I do everything but do not lose weight. Why am I not losing weight? Frequent meals

"Why am I not losing weight?"- asks every third woman on a diet. In most cases, severe restrictions, refusal of favorite foods and hard training either do not bring the desired result, or it turns out to be short-lived. Where are we wrong? Body-bar will deal with the most common female mistakes on the way to a slim body.

Mistake # 1. Lack of consistency

A beautiful figure means adhering to the correct lifestyle and nutrition for many years. Nevertheless, many women, after achieving the result, return to their favorite buns and sweets. And again extra pounds, diets ... To achieve long-term results on the figure, you need to work daily.

Mistake # 2. Diet - yes, sports - no

Losing pounds with food alone, of course, is possible. But there are a number of downsides here. First of all, the process is too slow. Exercise takes an average of 400-700 calories daily! If you are not using up the calories from food, then you have to cut back on food. As a result, you go hungry. Constant starvation, in turn, leads to breakdowns. It turns out to be a vicious circle, from which it is damn difficult to break out. Also, with a strictly limited diet, the body does not receive the required amount of vitamins and microelements, the metabolism slows down. Instead of gone fat folds, saggy skin now spoils the appearance. Sport helps to avoid this, makes the body fit, removes cellulite.

Mistake number 3. Wrong training system

Slowly doing exercises with weights is, of course, good for the figure and, to be honest, it's easier than giving all the best on a 40-minute cardio workout... And we are not encouraging you to abandon strength training at all! But just intense cardio is the basis of weight loss! Cardio burns fat and looses volume. They should be combined with power loads, which help to maintain beautiful proportions and pleasant roundness, even when losing weight.

Mistake # 4. Skipping meals

Remember: if the body does not receive the required amount of energy, it will slow down metabolism... And this is fraught with the start of the process of fat deposition. Many people believe that by skipping breakfast or skipping meals, they will get fewer calories and lose weight faster. However, it turns out the opposite, because the feeling of hunger for the body is a signal for the deposition of fat "for every fireman."

Mistake # 5. Use of drugs for weight loss

"Lose weight quickly and effortlessly" - this is the slogan of the manufacturers of "miracle pills". Meanwhile, many synthetic appetite suppressants and diuretics have either mild or short-term effects at best. At worst, they can be hazardous to health. BUT fat burners, which are part of a separate class of sports nutrition, do not give the expected effect in isolation from training.

Mistake # 6. Snacks in fast food restaurants

Many cafes and bistro restaurants use large amounts of cheap, low-quality fats (the so-called “ trans fats"). In addition, it is not possible to calculate the number of calories in such dishes. Do not be lazy to collect lunches for work yourself, from food prepared with your own hands. This approach will help you lose weight to the envy of your fellow dining-goers.

Mistake # 7. Constant lack of sleep

Forced "owl" lifestyle and going to bed after 23 pm knocks biorhythms, leads to overwork. The secretion of melatonin, a hormone of the pineal gland, is disrupted, which neutralizes the destructive effects of oxidative processes and prevents the body from withering. Melatonin is the most potent endogenous free radical scavenger known, so the importance of this hormone cannot be overstated. With systematic sleep deprivation, the amount of melatonin decreases, free radical damage to cells accumulates, insulin sensitivity decreases, and fat deposition increases.

Mistake number 8. Blind trust in the scales

One of the most common mistakes is adhering to bathroom scales as a way to control weight loss. Women are used to measuring weight loss in kilograms. If the indicators of the weights are unchanged, then there is no result - they think. However, it is much more correct to evaluate the result using a measuring tape, a caliper (a simple device that measures the thickness of a fat fold) and, of course, your own reflection in the mirror. Muscle weighs more fat: With regular exercise, you will notice that the size of your clothes has decreased, but the scales will probably show more weight.

Don't make these mistakes and you will succeed! Good luck!

The problem with weight is one of the most frequently discussed issues in the 21st century. Someone wants to lose weight, but he just doesn't succeed; someone, on the contrary, is rapidly losing weight, although for beauty they dream of gaining a couple of kilograms. Everyone has their own concerns, but you still need to understand the reasons.

First, let's discuss why you can't lose weight by exercising and following a diet.

Why am I not losing weight - reasons

You can exercise, eat an optimal diet and not see results. Why is this happening? This is due to our unhealthy habits or small mistakes:

  1. Incorrect diet. You are full in the afternoon. A hearty dinner contributes to the deposition of excess fat. The most plentiful food should be for breakfast and lunch, it is better to make dinner more modest and eat no later than two hours before bedtime. If you are completely unbearable from hunger, it is better to eat an apple or drink a glass of kefir before going to bed. Also, another mistake is that you eat little. In a constant feeling of hunger, when you manage to grab food, you can simply overeat. Walking hungry forever is dangerous to your health, so do not neglect your normal diet. It is better to eat often, 5-6 times a day, but in small portions.
  2. Snacks. What if you eat a bite while cooking? Or a little in front of the TV and computer? Even if the portions seem small to us, they still reflect on our body. Avoid snacks or significantly reduce their number and instead of seeds / sweets / sausages, eat nuts and dried fruits. This is a healthy alternative, but remember that nuts and dried fruits are high in calories.
  3. Low water consumption. When a person drinks enough pure water, his metabolism improves, the work of the gastrointestinal tract, calories are burned. It has long been proven that water helps burn fat. Therefore, drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water per day, and that is water (without gas)!
  4. Incorrect assessment of the carbohydrate, fat and calorie content of food. A large amount of carbohydrates can be found in foods that were originally considered dietary, such as fruits and vegetables. It is useful to eat them, but you do not need to lean on with special zeal. Excess calories can be gained if you overdo it, even with diet foods. Many people believe that if they only eat diet foods, then they can be consumed in unlimited quantities. In fact, they are also high in calories, so control your meals. Fats can also be hidden. This happens when we do not pay attention to some components of the dishes. For example, mayonnaise in a vegetable salad is + 1-2 cm at the waist.
  5. Not getting enough sleep is another reason for slow fat burning. In a dream, the body rests, and the person loses weight. Therefore, sleep at least 7 hours every day.
  6. If you go in for sports, then extra pounds can be confused with muscle mass, which is gradually growing. If so, then don't worry, just keep exercising and eat right.
  7. Eating monotonous food at a fast pace also negatively affects your weight. Swallowing food quickly, we eat more, and the intake of monotonous food gradually leads to a deficiency of some substances, and after a while you will want to eat this, and that, and this one more ... Eat varied and take your time, chew food thoroughly, enjoy it taste.
  8. Another important reason is slow metabolism. It often prevents many people from losing weight. On this issue, you can consult with a doctor, but for now, to increase the speed of metabolic processes, you can advise the following: contrast shower, baths and saunas, sports, sun and air baths, sex, massage and experiencing vivid emotions.

Now let's talk about why a person is losing weight, although he does not want it.

Weight loss reasons

Why am I losing weight? The reasons for losing weight can be insufficient rest, constant stress, illness, insufficient food intake or frequent consumption of foods that are poor in calories, vitamins and minerals. If there are big problems with weight, it is best to visit a dietitian, check up with an endocrinologist, and just get tested for certain diseases. It is necessary for your health, do not be lazy!

There are people who are worried about the question: why do I eat and lose weight? If recently you have not changed your diet in favor of less high-calorie foods, ate as usual and lived according to the usual schedule, then losing weight is a sign of some kind of disruption in the work of the body, illness. Be sure to go to the doctor, this situation cannot be triggered, otherwise you can wait until a serious illness or wait for death. When you manage to bring everything back to normal, you need to ensure that the number of calories consumed is higher than the number of those that are lost in the process of life. This is the only way to replenish.

Sometimes it happens that you lose weight dramatically. Why is this happening? Let's consider the reasons for losing weight in more detail:

  1. Prolonged state of stress, depression, experiencing a strong shock or tragedy, suffering a serious illness.
  2. The process of eating is not enjoyable, eat little, often the same thing and in small portions. With a lack of nutrients, muscles and internal organs atrophy. The body does not receive sufficient nutrition, and therefore is forced to replenish the reserves of the necessary substances itself. If you have already become too thin, then simply increasing your food intake will not help you. You need a balanced, varied diet, and, of course, specialist advice.
  3. A sharp metabolic disorder, its too accelerated pace. Often, malfunctioning of the thyroid gland is to blame. Symptoms: Wet hands, progressive weight loss, accelerated heart rate. If you bring yourself to a serious condition, you can earn Graves' disease.
  4. Disruption of the endocrine glands. If so, then an examination of the nervous system is necessary.
  5. Lack of insulin, which is responsible for the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism.
  6. Addison's disease. Its main symptom is that the skin becomes bronze in color. With this disease, the body loses its ability to retain salt and water, a person's appetite decreases.

For the treatment of thinness, an individual course of nutrition is calculated for a specific person. You need to eat a lot and a variety of foods, while taking medications that help whet the appetite and improve the functioning of the digestive system. It will not be possible to quickly cure thinness, it takes time. They improve appetite and help to cure thinness fish oil, honey, decoctions of medicinal plants (dandelion, yarrow, wormwood, cinquefoil, knotweed, nettle, sophora, clover, leuzea, alfalfa, coriander, yarrow). Herbs are used to prepare herbal crops, usually 5-8 herbs are taken in equal proportions. A good effect is achieved due to the intake of herbal teas for many months. After 3-4 months, you need to take a break for 10-14 days, then change the composition of the collection and continue the treatment.

As for the usual nutrition, then a specialist consultation is necessary. He will diagnose your body and, taking into account individual characteristics, possible diseases, will prescribe the necessary nutrition.

Why do individual parts of the body lose weight

Sometimes it happens that everything is in order, but one part of the body begins to lose weight more than others. Why are legs losing weight or, for example, why are breasts losing weight?

Body parts lose weight because each person loses weight individually. Despite the fact that during sports and diets, the body loses weight completely, it still loses weight unevenly. So, a woman's breasts consist mostly of adipose tissue, and therefore it is not surprising why the breasts disappear with intense exertion. Fat disappears, and alas, not always where we want. So, if you perform exercises on the arms, then they will also affect the pectoral muscles. With vigorous exercise of these exercises, the pectoral muscles will rise and the chest will become "taller". If the intensity is not high, then the fat will go away, and the breasts will remain in place and become smaller.

Slimming legs is also associated with individual characteristics. So, for example, if you adhere only to a diet and do not play sports, you still walk with your legs, and therefore, in addition to the rest of the body, the legs receive physical stress, thanks to which they begin to lose weight faster than the rest of the body. To make other parts of the body lose weight, you need to perform physical exercises designed specifically for them.

Now you are aware of why a person is losing weight and why he cannot lose weight on a diet. Plan your diet and lifestyle correctly, and you will be able to achieve what you want!

Hello Alexey Vladimirovich. I never thought that you would have to write. I was sure that I could cope with all my problems on my own. Alas!!! It didn't work out.

I am 27 years old, my weight (this morning) is 87 kilograms with a height of 165. A bit too much - isn't it ?!

I tried to fight extra pounds in different ways:

Starved (according to Bregu), but lost weight. But then she either broke down and swept away everything that was in the refrigerator, or courageously resisted, but at the end of the hunger strike she returned to her usual diet and gained weight again.

I sat on diets (, etc.) - they helped, but not very much. It took a maximum of 7 kilograms. It was worth starting to eat as before, or at least adding variety to the diet - the weight either stopped or began to grow.

She went in for sports. I went to the gym, went in for swimming, shaping - I was sweating desperately, felt how my muscles were strengthening. Yes, the volumes were decreasing, but very slowly.

She lost almost 10 kilograms, all thanks to daily training and strict nutritional restrictions. then at work the rush began and I had to end the training - the weight went up again.

I decided to live in Japanese, i.e. rice and green tea. I did not notice any significant changes in weight.

What should I do? Whom to believe? I ask on the forums - everyone advises a gag, some are campaigning for, others are for, and still others are assuring that only one can lose weight. What should I do doctor? Whom to believe? I'm tired of unsuccessful experiments on my own body.

To be honest, I receive dozens of letters like this every day. Of course, those who write have different weights, different ages, jobs and culinary preferences. But they have one thing in common - mistakes!

Sometimes it seems to me that only the lazy does not come to the ubiquitous rake in the form of "intensive training, diets and starvation". Who do not ask, everyone sat on at least one diet or drove themselves to a sweat in the gym. And strangely enough, the lack of a result does not make them think about the reasons for the failure. No. They experiment with their own health over and over again.

For those who are fed up with this "running in a circle", I propose to understand the typical mistakes of all those who are losing weight. Let's take the unsuccessful experience of the owner of 87 kilograms as a basis.

Mistake # 1

Starvation!!! Remember, or better write it down! Any drastic food restriction always gives a "boomerang effect"! Our body is still that cunning! Feeling that something was wrong in the form of a restriction or lack of food, he begins to save money, but when you stop following a diet, you are carried by leaps and bounds.

Doctors refer to the process of increasing weight gain after completing any diet as the “Yo-Yo Toy Effect”. Fasting or severe food restriction negatively affects the memory, thinking and mood of a losing weight person. There is only one step from hunger strike to nervous breakdown! But the main danger of such experiments is that there are violations in the immune system.

Mistake # 2

Diets !! To be honest, I don’t know a single woman who at least once in her life did not “go on a diet”. Most put themselves to this test more than once a year. Express diets are especially popular in spring and early summer, when it is necessary to lose weight as quickly as possible for the beach season, sea holidays, etc.

However, the main problem with all diets is that none of them teach us about eating behavior. It is used for a short time and does not instill the skills of a rational daily diet. Anyone from a huge variety of diets can choose the one they like and try to comply with it temporarily. But just temporarily! Do you want to be slim and fit all year round? This means that you need to eat right throughout the year and devote time to physical activity.

Mistake # 3

Intense sports. Sport is great! But considering physical activity as an independent method of treating excess weight is a very common mistake.

To lose weight without harming your health, you need an integrated approach, i.e. adjustment of nutrition and a well-chosen level of physical activity. Many people still believe: "The more you sweat during exercise, the more the notorious calories are burned."

Very often, before the competition, athletes run in tight suits in order to lose weight due to evaporation and get into the desired weight category. They manage to lose a few pounds, but as soon as they fill up the fluid deficit, the weight invariably returns. Therefore, you should not chase such a dubious result. No rubber pants or belts!

Mistake # 4

All fans of Japanese cuisine should know that white polished rice is close in its "usefulness" to semolina. It belongs to the fast (harmful) carbohydrates and has a high glycemic index.

This means that the portion of rice that you ate at lunch will be absorbed very quickly, the sugar level in the body will increase sharply at first, you will feel a sharp rise in strength and mood, but then the sugar level will also drop sharply (hypoglycemia sets in) and you will want to eat again.

Citizens losing weight! Stop making the same mistakes in the hope that "this time I will finally succeed." I assure you - it will not work! Do you want to lose weight and no longer gain extra pounds? Do it smartly: no hunger and sweaty T-shirts, no mono diets and diet pills.

Remember, your faithful assistant in the fight against excess weight is proper nutrition and a certain level of physical activity!

P.S. In the presence of endocrine diseases, weight loss is recommended only under the supervision of an endocrinologist.

Why a person is losing weight is known to almost all of us. Indeed - almost everyone, if necessary, is able to lose weight without much effort. Sports, a variety of diets ... However, after a while, weight loss may slow down or stop altogether. This article lists 20 common reasons why you are not losing weight.

In addition to answering the question why I'm not losing weight, you will receive effective advice on how to break out of this vicious circle and start losing weight again.

1. Maybe you are losing weight, but do not realize it

If you think your weight loss has stopped, then it may not be time to worry.

For example, you started training, but for several days (or weeks) did not see the results in the mirror. This does not mean that you are not losing fat.

Body weight tends to fluctuate. It depends on the foods you eat and hormones, which also have a big impact on how much fluid your body expends (especially in women).

In addition, you can build muscle at the same time as you are losing fat. This is especially true if you have just started training.

You need to understand that first of all you really want to lose fat, not weight, so it will be correct to use something other than weight to measure your progress. For example, measure your waist circumference and body fat percentage.

Also, do not forget to look in the mirror and evaluate how the clothes fit on you - the result can be very revealing.

If your weight does not change within 1 to 2 weeks, then it is probably too early to worry.

2. You are not in control

Mindfulness is incredibly important when you are trying to lose weight. Many people don't really have a clue how much they actually eat.

Studies show that strict dietary control can help you lose weight. People who use food diaries or take pictures of their food consistently lose more weight than people who don't.

3. You are not eating enough protein

Protein is the most important nutrient for weight loss.

Increasing your protein intake by 25-30% can increase your metabolism by 80-100 calories per day and automatically force you to consume several hundred fewer calories per day. Protein can also dramatically reduce cravings and cravings for snacks.

This is in part due to the effects of protein on the regulation of appetite hormones such as ghrelin and others.

Unless you usually skip breakfast, this is the most important meal to load yourself with protein. Research shows that those who eat high-protein breakfast foods feel less hungry during the day.

High protein intake also helps prevent metabolic slowdown, a common side effect of weight loss, and also helps prevent weight gain from regaining.

4. Why am I not losing weight, Holmes? Elementary, Watson, you are eating too many calories ...

A large percentage of people who have weight loss problems simply eat too many calories.

You may think this is not the case for you, but keep in mind that research invariably shows that people tend to underestimate their calorie intake.

If you are not losing weight, you need to start tracking your calories more closely.

Here are some useful things:

  • Calorie calculator
  • Calorie counters.

Calorie control is also important if you are trying to achieve a specific nutritional goal, such as getting 30% of your calories from protein. This can be impossible to achieve if you are not controlling your calories properly.

5. You are not eating healthy foods.

The quality of the food is just as important as the quantity.

Eating healthily can improve your well-being and help regulate your appetite. These foods are generally healthier and more nutritious than their highly processed counterparts.

Keep in mind that many foods that are labeled as "healthy" are actually not. Stick to whole, single ingredient foods.

6. You don't lift weights

One of the most important things you can do to lose weight is resistance training, such as lifting weights.

Elements of weightlifting can help you maintain precious muscle mass, which often burns along with fat if you don't exercise.

Lifting weights also helps prevent metabolic slowdown.

7. You are a glutton

Gluttony is a common side effect of dieting. It involves consuming large amounts of food quickly, often much more than your body needs.

This is a pretty big problem for many people who want to lose weight. Some of them are addicted to unhealthy foods, while others gorge themselves on relatively healthy foods, including nuts, dark chocolate, cheese, etc.

Even if the food is healthy, calories need to be calculated. Depending on the volume, just one episode of binge eating often destroys the value of an entire week of diet.

8. You are not doing cardio.

For some strange reason, cardio activities (like running, jogging, swimming, etc.) have received poor criticism in recent years.

However, cardio training is one of the most effective ways to improve your health. It is also very effective in burning belly fat, the harmful "visceral fat" that builds up around your organs and causes health problems.

9. You still drink sugary drinks

Sugary drinks are the most dangerous elements in food. Our brains do not compensate for the presence of calories in them and do not force us to eat less other foods after the "stake".

This is not only true for sugary drinks like Coca-Cola and Pepsi, it also applies to "healthy" fortified drinks and juices, which are also full of sugar.

Yes, fruit juices are problematic in terms of calories, so they should not be consumed in large quantities. One packet of juice can contain the same amount of sugar as a carbonated drink!

10. You don't sleep well

Good sleep is one of the most important factors not only in physical and mental health, but also in weight.

Research shows that poor sleep is one of the single biggest risk factors for obesity. Adults and children with poor sleep have a 55% and 89% higher risk of obesity, respectively.

11. You haven't cut back on your carbs.

If you need to lose too much excess weight and / or if you have metabolic problems like type 2 diabetes or pre-diabetes, then you may want to consider a low-carb diet.

Several studies show that this type of diet allows 2-3 times more weight loss compared to the standard "low fat" diet, which is often recommended for weight loss.

A low-carb diet can also improve many metabolic markers such as triglycerides, HDL cholesterol, and blood sugar.

12. You eat too often

It is a myth that everyone should eat small amounts of food often in order to boost metabolism and lose weight.

Research shows that eating frequency actually has little or no effect on fat burning or weight loss.

Such a diet is, after all, ridiculously uncomfortable for cooking and eating all day long. This makes eating healthy a lot more difficult.

There is even an incredibly effective weight loss method called intermittent fasting. It includes a conscious refusal to eat for a long period of time (15-24 hours or more).

13. You don't drink enough water

Drinking water can have weight loss benefits.

In one 12-week weight loss study, people who drank half a liter of water 30 minutes before meals lost 44% more weight.

Drinking water also increases your calories burned in 1.5 hours by 24-30%.

14. You drink too much alcohol.

If you cannot give up alcohol, but want to lose weight, then it is best to drink vodka diluted with a non-high-calorie drink. Beer, wine and sugary alcoholic drinks are very high in calories.

Also keep in mind that alcohol itself has about 7 calories per gram, which is a very high number.

15. You don't consciously eat

A technique that includes slow eating is arguably one of the most powerful weight loss tools in the world.

It involves chewing slowly, eating without distraction, savoring and savoring every bite, while listening to the natural signals your brain is sending to tell you that enough is enough.

Numerous studies have shown that slow eating can lead to significant weight loss and reduce the frequency of binge eating.

16. You have a medical problem that is preventing you from losing weight.

There are some medical conditions that can be associated with the problem of excess weight and make it difficult to lose weight.

These include hypothyroidism, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and sleep apnea.

Certain medications can also make weight loss difficult, or even lead to weight gain.

If you think all this applies to you, then see your doctor for advice and examination.

17. Why am I not losing weight? Yes, you, dear, are addicted ...

According to research, about 20% of people meet the criteria for food addiction.

People who are food addicts view unhealthy foods as drug addicts do unhealthy drugs.
If you have a similar addiction, then a simple change in diet or lifestyle will no longer help you lose weight - get the help of a psychologist.

18. You've been starving for too long

Dieting too long is a bad idea.

If you've been on a diet for many months and your weight loss has stalled, then you may just need to take a break.

You can even increase your calorie intake by a few hundred calories a day, start sleeping more, and don't forget about lifting weights to get stronger and build some muscle.

Aim to maintain your body fat levels for 1 to 2 months before trying to lose weight again.

19. Your expectations are not realistic

Losing weight tends to be a much slower process than people want.

Although it is often possible to lose weight quickly in the beginning, very few people can continue to lose more than 0.5 - 1 kg per week.

Another major problem is that many people have unrealistic expectations of what is achievable with a healthy diet and exercise.

The truth is, not everyone can look like a fitness model or bodybuilder. The photographs you see in magazines and elsewhere are often enhanced by the use of Photoshop - literally, no one really looks that gorgeous.

If you have already lost some weight and are feeling well, then perhaps the first thing you need to do is work on realizing the attractiveness of your body. Trying to go beyond reality will not add to your optimism, but will only require unnecessary effort.

20. You're too focused on dieting.

Diets almost never work in the long run. A lot of studies, and just bitter experience, show that people who are constantly on "diets" also constantly gain excess weight.

Stop being dieters and take a happy and healthy life as your main goal. Focus on proper and nutritious nutrition of your body, without depriving yourself of vital elements, and let weight loss be a natural positive effect of a healthy diet.

Denial of responsibility: The information provided in this article is about why does not a person lose weight is intended only for the information of the reader. It cannot be a substitute for the advice of a healthcare professional.

Who among those losing weight never dreamed that in a couple of weeks the arrow of the scales would approach the desired mark? After all, it would seem, the main secret of harmony is open: "You need to eat less."

But here's the bad luck: the usual portions were reduced to the size of Thumbelina, and the weight, as if bewitched, continues to remain at the same level. I want to scream and cry from powerlessness.

But we won't cry! Tears leave excess fluid, not fat. We stock up on patience, determine the cause and eliminate it. Stubbornly, in spite of everything, we are moving towards harmony! So…

What to do if you don't eat much and still gain weight

Turn off "hungry" mode

We start food restrictions and already enthusiastically imagine ourselves in a trendy bikini. But the body does not share such joy.

On the contrary, he hears a signal from the brain: “These are hard times. There is not enough food. SOS ". And it launches a natural defense mechanism - stores all incoming calories in reserve. Just in case, it will suddenly become even harder.

What to do? Still, it is not in vain that experts in the field of nutrition have developed. They will be different for people of different sexes, ages, with different regimes of physical activity. For dieters, they naturally decline. But falling below a certain limit is not recommended.

Change the monotonous diet

We are offered to eat one buckwheat or boiled chicken all day. Yes, this is all good and useful, but it works as a short-term measure, that is, a fasting day. I really want to continue to eat like this and further in order to get a larger plumb line. Alas, this is not the best solution.

Mono diets are not our allies!

The body should not be deprived of a balanced set of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Otherwise, he will react, as mentioned above - the accumulation of fat "for a rainy day."

That is why fasting days cannot be extended for weeks.

Eliminate unhealthy fats

Often we are too lazy to take with us and we go at lunchtime to have a snack in a cafe. Also, there are times when we simply have to dine with business partners in restaurants.

And helpful waiters "forget" to clarify that juicy steak, garnish and even salads were generously flavored with butter for the best taste.

What to do? Try to visit restaurants less often, and even more so - fast food establishments. And remember that a lot of fat is found in sausages (even dietary ones), hard cheese, cookies, etc. When you go grocery shopping, remember to look at the package for the fat content and calorie content.

Review your daily diet

By cutting portions to a minimum, we can look forward to the results without considering that the food is wrong. Unfortunately, if you eat sandwiches with sausage or cheese instead of vegetable salad, boiled meat and - you can forget about losing weight.

What to do? No matter how trite it sounds, but listen to the recommendations of nutritionists. No wonder that hundreds of scientists have researched fast and slow carbohydrates, and also worked hard to create special menus for a week and a month.

The body assimilates 500 kcal of salad and 500 kcal of sausage in different ways

Switch to fractional meals

The question of how many times a day is better to eat still has different answers.

Breakfast, lunch and dinner, familiar from Soviet times, have now grown to 5 or even 6 times. But modern nutritionists are unanimous: with a fractional meal, one snack should not exceed 100 kilocalories. Can everyone stop in time?

How to be? Choose a diet that will be optimal for your lifestyle. A businesswoman is unlikely to have a snack every three hours. And the housewife is quite capable of this option. And, of course, don't forget to count calories.

Keep track of calories

Sometimes we are a little disingenuous, wanting to write a lower number in the food diary. Or really forgetting that a very small sandwich was eaten before dinner, or a bag of nuts was emptied under the film.

How is it correct? There is no point in deceiving yourself. And you need to count everything eaten and drunk, not even forgetting about a cup of tea, into which - oh, horror - three, as much as three tablespoons of sugar were added!

Snacks contain calories too! And a lot of them!

Go for proper nutrition

If you leave for work without breakfast, rejoicing in the saved amount of calories, your joy is in vain. And breakfast around 12 noon with sandwiches and cherry jam is not the best option either. What can we say about late dinner and night trips to the refrigerator.

What to do? Do not neglect the recommendation of nutritionists for harmful (sweet or fatty) food, and it is better that it be at 7 or 8 o'clock. And dinner (light dinner) should be done 2.5 hours before bedtime. After all, at night, the metabolism slows down, and everything that the body has not processed will be deposited in the form of fat on the waist and hips.

Review your medications

Sometimes the reason for failure in the difficult matter of losing weight is the drugs that we take. And the weight slows down at the plateau stage or, even worse, slowly creeps up.

The enemy is hiding in the first aid kit!

Check your first aid kit and reread the instructions for the drugs you are taking. Some of these, such as iodine-containing thyroid medications or heart medications, can cause obesity.

Please consult your healthcare professional regarding replacement.

Solve health problems

If you eat very little, but you still cannot lose weight, there may be health problems that you did not even know about.

For example, weight gain and constant hunger occurs with hypothyroidism (a decrease in the amount of hormones produced by the thyroid gland). Constant hunger and thirst also occur with insulin resistance.

What to do? , and there is also increased fatigue or dizziness with long breaks between meals, do not postpone a visit to the doctor. The sooner you discover the disease, the more chances you have to cure it, and at the same time to lose weight.

Set aside half an hour for sports

Sedentary work of modern women greatly interferes with weight loss. After all, not every woman spends her evenings in the gym. After a hard day at work, you want to lie down in front of the TV screen with a plate of your favorite cookies.

How to be? You don't have to set sports records. But, at a minimum, you need to do exercises in the morning and provide walks. Do you want to lose extra pounds as soon as possible and buy a beautiful new thing?

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