Where is the deltoid. Deltoid muscle: functional load and anatomical structure

Wide and massive shoulders look great for any body type, but their construction requires special knowledge. The scientific approach to training will help you build large, strong and prominent shoulder muscles.

Not only men, but also women dream of having beautiful shoulders. If you want to pump up the notorious round deltas, then you must train with the utmost care. Because the shoulders play a very important role in many exercises, shoulder injury is the worst thing you can face.

Knowing the anatomy of muscles, bones, and shoulder function will help you train more effectively. It will also help you keep them healthy and mobile. I'll show you how to build large, strong shoulders while avoiding injury.

The muscles of the shoulders are a complex complex of interconnected muscle groups, which are responsible for a huge number of movements. Here are the muscles you need to know about.

Deltoid muscles

The muscles of the shoulder can be thought of as a bulb. The first layer of muscle tissue around the shoulder joint is the deltoid muscles. They have 3 beams.

Anterior beam

Located on the front of the shoulder. Originates from the front of the collarbone, crosses the shoulder, and attaches to humerus.

Medium beam

Located next to the anterior beam, but closer to the center of the shoulder. It begins at the top of the scapula (acromial) and attaches to the outside of the humerus.

Posterior beam

It begins at the bottom of the spine of the scapula and attaches to the humerus.

Rotator cuff

Under the first layer of the "bulb" is the rotator cuff. Many have heard this term, but not everyone knows what it really means.

The rotator cuff consists of 4 muscles. Their main function is to stabilize the shoulder joint.

Infraspinatus muscle

A large muscle covering the outer parts of the scapula.

Small round muscle

The smaller muscle that sits under the infraspinatus muscle.

Supraspinatus muscle

It begins at the scapula and attaches to the inside of the humerus.

Subscapularis muscle

Located on the front of the scapula.

Bone anatomy

Bones and joints play crucial role in the movement of the shoulders. A clear understanding of how they work together will help you keep them healthy and train more efficiently.

Thoracic spine

Consists of 12 vertebrae. The thoracic region begins at the base of the neck and ends at the top of the lumbar region. Ribs are attached to these vertebrae.

shoulder blades

The shoulder blades are located in the upper part of the thoracic spine. In order for them to move normally during exercise, the chest region must be strong and strong.

Brachial bone

Most of the muscles in the shoulder are attached to this long bone in the upper arm.

Shoulder joint

The shoulder joint allows the arms to move. The joint work of the shoulder blades and humerus bones allows us to move our shoulders and arms. This joint is a hinge, thanks to which we can bend, unbend, bring and extend our arms, as well as perform rotational movements with them.

Shoulder muscle function

Knowing anatomy is essential, but knowledge is of no use if you don't put it into practice. Let's take a look at how the muscles, bones, and joints we've studied work in the gym.

Deltoid muscles

Often I work all 3 beams at the same time. For example, every time you raise your arms above your head (say, in an army press), all 3 parts deltoid muscles will work together. However, there are exercises that isolate a particular bundle.

Anterior beam

One of its functions is shoulder flexion. In other words, it kicks in when you raise your hands in front of you (see previous photo).

Medium beam

In addition to flexion of the shoulder, he participates in its abduction. That is, it works when you spread your arms to the sides.

Posterior beam

The posterior bundle is responsible for shoulder extension. It works when you bring your hands back behind your back.

Rotator cuff

Primarily responsible for stabilization. In other words, these muscles work to keep the humerus in the shoulder joint. The rotator cuff is also responsible for the internal and external rotation of the humerus.

If your shoulders and rotator cuffs are functioning properly, then you do not need to do a lot of isolation exercises.

Internal rotation

The subscapularis muscle begins on the inside of the scapula and is responsible for turning the shoulder inward.

External rotation

The infraspinatus and small round muscles are located on inside shoulder blades. They are responsible for the external rotation of the humerus.

Shoulder abduction

The supraspinatus muscles work when the arms are extended to the sides. Research shows that they are only responsible for the first 30 ° movement of the arms from the midline of the body.

Key Shoulder Exercises

Let's put this knowledge into practice! Here are a couple of great exercises to help you build beautiful shoulders and keep your bones and joints mobile. Remember to train with a lot of weight. Muscles won't grow if you don't give them a load!

Also remember that you don't need to do a lot of isolation shoulder exercises. They do well with basic exercises like the overhead press and bench press.

Exercise 1 Overhead Press

In this exercise, you force all 3 deltoid muscle bundles to work.

Most important aspect exercise is starting position... Spread your legs shoulder-width apart and keep your abs and buttocks tense. A strong base will help lift more weight and protect your lower back from injury.

Pick up dumbbells, bring them to your shoulders, and then squeeze up over your head. Perform smooth, controlled movements. Many people do the wrong movement in the upper phase of the exercise, so make sure you follow the technique throughout your range of motion before starting heavy weights.

Exercise 2 Seated Dumbbell Raise

I like this exercise because it insulates the posterior bundle. Relax your knees and push your hips back, as in the Romanian deadlift. From this position, raise your arms up and to the sides. It is with this movement that I work the rear deltas.

Very often people use inertia of movement. Lower the dumbbells slowly, contracting your muscles. If you find it difficult to do this, then reduce the working weight.

Scientifically Best Shoulder Training Results

Having nice shoulders is great. But if you injure them, then you have serious problems. You will not be able to exercise your chest, back, and arms if you experience shoulder pain. Even leg workouts will be quite challenging. It is important not only to develop a physique, but also to maintain health at the same time.

Warm up before starting your workout. If you have weak muscles shoulders, do not work with heavy weights and follow the technique of performing the exercises. So you get much more use from training.

Build muscles according to a scientific training program

We've only highlighted 2 exercises, so check out our full six week workout program. Watch the instructional videos before heading into the gym and exercising. Remember that you must combine the work of the muscles with the work of the mind to build a beautiful body.

The superficial muscle of the shoulder, also called the deltoid, is located between the clavicle and the scapula, connecting it to the top of the forearm. Pain in this area is common and has a variety of causes. But if the deltoid muscle hurts constantly, then the reason may be inflammation or injury. In such a situation, it is important to determine the root cause and start treatment in a timely manner.

Causes of muscle pain

The front surface of the delta, together with the pectoral muscle, is responsible for the forward movement of the arm and its rotation, the middle surface controls the abduction of the arm to the side, and the back, together with the muscles of the back, help the arm to turn. The load, accompanied by the movement of the limbs in any direction, can provoke stretching muscle fibers... Any person can get injured - both an athlete and a sedentary person. The main causes of pain are as follows:

  • axillary nerve injury;
  • myosfascinal pain syndrome;
  • muscle fiber spasm;
  • consequences of arthrosis or osteochondrosis;
  • inflammation of the tendon.

Inflammation of the deltoid muscle can be triggered by mechanical damage.

All causes that can cause persistent pain are divided into 3 categories:

  1. Damage to the muscle ligaments caused by an inflammatory, degenerative or traumatic process.
  2. Non-inflammatory damage to the shoulder joint capsule.
  3. Infringement of the tendons of the shoulder, which are responsible for the rotation of the shoulder.

How does pain manifest?

It is impossible not to notice shoulder pains; when they appear, the usual mobility in the shoulder disappears. Difficulty performing familiar activities: tying laces, putting on clothes, or moving something. The pain is divided into acute and aching, according to the mechanism of the onset of pain sensations, it is subdivided as follows:

  • The pain is concentrated in the upper shoulder. First, it departs from the neck, gradually extending to the entire arm. The unpleasant sensation increases with limb movement. The person may experience burning, tingling, and numbness. The main culprit for such symptoms is an intervertebral hernia.
  • Stiffness of the muscle tissue of the upper shoulder girdle. Difficulties arise when moving the hand to the side, lifting it up, and it is also impossible to get it behind the back. In the most extreme situations, it is difficult for a person to bring a spoon to his mouth while eating. Pathology develops imperceptibly and gradually.
  • Overstrain of a group of muscles located around the shoulder joint. It occurs as a result of prolonged non-standard movement of the upper limbs (ceiling painting). Acute pain appears the next day, mobility is limited.
  • Reactive inflammation of the tendons of the shoulder girdle. Severe pain is provoked by the deposition of calcium in the muscles. Limb mobility is reduced both passive and active. Painful sensations extend to the neck and forearm.


With constant pain in the shoulder, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor for diagnosis and prescription of therapeutic procedures.

Laboratory tests will establish the presence of an inflammatory process.

With pain in the deltoid muscle, it is important to establish a painful focus, find out where the development of pain began, and determine the presence or absence of special symptoms. The doctor examines the patient, determines the equidistance of the location of the clavicles, shoulder blades, as well as the presence of an increased muscle area in the volume. The approach to the examination should be complex due to the large number of causes of pain in the delta. Finding the causes that caused the discomfort includes the following methods:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • X-ray examination;
  • arthroscopy.

When the question arises of how to properly pump the anterior deltoid muscle and the posterior deltoid muscle, then the surface of the shoulder muscles is meant, which is responsible for the formation of the outer contour.

The biceps is necessary for abducting the shoulder to the side, extending and flexing it. Thanks to the musculature, the shoulder joint is strengthened. In the male half of humanity, with the development of the shoulder girdle, a bright bulge forms. This speaks of the targeted training of this particular muscle.

There are 5 groups of fibers in the shoulder that function independently of each other. In anatomy, the following fiber bundles are distinguished:

  • front;
  • average;
  • rear.

When a person pulls his hand back, then the broad muscles of the back and the pectoralis major act as antagonist muscles.

Deltoid muscle bundles

The function of the anterior bundles is to abduct the arm when external rotation of the shoulder occurs. When arm flexion occurs, they help the pectoralis major muscle.

When internal rotation of the shoulder occurs, the anterior bundles engage the vastus dorsi, the subclavian and pectoralis major muscles.

  1. The delta function is to assist in lateral shoulder abduction.
  2. The posterior bundle function is required for horizontal shoulder extension.

The delta is located above the shoulder joint, it extends from the scapula and is attached to the deltoid tuberosity on the shoulder. This muscle is named after the letter of the Greek alphabet. Because the musculature resembles the letter Delta in shape, but upside down.

Purpose of the deltoid muscle

Due to the anatomical features, the musculature increases the level of lift in both men and women. The tasks of the biceps are very diverse, for example, it is needed to alternately unbend the front and back parts of the muscle.

When the shoulder is pulled back, the muscle is completely tense. When the triceps contracts, the muscles contract, the humerus slightly protrudes upward.

When its head rests against the shoulder joint, the bone is abducted. In muscular guys, the shoulders are always slightly laid back - this indicates that the muscles are in good shape.

Where is the deltoid muscle and features

This musculature is the most important because it is used on a daily basis. For example, it is used when pushing or lifting an object over the head.

The delta is a very important muscle, it gives an aesthetic appeal to the figure. A man with broad shoulders looks confident. When the muscles are well developed, then visually the waist seems slimmer.

People often neglect or train this muscle incorrectly. The shoulder joint has a complex spherical shape. It is responsible for extension, flexion and rotation of the shoulders. The main problem for athletes who train with weights is the lack of attention to the anterior delta.

It is located on the front of the shoulder. If the posterior and lateral muscles are neglected in training, this will lead to an unbalanced appearance. Also, improper training can cause shoulder injury and dysfunction. According to statistics, 69% of people suffer from diseases of the shoulder region at some point in their lives.

Arnold press

Purpose of the exercise: Development of the front and middle deltas. Also, the assistant muscles are: the trapezius muscle, triceps, the top of the pectoralis major muscle, the coracohumeral muscle and the serratus anterior muscle.

This exercise became popular thanks to Arnold Schwarzenegger and has firmly established itself in the hearts of many fitness and bodybuilding enthusiasts. If done correctly, the tension in the shoulders will be constant, and the range of motion is very favorable for building muscle mass.

Starting position:

  1. Sitting on a bench with a strictly vertical back, his back tightly pressed against it.
  2. Bend your legs at the knees at a right angle, spread them wide and firmly rest your feet on the floor.
  3. Raise the dumbbells to the level of the neck. Bend your elbows at a right angle.
  4. Expand the brushes with the palms towards you.

Execution technique:

  1. As you exhale, squeeze the dumbbells vertically upward, while turning your hands with your palms outward.
  2. At the top, the palms should be facing forward. Pause briefly.
  3. On inhalation, smoothly return the dumbbells to their original position, turning the palms in reverse order.
  • It is recommended to take dumbbells lighter than usual.
  • At the top, the elbows should not be fully extended: leave them slightly bent.
  • The press is performed smoothly, preferably without a pause at the bottom. Jerks and accelerations will transfer the load to the spine.

Stretching reasons

Loads that require movement of the arms in any direction can provoke a stretching of the deltoid muscle. For example, overloading the biceps of the arm. The reasons for injury can be the following:

  • falling or hitting directly to the shoulder area;
  • sharp tension provoked by an attempt to prevent a fall.

The front part of the muscle, working with the pectoralis major muscle, ensures that the arm is raised forward and rotated. The middle part is responsible for raising the arm to the side. Hindquarters together with the teres major and latissimus back muscle, turns back upper part raised hand.

Not only athletes who make active movements with their hands can get a stretch of the deltoid muscle, the risk of developing stress points exists among people leading a sedentary lifestyle. So, in particular, stress points in the deltoid muscle can appear in people working at a computer if its keyboard is incorrectly placed - too low or high.

What you need to know about deltoid muscle training

  • The main problem for many gym goers is the presence of a good front delta, not bad middle delta and a weak posterior bundle of the deltoid muscle.
  • Know that you have disproportionate development if, when standing relaxed, the front of the palms is turned more backward.
  • When doing forward raises, lift the weight 110˚ instead of the 90˚ most people usually stop at.
  • Maximize the work of the rear deltas by keeping the shoulders abducted to the sides at an angle of 30-45˚.
  • Most weightlifters do their side lifts incorrectly. The wrist, elbow, and shoulder should be level at the top, and the sharp side of the elbow should point straight back.
  • People with hypertrophied upper trapezius muscles tighten the dumbbells during lateral lifts. To avoid this, consider pushing the dumbbells away from you.

3D Deltas

The key to developing deltas that have a three-dimensional appearance is the proportional development of all three deltoid muscle bundles. This will make your shoulders look full when viewed from the front, side, or back.

Cosmetically, the most common pattern of malformed deltas is well-developed anterior deltas, moderately developed mid-deltas, and severely lagging rear deltoids.

This is usually manifested by a significant inward bend of the shoulders. In other words, your front palms are turned more backward when you are relaxed.

This is possible if:

  1. you love bench press and chest workouts in general
  2. you tend to devote more to training the muscles that you see in the mirror

Another option for training the shoulders without stressing the front deltas, prioritizing the development of the middle delta until it is already thick and the front delta remains underdeveloped, especially when viewed from the side.

Rate your selfies

Before you start training your shoulders, you should find out which of the deltoid bundles is lagging behind in development. To prioritize.

Take your shot with your arms at your sides and your arms facing your body. Take additional shots from the front, back and side. So you can assess yourself from all sides, and then after a while compare the results of training. When viewed from the front, the shoulders should be rounded.

If your shoulders have a narrow bone structure and / or you have a wide hip structure, then nicely rounded deltas are what you need.

You should swing the deltas, paying special attention to the middle bundles of the deltoids with side lifts.

On the other hand, if you are looking from the side, the front of the shoulders are not convex enough, then you need to focus on the front delta. Use to train the anterior deltoid muscles different variants lifting dumbbells and barbells in front.

If you need to pump up the rear delts, use the bent over row of dumbbell rows to work out the back of the shoulders.

Back double biceps

Keep in mind when evaluating your back delta, this is usually short muscle with a different appearance from the front delta. So don't expect the same from them. appearance like the front deltas. To gauge how well the back delta is pumped, use the double biceps pose in the back.

Shoulder structure

The deltoid muscles, or deltoids, cover the area of ​​the shoulder joint. They are divided into three heads - anterior, lateral and posterior, each of which consists of bundles of muscle fibers.

The main function of the deltoids is to raise the arms to the sides above shoulder level. And here the lateral head of the deltoid muscle plays the main role - it is she who contributes to raising and lowering the arms to the sides. The front head, on the other hand, helps to raise the hand forward and upward, and the back head, as you might guess, is involved in moving the hand back and up.

It should be remembered that none of the muscle fiber bundles that form the deltoid muscle act autonomously.

For the full development of deltoids, it is necessary special exercises designed for each of the three muscle heads. Basically, any movement that lifts a weight overhead creates a payload on the deltoid muscles. But there are means and ways to isolate them. We will talk about them in this article.

Delta and man

Huge accumulations of silt, which have been deposited in deltas for centuries, make these lands extremely fertile. In the deltas of large rivers, the largest cities and entire civilizations arose - for example, Ancient Egypt in the Nile Delta. The world's largest delta, the Ganges, is now home to over 145 million people!

True, in the same deltas, grandiose floods also occur. Firstly, due to the fact that the channels can no longer break through the thickness of the sediments and are forced to look for new channels. And, secondly, because at the mouths of the river, having collected water from all tributaries, they are the most abundant.

Deltas are convenient for the construction of ports. At this “crossroads”, cargo delivered by the river can be reloaded for transportation by sea. To meet them up the river, sea cargoes leave. The world's largest ports are located in the river deltas - Rotterdam, Hamburg, Vancouver, St. Petersburg, Alexandria, Osaka.

In deltas, a lace of small reservoirs and dense thickets (floodplains) is often formed - a real paradise for fish, birds and other animals. Here people hunt, fish, rest. The Danube Delta, home to dozens of rare and endangered species, has been declared a UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site, and the Danube Delta International Biosphere Reserve has been organized here.
Ancient deltas are places where the current once sorted out and deposited huge reserves of sand and gravel. Quarries are set up here and these materials are mined.

Irrational human activity - the construction of hydroelectric power plants and irrigation systems, the creation of reservoirs, the plowing of riverine lands, the discharge of wastewater - are destroying deltaic ecosystems. For more than one thousand years man has been using what they give him. The time has come to realize that these resources are not endless.

(4 assessments, average 5 out of 5)

Treatment and diagnostics

If pain appears in the shoulder, it is suspected that the cause is inflammation or
stretching of the deltoid muscle. Treatment should be prescribed only by a specialist doctor who is able to correctly diagnose the problem and find a solution.

So, for example, with damage to the axillary nerve, the motor fibers of which are able to innervate the delta, the skin of the shoulder and the small round muscle. With such damage, it is impossible to lift the shoulder, and, in addition, the sensitivity of the shoulder skin is impaired. When the deltoid muscle is damaged, the pain is concentrated precisely in the affected part, and does not spread to the adjacent areas, as it happens with all other muscles.

To avoid injury to the deltoid muscle, you should monitor the correct exercise. Before physical activity, be sure to stretch the tendons. It is not necessary, while performing presses, to do a wide grip of the hands. The best position is shoulder width or slightly wider. In addition, you need to properly move your arms back. When an injury occurs, you should immediately stop the load on the chest, as well as all other exercises that provoke soreness in the deltoid muscle.

Treatment of the deltoid muscle includes the following methods:

  1. Stretching mobilization - performed by a physician.
  2. Post-isometric relaxation - performed under the supervision of a physician.
  3. Self-directed post-isometric relaxation. To perform independently, without the help of a doctor, stretching the back of the injured deltoid muscle, the patient lowers the hand of the injured hand on the shoulder of the other hand. Then, grabbing the elbow of a healthy hand, stretches back using traction on the elbow through the chest. The stretching procedure is performed under the supervision of a physician. To prevent displacement of the scapula during the procedure, the doctor fixes it behind with his palm.
  4. Deep massage. Having felt painful seals, massage is performed along with ischemic compression. A similar effect is performed both with passive shortening of the muscle, involving a pincer-like grip and kneading, and with a slight muscle tension, involving point or longitudinal massage.
  5. Self mobilization by stretching. It is performed in a standing position. The injured person, standing in the doorway, puts the inner surface of the forearms on the side posts (the door must be open) with the hands down or at the middle level. The patient keeps his head straight, the neck is not stretched, the lower back is unbent. One leg in front, her knee bent. The patient, bending his leg extended forward, smoothly shifts for a couple of seconds into the doorway. The patient then relaxes and breathes in preparation for re-stretching.

Delta workout

Many beginners make the mistake of thinking that arm and chest workouts should be the lion's share of the class. But believe me, narrow shoulders combined with massive arms and pumped-up chest will not look harmonious. Therefore, delta training should be mandatory be present in a set of exercises.

Correct workout

According to practice, the most the best option Delta workouts will range from 7 to 12 reps in one set. This method is one of the most effective for the rapid mass gain of almost all muscle groups. In addition, the deltoid muscles must be subjected to significant stress, almost at the limit of their capabilities, for their stable growth.

Many delta training videos and various articles state that this muscle consists of bundles: anterior, medial, and also posterior. This feature of the muscle structure must be taken into account when drawing up individual training... After all, apart from general exercises, it is also necessary to make isolated ones, which are aimed at working out each individual beam.

A set of exercises

One of the most effective exercises for training deltas is dumbbell swings. They are best done in the 15 to 20 rep range. But the deltoid muscles are also easily injured due to their complex anatomical structure.

The shoulders are involved in almost all complexes that are designed to pump up the upper body. So, before putting a significant load on the shoulders, they need to be thoroughly warmed up. You've probably already heard about this in various videos about training deltas.

The bulk of the bench press exercises for training deltas are best done in the Smith machine. Due to the fact that the bar in this simulator moves only in one plane, stabilizing muscles can be excluded from the work. In this case, the deltas will receive the maximum possible load.

Delta mass training might look like this:

  • Press in the Smith machine 3x12
  • Overhead dumbbell press 3x12
  • Swing dumbbells standing 3x12
  • Bench press in a simulator sitting 3x10

Experienced bodybuilders need to include at least two basic exercises and two to three isolation exercises in their delta training program. Each set should consist of eight to ten repetitions, this number is optimal for effective muscle growth.

According to bodybuilding pros, deltas are best for training. army press and bench press while standing. They target intense workout all delta bundles, except for the posterior one.

If you pay attention to the video of training deltas for mass, you will notice that many athletes do the Arnold press and the barbell deadlift while standing to the chin. In these exercises, the middle (medial) bundle of the delta is more involved, which is responsible for the formation of massive shoulders.

However, it should be understood that the muscles gradually begin to get used to the same exercises, so they should be changed periodically. This will allow you not to slow down when gaining mass.

Most isolation exercises, such as overhead dumbbell presses (barbells can also be used), barbell raises, and prone dumbbell rows, use the front and rear deltas. And this is due to the fact that basic exercises in sufficient intensity act on the medial muscle bundle.

There are many more complexes that can significantly develop shoulders, but they, in fact, are duplicative and less effective. The exercises described above are quite enough in order to form developed and relief shoulders.

Technique and features of the exercises

Bench press standing

If your forearms, at their lowest point, are not perpendicular to the floor, this means that you have taken a wide position. The optimal grip is slightly wider than the shoulders. Contrary to the general opinion, you should not put your feet apart. Also, when squeezing the bar up, it is undesirable to excessively deflect the body back.

Seated Barbell Press

As for the grip, there are no changes here. But in a sitting position, you need to snuggle against the back of the bench. Deflection is not desirable, there is a high probability of injury.

Seated Dumbbell Press

The position on the bench is the same as for the barbell press. As for the position of the dumbbells. They should be on the same level with each other. It is optimal to maintain an angle of ninety degrees in elbow joints... The forearms are perpendicular to the floor. In the upper position, the dumbbells move towards each other, the elbows must be fully straightened.

Row of dumbbells (barbells) to the chin

There is no striking difference in how you perform this exercise. The main thing is to follow the technical component. Stand straight with your knees slightly bent. Take the barbell at a width so that your wrists are comfortable in the upper estrus. The elbows should aim upward, weighing below the elbows throughout the entire execution. There is a short pause at the top.

Shvung press

This exercise comes from weightlifting. Starting technique as with a barbell bench press. But when performing the movement, you need to sit down a little on your legs, and at the same time straighten your legs, squeeze the bar up. The exercise requires a certain amount of skill and experience. Because pushing with your feet makes it easier to perform, you can put a little more weight on the barbell.

Lifting dumbbells in front of you

There may be several options, but the lifting of the dumbbell is the same for any variation. It is possible to perform the exercise alternately or simultaneously with two dumbbells, also with your back against the wall, thereby excluding cheating. Perhaps supination (turning down the palm) when lifting. The lift is carried out (regardless of the variation), the elbow is slightly bent, the dumbbell rises to the level of the face. It is necessary to maintain the maximum amplitude. Smooth descent down.

Lifting dumbbells through the sides

You can perform the exercise both sitting and standing. The arms are slightly bent at the elbows. When lifting, avoid jerking. The lift should be smooth, and the elbows should be higher than the dumbbells in the upper position. If the dumbbells are ahead of the elbows, then it is necessary to take all the weights less.

Tilting breeding

The position of the dumbbells causes a lot of controversy. Some say that the dumbbells in the lower position should be parallel, others that the dumbbells should be deployed from each other.

However, I don't want to focus on this, because the feeling of working in the rear deltas is important, and how you hold the weights is your choice. The main thing is that when lifting, the arms are slightly bent at the elbows, the elbows tend upward, the course of the arms is clearly along the line of the shoulders

Leaving this line entails removing the load from the muscle being worked out.

Building a deltoid muscle training plan

Let's recap some of the basics of shoulder training before diving into their specifics. I can assume that you train your shoulders every 5-7 days.

You can train your shoulders in combination with other muscle groups. But if your shoulders are lagging behind in development, then do not swing them after the pectoral muscles. It is better to train these groups on different days with a break of 2-3 days. So you will have more strength and energy to train your shoulders. This will raise more weight with the right technique.

The back delta is a pulling muscle, so on shoulder day it makes sense to train the deltoids with your back. Because the back delta functions like your back muscles, they help pull your arms down and / or back.

So when doing shoulder adductions (pull-ups), shoulder stretches (dumbbell rows), bent-over rows (regular grip rows), your rear delts are seriously involved, whether you like it or not.

How to pump deltoid muscles

The peculiarity of these muscles is that they work almost always when you make any movements with your hands. Including when training large muscle groups. But for their growth, such a load is not enough. Therefore, their training is performed in a separate lesson.

As a rule, the main attention is paid to the middle and back sections, because the front significant "boost" is received with various bench presses (when training the chest and triceps). But you can train the front section along with the rest.

Harmoniously developed shoulders - this is a core, slightly truncated from below from behind, when viewed from the side. Let me tell you a secret. To increase the volume of the deltoid muscles, you need to squat. Don't see the connection? The fact is that the larger the working muscles, the more anabolic factors are manifested. And the leg muscles are big. There is a greater release of hormones. And "deltas" are small and, frankly, weak muscles.

With pure training of only this musculature of growth hormone and the sex hormone responsible for recovery, little is synthesized.

If, before training the shoulders, you squat, shake your legs, do flexion and extension of the legs, in short, a full workout lower limbs, then you can achieve a greater release of anabolic hormones into the bloodstream. They circulate with blood throughout the body, including in the deltoid muscles, which is why the shoulders grow faster. But even with pure work on the shoulders, the deltoids will also grow, but not so quickly.

I would like to note that this pair of muscles is more prone to injuries, sprains and the like than the others. Therefore, warm up carefully and take on adequate weights with the seated or standing presses. Which hand is weaker? With it, always start training deltoids, if you do the exercises first with one, then with the other hand. For example, side raises with dumbbells.

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What is the deltoid muscle

When it comes to training in the deltoid muscle, it means the development of the superficial shoulder muscle responsible for the formation of the outer contour of the shoulder. What is the deltoid muscle for? She is primarily responsible for abducting the shoulder to the side, flexing and extending it.

Thanks to the deltoid muscle, the entire shoulder joint is strengthened. In men with a developed shoulder girdle, a bright bulge is expressed, which indicates targeted training of this particular muscle group.

In the deltoid muscle, there are five groups of fibers that function separately from each other. In anatomy, it is customary to distinguish the anterior, middle (lateral) and posterior bundles in the deltoid muscle.

When you move your arm away, the latissimus dorsi and pectoralis major are the antagonistic muscles.

Deltoid muscle bundles

  • The functions of the anterior bundles are to abduct the arm when external rotation of the shoulder is carried out. Even in shoulder flexion, they provide little help to the pectoralis major muscle. With internal rotation of the shoulder, the anterior bundles contribute to the latissimus dorsi, pectoralis major and subclavian muscles.
  • The functions of literal bundles are to assist with lateral shoulder abduction.
  • The functions of the posterior bundles are to assist with horizontal extension.

In humans, the deltoid muscle is located above the shoulder joint, it extends from the spine of the scapula and is attached to the deltoid tuberosity on the humerus. This muscle owes its name to the Greek alphabet, since it resembles the letter "delta" in shape, but upside down.

What is the deltoid muscle for?

Why do we do deltoid exercises at all? Thanks to some anatomical features the deltoid muscle significantly increases the level of a person's lift.

What is the deltoid muscle for? In fact, its tasks are quite diverse, but we will dwell only on some of them. To extend the limb, the front and back of the muscle work in turn. And during the abduction of the shoulder, the muscle is strained entirely.

When the deltoid muscle contracts, the humerus rises slightly, as soon as its head rests against the arch of the shoulder joint, then the bone is abducted. You've probably seen how the shoulders are slightly abducted in muscular guys, this indicates that the deltoid muscle is in good shape.

Proper delt workout

How to train the deltoid muscles correctly? Since deltas are, in fact, a small muscle group, a small number of approaches is ineffective for them and it is best to choose a middle ground. Ideally - 10 approaches per workout. This figure excludes the possibility of overstrain, but it is better to choose the weight and intensity of the workout yourself.

The deltoid muscles, due to their small volume, tire faster than other muscle groups. For beginners, for example, it might be optimal to start with eight reps in one set. Over time, for some isolation exercises, you can start with 10 reps in one set.

Before answering the question "how to pump up the deltoid muscles?" it is important to remember one point - it is not recommended to train the deltoid muscles for more than 30 minutes per workout. Half an hour will be enough to train all the heads of the deltas.

Even for the pros, after 30 - 40 minutes, the productivity of the workout drops, not to mention the inability to maintain the same intensity.

When is the best time to train the deltoid muscles?

What is the best workout to include deltoid exercises? There are two options here:

  1. It is best to set aside one day altogether for deltas (if your lifestyle allows it).
  2. Many athletes train their deltoids along with abdominal and trapeze exercises.

Do not make the typical mistake of novice athletes - in gyms you can often see that young men train first either the back or chest, and then move on to the deltas. As a result, after such a training, the strength is already exhausted and the deltoid muscles do not receive the proper level of load. Naturally, the correctness of the exercises in this case is also a big question. Not everyone can afford a coach, and being alone is easy.

Again, if your lifestyle permits, set aside a separate day for the deltas to keep your workout intensity high and use heavy weights.

How to build deltoid muscles? In our next article, we will detail deltoid exercises for beginners and professionals alike.

Yakov Zolotov

Deltoid muscle what is it, where, how does it work

The main muscles of the shoulder are the biceps (biceps), triceps (triceps) and deltoid. There are also others that lie a little deeper. For example, the coracohumeral muscle, the small round, supraspinatus and infraspinatus, which attach to the back and shoulder. But not the point. We are interested in "deltas": they are usually called so in gyms for ease of explanation and understanding.

Each of these sections performs its own functions, but in general, all sections of the deltoid muscles always work together, even in isolation exercises. Therefore, it is difficult to separate them: it is impossible, for example, to say that the back "delta" pulls the hand back, while the middle one does not. No, these shoulder muscles are always fully involved in the work, although some individual bundles receive most of the load.

In addition, when working on the shoulders (swinging or lifting dumbbells in different directions), the trapezius muscles provide significant help, even, I repeat, in isolation exercises.

The functions are simple: all the movements that you are able to do with your shoulders occur with the direct participation of these muscles. Even with the rotation of the forearm. Raise your straight arm right now thumb up (as if showing "class"). Place your left palm completely on the right deltoid (grab your shoulder). Now turn your forearm so that thumb pointed to the left. Do you feel the deltas move?

The deltoid muscle is ... What is the deltoid muscle

Deltoid muscle (Latin musculus deltoideus) - in human anatomy - superficial muscle shoulder, forming its outer contour. Takes part in flexion and extension of the shoulder, abduction of the arm to the side. The name "deltoid" comes from the similarity of the triangular shape of the muscle with the Greek letter Δ (delta).

The average muscle weight in a person is about 192 grams. In many animals (eg cats) this is known as the common shoulder muscle.

In human anatomy

Anatomically, three bundles are distinguished in the deltoid muscle:

  • front;
  • middle (side)
  • rear.

However, according to the results of electromyographic studies, at least seven groups of fibers can be distinguished in it, functioning independently of each other.

Start and attach

The anterior group of fibers starts from most of the anterior edge and the upper surface of the lateral third of the clavicle.

Lateral group - from the acromial part of the scapula.

The posterior group - from the lower part of the posterior edge of the spine of the scapula along its entire length to the medial edge.

Blood supply and innervation

The deltoid muscle is supplied with blood by the posterior artery of the envelope of the shoulder (a.circumflexa humeri posterior).

It is innervated by the axillary nerve (n.axillaris) from brachial plexus formed by the anterior branches of the fifth and sixth pairs of cervical spinal nerves (C5 and C6).


With the simultaneous contraction of all muscle bundles, it causes the arm to be abducted in the frontal plane. The greatest effectiveness of this movement is achieved in the position of the hand by rotating inward. The antagonists in the abduction of the hand are the pectoralis major and broadest muscles of the back.

The anterior bundles are involved in lateral abduction of the arm during external rotation of the shoulder. Their role in shoulder flexion is small, but they help in this movement of the pectoralis major muscle (elbow just below the shoulder). Contribute to muscles: subclavian, pectoralis major and broadest back with internal rotation of the shoulder.

Lateral bundles participate in lateral shoulder abduction when it is in internal rotation and in horizontal abduction during external rotation, but practically do not participate in horizontal shoulder extension (during internal rotation).

The posterior beams take a large part in horizontal extension, especially due to the small participation of the latissimus dorsi muscle in this movement in the horizontal plane. Other horizontal extensors - the infraspinatus and the small round muscles - also work together with the posterior portion of the deltoid muscle as external rotators, antagonistic to the internal rotators - the pectoralis major muscles and the broadest. The posterior portion of the deltoid muscle also plays a large part in the overextension of the shoulder, supported by the long head of the triceps.

  1. Potau JM, Bardina X, Ciurana N, Camprubí D. Pastor JF, de Paz F. Barbosa M. (2009). Quantitative Analysis of the Deltoid and Rotator Cuff Muscles in Humans and Great Apes. Int J Primatol 30: 697-708. DOI: 10.1007 / s10764-009-9368-8
  2. Brown JM, Wickham JB, McAndrew DJ, Huang XF. (2007). Muscles within muscles: Coordination of 19 muscle segments within three shoulder muscles during isometric motor tasks. J Electromyogr Kinesiol. 17 (1): 57-73. PMID 16458022 DOI: 10.1016 / j.jelekin.2005.10.007 (((one)))

It will be interesting for you

/ Isolation exercise / Detail of the shoulders and upper back

Reverse dilutions- a tool for fine-tuning the shape and relief of the posterior bundle of deltas, as well as all muscles of the upper back. In addition, reverse dilutions strengthen the rotator cuff muscles, the strength of which directly affects the resistance of the shoulder joint to stress.

By regularly practicing reverse dilutions, you will improve athletic performance in rowing, archery, gymnastics, tennis, baseball and wrestling.

Rear deltas, traps and rotator cuffs/ Formative exercise / The shape and relief of the hind shoulders

Slope dilutions isolate the load on the back head of the deltas and are used in order to give this muscle bundle a distinct tuberous shape, add "streaks" and highlight it against the background of the back muscles.

By including incline dilutions in the program strength training, you will improve sports achivments in all sports in which you often pull your arms to your body (swimming, gymnastics) or pull them back (archery, rowing), hitting your hands from top to bottom (volleyball, tennis) or keeping an opponent close to you (wrestling).

Remember: the stronger the back deltas, the stronger the shoulder joint.

Front deltas and frontal half of the middle deltas/ Isolation exercise / The shape and relief of the front deltas

Lifting dumbbells in front of you They maximally isolate the load on the front deltas, stimulate their growth in thickness, hone the shape and relief, and also separate them from the pectoral muscles and middle deltas.

Front deltas move the arm forward and upward. This movement is typical for martial arts (blows from the bottom up, grabbing and lifting the opponent in front of you), weightlifting (lifting the barbell to the chest), gymnastics (exercises on the uneven bars), volleyball (blocking the ball at the net), American football (blocking and pushing off the opponent ) and tennis (receiving the ball from below).

Middle deltas, supraspinatus muscle and trapezius/ Formative exercise / Shape, relief and shoulder width

Standing dumbbell breeding the middle deltas, which determine the width of the shoulders, are precisely ironed - the first thing that catches the eye and emphasizes the athleticism of the physique. The exercise cuts a clear dividing line around the middle head of the delta and increases its "streakiness".

Standing dumbbell breeding strengthens the muscles that abduct the arm in the shoulder joint - a movement characteristic of basketball, volleyball, swimming, boxing. In addition to this, standing dumbbell breeding is an excellent means of preventing and treating shoulder stiffness.

Middle deltas, as well as the supraspinatus muscle and trapezius/ Formative exercise / The width and shape of the shoulders

Lifting dumbbells over the sides overhead aimed at the middle bundles of the deltoid muscle, the development of which visually expands and raises the shoulders. This exercise effectively highlights the middle deltas, against the background of other bundles of the deltoid muscle, traps and triceps. In addition, lifting dumbbells through the sides improves the mobility of the shoulder joint and strengthens shoulder girdle generally.

Be sure to include this exercise in your strength training program if you play volleyball, tennis, swimming or martial arts.

Front and middle deltas, rotator cuff muscles/ Formative exercise / Consolidation and detailing of the shoulders

Stimulates the growth of the anterior and middle delta bundles, shows a clear border of separation of the deltoid and surrounding muscles (upper chest, arms). Most trainers are sure that the Arnold press is much more effective than traditional presses, since turning the hand when lifting the dumbbells activates the deepest layers of muscle fibers, which, increasing in volume, push the deltas up from the inside.

By regularly practicing the Arnold press, you will improve your skills in weightlifting, tennis, basketball, volleyball, gymnastics, martial arts and swimming.

Middle and anterior deltas, rotator cuff muscles/ Basic exercise / The mass and shape of the front and middle deltas

Dumbbell press- An excellent tool for deep work on the front and middle heads of the delta (compared to barbell presses, the range of motion is much longer here). This exercise builds the mass and strength of all the muscles surrounding the shoulder joint, giving the deltas a distinctly convex shape.

The power of strikes in tennis, volleyball and basketball directly depends on the strength of the muscles that move the arm forward, to the side and up. In dumbbell presses, the stabilizing muscles of the shoulder joint are actively working, so we recommend performing the exercise with a relatively light weight, as a kind of warm-up before heavy presses.

Deltoid muscle and stress points
Left: deltoid muscle, front view
Right: deltoid muscle, rear view

DELTOID, covering the shoulder, gives it its characteristic shape. It actually consists of three parts: front, middle and back. Each part works a little differently from the others. All parts of the muscle provide an arm lift and a stable hold of the humerus within the shoulder during movement.

The front of the deltoid (seen in front of the shoulder) works with the pectoralis major to lift and rotate the arm forward. The middle part of the deltoid muscle raises the arm laterally. The back of the deltoid muscle on the back of the shoulder along with latissimus back and large round muscle raises and turns back the upper arm. The top of the fibers of the anterior part and the muscle is attached to the outer part of the clavicle, the top of the fibers of the middle part is attached to the acromion, and the top of the fibers of the posterior part is attached to the spine of the scapula. The bottom of the fibers of all three parts of the deltoid muscle is attached in the middle of the humerus to a protrusion called tuberosity of the deltoid muscle.

The position of the deltoid muscle puts a lot of stress on it in any sport that requires movement of the arms in all directions, and therefore puts the development of stress points at risk. These points develop in the muscle as a result of direct injury (fall or impact directly over the shoulder) or sudden strain when trying to prevent a fall. Almost any athlete runs the risk of developing tension points in the deltoid muscle. The likelihood of developing tension points in this muscle is also great for those who, when working at a computer, have a keyboard located too low or too high.

The deltoid muscle is the second most important source muscle pain in the shoulder after the infraspinatus muscle. In practical terms, this means that if shoulder pain is felt after the infraspinatus is checked, the deltoid should be checked, pain due to deltoid problems is felt on the front of the shoulder (if tension barrels are located in the front of the muscle) and on the back of the shoulder (if the points are located at the back of the muscle).

When pain occurs due to problems in the deltoid muscle, the shoulder may weaken, and the arm may not be able to painlessly rise up through the sides. If hand pain is felt more often during movement than during rest, this is a good sign. If shoulder pain is felt continuously (both at rest and in motion), then it is probably from another muscle. Check the pain pattern to see if other muscles are causing the pain.

Because the deltoid muscle is close to the surface of the body, it can be easily seen and located. Use right hand to grope for tension points in the left deltoid muscle. First, feel the collarbone at the top of your chest. Move your hand underneath and to the side. Your fingers will be in a small area where your chest meets your shoulder. This place is called delto-chest cavity because here the deltoid muscle meets pectoral muscle... The first vertical pull of the muscle that you feel as you move towards the shoulder will be in the front of the muscle. Feel it for tense, painful areas and press directly on them. To quickly feel how it gets easier, be patient. Relax your shoulders and arms during the procedure.

It is much easier to apply pressure to the back of the deltoid muscle using a tennis ball. Find tension points, then lie on the floor and place the ball between your back and the floor. All you have to do then is breathe and relax, and let the body's gravity do its work.

Tension points in the middle of the deltoid muscle are much less common than in the front or back. Locate the mid-section fibers starting from the acromion. Palpate downward from it to reveal tight cords and points of tension.

Stretch 1: The anterior part of the muscle can be stretched in the same way as the pectoralis major or subscapularis muscle. Place your hands firmly on the sides of the doorway at ear level.

Stretch your body forward through your outstretched arms, opening your chest and shoulders.

Stretch 2: To stretch the back of the deltoid, grab your arm above the elbow and pull it across your chest.

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