What is muscle stretching called? What does stretching give for a figure and health, are there any contraindications? How stretching affects flexibility

Stretching or stretching is a set of exercises aimed at developing flexibility. An additional effect of stretching is a strong relaxation of the whole body. That is why this workout has become widespread and firmly rooted in the schedule of many sports clubs.

Stretching is universal training. It can be done in a group or on your own at home.

Pros and cons

  • increased muscle elasticity and (as a result) less susceptibility to injury, slowing down the aging process;
  • improved mobility of ligaments and joints;
  • reduction of muscle pain;
  • formation beautiful figure due to the greater relief of the muscles;
  • the ability to conduct classes both in the hall and at home;
  • development of endurance;
  • relaxation and stress relief.

Fitness instructors also note the following disadvantages of stretching:

  • the need for regular classes, since the progress made is lost very quickly;
  • the likelihood of pain and injury when the muscle is stretched too much.

To avoid negative consequences and get the most out of training, beginners are encouraged to choose simple exercises and increase the load gradually. The optimal number of classes is 1-2 times a week.


Stretching training will go for the benefit of both young girls and ladies of age and men. But, like any activity, stretching has some contraindications.

The advantageous difference between stretching and other physical activities is the almost complete absence of contraindications. Doctors are convinced that proper stretching will benefit everyone who is allowed to do general physical training. For this reason, its elements are included in the rehabilitation program after injuries and in the plan of exercise therapy.

Consultation with a doctor before starting training is recommended in case of:

  • muscle and joint injuries;
  • severe curvature of the spine;
  • osteoporosis;
  • hernia;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Stretching at home and in the gym

There are two types of stretching. Dynamic stretching involves sharp movements with a large amplitude (for example, swings). In this case, the muscles are stretched quite strongly and quickly. Such training is allowed only for trained people.

Static exercises are performed at a calm pace without sudden movements. For most of the session, the muscles remain stretched and immobile. It is this type of stretching that beginners need.

In the schedule of fitness clubs, you can find different classes dedicated to stretching. These include training for special simulators and pair work. Stretching with a partner is very effective - the weight of the body is used as weights and helps to stretch better.

Many are interested in whether a beginner can master stretching at home. Experts are convinced that, subject to all the rules a complete workout can be done on your own.

How to prepare for stretching and not get injured during the session?

  1. One of essential conditions- preheating of the muscles. It will prepare the body for work and increase the effectiveness of stretching. Just 10-15 minutes of exercise is enough fast pace. Think back to gym class at school: running in place, jumping and turning are perfect.
  2. Stretching is fully characterized by the saying “less is more”. It is always better to perform fewer movements, but to do them better. The same applies to the frequency of classes. If there is not enough time for a full workout, it is worth doing at least a few exercises.
  3. All elements must be held for 30-60 seconds until the muscles are completely relaxed and a pleasant sensation appears. If, after this time, the primary pain has not gone away, then the stretch was too strong and must be weakened. Work to overcome muscle pain, no need.
  4. During the exercise, you need to breathe deeply and evenly. Holding the breath, which often facilitates the execution of movements, is prohibited. Start each new exercise with a breath.
  5. Try to focus on those parts of the body and muscles that you are stretching. This increases the effectiveness of classes and reduces the trauma of stretching at home.
  6. Wear loose clothing and comfortable shoes. Many people like to stretch barefoot.

Lesson Example

A standard stretching workout should include elements such as a warm-up, direct stretching exercises, and a cool-down. After warming up, you can start stretching.

  1. Stand up straight, raise your arms and stretch up, lifting your shoulders and chest.
  2. Place your hands behind your back and clasp your fingers. Pull in your stomach and bend down. While performing this movement, breathe evenly and gently move your hands back.
  3. Standing straight, bend your knees slightly. Bend over and try to touch the floor with your palms. After that, try to straighten your knees as much as possible.
  4. Straighten up and place your legs apart. Pull in your belly and lift it up slightly. chest. Place your right hand on your right thigh and raise your left hand above your head. Forcefully stretch your left hand to the right. Repeat on the other side.
  5. Put your feet wider than your shoulders and sit down. Fix your palms on the floor. Slide your right foot to the side and bend your left leg. Control your feet during the exercise: they should touch the floor surface with the entire sole. Repeat the movement with the other leg.
  6. Lie on the floor and bring your knees to your chest. Then alternately straighten your legs up.
  7. Staying on your back, pull your knees up to your chest. Grab your feet with your palms and try to straighten your legs.
  8. Sit on the floor and cross your legs. Turn your head left and right so that you can see your shoulder.

You will find a greater variety of stretching exercises in a separate article: "".

After the stretching is completed, take a few minutes to cool down. Lie down on a flat surface and try to relax completely. Relieve stress one at a time different parts body. Relax your toes first, then your feet. Slowly move up to the neck and head.

You can do stretching yourself at home using special exercises.

Regular stretching allows you to create flexible and beautiful body. It is quite possible that it will not be possible to stand on the bridge or sit on the twine after the very first lessons. But results such as improved posture, reduced stress and the disappearance of back pain will be noticeable immediately.

Everyone who plays sports at least occasionally knows how important it is.

It develops flexibility, strengthens tendons, improves blood circulation and, of course, helps to avoid injuries during active workouts in the gym.

It is indispensable for people suffering from diseases: it relieves pain, improves posture and heals the body as a whole, increasing endurance and coordination of movements.

In this article, we have prepared for our readers 10+ first stretching exercises for beginners at home, as well as brief recommendations for their correct implementation.

Stretching for beginners for every day - the basic rules of stretching

The main advantage of stretching is its absolute accessibility - you can train with equal success both in your own apartment and in the gym without special expensive equipment.

All you need is time, desire, comfortable clothing made from natural fabrics that does not hinder movement, and knowledge ground rules.

The complex of your sports training must include stretching exercises

Here are the main ones:

  1. If you have chronic diseases, before starting classes, consult your doctor for contraindications. Their list is small, but people with high blood pressure and joint diseases are not recommended to perform active stretching.
  2. The nature of the exercises depends on your height, weight and physical training- consider these factors when choosing a training system, and remember that you should not endure pain - discomfort will not have a positive effect on the results, but will only worsen the situation.
  3. Before class, always do a warm-up workout - forward / backward bends, circular rotations hands, head, pelvic area, walk or run in place.
  4. Determine the initial level of your physical fitness and increase the load gradually.
  5. To get the most out of your workout, hold in each position performed for thirty seconds, gradually increasing the time to a minute or more.
  6. Focus each exercise on a specific part of the body. To do this, divide the complex into blocks for different muscle groups.
  7. Learn to breathe correctly: inhale before starting the exercise and do not hold your breath during the exercise. Restore breathing balance in between sets.

Gradually increase the difficulty of the exercises

Tip: before starting individual lessons ideally, it is better to take two or three lessons from an experienced instructor - he will help you avoid basic mistakes and tell you correct execution movements.

5+ main types of stretching

It consists of swinging arms, legs, lunges, lifting on toes and running in place, which allows you to qualitatively prepare the body for physical exertion.

Tip: a set of stretching exercises for beginners at home is convenient to perform, accompanied by training video tutorials.

Stretching for beginners at home - 10+ basic exercises with photos step by step

Leg exercises

Magic legs.They work out the femoral and tendons.

Stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, raise one limb and perform pendulum-like movements with it left and right, increasing the amplitude.

Keep your back straight. Do each exercise for a minute and a half.

In addition to simple leg swings, you can perform an exercise with additional support.

Side lunges. are working on gluteal muscles and inner surface. The body position is similar to the first exercise, the hands are located at the waist.

Take a wide step to the right to the side, while bending the leg at the knee, transfer the weight of the body to it.

Stop briefly to feel the tension in the muscles of the left limb. Repeat the exercise on the second leg.

Alternate side lunges with regular ones

Cross leg swings.Improve balance and coordination of movements. Stand up straight, feet shoulder width apart.

Straighten your arms forward perpendicular to the floor, palms down. Alternately raise your legs so that the toe of the left foot touches the tips of the fingers of the right hand and vice versa. Start with ten repetitions for each leg.

Back exercises

Leaning forward.They also work on the back of the thighs. Stand up straight, then lean towards the floor and reach for your feet, keeping your knees straight.

Your goal is to touch your feet with your palms. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

With a good stretch, you should touch your feet with your palms.

In the second version of this exercise, stand up straight, clasp your hands in a lock above your head and lower them to the back of your head.

Perform 10-15 torso forward bends, keeping your legs and back straight.

Now we bend forward from a sitting position. This exercise is indispensable for saving.

Sit on the floor, spread your legs as wide as possible. Inhale deeply, straighten your back. As you exhale, lean forward with your arms outstretched.

At the lowest point for you, linger for half a minute and return to the starting point. At perfect stretch you should touch the floor with your chest.

Your the main task is to touch the floor with your chest, while maintaining straight legs and back

Hand exercises

Compass.Works out the muscles of everything.

From a standing position, spread your arms to the sides to shoulder level and perform circular motions clockwise and counterclockwise 20-30 times, gradually increasing the radius.

Scissors.Helps maintain flexor muscle tone. Hands are positioned similarly to the exercise described above.

For a minute, perform simultaneous limb swings, similar to the movements of scissors - the right hand moves towards the left and vice versa.

Raising your hands behind your head will prepare the muscles for training

Putting hands behind the head.Strengthens the extensor muscles. Raise your right hand, bend at the elbow and bring it behind your back, holding it with your left below the elbow.

When you feel tension in, linger for 30 seconds, return to initial position and repeat the exercise on the other hand.

Exercises for the abs

Lie on your stomach on the floor. Bend your legs at the knees. Raise your body and wrap your arms around your ankles.

Flex your spine as much as possible and keep your balance. Touch the floor exclusively with the abdomen.

When performing this exercise, only your stomach should touch the floor.

Stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Bring your hands into the castle and raise above your head. The area and buttocks is tense.

Begin to perform smooth tilts to the left and right, lingering at the lowest point for each side for 30 seconds. Thus, the spine is perfectly stretched.

This simple exercise is good for the press

The next stretching exercise for beginners is performed from a sitting position. Sit on a chair with a back.

Keep your back straight. Turn the body, trying to touch the back of the chair with your hands.

Hold for 20 seconds and return to the starting position. Perform the exercise 5 times on each side.

A chair is useful for training at home

Exercises for the pectoral muscles

Bridge- this exercise, familiar from physical education lessons, works out and tones both the pectoral and femoral muscles at the same time.

Lie on your back on the floor and bend your knees. Place your heels as close to your buttocks as possible.

Raise your hips high, keeping your forearms pressed to the floor.

Once at your highest point, inhale deeply, exhale, return to the starting position and repeat the exercise five times.

Start with the simplest bridge

From a standing position, lean forward. Left hand place at a distance of half a meter from the feet.

Take your right leg back, raise the arm of the same name, while feeling how the body turns to the right.

Repeat the exercise 5-10 times on each side. It stretches beautifully and improves overall balance.

The next exercise is the final one in the stretching complex for beginners. Get down on your knees and tighten your abs.

Stretch your arms forward parallel to the floor. Tilt your head back, take your torso back, while bringing your shoulder blades together.

Lock in at the limit and take five deep breaths. Return to the starting position, repeat 5-10 times.

Do this exercise last.

Tip: in the early stages of training, the most important thing for an unprepared and untrained body is not to exceed the load and not perform exercises with a feeling of pain. Increase the amplitude and the number of repetitions gradually so as not to get injured.

With regular stretching, muscles and tendons will always be in good shape, the condition of blood vessels and general blood circulation will improve, and mood swings will become less pronounced.

Sports loads help to relax and tune in to a calm wave.

Positive changes will be noticed by those who are actively engaged proper weight loss Stretching is recognized as the most natural way to get rid of body fat.

A few more exercises that you can do when you master basic technique, you will find in the article.

With regular exercise, you can move on to the next stage of training in a couple of months.

And to make the set of stretching classes for beginners as comfortable and understandable as possible, we have prepared video tutorials at home, which you can watch below:

In order for the organism to work at its maximum, and the owner of this organism does not experience any warning or painful sensations, it is necessary to organize the harmony of mind and body. Within the framework of this article, the process of working on the body using stretching will be considered in detail. Obviously, for the development of a full-fledged muscle corset, one should use integrated approaches that are not limited to just physical activity. It is very important to conduct high-quality warm-ups and stretches, which will further strengthen the muscles, correct the figure and implement the prevention of a whole range of disorders in the body.

What is stretching in fitness?

Stretching is a subspecies of fitness, which is a set of exercises that help stretch the muscles and ligaments of the body. The name "stretching" itself is derived from the English word stretch, meaning to pull, stretch. It should be noted that such aerobics is an effective tool for stretching muscles, normalizing biological processes and stimulating the body as a whole.

In order for fitness to bring the necessary “fruits”, you need to alternate stretching with physical activity. This gymnastics is very popular all over the world, because it can be resorted to without any training and base of sports skills.

Depending on the goal, the described type of fitness can be used to treat and prevent a number of diseases, restore and correct the functions of the musculoskeletal system. Stretching classes allow you to prepare for physical exertion as efficiently as possible and subsequent sporting events. Leading experts in the field of fitness say that stretching is an integral part of training gymnastics, regardless of the experience and age of the person attending the training.

The benefits and harms of stretching

It can be unambiguously noted that if the training is carried out correctly, stretching is not able to cause any harm to the body. On the contrary, this is a purely positive event, which has a number of positive aspects. It is for this reason that stretching is included in the daily training program for professional athletes, helping to avoid traumatic cases, tone muscles and maintain shape.

If we talk about the benefits of stretching, then everything is quite open here, for example, stretching allows you to disperse blood and lymph throughout the body, thanks to which internal organs are saturated with oxygen, and such phenomena as edema and tissue inflammation do not actually occur. Thus, credit must be given to using stretching to stimulate metabolic processes and bodily functions.

It is worth noting that it is the stretching of the muscular-ligamentous apparatus that has a beneficial effect on the mental activity of a person. With this type of exercise, mood improves, sleep becomes stronger, mental stress and irritation disappear. It should also be noted that people who resort to daily stretching, on average, live 10 years longer than people who avoid this event altogether.

Can you lose weight by stretching?

Stretching, like all fitness disciplines, is primarily aimed at normalizing the functioning of the body, as well as body shaping and rehabilitation after illnesses and injuries. It is known that stretching leads to an improvement in the functioning of the circulatory system, dispersing liquid tissue throughout the body. At the same time, hemoglobin carries oxygen on itself, saturating every cell of the body with it. It is this process.

Burnt fat cells are converted into muscle mass. Thus, using stretching as a body shaping tool, you can not only reduce the waist, but also strengthen the muscle corset and give relief and strength to the forms. In this regard, we can answer quite clearly: stretching is great way lose weight without consequences for the body.

Stretching rules at home

In order for the training to have no side effects, you need to follow a number of rules. This will reduce trauma, as well as increase the productivity of gymnastics. Thus, we can distinguish a list of the following rules that will be relevant when doing stretching:

  1. all movements should be filled with smoothness. It is necessary to completely eliminate jerks or sudden movements;
  2. each of the stretching elements does not need to be held for more than 30 seconds;
  3. the less experience a person has in this type of exercise, the slower the pace of training should be;
  4. before starting classes, you need to warm up with stretching movements, which should last no more than 3 seconds;
  5. if during stretching pain or discomfort, you should immediately stop training and resume only after the discomfort or pain has completely disappeared;
  6. An important element of stretching is breathing, which should be even, calm and measured, setting the pace for the lesson.

A set of effective exercises for beginners

It should be noted that there are many approaches in stretching, the choice of which determines the further strategy of classes. It all depends on the individual training, age and health status of each individual participant in the fitness training. Thus, it is necessary to highlight a number of the most effective exercises, which will allow you to conduct classes at home without the help of a coach:

  • standing with a straight back, you need to lower one hand down, and bring the other as far as possible behind the head so that a developed angle forms in the shoulder. The arm during the exercise should remain straight;
  • it is necessary to take the head as far forward as possible, after which, from the resulting position, tilt the head alternately in both directions. If desired, you can help yourself with your hand, propping your chin with a brush for a more pulling effect;
  • you should stand with your back to the wall, turning your shoulders and pressing your raised hands to a vertical surface. From this position, you need to do squats;
  • from a standing position on all fours must be raised right hand and the left leg, while the arm must be pulled forward, and the leg, respectively, back.

Video lesson on stretching for the spine and back

The video offered for viewing is a demonstration material containing a set of exercises for stretching the spine. With the help of this gymnastics, you can independently, using the recommendations from the video, qualitatively work out not only the spine, but also the muscles of the back, preventing the development of various diseases and injuries.

Video workout for stretching for weight loss

This material is perfect for beginners and will allow you to safely and effectively prepare the body for physical activity in order to lose weight. After reviewing the video, you can get all the necessary information regarding the stretching of all major muscle groups and ligaments.

Video: twine stretching with Ekaterina Firsova

This video is step by step instructions by stretching. The set of exercises under consideration is prepared for those who want to sit on the twine. For this reason, each stage of training is aimed at developing the musculoskeletal system, which in the future will allow you to sit on the twine without the risk of injury or pain.

Stretching contraindications

As described above, stretching is safe view sports activities, which does not have a negative effect on the body, however, there are a number of conditions that do not allow resorting to stretching. Thus, stretching will have to be abandoned in the following situations:

  • oncological diseases;
  • recovery period after surgery;
  • injuries and diseases bone tissue and ligaments;
  • impaired mobility of the joints;
  • previous fractures;
  • osteochondrosis and a number of diseases associated with disruption of the spine.

Today it is fashionable to be beautiful and healthy, to have a slender body, which is why sports are so popular. Exists different types exercises for different purposes. For example, some help increase endurance, others help build up, and others develop flexibility. Stretching refers to those types of aerobics that stretch the body, make it plastic and flexible. After all, his main exercises are stretching and flexibility. Therefore, we will talk about this fashionable sports direction.

Clothing for classes

Stretching classes are suitable for every person, since neither age, nor weight, nor features of the figure, nor initial flexibility matter. Regular exercise will do the trick. And the best clothes for sports are modern thermal underwear that does not restrict movement and sits like a second skin. Buying this is not difficult, it can be found in every store. sporting goods or things for active recreation. There is an excellent choice of it on the Internet, in Sportsafe stores, Alpindustriya, Guahoo.

Of course, you can limit yourself to ordinary comfortable clothes: a swimsuit, tights, shorts and a T-shirt, a top and leggings. The main thing is that things do not restrict movement and stretch along with the body. Therefore, the fabric must be elastic, with an admixture of natural fibers (fully synthetic things are not suitable, since they will not be able to absorb sweat). It is desirable that the outfit tightly fits the body: it is easier to see the result achieved.

Separately, I want to say about underwear. Give preference to classic cut models, rather than thongs or bikinis, without decorative elements and lace, sewn from natural fabric. Bra - sports or pitted model. Give up jewelry, jewelry, take off your shoes. It is better to do it barefoot or in ballet shoes.

What do stretching classes give?

First of all, they cheer up. But this is not all that you can get from the classes. Stretching improves lymph circulation and blood flow, restores muscles, relieves pain that arose as a result of nervous tension and stressful situations. Training can slow down the aging of the body as a whole, maintain the elasticity of tissues and muscles, and improve posture. But the positive effect will be only if you do it correctly, observing precautions, increase the load gradually.

A few nuances

Performing and flexibility, you should consider the following nuances:

  • You can stretch as long as there is no pain.
  • During stretching, you should hold the pose, but it is forbidden to spring.
  • It is necessary to breathe correctly, not to delay or accelerate the rhythm of inhalation and exhalation.
  • The best result will be if stretching exercises are performed after physical activity.
  • During stretching, it is worth observing in turn, that is, tensing and relaxing the muscles alternately. This relieves them of fatigue, restores strength.
  • Do not engage in stretching if there are contraindications, therefore, before starting a workout, you should visit your doctor and be fully examined.

Only in this case, after stretching, you can leave the best reviews. Otherwise, classes will not give you pleasure, but will hurt.

Stretching is not aerobics

Stretching cannot be called aerobics in the truest sense of the word. After all, aerobics was born in the West and is aimed at combating overweight, associated with the formation slim body with ideal settings. The tradition of stretching the body originates in the East, and its purpose is to improve the body as a whole. Elements of it have a place in yoga and martial arts. Stretching classes will enable a person to calmly sit on the twine, increase the plasticity of the arms, legs, neck, back, joints. That is why gymnastics cannot exist without it.

and its types

Today, there are five types of stretching. Let's dwell on each of them in detail.

What do people say?

Many people are satisfied after stretching: reviews say that they not only improved the flexibility of the body, but also became more alert, more energetic and even lost weight. Stiffness disappears somewhere, movements become light and smooth. But the most important thing is that a person, having reached a new limit, begins to believe in his own strength, to be proud of himself. And this is the strongest motivation for further growth. In addition to this point, stretching (photo can be seen in our article) is a good base for other sports where agility, flexibility and endurance are important. But if a person does not plan to play sports on professional level, then for himself he will still do very well by stretching his own body.

First steps

Before we teach stretching lessons, we want to give beginners a couple of tips. First you need to set yourself a goal. It can be simple maintaining a figure, losing weight, developing flexibility. And then calculate the number of workouts. For example, three or four times a week is enough to keep the body in good shape and shape. Recommended for weight loss daily exercise. You can train at any convenient time and in any place. It is optimal to perform exercises after charging or after training in another sport (when the body is warmed up).

To begin with, it is recommended to repeat each exercise two to three times, maintaining the pose for up to five seconds. Over time, the hold time and the number of repetitions increase. But each lesson should not last longer than thirty minutes, while you should carefully listen to yourself. And most importantly: you need to train regularly, while maintaining a good mood.

Doing exercises

So, the preparation is over: we already know how to train, comfortable clothes for classes have been chosen. It's time to start the stretching lesson.

We do It is necessary to stand up straight and put your feet shoulder-width apart. Putting your right hand on your waist, grab your head with your left hand and lean to the left. It is necessary to withstand fifteen to twenty seconds and return to the starting position. Now it's time to change hands. The number of repetitions is eight times.

For the back. Lean against the wall with your back and lean on your hands. Now slowly sit down, sliding your hands down, but your back should remain straight. Hold the position for twenty seconds, repeat five times.

Stretch the arms and legs. It is necessary to straighten your arms. Now stretch your left arm forward and move your right leg back. Keep limbs parallel to the floor. Hold this position for at least ten seconds and change your hand to your right and your foot to your left. Repeat each exercise six times.

For the stomach. Lie on your stomach, bend your legs and grab your ankles with your hands. Now raise your legs, feel the tension in your lower back. Hold for twenty seconds, rest a little and repeat seven more times.

Instead of an afterword

To check the effect of stretching for yourself, read the reviews a little, you need to at least try to do the exercises for a while. And only then make sure that it is very good workout, which has a beneficial effect on all muscle groups and joints.

Stretching the body is suitable for everyone and has only positive aspects. After all, stretching exercises are as close as possible to natural movements, so they do not cause even the slightest inconvenience. Good luck in all your endeavors!

Today, there are many areas of sports, one of them is stretching. This complex is considered a variation of aerobics and is becoming more and more popular every year. Let's find out in more detail what stretching is and why it is needed.

What is stretching?

The very name "stretching" comes from the English word "stretching", which means stretching. As the name suggests, this complex is aimed at stretching and joints and, as a result, at improving the flexibility of everything. In addition, the complex heals all systems and improves the functioning of the circulatory system and strengthens the tendons.

Main complex

The main set of stretching exercises for stretching all muscles and joints:

  1. Become straight, bent at the knees. Strongly stretch one to the ceiling, the same to the other. The number of repetitions is 5-10 times for each.
  2. Stand straight, legs bent at the knees. Put your left hand on your belt, and with your right hand, clasping it, tilt it to the left. Freeze in this position for 15-30 seconds, repeat the same with the other hand.
  3. Sit on the floor, spread wide apart, hands behind. Alternately reach for each knee, lingering for a few seconds. The number of repetitions is 8-10 for each leg.
  4. Get on all fours, stretch your left leg as far back as possible, and your right arm forward. Try to stay in this position for 15-30 seconds. Similarly for right leg and left hand. The number of repetitions is 8-10 times.
  5. Lie on, clasp your feet with your hands and bring your legs to your head as much as possible. Freeze for 15-20 seconds. Return legs to starting position. Repeat all 8-10 times.
  6. Lying on the mat on your left side, bend your knees at a right angle. Stretch your arms forward. Further, without lifting off the floor, slowly raise your right hand and turn the body to the right, trying to reach back side palms to the floor. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise 4-6 times. Turn to the other side and repeat the same.

Is it possible to do stretching during pregnancy?

But there are some exercises that absolutely cannot be done during. For example, inclinations that can only be performed while sitting. In any case, even if you consider yourself very healthy, be sure to consult your doctor before starting classes.
It's great if there is an opportunity to do stretching with an experienced trainer who will help you develop individual set exercises. Avoid self-activity, so as not to cause complications.

The effect of long-term "cat fitness"

This complex will help any person not only correct, increase the flexibility and elasticity of the muscles of the body, but also improve the functioning of the joints, make them more mobile.

If you set yourself the task of sitting on a twine, then these exercises are the best choice to achieve a result. In addition, stretching well prepares the muscles to receive power loads and increases their efficiency, which will be especially appreciated.

Taking up stretching as a regular physical activity, you will get obedient, flexible body, excellent , reduced anxiety and self-confidence.

These exercises can be perfectly practiced by the whole family, instilling in its younger members a love for and the right habit of taking care of their bodies.
