Handball defense technique. Initial handball training

The technique of playing handball consists of special techniques performed on the spot and in motion. Depending on what role the players play on the court - attacking the opponent's gate or going on the defensive, the technique of the game must be divided into attack technique and defense technique.

Attack technique... The main techniques of the attacking game include movement, passing, catching, dribbling, throwing over the thieves, deceiving actions, screening. They are performed by the players individually and collectively both on the spot and on the move.

Movement. The organization of the game, both in attack and in defense, depends on the ability of those involved to move around the court correctly and rationally. With the help of quick movements, conditions are created for the player to choose a convenient place on the court, free from the opponent, receive the ball and complete the attack.

: side steps; running in a straight line; running with a change in direction and speed of movement; running backwards; running with deceiving movements; jumping on the right, left and two legs. In the course of the game, these methods of movement can be used in various combinations, with a certain speed and direction. When defending, players move left and right mainly in side steps, and when going forward or stepping back, it is best to use running at different speeds, backward, jumping forward and backward, as well as jumping and lunging.

... For teaching movement, it is better to use special exercises, game relay races, outdoor games. For this purpose, simple play relays and outdoor games should be selected, during which the trainees alternately make stops and then move. The efficiency of performing techniques with the ball also depends on the correct technique of movements. When moving the player by running, it is recommended to perform the technique on toes from the very beginning, this allows you to make a dash and reach the maximum speed of movement. It is very important to perform techniques with the ball, it is necessary to learn how to move so that the hands performing the movements are not dependent on the rhythm of the speed of movement of the legs. For a sharp change in direction, you need to put your foot in the direction of the turn, slightly turning it with your foot inward. Pushing off on the floor with his foot, the player makes a sharp turn in the right direction. To make stops, it is recommended to sharply tilt the body backward, putting the right leg forward with the foot turned inward, and turn sideways to the direction of movement. The other leg must be strongly bent at the knee joint. If braking or stopping must be done with two feet, a jump is done first. It is needed in order to bring both legs forward sharply and thus to extinguish the forward movement. When pushing off, the body is slightly tilted back. When landing, it is necessary to bend the legs at the knee joints, trying to evenly distribute the body weight on both legs. To perform jumps, the player needs to quickly sit down, take his arms back, quickly unbending his legs and swinging his arms upward - jump forward. Landing with all types of jumping should be soft, without loss of balance, this is achieved by cushioning the movement of the legs.

1. Moving an additional step forward, backward, to the side with a change in speed.

2. Running with a turn in a circle, followed by an acceleration of 15-20 m.

3. Running with change of direction and speed of movement: in an arc; circle; The "eight"; diagonals of the site.

4. Jogging with overcoming obstacles: medicine balls; barriers; gymnastic benches.

5. Running in place, at the signal, running in a straight line to the specified place.

6 Running 15-20 meters at the signal from a low start.

7. Running backwards from the crouch position. At the signal, get up quickly and run. 15-20 m.

8. Running in a straight line, jump at the signal, take the ball and pass it to your partner.

9. Performing squats, at the signal to make a jerk to the ball, pick it up and pass it to your partner.

10. Having performed a roll to the side from the support sitting on the heels, the player quickly stands up, makes a dash forward, picks up the ball and passes it to his partner.

11. Walking in a semi-squat. At the signal to stand up, dash to the ball, pick it up and pass it to your partner. Readiness stand. When teaching movements, special attention is paid to the ability of the student to constantly be in a readiness stance, in which the body weight is distributed evenly on the toes of both legs, the heels are slightly off the floor, the head should be kept straight and the player with the ball should be controlled with a glance. It is very important that the player's legs are bent at the knees in the readiness stance, while the left or right foot takes a small step forward. the torso also leans forward, the arms are bent at the elbows, the palms are in front of the chest.

waiting for the ball from his partner must face him and be ready to receive the ball at any time. After explaining and showing, the players take a position convenient to receive the ball from a partner. At the signal of the teacher, they accept the readiness stand and accept the ball from the partner. After each series of exercises, it is necessary to identify errors, bring them to the attention of the trainees and continue to perform the technique until it is completely improved.

1. Trainees freely move around the site in steps or small jogging. At the signal, they abruptly stop, take a stand of readiness.

2. The trainees perform squats, then stop at the signal and perform the readiness stance.

3. The trainees perform jumps on two and one legs, after the signal they take the readiness stand

4. In pairs, jumping on one leg, the trainees try to push each other out of the circle, on the signal they take a stand of readiness.

5. In the lying position, the trainees perform flexion and extension of the arms in the support. On signal, a stand is performed.

6. Crouching out of the stop, the trainees perform a roll to the right or left side, upon a signal, they perform a readiness stand.

Holding the ball. In handball, holding the ball is carried out with two and one hands when catching the ball, after dribbling it, in preparation for passing or throwing the ball, the player must always hold the ball with two hands, covering it with his hands. Fingers are drawn together, the ball is in front of the chest. Performing passes, feints with the ball, throwing the ball at the goal, the player holds the ball with one hand. Depending on the size of the hand, the ball can be gripped in a grip and in a balanced manner. When holding the ball with a tackle, the player, after catching, shifts the ball into one hand and covers it with widely spaced fingers. This makes it possible to perform various imitation movements with one hand with the ball, false swings to pass or throw, and thus, unexpectedly, and hidden for the opponent, to perform various techniques. When holding the ball in a balanced manner, the player places the ball loosely in the palm of his hand and holds it with his fingers. This method of holding the ball is usually used for quick passes and throws without prior preparation. However, in this case, it becomes difficult to perform various deceiving imitation movements. Holding the ball with both hands and one hand is usually taught in parallel with learning to catch, pass and throw the ball.

Catching the ball performed mainly with two hands on the spot and in motion. When catching a ball flying at an average height, arms are put forward, palms down - inward, legs are slightly bent at the knees. At the moment of catching, the fingers embrace the ball, the arms are bent at the elbows, the ball is attracted to the chest. If the ball flies high, the player rises on his toes, raises his arms forward and up, turns his palms forward and inward, spreads his fingers wide, thumbs brings together. Low-flying balls are caught while bending the legs, tilting the body forward and pointing the arms in the direction of the ball forward - downward, palms pointing up and inward. At the moment of catching, the fingers are widely spaced, the little fingers are brought as close as possible. Passing the ball in handball. The most common are: passing the ball with one hand from the shoulder; one-handed transmission from behind; one hand over the shoulder; passing the ball behind the head; passing the ball with one hand from below. To perform a one-handed pass from the shoulder after catching, the player transfers the ball to his right or left hand, bends it into elbow joint, pulls back, raises the elbow to shoulder height, and holds the hand with the ball at head level.

When transmitting ball, the hand bends, turns with the palm forward and downward, the left hand is pulled back, and the right leg is extended forward, to which the center of gravity of the body is transferred. Passing the ball with one hand from behind the back is performed by an arcuate movement of the hand behind the back with a simultaneous turn of the hand with the palm inward towards the body. The player sends the ball to his partner behind his back with a sharp movement of his forearm. Passing the ball with one hand over the shoulder behind the head is performed with a slight movement of the hand by turning it with the palm inward. The ball is sent over the shoulder behind the head towards the partner. Passing the ball with a straight arm from below is used without preparation for accurate passes over short distances. After catching the ball, the player makes a backward swing with his straight arm, transfers the center of gravity to the right foot, the left in front, then the ball is sent backward to the partner, and the center of gravity is transferred to the left foot.

Learning to hold, catch and accurately pass the ball to your partner at different distances is not difficult. These elements of the game technique represent the natural types of human motor activity. When training, it is necessary at the first trainings to see how other athletes are passing and catching the ball and to actively participate in the training themselves. On the initial stage training of handball players it is best to teach how to catch and pass the ball using relay races and outdoor games. In this case, the emotional factor of the learning process increases, the element of monotony of training disappears, it becomes possible to hold, catch and pass the ball repeatedly in different game situations and at different speeds. In the future, the process of teaching the technique of the game is recommended to be carried out with the obligatory performance of special exercises in catching and passing the ball.

When learning to pass the ball, special attention is paid to the implementation of the player's main stance, in which the legs must be spread shoulder-width apart, slightly bent at the knees, and put the left or right leg forward. The main movement during transmission is the simultaneous backward movement of the torso and arm with the ball. The left arm at this moment, bent at the elbow joint, is in front of the chest. The center of gravity is transferred to the back standing leg. At the moment of passing the ball, the student, simultaneously with turning the body forward, begins to move with the hand holding the ball, and transfers the center of gravity to the left leg. Then the hand with the ball, unbending at the elbow joint, is brought forward and accompanies the ball until the ball is completely separated from the fingers. Training in catching the ball is carried out simultaneously with training in passing and holding it. These elements of technique are inseparable from each other, complement each other, and the quality of each of them individually depends on the player's ability to accurately pass the ball to his partner, to catch it clearly and to be able to timely determine the way of holding the ball.

Catching the ball is the starting position for the subsequent pass, dribble and throw of the ball at goal. In the game, you have to catch the ball rolling on the court, after bouncing from its surface, and balls flying at different heights. It is always recommended to catch the ball with two hands, since this method of catching is the simplest and most reliable.

1. Trainees line up at a distance of 8-10 m opposite each other, pass and catch the ball on signal.

2. Passing and catching the ball on the spot in pairs, in threes, in fours.

3. Two players stand at a distance of 8-10 m from each other. One has a ball. Having thrown the ball up, the player catches it and passes it to his partner.

4. Passing and catching the ball with changing places in opposite columns.

5. Passing and catching the ball in motion in pairs.

6. Passing and catching the ball in motion in threes with moving along the "eight".

7. The trainees line up at a distance of 10-12 meters opposite each other, passing the ball, change places.

8. Five players are arranged in a circle. One has a ball. Passing the ball to a partner diagonally, the pass quickly takes his place.

9. Two players, passing the ball to each other in different ways, then come closer, then increase the distance between themselves.

10. One player starts from the end line, the second player passes when the first reaches the center line of the court.

Shots at goal. The ball is thrown at the goal with one hand from a place and in motion, from a supporting position, in a jump, with a fall in the direction of the throw. The most common throws of the ball in handball are: - a throw with a bent arm from above is performed from the main stand, in which the left leg is in front, the ball is wrapped with the fingers of the hand and held at head level, the elbow is raised to shoulder height, the hand with the ball is slightly retracted to the side. Performing a throw, the player simultaneously extends the arm at the elbow joint by moving the pelvis and shoulder and, due to the active work of the hand, performs the throw. The center of gravity shifts to the left leg, and takes a step forward with the right; - a jump shot is performed at the moment when the player, after jumping up, reaches the highest take-off point. The right hand with the ball, bent at the elbow joint, is pulled back, the left is extended forward. When performing a throw, the player turns his chest forward, abruptly takes his right leg back and the throw ends with a sweeping movement of the hand; - the throw of the ball in the fall is performed when starting position player sideways, chest or back to goal. After catching the ball, the player straightens the jogging leg, unbends the arm with the ball at the elbow joint and, due to the sharp movement of the hand, makes a throw from above. . In order to learn how to accurately and forcefully throw the ball at the goal, you need to be a strong, agile athlete. It is recommended to start teaching throws with a throw of the ball from the shoulder from above. To do this, you need to create an idea of ​​this throw with the help of story and show and start practicing the throw on the spot, and then in motion after one, two and three steps. Having consolidated the ability to perform the exercise with the help of various special exercises, the trainees move on to learning throws in a fall from a supporting position. After mastering the technique of throwing the ball in the support position, you can proceed to the study of more complex throws, running throws in a jump after dribbling the ball and after receiving it from a partner, and then move on to learning throws in the fall in an unsupported position and throws from closed positions.

1. The trainees line up in one line in the hall and throw the ball from the spot using the method from the shoulder from above. After the ball bounces off the wall, they catch it and repeat the throw again.

2. Players line up along the nine meter line. Having caught the ball, players under a step from the left perform shots at the goal.

3. The same as exercise. 2, only the players take the shot after three steps.

4. The trainees line up on the center line, dribble the ball towards the goal, then catch the ball, take three steps and shoot at the goal.

5. The trainees line up in one column in the center of the site. A player stands in front of the goal on the free-throw line. The players in the column pass the ball to the player in front of the goal, receive a return pass from him and, after three steps, shoot at the goal.

6. The same as exercise. 5, only players take jump shots.

7. Players line up along the free-throw line with their left side to the goal. At the signal, the jogging leg is straightened, the arm with the ball is extended at the elbow and a shot is made at the goal. Landing is performed first on the left leg, and after releasing the ball, on the right leg.

8. Pairs practitioners line up on the center line of the court in front of the goal. In slow running, the ball is passed to each other, having reached the line of the goalkeeper's court, the player with the ball shoots at the goal. 9. The same as exercise 8, only the player performs a throw in a jump.

10. Players line up on the center line of the court to the right of the goal.

11. One player with the ball takes a seat in the goalkeeper's area. At the signal, the player runs from the center line to the goal, receives the ball and shoots at the goal.

Dribbling... The ball is dribbled with a smooth jerky movement of the arm and hand. The arm should be bent at the elbow joint with fingers freely spread apart. In order to achieve when dribbling the ball to the desired height, the player must make soft and smooth movements with the brush. When dribbling it is necessary to tilt the torso slightly forward.

... When learning to dribble, the practitioner puts a brush of his right or left hand on the surface of the ball facing the player, with a smooth jerky movement of his hand and fingers directs it down - forward. After the bounce, the ball is hit by the hand. The arm at this moment is bent at the elbow, and the legs are slightly bent at the knees. In initial training, dribbling is best done in place, then in stride and light jogging. It is recommended to dribble in a straight line for short distances, then gradually increase the speed of movement, changing the direction of movement, and, finally, perform this technique with the resistance of a partner.

1. The trainees line up in two ranks one against the other at a distance of 10-15 m. The players of the same rank have the balls. At the signal, the players of the first rank dribble the ball in place, and at the second signal they catch the ball and pass it to the players of the second rank, who continue to dribble.

2. The trainees line up in columns of 4-5 people one against the other at a distance of 10-15 m. At the signal, the directing player with the ball dribbles him in a straight line towards the opposite column and passes the ball to the leader of this column, who continues to dribble.

3. The same as exercise 2, only the players carry out the dribbling with the outline of objects (stands, medicine balls).

4. The same as exercise. 2, only the players dribble at speed.

5. The trainees line up in two columns: one on the front line to the right of the gate, the other also at the other gate. Column guides have balls. At the signal, the players with the ball quickly dribble in a straight line and then pass the balls to the players of the opposite columns, they themselves stand at the end of the opposite column, and the guides continue to dribble at the same time.

6. Dribbling the ball with the resistance of a partner. The trainees are divided into pairs - striker and defender. The ball carrier tries to dribble the defender. If the defender takes the ball, the players switch roles.

7. The trainees line up in two columns one against the other at a distance of 15-20 m. At the signal, the player of one column dribbles the ball towards the other column with an additional step with his right or left side, passes the ball to the directing player of the other column and takes a place in the opposite team.

8. Dribbling the ball in a half-squat for speed.

9. Dribbling the ball without visual control. one

10. Carrying out the relay. Dribbling the ball with a stroke of objects for speed with the identification of the best team or player.

Fraudulent activities.

Fraudulent actions are a combination of various movements of the arms, legs, body, aimed at changing the opponent's actions in the direction opposite to the performance of the technique. In terms of the complexity of the execution, deception movements are simple and complex. Simple feints include a false dash of the player in one direction with a sharp change in movement to the other, dribbling the player with a one-step or two-step movement. Complex deceptions include combinations of combined movements of the player. For example, an imitation of a throw or a pass followed by a ball dribbling, dribbling a player by turning on the left foot over the right shoulder, dribbling a player by turning on the right foot over the left shoulder. When performing deceptive actions, players must coordinate well their movements in close proximity to the enemy and use in actions in combination lunges, inclinations, stops, turns, swinging to throw and passing the ball, changing direction and speed of running. When performing deceptive actions, it is very important to learn how to perform an imitation of a ball pass and perfectly execute a swing for a throw. In this case, the player, moving closer to the defender, takes a wide step with a tilt of the body and with his whole appearance shows that he will be throwing the ball at the goal from this side. However, at the next moment, the athlete transfers his body weight to the other leg, leans to the right and unexpectedly throws the ball at the goal.

It is recommended to start teaching deceptive actions with explanation and demonstration, while observing the sequence according to the degree of difficulty of the studied deceptions. At the initial stage of learning deceptive actions, it is recommended to perform the exercises in slow motion without the ball and without an opponent. At the second stage of training, deception is practiced with the ball and in the vicinity of the opponent at a slow pace, then the speed of execution increases. The technique must be repeated many times. On the way, correct mistakes and gradually lead the students to the implementation of a technique in game situations. In the final stage of training, the implementation of deceitful actions must be tested in one-sided and two-sided games.

Barriers... The screen is used to create a temporary numerical superiority in order to release the player from the guardianship of the opponent. By using screens, players can hinder the actions of the defenders and create a game advantage. Depending on the goal set, the screens can be performed by a player with the ball and without him and are divided into mobile, front and side screens. With a movable barrier the player gets in the way of the defender's advance and blocks his torso until the end of the movement. Performing front screen the player needs to stand facing or with his back to the opponent and block him with his body for a temporary opportunity for the partner to act more freely. With side shield the player takes a place to the side of the defender and prevents him from moving in the direction of the attacking player with his torso, thereby creating a temporary opportunity for a team-mate to freely pass the ball or attack the goal.

Barrier teaching method ... Screening in a timely and unexpected manner requires greater coherence between the player who is screening and the player who will be screening to create a game advantage. When teaching screens, it is recommended to perform lead-in and special exercises in pairs with those players with whom on the court during the game you will have to act in conjunction. Screening is not difficult, however, if the technique is performed earlier or later than the partner's intention to use the screen in a game situation. In this case, even if the screen is set at a high technical level, it will lose all meaning. Therefore, the main task in teaching screening is the coordinated and timely actions of a group of players in a team. During the initial training in the technique of performing screens, it is recommended to create ideas about them, then teach the trainees to perform screens at a slow pace without the ball and the resistance of a partner. Only after the players have mastered the elements of the screening technique, it is necessary to move on to teaching those involved in screening when moving with the ball, setting a screen for the player guarding the attacker and setting a screen during the combination movement of players, in one-sided and double-sided games.


1. Players line up in two columns of 3-4 people. Engaged in one column to perform a deceptive movement with the left leg, makes a push to advance to the right and at the same time puts the right leg forward - to the right, bending it at the knee. The torso bends towards the right leg. Then the practitioner sharply repels with the right; foot to the left, takes a step forward-left with the left foot, the body turns in left side, continues to move forward and takes place at the end of the opposite column.

2. The same as exercise. 1, only the ropes perform the exercise with the right foot.

3. The same as exercise. 1, only the players perform the ball drill.

4. The trainees line up in columns of 2-3 people one against the other at a distance of 5-6 m. At the signal, the leader of one column, moving towards the guide of the other column, imitates a ball throw at the goal. When the conditional defender reacts, the player swings him over his left or right shoulder. Then the players switch roles.

5. The same as exercise 4, only the trainees perform an exercise with a ball of 3-5 people at a distance of 3-4 m from each other.

6. Students line up in columns. At the signal of the coach, the player of one of the columns moves to the guide of the opposite column and puts him a front screen. Then it takes place at the end of the opposite column.

7. Two players, moving towards the defender, pass the ball to each other. The player with the ball, approaching the defender, will pass the ball to his partner, and he himself puts a screen on the defender. The player who receives the ball using screening bypasses the defender and throws the ball at goal.

8. Players are located in three columns of 2-3 people. The guides in the columns simultaneously move in a clockwise direction, perform side screening with the guides of the opposite columns, and then become at the end of the column.

9. Two players are positioned on the center line 3-5 meters apart. A defender stands in front of the gate. Two players, moving towards the goal, pass the ball to each other. Approaching the defender, one of the players, passing the ball to his partner, puts a side screen for the defender, bypasses the defender and shoots at the goal. 10. Three players are arranged in a triangle. One player passes the ball to a partner on his right, quickly receives the ball back, and the player who passes the ball sets a side screen to the player on his right. The player with the ball, using the screen, moves to the goal and shoots at the goal.

Defense technique... The main technical methods of playing in defense include a defensive stance, movement in a defensive stance, blocking, intercepting the ball, and playing the goalkeeper.

Protective rack... In a protective stance, the legs are slightly bent at the knees, the left or right is slightly in front, the body is tilted forward, the arms are bent at the elbow and are in front of the chest, the gaze is focused on the ball.

: Teaching the players to stand up in defense, the players need to stand along the six-meter line with their backs to the goal and, at the signal, take the main stand of readiness, then slowly move with an additional step to the left and right. In the course of the assignment, the teacher corrects mistakes. Then it is necessary to complicate this exercise and perform it with the resistance of a partner, in a step, in a slow run with stops and on goal. The exercises must be repeated many times.

1. From the stop, crouch down to roll to the side, come to the starting position, stand up and take the position of the protective stand.

2. From the support, crouch down to make a somersault forward, quickly stand up and take the position of a protective stand.

3. From the main rack, perform squats on two legs. At the time of squatting - arms to the sides.

4. Walking with a cross step left-right, sideways. At the signal, take the main stance.

5. Walking in a semi-squat. At the signal, stand up and take the position of protecting the rack.

6. From the starting position, the legs are wider than the shoulders, hands behind the head, in turn squats on the left and right legs. At the signal, quickly take the position of the protective rack.

7. Crouching from the support, falling backward, roll backward. Get up quickly to take a protective stance.

8 Running from a low start to 20-25 m. At the signal, stop and take a protective stance.

9. Running with overcoming obstacles (medicine balls, hurdles, gymnastic benches). After overcoming obstacles, take the position of the protective post.

... Movement in a protective stance is performed by side steps to the right and left, lunges forward and to the sides, jumping forward, to the sides by running forward with your back. When moving, the player should always be on slightly bent legs and move on his toes. :

1. Walking lunges, arms to the sides.

2. Walking on toes, hands behind the head.

3. Walking roll from heel to toe, hands on the belt.

4. Walking in full squat and half-squat, hands on the belt.

5. Walking an additional step forward, backward, to the side with a change in speed.

6. Walking with the right, left side, cross step, hands in front of the chest.

7. Moving side steps forward and backward, arms to the sides.

8. Running with a wide stride with a free swing of the arms.

9. Running on bent legs, arms to the sides.

10. Running with a turn of 180 and subsequent acceleration.

11.Running shuttle.

12. Mincing running with a free swing of the arms.

Blocking... Blocking includes a complex of special movements, which consist of moving, jumping, carrying out and placing hands, landing. When blocking, the player energetically brings his hands up slightly forward, fingers wide apart, thumbs brought together. Blocking is performed by one or a group of players. When attacking the goal from distant positions, when playing free throws, especially when the time for attack is over, defenders use a group block. A single block is placed by the defender in the immediate vicinity of the player, it is performed later than the attacker's jump and must coincide with the moment of his hand swinging the ball back. After blocking, the player lands on bent legs, lowers his arms down and takes the original position of the protective stance

At the beginning of learning to block, you need to pay attention to the timely execution of the jump and the correct position of the hands. In the future, it is necessary to ensure that the student, when performing a block, while in a jump, watches not only the ball, but also the movement of the attacker who is throwing the ball at the goal. When blocking, players should be good at jumping, both from the spot and from the run. All players must be taught blocking. It is necessary to proceed to the execution of the group block by two, three or more players after the practitioners have mastered the technique of single blocking well.


1. From the main stand to perform jumps up, hands at the time of the jump raise up.

2. From the main stance, jumps alternately on one and two legs.

3. Leap upward by pushing one leg, hands quickly raise upward.

Two players, standing next to each other, simultaneously jump, raising their hands up at the highest point of the jump, hitting each other with their palms.

5. Jumping upward with advancement to the right, then to the left with side steps, with a wave of arms through the sides up.

6. From a low squat, the player jumps up and at the same time raises his arms up.

7. Three practitioners from a low squat, holding hands, simultaneously jump upward with a swing of their arms forward and upward.

8. Six players, standing in one line and holding hands, at the same time, jump upward with a wave of arms forward and upward.

9. The player stands in front of the goal and blocks the ball throws sent by the players to the designated place. 10. Two players stand in front of the goal, rise on their toes, raise their hands up and try to block the ball throws sent in a jump.

Interception of the ball... The interception is when the defender is in close proximity to the player in possession of the ball or the player to whom the ball is supposed to be passed. The most important requirement when organizing interception of the ball is the ability to predict the moment ", and the direction of the pass and the ability to choose the most effective way of movement to intercept the ball. The most effective position of the player when intercepting the ball is to step forward. enemy actions.

: Before proceeding with the practical implementation of the technique, it is necessary for the practitioners to explain and slowly show the situations in which the interception will be effective. Then the players are divided into pairs, conventionally one of them is the striker, the other is the defender. The attacker works with the ball, making dribbles in different directions and with different speed of movement, while the defender tries to intercept the ball at this moment.

1. Two players stand opposite each other at a distance of 8-10 m. Between them is the third player. The players pass the ball to each other, the third one tries to intercept it.

2. The same as exercise. 1, only the players pass two balls to each other at the same time.

3. Two players stand in front of each other at a distance of 10 m. Between them is a defensive player who assumes the initial position of the support by sitting down. The players pass the ball to each other. At the time of the pass, the third player, who plays the role of a defender, gets up quickly at the time of the pass and tries to intercept the pass. 4. Two players stand behind each other in front of the shield. The instructor throws the ball into the backboard. The player standing second quickly runs forward and tries to intercept the ball that bounced off the backboard.

5. Two players stand opposite each other at a distance of 10 m. A defender stands between them. The players bounce the ball to each other on the surface of the court, the third player, the defender, tries to move quickly and intercept the ball.

6. Five players join hands in a circle. A player is standing in a circle - a defender. Players, quickly passing the ball to each other, do not give an opportunity to intercept it to the defender standing inside the circle.

7. Two players face each other at a distance of six meters. Between them is the third player. Jumping players pass and catch the ball. The defender tries to intercept the ball while jumping.

8. Two players stand in front of the ribbed backboard at a distance of 8-10 m. The second player throws the ball into the backboard, the first player tries to catch it.

9. The practitioner stands in front of the shock absorber net at a distance of 6-10 m, throws the ball into the shock absorber net, and when rebounding, catches it with both hands.

10. The trainees are divided in pairs and stand in front of each other at a distance of 3-4 meters. One of them has a ball. The player with the ball dribbles and tries to dribble the second player. The off-ball player tries to intercept the ball.

To learn a fast break, players need to learn how to quickly run 20-30 m segments and at the same time learn to catch the ball at high speed. When teaching a quick break, it is recommended to perform special exercises for catching the ball in motion along the sideline to the left and right of your goal. For the initial implementation of this technique the best exercise there will be a transfer of the ball in papax from own goal to the goal of the opponent at high speed.

1. Players line up in a column of 5-6 people on the endline of the court to the left of the goal. The player passes the ball to the goalkeeper standing in the goalkeeper's area, rushes to the opposite goal, receives the ball from the goalkeeper and makes a throw.

2. Players line up in a column of 3-4 people on the end lines of the court to the left of the goal. There are two players in the center of the court. Column directors pass the balls to the players standing in the center of the court, quickly run into the gap, receive a return pass, shoot at the goal and take a place at the end of the opposite column.

3. Students line up in columns of 3-4 people to the right and left of the gate on the front line of the site. There is a goalkeeper with the ball in the goalkeeper's court. At the signal, the directing players of the column accelerate in a straight line, the goalkeeper makes a transfer to the gap to one of the players, who quickly passes the ball to another athlete to shoot the ball at the goal. When all players have completed the task, the exercise is repeated on the other side.

4. Players line up in a column of 5-6 people on the endline of the court to the left or right of the goal. In the center of the site is the player. The column guide passes the ball to the player standing in the center of the court, dashes 20-25 meters, receives a return pass and shoots at the goal.

5. Players line up in three columns of 3-4 practicing along the free throw line. There is a goalkeeper with the ball at the goal. At the signal, he rushes in a straight line to the opposite goal, passes the ball to the player who ran away into the gap in the center. The player with the ball assesses the situation and passes the ball to the player who ran further into the gap, catching the ball, the athlete makes a throw.

6. Same as exercise 5 only the goalkeeper passes the ball to the player standing to the right of the goal.

7. Same as exercise 5, only the goalkeeper passes the ball to the player to the left of the goal, who, rushing towards the opposite goal, moves to the center of the site, and the player of the middle column runs to the left edge of the site, receives a pass and takes a shot at the goal.

Positional attack best used for organized defense. The system of positioning the players, in which three players are located at the six-meter line, and the others in the free-throw zone, are called the 3: 3 offensive system. In a 4: 2 offensive system, four players are located at the six-meter line and actively interact with the rest of the players located behind the free-throw line. In an attack system of 2: 4, two players are located at the six-meter line and by coordinated active actions do not allow the defenders to move freely around the court. The other four forwards are located behind the free-throw line and, due to active movements, quick passes and screening of the players of the first line of attack, attack the goal. In a 1: 5 offensive system, one player is positioned at the goalkeeper's zone and the other five attackers are outside the free-throw zone.

: When teaching those involved in a positional attack, it is necessary to teach the players of the first and second lines of attack to interact with each other. To do this, it is necessary to work out the elements in the setting of screens during training sessions, the players of the second line of attack should move to the line of the goalkeeper. The play of the players of the first line of attack must be directed towards the ability to act in concert when moving, set up screens, create a numerical advantage, interact with the players of the second line and attack the gate as soon as possible. Players in the second line of attack must be taught to perform false and imitation actions, due to which conditions will be created for freer actions of the players in the first line of attack. It is also necessary to be able to quickly assess the situation and, at the first opportunity, without slowing down, attack the opponent's goal. To master the system of positional attack, the trainees first of all need to learn how to quickly and purposefully move around the court with and without the ball.

1. Three players line up along the free-throw line, and the other three players on the team line up along the line of the goalkeeper's court. The first three players move along the small eight, pass the ball to each other and bring the player of the second three, who is in a convenient position to complete the throw of the ball at the goal, for the throw.

2. The players are positioned on the court in the same way as during the exercise. The trainees, standing along the free-throw line, alternately approaching the goalkeeper's court, perform a throw-back swing and pass the ball to a nearby player, then, choosing a convenient moment, take the player standing by the lines of the goalkeeper area.

3. Players are positioned on the court as follows. Three along the line of the goalkeeper's court and three along the free-throw line, one of them has the ball. Passing the ball to each other, all players move around the court in the big eight and take out the player who is in a comfortable position for the throw.

4. Three players are positioned along the line of the goalkeeper's court, and the other three along the center line. The players standing at the center line passing the ball in the three of a kind in the small eight move forward and in front of the free-throw line, the player in possession of the ball makes the pass to the one standing at the goalkeeper's court, who ends the exercise by throwing the ball at goal.

5. Two players stand along the free-throw line and four along the goalkeeper's line. The players of the first line, passing the ball to the players of the second line of attack, choose the moment to throw the ball at the goal. Defense tactics... Defense tactics are determined from individual and collective actions. Individual actions defensive players are made up of the ability of the players to intercept the ball, block the attacking player with and without the ball, and reach the player in possession of the ball. Collective tactical actions in defense consist of coordinated interactions between team players aimed at successfully repelling an enemy attack.

, the essence of which is that each player must actively defend a certain zone and block the enemy located in it. In a 6-0 zone defense, six players are positioned at the six-meter line and actively move along it. The moment an attacker prepares to shoot, the defender playing against that player quickly steps forward and blocks his path. Other defenders are actively shifting towards the player who has entered the player in possession of the ball and thereby fill the empty space. In a 5: 1 zone defense, five players are positioned along the six-meter line and quickly coordinated movements provide goal protection. The sixth player, who has high mobility, agility, tries to interfere with the attackers, and, if necessary, quickly switches from defense to attack with a quick breakthrough. In a 4-2 zone defense, four players are positioned along the six-meter line and quickly move towards the intended attack. Two defenders are located in the free-throw zone and by active movements prevent the players of the attacking team from playing combinations, try to intercept the ball and prevent the attackers from making shots from medium and long distances. In 3: 3 zone defense, three players are positioned at the six-meter line, and three are pushed forward. When defending the goal, the players of the two lines of defense move at the same time, back up each other, organize a single and group block.


1. Six players line up along the line of the goalkeeper's court, two players with the ball behind the free-throw line. At the signal, the players with the ball pass it to each other. The players standing along the line of the goalkeeper's court take a defensive stance and move with side steps in the course of the ball pass.

2. Five players line up along the line of the goalkeeper's court, one in front of the free-throw line and two players with the ball behind the nine-meter line. At the signal, the players with the ball pass it to each other. The player standing in front of the free-throw line tries to intercept the ball, while the players standing along the line of the goalkeeper's court move in side steps as the ball passes.

3. Four players line up along the line of the goalkeeper's court, two - in front of the free-throw line, three players pass the ball to each other. Players in front of the free-throw line try to intercept the ball or interfere with an accurate pass to a teammate. The players standing along the line of the goalkeeper's court move with side steps in the course of the ball transfer.

4. Three players line up along the line of the goalkeeper's court, three in front of the free-throw line. Four players with the ball are positioned behind the nine-meter line. At the signal, the players with the ball pass it to each other, three players standing in front of the free-throw line interfere with passing the ball with quick movements, and the players standing along the line of the goalkeeper's court take a defensive stance and move with side steps in the direction of the ball passing.

... The combined defense system is a combination of zone and personal defense aimed at neutralizing the strongest enemy players. The most common combination protection options are 5: 1.4: 2. In a 5: 1 combined defense system, five defenders are positioned along the line of the goalkeeper's square and actively defend a specific area. The sixth player moves forward and personally takes care of one of the attackers in half of his court. In a combined defense system of 4: 2, four defenders are positioned along the line of the goalkeeper's square and organize zone defense. Two players are pushed forward and personally take care of the two strongest attackers.

1. The trainees line up at a distance of 2-3 m opposite each other and conditionally split into two teams, moving towards the players of the second team, blocking them and not allowing them to go forward.

2. Some players line up along the line of the goalkeeper's square, others along the free-throw line. At the signal, the players behind the nine-meter line pass the ball to each other and actively move around the court. The players defending the goal move to the players passing the ball, choose a player for personal custody, and during the game prevent their player from playing freely with the ball.

3. Some players line up along the free-throw line, while others line up along the line of the goalkeeper's court. The players defending the gate are tasked with each actively playing against one of the attackers. On a signal, the defense players quickly move to their wards, on the second signal they return to their original position.

4. Two players stand opposite each other at a distance of 4-6 m, between them - a defensive player. At the signal, the players pass the ball to each other in different ways, the defensive player tries to get hold of the ball and after that he takes the place of the player who lost the ball.

5. Two players stand opposite each other at a distance of 8-10 m. Between them are two defensive players, standing with their backs to each other at a distance of 3-4 m. At the signal, the players facing each other pass the ball in different ways. And the players - defenders personally play against the player standing opposite, and do not allow him to move freely and pass the ball. The player - the defensive player in possession of the ball takes the place of the player against whom he played.

REFERENCES 1. Grechin A.L., Gritsevich V.N. Toolkit on the study and correct application of the rules of the game of handball. - Minsk. " Belarusian federation handball "- Minsk, 2001.

2. Klusov N.P. Handball. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1982.

3. Klusov NP, Tsurkan A. School of the impetuous ball. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1983.

4. Kudritsky V.N., Mironovich SI. This quick hand ball. - Minsk, Polymya, 1980.

5. Matveev L.I. Theory and methodology of physical culture: Textbook. for in-tov physical. cult. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1991.

6. Sports games: Technique, training tactics: Textbook. for stud. Higher. ped. study. institutions. - Yu.D. Zheleznyak, Yu.M. Portnov. IN AND. Savin, A.V. Leksakov; Ed. Yu.D. Zheleznyak. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2001.




The technique of playing handball consists of special techniques performed on the spot and in motion. Depending on what role the players play on the court - attacking the opponent's gate or going on the defensive, the technique of the game must be divided into attack technique and defense technique.

Attack technique... The main techniques of the attacking game include movement, passing, catching, dribbling, throwing over the thieves, deceiving actions, screening. They are performed by the players individually and collectively both on the spot and on the move.

Movement. The organization of the game, both in attack and in defense, depends on the ability of those involved to move around the court correctly and rationally. With the help of quick movements, conditions are created for the player to choose a convenient place on the court, free from the opponent, receive the ball and complete the attack.

In handball, the main modes of movement are: side steps; running in a straight line; running with a change in direction and speed of movement; running backwards; running with deceiving movements; jumping on the right, left and two legs. In the course of the game, these methods of movement can be used in various combinations, with a certain speed and direction. When defending, players move left and right mainly in side steps, and when going forward or stepping back, it is best to use running at different speeds, backward, jumping forward and backward, as well as jumping and lunging.

Movement teaching method... For teaching movement, it is better to use special exercises, game relay races, outdoor games. For this purpose, simple play relays and outdoor games should be selected, during which the trainees alternately make stops and then move. The efficiency of performing techniques with the ball also depends on the correct technique of movements. When moving the player by running, it is recommended to perform the technique on toes from the very beginning, this allows you to make a dash and reach the maximum speed of movement. It is very important to perform techniques with the ball, it is necessary to learn how to move so that the hands performing the movements are not dependent on the rhythm of the speed of movement of the legs. For a sharp change in direction, you need to put your foot in the direction of the turn, slightly turning it with your foot inward. Pushing off on the floor with his foot, the player makes a sharp turn in the right direction. To make stops, it is recommended to sharply tilt the body backward, putting the right leg forward with the foot turned inward, and turn sideways to the direction of movement. The other leg must be strongly bent at the knee joint. If braking or stopping must be done with two feet, a jump is done first. It is needed in order to bring both legs forward sharply and thus to extinguish the forward movement. When pushing off, the body is slightly tilted back. When landing, it is necessary to bend the legs at the knee joints, trying to evenly distribute the body weight on both legs. To perform jumps, the player needs to quickly sit down, take his arms back, quickly unbending his legs and swinging his arms upward - jump forward. Landing with all types of jumping should be soft, without loss of balance, this is achieved by cushioning the movement of the legs.

Special exercises for teaching movement:

1. Moving an additional step forward, backward, to the side with a change in speed.

2. Running with a turn in a circle, followed by an acceleration of 15-20 m.

3. Running with change of direction and speed of movement: in an arc; circle; The "eight"; diagonals of the site.

4. Running with overcoming obstacles: medicine balls; barriers; gymnastic benches.

5. Running in place, at the signal, running in a straight line to the specified place.

6 Running 15-20 meters at the signal from a low start.

7. Running backwards from the crouch position. At the signal, get up quickly and run. 15-20 m.

8. Running in a straight line, jump at the signal, take the ball and pass it to your partner.

9. Performing squats, at the signal to make a jerk to the ball, pick it up and pass it to your partner.

10. Having performed a roll to the side from the support sitting on the heels, the player quickly stands up, makes a dash forward, picks up the ball and passes it to his partner.

11. Walking in a semi-squat. At the signal to stand up, dash to the ball, pick it up and pass it to your partner.Readiness stand.When teaching movements, special attention is paid to the ability of the student to constantly be in a readiness stance, in which the body weight is distributed evenly on the toes of both legs, the heels are slightly off the floor, the head should be kept straight and the player with the ball should be controlled with a glance. It is very important that the player's legs are bent at the knees in the readiness stance, while the left or right foot takes a small step forward. the torso also leans forward, the arms are bent at the elbows, the palms are in front of the chest.

Readiness rack training methodology practitionerwaiting for the ball from his partner must face him and be ready to receive the ball at any time. After explaining and showing, the players take a position convenient to receive the ball from a partner. At the signal of the teacher, they accept the readiness stand and accept the ball from the partner. After each series of exercises, it is necessary to identify errors, bring them to the attention of the trainees and continue to perform the technique until it is completely improved.

Special exercises for training the readiness stance:

1. Trainees freely move around the site in steps or small jogging. At the signal, they abruptly stop, take a stand of readiness.

2. The trainees perform squats, then stop at the signal and perform the readiness stance.

3. The trainees perform jumps on two and one legs, after the signal they take the readiness stand

4. In pairs, jumping on one leg, the trainees try to push each other out of the circle, on the signal they take a stand of readiness.

5. In the lying position, the trainees perform flexion and extension of the arms in the support. On signal, a stand is performed.

6. Crouching out of the stop, the trainees perform a roll to the right or left side, upon a signal, they perform a readiness stand.

Holding the ball. In handball, holding the ball is carried out with two and one hands when catching the ball, after dribbling it, in preparation for passing or throwing the ball, the player must always hold the ball with two hands, covering it with his hands. Fingers are drawn together, the ball is in front of the chest. Performing passes, feints with the ball, throwing the ball at the goal, the player holds the ball with one hand. Depending on the size of the hand, the ball can be gripped in a grip and in a balanced manner. When holding the ball with a tackle, the player, after catching, shifts the ball into one hand and covers it with widely spaced fingers. This makes it possible to perform various imitation movements with one hand with the ball, false swings to pass or throw, and thus, unexpectedly, and hidden for the opponent, to perform various techniques. When holding the ball in a balanced manner, the player places the ball loosely in the palm of his hand and holds it with his fingers. This method of holding the ball is usually used for quick passes and throws without prior preparation. However, in this case, it becomes difficult to perform various deceiving imitation movements. Holding the ball with both hands and one hand is usually taught in parallel with learning to catch, pass and throw the ball.

Catching the ball performed mainly with two hands on the spot and in motion. When catching a ball flying at an average height, arms are put forward, palms down - inward, legs are slightly bent at the knees. At the moment of catching, the fingers embrace the ball, the arms are bent at the elbows, the ball is attracted to the chest. If the ball flies high, the player rises on his toes, raises his arms forward and up, turns his palms forward and inward, spreads his fingers wide, and brings his thumbs together. Low-flying balls are caught while bending the legs, tilting the body forward and pointing the arms in the direction of the ball forward - downward, palms pointing up and inward. At the moment of catching, the fingers are widely spaced, the little fingers are brought as close as possible. Passing the ball in handball. The most common are: passing the ball with one hand from the shoulder; one-handed transmission from behind; one hand over the shoulder; passing the ball behind the head; passing the ball with one hand from below. To perform a one-handed pass from the shoulder after catching, the player transfers the ball to the right or left hand, bends it at the elbow joint, takes it back, raises the elbow to shoulder height, and holds the hand with the ball at head level.

When transmitting ball, the hand bends, turns with the palm forward and downward, the left hand is pulled back, and the right leg is extended forward, to which the center of gravity of the body is transferred. Passing the ball with one hand from behind the back is performed by an arcuate movement of the hand behind the back with a simultaneous turn of the hand with the palm inward towards the body. The player sends the ball to his partner behind his back with a sharp movement of his forearm. Passing the ball with one hand over the shoulder behind the head is performed with a slight movement of the hand by turning it with the palm inward. The ball is sent over the shoulder behind the head towards the partner. Passing the ball with a straight arm from below is used without preparation for accurate passes over short distances. After catching the ball, the player makes a backward swing with his straight arm, transfers the center of gravity to the right foot, the left in front, then the ball is sent backward to the partner, and the center of gravity is transferred to the left foot.

The method of teaching holding, catching and passing the ball.Learning to hold, catch and accurately pass the ball to your partner at different distances is not difficult. These elements of the game technique represent the natural types of human motor activity. When training, it is necessary at the first trainings to see how other athletes are passing and catching the ball and to actively participate in the training themselves. At the initial stage of training handball players, it is best to learn how to catch and pass the ball using relay races and outdoor games. In this case, the emotional factor of the learning process increases, the element of monotony of training disappears, it becomes possible to hold, catch and pass the ball repeatedly in different game situations and at different speeds. In the future, the process of teaching the technique of the game is recommended to be carried out with the obligatory performance of special exercises in catching and passing the ball.

When learning to pass the ball, special attention is paid to the implementation of the player's main stance, in which the legs must be spread shoulder-width apart, slightly bent at the knees, and put the left or right leg forward. The main movement during transmission is the simultaneous backward movement of the torso and arm with the ball. The left arm at this moment, bent at the elbow joint, is in front of the chest. The center of gravity is transferred to the back standing leg. At the moment of passing the ball, the student, simultaneously with turning the body forward, begins to move with the hand holding the ball, and transfers the center of gravity to the left leg. Then the hand with the ball, unbending at the elbow joint, is brought forward and accompanies the ball until the ball is completely separated from the fingers. Training in catching the ball is carried out simultaneously with training in passing and holding it. These elements of technique are inseparable from each other, complement each other, and the quality of each of them individually depends on the player's ability to accurately pass the ball to his partner, to catch it clearly and to be able to timely determine the way of holding the ball.

Catching the ball is the starting position for the subsequent pass, dribble and throw of the ball at goal. In the game, you have to catch the ball rolling on the court, after bouncing from its surface, and balls flying at different heights. It is always recommended to catch the ball with two hands, since this method of catching is the simplest and most reliable.

Special exercises for learning to hold, catch and pass the ball:

1. Trainees line up at a distance of 8-10 m opposite each other, pass and catch the ball on signal.

2. Passing and catching the ball on the spot in pairs, in threes, in fours.

3. Two players stand at a distance of 8-10 m from each other. One has a ball. Having thrown the ball up, the player catches it and passes it to his partner.

4. Passing and catching the ball with changing places in opposite columns.

5. Passing and catching the ball in motion in pairs.

6. Passing and catching the ball in motion in threes with moving along the "eight".

7. The trainees line up at a distance of 10-12 meters opposite each other, passing the ball, change places.

8. Five players are arranged in a circle. One has a ball. Passing the ball to a partner diagonally, the pass quickly takes his place.

9. Two players, passing the ball to each other in different ways, then come closer, then increase the distance between themselves.

10. One player starts from the end line, the second player passes when the first reaches the center line of the court.

Shots at goal.The ball is thrown at the goal with one hand from a place and in motion, from a supporting position, in a jump, with a fall in the direction of the throw. The most common throws of the ball in handball are: - a throw with a bent arm from above is performed from the main stand, in which the left leg is in front, the ball is wrapped with the fingers of the hand and held at head level, the elbow is raised to shoulder height, the hand with the ball is slightly retracted to the side. Performing a throw, the player simultaneously extends the arm at the elbow joint by moving the pelvis and shoulder and, due to the active work of the hand, performs the throw. The center of gravity shifts to the left leg, and takes a step forward with the right; - a jump shot is performed at the moment when the player, after jumping up, reaches the highest take-off point. The right hand with the ball, bent at the elbow joint, is pulled back, the left is extended forward. When performing a throw, the player turns his chest forward, abruptly takes his right leg back and the throw ends with a sweeping movement of the hand; - the ball is thrown in the fall, with the player's starting position sideways, chest or back to the goal. After catching the ball, the player straightens the jogging leg, unbends the arm with the ball at the elbow joint and, due to the sharp movement of the hand, makes a throw from above.The method of teaching ball throws on goal. In order to learn how to accurately and forcefully throw the ball at the goal, you need to be a strong, agile athlete. It is recommended to start teaching throws with a throw of the ball from the shoulder from above. To do this, you need to create an idea of ​​this throw with the help of story and show and start practicing the throw on the spot, and then in motion after one, two and three steps. Having consolidated the ability to perform the exercise with the help of various special exercises, the trainees move on to learning throws in a fall from a supporting position. After mastering the technique of throwing the ball in the support position, you can proceed to the study of more complex throws, running throws in a jump after dribbling the ball and after receiving it from a partner, and then move on to learning throws in the fall in an unsupported position and throws from closed positions.

Special exercises for teaching ball throws at goal:

1. The trainees line up in one line in the hall and throw the ball from the spot using the method from the shoulder from above. After the ball bounces off the wall, they catch it and repeat the throw again.

2. Players line up along the nine meter line. Having caught the ball, players under a step from the left perform shots at the goal.

3. The same as exercise. 2, only the players take the shot after three steps.

4. The trainees line up on the center line, dribble the ball towards the goal, then catch the ball, take three steps and shoot at the goal.

5. The trainees line up in one column in the center of the site. A player stands in front of the goal on the free-throw line. The players in the column pass the ball to the player in front of the goal, receive a return pass from him and, after three steps, shoot at the goal.

6. The same as exercise. 5, only players take jump shots.

7. Players line up along the free-throw line with their left side to the goal. At the signal, the jogging leg is straightened, the arm with the ball is extended at the elbow and a shot is made at the goal. Landing is performed first on the left leg, and after releasing the ball, on the right leg.

8. Pairs practitioners line up on the center line of the court in front of the goal. In slow running, the ball is passed to each other, having reached the line of the goalkeeper's court, the player with the ball shoots at the goal. 9. The same as exercise 8, only the player performs a throw in a jump.

10. Players line up on the center line of the court to the right of the goal.

11. One player with the ball takes a seat in the goalkeeper's area. At the signal, the player runs from the center line to the goal, receives the ball and shoots at the goal.

Dribbling ... The ball is dribbled with a smooth jerky movement of the arm and hand. The arm should be bent at the elbow joint with fingers freely spread apart. In order to achieve when dribbling the ball to the desired height, the player must make soft and smooth movements with the brush. When dribbling it is necessary to tilt the torso slightly forward.

Ball dribbling technique... When learning to dribble, the practitioner puts a brush of his right or left hand on the surface of the ball facing the player, with a smooth jerky movement of his hand and fingers directs it down - forward. After the bounce, the ball is hit by the hand. The arm at this moment is bent at the elbow, and the legs are slightly bent at the knees. In initial training, dribbling is best done in place, then in stride and light jogging. It is recommended to dribble in a straight line for short distances, then gradually increase the speed of movement, changing the direction of movement, and, finally, perform this technique with the resistance of a partner.

Special exercises for learning to dribble.

1. The trainees line up in two ranks one against the other at a distance of 10-15 m. The players of the same rank have the balls. At the signal, the players of the first rank dribble the ball in place, and at the second signal they catch the ball and pass it to the players of the second rank, who continue to dribble.

2. The trainees line up in columns of 4-5 people one against the other at a distance of 10-15 m. At the signal, the directing player with the ball dribbles him in a straight line towards the opposite column and passes the ball to the leader of this column, who continues to dribble.

3. The same as exercise 2, only the players carry out the dribbling with the outline of objects (stands, medicine balls).

4. The same as exercise. 2, only the players dribble at speed.

5. The trainees line up in two columns: one on the front line to the right of the gate, the other also at the other gate. Column guides have balls. At the signal, the players with the ball quickly dribble in a straight line and then pass the balls to the players of the opposite columns, they themselves stand at the end of the opposite column, and the guides continue to dribble at the same time.

6. Dribbling the ball with the resistance of a partner. The trainees are divided into pairs - striker and defender. The ball carrier tries to dribble the defender. If the defender takes the ball, the players switch roles.

7. The trainees line up in two columns one against the other at a distance of 15-20 m. At the signal, the player of one column dribbles the ball towards the other column with an additional step with his right or left side, passes the ball to the directing player of the other column and takes a place in the opposite team.

8. Dribbling the ball in a half-squat for speed.

9. Dribbling the ball without visual control. one

10. Carrying out the relay. Dribbling the ball with a stroke of objects for speed with the identification of the best team or player.

Fraudulent activities.

Fraudulent actions are a combination of various movements of the arms, legs, body, aimed at changing the opponent's actions in the direction opposite to the performance of the technique. In terms of the complexity of the execution, deception movements are simple and complex. Simple feints include a false dash of the player in one direction with a sharp change in movement to the other, dribbling the player with a one-step or two-step movement. Complex deceptions include combinations of combined movements of the player. For example, an imitation of a throw or a pass followed by a ball dribbling, dribbling a player by turning on the left foot over the right shoulder, dribbling a player by turning on the right foot over the left shoulder. When performing deceptive actions, players must coordinate well their movements in close proximity to the enemy and use in actions in combination lunges, inclinations, stops, turns, swinging to throw and passing the ball, changing direction and speed of running. When performing deceptive actions, it is very important to learn how to perform an imitation of a ball pass and perfectly execute a swing for a throw. In this case, the player, moving closer to the defender, takes a wide step with a tilt of the body and with his whole appearance shows that he will be throwing the ball at the goal from this side. However, at the next moment, the athlete transfers his body weight to the other leg, leans to the right and unexpectedly throws the ball at the goal.

Technique for teaching deception.It is recommended to start teaching deceptive actions with explanation and demonstration, while observing the sequence according to the degree of difficulty of the studied deceptions. At the initial stage of learning deceptive actions, it is recommended to perform the exercises in slow motion without the ball and without an opponent. At the second stage of training, deception is practiced with the ball and in the vicinity of the opponent at a slow pace, then the speed of execution increases. The technique must be repeated many times. On the way, correct mistakes and gradually lead the students to the implementation of a technique in game situations. In the final stage of training, the implementation of deceitful actions must be tested in one-sided and two-sided games.

Barriers ... The screen is used to create a temporary numerical superiority in order to release the player from the guardianship of the opponent. By using screens, players can hinder the actions of the defenders and create a game advantage. Depending on the goal set, the screens can be performed by a player with the ball and without him and are divided into mobile, front and side screens.With a movable barrierthe player gets in the way of the defender's advance and blocks his torso until the end of the movement.Performing front screenthe player needs to stand facing or with his back to the opponent and block him with his body for a temporary opportunity for the partner to act more freely.With side shieldthe player takes a place to the side of the defender and prevents him from moving in the direction of the attacking player with his torso, thereby creating a temporary opportunity for a team-mate to freely pass the ball or attack the goal.

Barrier teaching method... Screening in a timely and unexpected manner requires greater coherence between the player who is screening and the player who will be screening to create a game advantage. When teaching screens, it is recommended to perform lead-in and special exercises in pairs with those players with whom on the court during the game you will have to act in conjunction. Screening is not difficult, however, if the technique is performed earlier or later than the partner's intention to use the screen in a game situation. In this case, even if the screen is set at a high technical level, it will lose all meaning. Therefore, the main task in teaching screening is the coordinated and timely actions of a group of players in a team. During the initial training in the technique of performing screens, it is recommended to create ideas about them, then teach the trainees to perform screens at a slow pace without the ball and the resistance of a partner. Only after the players have mastered the elements of the screening technique, it is necessary to move on to teaching those involved in screening when moving with the ball, setting a screen for the player guarding the attacker and setting a screen during the combination movement of players, in one-sided and double-sided games.

Special exercises for teaching deception and screening:

1. Players line up in two columns of 3-4 people. Engaged in one column to perform a deceptive movement with the left leg, makes a push to advance to the right and at the same time puts the right leg forward - to the right, bending it at the knee. The torso bends towards the right leg. Then the practitioner sharply repels with the right; foot to the left, makes a step forward-left with the left foot, the body turns to the left, continues to move forward and takes place at the end of the opposite column.

2. The same as exercise. 1, only the ropes perform the exercise with the right foot.

3. The same as exercise. 1, only the players perform the ball drill.

4. The trainees line up in columns of 2-3 people one against the other at a distance of 5-6 m. At the signal, the leader of one column, moving towards the guide of the other column, imitates a ball throw at the goal. When the conditional defender reacts, the player swings him over his left or right shoulder. Then the players switch roles.

5. The same as exercise 4, only the trainees perform an exercise with a ball of 3-5 people at a distance of 3-4 m from each other.

6. Students line up in columns. At the signal of the coach, the player of one of the columns moves to the guide of the opposite column and puts him a front screen. Then it takes place at the end of the opposite column.

7. Two players, moving towards the defender, pass the ball to each other. The player with the ball, approaching the defender, will pass the ball to his partner, and he himself puts a screen on the defender. The player who receives the ball using screening bypasses the defender and throws the ball at goal.

8. Players are located in three columns of 2-3 people. The guides in the columns simultaneously move in a clockwise direction, perform side screening with the guides of the opposite columns, and then become at the end of the column.

9. Two players are positioned on the center line 3-5 meters apart. A defender stands in front of the gate. Two players, moving towards the goal, pass the ball to each other. Approaching the defender, one of the players, passing the ball to his partner, puts a side screen for the defender, bypasses the defender and shoots at the goal. 10. Three players are arranged in a triangle. One player passes the ball to a partner on his right, quickly receives the ball back, and the player who passes the ball sets a side screen to the player on his right. The player with the ball, using the screen, moves to the goal and shoots at the goal.

Defense technique ... The main technical methods of playing in defense include a defensive stance, movement in a defensive stance, blocking, intercepting the ball, and playing the goalkeeper.

Protective rack ... In a protective stance, the legs are slightly bent at the knees, the left or right is slightly in front, the body is tilted forward, the arms are bent at the elbow and are in front of the chest, the gaze is focused on the ball.

Protective stance teaching method: Teaching the players to stand up in defense, the players need to stand along the six-meter line with their backs to the goal and, at the signal, take the main stand of readiness, then slowly move with an additional step to the left and right. In the course of the assignment, the teacher corrects mistakes. Then it is necessary to complicate this exercise and perform it with the resistance of a partner, in a step, in a slow run with stops and on goal. The exercises must be repeated many times.

Special exercises for training the protective stance:

1. From the stop, crouch down to roll to the side, come to the starting position, stand up and take the position of the protective stand.

2. From the support, crouch down to make a somersault forward, quickly stand up and take the position of a protective stand.

3. From the main rack, perform squats on two legs. At the time of squatting - arms to the sides.

4. Walking with a cross step left-right, sideways. At the signal, take the main stance.

5. Walking in a semi-squat. At the signal, stand up and take the position of protecting the rack.

6. From the starting position, the legs are wider than the shoulders, hands behind the head, in turn squats on the left and right legs. At the signal, quickly take the position of the protective rack.

7. Crouching from the support, falling backward, roll backward. Get up quickly to take a protective stance.

8 Running from a low start to 20-25 m. At the signal, stop and take a protective stance.

9. Running with overcoming obstacles (medicine balls, hurdles, gymnastic benches). After overcoming obstacles, take the position of the protective post.

Moving in a protective stance... Movement in a protective stance is performed by side steps to the right and left, lunges forward and to the sides, jumping forward, to the sides by running forward with your back. When moving, the player should always be on slightly bent legs and move on his toes.Special exercises for teaching movement in a protective stance:

1. Walking lunges, arms to the sides.

2. Walking on toes, hands behind the head.

3. Walking roll from heel to toe, hands on the belt.

4. Walking in full squat and half-squat, hands on the belt.

5. Walking an additional step forward, backward, to the side with a change in speed.

6. Walking with the right, left side, cross step, hands in front of the chest.

7. Moving side steps forward and backward, arms to the sides.

8. Running with a wide stride with a free swing of the arms.

9. Running on bent legs, arms to the sides.

10. Running with a turn of 180 and subsequent acceleration.

11.Running shuttle.

12. Mincing running with a free swing of the arms.

Blocking ... Blocking includes a complex of special movements, which consist of moving, jumping, carrying out and placing hands, landing. When blocking, the player energetically brings his hands up slightly forward, fingers wide apart, thumbs brought together. Blocking is performed by one or a group of players. When attacking the goal from distant positions, when playing free throws, especially when the time for attack is over, defenders use a group block. A single block is placed by the defender in the immediate vicinity of the player, it is performed later than the attacker's jump and must coincide with the moment of his hand swinging the ball back. After blocking, the player lands on bent legs, lowers his arms down and takes the original position of the protective stance

Blocking teaching method:At the beginning of learning to block, you need to pay attention to the timely execution of the jump and the correct position of the hands. In the future, it is necessary to ensure that the student, when performing a block, while in a jump, watches not only the ball, but also the movement of the attacker who is throwing the ball at the goal. When blocking, players should be good at jumping, both from the spot and from the run. All players must be taught blocking. It is necessary to proceed to the execution of the group block by two, three or more players after the practitioners have mastered the technique of single blocking well.

Special exercises for teaching blocking:

1. From the main stand to perform jumps up, hands at the time of the jump raise up.

2. From the main stance, jumps alternately on one and two legs.

3. Leap upward by pushing one leg, hands quickly raise upward.

Two players, standing next to each other, simultaneously jump, raising their hands up at the highest point of the jump, hitting each other with their palms.

5. Jumping upward with advancement to the right, then to the left with side steps, with a wave of arms through the sides up.

6. From a low squat, the player jumps up and at the same time raises his arms up.

7. Three practitioners from a low squat, holding hands, simultaneously jump upward with a swing of their arms forward and upward.

8. Six players, standing in one line and holding hands, at the same time, jump upward with a wave of arms forward and upward.

9. The player stands in front of the goal and blocks the ball throws sent by the players to the designated place. 10. Two players stand in front of the goal, rise on their toes, raise their hands up and try to block the ball throws sent in a jump.

Interception of the ball ... The interception is when the defender is in close proximity to the player in possession of the ball or the player to whom the ball is supposed to be passed. The most important requirement when organizing interception of the ball is the ability to predict the moment ", and the direction of the pass and the ability to choose the most effective way of movement to intercept the ball. The most effective position of the player when intercepting the ball is to step forward. enemy actions.

Technique for teaching ball interception: Before proceeding with the practical implementation of the technique, it is necessary for the practitioners to explain and slowly show the situations in which the interception will be effective. Then the players are divided into pairs, conventionally one of them is the striker, the other is the defender. The attacker works with the ball, making dribbles in different directions and with different speed of movement, while the defender tries to intercept the ball at this moment.

Special exercises for learning to intercept the ball:

1. Two players stand opposite each other at a distance of 8-10 m. Between them is the third player. The players pass the ball to each other, the third one tries to intercept it.

2. The same as exercise. 1, only the players pass two balls to each other at the same time.

3. Two players stand in front of each other at a distance of 10 m. Between them is a defensive player who assumes the initial position of the support by sitting down. The players pass the ball to each other. At the time of the pass, the third player, who plays the role of a defender, gets up quickly at the time of the pass and tries to intercept the pass. 4. Two players stand behind each other in front of the shield. The instructor throws the ball into the backboard. The player standing second quickly runs forward and tries to intercept the ball that bounced off the backboard.

5. Two players stand opposite each other at a distance of 10 m. A defender stands between them. The players bounce the ball to each other on the surface of the court, the third player, the defender, tries to move quickly and intercept the ball.

6. Five players join hands in a circle. A player is standing in a circle - a defender. Players, quickly passing the ball to each other, do not give an opportunity to intercept it to the defender standing inside the circle.

7. Two players face each other at a distance of six meters. Between them is the third player. Jumping players pass and catch the ball. The defender tries to intercept the ball while jumping.

8. Two players stand in front of the ribbed backboard at a distance of 8-10 m. The second player throws the ball into the backboard, the first player tries to catch it.

9. The practitioner stands in front of the shock absorber net at a distance of 6-10 m, throws the ball into the shock absorber net, and when rebounding, catches it with both hands.

10. The trainees are divided in pairs and stand in front of each other at a distance of 3-4 meters. One of them has a ball. The player with the ball dribbles and tries to dribble the second player. The off-ball player tries to intercept the ball.

Rapid Breakthrough Teaching Methodology... To learn a fast break, players need to learn how to quickly run 20-30 m segments and at the same time learn to catch the ball at high speed. When teaching a quick break, it is recommended to perform special exercises for catching the ball in motion along the sideline to the left and right of your goal. For the initial implementation of this technique, the best exercise would be to pass the ball in pairs from your goal to the opponent's goal at high speed.Special exercises for practicing the fast-break attack system:

1. Players line up in a column of 5-6 people on the endline of the court to the left of the goal. The player passes the ball to the goalkeeper standing in the goalkeeper's area, rushes to the opposite goal, receives the ball from the goalkeeper and makes a throw.

2. Players line up in a column of 3-4 people on the end lines of the court to the left of the goal. There are two players in the center of the court. Column directors pass the balls to the players standing in the center of the court, quickly run into the gap, receive a return pass, shoot at the goal and take a place at the end of the opposite column.

3. Students line up in columns of 3-4 people to the right and left of the gate on the front line of the site. There is a goalkeeper with the ball in the goalkeeper's court. At the signal, the directing players of the column accelerate in a straight line, the goalkeeper makes a transfer to the gap to one of the players, who quickly passes the ball to another athlete to shoot the ball at the goal. When all players have completed the task, the exercise is repeated on the other side.

4. Players line up in a column of 5-6 people on the endline of the court to the left or right of the goal. In the center of the site is the player. The column guide passes the ball to the player standing in the center of the court, dashes 20-25 meters, receives a return pass and shoots at the goal.

5. Players line up in three columns of 3-4 practicing along the free throw line. There is a goalkeeper with the ball at the goal. At the signal, he rushes in a straight line to the opposite goal, passes the ball to the player who ran away into the gap in the center. The player with the ball assesses the situation and passes the ball to the player who ran further into the gap, catching the ball, the athlete makes a throw.

6. Same as exercise 5 only the goalkeeper passes the ball to the player standing to the right of the goal.

7. Same as exercise 5, only the goalkeeper passes the ball to the player to the left of the goal, who, rushing towards the opposite goal, moves to the center of the site, and the player of the middle column runs to the left edge of the site, receives a pass and takes a shot at the goal.

Positional attackbest used for organized defense. The system of positioning the players, in which three players are located at the six-meter line, and the others in the free-throw zone, are called the 3: 3 offensive system. In a 4: 2 offensive system, four players are located at the six-meter line and actively interact with the rest of the players located behind the free-throw line. In an attack system of 2: 4, two players are located at the six-meter line and by coordinated active actions do not allow the defenders to move freely around the court. The other four forwards are located behind the free-throw line and, due to active movements, quick passes and screening of the players of the first line of attack, attack the goal. In a 1: 5 offensive system, one player is positioned at the goalkeeper's zone and the other five attackers are outside the free-throw zone.

Positional attack teaching technique: When teaching those involved in a positional attack, it is necessary to teach the players of the first and second lines of attack to interact with each other. To do this, it is necessary to work out the elements in the setting of screens during training sessions, the players of the second line of attack should move to the line of the goalkeeper. The play of the players of the first line of attack must be directed towards the ability to act in concert when moving, set up screens, create a numerical advantage, interact with the players of the second line and attack the gate as soon as possible. Players in the second line of attack must be taught to perform false and imitation actions, due to which conditions will be created for freer actions of the players in the first line of attack. It is also necessary to be able to quickly assess the situation and, at the first opportunity, without slowing down, attack the opponent's goal. To master the system of positional attack, the trainees first of all need to learn how to quickly and purposefully move around the court with and without the ball.

Special exercises for practicing a positional attack:

1. Three players line up along the free-throw line, and the other three players on the team line up along the line of the goalkeeper's court. The first three players move along the small eight, pass the ball to each other and bring the player of the second three, who is in a convenient position to complete the throw of the ball at the goal, for the throw.

2. The players are positioned on the court in the same way as during the exercise. The trainees, standing along the free-throw line, alternately approaching the goalkeeper's court, perform a throw-back swing and pass the ball to a nearby player, then, choosing a convenient moment, take the player standing by the lines of the goalkeeper area.

3. Players are positioned on the court as follows. Three along the line of the goalkeeper's court and three along the free-throw line, one of them has the ball. Passing the ball to each other, all players move around the court in the big eight and take out the player who is in a comfortable position for the throw.

4. Three players are positioned along the line of the goalkeeper's court, and the other three along the center line. The players standing at the center line passing the ball in the three of a kind in the small eight move forward and in front of the free-throw line, the player in possession of the ball makes the pass to the one standing at the goalkeeper's court, who ends the exercise by throwing the ball at goal.

5. Two players stand along the free-throw line and four along the goalkeeper's line. The players of the first line, passing the ball to the players of the second line of attack, choose the moment to throw the ball at the goal. Defense tactics ... Defense tactics are determined from individual and collective actions. The individual actions of the players in defense consist of the ability of the players to intercept the ball, block the attacking player with and without the ball, and reach the player in possession of the ball. Collective tactical actions in defense consist of coordinated interactions between team players aimed at successfully repelling an enemy attack.

The most common collective gate protection is the zone protection system., the essence of which is that each player must actively defend a certain zone and block the enemy located in it. In a 6-0 zone defense, six players are positioned at the six-meter line and actively move along it. The moment an attacker prepares to shoot, the defender playing against that player quickly steps forward and blocks his path. Other defenders are actively shifting towards the player who has entered the player in possession of the ball and thereby fill the empty space. In a 5: 1 zone defense, five players are positioned along the six-meter line and quickly coordinated movements provide goal protection. The sixth player, who has high mobility, agility, tries to interfere with the attackers, and, if necessary, quickly switches from defense to attack with a quick breakthrough. In a 4-2 zone defense, four players are positioned along the six-meter line and quickly move towards the intended attack. Two defenders are located in the free-throw zone and by active movements prevent the players of the attacking team from playing combinations, try to intercept the ball and prevent the attackers from making shots from medium and long distances. In 3: 3 zone defense, three players are positioned at the six-meter line, and three are pushed forward. When defending the goal, the players of the two lines of defense move at the same time, back up each other, organize a single and group block.

Special exercises for training zone defense:

1. Six players line up along the line of the goalkeeper's court, two players with the ball behind the free-throw line. At the signal, the players with the ball pass it to each other. The players standing along the line of the goalkeeper's court take a defensive stance and move with side steps in the course of the ball pass.

2. Five players line up along the line of the goalkeeper's court, one in front of the free-throw line and two players with the ball behind the nine-meter line. At the signal, the players with the ball pass it to each other. The player standing in front of the free-throw line tries to intercept the ball, while the players standing along the line of the goalkeeper's court move in side steps as the ball passes.

3. Four players line up along the line of the goalkeeper's court, two - in front of the free-throw line, three players pass the ball to each other. Players in front of the free-throw line try to intercept the ball or interfere with an accurate pass to a teammate. The players standing along the line of the goalkeeper's court move with side steps in the course of the ball transfer.

4. Three players line up along the line of the goalkeeper's court, three in front of the free-throw line. Four players with the ball are positioned behind the nine-meter line. At the signal, the players with the ball pass it to each other, three players standing in front of the free-throw line interfere with passing the ball with quick movements, and the players standing along the line of the goalkeeper's court take a defensive stance and move with side steps in the direction of the ball passing.

Combined protection system... The combined defense system is a combination of zone and personal defense aimed at neutralizing the strongest enemy players. The most common combination protection options are 5: 1.4: 2. In a 5: 1 combined defense system, five defenders are positioned along the line of the goalkeeper's square and actively defend a specific area. The sixth player moves forward and personally takes care of one of the attackers in half of his court. In a combined defense system of 4: 2, four defenders are positioned along the line of the goalkeeper's square and organize zone defense. Two players are pushed forward and personally take care of the two strongest attackers.

Special exercises for teaching the combined protection system:

1. The trainees line up at a distance of 2-3 m opposite each other and conditionally split into two teams, moving towards the players of the second team, blocking them and not allowing them to go forward.

2. Some players line up along the line of the goalkeeper's square, others along the free-throw line. At the signal, the players behind the nine-meter line pass the ball to each other and actively move around the court. The players defending the goal move to the players passing the ball, choose a player for personal custody, and during the game prevent their player from playing freely with the ball.

3. Some players line up along the free-throw line, while others line up along the line of the goalkeeper's court. The players defending the gate are tasked with each actively playing against one of the attackers. On a signal, the defense players quickly move to their wards, on the second signal they return to their original position.

4. Two players stand opposite each other at a distance of 4-6 m, between them - a defensive player. At the signal, the players pass the ball to each other in different ways, the defensive player tries to get hold of the ball and after that he takes the place of the player who lost the ball.

5. Two players stand opposite each other at a distance of 8-10 m. Between them are two defensive players, standing with their backs to each other at a distance of 3-4 m. At the signal, the players facing each other pass the ball in different ways. And the players - defenders personally play against the player standing opposite, and do not allow him to move freely and pass the ball. The player - the defensive player in possession of the ball takes the place of the player against whom he played.

REFERENCES 1. Grechin A.L., Gritsevich V.N. A methodological guide for the study and correct application of the rules of the game of handball. - Minsk. "Belarusian Handball Federation" - Minsk, 2001.

2. Klusov N.P. Handball. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1982.

3. Klusov NP, Tsurkan A. School of the impetuous ball. - M .: Physical culture and sport, 1983.

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6. Sports games: Technique, training tactics: Textbook. for stud. Higher. ped. study. institutions. - Yu.D. Zheleznyak, Yu.M. Portnov. IN AND. Savin, A.V. Leksakov; Ed. Yu.D. Zheleznyak. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2001.






Omsk 2009

1.Classification of technology

2.Field player technique

3. Defense technique

4 goalkeeper technique

1.Technique classification

The technique of playing handball is a system of rational purposeful movements, consisting of separate techniques necessary for playing the game.

The term "trick" is understood as motional actions similar in terms of the target feature, aimed at solving the same game problem (a shot to score a goal, a hold to defend a goal, etc.).

The technique of the game is the totality of all techniques and methods of their implementation.

The technique of a technique is a system of movement elements that allows solving a specific motor task in the most rational way.

Classification is the distribution of all techniques and methods of their implementation into sections and groups based on similar characteristics.

The nature play activities technique is divided into two broad sections: fielder technique and goalkeeper technique. According to the direction of activity in each of the sections, subsections can be distinguished: attack technique and defense technique. In the attack technique, groups of movement and ball possession are distinguished, and in the defense technique, movement and opposition to the possession of the ball. Each of the groups includes techniques of the game, which, in turn, are performed in several ways. The characteristics of the methods of performing the technique include the following signs: 1) one or two limbs using the player when performing the technique; 2) the position of the hand with the ball relative shoulder joint(top, side, bottom); 3) the way to accelerate the ball (push, lash, kick,).

2. Field player technique

Attack technique

During the offensive game, the handball player uses certain techniques. Participation in the game obliges the athlete to be constantly in constant readiness to move, to receive the ball. This readiness is reflected in the player's posture, which is commonly called a stance. The main handball stance is a position on slightly bent legs, arms bent at the elbow joints at right angles to catch the ball, back straight, shoulders relaxed. This stance is used by the players when playing the ball. The stance of the player at the line of the goalkeeper's zone differs in that his arms are extended towards the ball, his back is round. The player who is at the line of the goalkeeper's zone, as a rule, having received the ball, rushes to the attack of the goal, making a throw. This forces you to take a stance on significantly bent legs to take off.


To move around the site, the player uses walking, running, stopping, jumping.

Walking - the usual and side step is used by handball players to change positions. Players move with their face, back and side forward.

Running is the main means of moving handball players. Running on toes and on a full foot is used. Running on your toes allows you to make a quick dash and achieve maximum movement speed.

Stopping - Due to the constantly changing playing situation on the court, the handball player has to constantly stop. The ability to quickly extinguish speed gives great advantages to the player for further actions. The stop is made with one or two feet.

Jumping - used by a handball player when catching high and far flying balls, passing the ball, throwing into the goal. You can jump with one or two legs.

Ball control

Catching is a technique that provides an opportunity to take possession of the ball and carry out further actions with it. Fishing is done with one or two hands. The choice of the method of catching is dictated by the peculiarity of the trajectory of the ball and the position of the player in relation to the ball.

Passing the ball - This is the main technique that ensures the interaction of partners. Without accurate and fast transmission, it is impossible to create the conditions for a successful attack on the goal. In handball, transfers are made mainly with one hand from a standstill or from a running start. A swing is a hand holding the ball for the subsequent dispersal of the ball. The swing is up - back and sideways - back. The swing is the carrier of information for the enemy. Therefore, the shorter it is, the less information about the player's actions will be. The takeoff run and swing constitute the preparatory phase of the transfer.

In the main phase, the handball player communicates the speed and direction of the ball's flight (accelerates the ball) in three ways: with a whip, a push and a brush.

Dribbling is a technique that allows a player to move with the ball around the court in any direction and at any distance, hold the ball for as long as necessary, beat the defender.

Throw - This is a technique that allows you to throw the ball into the goal. With the help of it, the result of the game is achieved, all other techniques are aimed at creating conditions for the throw.

The throw can be performed in a standing position, in a jump, in a fall, from a place and from a run. Depending on the conditions under which the throw is performed, its preparatory phase, including the takeoff, jump and swing, is different.

3. Technique of protection

The main tasks of the game in defense are: defense of one's own goal by legal means, violation of the opponent's organized attack and mastery of the ball.

The main stance of the defender is on legs bent at an angle of 160 - 170 degrees and spaced 20 - 40 cm apart. The back is not tense, the arms, bent at the elbow joints at right angles, are in a comfortable position for quick movement in any direction. The body weight is distributed on both legs, the gaze is fixed on the opponent, and peripheral vision controls the position of other players and the movement of the ball on the court.


Walking - needed by the defender to choose a position when guarding the attacker. The defender uses walking and walking. Walking with a side step, performed in a stand on bent legs, feet turned outward.

Jumping - used when blocking, tackling, intercepting the ball. Reacting to the actions of the attacker, the defender must be able to make a jump from any starting position. The defender jumps, pushing with one and two feet.

Ball possession opposition

Blocking is blocking the path of the ball or the attacking player. Blocking the ball is done with one or two hands from above, from the side, from below. Having determined the direction of the throw, the defender quickly straightens his arm, blocking the path of the ball.

Kicking is a technique that allows you to interrupt the dribbling of the ball, it is performed by hitting the ball with one hand. The defender uses the knockout at the moment when the ball is between the attacker's hand and the surface of the court. Having approached the distance that allows reaching the ball, the handball player quickly extends his hand and strikes the ball with his fingers.

Tackling the ball on a throw - interruption of the throw at the end of the acceleration of the ball. The defender holds his hand towards the ball from the direction of the intended throw and, as it were, removes the ball from the attacker's hand.

4. Goalkeeper technique

Do not let the ball into the goal and organize a counterattack - these are the main tasks of the goalkeeper's playing activity. All the technique of the game is divided into the technique of defense and attack.

Defense technique

The goalkeeper's position becomes especially important as it ensures the readiness to reflect the ball. The main goalkeeper stance is a position on the legs bent at an angle of 160-170 degrees, spaced 20-30 cm apart.


Walking - the goalkeeper will use walking and walking to select a position. Walking with a side step is performed in a stance on bent legs. At the same time, a constant state of readiness obliges him not to lose contact with the support.

Jumping - the goalkeeper jumps with one or two feet. Most often these are jumps to the sides without preparatory movements from the stand, with a push with the same or opposite direction of movement of the leg, more often before the jump, if the situation permits, he makes only one step.

Falls are not the main way the goalkeeper moves, but in difficult playing situations he uses this means to quickly get to the ball.

Counter and ball control

Holding the ball is a technique that allows you to change the direction of the ball flying into the goal after the attacker's throw. This technique, depending on the flight of the ball, can be performed with one or two hands, one or two legs, body.

Catching is a technique that allows you to block access to the ball into the goal with the obligatory mastery of it. Catching is done with two hands only. It is better to catch the ball flying in an overhead trajectory close to the goalkeeper. But if the speed of the ball is high, then the goalkeeper must use any other method of protecting the goal.

Goalkeeper attack technique

The goalkeeper must have one and two hand passes from above and from the side in the pivot position. Especially important for him are transmissions over medium and long distances. Outside his zone, the goalkeeper's techniques are the same as those of the field player.

Key terms:

Technique, goalkeeper, fielder, throw, pass, dribble, dribble, block


1. G.V. Bondarenkova, N.I. Kovalenko, A. Yu. Utochkin "Fizkultura" Volgograd 2004.

2. MV Vidyakin "For a beginner physical education teacher" Volgograd 2002.

3. M.V. Vidyakin " Extracurricular activities on physical education "Volgograd 2004.

4. V.Ya. Ignatieva "Handball" "Physical culture and sport".

5. Izaak V.I., Nabiev T.E. "Handball at the University" Tashkent 2005.

6. Ignatieva V.Ya., Petracheva I.V., Gamaun A., Ivanova S.V. Analysis of the competitive activity of men's teams highly qualified in handball.

7. Methodological guide for coaches, athletes and students of educational institutions on physical culture... Moscow, 2008.

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on the topic: "Handball: the basics of technique, tactics, teaching methods"

1 . Briefinformation aboutbhistory of the origin and development of the game

The origins of the game of handball have a rich historical background. Even in ancient times, there were ball games in which elements of modern handball were present, but the date of birth of the game, registered in the international sports classification, is considered to be 1898. The creator of the game is Holger Nielsen, a teacher at the Danish city of Ordrup women's gymnasium.

He also developed and published the first rules of the game in 1906. Initially, the game had several varieties according to the number of players, namely 7: 7; 11:11, the rules were different. Hence its other, now outdated name - "handball".

International amateur federation Handball (IAGF) was established in 1928. Initially, it united the national federations of 11 countries, and after 2 years it included already 20. The first official international rules of handball were approved at the congress of the federation in 1930. During the Second World War, the IAGF disintegrated. However, immediately after its end in 1946, the efforts of eight national federations created the International Handball Federation (IHF), which functions to the present day. Now its members are more than 150 countries from all five continents. The IHF has four commissions: game promotion, refereeing, competition and coaching. handball rule tactical training

In December 1991, the EHF - European Handball Federation was created, through whose efforts the European Championships have been held since 1994. The first champions of the continent were the national teams of Sweden (men) and Denmark (women). The same commands are now reigning champions Europe, recapturing this title in 2002.

The Olympic debut of handball took place in 1936 at the XI Games in Berlin. Here, for the first and only time in the program of the Olympics, handball was presented at 11: 11. Only men's teams competed, and the German team became the first Olympic champion in handball (Table 1)

Tab. 1 Olympic Handball Tournament Winners


Carrying out

Winning team

Germany Berlin


Germany, Munich


Canada, Montreal

USSR, Moscow

USA, Los Angeles



South Korea, Seoul

South Korea

Spain, Barcelona

South Korea

USA, Atlanta


Australia, Sydney

Like most sports games, handball was brought to Russia from abroad by a gymnastics teacher at the Sokol Society in 1909. However, he did not receive the due popularity. In 1922, a second, more successful attempt was made to introduce handball into the system of physical education in Russia. It was a variant of the game 11: 11. The first matches were held in Moscow at the experimental demonstration site of Vsevobuch. And already in 1928, handball was included in the program of the I All-Union Olympics. This year was adopted by the Russian Handball Union as the official date of birth of Russian handball.

From the mid-30s to the early 50s, handball in the USSR was again consigned to almost complete oblivion. Only in 1954 an organizational meeting of the All-Union section of handball players was held in Moscow. And only in 1956 the first championships of Russia and the USSR in handball were held 11: 11.

In 1957, the All-Union section of handball players, which included Russia, was admitted to the IHF. Two years later, in 1959, it was renamed the All-Union Handball Federation. In connection with the collapse of the USSR in 1990, the Russian Handball Players Union (UGR) was formed.

In the period from 1959 to 1961, competitions were held in the country in both 11: 11 handball and 7: 7 handball. Only since 1962, by the decision of the Presidium of the All-Union Federation, all official competitions are held in handball 7: 7.

Until 1992, the Russian handball championships were held without the club teams of Moscow and St. Petersburg. During this period, more than 20 times, handball players of Krasnodar became champions of Russia, and the leading positions among women were held by the team "Rostselmash".

Since 1992, all teams of the republic have taken part in the Russian handball championships. The first winners of the combined championship were the handball players of the St. Petersburg “Neva”, and the women's champions were the handball players of the Volgograd “Rotor”.

Currently, the national teams of Russia are among the strongest in the world, being the winners and prize-winners of many major international competitions. And Russian club teams are quite successful in participating in European cup tournaments.

Rostov handball club "Rostselmash", founded in 1965, is the oldest and most titled in Russia. Handball players of "Rostselmash" became champions of the USSR in 1990-1991, silver medalists in 1979-1982, 1989, bronze in 1976, 1988, participants in the finals of European cup tournaments, champions of Russia - 9 times. In the championships of the renewed Russia "Rostselmash" became the champion 1 time, twice a silver and three times a bronze medalist.

From 1992 to 2001, on the basis of the Rostov OJSC Vodokanal, the men's and women's handball teams "Source" were created, which for short term training took leading positions in Russian handball. The handball players became champions of Russia in 1996, and in 1997 they won the European Cup of Nations. But in 2002 it was decided to merge the two teams into one, which was named "Rostov-Don". The new team is the bronze medalist of the 2002-2004 Russian Championship. Among the pupils of the Rostov handball are 9 ZMS, 23 MSMK and 73 MS of the USSR and Russia. The team achieved the most significant successes under the guidance of the honored trainers of the USSR and the RSFSR Leomark Nevyadomskov, Alexander Panov and Igor Eskov.

1.1 Characteristics of the game

Handball - team sports game... It belongs to contact sports. This means that athletes on the site constantly engage in martial arts, in close contact and exert not only mental, but also physical pressure on each other. All team players are united by a common goal: to throw into the opposing team's goal as much as possible more balls and do not miss it in yours. To achieve this success, coordinated actions of all team players are required, who are subordinated to the implementation of a common task. The actions of each player have a clear specific focus, according to which handball players are distinguished by the functions they perform during the game: field players (center, welterweight, extreme, line) and the goalkeeper.

Each of the players does a different job and carries a different specific workload. The motor activity of each player is not simply the sum of individual methods of defense and attack, but is a set of actions that are united by a common goal into a single dynamic system. The success of motor activity depends on the stamina and variability of skills, the level of development of motor abilities and intelligence of each player. Modern handball is an athletic defensive and offensive game that places high demands on the functionality of the players. Success is achieved by the team whose players know how to control their actions well, take into account the location of partners, rivals, all the time do not let the ball out of sight. Based on the current game situation, make a timely decision to complete the required task.

In the course of the game, a handball player must pay great attention to the ability to stop abruptly, change the direction of running, use a variety of jumps, accurately pass and throw the ball into the goal, giving it the necessary speed and direction depending on the game situation. Handball is characterized by various and unexpected ball passes from different positions: with one or two hands, from above, from the side. Taking part in the game, an athlete, in order to reach the goal of the opposing team, each time overcomes a distance of up to 30m, and in order to get ahead of the players of the opposing team, it is necessary not only to run fast, but also to combine running with the implementation of such techniques as passing, dribbling and throwing the ball. To throw the ball into the goal, you need to have a certain strength training, which develops in the process of both the game itself and the exercises performed in educational and training sessions.

During the match, a field player overcomes a distance of 6000 meters using various methods of movement and different, including maximum speed; makes about 30 jumps; enters into active combat with opponents at least 40 times.

The intensity of the playing activity of handball players is constantly changing. The main zone of heart rate fluctuations is 156-162 beats / min. Pulse sum for 60 min. games reach 10,000 hits, energy consumption is 1,200 kcal; and weight loss is 2-4 kg.

The motor activity of a handball goalkeeper has essential features. The main components of his game are movements, lunges, swinging arms and legs, passing the ball. The active phases of the goalkeeper's activity last as long as the opponent is in possession of the ball. After a missed or deflected throw, the goalkeeper passes the ball to his teammates and, a relatively passive phase of his game begins. The alternation of phases in the goalkeeper's game occurs mainly every 10-50 seconds. The heart rate of a handball goalkeeper during a match ranges from 120 to 175 beats / min. The total amount of heartbeats per game reaches 8000-9000 beats.

1.2 Basic rules of the game

Rice. 1. Playground

1. The playground (Fig. 1) is rectangular, 40 m long and 20 m wide. consists of a playing area and two goalkeeper areas. The longitudinal lines of the court are called side lines, and the transverse lines are called front lines.

2. The gate (Fig. 2) is in the center of the endline. They must be firmly attached to the platform, and have internal dimensions: height 2m. width 3m. the goals must have a net that is suspended in such a way that the ball thrown into the goal cannot immediately jump out of it.

3. The goalkeeper's square is placed as follows: in front of the goal at a distance of 6m. parallel to the goal line, a 3 m long line is drawn, to which two quarters of a circle with a radius of 6 m adjoin on both sides, drawn from the inner edge of the goal posts. The line that delimits the goalkeeper's area is called the goalkeeper's area line.

4. The free throw line - the nine meter line - is at a distance of 3 meters. parallel to the line of the goalkeeper's square.

5. The 7m free throw line is a 1m mark that is drawn at a distance of 7m. from the back border of the goal line, in front of their center (middle), parallel to the end line.

6. At a distance of 4m. from the back of the goal line, in front of the center of the goal line, there is a free throw limit line, 15 cm long, parallel to the end line.

7. The center line of the field connects the midpoints of the side lines.

8. At a distance of 4.5m. from the midline on both sides of it, there are two lines 15cm long. (perpendicular to the side line), directed towards the inside of the playing court. They constrain replacement lines.

9. The circumference of a woman's handball is 54-56 cm, a man's 58-60 cm. The mass of a woman's handball is 324-400 g, and a man's is 425-475 g.

The task of each team is to throw as many balls as possible to the opponent and not let them into their own net. The total composition of the team at the competition is 12-14 people. The team directly involved in the game includes a goalkeeper and six field players, who alternate between attackers and defenders.

At the competition it is necessary to participate in the form established by the rules. Field players must wear sports shoes, numbered jerseys on the back and chest, and numbered underpants. The goalkeeper can play in both short and long sweatpants. Only the goalkeeper's jersey must necessarily differ in color from the uniform of the field players. Each player needs to get their own game number.

The referee must have his own uniform, which is different from the clothes of the players. He must have a whistle and a stopwatch to control the time of play, a yellow and red card to warn and punish players, to record these penalties and the number of goals scored. The duties of a judge are manifold. He whistles the signal to start and end the game, to score a goal and fixes the violation of the rules of the game.

In handball, there are three clear rules that largely determine the course of the game and which must be learned right away.

The first is the three-second rule. Without performing any action, the player has the right to hold the ball in his hands for no more than 3 seconds.

The second is the three-step rule. With the ball in hand, you can take no more than 3 steps.

The third is the rule of three meters. If a player puts the ball into play, the opposing team must be at least 3 meters away from him.

During the game, you can throw, catch, hit, push, stop the ball in any way, touching it with any part of the body, excluding the legs below the knee. It is allowed to play the ball while kneeling, sitting or lying down.

After catching, having done no more three steps with the ball in hand, you can hit it on the ground, then dribble the ball with one hand or alternately with one or the other, but as soon as the ball is caught, after 3 steps or after 3 seconds, it must be passed to a partner or thrown into the opponent's goal. Passing or throwing can also be performed after the first and second steps.

A step is considered made if the leg is lifted off the support and placed again. If more than three steps are taken with the ball in hand, then there will be a run, for which the ball is passed to the opponents. After dribbling and catching, dribble cannot be performed again. This is called a double dribble and is also penalized with an opponent's free throw.

You cannot dribble the ball with both hands at the same time, hit the ball with a fist, pass the ball from hand to hand, perform a second dribble, or fall on the ball. You cannot lean on the player, pushing him to another place in order to create an advantageous position for yourself even after the ball is kicked back and, moreover, from acceleration to bump into the player or jump on him.

Only the goalkeeper is allowed to stop the ball with his feet in the goal area, provided that the ball goes into the goal. Handball is played with your hands, and if you touch the ball with your foot, the referee will take the ball and give it to the opposing team. And in case of deliberate kicking, the referee will remove from the court for unsportsmanlike behavior.

Field players must not step on the line of the goalkeeper's area, enter this area, touch any part of the body when the ball is in hand. You cannot throw the ball into your goalkeeper's area. In this case, if the ball goes into the goal and is stopped by the goalkeeper, the referee will award a free throw. You cannot take the ball lying motionless or rolling over the goalkeeper's area.

The main goal of the game is the ball (goal) thrown into the goal. It counts if the ball completely crosses the goal line.

The defender can take away or intercept the ball if the opponent does not firmly own it (dribbles, passes the ball, etc.). It is allowed to stand in the way of the opponent's movement, block him with his body. In the fight for the ball, it is forbidden to snatch and knock the ball away from the opponent when he firmly holds it with one or two hands.

It is forbidden to hold the opponent, hug, push or endanger the opponent in any other way. For example, he puts a footboard. You can not push in the back, hold the attacker by the shirt and underpants, go in to protect the goal in the area of ​​your goalkeeper. Well, and the capture of the opponent's hand during a throw at goal is penalized with a seven-meter throw.

No field player is allowed to enter the goalkeeper's square. The owner of the square is the goalkeeper, whose task is not to let the ball into his own net. The goalkeeper can hit the balls flying into the goal with his hands, feet, knees, even his head in his area. If the ball is stopped by the goalkeeper or overstepped the goal line after the attacker's throw, the goalkeeper must pass the ball to his players from any place in his area.

A goalkeeper without the ball can leave his area and become an additional field player, and all the general rules of the game apply to him. But if a field player - a defender, being in the goalkeeper's area, simply intercepts the ball going into the goal, he will immediately be punished with a free throw.

The goalkeeper is forbidden to leave his area with the ball, to touch the ball that is behind the line of his area. For this violation, the referee will punish him with a free throw. And of course, the ball that is in the field cannot be brought into its own area. This violation will be penalized with a free throw.

The goalkeeper can also directly from his area, holding the ball after the attacker's throw, throw it into the opponent's goal. If it hits, the goal is awarded.

In total, there are three types of punishment in handball for breaking the rules: free throw, free throw and removal from the field of the player. For minor violations, regardless of where they were committed, a free throw is awarded, which is performed without the referee's whistle. To do this, the player with the ball takes the place of the violation and, without taking one foot off the floor, passes the ball to a partner or throws it directly into the goal. If the time of the game is over and a free throw is assigned, then it is made on the whistle. The defenders also stand no closer than 3 meters from the player with the ball and can all put up the wall, since the player with the ball can only throw into the goal in this case.

If the player grossly violated the rules at the moment when the attacker had a real opportunity to score a goal, the referee assigns a free throw towards the goal of the offending player. In many cases, when a rule is violated and rudeness is shown, a double penalty can be applied: the removal of the player and the appointment of a free throw. Here everything is decided by the judge, who determines the degree of guilt of the offender.

The most severe penalty in handball is a free throw, which is taken one-on-one with the goalkeeper unprotected. It can be performed by any player on the team, including the goalkeeper. You need to put your foot to the free throw line and, without taking your foot off the court, after the referee's whistle, make a throw within three seconds. During the throw, the players of both teams must be behind the free-throw line, at least 3 m from the player with the ball.

For violation of the rules of the game, the culprit may first be warned by showing a yellow card. For a gross violation - removed from the court for 2 minutes, and the team will play in the minority. If a player was sent off twice for 2 minutes in one game, then for the third time he will be disqualified with the loss of the right to enter the court after serving his sentence.

For exceptional rudeness, the referee may disqualify the handball player until the end of the game, but instead of him, after a 2-minute penalty, another may enter the game, and if the referee assesses the player's behavior as unsportsmanlike, he will send him off the court without the right to substitute.

If the ball goes over the sideline, a shot from the sideline is awarded. You need to put your foot on the side line in the place where the ball went out of the court and, without lifting your supporting leg, pass the ball to any partner.

It is difficult to conduct an active defense, closely guarding the players and avoiding mistakes. The rules prescribe severe punishment for rude people. A red card was introduced without warning if the violation went beyond what was permitted. The new paragraphs of the rules provide for an increase in the pace of the game due to the rapid introduction of the ball into the game after a goal has been scored. The time of the course of the match stops only when a penalty kick is assigned, when a player is injured, when a player is sent off the field. The coach may take two minute breaks per game to talk to the players, one in each half. This increased the duration of the match, but created a net play time.

Inventory and floor coverings have a significant impact on the development of the game. High quality modern court surfaces, the small size of the ball made it possible to master various methods of throwing and passing, which, in turn, enriched tactics.

2. Technique of the game

The competitive activity of handball players presupposes possession of a whole system of motional actions (techniques) that ensure the achievement of both private, momentary game goals and general sports results. The term "technique" means a system of movements aimed at solving the same type of game problems. The basic techniques of handball include: standing, moving, catching, passing, dribbling, knocking out, throwing the ball and blocking. All this aggregate is united by the concept of "playing technique".

The variety of game situations in which this or that technique is used determines the presence of different ways of its implementation. Each of the methods is characterized, first of all, by a relatively stable basis of the motor structure - kinematic, dynamic, rhythmic, anatomical. The kinematic structure reveals the form of movements in space and time. Dynamic - specifies what forces and how they act at the time of the technique. The rhythmic structure is expressed by the dimension of the elements of a technique in terms of efforts in time and space. Anatomical structure - determines the nature of the interaction of the muscles involved in performing the reception and the mode of their work.

The very concept of "technique of performing a technique" denotes the most rational structure of movements aimed at solving a specific game problem.

The classification of handball techniques is their subordinate distribution into sections and groups based on certain principles. The latter include: the affiliation of the technique (competitive activity of a field player or goalkeeper) and its direction (for attack or defense of the goal). The general classification scheme of handball techniques can be represented as follows (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. Classification of handball techniques

2.1 Fielder attack technique

Racks the handball player is usually considered as rational positions of the players. They serve as a kind of starting position for most of the game actions. Of the significant variety of postures taken by athletes during the game, the striker and defender stances are distinguished.

The main stance of the attacker is characterized by legs spaced apart at a distance of 30-40 cm and legs slightly bent at the knee joints. Moreover, one leg is put forward and its heel is at the level of the toe behind the standing one. The body is slightly inclined forward. The arms are bent at the elbow joints, the hands are in front of you at the level of the abdomen, palms inward. Head straight. The weight of the body is evenly distributed over the front of the feet of the forelegs.

Moving. to move around the court, the handball player uses walking, running, jumping. With the help of these techniques, the player chooses a place to interact with partners, frees himself from the guardianship of defenders, moves from one half of the field to another, prepares for a throw.

Walking the usual and side steps are used by handball players to change positions. In the game, you have to move with your face, back forward and sideways.

Run - the main means of transportation. You must be able to run on your toes and on a full foot. To achieve maximum speed, you need to accelerate on your toes, and in order to create a stable position for receiving the ball in motion, you need to lower yourself to a full foot. Such a run is necessary both for making a turn in order to change the direction of movement, and for outplaying the opponent when he gets in the way (Fig. 4).

Stop after running, you can do it by putting one foot forward for braking, or jump and put both legs out. In both cases, it is necessary to bend the legs in order to stop the movement of the whole body forward and ensure that you can continue running in any direction.

Rice. 4. Running in a zigzag

Jumping are needed by a handball player for catching high and far flying balls, and when passing the ball, and when throwing into the goal. You can push off with one or two legs, depending on the need.

2.2 Ball possession technique

Catching the ball. You can catch the ball with one or two hands. All actions in the game are possible only if you are firmly in possession of the ball. Sometimes the efforts of the players of the whole team are wasted when the player does not catch the ball, and because of this he passed to the enemy.

Rice. 5. Capturing the ball when catching with both hands

Catching with two hands the ball flying towards the middle level (on the chest) is performed as follows. You need to stretch your arms to the ball, do not strain your hands and slightly turn your palms downward, fingers are freely spaced (Fig. 5). As soon as the ball approaches the required distance, palms must be brought together, grab the ball with your fingers and pull it to your chest, bending your arms.

When catching a high flying ball and bouncing off the platform, the thumbs need to be brought closer together a little more than when catching a straight one. And when catching a ball that is flying low and rolling on the court, turn your palms towards the ball so that the little fingers are almost touching.

If the ball flies from the side, then you do not need to turn your whole body towards it. It is necessary to stretch out your arms towards the flying ball, without turning your pelvis, but only slightly turning your shoulders and head. This will help to maintain the pace of movement, a good view of the court and a quick transfer of the ball to the other side.

Observe the following for all fishing methods:

2) stretch your arms towards the ball;

3) move towards the ball;

4) keep your hands and fingers relaxed until they touch the ball;

5) grab the ball with your fingers, not your palms;

6) after grabbing the ball, bend your arms to absorb the impact;

7) after catching the ball, be ready to cover it from a nearby opponent.

Passing the ball - this is the main technique for ensuring the interaction of partners. To pass the ball, you need to swing and disperse the ball towards your partner.

A swing is a move of the hand with the ball up and back or to the side to back for the subsequent acceleration of the ball forward. In this case, it is important that you hold the ball in one hand with a grip with your fingers or without a grip. If you hold the ball, firmly grabbing it with your fingers, you can swing it behind your head, behind your back, in front of you in any direction. This will increase the choice of the transmission direction and the duration of the swing.

The degree of torso rotation during the backswing depends on how hard you need to send the ball. For a long distance - a significant turn of the body and the arm is almost straight at the end of the swing; to the nearest - you can completely without turning.

Handball players pass the ball mainly with one hand from a place and from a run.

If the ball is passed from a place, then the opposite leg should be put forward (if with the right hand, then the left leg) and the transfer will take place in support on two legs (two support position). You can run up with the ball in your hands, but you are allowed to take no more than three steps. Depending on what steps were in the takeoff run, the transmission can be in one-support and two-support positions. A detailed description of the takeoff run methods is presented in the "Throw" section.

Sometimes the ball is passed in a jump. To do this, at the moment of repulsion, a swing is made, and when the player is in the air - a transfer.

On the trajectory of the ball, a pass in any way can be straight, hinged and rebound. In a straight trajectory, the ball flies along the shortest distance to the partner. You can give the ball a hinged trajectory by directing it forward - up. For a correct bounce, the ball must be sent into the court so that it bounces at the level of the partner's belt, taking into account his movement speed. It is best to ensure that the ball hits about 1.5 meters from your partner's feet.

Dribbling - This is a technique that allows you to move with the ball around the court in any direction and at any distance. Leading is one-hit and multi-hit.

One-hit dribbling is performed as follows: having caught the ball, the player can take three steps with it in his hands, then sends it to the surface of the court. After catching the ball bouncing off the court, the handball player can again take three steps before sending it to a partner or throwing it into the goal.

Multi-hitting is performed in a slightly different way. Having caught the ball, the player takes three steps, then sends it to the surface of the court, but does not catch it, but continues to perform successive pushes of the ball into the court with the fingers of one hand. The push must be done by quickly pressing the ball from above (fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Multi-hit dribbling

To change the direction of movement, you need to change the place where the ball touches. To send the ball forward, you need to push the ball slightly from behind. To move to the left, fingers must touch the ball on the right, etc. The player can perform any number of such jerks, but, having caught the ball, he can take only three steps with it in his hands, then pass it to a partner or make a throw into the goal.

For all methods of conducting, the following rules must be observed:

1) move on a full foot on slightly bent legs;

2) push the ball with your fingers;

3) do not enslave the hand when it comes into contact with the ball;

4) make a push so that the ball bounces no higher than the belt;

5) control the ball with peripheral vision.

Ball throw - this is a technique that allows you to throw the ball into the goal, to achieve the result of the game. All other techniques are necessary to create conditions for the throw. When studying each move and especially the throw, it is important to consider it in phases. Moreover, the main attention must be focused first on the main phase of the movement, and only then on the details and variety of the preparatory one.

It is customary to highlight the throws in the supporting position, in the jump and in the fall... But in order to master any of the above movements, you need to understand how the ball accelerates.

When swinging, the handball player must pull the arm back so that its main muscles are stretched and tense, which increases the traction of the muscles with the next forward movement of the arm. An up-back swing is best for this. With the reverse movement of the hand forward, the ball accelerates.

The arm consists of several links: shoulder, forearm, hand. The sequence in which these links move forward determines the "strength" of the throw, or rather the speed with which the ball will fly out of the hand. It is important that first the shoulder is in front (this means that the hand moves with the elbow forward), then the forearm, and only at the end of the hand. When the mass of the hand decreases (after all, the shoulder and forearm stop sequentially), the speed of movement of the hand with the ball increases many times.

The ball leaves the hand when it is in an almost straight position above the head (overhead throw) or to the side of the body (side throw). The trajectory of the ball into the goal can be different. You can send the ball directly into the goal, or you can first go into the court so that it hits the goal from the rebound.

The ball can be sent directly into the goal along four paths: a) hinged, b) descending, c) horizontal, d) ascending.

You can send the ball first to the court in front of the goal, so that it bounces off it and into the goal. There are three types of rebound depending on how it hits the floor: a) reflected, b) sliding, c) with rotation.

If you hit the ball hard from top to bottom, you get a high bounce (as if reflected). In this case, you need to aim at the site 1-1.5 meters from the goal line. If you, while accelerating the ball from the side, release it at a level below the belt and send it into the court, then the ball will slip past the goalkeeper (sliding rebound). In this case, aim as close to the bar as possible. At the end of the acceleration, you can twist the ball by piercing or supening the palm. Then the rebound will turn out with the rotation of the ball, that is, after the rebound, it will change direction.

Throw in support position. A throw in the support position in handball can be done from the spot, but more often it is performed with a running start, which has several varieties and significantly affects the technique of performing this technique. The takeoff run is no more than three steps with the ball in hand.

The last step in the takeoff run can be normal and stopping.

Rice. 7. Throw with a running start with normal steps when accelerating the ball in a single support position

In this regard, the throw is performed with support on one (Fig. 7) or both legs (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Throw with a running start with a cross step with acceleration of the ball in a two-support position

To throw the ball when acceleration occurs in a single-support position, the takeoff run is performed in normal steps. It is necessary to start the run in three steps with the right foot. Step right, then left, holding the ball in two or one hands, then right again, and at this moment you need to swing. With this take-off run and backswing with the ball, and the forward acceleration of the ball is carried out with support on one right leg. To increase the speed and accuracy of the throw at the end of the acceleration of the ball, you need to sharply bring your left leg forward, as if towards your right hand, in order to use the oncoming pair of forces. Gradually you need to throw, after catching the ball, a run-up in two, and then just in one step.

For the shot when the acceleration of the ball occurs in two support positions, thanks to the stopping last step in the takeoff run, you need to firmly rest with both feet on the surface of the platform and, which is very important, slow down the movement of the body forward.

Takeoff run in three steps with a cross second step starts from the left leg. Then, turning sideways to the direction of movement, step with the right and swing, and then quickly place the left foot and start accelerating the ball forward (Fig. 6). The first step must be taken calmly, you can hold the ball in two hands. But the second and third very quickly one after the other, almost together, not forgetting to swing. As soon as the left leg is in front and touches the site (two support positions), the ball accelerates and the throw is completed.

When throwing with a stopping last step, the following rules must be observed:

1. The movement of the legs during the take-off run should be ahead of the movement of the shoulder girdle, it is necessary to slightly throw back the shoulders.

2. It is necessary to choose the optimal take-off speed, not the maximum one, in order to have time to complete all the necessary preparatory movements to accelerate the ball (put your feet firmly, swing widely).

3. It is necessary to observe the rhythm of the run: slow first step and fast second and third steps.

4. It is necessary to sharply and consistently slow down the movements of the legs, pelvis, trunk, elbow. This will allow you to consistently transfer the amount of movement accumulated during the run, from the lower to the upper parts of the body and to the hand with the ball.

5. It is necessary to complete the throw by straightening the left supporting leg when the left leg, torso and arm with the ball are close to the vertical.

Jumping throw... A jump shot is used in cases when it is necessary to quickly leave the guardianship, eliminate blocking by sending the ball over the hands of defenders, reduce the distance to the goal, and increase the angle of the throw in relation to the goal.

A handball player spends less time on preparing a jump throw than on a throw in a pivot position. The runways during this throw are the same, but they have a different task - to increase the height and length of the jump. In flight, you need to perform preparatory movements to maintain an upright position. Otherwise, the throw will simply not take place.

Putting your right foot on the platform, even before pushing off, you need to sharply raise the bent left one forward - up (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. Jumping throw technique

Starting to accelerate the ball forward, the right swing leg must be lowered down - backward, and the supporting left leg must be put forward in order to land on it. First, leg efforts are developed in opposite directions (swing forward, pushing back), then the swing leg (lowered down) and the supporting leg (extended forward), and, finally, the counter movement of the throwing arm and supporting leg, extended forward for landing. Counter forces are created, which balance the player in an unsupported position. The main thing is to ensure that the main acceleration of the ball falls on the period of completion of the movement with the legs.

Drop throw... This throw is used to instantly elude a defender who is in close proximity. Often the throw is performed without any run-up. Very important here is the fall itself before the player performs the swing (fig. 10).

Rice. 10. Technique of throw in a fall with landing on hands

This is precisely the escape from the defender. After all, the fall can be performed while facing, sideways and even with your back to the goal.

The degree of inclination of the body when falling to a swing depends entirely on the skill of the player. The swing should be done sharply, with a turn towards the throwing hand, so that, bending over, increase the path of dispersal of the ball, better see and beat the goalkeeper. Basically, the swing is performed upward - backward, and the ball is thrown from above.

The most important thing about this throw is the ability to land. It can be done in several ways.

1. Landing on hands. Having sent the ball in the right direction, the handball player lowers first onto his free hand, and then onto the thrower. The entire weight of the body falls on the hands. Some players, after landing on their arms, bend them, lower them along the body and slide along the platform on the chest. Some, on the contrary, do not bend their arms, but do a somersault - a roll over the shoulder.

2. Landing on the leg and arms. After pushing off, the supporting leg can be brought forward. After releasing the ball, the landing first goes to the outside of the foot of the left foot, and then to the hands, which softens the blow with the hands.

3. Landing on the trunk. It is necessary when falling to the side, when you need to beat the defender. Pushing off with the same-named leg, first the landing goes on the hip, then on the side and, finally, on the back.

Free throw... This throw is only performed from a standing position. In this case, you cannot tear off one supporting leg before the ball is released. You can shoot while remaining upright and then falling.

From a stand with one foot in front or after a step backward, you can perform a regular throw from a place, accelerating the ball in two supporting positions.

From a stand on one left leg, you need to swing your right hand and at the same time swing your right leg forward, bent at the knee. Accelerating the ball, you need to balance yourself by swinging your right leg downward backward.

From a stand on one or two legs, you can throw in a fall, but make sure that the foot leaves the support after the ball is released.

2.3 Fielder Defense Technique

Technique of movement. Defending their gates by all permitted means, defenders must move quickly around the court, unexpectedly changing pace and direction. To successfully fulfill the function of a defender, each player must master rack.

Rack is needed with a large area of ​​support and on slightly bent legs, for quick movement in defense, and looks like this: the forearm of the hand of the same name with the one in front is directed forward, the hand is extended with the palm forward and downward. The other hand is also bent at the elbow joint, set aside, the forearm is directed forward and up, palm forward, fingers slightly apart. The hand is at the level of the head. As the case may be, outfield players use left-handed (left foot in front) or right-handed stances.

The attackers in handball act assertively, go to the goal at high speed. Therefore, the defenders have to constantly expose their bodies instead of obstacles. In handball, it is allowed to stand in the way of any player, and even rest against him with his hands. Only in this case it is impossible to make an oncoming movement and push the opponent away.

The technique of countering and mastering the ball. Blocking player - it is blocking the path of the attacking player. You need to quickly approach him and stand opposite so that he cannot go to the side. In this case, you can touch it with your chest, push it back, excluding the possibility of interacting with partners.

If the attacker is with the ball, then you must not only push him back, but also make sure that he does not pass the ball into a comfortable position to another attacker. And for this, with the near hand, you must try to block the opponent's hand with the ball. To do this, you can simply rest on her or on the shoulder, depriving the attacker of the opportunity to pass the ball and even more so to throw it into the goal.

In order for the player not to be able to walk past to the side, the other hand can be placed on his chest, on the other shoulder, or simply kept to the side tense. If he moves past, then the exposed hand will be an obstacle. Only you cannot wrap your hand around it. This is already a mistake.

Blocking the ball is an obstruction of the ball's path. First of all, you need to determine the direction of flight of the ball. Next, you must immediately raise your hand or both hands and put an obstacle out of them. It is important that the hands are tense at the moment of contact with the ball, it is necessary to make a counter movement with the hands. The hands must be especially tense in order to withstand the impact of the ball. Fingers must be closed in order to strengthen the obstacle and not get injured.

Kicking the ball - not an easy trick. The task of the defender is not only to block the path of the ball, but it is equally important to take possession of it. If the player is holding the ball, then it cannot be knocked out. But you can knock the ball out when the attacker lowers it into the surface of the court while dribbling. Having approached the distance from which it is possible to reach the ball bouncing off the court, the player must stretch out his hand and hit the ball with his fingers (fig. 9). Kicking can be performed from the front, from the side or from behind and is carried out with an open palm while the ball is between the attacker's hand and the court. It is best to plan in advance where to send the ball. Naturally to where the partner is.

2.4 Goalkeeper technique

Moving technique . Don't let the ball into the goal and organize a counterattack - these are the main tasks of the goalkeeper. His technique is unique, it incorporates all possible movements that only he is able to use as an obstacle to the ball.

The main movements of the goalkeeper are smooth movements in the goal to select a position, quick movements, jumps, jerks and lunges, acceleration, deceiving movements and holding the ball, swinging arms and legs, catching and passing the ball.

Rack ... In the goalkeeper's game, the stance takes on a special meaning. After all, defending the goal, he has to react to a flying ball, having only a fraction of a second left. And for this he needs to very quickly put his legs and arms to the flying ball. The readiness stand helps. Meeting the ball in the center of the gate, the goalkeeper cannot afford to stand on a full foot. He needs to take a position on bent legs at an angle of 160-170 degrees, comfortably spaced 30-40 cm. The weight of the body must be evenly distributed on both legs with support on the forefoot. Spread your arms slightly bent to the sides, turn your palms forward. This is the stance of the goalkeeper when he is in the center of the goal and prepares to reflect the balls thrown from the central positions (fig. 12).

To deflect balls thrown from extreme positions, you have to take another stance. Here the goalkeeper, being at the barbell corresponding to the attacker's direction of attack, can stand on straight legs; side (fig. 13).

The goalkeeper in the field and in the goalkeeper's court moves in the same way as the players on the field. But at the gate, his movements are special.

The goalkeeper needs to be in such a position at the goal as to obstruct the spaces as much as possible. To do this, he needs to move with side steps from the barbell to the barbell along an imaginary arc, which in the center is 1 m away from the goal line.

Ball catching technique . Holding the ball - This is a technique that allows the goalkeeper to change the direction of the ball flying into the goal after the attacker's throw.

You can hold the ball with one or two hands, even with one or two legs, and your body. The ball flying at the knee level and below, and sometimes at the waist level, the goalkeeper holds with his feet, the upper and side - with his hands, the ball flying directly at the goalkeeper, with his shoulder, torso or with both hands.

Two feet you can hold the ball flying at your feet. To do this, you need to jump forward on straight legs along the surface of the site to a distance of up to 1 meter, close your feet, substitute them under the ball and tell it the opposite direction of movement.

Rice. 14. Holding the ball in a swing

One foot the ball can be caught in several ways. If the ball is flying at knee level, then a swing or lunge hold should be applied. If he flies very low and near the bar itself, then it would be quite reasonable to be caught in the twine.

Holding the ball stroke, the goalkeeper starts the movement with the abduction of the hip, the lower leg is slightly behind. At the same time, it makes a repulsion with the other leg in the same direction. It is necessary to calculate the force of the push so that the ball can be received by the inside of the foot, while maintaining the vertical position of the body. It is better if one or two hands will insure the rebound of the ball from the leg (fig. 14).

Holding the ball in lunge produced quite often. To do this, you need to quickly put your foot, blocking the path of the ball, so that the shin is almost perpendicular to the surface of the court (fig. 15). Turn the foot perpendicular to the direction of the ball flight. Take the ball on any part of the foot or lower leg. Depending on the width of the lunge, keep the torso upright or obliquely towards the lunge.

Application twine allows you to catch balls flying into the lower corners of the goal. It is necessary to reflect the ball with an outstretched leg, any part of it. Using a good stretch, you can do a full split, if you lack flexibility, you can hold the ball in a "half split" with support on one knee (fig. 16).

Rice. 16. Holding the ball in the split

With two hands holding the ball can be done by placing your hands above and below. Receiving the ball from the top, the goalkeeper blocks the path of the ball with closed hands with palms turned forward, and from below the ball is received on any part of the arms, straightened downward.

With one hand the ball can be held from above, below, from the side, depending on the position of the hand at the moment of meeting the ball. The technique is performed on the spot or with movement, most often with a jump in the direction of the flight of the ball. Pushing off the leg farthest from the ball, the nearest swing is made in the direction of movement, which contributes to the fastest movement.

You can take the ball with any part of your hand. In this case, it is very important where they decided to send the ball: leave it in the court or hit it out of the goal. If it is possible to leave the ball near you in the goalkeeper's court, the ball must be directed to the surface of the court by turning the palm downward - inward, and if you are not sure that the ball can be held near you, or it flies high enough, you must hit it out of the goal.

Sometimes the ball flies into the goal hanging trajectory... To hold such a ball flying behind the goalkeeper's back, it is necessary to turn about 90 degrees, take a wide step behind the flying ball and hit it with one hand in a jump, preferably with a fist .

3. Game tactics

The tactics of the game are among the leading structural components of the training of handball players. Moreover, with the growth of sports qualifications, the importance of tactical literacy for the successful conduct of competitive wrestling increases significantly. However, this particular section of handball, due to its particular complexity and versatility, is considered the least developed up to the present time. First of all, attention is drawn to the large number of available definitions of the concept itself tactics and a very wide range of interpretation of its meaning. It seems to us the most rational to consider handball tactics as a section of the game theory that characterizes the probability of achieving the desired result with different lines of behavior in specific conditions. Simply put, it is a system of special knowledge about the laws of wrestling. The content of the regularities themselves is the cause-and-effect relationship between the specific characteristics of competitive situations and the possible lines of behavior of the players.

The main practical elements of tactics are:

1. Variants of competitive actions, conditioned by the logic of wrestling;

2. Methods of rational distribution of forces during the match;

3. Techniques of psychological influence on the opponent and disguise of true intentions.

In the most tactical action, it is customary to distinguish three phases:

1. Perception and analysis of the game situation;

2. Mental solution of a tactical problem;

3. Motor realization of the motor solution.

The classification of handball tactics is based on the degree of complexity and scale of game actions, as well as their affiliation and target orientation. In general, it can be represented by the following diagram (Fig. 17). It should be noted that both the group and team tactics of both attack and defense are based on the concerted actions of individual athletes, i.e. contain in their composition individual actions that are fundamental.

Rice. 17. General classification scheme for handball tactics

3.1 Fielder attack tactics

Offense is the main and most active type of tactical action. In an attack, the ability to orientate is especially important, because the player, when in possession of the ball, is constantly opposed by both the defender and the goalkeeper.

Individual actions. Individual actions of the fielder - the attacker presupposes the ability not only to correctly choose the appropriate position on the court, the beginning and direction of the attack, but also the choice of a technique or a combination of techniques and their application in a given game situation.

Application of the ball pass . The rules for applying the transfer are to take into account some game situations. Be sure to take into account the partner's position, the speed and direction of his movement, the proximity of the guardian player, atmospheric conditions. In strong winds, for example, do not use long-range gears, on wet ground, rebound gears, etc.

The transmissions can be divided into translational, accompanying and oncoming... With forward passes, the ball is passed from partner to partner, regardless of whether they are both in place or in parallel movement. With oncoming passes, the ball goes to the partner moving towards the meeting. In the presence of accompanying persons - the ball catches up with the partner.

Application of dribbling . Leading should be applied, without fail setting a specific task of using this technique: to circle the defender and attack the gate; using dribbling, get as close as possible to the goalkeeper's zone for the final throw; to force several defenders to patronize himself, then to give the ball to complete the attack to a non-custodial partner.


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The tactical skill of a defensive player is not only a high-quality tactical and technical performance of actions. The individual tactical skill of a defender is valued, first of all, based on the general tasks of tactics, on the expediency of one or another of his actions at certain moments of the game or in predetermined standard situations. In other words, the assessment of tactical skill takes into account the level of development of the game thinking of defenders.

It is very important that handball players and their coach consider every tactical action of a defender, the formation of a certain skill, not as something standard, but with a wide measure of selectivity and variability. It is this approach that allows the defender to form a deeply creative attitude to his playing activity, creates reliable preconditions for highly developed game thinking. Even in one series of multiple repetitions of an exercise, it is necessary to change the conditions more often, each time to require the athlete to take these changes into account (that is, to relate to what is happening consciously). Such an attitude of the defender to the preparation process, to the improvement of tactical skill will contribute to its faster and better growth, will help to get the maximum benefit from the recommended exercise.

Training in individual tactical actions begins with the study of defense techniques. Moreover, when explaining, special attention should be paid to the choice of a place relative to the attacker, the moment the action begins. Training should always take place in single combat with the attacker, who is given certain tasks.

For example, when teaching the use of blocking, it is necessary to solve two main problems: 1) determine the direction of the ball's flight and 2) determine the blocking options (mobile or stationary).

To solve the first problem, it is necessary to select exercises in which the defender must react to throws in different ways (blocking from above, from the side at different levels), from different distances to the defender, using different swings. At first, the choice of the direction of flight is limited to a certain task for the attacker, and then the defender has to use blocking the ball after arbitrary throws of the attacker.

To solve the second problem, the defender must acquire some knowledge about the enemy, show observation and ingenuity. In addition, here it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the defender himself. For the application of movable blocking, i.e. straightening the arms after the direction of the ball has been determined, the defender must have extraordinary speed and reaction. To apply fixed blocking, i.e. blocking any space (usually from above) before determining the direction of the ball flight, the defender does not have to be very fast, but he is required to know what space to block from one or another attacker, and a certain teamwork with the goalkeeper.

Teaching group tactical actions of defense begins together with the study of group actions of attack. All training is based on countering the attackers. Each group tactical action forces the defenders to apply a specific counter-move. To study, for example, switching, attackers can perform screening, cross external interaction; parallel actions are needed for safety net; for slippage - personal custody, etc. Training begins with the joint action of two players, and then three or more.

Teaching team actions begins with familiarization with the placement of players on the court and the main tasks of players of various roles in various defense systems. The improvement of team defensive actions must be carried out in accordance with the rules that are acceptable for all types and methods of protection: creating a numerical advantage, crossing the transfer and the counter-move rule. The well-coordinated defense, its aggressiveness will depend on how competently the handball players will be able to comply with these rules in a particular fight with the enemy. Guided by them, it is possible to assess the correctness of the actions of the defender in a given situation, analyzing his choice of position. This facilitates the task of correcting errors, identifying the weaknesses of the defense.

Improving game thinking is a long and difficult process. Its origins are fundamental work to achieve a high level of development of general and special physical qualities of a handball player, reliable mastering of a complex of various tactical actions, development and improvement of technical skills as the basis of game tactical thinking.


Handball is a popular sports game that has been around for over a century. It was born in Denmark, and its creator is considered to be a gymnasium teacher in the city of Ordrup Halger Nilsson.

Over its centuries-old history, handball has undergone many changes both outside (previously the game was played on a football field with 11x11 players, now 7x7) and inside (the tactics of wrestling are constantly being improved, the technical arsenal of attack and defense techniques is being enriched).

A strong impetus in the development of handball is associated with the inclusion of handball in the Olympic Games in 1972. This entailed work on finding methods to increase the entertainment of the game and its level.

In the process of the appearance of changes in the drawing of the game, three stages can be distinguished:

from the mid-60s to the early 70s, it was characterized as a period in which the 5: 1 protection system dominated. In a positional attack, they tried to create an advantageous situation for a throw from a long distance.

from the mid-70s to the early 80s, it can be described as an attacker with the presence of players in the teams who have a powerful and accurate throw from a support and in a jump. In defense, the teams switched to a 6: 0 formation using tall players with a large body mass.

the stage from the late 80s to the mid-90s can be characterized by the confrontation of the 5: 1 defense system in various versions with a similar attack system.

From the above, it becomes clear that the tactics of the game are constantly changing, improving, ways are being sought to improve the quality and entertainment of the game.

1. Evolution of defense tactics

The game of handball goes back almost 100 years, originating in Denmark in! 898g. Its creator is considered to be a teacher of a real gymnasium in the city of Ordrup Holger Nilsson. In 1904, the first national federation, the Danish Handball Union, was created. In 190b_g. in Copenhagen, the first rules of the game are published, the author of which was the same Holger Nielsen. Over its almost century-old life, handball has become a very popular game all over the world.

Members of the International Handball Federation (1HP) are currently 123 countries, with a total of 12 million people involved.

Of the 7 million officially registered handball players, 1.4 million are in the countries of the former USSR. There are 428 thousand officially registered teams in the world. Most of them are in Germany - 98 THOUSAND, of which 55 thousand are children and youth, while 1.1 million people are engaged in handball in the country. In Hungary, there are more than 40 thousand players, 25 thousand of them are children and youth, all of them are united in 3200 handball teams. There are 20,000 teams in France, 12,000 in Denmark, 10,000 in Sweden, 8,000 in Norway, 6,000 in Italy, and 3,000 in Japan.

Handball was included in the Olympic program in 1972. At the XX Olympic Games in Munich. By this time, 7 World Championships had already been held for men's teams and four for women.

The inclusion of handball in the program of the Olympic Games determined the beginning of a new period in the development of this popular type sports and, therefore, required from coaches to search for new forms and methods of increasing the level and entertainment of the game. An analysis of the tactics of the game of various teams will make it possible to better comprehend the evolution of handball in the period from the mid-60s to the end of the 90s.

The period from the mid 60s to early 70s was characterized as a period dominated by a 5: 1 protection system. In this defensive system, five players act in a six-meter zone, the sixth defender takes care of the opponent's strongest scorer. The active actions of the front defender, as a rule, disrupt the simulated connections between the attacking players, forcing them to change the pattern of the game. A striking example is the performance of the Romanian men's national team, which in 1970 and 1974 became the World Handball Champion. It should be noted that the development of attack systems is based on the knowledge of which defense system the opponent will use in the upcoming meeting. In situations where a team is using a new, never before seen system of protection, it takes time to find effective forms of counteraction to it. Such an episode occurred with the use of the Yugoslav national team of the 3: 3 defense system. This came as a complete surprise to other teams, which allowed the Yugoslavian team to win the 1972 Olympic Games. The defense system of the Romanian national team was based on the general structure of 5: 1, however, the peculiarity of its implementation was that the defenders located near the 6-meter line played "player to player", while the following provisions were mandatory. When the striker moves with the ball along the nine-meter line, five defense players consistently come forward from six to nine meters and only come back after passing the striker to another defender standing next to him. To facilitate the transfer (change) of the attacker between the defenders, the latter try to prevent the position of the opponent (line player) across the b-meter line. To do this, the defender, violating the rules, enters the goalkeeper area and pushes the attacker forward. As a result, better control and "exchange" with closest partners is achieved. Each player begins defensive actions only when his ward striker takes possession of the ball and rushes to the goal. In order to intercept the ball with long transverse passes, players use a forward exit. In the event that such actions could not prevent the striker from entering the position for the throw, tall players defending in the central zone, raising their hands up, form a so-called "wall".

The stage of development of handball from the mid-70s to the mid-80s can be described as an attacker with the presence of players in the teams who have a powerful and accurate throw in the pivot position and in a jump, capable of hitting the opponent's goal from various distances. The general level of possession of the technical elements of the offensive game among the players of different teams increased sharply, which allowed one player to successfully perform in several playing positions, both in attack and in defense. Game improvisation was at its peak. All this did not hesitate to affect the defensive structures of handball teams, which were forced to seek and apply new, more effective forms of defense. A striking example of this is the 1976 Olympic handball tournament held in Montreal and the following four years until XXII Olympic Games. This period passed under the predominant development of the defensive functions of the game.

The fundamental moment of the teams' play was the dominance of defensive actions over offense due to a special selection of players capable of realizing a defensive style of play. The teams' constant striving for excellence in defense was clearly visible. The active form of 3: 3 defense practically disappeared, the 3: 2: 1 system remained for a time not exceeding ten minutes of the total playing time, the 4: 2 formation system was somewhat longer. The opinion of experts at that time was unanimous: since the Montreal tournament, the number of teams using the 6: 0 defense system has increased dramatically. The 6-0 defense system was based on the game of handball players who are very tall, usually over two meters, and significant body weight, which significantly reduced the mobility of these players. This was especially pronounced when playing in the attack, which reduced the attacking capabilities of the team. Defense specialists have replaced the bright stars of the attack. Powerful central defenders, tall goalkeepers tightly closed the approaches to the goal. Defense began to dominate the attack, the attack time lengthened. By the 1980 Olympics, the attack as a whole was able (due to the broader and more versatile technical training of the players) to noticeably compensate for the lag and, in turn, complicated the tasks of the defense in terms of training defense "specialists". The teams were looking for new ways to improve the effectiveness of the offensive play. Yugoslavian, Romanian and German specialists took the path of individualizing the game by improving technical elements.

As for the actions in defense, then in the handball of the 80s active forms of defense prevailed. They became the backbone of the defense of the leading national handball teams. The number of goals scored from fast breaks has increased. The national teams of the USSR and Yugoslavia, when organizing the separation, used the first pass, which the goalkeeper performed to the distant player. The players of the Swedish national team preferred not to take risks and, when organizing the separation, used a pass to the player closest to the goalkeeper. This technique could be used only by those teams that could not let the ball into their own goal and, as a result, received an advantage due to the possibility of organizing a counterattack. It was from the defense of their own gate that the attack on the opponent's gate began. Most of the national teams of that time had several protection systems in their arsenal.

At the heart of the defensive actions of the GDR national team, Olympic Champion 1980, lay 3: 3 protection system. In good execution, it significantly complicates the implementation of the opponent's combinational ideas, significantly reduces the effectiveness of welterweight strikers, who account for a large percentage of shots from long distance.

It is not easy for the point guard in such situations. But it should not be forgotten that this defense system requires outstanding endurance, speed, and high individual skill of the players. Soviet handball players used a 6-0 formation to defend their gates. This scheme should not be taken literally, it was only the basis, which in the course of the game was transformed into other defense systems due to going forward and various movements of the players. It was distinguished by its flexibility and the ability to use various options during the match. The players used long-range exits on the attackers, blocking the main scorers of the opponent at a distance of 10-11 meters from the goal, successfully moving in the area in front of the goal, interacting with the goalkeeper, constantly striving to play on interceptions of the ball. This protection system fully justified itself at that time on many large international tournaments.

Handball from the late 1980s to the mid 1990s was characterized by a 5: 1 defense versus a 5: 1 offensive system, which in the course of the game transforms into a 4: 2 offense system. The defensive formations of the world's leading handball teams, such as the national teams of Factions, Russia, Sweden, are based on this particular defense system.

The positive side 5: 1 defense system is that due to the active actions of the front defender, it is possible to disrupt the connection between the players of the second line of attack and create a situation in which the number of inaccurate passes between the attackers will sharply increase, and it will also be possible to knock down the opponent's attack pace. Usage different options This system, used by the leading teams, depends on the task assigned to the players. The Russian national team uses the option when the front defender, guarding the central striker, does not allow the latter to receive the ball at 9-10 meters, due to the advance access to the player and his gender of personal custody. By doing this, he forces the attacker to step back to receive the ball, thereby losing the rhythm of the attack. As the center striker moves along the nine-meter line, the front-back continues to patronize him, even in situations where the striker mixes into a welterweight position. With this action, the front defender forces the ball welterweight who is trying to pass the ball to the center striker to return the ball back to the winger and begin to move into the “vacated” center defense zone. The beginning of this movement is awaited by the defenders who are on the six-meter line, who, by going forward, prevent the attacker from throwing the ball into the goal or stop his further advance forward.

The next feature of this defense option is the movement of the front defender when the welterweight striker with the ball begins to move into the central defense zone. At the same time, the center striker does not move into the defense zone 6-7 meters from the goal as described above, but remains in his attack zone at a distance of 10-11 meters from the goal. In this situation, the front defender takes a few steps back and to the side from 9-10 meters to 7-8 meters towards the player with the ball. With this displacement, the front-back prevents the forward from moving forward and blocks the trajectory of a possible pass from the right welterweight attacker to the left welterweight, while passing the ball to the center striker is possible only when the latter is not moving forward. Otherwise, he will end up behind the front welterweight. With this action, the front defender forces the ball welterweight who is trying to pass the ball to the center striker to return the ball back to the winger and begin to move into the “vacated” center defense zone. The beginning of this movement is awaited by the defenders who are on the six-meter line, who, by going forward, prevent the attacker from throwing the ball into the goal or stop his further advance forward.

Team France applies a 5: 1 defense option. in which the front defender performs his functions strictly in the central zone at a distance of 7-10 meters from the goal. This variant of the 5: 1 protection system has the following features. In a situation where the center striker comes into contact with the defenders performing their functions at a distance of 6-7 meters from the goal, the front defender stops guarding the entering player and switches to the guardianship of the welterweight player with the ball moving to the central defense zone. With this interaction of defenders, the most effective "analysis" of the attacking players is achieved.

The next feature of this protection option is; Movement of the front defender when the welterweight striker with the ball begins to move into the central defense zone. At the same time, the center striker does not move to the defense zone 6-7 meters from the goal, as it was written above, but remains in his attack zone at a distance of 10-11 meters from the goal. In this situation, the front defender takes a few steps back and to the side from 9-10 meters to 7-8 meters towards the player with the ball. With this displacement, the front-back prevents the forward from moving forward and blocks the trajectory of a possible pass from the right welterweight attacker to the left welterweight, while passing the ball to the center striker is only possible when the latter moves forward. Otherwise, he will be behind the back of the front defender. The tempo of the attack breaks down, the defenders have a numerical superiority over the attackers in the zone where the player with the BALL is located, which increases the likelihood of successful actions of the defense players.

The Swedish team, with the initial formation of defense players according to the 6: 0 system, due to going forward, from 6 meters to 8-9 meters from the goal, one of the central defenders is rebuilt into a 5: 1 defense system. The center-back is released when the right welterweight passes the ball to the center forward.

By this movement, the player of the Swedish assembly, as well as the front defender of the French team, blocks the trajectory of the pass from one flank of the attack to the other and prevents further advance along the nine-meter line of the attacker with the ball.

The 5: 1 protection system has many options for its implementation. Three of them, the brightest, have been described above. For a deeper understanding of the presented material, it is necessary to briefly dwell on the differences in the implementation of these options.

The movement of the front defender (with the initial placement of players according to the 5: 1 system) or the central defender (with the initial placement of the players according to the 6: 0 system) begins at the moment of the readiness to pass from the right welterweight to the central striker, when the welterweight moves to the central defense zone. At this moment, the front defender of the Russian national team moves FORWARD to the attacker from the 9-meter line, 10-11 meters from the goal and further. The French front defender takes a few steps BACK from the 9m line to 7-8m from the goal. The central defender of the Swedish national team makes a FORWARD exit from the 6 meter line, 7-8 meters from the goal. These differences in movement of defenders are peculiarities of teams when performing the same defense system. One of the main tasks of offensive players is the use of such tactical schemes that would force the defense players to use less effective or less well-developed defense systems to counter them, i.e. the attacking players must "impose" their scheme of play on the opponent.

For example, when preparing for an upcoming meeting with a specific opponent, the coach of the team, on the basis of the material available to him characterizing the opponent's play, determines his strengths and weaknesses when playing in defense and in attack. If the coach reveals that the opponent in defense is successfully applying the 5: 1 defense system, then he needs to break the worked out relationships between the defenders. To solve this problem, when attacking the opponent's goal, the attacking players switch from using the 5: 1 attack system to the 4: 2 system. As a result of this rearrangement of the attacking players, the defense players are forced to switch to using other defense systems, such as 6: 0, 4: 2, or to apply a variant of the 5: 1 defense system, in which the front defender moves from the central defense zone to one of the attacking flanks and begins to patronize one of the attacking welterweight players. The use of different attack systems in a single attack is an effective means of fighting against defensive players and has become widespread among the leading teams in the world.

2. Fundamentals of defense tactics

.1 Basic principles of protection

In order to organize the game in defense, the coach must take into account the qualities of the performers' preparedness. Also, an important role is played by the tasks facing the team in defense, as well as the level of the opponent's game in attack. Considering these nuances, the coach chooses the players to defend the goal.

All actions in defense must be subordinated to the solution of the main tasks:

Constantly disrupt the interaction of enemy players, disrupt the individual and collective movements of his attackers. Outrun the attack, destroy their tactical moves and combinations.

Timely block shots on goal.

Take the ball away from the opponent and counterattack.

Defending, each player solves one of the tasks of his team. All his actions must be deeply conscious. They must fit into the system of defensive actions of the team, be interconnected with the actions of partners, and take into account the course of the game.

To determine the direction of consciousness and concretize the activities of the defender, the principles of defense have been formed:

Collectivism. The success of team actions depends primarily on the coherence of the players' actions. the main task any defender - the defense of the gate, can be solved successfully only if all actions of individual players are subordinated to the interests of the collective, relying on mutual assistance.

Create numerical advantage. The defender is obliged to move to where the ball is located, covering the direction of throwing into the goal and passing the ball to the attacker located behind or to the side of the defensive player. In front of the attacker with the ball in the zone dangerous for the goal, you should always create a numerical advantage for the defenders.

Maintaining an active position. The defender is always obliged to keep an active position, to clearly solve the main task for himself and for the team. The position of the defender behind the attacker with the ball is a gross mistake.

Leading the attackers. The finishing roll is usually the result of successful attack combinations. The defender must anticipate the culmination of such actions and, ahead of the attackers, destroy the direction of communication, actively block the attackers, intercept the ball.

Aggressiveness of the defense. The defense must constantly intensify its actions, preventing the most acute development of the attack. The defenders themselves must attack the attackers, go out to the most dangerous enemy players, try to break the simulated connections between the attackers.

Errors of Least Significance. During the game, defenders perform many different actions and therefore mistakes are inevitable. However, you need to make these mistakes less harmful. For example, if one of the defenders makes a mistake, which resulted in the numerical advantage of the attack and the inevitability of a shot on goal, the defenders must act in such a way that the attackers take this shot from the most disadvantageous position.

Contact with the goalkeeper. Each action of the defenders in defense of the goal must be interrelated with the actions of the goalkeeper.

Successful defensive action presupposes adherence to all of the above principles.

2.2 Position and function of defenders

When building defensive orders, each defense player occupies a certain area, where he solves particular problems dictated by the situation and the course of the game. In handball, defensive players are usually named based on the name of the defense zones: extreme, central, welterweight. Defenders defending at the goal-area line, but having the task of meeting their player in the free-throw zone or further, are called exiting. Players whose starting position is in the center, at some distance from the goalkeeper's square, are called front. Welterweight defenders can play either near the goalie line or closer to the free-throw line, depending on the defense option chosen by the team in the game. Extreme defenders. This position is played by high-tech, tall players with good mobility, developed peripheral vision and a high level of tactical thinking. The basis of the welterweight defender's game is made up of quick exits to the ward with the ball, blocking shots, and quick retreats back. When a welterweight striker changes position, the defender accompanies him to his defensive neighbor and makes a change of charges there. If the ward striker goes to play to the line of the goalkeeper's square, then the defender also takes care of him on the near approaches to the goal. The welterweight defender must clearly work out the interaction with the goalkeeper and actively participate in the organization of contracts. Central defenders. The strongest, most technical and diversely trained handball players always play in the center of defense. These are usually tall players. The center-back guards the lineman and at the same time blocks the shots taken from the back line of the attack. If there are two central defenders, then they can alternately go forward, prevent the extreme attackers from flank to flank, if necessary, change wards with welterweight. The center back is the backbone of the defense. Front defenders. Depending on the chosen defense system, there can be one or two players. They take care of the welterweight and point guard of the opposing team, prevent them from performing shots into the goal from medium and long distances, interfere with the rally, push the attackers further away from the goal, interrupt their tactical combinations. The front defender must be able to foresee the course of the attack development, guess the direction of the passes, the possible movements of the attackers.

3 Tactical actions of defenders

.1 Individual actions of defenders

The individual tactical actions of the defenders are made up of the choice of location and opposition to the attacker (with and without the ball).

The strength of the defender's game, his endurance is determined, firstly, by the ability to neutralize the attacker. It is necessary to patronize him in such a way that he gets the minimum opportunity for attacking the goal or, even better, was excluded from participating in the ball. Secondly, the defender's skill is determined by his ability to insure his teammate in time, providing him with maximum assistance in single combat with the attacker.

Let's consider the most common individual tactical actions of the defender.

Taking a position. With any defense system, the defensive player is predetermined in advance by the position where he will play. However, in the course of the game, he often has to rebuild and take a position different from the original. But in any case, with any movement and in different positions, the player solves the main task: to ensure the safety of his gates, placing himself in his position where it is most necessary for their protection at the given game moment.

Moving. In order to achieve the most correct position or change position, the defender must inevitably move. With these movements, he solves two main tasks:

Strives to ensure the safety of the gate in the most vulnerable place.

Maintains an active position to perform the individual functions of guarding his own section of the zone or guarding a specific attacking enemy.

Guarding a striker without the ball. The defensive line player takes a position relative to the defended without the ball, which allows him to close the path to the goal at any time, complicate the receipt of the ball and the beginning of active actions, at the same time the defender also monitors the general development of the attack. Guardianship is carried out either tightly or at a distance by observing the player.

Guardianship of the striker with the ball. The basic requirements for the guardianship of an attacker with the ball are the same as those for the guardianship without the ball. In the free-throw zone, the player with the ball is closely guarded. The defender is obliged to stop “his” attacker at the moment when he is preparing to receive or receives the ball.

The attacker has much more technical elements, so it is natural that the defender cannot interfere with all possible actions of the attacker at once. For these cases in handball, a kind of defensive law applies: a defensive player can allow the attacker to carry out any action, but cannot be beaten from the flank.

Outputs. The defensive moves forward can be carried out both on the offensive player without the ball and on the ball carrier. The task of each exit is to "neutralize" a dangerous attacking enemy, to prevent his advance to the defensive gates.

Interception of the ball. The defender is always determined to intercept the ball, but with most of the defender's actions, interception is practically impossible. Each exit for interception is usually preceded by a hidden, distracting action: an imitation of retreating.

Blocking throws. It is used as an obstacle to the ball on the way to the defended goal. You can block throws with your arms, legs, and your body, on the spot, in motion and in a jump, as well as above, from the side or below.

Practice shows that in a direct attack, when the attacker, the defender and the goal are on the same line, first of all, the side of the goal closest to the “throwing” hand of the attacker is blocked. If the blocking is carried out with any preliminary displacement of the attacker or defender, then the defender must first of all block that corner of the goal, to the trajectory of the ball into which he is closer.

Blocking the "throwing" hand. The defender should always position himself, slightly shifting towards the "throwing" hand of the attacker: this allows you to more reliably patronize the attacker, block the throw, intercept the ball and help the goalkeeper in reflecting balls flying into the goal.

The selection of the ball. Success in picking up the ball after the throw is more often on the side of the one who was able to take the correct position, if possible pushing the attacker away from the likely trajectories of the ball.

"Tying" the attacker. The essence of this action is that the defender very quickly approaches the attacker who receives the ball and puts his hands on his shoulder in order to completely limit the mobility of the hand with the ball and exclude the possibility of passing the ball. This tactical action is justified when it is necessary to establish a rapidly developing enemy attack.

Blocking the attacker. To block the attacker means to deprive him of the opportunity to actively participate in the development of the attack. It applies when the attacker is not in possession of the ball.

Distracting movements. These include: false exit, artificial weakening of the attacker's guardianship in order to intercept the ball, imitation of the consequences of the attacker's rudeness, and so on.

Release from the barrier by "squeezing". The attacker conducts a screen by "squeezing" in cases when the defender takes care of "his" ward by observation. Any attacker who is potentially a screener must be met with vigorous actions: the transition to tight guardianship ahead of the screener; pushing the screener to the side.

Guardianship of two strikers. The defender is always committed to guarding at least two attackers: the one in possession of the ball and the most potentially dangerous attacker in order to develop the attack. This is most clearly seen in defenders who play in the middle of the defense zone during cross-movement of the attackers.

The intersection of the trajectory of the ball. At certain moments of the game, the intersection of the trajectory of the ball is enough to withdraw the opponent from participation in the development of the attack.

3.2 Group actions of defenders

Two or more defenders who have joined forces in goal defense perform group tactical actions. Only collective action by defenders based on mutual understanding and interaction can bear fruit. The most common group actions in defense include: “analysis” of players, change of wards, switching of defenders, safety net, group blocking, actions in the minority, interaction with the goalkeeper, standard connections.

"Analysis" of players. The essence of the "analysis" is that each defender determines his ward at the given moment of the game and quickly begins his guardianship. In the practice of the game, in order to find a ward for a striker, defenders use a simple calculation: each takes a certain rank from the edge of the court. After any movement of the attackers, the winger always takes care of the attacker closest to the edge of any line of attack, the welterweight - the second from the edge, and so on. Such a counting of attackers allows defenders to quickly orient themselves during the initial throw, when the game stops in various places of the court, when the ball is lost, and so on.

Change of wards. In the game, the attackers often change places, so the defenders must always be ready and, having finished guarding one player, immediately switch to another. The clarity of the "transfer" of the players is achieved by the fact that the defender, accompanying his ward, evaluates the actions of the new one in advance. The most important condition the actions of the wards first "pass on" your own, and then "accept" the new one.

Switching defenders. This technique is used when, as a result of an error of one of the defenders or with a numerical advantage of the attackers, an unprotected attacker appears in the zone dangerous for the goal. The defender closest to him is obliged to leave his ward and switch to free, and so on, as long as the player who poses the least threat to the goal remains in the role of the unprotected striker.

Safety net. Its essence is that every defender in the game is always ready to help his partner, seeks to strengthen the defensive structure of the team in the most dangerous place attacks. A safety net is expressed, first of all, by taking a starting position for each specific action.

Group blocking. A group block is a blocking of a shot into the goal by two or three or more players. Can be used against players who shoot powerfully from medium to long distances.

In a group block, there is always a main blocking defender and a backup. The main blocker always acts on the principle of a single block. The duplicate blocker is guided by the main one and strengthens it.

Actions in the minority. Playing in a numerical minority, the defenders constantly have an open attacker in front of them, therefore, the safety of the gate can only be achieved by increasing the intensity of movements, improving the quality of defensive actions.

Interacting with the goalkeeper. This interaction includes the individual and collective block, as the goalkeeper can give advice or indicate the mistakes made by the defense, since he is behind the defensive formations and clearly sees the whole game.

Liberation from the screen. While in the game, the defender does not always see that he can be screened, so the partner must warn him with his voice, as well as try to push the attacker in front of the screened defender.

Standard bundles. They are applied by the team in some set pieces. The most common use is a bunch of two defenders guarding the lineman and one of the partners from the back line. In the starting position, both the defender and the lineman are on the line of the goalkeeper's square. As soon as the rear attacker receives the ball and threatens the goal, one of the defenders must come forward and "neutralize" this attacker, and the other covers the lineman.

3.3 Team tactical actions

Team defense is the coordination of the actions of all players on the team, aimed at preventing a goal from being scored and at organizing a counterattack. Team tactics depend on the level of preparedness of the team and the real capabilities of the opponent. The effectiveness of the actions of the defenders depends on their coherence. All defenders must know their places and functions, as well as the tasks and actions of partners.

In the practice of handball, the following systems of command protection have developed: personal, zone, mixed.

3.3.1 Personal protection

Its essence lies in the fact that each defender takes care of one of the attackers, preventing him from performing any actions that threaten the goal.

This type of defense can be used in the game against any team and system of organizing the attack. This defense system will be especially successful when the defenders have an advantage over the attackers in technique and speed.

Personal defense is the main technical and tactical skill, which allows the player to act confidently under any system and any variant of collective defense.

The main thing in personal protection is personal guardianship by the defender of a certain attacker, their single combat. Personal care can be tight or at a distance, carried out with or without a change of wards. In the free-throw zone, the change is carried out, throughout the rest of the site - mainly without a change.

Personal protection in the free throw area. Each defender, acting in a specific defense sector, takes a position in front of the defender. When the ward leaves this sector, the defender accompanies the ward to the defensive neighbor and transfers the attacker to him, in turn switching to another. The most dangerous attacker can be patronized without a change.

While guarding the attacker, the defender is obliged:

constantly know where the ball is and how the attack and defense struggle unfolds;

always be ready for the most active actions;

help partners in confrontation with the most dangerous attacker;

leave your own and switch to someone else's attacker if he is dangerous for the defended gate;

give relatively more freedom to the ward if the most dangerous striker is in possession of the ball;

cross the trajectory of passing the ball from the opposite flank.

Personal protection in your own half of the field. The coach determines in advance who is to be patronized. Each defender is responsible for the actions of a particular attacker. Defense is carried out without changing the charges and has two options: the first is tight guarding of the player with the ball and his closest partners, others are guarded by observation (distance 1.5 meters); the second is pressing, when all the attackers are closely guarded.

For such a defense option to be successful, the court must be technically prepared, agile, fast and agile.

Personal defense across the entire field is used in cases where the defenders lose. Defense is carried out in the same way as personal defense in their own half of the field. In this case, pressing is more appropriate.

Personal protection in case of counterattack. Once the ball is possessed by an opponent, all players on the losing team become defenders. In the overwhelming majority of cases, a counterattack is carried out in this situation. It is necessary to defend oneself only on the basis of personal guardianship. It is imperative to anticipate any counterattack and start retreating to your goal simultaneously with the beginning of the attacker's movements. First, the defenders are obliged to carry out (for this withdrawal) a new "analysis" of the players. The one who departs first "takes" the forward attacker, the rest of the nearest. All actions of the defender after the "analysis" strictly correspond to the principles of close guardianship: do not switch, do not change the ward.

Switching is justified only if the attack has a numerical advantage, and this action itself provides a shot into the goal from the least advantageous position.

.3.2 Zone protection

Zone defense is the primary means of defense. With such a formation, the defensive players are constantly facing towards the fight for the ball and do not lose sight of the attackers in their defense zone. The essence of such a defense: the defenders are constantly shifting towards the ball, and insuring each other, they seek to create a numerical advantage in any place where there is a danger or a prerequisite for scoring. Moreover, each of them is responsible for their actions in the area allotted to him.

In zone defense, the defender's attention is directed to the ball, but observation of the zone assigned to each defender is equally important. Therefore, the attention of the defender must be evenly distributed between the ball and the attacker in the guarding zone or entering this zone.

One of the main tasks of zone defense is to prevent shots at the goal. Thus, the non-defenders should be inclined to intercept and organize a counterattack.

Defending in the zone, players should not go beyond the nine-meter line, as this violates the integrity of the defense. After "neutralizing" the attacker, if there is no need to switch to another attacker, the defender must quickly return to his place. During the exit, the partners should not let their wards into the vacant seat and at the same time must be ready to insure the retired partner. At the same time, practice shows that the timely exit of the defender ensures the victory of the striker in single combat.

In zone defense, there are several options for building: one, two or three lines of defense. For example: 6 + 0, 5 + 1, 3 + 2 + 1, where the numbers from left to right indicate the number of players in each line from the goal. Defense 6 + 0.

This protection option gives positive result in the game with any opponent, which is achieved by the great mobility of the defenders, their individual and group actions to outrun the attackers, a solid collective block, massed exits up to the nine-meter line. Thus, 6 + 0 protection has taken all the best from other systems and is a kind of universal protection. It has four ways of performing.

Player versus player. With this method, all defenders are evenly spaced along the line of the goalkeeper's square. Their task is to prevent the attacker from throwing in front of the given defender, and to insure the neighbors.

It is used in the game with a significant numerical minority of defenders or as an auxiliary in the development of the "double block" method, as well as in the initial training in the basics of zone defense.

"Double block". The defenders are positioned in the same way, only more concentrated towards the center of the zone. Moving after the ball along the goalkeeper's zone, the defensive players strive to create a numerical advantage over the ball at any moment and put a double block on the player threatening the goal. The lineman is protected by a sequential "transfer" from one defender to another, at the moment of the throw, the defender, who is closer to the blockers, is responsible for him.

"With the leaving." The players are positioned as in a "double block", with the addition of the duty to go to the dangerous striker with the ball to the center and welterweight defenders. The defender is obliged to meet such an attacker before he has full possession of the ball, if the attacker was out of the ball, and before jumping out on the final throw, if the attacker was moving with the ball. At the same time, the defender must be ready to reflect and block an unexpected defensive throw.

The “out” method is used against teams with one or two powerful scorers.

"Moving zone". The players are positioned as described above. Each defender receives a section of the zone and a striker in this section. The actions of the defender with this method of defense are much more aggressive than with others. He solves the main task of blocking the attacker in a dangerous place of attack before receiving the ball, "tying" him in advance, intercepting the ball, pushing back the ward.

The rule of the "mobile zone" has become: a defender who is ahead of the curve cannot lose a single combat.

Defense 5 + 1.

It is performed in two ways.

... "With a movable center". Five defenders are positioned along the goal area line, their actions are the same as in the 6 + 0 defense. the sixth defender is promoted to the last line of defense, his task is to disrupt the interaction of the players of the second line of attack and, if possible, prevent the attackers from making shots into the goal from long distances in the central zone of the attack. The defender put forward must be very mobile, experienced, enduring and well prepared in technical and tactical terms.

... "With displaced". The placement of the players is almost the same as in the first method. The difference is in the position of the front defender: he shifts under the most dangerous welterweight attacker of the enemy. On the whole, his tasks are the same. In cases where the guarded player becomes dangerous, the defender plays with him almost personally. In other cases, the defender plays on the principle of zone defense.

Defense 4 + 2.

With this method of defense, there are four defenders along the goal area, and two in front, in front of the free-throw line. The rear defenders must play very carefully, as they have to cover large areas in front of the goal line, and the attackers are constantly trying to beat or set up a screen.

The task of the front line: to prevent the attackers of the second line from passing the ball and throwing from long distances.

The 4 + 2 defense is used against teams playing combinationally in the second line of attack, having strong welterweight strikers, as well as against offensive with two lines.

Defense 3 + 3

The defenders are arranged in two lines of three people each. The front three are placed at the free throw line and try to neutralize the attacker in their zone of action. The attackers of the back line, running into the edge or to the goalkeeper's square, the defensive player accompanies his partner, after which he passes the defended one or remains in this line while the attacker is there.

The three rear-backs are widely dispersed along the goalkeeper's square. The full-backs should not miss the moment, running out of the wards without the ball behind the welterweight. It is necessary to push the attacker in front of the partner. The front defender accompanies the runner from edge to center, passes him to his partner, and returns to his welterweight. If the attacker runs from the corner along the goal area, the defender at the corner must pass it to the center-back and switch to the lineman himself.

The center back defender constantly takes care of the line attacker. He does not come forward even when changing charges. Regardless of the situation, this defensive player is responsible for the center of the area in front of the goal.

Defense 3 + 3 is one of the most aggressive, so defenders must be very well prepared technically and tactically, physically and mentally.

This defense scheme provides ample opportunity for a detachment counterattack.

Defense 2 + 4

This option is little known and rarely used. The defenders are positioned like this: two at the goal-area line, and four in front, along the free-throw line. The task of the front is to prevent the movement of the attackers, throws into the goal, passes and transfers of the ball to the "line". The extreme players take a position closer to the center, as if cutting off the extreme attackers from the game, which forces them to retreat. It is important that the attackers do not run to the center behind the backs of the full backs.

The two rear defensive players defend at close range and interfere with shots with short distances along the entire goal line, trying to help the front line in the location of the ball. Linear is transmitted as in the above described options.

The use of a 2 + 4 defense is effective when playing in tight spaces.

Defense 1 + 5

The variant in which five defenders occupy positions on one conditional line, limiting the zone most dangerous for shots, the task of these players is to prevent the attackers from running into this zone with or without the ball. One is constantly patronizing a linear attack.

In the event that the defender missed the attacker into the danger zone, he must accompany him until the attacker leaves the zone, or until he is "transferred" to another defensive player.

Defense 1 + 5 can be used against teams playing combinationally, having great scorers and active wingers.

Defense 3 + 2 + 1

With this method of defense, the players are located in three lines. In the back, at the goal area line - three; in the middle, 7-6 meters from the gate - two; in the front, at the nine-meter mark - one.

The back line defenders act as in the 3 + 3 variant, and the front line defenders act as in the 5 + 1 variant, the welterweight, depending on the game situation, can either interfere with the shots and movements of the attackers in the area of ​​the nine-meter line of the goal area.

Chemistry of the four central defenders is of great importance in the 3 + 2 + 1 variation. If the attack develops on one flank, then on the other, the welterweight defender, insuring the central one, moves back. If there is no special need for this, then the defender tries to use his position to intercept the ball, unexpectedly stepping forward.

It is advisable to use zone defense 3 + 2 + 1 against teams playing combinationally and completing attacks with throws from long and medium distances.

Defense 3 + 1 + 2

In this variation, the players are also positioned in three lines: three defenders at the goal area line; front at the seven-meter mark; two welterweight - 7.5 - 8 meters in front.

The main feature of this scheme is the manner in which the charges are replaced by the welterweight and center-back, in which one of the charges is left unattended. The somewhat “submerged” position of the central defender, who at such moments always finds himself between the player with the ball and the “open” lineman, allows to play this way. The center-back's job in this case is to close the line-up.

.3.3 Combined protection

It is customary to call a combined or mixed defense that combines zone defense and personal defense. The general task of such a defense is to isolate the strongest attackers of the enemy, to bring discord in their actions.

Differences between individual variants of combined defense in the number of defenders in one way or another. The most commonly used options are with one, two and four personal defenders.

Defense 5-1

This option is used when it is necessary to "turn off" the strongest attacker from the game. The five defenders along the goal-area line act on zone principle... The player in front is personally ahead of the strongest attacking opponent.

Five defenders in the zone conduct defensive actions according to the principle of "double block", "with an exit" or "mobile zone". The defender, playing personally, moves with the player across the entire field, excluding moments when the attacker takes a passive position far from the free throw zone. In such a situation, it is more expedient for the defender to return to the zone and, while continuing guardianship by observation, strengthen the actions of the partners. In turn, the defenders in the zone should also be ready to come to the aid of the personally guarding defender.

Protection 4-2

This defense method is used to neutralize the two leading attacking players. The line-up of the defenders is similar to the line-up of the 4 + 2 zone defense. The difference lies in the tasks of the two front defenders.

The task of the four defenders in the zone is to constantly create a numerical advantage in their area, insuring each other and the players who are in personal custody.

The front two act as in a 5-1 mixed defense. When moving crosswise, the attackers tend to stay with their own or change players by agreement.

Protection 2-4

The players become like this: two to the edges, and four to the center, forming a rhombus facing an obtuse angle forward. Wing-backs on the flanks play on the principle of zone defense. The four in the center act individually when the attackers enter the free throw zone. If the attacker leaves the center to the edge, and another enters the center from the flank, the full-back, remaining in his place, takes care of the “newbie”. The one who entered the center is "taken" by the defender who remains free.

4. Protection in case of numerical inequality

handball defense principle tactics

The defense of the goal in the minority is carried out mainly according to the zone principle 6 + 0 ("player against player", "double block"). If the attacking team has a strong scorer, then you can defend with access to him, the rest of the attackers do not come out. If the ball is on one of the flanks, then the defender of the opposite flank must perform false exits to prevent the ball from quickly transferring from flank to flank. Thus, with a numerical minority of defenders, active defense provides for the use of all variants of 6 + 0 zone defense, but only with a player ratio of 5: 6. in the absence of two players in the defense, the defense is carried out according to the principle of "player versus player", and with throws in the center - "double block".

Protection in case of numerical superiority over an opponent is carried out depending on the game situation. In case of an equal game or in case of an advantage in the score of the defenders, the defense is organized in the same way as when the teams play with full squads. A mixed system is useful for activating defensive actions. If the defenders want to aggravate the game, five defenders need to switch to personal custody, and one needs to step back and insure partners in case of losing a single combat with the attacker.


Handball tactics are constantly being improved. Its development is reflected in a constant kind of struggle of attack and defense. The appearance in the game of new most effective means and methods of defensive actions necessitates the search for more effective means of attack, and vice versa.

The main task of tactics is to correctly determine and creatively use in each specific game the means, methods and forms of waging a struggle leading to victory over a specific enemy in specific conditions.

Tactical training synthesis of the entire training

process. All types of training of an individual handball player and the team as a whole are ultimately subordinated to the tasks of tactical training. Therefore, the level of tactical skill always depends on the quality of technical, physical, mental and theoretical preparedness.

Success in solving tactical training problems is impossible without studying a certain set of basic theoretical lessons, confirmed by practice, handball players learn lessons in game tactics, pre-work out combinations, play systems, options and methods of attack and defense.

Tactics play a decisive role in the development of handball, as well as in improving the skill, both of an individual player and of the entire team.

List of sources used

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