The dimensions of the bar for a barbell of 20 kg. Versatile home workout bar

You can often come across the opinion that a wide neck is able to include a larger number of muscle fibers and increase dry growth muscle mass... This point of view is often adhered to even by real pros who prefer to do chest presses or deadlifts with a wide bar. The reasoning for such a choice is simple - a wide bar trains grip strength, and exercises are given at times harder, which may indicate greater muscle effort. But does this mean that more fibers are really involved in the work, and your workouts will become more effective? This question will be answered some recent research: the first of them analyzed the effect on muscle fibers during pressing, and the second - more on the example of the deadlift.

How bar thickness affects bench press performance

Research essence

In the first study by the University of San Francisco¹ scientists compared the effects of exercise with two types of bar - 28mm wide (classic Olympic neck) and 51mm wide... They were tested by 18 young men during the barbell press on the chest. Muscle activity was measured using electromyography: electrodes were connected to the pectoral and flexor muscles of the forearm. The readings were compared both during classic presses, when the angle at the elbows was 90 degrees, and with presses with a sharper angle - only 45 degrees.


Paradoxically, the research results have completely turned the myth of the wide neck and preferred its less weighty brother.

  1. Degree muscle contraction turned out to be the same both narrow and wide neck.
  2. When using the thinner bar, more pronounced neuromuscular activity pectoral muscles.
  3. The neuromuscular activity of the flexor muscles of the forearm is also turned out to be higher in the case of a thin bar in both versions of the exercise.

As it turned out, the thin bar presses were more effective in terms of neuromuscular activity. This may indirectly indicate that exercise with the Olympic bar may be a more working alternative for the development of strength and muscle mass.

Neck Thickness and Row Efficiency

Research essence

In another study² scientists analyzed the change in strength indicators when using three types of bars - 28 mm, 50 mm and 78 mm... The experiment involved 11 men who had to perform a series of exercises:, barbell bench press, dumbbell shoulder press and barbell curl for biceps.


In almost all cases, neck thickness negatively affected the working scales: the larger the bar was, the less weight the athletes could work with. In particular, during the execution of the deadlift with a bar of 50 mm, athletes could raise the weight by 28% less, and the bar of 78 mm reduced it by as much as 55%. The results with other exercises turned out to be slightly less dramatic, however, the trend was the same here.

Similar results question the use of a wide neck for training: a drop in working weights can reduce the effectiveness of training - reduce damage to muscle fibers and reduce the chances of gaining lean muscle mass. Therefore, it is not advisable to use wide bars on a permanent basis.


Constant wide-bar training is unlikely to bring you tangible benefits. Rollback in working weights during the deadlift, a decrease in neuromuscular activity during the bench press are the obvious disadvantages of wide bars. Add to that a weak grip and the associated risk of losing weight control and injury. Score 3-0 in favor of a narrow neck. When it comes to training grip strength, a wide bar is not a panacea. Any expander will cope well with such a task, gyro simulator or a series of simple

If you are going to play sports seriously, you should choose the right equipment. A good workout is not complete without a barbell. There are a great many varieties of this projectile. They are distinguished by their weight, shape, and the way the scales are attached. The barbell neck deserves special attention. When choosing equipment for one, one should pay attention to its compliance with the training conditions. The most versatile is the Olympic barbell, the design of which has its own special characteristics.

Scope of application

In the life of every person there is a moment when he realizes that it is time to do his physical fitness... To achieve high results, you need to give yourself completely to this business. The Olympic barbell has many advantages. It is used both for home workouts and in the gym. Such bars are used in competitions. Such products have a lot of features. To understand how much a quality Olympic barbell bar should weigh, you need to find out what length and diameter correspond to this category of equipment.

If you plan to swing in the gym using a similar type of weightlifting projectile, you should consult with your coach about the possible weight and configuration of the Olympic type of the named structure, and of the bar itself.

Without it sports equipment basic strength exercises for example, bench press, or shoulder press. For the correct distribution of the load, it is necessary to take into account how much the barbell weighs. After all, strength exercises cannot be performed uncontrollably.


All vultures can be conditionally divided into amateur and professional. The barbell weighs according to the purpose of the sports equipment... It is a balanced, well thought out system.

Amateur varieties are thinner and meet the requirements of the European or American model. Accordingly, the load on them is allowed to give less. Professional shells have a thicker diameter. But at the same time, they are able to withstand more weight.

When exercising at home, get yourself an amateur projectile. This will make your workouts more comfortable.

Olympic bars are designed for heavy, extreme loads, making them versatile. When an athlete achieves a certain result, such a projectile will increase the load, while amateur options will no longer be able to meet the need for weight gain.


The bar diameter plays a decisive role in determining the required sports equipment standard. It can be European, American, or Olympic. The choice of standard depends on the athlete himself.

American standard workout gear has a sleeve diameter of 25mm. Maximum weight, which can be lifted with such equipment, reaches 120 kg. The heaviest discs permitted for this equipment weigh 25 kg.

Slightly more American European standard. Neck sleeve diameter reaches 30 mm. At the same time, the maximum loads are at the limit of 130 kg. European and American standards are intended purely for home use. If you compare them, you can see a significant difference. The thickness of the projectile will vary.

The Olympic barbell has a sleeve 50 mm thick. With such equipment, it is already allowed to lift enough heavy weight... Products that meet this standard are actively used in gyms and for training professional bodybuilders.


The Olympic barbell bar must meet certain standards. It can withstand a maximum load of 600 kg. The product must be equipped with locks. Without them, the equipment will weigh 20 kg, and with locks - 25 kg. Pancake sleeves of this design have the ability to rotate. This contributes to an even distribution and balancing of the load during training.

The product does not rotate in the hands of the athlete. This prevents injury during exercise. The material for the manufacture of this part of the rod is very good quality... It is galvanized to meet aesthetic and performance requirements. Steel for production is marked 60-С-2.

This product is equipped with a wing-type locking system. This is one of the most reliable and convenient fastening methods, which does not deteriorate the steel surface. There are notches along the entire length of the working area of ​​the neck for a comfortable and stronger grip.

Male shells

For men and women, there are certain features of the parameters of the systems. Olympic types of shells for men have a length of 2.2 m.In the place where the athlete places his arms, the diameter becomes narrower and reaches 28 mm. The seat for the discs is 50 mm. In this case, the length of the working zone is 1.32 m. There is a notch in this zone. The barbell neck of this sample has a 40 cm pancake hanging area.

For this type of equipment, discs are produced that weigh 0.25; 0.5; 1.25 kg (chrome plated). For more weight, use 2.5 kg (black weights), 5 kg (white pancakes); 10 kg (green), 15 kg (yellow); 20 kg (blue), 25 kg (red). All discs weighing from 2.5 kg have a rubberized rim. This helps to reduce the noise level during exercise.

Female vultures

To figure out how much it weighs according to the standard, it is necessary to determine for whom this inventory is intended. The female varieties in weightlifting are characterized by a lower weight. The fair sex lift the weight by an average of 5 kg less.

The diameter of the main working area for women's athletic products is 3 mm less (equal to 25 mm). The female barbell also differs from similar male products in its length. The neck is 15-40 cm shorter.

The above parameters are enough to prepare the fair sex for competitions and provide them with the opportunity to engage in bodybuilding.

Having familiarized yourself with such a projectile for weightlifting as an Olympic barbell bar, you can choose the right standard for sports equipment. High-quality training is possible only with the use of high-quality equipment that meets all the requirements. This will allow you to avoid cases of injury, as well as to work out all muscle groups in the best quality.

This article will focus on one of the most important elements, which is absolutely in every gym. Without it, it is almost impossible to carry out high-quality and full workout... Naturally, there are all sorts of alternatives, but this is by no means the case. Moreover, no simulator can replace basic exercises. In general, we will talk about a bar for a barbell, or more precisely, about the varieties of this device.

Today you can see that in all cities there are more and more gyms. Each room is equipped with special devices that help to work out all muscle groups as efficiently as possible. But none gym will not be considered complete if there is no barbell in it. This inventory has a huge number of types that are used to work out a particular muscle group. Now, these are the types that will be discussed.

Barbell bars, types

# 1. Olympic neck.

It is one of the most popular among athletes. Very often it is called classic. Absolutely every gym has a similar projectile, because without it it is simply impossible to conduct a quality workout.

The maximum load is up to 320 kg. Length - 2.2 m, diameter - 28 mm.

No. 2. Women's straight Olympic bar.
It is almost identical to the projectile described above. The only difference is in size and weight. The length is 40 cm shorter, the diameter is 25 mm.

No. 3. Powerlifting.
Made of high strength steel, and designed to work with heavy weights. It is on weights up to 600 kg. The main difference from the "classic" is that this projectile practically does not bend under heavy weight.

Diameter - 30 mm. It undergoes a special quality assessment during manufacture. Once it is ready for use, it is given a special certificate that confirms its high quality.

No. 4. Versatile for home workouts.
Designed specifically for those people who cannot go to the gym, but at the same time wish to exercise regularly. By the way, it costs much less. Certainly, you can find certain disadvantages. The first and most important is low strength, therefore, you cannot pick up a lot of weight here.

Some gym owners are purchasing such a projectile in the hope of replacing the classics. It should be noted right away that the replacement will fail. That's because it won't even fit on the bench press racks. The only thing it is perfect for is biceps exercises.

In general, the diameter is similar to the classic, but the length is different. The length is from 1.5 - 2 meters.

Curved necks

This is a separate subspecies of shells. They are completely different from direct options, and are of the following types: EZ - shaped, W - shaped, T - shaped, TREP-GRIF. As a rule, they are used to work out the biceps, triceps and deltoids.

Now, about each of them in more detail.

# 1. EZ.

This shell is an incredible find for people who have naturally weak forearms. The special shape makes it possible to perform all exercises in such a way that the load on problem areas is reduced.

If an athlete has problems with the wrist joint, then this projectile will allow you to do exercises without loading this zone. A very convenient exercise to do with it is the French bench press and sitting.

No. 2. W - shaped.

It is a bit similar to the previous version, but still has some differences. It is very convenient to work out the external biceps bundle with it. The fact is that the special shape makes it possible to grip the bar with a direct grip. Such a grip is very convenient when pumping the biceps, because it also involves the forearms.

No. 3. T - shaped.

Ideal for people who dream about, but at the same time are afraid to do deadlifts. In fact, this option helps reduce stress on the lower back and spine. It is incredibly convenient to do bent-over rows with it.

By by and large, this is not just a bar, but a whole simulator, because one of the ends is able to hold a certain number of pancakes.

No. 4. TREP.

Quite an unusual projectile, because outwardly it does not look like a neck at all. In fact, it is meant to be deadlifted. It is worth noting that it is considered the safest with its use. It is mainly used by beginners to hone their technique.

It is worth noting that these shells are used much less often than the classics. The fact is that biceps, triceps and delts can be worked out great with dumbbells and even with the help of an even barbell.

You shouldn't underestimate the advantages of curved necks, but still, their role in the gym is far from that assigned to the "classics".

How much does the barbell weigh

The weight of the barbell bar is very important point... If you do not know this moment for sure, then you can incorrectly calculate the working weight. An incorrectly calculated weight can lead to a complete lack of results, or to injury. And yet how much does a barbell weigh? In fact, there is absolutely no secret in this.

  1. Classic, Olympic - 20 kg.
  2. Women's classic - 5 kg less, tobit 15 kg.
  3. The bar that powerlifters use is 20 kilograms.
  4. As for the barbell for home workouts, its weight largely depends on the length. If the length is 2 meters, then the weight is 10 kg; 1.8 m - 8.2 kg; 1.5 m - 6.7 kg; 1.25 m - 5.8 kg.

It is worth noting that 20 kg is the weight of the barbell bar used by professionals. If this equipment weighs less in the gym, then, most likely, it is not intended for professional training.

If we are talking about a curved projectile, then all curved ones have a standard weight of 6.5 kilograms, with a total length of 1.2 meters.

Why do you need to know the information about the shells

It is very important to have information about what types of barbell bars are. Surely many do not understand how important this is. In fact, this is very important to know. A person who wants to achieve high results should know everything about the area in which he seeks to achieve success. It is difficult to imagine that the world bodybuilding champions do not know how much a particular projectile weighs.

This is the moment when knowledge helps not only to achieve results, but also to maintain health. An incredible number of examples when a person comes to the gym, and. You can often notice that he weighs 60 kilograms, but at the same time he does not know anything about the bar itself. As a result, he will be injured, because a lot of weight has a bad effect on unprepared joints.

When it comes to deadlifts and squats, it is incredibly important to keep the weight right. In general, these are all words, but the fact is that before going to the gym, you need to familiarize yourself with the weight of individual sports elements, remains a fact.


After a person reads this article, he will receive a lot of useful information. The most important thing is that now we know the weight of absolutely all types of vultures, and the species themselves, and this is very useful to those people who have recently been involved in sports.

I would like to believe that information about what types of barbell bars are and how much a barbell bar weighs will be useful to many people. Do not forget that people go to the gym first of all in order to become healthy, and then strong!

Best regards, Vladimir Manerov

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Below from the article you can find out everything about barbell bars and stacked dumbbells.

In our store you can purchase all the necessary components for collecting a barbell or dumbbell, incl. and vultures.

The basis of the barbell and typesetting dumbbell is vulture, which is a steel rod, as a rule, with a chrome-plated coating and rotating bushings at the ends, on which removable load disks are put on, which serve to change the weight of the bar. Bars for modern barbells differ not only in diameter, but also in shape.

In addition to straight classic bars, there are W-shaped, EZ-shaped, etc. Each shape is designed to work out a particular muscle bundle. Therefore, the choice of the neck should be approached very scrupulously, having thoroughly understood all the "pluses" and "minuses" of one form or another.

Neck shape

Straight vulture

vulture received the most popularity. The straight bar will do most physical exercise on the most basic muscle groups. These are squats with a barbell and presses from the chest and from the shoulders, and snatches, and exercises for biceps and triceps, and all kinds of lunges, deadlifts, shrugs.

If you are purchasing a barbell for your own home, then the best solution is a straight line vulture , since it can be used to perform most of the most common and effective exercise... Straightwill be indispensable if you are working on weight gain. It is he who allows you to perform the basic basic exercises (bench press, squats and deadlift), which allow you to most effectively gain muscle mass.

Straight bars vary in length, stiffness, and thickness. Its length can be very small and very solid. If the room does not allow the use of a long type, then the best solution would be to purchase a mini-bar. However, it is important to understand here that its diameter, as a rule, is small and such types are designed for low operating weights.

If your working weight will not exceed 100 kg, then it is quite possible to purchase a mini bar for home workouts. For heavier weights, a professional bar is indispensable. We recommend paying attention to the Olympic vultures. Olympic allows you to perform exercises with large weights and, moreover, it has sufficient length in order to perform exercises widegrip .

Still on sale vulturespecially designed for powerlifting. It has greater rigidity compared to the Olympic one. Greater rigidity allows you to work with larger weights than in weightlifting... However, we do not recommend purchasing a powerlifting look for home use, since training at home with large weights is extremely traumatic.

Among straight bars, there are models with non-standard thickness (up to 7 cm). They are very thick species. The use of such models is justified if your goal is to increase strength indicators. Training with a thick bar is very effective in building grip strength. Specifically, grip strength in many strength sports is the bottleneck to increasing overall strength.

Active athletes power mode workouts use thick models in many exercises, such as deadlifts and biceps curls. After using this technique for a while, the return to the standard diameter is accompanied by a subsequent increase in strength indicators, since the strength of the hands has increased significantly. However, suchvulture, replacing them with all others, is not worth it, as this will ultimately lead to a drop in working weights in many exercises, which will reduce the overall effectiveness of training.

Try to use large bar only on days when you swing your forearms, this will significantly improve your grip strength and at the same time will not affect your overall strength in any way.

Choosing a straight line rreef , Special attention note the presence and size of the embossed notch on the surface. A well-made notch allows you to work with large weights, due to the fact that he does not turn and does not slip out of hands. The secret of the notch is not only in the embossed surface, which is easier to hold, but also in the fact that a little air remains in these small grooves, which protects the palm from excessive sweating. As a result vulturedoes not slip or turn at the most crucial moment.

EZ neck

The EZ bar allows for more specialized biceps and triceps exercises. With the help of the EZ-bar, you can concentrate on those bundles of muscle fibers that, when using the direct one, are included in the work to a lesser extent.

The use of the EZ bar will help relieve unnecessary stress on the wrists and forearms during the biceps workout. This allows you to concentrate more on working out the target muscle. For home workout it is better to have it straight and curved. This solution makes it possible to pump different muscle bundles, allowing you to simultaneously work on both mass and relief.

W-shaped vulture

This is a "modified" copy of EZ. The curvature in such a bar is stronger, which allows you to hold the barbell.gripclose to neutral. Many athletes note that such barbells give excellent return when performing French presses and in exercises similar to them.

Barbell (projectile)

Olympic barbell

The bar of the Olympic bar has a weight of 20 kg, a length of 2.2 m and a diameter of 28 mm, while the ends of the bar on which the discs are worn have a diameter of 50 mm.

The load is made up of a set of standard rubberized discs with an inner diameter of 52 mm and a mass of 25, 20, 15 or 10 kg, the outer diameter of the discs depends on their weight (respectively, red, blue, yellow and green colors), as well as small discs with a mass of 5, 2.5 , 1.25, 1, 0.5 and 0.25 kg.

Powerlifting uses discs weighing 50 kg. The weight of a standard lock is 2.5 kg.

Barbell for powerlifting

The bar for powerlifting is much more rigid than the Olympic bar. This is due to the fact that in powerlifting they work with larger weights than in weightlifting. Performing powerlifting competitive exercises with the Olympic bar is potentially traumatic - for example, in squats with a barbell on the shoulders, when the barbell is lifted, an athlete can start "pounding".

At the same time, weightlifters use the springy properties of the Olympic bar to facilitate exercise - the moment the ends oscillate upward, the barbell becomes slightly lighter.

Womens olympic barbell

The women's Olympic barbell is similar to the men's, but its bar is shorter - 2.05 m, lighter - 15 kg and has a smaller diameter - 25 mm. Barbell does not have a notch in the center of the neck, as this notch was made for one-handed movements that are not currently used.

Standard rod

The neck of a standard bar has a diameter of 25 mm along its entire length and a weight of 20 kg. As a load, disks weighing 50, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5, 2.5, 1.25, 0.75 kg and others are used, depending on the manufacturer of the equipment.

Barbell with EZ-neck

In some cases, a barbell is used with curved neck, also called an EZ bar. This barbell is usually used for nabicepsitriceps (French press) exercises.

Barbell with T-bar

There is a bar with a bar in the shape of the letter T, on the lower end of which a weight is fixed.


In order to avoid the pancakes from sliding off the bar during exercise, it is necessary to fix the discs along the edges with special clamps. There are four common types of locks: smooth bush, nut, spring and ratchet. It takes a considerable amount of time to tighten the nut, so we will not recommend it for the rod.

For collapsible dumbbells, the nut is the most the best option but using a rod nut is not the best solution. As for spring locks, they are much more convenient in everyday use. However, it should be borne in mind that it is better not to fix large weights with springs, since in the event of a significant roll of the bar, such a lock will fly off along with the pancakes. Locks made on the principle of a smooth sleeve deserve special attention. They put on instantly, fit quickly enough and provide high level fixing.

However, over time, the thread wears out, rusts, and it becomes less and less comfortable to use such locks. The lock, ratchet is the best solution to date. Such a lock instantly puts on, securely fixes pancakes, and can be easily removed. In addition, due to its design, such a lock almost never wedges, such as lock nuts and bushings. Keep in mind, however, that the ratchet lock does not fit all necks. For a ratchet lock, the bar must be of the appropriate diameter and with special threads at the ends of the neck.

Barbell Pancakes

First of all, pancakes differ in weight. The step of the scales available in stores is approximately the following: 0.5; 1; 1.25; 1.5; 2; 2.5; 3; 5; ten; 12; 15; twenty; 25; 50 kg. In addition to weight, pancakes differ in the diameter of the bore. The most common diameters are 25, 30 and 50 mm.

Pancakes with a diameter of 50 mm are more versatile. They can be worn on a neck of almost any diameter, and the difference in diameter can be compensated for with good locks. For home, it is better to buy barbells and dumbbells and pancakes discs for a 25 mm hole, it is cheaper at a price and you can use such pancakes both on simulators and on dumbbells and barbells.

All iron pancakes are on sale in our store.

The disadvantage of such pancakes is their high susceptibility to corrosion. Also, iron pancakes leave traces of barbell blows on the floor surface.

It is much more convenient when a rubber shock-absorbing strip runs along the circumference of the pancakes. It is even better when the pancakes are completely rolled up in plastic or rubber. Firstly, they do not rust, and secondly, they are pleasant to take in hands.

Barbell is one of the most effective sports equipment, still popular in the world of strength training. Despite its apparent simplicity, the bar works all major muscle groups. By purchasing a barbell, you will get a versatile shell, perfect for training biceps and triceps, increasing strength, endurance and muscle mass.

The barbell consists of a neck (metal bar) and metal discs that are attached to its ends. Barbell bars are selected depending on which muscle group you are training.

Each neck has three important parameters: length, screw length, screw diameter. The length of the neck is individual for everyone. If it is short, the hands can touch the discs, and if it is long, then the grip will have to be made wider to put your hands on the notch.

For training, the length can be from 120 to 180 cm.The length of the screw part determines how many discs can be hung on vulture .

Vulture is an integral part of a dumbbell or barbell. Each bar has three important dimensions: grip length, screw length, and screw diameter.

Length of part for grip barbell especially important if you are going to use a bench for the press (the distance between the stands of the bench for the press should be less than the length of the grip section of the bar).

The length of the screw determines how many discs can be hung on the neck ... The inner diameter of the discs must match the diameter of its screw part. By the appearance of the neck itself, they are distinguished: straight, Z-shaped, W-shaped.

Straight vulture is an integral part of the classic barbell.

Z-shapedvulture The (EZ-bar) is designed for upper arm muscle exercises, which anatomically isolates the biceps or triceps due to its curvature and unusual grip.during exercise, as a result of which they are better worked out.

W-shaped vulture allows you to isolate the muscles of the arms, and as a result of this, you will get more prominent and stronger arms.

Have standard bar- 25mm bar that weighs 20 kilograms.

Barbell bars are straight, curved and complex designs... Most often, a straight bar is used.

Curved facilitates the implementation of the biceps curl.

Trap neck(diamond, hexagonal) is needed to perform deadlifts on bent legs... Its main advantage is that the load falls more on the muscles of the front of the thigh, so this version of the deadlift is a good replacement for squats with a barbell on the shoulders.

Also an important characteristic is the maximum load. The simplest barbell training bar has a 70 kg load. There are also more complex ones that can withstand a load of 120-150 kg. Semi-professional barbell training bars already have a load of up to 200 kg, or even 300 kg.

We remind you that in our store you can choose and buy both a barbell bar and a dumbbell bar.

- the most popular and used sports equipment for strength training, is the main tool of everyone gym... What are the barbell bars, their varieties, what is the difference between one or another bar and in which exercises they are used will be discussed in this article.

Manufacturers of sports equipment do not stop improving their developments, improving the functions of modern simulators and sports equipment, and only the bar for the bar has not undergone significant changes, being an effective tool for training in strength sports.

Barbell bars vary in characteristics, sports and varieties training exercises... The main characteristics are the shape of the neck, its size, diameter, weight and maximum permissible load, which, by the way, many manufacturers forget to mention.

It is a chrome-plated steel rod with a diameter of 25-30 mm and a length of 1.2-2.2 m, with notches for a grip and bushings for removable disks (pancakes) to increase the weight of the rod. There are several types of straight bars:

  • Olympic weightlifting bar
  • olympic bar for women
  • powerlifting bar ( powerlifting)
  • versatile workout straight bar

Olympic vulture

Olympic Weightlifting Bar has a standard weight of 20 kg, a length of 2200 mm and a rod diameter of 28 mm. The weight of the standard locks is 2.5 kg each, therefore the weight of the Olympic barbell assembly with the locks is 25 kg.

Bushings for removable discs, 50 mm in diameter, are mounted on bearings and can rotate independently of each other. This is due to the fact that exercises in weightlifting are associated with barbell jerks.

Another distinctive feature the Olympic bar is its springiness. Again, this has to do with the technique of doing the exercises in weightlifting.

Olympic bar for women differs from the standard neck in its dimensions. It has a rod diameter of 25 mm, is 15 cm shorter and 5 kg lighter. The women's Olympic bar does not have a center grip notch, since this notch was applied for a one-handed exercise that is not used in modern weightlifting.

Olympic barbell bar for women

Powerlifting bar

The bar weight for powerlifting weighs 20 kg and looks like an Olympic bar, but has an increased diameter (29 mm) and lack of springiness. The increase in bar stiffness for powerlifting is due to the use of much more weight than in weightlifting.

In powerlifting competitions, doing exercises with the Olympic bar can be quite traumatic. For example, when removing the bar from the shoulders, when performing basic exercise- squats, the athlete may just start "pounding".

EZ fretboard

The EZ bar from the English word “easy” (relieves stress on the wrists) was designed for exercises that focus on developing the muscles of the arms. The use of the EZ-bar allows the hands to assume a more natural (from an anatomical point of view) position during exercise, relieve unnecessary stress on the wrists and forearms.

With the help of the EZ bar, you can concentrate on those bundles of muscle fibers that, when using the straight bar, are less involved in the work. Most often it has a length of 1.2 m and a weight of 6.5 kg.

Trap neck

The hexagonal (diamond, hexagonal) bar is used to perform deadlifts on bent legs. Its main advantage is that the load falls more on the muscles of the front of the thigh, so this version of the deadlift is a good replacement for squats with a barbell on the shoulders.

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