outdoor games, exercises with weights, hand-to-hand fighting, etc. Focus load implies its impact on a particular energy supply mechanism. All exercises, techniques and actions that are similar in biodynamics, energy or any other defining parameters to the structure of professional actions are specific. Exercises for general physical training are nonspecific.

    Indicators loads are also subdivided into private, total and general. Particulars include the volumes of loads in the performance of individual techniques or exercises (preparatory, imitation, special preparatory, etc.). By total - the number of exercises of the same type, techniques and actions performed, unidirectional loads in various sections of physical training for any cycle workout- week, month (mesocycle), stage, period. The total volume reflects the fulfillment of all loads for any period of time or the total loads in any sections (types) of training for large periods of time - for a period or for a year. As an example of taking into account the indicators of the volumes of training loads, you can use Table 19 (see Chapter 5).
    With general control over the completed training work, it is best to take into account the main parameters of the exercises for the subsequent systematization of loads in four zones of different physiological orientation:

    • predominantly aerobic (H1);
    • mixed aerobic-anaerobic (H2);
    • glycolytic anaerobic (H3);
    • alactate anaerobic (H4).

    Volume registration training loads, therefore, it is necessary to carry out both in the number of repetitions (the mileage of running and swimming, the kilograms and tons of weights lifted during strength training, etc.), and in terms of the time spent on their performance (the time of the exercise + the time of rest in interval work ). If the accounting of loads by particular indicators and the number of repetitions reflects in more detail the specific "technology" of training, then taking into account the generalized indicators of time allows you to take into account all the loads performed according to their physiological orientation.
    For self-distribution loads according to their predominant orientation, you can use the data in Table. 62.

    Table 62. The value of load components in the distribution of training exercises in the zones of their physiological orientation (according to NI Volkov, 1968).

    Load direction

    Load components

    Number of repetitions

    Rest, min


    in exercise

    until rest.

    Training loads are considered as an important component of training; this concept reflects the quantitative measure of training influences on volleyball players during training sessions. At the same time, the external, internal and psychological aspects of the load are distinguished, which make up the total volume of work, the impact on the body and the mental sphere of the athlete (N.G. Ozolin, 1970; L.P. Matveev, 1977; Yu.V. Verkhoshansky, 1985; V. N. Platonov, 1986).

    External(physical) load in training volleyball players is determined by indicators of the total volume in hours (in an annual cycle, average cycles and microcycles); ratio of time for types of training (technical, tactical, physical, integral); number of training sessions; the number of training tasks of various orientations (the number of repetitions of game techniques and tactical actions, the size and nature of the weights, the length and speed of running distances, the number of jumps, etc.); share (in percent) of intensive work in its total volume, etc.

    Internal(physiological) load in training volleyball players is characterized by the body's response to the work performed (physiological, biochemical and other changes). It is determined by heart rate, systolic volume, respiratory rate, oxygen consumption, oxygen debt, accumulation rate and the amount of lactate in the blood, etc.

    Psychological the load in training volleyball players is characterized by volitional and moral tension, emotionality of training tasks, especially in conditions of confrontation with an opponent, sensory tension and other confounding factors and experiences. This load is significantly related to the two previously named sides of the load, determining the effect on the body of a volleyball player. Psychological load is recorded in points: 1-3 points - lesson with low load; 4-5 points - a lesson with an average load; 6-8 points - a lesson with a heavy load.

    The named sides of the load constitute a functional whole. External indicators are guided by the trainer in planning and control, internal ones make it possible to determine their compliance with the body's capabilities and influence on the development of fitness. An increase in the volume, intensity, psychological tension of training work in combination with rest, different in nature and duration, leads to an increase in shifts in the functional state of various systems and organs, to the emergence and deepening of fatigue. The magnitude of the shifts depends on the level of readiness and sports qualifications of volleyball players: the same type of load causes less reaction and faster recovery in masters compared to beginners.

    The training load gives a training effect, assessed by the magnitude of the change in the state of the volleyball player. Allocate: urgent the training effect is the current reaction of the body to one training task, exercise; set aside the training effect is a change in the athlete's state after a training session, that is, the total effect of a set of training tasks and exercises; cumulative the training effect is the result of the body's sequential summation of all the training effects of the training system. Thus, in each individual training lesson, the load should provide an appropriate effect, but must be logically connected with the training effects of previous and subsequent exercises (L.P. Matveev, 1977; Yu.V. Verkhoshansky, 1985; Ya.M. Kots, 1986 ).

    Training loads have certain characteristics, taking into account the impact on the body of athletes and the achievement of the training effect of the means used. The following characteristics are distinguished (N.G. Ozolin, 1970; L.P. Matveev, 1977; M.A.Godik, 1982; Yu.V. Verkhoshansky, 1985; V.N. Platonov, 1986).

    1. The specificity of the load reflects the degree of correspondence of this training means to the conditions of competitive activity in the motor structure, in the mode of operation of the motor apparatus and in the mechanism of its energy supply.
    2. Directionality. It characterizes the strength of the impact of the load on the athlete's state with an emphasis on the development of one or another motor quality or skill.
    3. The magnitude. Determines the quantitative measure of the completed training load of one or another predominant orientation at a specific stage of the annual cycle.
    4. Duration, which consists in determining the optimal duration of the use of loads of one or another predominant orientation.
    5. Intensity expresses the strength and specificity of the impact of the training load on the body or a measure of the intensity of the work performed.
    6. The nature of rest and its duration significantly affect the degree of influence of the means used in training.

    The specificity of the training load reflects the degree of similarity, correspondence of the exercises used in training with the main parameters of the technical and tactical competitive actions of a volleyball player. In this regard, all exercises can be divided into main and auxiliary ones. In a broader sense, specificity is reflected in the adequacy of major competitions. The specificity is related to the difficulty of the exercise.

    The complexity of the exercises is determined by the degree of their proximity to the game conditions, as well as by the conditions in which the trainees have to perform technique and tactical actions (pace, switching, number and complexity of game phrases, etc.), as well as various exercises from special physical training. As the age of volleyball players increases and their sportsmanship grows, the complexity of the exercises increases, their share in the training means used in the educational and training process increases.

    The orientation of the training load characterizes the strength of its impact on the athlete's body and largely determines the level of the volleyball player's special working capacity. With an increase in this level, it is necessary to introduce more effective means into training, to change the nature and duration of rest, the number of repetitions of exercises, and their complexity.

    The magnitude of the load reflects the quantitative aspect of the training influences. Outer side load is a quantitative expression of the completed training work, internal - the degree of mobilization of the functional capabilities of the volleyball player's body when performing training tasks.

    The number of repetitions of the exercise at the same values ​​(intensity, duration, nature of rest) largely determines the magnitude of the body's responses: performing several attacking strikes in a row, blocking, receiving a feed, etc.

    The number of trainees performing this or that exercise also largely affects the nature of the load: group exercises, exercises in pairs, exercises - two partners against one, for example, when working out protective actions etc.

    The duration of exercises in training volleyball players varies widely - from several seconds to tens of minutes. It is especially important to take into account the duration, content, saturation of the game competitive phases and the modeling of these parameters in training.

    The duration depends on the tasks that are set in the training session using these exercises. Varying the duration and speed of exercise leads to their provision with different energy mechanisms. Short-term high-speed exercise enhances anaerobic performance, prolonged low-speed exercise improves aerobic capacity.

    The intensity of the exercise reflects the strength of its impact and determines the nature of physiological changes in the body of volleyball players. Intensity is an important factor in a positive training effect. Different levels of intensity mobilize certain functions of energy supply, which ultimately makes it possible to actively influence the main parameters of playing techniques and the effectiveness of playing actions of young volleyball players.

    The intensity of the load is characterized by the strength of individual training influences or the work performed per unit of time under serial influences (speed in m / s, frequency of movements, the magnitude of weights, the pace of the game and the number of techniques performed). Training influences in intensity vary within wide limits, in connection with which zones of intensity are distinguished in order to better plan the load and exercise control (its assessment). IN sports games for this, the heart rate indicator is used. Heart rate indicators in calendar games among volleyball players are 180-185 beats / min and reach 200 beats / min (A.V.Belyaev, 1983). In addition, the intensity is evaluated in points, taking into account the heart rate and the nature of energy supply.

    Table 2. Scale of intensity and assessment in points of training loads

    The nature of rest and its duration, along with the intensity, largely determine the magnitude and nature of changes in the body under the influence of exercise. The same parameters of the load, but at different intervals of rest, lead to different effects of training influences. The nature of rest between exercises, between training sessions affects the recovery processes, as a result - the nature of the changes occurring in the body. The duration and nature of the rest are determined depending on the tasks.

    Of particular importance is the nature of the alternation of active and passive phases in the structure of the competitive activity of volleyball players.

    The distribution of training loads, taking into account their main characteristics: specificity, orientation, size, duration and intensity in the long-term aspect, in the annual cycle by periods and stages, in microcycles and individual training sessions, is of great importance and largely determines the effectiveness of the training process. This process depends on the age and qualifications of volleyball players, the requirements of periodization, the patterns of adaptation of the body to training influences. With regard to the direction of the load, there are two distribution options (Yu. V. Verkhoshansky, 1985): dispersed and concentrated. In the first case, funds are evenly distributed throughout the year, in the second, they are focused on certain stages of preparation. In the training of intermediate-skilled athletes, both options have a positive effect. The second option is more suitable for highly qualified athletes.

    Training loads are closely related to competitive loads. Skillful combination of training and competitive loads in the annual cycle and years of preparation(four-year Olympic cycle, stages of preparation sports reserves) largely determines the effectiveness of this training.

    Hand-to-hand combat [Tutorial] Zakharov Evgeniy Nikolaevich


    Managing your training process it is possible only if there is information about the performed physical activities, changes in the level of development of motor qualities, the degree of mastery of the technique of movements, the functional state of your body and general performance.

    The training diary is a documentary form of recording the necessary data. In this diary, the indicators of the completed training loads and self-control are recorded daily.

    The post of each lesson must not only write it down in detail in the diary, but also analyze it, noting how this or that physical activity was transferred, your feelings and observations in the process of studying basic technique as well as well-being.

    To obtain the necessary information, training loads are classified and systematized by type, direction and specificity. Loads of different types are techniques hand-to-hand combat, running, skiing, swimming, outdoor games, exercises with weights, etc. The direction of the load implies its effect on a particular mechanism of energy supply. All hand-to-hand fighting techniques and similar special preparatory exercises are specific. Exercises for general physical training are nonspecific. Load indicators are also subdivided into partial, total and general. Particulars include the volumes of loads in the performance of individual techniques or related exercises (preparatory, imitation, special-preparatory, etc.), as, for example, in the "Schedule ». Total - the number of punches performed with a hand, foot or other groups of the same type of techniques, load volumes in various sections of physical training for any training cycle - a week, a month (mesocycle), stage, period. The total volumes reflect the total performance of loads in any sections (types) of training for a stage, period or for a year. The required total and general indicators of training loads are presented in Tables 2 and 5.

    With general control over the completed training work, it is necessary to take into account the main parameters of exercises for the subsequent classification and systematization of loads in four zones of different orientation: 1) predominantly aerobic (H1); 2) mixed aerobic-anaerobic (H2); 3) glycolytic anaerobic (NS); 4) alactate anaerobic (H4). Therefore, it is necessary to register the volumes of training loads both in the number of repetitions (running kilometers, tonnes of weights lifted during strength training, etc.), and in terms of the time spent on their performance (exercise time + rest time). If the accounting of loads by particular indicators and the number of repetitions reflects in more detail the "technology" of training, then taking into account the generalized indicators of time allows you to take into account all the loads performed according to their physiological orientation. Usually, among trained athletes, who go in for various types of martial arts, the percentage of total loads of various kinds is: N1–30–35%, N2–50–55%, NZ - 5–10% and N4–10–15%. For self-distribution of loads according to their directional zones, you can use Table 7.

    The value of load components in the distribution of training exercises in the zones of their physiological orientation

    Note: T is the duration of the exercise; I exercise intensity: 1 - low, 2 - moderate, 3 - high, 4 - submaximal, 5 - maximum; for other designations, see the text.

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