How to build triceps for a woman at home. A set of exercises at home for girls for triceps

If you sit back, you can not dream of the beautiful shape of the triceps in the form of a horseshoe. But it is worth putting small shells in the palm of your hand and regularly exercising at home - and the results will not be long in coming. With strong muscles, it is easier to carry bags, and an open dress is not a shame to wear. Triceps training isn't just for bodybuilders. Women are genetically predisposed to accumulate fat in the arms and armpits. Even a thin subcutaneous layer provokes sagging skin and makes it loose.

Based on the proposed techniques, you yourself will make up the complex, and tighten your hands in 1-2 months. Triceps exercises at home for girls are designed not only for working with their own weight. Since the muscle is large, in order to gain mass and outline the contours will need weighting. Unlike men, women do not need to measure volume and strength, so there is no need to carry heavy barbells, but you cannot do without dumbbells.

How to build triceps for girls without dumbbells at home

  1. Lie on the shifted stools, press your feet into the floor.
  2. Take straight arms with a load at a slight angle to your head.
  3. Bend your elbows and pull them behind the crown as you inhale.
  4. Exhaling, straighten your limbs and repeat the action.

Straightening the arms while standing

  1. Take the shells in your hand.
  2. Bend your knees and tilt your torso forward.
  3. Left hand put on a support, press the right one against the body.
  4. Take your hand with the dumbbell back to parallel with the floor. After 10 repetitions change hands.

Extension from behind the head

Multi-joint exercise at home for women on triceps with a focused load on long heads, deltas, large pectoral muscles... When using collapsible dumbbells, check the fastening of the locks. Get started from 3 kg and bring the weight to 10 kg.

  1. Sit down with the dumbbell upright and grab the base with both hands.
  2. Lift it up, bending your arms, take them to the back of your head.
  3. As you exhale, straighten and do 10 more movements.

If you are a newbie or have recently migrated trauma shoulder or arm, limit yourself to 5 sets.


  1. While standing or sitting, hold a dumbbell with one palm.
  2. Bending your elbow at an even angle, bring it to the back of your head.
  3. With the tension of the triceps muscles, squeeze upward until the joints are fully extended.
  4. Feel the triceps stretch, and after a pause, return to the PI.

Straightening your arms

Finally, do high repetition isolation practice. It will provoke a rush of blood and speed up recovery. muscle fibers.

  1. Lying on your back, raise the shells vertically, holding them with palms facing towards each other.
  2. Keeping static in shoulder girdle, bend your elbows and lower them until your forearms are parallel to the floor.
  3. After a pause at the bottom, go into a positive phase.

For muscular arms, stick to multiple reps, varying the number of reps from 12 - 15 times in 3 sessions.

Useful video with triceps training at home for girls

Have beautiful tight arms every woman dreams.

And in this case, we are not talking about an increase in the volume of biceps, as is the case in men. Girls strive to get rid of excessive roundness, looseness, to make their hands more contoured and elastic.

Hand exercises for women are selected keeping in mind that the goal of the workout is not to build up. muscle mass, and the relief and general tone. For home workout of the muscles of the arms, doing exercises with dumbbells is ideal. In particular, since the problem area for most women is the back of the shoulder, it is advisable to include triceps in the program. In this article, we will look at a selection of exercises that are suitable for self-fulfillment girls.

It is advisable to have dumbbells for arm training.

It is preferable for girls to perform exercises for the muscles of the arms with dumbbells, and not on simulators. In the case of the simulator, the exercises are performed in isolation - this loads the target muscle as much as possible, which is very good for mass training. In the case of using dumbbells, in addition to the target muscles, stabilizing muscles are included in the work. This partially relieves the load from the main muscle, but it allows you to work out your arms in a complex and harmonious way.

To train your arms, you need light weight dumbbells, with which you can perform 15-20 repetitions. As a rule, 2-5 kg ​​dumbbells are enough for girls. It all depends on your level of training. Ideally, have at your disposal several pairs of dumbbells of different weights. It is better to alternate exercises for the muscles of the arms. While you are working for the biceps, the triceps will rest (and vice versa).

Exercises for biceps

When starting to train your arms, do not be afraid that you will pump up huge biceps and become like a man. Hand exercises for women are very similar to those for men, but there are some differences.

Seated Dumbbell Curl
Sit on a bench or chair. Spread your legs to the sides, bend the body slightly forward. Place one hand on your thigh, and take a dumbbell in the other hand. In the starting position (arm with a dumbbell extended downward), a few centimeters should remain to the floor.

As you exhale, bend your arm with the dumbbell so that the hand is at shoulder level. At the same time, the elbow rests on the thigh. At the end point, twist the brush inward slightly. Exhale - straighten your arm. Make sure you don't have any looseness in your shoulders. Do all movements clearly, controlling each muscle. Do 15-20 reps on one arm and the other.

When performing this exercise for the biceps, keep the body motionless, do not sharply unbend your arm at the elbow to the end.

Standing curl of both arms
Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms with dumbbells down, elbows slightly bent and pressed to the body. The wrists are turned forward. Bend your arms with dumbbells, trying to twist your hands so that the little fingers are above the thumbs.

While inhaling, straighten your arms, but not completely. This exercise is also worth doing 15-20 times.

Flexion of the arms while lying on the bench
Lie on horizontal bench or put on some stools if you are at home. Take dumbbells and lower your arms slightly bent at the elbows on either side of you parallel to the body as low as you can. You do not need to spread your arms to the sides - they go along the body, the wrists are directed towards the body.

As you exhale, bend your elbows without lifting your shoulders. Rotate your wrists upward while performing the movement. At the end point of the exercise, the dumbbells should be level shoulder joints... Inhale - return to starting position... Do not bend your arms to the end at the elbows. The number of repetitions is the same as in the previous exercise for the muscles of the arms.

Triceps exercises

The back surface of the shoulder for many women is the so-called "problem area", in particular, due to the fact that fat tends to be deposited there. Therefore, doing exercises on triceps muscle the shoulder is a necessary aspect of women's training.
Triceps dumbbell exercises work the back of the arms.

However, if you are also working on developing your pectoral muscles, it should be borne in mind that many chest exercises additionally involve the triceps. If you swing the pectoral muscles, it is better to reduce the number of approaches for triceps.

And one more thing ... Before you start doing the exercises, you need to learn one thing: if you want to build muscle volume (which is unlikely for a woman), you need to stretch the muscle with weight, if you only want to strengthen the muscle, you do not need to do this, but stretch after strength training, already without weight.
This will be explained with the following exercise:

Extension of the arms behind the head while sitting
Sitting on a chair with a straight back, we raise right hand with dumbbells overhead, elbow near ear, palm facing forward. We bend the arm at the elbow, winding the dumbbell behind the head towards the left shoulder. If we want to pump up a muscle, then we bend the arm at the elbow as much as possible (we stretch it under the influence of weight) and, with the reverse movement, we bring it only to right angle at the elbow, and then bend again.

If we only want to strengthen the triceps, then we bend the arm only to a right angle at the elbow, no more, and then we straighten it almost completely. We repeat the exercise for the left hand.

Extension of the arms behind the head while standing
Stand up straight with feet shoulder-width apart. Take a dumbbell with both hands, lift it up and take it behind your head. Your elbows should be bent at right angles and pressed against your head. The chest does not bend. As you exhale, extend your arms from the dumbbells. While inhaling, return to the starting position.

To do this triceps exercise, you can take one heavier dumbbell or two lighter ones.
Repeat the exercise 15-20 times. Make sure that your elbows do not extend to the sides.

The same exercise can be performed while sitting:

Extension of the arms in the slope
Pick up dumbbells. Stand straight with your knees bent slightly. Tilt your body forward, bend your elbows at right angles and press your elbows to your waist. This is the starting position. As you exhale, bend your arms back without lifting your elbows from your waist. Straight arms should be completely parallel to the body.

While inhaling, return to the starting position. Do 15-20 repetitions.

Back support push-ups
A bench, chair, sofa, or any other stable surface can be used as support. Stand with the support behind you. Lean on her hands, straighten your legs forward. If it is very difficult to do with straight legs, the knees can be bent. The pelvis should be overhang slightly in front of the support. Bend your arms gently, lowering your pelvis down in front of the support.

Do not sit on the floor, the pelvis is hanging all the time. As you exhale, straighten your arms. Thus, you perform push-ups, but your hands are not in front of the body, but behind it.

Do as many of these push-ups as you can; push-ups from the support can be done anywhere: at home, in the country or in the park.

How many arm exercises should you do?
In order to comprehensively work on the arms, you can alternately perform one exercise for the biceps and triceps. While one muscle group is working, the other rests. When you have completed all six exercises, take a few minutes to rest and repeat the circle. The main thing is to remember that arm exercises for women are very important, they should not be neglected, even if the main focus of your workout is aimed at working out other zones. Correct exercise stress will help give your hands beautiful shape and an attractive look. Below is an example of a training video for working out the muscles of the arms for girls.

Before you is a workout for men, but it is also suitable for women (only the weight of the dumbbells needs to be taken less: o)

Summer is the time for open blouses, tops and dresses. That is why your hands must be in perfect order, no matter what you put on. We will tell you how to swing triceps for a girl.

There are many triceps exercises for girls, but we only need the most effective ones. V Everyday life triceps are rarely involved, therefore, raising our hand up, we sometimes notice with regret that the muscle is simply sagging.

And in open clothes it looks, to put it mildly, not very attractive. Let's fix this annoying "oversight" and make the arm muscles elastic and prominent.

Our workouts will include the most effective dumbbell triceps exercises for women that you can do in the gym or at home.

As a true fitness lover, dumbbells just have to be in your apartment. 2-3 kilograms will be enough to do a full-body workout with dumbbells.

Basic workout for girls

In this workout, the muscles are worked out at all sorts of angles and all triceps bundles receive an excellent load. Now you will know how to build graceful triceps. This triceps workout option is ideal for beginner women and girls.

Triceps training program. Workout 1

Let's consider the technique of each movement in detail in the video.

Apart from these basic exercises, there will be many more complex and isolating movements in your arsenal.

Let's take a look at the increase in complexity.

Side push-ups on one arm

Lie on your side and bend your knees slightly. Put lower arm on the waist, and with the upper palm rest on the floor next to at shoulder level. Keep your head suspended. As you exhale, lift the body, straightening upper arm and straining the triceps. Inhale and slowly lower yourself to the starting position.

Do three sets of 10 to 15 reps on each side.

French bench press dumbbells

In order not to invent a wheel and how a girl to start triceps, many trainers recommend doing the French bench press. And this is justified: it is considered the most popular triceps exercise with dumbbells for women (and for men too).

Take a pair of dumbbells (1.5 to 4 kg), lie on your back, bend your knees and raise your arms above your head. From this position, as you exhale, begin lowering the dumbbells towards your ears. At the same time, the elbows look strictly at the ceiling. Inhale and raise your hands up.

Remember: movement occurs only in the elbows, the shoulders remain motionless. Repeat exercise 3 sets 15 times.

You can also do an alternate version of this exercise with a barbell or body bar instead of dumbbells.

Triceps press

This is one of the most effective triceps exercises. Take dumbbells in your hands and bend slightly forward, pressing your arms bent at the elbows to your body. The angle at the elbow should be straight. Extend your elbows and pull them back. The shoulders are motionless, only the elbows and forearms are working. Feel your triceps working.

Do 3 sets of 10 reps.

Yoga push-ups

This glorious exercise came to us from yogis, who, although they do not shine with relief muscles, are famous for their strength and elasticity of the body. Stand upright and press your elbows to your sides. As you exhale, bend your elbows, lowering your body to parallel with the floor. Keep your body in this position for five full breaths (1 breath is equal to inhalation and exhalation). Repeat 3-5 times.

Triceps push-ups

Now - push-ups. Take a backward-lying position: arms straight under your shoulders, legs bent at the knees, face facing the ceiling. Slowly lower your pelvis to the floor, bending your elbows at right angles. Do push-ups like this for 1 minute.

Incorporate these dumbbell triceps exercises for women into your training program to get the perfect hand line.

Extended Triceps Workout for Girls

Let's put together the main movements that were disassembled earlier.

Triceps exercises for girls

To keep the muscles from getting used, change your workout after 3 weeks, for example, arm workout.

If you liked our recipe for how a girl can pump up triceps, like it and tell your friends in social networks... Let more women and girls get fit and enjoy fitness!

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Every person wants to look fit, to attract attention - both man and woman. Hands are the main thing that people pay attention to in the first place when evaluating a figure. An athletic and fit person always has beautiful hands. It is not only about the prominent biceps, but also about its antagonist - triceps. You can pump it up in gym but home workouts can be very effective. Next, we will talk about how to pump triceps at home.

For some reason, having decided to pump up their arms, the bulk of people pay more attention to biceps than triceps, believing that this will make their arms more voluminous. This is a gross mistake. Triceps occupies 2/3 of the volume of the arms, and the biceps is only 1/3. If you want pumped up arms, don't forget to train your triceps.

The pumped triceps will allow you to add in, you will increase the number of push-ups from the floor, because the triceps are auxiliary muscles during the work of the pectorals. In addition, triceps play a major role in punching, which will greatly help boxers and other fighters. It is also important for girls to pay attention to him, especially if they wish.

How is the triceps brachii muscle arranged?

From the name it is clear that the triceps consists of three muscle bundles: the lateral, medial and long head. It is important to know their structure, because in different provisions these bundles work and train in different ways. Triceps is designed to extend the arm and antagonize the biceps. The ends of the muscles are attached to the elbow joint.

Doing only one exercise, only one beam will be loaded, the rest will lag behind. In this case, the hand will look inharmonious and ugly.

Features of workouts at home

There is no such variety of simulators at home as in the gym, however, here you can also pump the triceps muscle of the shoulder. For this there are simple classic exercises for triceps, which can be done at home or outdoors. The following inventory is required: a kettlebell, bench or chair, block trainer or, two pairs of dumbbells of different weights, ideally parallel bars. With the right amount of patience and the will to exercise, you will quickly and easily figure out how to tighten this muscle group.

Triceps exercises for men

Triceps exercises for men themselves are no different from those that are suitable for girls. The only difference is that in male workouts high load and low repetitions prevail. And for girls, it is enough to work out with light to medium weight and a lot of repetitions. Triceps exercises are best combined with exercises for the back muscles. It is recommended to train this group 2 times a week, with a rest period of 5 days.

Similar to regular push-ups, only the arms are placed at shoulder level, not wide. When performing the exercise, the elbows need to be pulled back, and not to the sides. This is considered basic, and its inclusion in home workouts is a must.

Reverse push-ups from a bench or chair

Here you need some kind of elevation, such as a chair or small stool. The main thing is that it is solid and stable. Lean on your hands, the body is in weight, the gaze is directed forward. Lower and lower slowly. Make sure that the body is straight, the back should not be bent or protruded. You need to do this exercise to failure. To facilitate exercise, the knees can be bent. To complicate things, put your feet on an additional height.

Place one hand and knee on a chair or bench. Press the hand with the dumbbell to the body. Begin to extend and bend your arm at the elbow. You can also do this exercise while standing with your torso slightly tilted downward, with your back straight.

Dumbbell / kettlebell bench press

Stand up, grab a dumbbell under the hat and lift it above your head. Start slowly lowering her behind her head and lifting her back. Be careful, it's very easy to get yourself a bump.
How to skillfully do this exercise is described in this video.

French bench press with barbell / dumbbells

You can do it both standing and sitting. The main option is lying down. The barbell (in the absence of it, you can take dumbbells) is taken with a narrow grip. The barbell is raised in front of you and lowered to the forehead, bending your arms at the elbows. In order to complicate the exercise, take your arms back, so the chest will turn off from the work and the triceps will be loaded more. For all its injury hazard, this exercise, with a competent approach, can seriously strengthen the ligaments.

How to do such an exercise is described in this video.

Dips on the uneven bars

The main triceps exercise for those exercising. However, it has one drawback - there should be beams at home, and they may not be. When performing the exercise, it is better to take your elbows back so that the load from the pectoral muscles is transferred to the triceps. At first, you may have an unpleasant sensation in your chest, as if something was torn there. This is normal because the muscles are not stretched yet, and this is how they stretch. After 3 weeks of training, such sensations will disappear.
Video with detailed instructions and all the nuances.

Exercises for girls

Usually a woman does not need large volumes of hands and strong muscles... It is enough to make them look tight and not hang like a sausage. Therefore, the exercises for girls are different from those for men. Their main task is to tone the muscles by working with dumbbells or a barbell. Women have less intense pumping.

The same push-ups as for men, but with some nuances. Girls are usually weaker than men, and therefore it is difficult for them to perform push-ups from the floor. In order to make the exercise easier, you can do push-ups from a chair, bed, windowsill, table, etc. Remember that the higher, the lighter the load. The load should be selected so that it can be done 30-40 times. Most importantly, do not forget to put your arms narrowly and take your elbows back.

Girls will also find this exercise very useful. However, take a lighter weight and do more times to keep the muscles leaner and more prominent.

For girls, this exercise is best performed with one hand with a small weight. In this case, the hand together with the dumbbells must be lowered to the opposite shoulder. The second is for support. After the working arm is tired, switch hands. Try to do the same number of reps for even muscle development.

  • Exercise regularly. Only by constant training can you achieve anything;
  • Eat right. Your body should have enough protein to ensure the growth of muscle fibers, and carbohydrates to replenish energy reserves;
  • Give up alcohol. Scientists have long proven that alcohol negates all workout efforts. Quality and beautiful body can be achieved only by completely abandoning it;
  • Sleep well. The body takes time to rebuild its muscles. They recover best during sleep. For best result exercising, you should have a healthy, eight-hour sleep;
  • Don't give up halfway. Many without receiving desired result, quit training after a month of classes. Had they trained for another six months, they would have got the desired body;
  • Warm up thoroughly before exercising. A body that is not stretched before exercising is worse, and you can also get sprains and dislocations. Do not neglect the warm-up;
  • Choose a reasonable weight. If you take too heavy weight, the likelihood of injury will increase;
  • Do cardio exercises. So you can lose weight faster, your body will be drier and more prominent. The triceps will also become more prominent. Suitable for girls;
  • Cool down. After training, the warmed-up muscles need to be calmed so that they will recover faster after training. To do this, do stretching or cardio exercises.

To achieve beautiful hands and pumping up triceps is not difficult. Everything takes practice. It is enough to train regularly and pay attention to both biceps and triceps. For some reason, the latter is often forgotten, but in vain. Handsome and volumetric triceps- the pledge of a pumped up hand. Follow these guidelines and you will see how quickly your hands take on a beautiful shape. Good luck with your training.

Triceps - problem area on our body. This is the weakest and most undeveloped extensor muscle in the arm. It easily betrays age, as it becomes flabby over time. Therefore, triceps exercises for women should become essential element in training.

Fat is deposited not only on the abdomen and sides, but also on the back of the hand. One way to measure the amount of fat in the body is to measure the fold of fat using a special device. Clamping more than two centimeters on the triceps indicates problems with being overweight.

Triceps exercises for women

In order for triceps training to be more effective, and the risk of injury as low as possible, you should not forget to warm up before exercising. Focus your attention on the muscles elbow joint and wrists, because they will be most involved during the session.

If you are training with a heavy load, remember - it must match your capabilities. Don't forget about correct technique when doing exercises and. This approach will allow you to see the first results faster than you expect.

French press with dumbbells

Starting position - lie on a bench, holding two dumbbells in front of you. Your arms should be at a 90-degree angle to your torso. The palms are directed forward and the elbows are directed back. While inhaling, slowly lower the weight until the dumbbells are near your ears. In this case, the shoulders and elbows must remain motionless. The result of the exercise depends on this - the less elbows move, the more load on the triceps. Exhale - return the weight to its original position. It is enough to complete 15 clean reps.

Attention! When doing this triceps exercise, be careful with your weight selection. Too much weight increases the risk of injury to joints and ligaments. French press lying down is not recommended for people who have problems with elbow joints.

Extension from behind the head with a dumbbell

it effective exercise for triceps for women. You will need a dumbbell weighing at least 5 kg. Take it in both hands and lift it above your head. Legs should be shoulder-width apart, abs tense, and shoulders relaxed. Now slowly bend your elbows, then return them to their original position. Correct breathing: exhale - lower your arms, inhale - raise. Do 2-3 sets of 10 reps.

A similar exercise can be performed by working with each hand in turn. This is a complicated option.

Reverse push-ups

To do this triceps exercise, you will need a support such as a bench. Lean against the edge of the bench. Hands are shoulder-width apart and straight. Bend your knees. The thighs and shins should form a 90-degree angle. This is the starting position. Inhale - lower your body down, bending your elbows. The forearms should always point downward. Exhale - take the starting position. Do 2 sets of 10-15 reps. To complicate the exercise, the legs need to be straightened.

Extension of the arms in an incline with weight

Take it. Tilt your torso to the floor 90 degrees. Move the leg of the same name to the working hand back, and the other slightly forward. Look in front of you, back straight, working hand with shoulder pressed to the body. Place your other hand on your knee. As you exhale, slowly unbend your arm at the elbow, while inhaling, return it to its original position. Do two sets of 10 to 12 reps for each hand.

Push-ups with narrow arms

The hardest triceps exercise. Lie face down on the floor and place your hands at shoulder level or closer than shoulder width apart (difficult option). As you inhale, lower your body down until your chest touches the floor. Exhale - using triceps, pecs and abs, return the body to its original position.

If you are not strong enough to do this exercise, make it easier by bending your knees to reduce resistance.

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Triceps exercise for women - video

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