What exercises can you do at home to build muscle. Home workout program for men

Every man thought about classes at least once. physical exercise at home. It is impossible to pump up at home to an impressive size, but keeping yourself in shape or even adding a couple of kilograms of muscle mass is quite real.

Home workouts for men will not make you a Schwarzenegger, you should learn this before you start. Most men, due to a lack of knowledge, give up the idea of ​​training at home during the planning stage. Therefore, before starting classes, you need to familiarize yourself with the exercises and choose a suitable training program for yourself.

  • Any workout should start with a thorough warm-up. Even at home you can get injured and leave the sport for a long time. Never neglect your warm-up. This rule is especially true for people of age. It is necessary to knead all the muscles, and not just those that are going to train. Start your warm-up with smooth movements, gradually increasing the pace.
  • Don't forget about stretching. Moderate stretching helps you recover faster, which speeds up the muscle growth process.
  • By practicing regularly, you are doomed to success. The optimal frequency of fitness classes is 3 times a week. Exercising once or twice a week, good results, in the form of a narrow waist or drawn cubes of the press, you should not wait. Exercising every day is also not an option, you can overtrain.

An effective warm-up before training. Warm-up exercises.

Bodyweight exercises at home

There are many exercises for training with your own weight, below are the most effective ones:

it basic exercise for the back muscles. You can perform pull-ups with different grips. By experimenting with grips, you can put a load on different groups muscles.

Pull-ups wide grip ... The palms are slightly wider than the shoulders. The exercise is performed smoothly, you need to try to feel the lats, because they have the maximum load.

Jump onto the horizontal bar so that your hands touch each other. By doing pull-ups in this way, the load is shifted to the bottom. latissimus and biceps.

Pulling up in this version, the biceps take the lion's share of the load. As you do the exercise, stay focused and try to feel your biceps with each rep.

Push ups- a basic exercise for pumping the pectoral muscles and triceps muscles of the arms. The number of repetitions is approximately 80% of the maximum.

Push-ups with wide arms... The exercise is performed with the aim of working out the pectoral muscles. To complicate things, use palm rests to increase the range of motion. Try to push up as deep as possible, stretching as much as possible pectoral muscles.

Push-ups with the elbows pressed engage all three triceps heads. The exercise is performed at full amplitude and medium pace.

Reverse push-ups... To do this, you need a bench or a chair. While performing the exercise, you cannot slouch and allow your elbows to spread apart, otherwise the triceps will not receive the proper load.

Dips on the uneven bars can be called the big brother of push-ups from the floor. Only dips on the uneven bars are much more difficult than push-ups from the floor. The number of repetitions depends on the physical capabilities of the athlete. Athletes who have difficulty pushing up from the floor may not even look towards the uneven bars.

Bodyweight squats use the muscles of the legs and buttocks. For weighting, use available tools, for example, a backpack or bottles of water. For whom it is easy even with weight, you can squat on one leg.

- another exercise for pumping legs. When performing lunges, the main thing is to keep the body perpendicular to the floor. The exercise works on all leg muscles: quads, glutes and hamstrings.

Raising the legs in the hanging on the horizontal bar loads the abdominal muscles better than other exercises. The lion's share of the load is taken up by the bottom of the press.

A classic exercise for pumping up the abdominal muscles. Most of the stress is on the upper abdomen. The main thing when performing twisting is not to tear the lower back off the floor, otherwise you can get injured.

Bodyweight workout program for a week

The trainings will take place three times a week. The approximate time for one training session is 45-60 minutes. You need to rest one day between workouts, and no more than 90 seconds between sets.

Monday - back / biceps / abs

In pull-ups, you do not need to reach failure, you need to leave 1-2 repetitions in stock. Movements should be smooth, without swaying.

Wednesday - chest / triceps

  • Wide-arm push-ups - 3 sets of 12 reps:
  • Push-ups from the floor with narrow setting hands - 3 sets of 12 reps;
  • Dips on the uneven bars - 3 sets;
  • Reverse push-ups - 3 sets;
  • Plank - 3 sets to the maximum.

In push-ups, you can use weights (put a backpack with books on your back) if you can do more than 12 repetitions. We do push-ups on the uneven bars to the full depth, we don't reach failure, at least 1-2 repetitions in stock. If there are no bars, increase the number of repetitions in push-ups with a wide and narrow set of arms to 5-6.

Friday - legs / abs

  • Swing legs - 3 sets of 12 reps;
  • Classic squats without weight or squats on one leg (depending on the degree of training) - 4 sets of 12 reps;
  • Lunges - 4 sets, 12 reps for each leg;
  • Hanging leg raises on the horizontal bar - 3 sets of 8-15 repetitions;
  • Twisting - 3 sets until the abdominal muscles are strongly burning.

In lunges and squats, if you manage to do more than 12 reps, use weights (a backpack or bottles filled with water). You need to reach failure only by doing abdominal exercises. In the rest, we leave a margin of 1-2 repetitions.

The training week is over. We rest for two days and again into battle with renewed vigor. Some will ask about exercises on deltoid muscles... During pull-ups, the back delta sways. Performing push-ups on the uneven bars, part of the load is taken by the front and middle delta.

Do not forget about warm-up and stretching - this is important!

Stretching your muscles after exercise

Dumbbell exercises at home

By adding to training program exercises with dumbbells, you can significantly accelerate progress at home. Let's get to know the most effective exercise that can be done at home without any problems:

It is performed like classic squats, but with additional weight. The body must be kept upright, sit down as deep as possible.

Dumbbell lunges... Lunges familiar to us, but with dumbbells. This exercise allows you to load all the muscles of the legs. Keep your back as straight as possible during the exercise.

- an exercise that pumps the muscles of the chest. When lowering the dumbbells, the elbows should be spread apart, stretching the pectoral muscles as much as possible.

Breeding dumbbells lying- an isolating exercise that exclusively loads the pectoral muscles. With dumbbell breeding, you need to be careful. Do not try to lower the projectile too low, otherwise you can injure the shoulder joints.

best exercise for the development of the shoulders. Engages the anterior and middle heads of the deltoid muscles.

Standing dumbbell swing... Another exercise that develops the deltoid muscles. Starting position- the legs are slightly bent at the knees, the body moves slightly forward. Throughout the entire approach, you cannot raise your elbows above shoulder level, so the load is transferred to the trapezoid, and our goal is to work on the shoulders.

Dumbbell Row perfectly pumps back muscles. You need to perform smoothly, without sudden movements. We keep our back perfectly straight, otherwise we will injure ourselves.

Alternating biceps dumbbell curls in a standing position- exercise for working out biceps. It is in no way inferior to the option with a barbell, and in some ways even superior.

Dumbbell Hammers- exercise for biceps, performed in a standing position, without jerking and swinging.

Extension of arms with a dumbbell from behind the head... Great exercise for pumping huge triceps. You can perform the exercise while sitting and standing, keep your back straight.

Dumbbell home workout program

The number of workouts per week has not changed. Rest between workouts and sets too.

Monday - legs

  • Squats are normal - 3 sets of 10-12 reps;
  • Dumbbell Squats - 3 sets of 12-15 reps
  • Dumbbell lunges - 3 sets, 10-12 reps per leg;
  • Press bike - 3 sets to the maximum.

Wednesday - chest / shoulders

  • Dumbbell bench press - 4 sets for 10-12 reps;
  • Breeding dumbbells lying down - 4 sets of 10 repetitions;
  • Push-ups from chairs - 4 sets to the maximum;
  • Standing dumbbell swings - 4 sets of 10 reps
  • Seated dumbbell press - 4 sets of 10-12 reps;
  • Twists - 4 sets to the maximum.

Friday - Back / Biceps / Triceps

  • Dumbbell Rows - 5-6 sets of 10-12 reps
  • Alternating lifting of dumbbells for biceps, in a standing position - 3-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions;
  • Hammers - 3 sets of 8-10 reps
  • Extension of the arms with a dumbbell from behind the head - 3 sets of 10-12 reps;
  • Plank - 4 sets to the maximum.

Dumbbell exercises for men. Training program.

The training week is over, now we rest for two days. Exercise has become more, so it is worth eating and sleeping more. Don't forget to warm up and stretch. We always lift dumbbells with a straight back, so as not to get an injury. Before performing any exercise, it is important to thoroughly study its technique. You need to start with small weights. You can only reach failure in the last approaches. Such training should be treated with greater responsibility, because the loads have increased significantly.

Both of these complexes will help keep yourself in shape and not start the figure. Prove to yourself that studying at home you can have a good physical fitness... Better to do at home than just lying on the couch drinking beer and watching TV. Remember, everyone started somewhere.

Many of us know that external attractiveness largely depends on a good, beautiful figure. Surely, meeting a pumped-up person on the street, you thought: “This is a jock! " A beautiful figure you seem to show everyone your internal and external health, as well as the fact that you are a purposeful and disciplined person, since you were able to achieve such results with the help of hard work. But beautiful body You can get it not in gigantic terms, but, for example, in just a week. You just need to make every effort and believe in yourself!

Step-by-step procedure

From the outside, it seems that getting in shape and pumping up in a week is unrealistic. Of course, you will not turn into a fitness trainer in a week and become a jock with a perfectly pumped figure, but it is quite possible to achieve muscle relief in a week. The main thing is to adhere to the exercise and nutrition plan, you need to start pumping up the body gradually. First step - it's about finding time to train. Best of all, if it is a time period of 2 hours, this time will be quite enough for full workout... Remember, building muscle is hard work.

Next step- nutrition. Nutrition - the most important part of exercising, it will allow you to pump up your body efficiently and correctly. You need to eat often enough, but not in very large portions. But nutrition should not become simple: you should consume fewer carbohydrates, since they provide not only energy, but also a large amount of calories, but proteins with fats contribute to gaining mass, increasing muscle mass and pumping up muscles.

For the morning diet, foods high in carbohydrates are best suited, such as bread, various cereals, potatoes, etc. One of the most popular carbohydrates is sugar, but do not overuse it. Honey is also a carbohydrate, but unlike sugar, it contains more fructose. It's better to choose for lunch protein foods, such as cheese, light cottage cheese, poultry, low-fat fish, any nuts. Dinner - a balance of proteins and carbohydrates, dairy products, pork, poultry are best suited, you can eat a little chocolate. All of the above products contain all the necessary components for the nutrition of the body.

The next step is exercise... All the exercises presented are basic and will allow you to pump up the body without injuries and disruptions. If performed correctly, you can see the results on the second day, because proper nutrition, combined with heavy muscle loads, allows you to quickly gain weight and build up.

Here rough plan exercises for daily workouts... Each exercise must be done 3-4 approaches, in each approach at least 15 times.

All of the above exercises will help you build and build your muscles quickly.

Three steps to get muscle definition

When professional athletes start training, they tend not so much to increase muscle mass as to maximize muscle expression... The main reason people go to the gym is the desire to improve their body, to make it more attractive. That is why people are constantly looking for the most effective way to give the muscles relief.

Newbies in the field often try to find the best supplements, exercise complexes, nutrition programs, and other methods on their own to help make the relief more pronounced. But only professional bodybuilders, pitching and sports trainers know effective ways workouts. So, in order not to waste your time and money just like that, it is best to read these three simple rules for pumping the relief.

And we must remember that long and grueling workouts on a variety of simulators and exercises with giant weights will not be the main way to build up muscles. Moreover, a beautiful muscular body can be pumped up without sophisticated simulators, without training with a trainer in the gym, and even at home. You will need a few steps to do this.

Bodyweight Exercises

First step- start doing bodyweight exercises. This type of exercise is very easy to provide you with an alternative to exercise machine. The most popular and affordable bodyweight exercises are pull-ups, squats, different kinds push-ups, bends, all kinds of lunges of the trunk, etc. So that these exercises help you gain muscle mass, you need to do at least 3 times a week. But we must not forget about rest between workouts, since it is at this time, after intense loads on the body, that fat will be burned. But in order to burn not only fat, but also to grow muscles, you need to constantly exercise, without gaps and gaps.

Cardio load

Next step- cardio load on the body. It is these exercises that most effectively burn subcutaneous fat... But the intensity of training should also increase, it is best to do cardio at least 5 times a week. Then you will see the result. The minimum class time is 30 minutes. Alternatives to cardio are jogging, swimming, an exercise bike, and brisk walking.

Attention! If you are faced with the task of simply burning calories, then choose running, exercise bikes, walking. And if you are trying to get rid of fat calories, then give preference to exercise at a low intensity.

Proper nutrition

Many people who are far from sports are always surprised how you can eat five or even six times a day. But if you want to get a beautiful relief body, then this diet is perfect. And the main thing is the number of meals, not food.

Nutritional Trends:

  1. Small portions and frequent visits food helps to speed up metabolism and reduce hunger several times;
  2. Before training, it is advisable to eat foods containing proteins and carbohydrates;
  3. It is best to consume healthy foods with equal amounts of protein, fat and carbohydrates at each meal.

Violate healthy eating foods that contain foreign additives such as sugar, salt, spices, fats, etc.

Muscles grow not only after training, but also during them, and even throughout the day, so try to stick to active image life.

And the last thing: try to adhere to a proper diet, burn more calories than you consume, but do not overdo it, otherwise the body will decide that you are starving and will begin to accumulate energy, that is, fats.

Another important reminder. The main thing in training and practicing at home is it's perseverance and patience... If you skip workouts every other time, you will be lazy, etc., then you will not have to wait for the result. And even if you have absolutely no sports equipment at home, it doesn't matter, because you can work with scrap materials, such as water bottles, books, a bag with things.

Only with constant training and physical activity can you achieve visible result, build muscle, make your body more prominent and become more muscular. Remember: we create ourselves!

Getting a sculpted body requires help. Everyone knows that this is not an easy task if you were not ready for it. But if you make it a priority, you can achieve. All you need is patience and determination. Too often, most of us focus on only one aspect - diet, cardio, or power loads, with which we cannot achieve significant results when trying to get a bumpy physique. This article lays out the basics of how to pump up quickly at home.

You spend more time in the gym, you work really hard, but you are not happy with the result. Why? The answer is simple. You train without using productive methods. Think right with us. Find the fastest way to get the relief. For a fantastic body, start using the tips below. And you will understand how to quickly build muscle at home.

3 steps to look your best

There are many people out there who want not only to be big, but also to make the muscles clearly visible. That is why determining the fastest way to get relief is a priority. The main reason most men go to the gym is to look their best.

How can you achieve relief? Are there supplements that work that can make a difference? Is there a specific exercise program or quality diet that can help? You cannot answer all of these questions at once if you are not a professional. We can help you.

Ignore most of the strength equipment available, you do not need a visit to the fitness center to get relief and gains, gym or using a set of power equipment. You can achieve significant results and get a muscular physique without lifting your weight. Is it possible? Of course. If you do aerobics regularly, use rhythmic gymnastics exercises and follow a rigid nutrition plan, you will get 100% relief. appearance and a muscular physique.

Here are three great steps to getting relief as quickly as possible. Start with:

Step 1. Exercises with body weight

Known as rhythmic gymnastics exercises, these include bends, push-ups, squats, pull-ups, lunges, and body lifts.

To build muscle mass, do these exercises three, four, or even five times a week.

Try to maintain the intensity of your rhythmic gymnastics exercises. In this case, you will build muscle and burn fat and calories faster.

  1. Run twice a week

Running is great exercise... It doesn't take long and you can easily fit it into your routine. Someone who has not had any activity before should start slowly. Running works well for burning fat and showing your muscles.

When it comes about cardio, most people are interested in the amount of cardio activity needed. It depends on genetics. There are people who don't need cardio to lose excess fat, but there are also people who need to work hard to do this. In any case, for those who are very busy, cardio activity is really effective in helping to burn fat.


  • Power training build your muscles;
  • Running burns your fat;
  • A good diet will help you achieve a bumpy appearance.

Following our effective advice, you should be able to make progress in just a few weeks. Start using the tips above and pay attention to your exercise and diet. If you want to get a toned body, do exercises such as deadlift, press on the bench, running, they will help you train well. If you focus on these key elements, you will achieve exceptional relief.

The desire to have a beautiful, pumped up and slender body present in many people, regardless of age. You can make your dream come true by regularly visiting gyms or fitness centers., however, for various reasons, not everyone manages to train in gyms... In such cases, the possibility of building muscles at home is considered as an alternative.

There is no definite answer to the question of how effective home workouts can be. Much here depends on the individual qualities of a person, and, above all, on his willpower - it is one thing to pump muscles in gyms equipped with modern simulators, under the supervision of experienced instructors, in an atmosphere of rivalry, and quite another thing is to perform monotonous exercises in people who are little adapted for this. conditions. However, if you are guided by the adage "Perseverance and work will grind everything" , the result will not be long in coming.

Initially, we note that it is impossible to obtain an ideal muscle relief comparable to what we see in professional bodybuilders while exercising at home. This requires regular training on complex simulators and special nutrition. However, develop endurance, remove belly fat and it is quite possible to build muscle mass to a certain level and at home. To do this, you should develop a program and training regimen and try to strictly follow them.

To develop an optimal training program, you need to decide on their goal. To do this, you should be clearly aware of what result you want to get in the end.

  • If you aim just throw off overweight and tighten the body , the emphasis should be on cardio training.
  • To improve the condition of the body as a whole , improving tone, maintaining a figure, you can limit yourself to the regular implementation of a complex of fortifying exercises.
  • Increase the body's endurance will help aerobic exercise, morning jogging in the fresh air.
  • If your goal is the appearance of embossed cubes on the torso , the emphasis should be on performing a set of strength exercises. At the same time, it is necessary to pay serious attention to the diet, transferring it to foods that help build muscle and dry the body.

Types of muscles and methods of building them

Difficulties and disadvantages of home workouts

The effectiveness of home workouts is hampered by a number of difficulties and disadvantages, which are difficult to overcome. Let's list the main ones.

  • By far, the main and most serious disadvantage of training at home is lack of necessary simulators and equipment... There is nothing you can do about it - to acquire an expensive overall sports equipment for the house does not make sense, and you have to be content with improvised means.
  • Doesn't add optimism and lack of an experienced instructor, which can provide valuable guidance on how to perform the exercises and promptly point out mistakes.
  • Another disadvantage of home workouts is lack of competitiveness and motivation and. In gyms, you are surrounded by many rivals, whose success is a kind of stimulating factor for your growth.
  • Limited space... When training in a small room, stiffness is felt, it is especially difficult to perform amplitude exercises. In addition, high physical activity requires an influx fresh air, which is not so easy to provide in winter conditions.
  • Well, and, of course, laziness, how can it be without it! When you come to the gym, you aim at a workout, but at home you can postpone it indefinitely, and as a result, you can postpone the workout for the next day. However, you should not engage in self-deception - tomorrow everything will happen again, and if you already decided to swing at home, take your will into a fist and do not violate the regime under any circumstances.

Training features

The key factors contributing to muscle building, regardless of the training environment, are regular increase in stress on the body and the development of an optimal diet.

Constant build-up of loads prevents the organism from getting used to them. Muscle mass grows with the increase in training intensity. But for the so-called "Drying" body, the number of repetitions of various elements of the exercise is important.

As a rule, at home, the role of the main load is performed by its own weight (squats, push-ups, pull-ups), and it is not possible to regularly increase the load. To avoid the addictive effect, it is recommended to periodically change the set of exercises performed.

In addition, the availability of basic sports equipment will contribute to the effectiveness of training. At least, get dumbbells that are sold in every sports store will be easy. Many of the exercises are performed on a horizontal bar or wall bars ... Definitely for installation swedish wall certain conditions are necessary in the apartment, but it is possible to mount the crossbar in the doorway without any problems.

As noted above, essential condition muscle building is an optimal diet.

The main " building material " for muscle building is protein food - fish, poultry, fat-free meat, cottage cheese, eggs ... A lack of protein during intense training is unacceptable, such a situation leads to depletion of the body, and there is no need to talk about the growth of muscle mass here.

At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the body also needs carbohydrates and fats , and should not be excluded from the diet in full. Highly recommended limit the consumption of sweets, white bread, pastries .

Slow carbohydrates (cereals) may be present in the breakfast diet, but it is recommended to consume exclusively protein foods at dinner. During the period intense training you should also increase your intake of vitamins.

Compliance with the diet also plays an important role. Meals should be regular. In this case, the intervals between meals can be reduced, while simultaneously reducing the portions served on the table at one time.

When developing a diet, it should be borne in mind that you can start training only two hours after the last meal.

Home workout regimen

When carrying out intensive exercises on simulators, the body is exposed to serious increasing loads, and it takes 2 to 3 days to fully recover.

Consequently, the training regime in gyms is 2-3 sessions per week.

At home, as noted above, it is impossible to provide increasing loads, as a result of which the body does not need long-term recovery. Therefore, to get the result, home workouts are recommended on a daily basis .

At the same time, it is necessary to develop a convenient training schedule for yourself and strictly adhere to it, conducting training at a certain time. In addition, it is necessary to provide for an even distribution of loads for different muscle groups.

As for the sets of exercises, they can be found in specialized publications and on the corresponding sites on the Internet. For correct selection It is recommended that you consult with an experienced instructor for the set of training you need.

Thus, it is possible to stand out with your athletic physique, prominent muscles and cubes on the torso even with regular home workouts. It remains only to show willpower, to gain patience and strength, and then everything will work out for you!

Men and women want to be fit, beautiful, young. A good figure is often the result of a healthy lifestyle and hard, incessant work on yourself, both in the gym and at home.

This article is for people over 18 years of age.

Have you already turned 18?

Slimmer without a gym

Regular exercise, even if done at home, can make your body slimmer and your skin more toned. They are useful for the figure and the whole organism as a whole: the thyroid gland activates the production of thyroid hormones, which are responsible for regulating metabolism. Those who cannot go to the gym should start exercising at home.

The training program for men and women is almost identical. The difference is the number of approaches and what result should be achieved.

It includes:

  • Cardio: Your first workouts feel like walking at a slow pace. For those who are not used to moving a lot, 10-15 minutes is enough for a start, with a gradual increase in the duration of a walk to an hour or a transition to running;
  • strength loads: training with strength exercises accelerate and maintain metabolic processes at the proper level. Without them, the muscles will not become elastic, and the body's endurance will not increase. For exercises at home, exercises are chosen that do not require special equipment.

Home workout program for beginners

A high-quality warm-up for 10-15 minutes is necessary before each lesson. During it, the muscles and ligaments are warmed up, prepared for work, which will significantly reduce the risk of injury or sprains. After they start doing the exercises.

An example program looks like this:

  1. Squats with the maximum number of repetitions. For beginners, three approaches are enough. The load is on the gluteal and leg muscles.
  2. Push-ups are classic, from knees or low support. Need to do maximum amount every three approaches. Doing these exercises trains the entire shoulder girdle and part of the back.
  3. Pressing weights up in a standing / sitting position. If there are dumbbells at home, then you need to use them. Performed from 8 to 15 repetitions, three sets. Exercise is essential for a beautiful shoulder line and triceps pumping.
  4. Twisting: load on upper part the body in the supine position. Perform the maximum number of times in two approaches.
  5. Reverse Twisting: Lying on the floor, lift the buttocks up, trying to do the maximum number of repetitions in two sets.

During the first sessions, a short rest is recommended after each exercise and a longer one after the approaches to restore breathing. Rest periods are gradually reduced to 60 seconds. At the very beginning, it is enough to practice only once a week and walk every day. A little later, the number of trainings increases to two and then three times.

Home Muscle Building Program

You can build muscle without going to the gym if you know how to create a program and overcome the laziness that interferes with finding time for home workouts. There are a huge number of exercises for building muscles at home. Each workout should be preceded by a warm-up, and after completing the entire complex - stretching, allowing you to relieve muscle tension.

The program looks like this:

  1. 10 wide and narrow grip pull-ups.
  2. 8 explosive push-ups: on the rise, while doing the classic push-up, push off the floor upwards so that your palms stop touching the surface.
  3. Squats on one leg with an emphasis on a chair or other surface of similar height. Right leg throw a chair on the seat, move the left one a little forward, smoothly sit down, stand up. Repeat 8-10 times on each leg.
  4. 12 reverse grip pull-ups.
  5. 5 hand push-ups or more, standing head down against the wall.
  6. 12 back push-ups on chairs. Rest on chairs facing each other with your feet and hands. Perform push-ups, trying to get down as much as possible.
  7. 12 hanging leg raises on the horizontal bar. The legs are raised as high as possible, without swinging.

Relax after completing all the exercises, repeat from beginning to end in a circle, 3-4 times. For good results, do it every other day, on days when there is no workout, do a light jog, do stretching exercises.

In the case when there is no horizontal bar in the apartment, you can practice on the street. To increase endurance, cardio is included in the program. The number of repetitions and circles increases gradually, but weekly.

Gaining muscle mass at home

To pump up at home, you do not need sport equipment from the gym, and the desire to work out and the corresponding training program. If dumbbells are available, then some exercises can be performed with them. But also improvised means, for example, chairs, stacks of books, couples plastic bottles with water may be enough for a full training.

On the first day, do exercises for the arms and back:

  • push-ups from the floor 8 times;
  • push-ups on the arms upside down against the wall up to 6 times;
  • push-ups between two supports 8-12 times;
  • pulling up on the horizontal bar with a wide grip up to 10 times, trying to touch the crossbar with your chest;
  • pull-up with a reverse grip up to 8 times.
  • it is necessary to do 2-3 sets of each exercise and up to 4 circles.

On the second day, a complex for the legs is performed:

  • sprint;
  • squats 12 times. Keep your hands behind your head, try to sit down as deeply and smoothly as possible. If you have dumbbells at home, you can use them as a weight;
  • lunges 10 on each leg. For each wide step, 5 deep squats are done in a row;
  • lifting on toes in a standing position on a support up to 20 times. The heel does not touch the floor;
  • do three to four sets of each exercise and 3-4 circles with a short break.

When the body gets used to minimum load, home weight training programs include:

  • push-ups on one hand from the floor;
  • pull-ups on the horizontal bar with a wide grip behind the head;
  • vertical push-ups;
  • back push-ups;
  • reverse grip pull-ups;
  • push-ups on the uneven bars;
  • push-ups with a narrow setting of the brushes;
  • lifts to the toe of one leg.

To avoid overtraining, sprains and injuries, you need to monitor how the body perceives stress. If it is difficult to tolerate it, the number of repetitions is reduced, made less intense. They begin to increase the number of approaches a little later.

Strength training at home

It is advisable to carry out strength training in the gym, because there is everything you need for them.

If you have to do it at home, then:

  • beginners need to do it a couple of times a week;
  • to conduct training according to the principle;
  • rest between sets, for about 1 minute;
  • repeat each exercise up to 12 times;
  • alternate the load: more on the first day, less on the second, on the third increase again;
  • increase the load in each set until there is tension in the muscles in order to choose the most comfortable option. Continue home workouts at a comfortable pace without overloading the body.

It is necessary to start classes with a 5-minute cardio workout: running, walking, going up and down stairs, jumping rope. At the end of the workout, stretch the main muscles.

Dumbbell Home Strength Training Program:

  • press up squats;
  • dumbbell pull to the chest;
  • back lunges;
  • spreading arms to the sides with a load when bending forward;
  • body thrust;
  • push-ups classic or from the knees;
  • deadlift;
  • lowering the legs: raise your legs up, at an angle of 45-90 degrees, in a prone position. Raise and lower them in turn, without touching the floor with the heel, without lifting the lower back from it;
  • twisting the body while lying down;
  • "scissors";
  • lifting the upper body while lying on the floor with straight legs.

Load at home workout can weigh from 2.5 to 7 kg per arm, depending on the level of physical fitness.

A simple complex can be supplemented with pull-ups and push-ups on the horizontal bar, uneven bars, support. Barbell training is effective in gaining muscle mass, so exercises with its use can be included in home workouts. At first, to prevent injury, it is advisable to start exercising in the gym.

Observe the drinking regime and drink up to 1.5 liters pure water without gas every day: the liquid leaves the body along with sweat, therefore, its amount must be replenished. This, like a balanced diet, is necessary for proper metabolism, well-coordinated work of the body and achieving the effect of home training.

In during the first sessions, a short rest is recommended after each exercise and more prolonged after approaches to restore breathing. Rest periods are gradually reduced to 60 seconds. V at the very beginning, it is enough to practice only once in week and walk every day. A little later, the number of trainings increases to two and then three times.

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