The influence of sports on the heart and blood vessels. The effect of sports on the heart

If you want to protect yourself from a heart attack, you need to pay attention to aerobic exercise... They keep your heart healthy and strong.

You would like to know which sports help protect yourself from a heart attack, get rid of excess weight and improve respiratory health? This is what will be discussed in our today's article.

Sports and heart health

The claim that physical activity is beneficial to health is unlikely to seem new to anyone.


In addition to tennis, you can pay attention to all sports in which there is a racket: squash, badminton, table tennis.

  • These sports reduce the risk of disease. of cardio-vascular system by lowering blood pressure and improving heart function.
  • In tennis and other similar sports, intense activity alternates with short rest breaks.
  • High energy expenditure during exercise allows you to get rid of excess fat and improve muscle function. These sports are recommended for diabetics and overweight people.


This sport is distinguished by moderate activity and allows not only to protect yourself from a heart attack, but also contributes to the rehabilitation of people who have suffered from it.

  • Hiking stimulates the expansion of the heart cavities and increases blood flow.
  • While walking, the supply of oxygen and other micronutrients to our body's cells improves.
  • Thanks to this sport, the health of blood vessels is strengthened, the return of blood to the heart and lungs through the veins is facilitated, and breathing becomes deeper.
  • Best for nature walks, the features of the landscape and the time of the year do not matter.


Swimming is complex view sport that brings great benefit the health of our heart.

It allows you to use most of the muscles in our body. while developing good coordination.

As for the benefits of this sport for the human heart, it should be noted that it has a positive effect on blood pressure.

In addition, swimming increases energy expenditure, lowers blood cholesterol levels. and allows you to lose weight.

Other health benefits of swimming include its gentle effects on joints. Swimming can be done by a person of any age.


Perhaps this mountain sport may seem dangerous to you. Or do you think skis are only suitable for young and athletic people.

In fact, snow skiing is very beneficial for a strong and healthy heart.

Skiing is an excellent aerobic exercise. That is why it is so beneficial for the health of the cardiovascular system.

Skiing has a positive effect on our heart size, heart rate, circulation and blood volume.


  • As we said, any kind of aerobic exercise is good for our heart. In addition, they improve the coordination of our movements.
  • Aerobics and various dances allow us to maintain normal weight, because in just thirty minutes of such exercises, our body spends up to 260 calories.
  • Equally important, dancing and aerobics classes bring us a lot of joy, because they also have a game component. All of this helps to reduce stress levels.

To do this, it is not at all necessary to enroll in a dance school, you can dance at home while listening to your favorite music.

A bike

Regular high-intensity cycling develops the muscles of the legs, buttocks and pelvis.

Such sports can lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels, and also reduce blood clots. This reduces the likelihood of a heart attack.

As for other benefits cycling, the following should be noted:

  • Increases insulin sensitivity
  • Stimulates the production of hormones of joy
  • Protects against the development of arthrosis and intervertebral hernias.

Doctors advise to give physical activity at least half an hour a day, because with a sedentary lifestyle, metabolism is disturbed, the level of "bad" cholesterol rises and the heart muscle is weakened. However, everything must be done reasonably so as not to cause trouble.
C employee of the National University physical education and sports Evgeny Malyshev notes that they are most useful for the heart aerobic exercise, jogging, Nordic walking (with poles resembling ski poles).
By the way, even when walking are useful additional loads... Pole walking increases costs by 25%, so it burns more calories than regular walking. And if you also put weights on your arms or legs, you can increase the energy consumption by at least another quarter.
Cardio workouts should be carried out at least 3 times a week, and even better - every day, for 45 minutes. They will do a good job not only for the heart, but also for your entire body. Under the influence of correct physical activity, metabolic processes in muscles, ligaments and tendons are activated, which ensures the prevention of arthrosis, arthritis and other pathological changes in all links that ensure motor function.
But the expert calls triathlon or marathons an unhealthy sport that does not serve to strengthen physical strength and endurance, but mainly for self-affirmation. Such extreme loads cause the loss of salts, potassium and magnesium ions, which are necessary for the heart muscle for the synchronous work of its fibers. With a deficiency, problems associated with irregular heart rhythms can arise.
Are there any contraindications to cardio training?
- At healthy people there are no contraindications, - says Evgeny Malyshev. - However, men after 40, and even more so after 50 years, if they decide to start exercising in the gym, must first undergo an examination. Including cardiotest with physical activity and ECG control. Young and healthy people do not have such a need.
Even ischemic disease heart and arterial hypertension, according to the doctor, are not a contraindication to cardio training, but in this case, you just need to select a special training regimen. Only seriously ill people have absolute contraindications to sports.

We go to work or school, do household chores, physical exercise, we eat ordinary foods. In all these everyday life, we rarely think about what harms one of our main organs - the heart. What effect on the heart do our work, habits, sports activities, diet, regular excitement? The chief cardiologist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan, Honored Doctor of Russia and Tatarstan, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan Albert Galyavich tells us about all this.

Now there is a fairly active promotion of a sports lifestyle. Still young boys strive to build muscle, be like Arnold Schwarzenegger, girls are passionate about treadmills. Is sport bad for the heart?
- To answer this question, it is important to distinguish power training and cyclic loads. Exercises with various kinds of weights - kettlebells, dumbbells, as well as pull-ups, push-ups, presses, squats with a barbell, planks, traction for the heart are harmful. During the same dumbbell lift, blood pressure rises, the heart has to expel blood from the vessels. Over time, the heart becomes more and more difficult to do this. There is stagnation of blood in the left ventricle, which is why it increases in size. Such changes are common among weightlifters. There is even special concept- "the heart of a weightlifter." Another point: the more the heart pumps blood, contracts, works, the faster it wears out. If you regularly engage in power loads 3 - 5 times a week, pathological changes in the work of the heart may begin after a few years.

- How does cardio workout affect the heart?
- To maintain heart health, it is enough to devote 150 minutes a week to moderate intensity loads. It can be walking, swimming, skiing, running, cycling, yoga. During cyclic loads, the body is saturated with oxygen, indicators are normalized blood pressure, the elasticity of the heart increases, the cardiovascular system is strengthened. Regular exercise of moderate intensity is very beneficial as opposed to strength training.

Risks to the heart exist not only in sports, but also in everyday work. What professions are most susceptible to heart disease?
- These are professions where there is a risk, constant emergency situations, round-the-clock work. More often than others, air traffic controllers, dispatchers of railway lines, machinists, pilots, drivers, metallurgists, and builders face heart disease. Rescue workers, shift workers - guards, police officers are in the risk category. The condition of the heart is negatively affected by inactive, overtime work. It has been proven that representatives of professions associated with mental activity live longer: writers, scientists, literary men, composers.

- Albert Sarvarovich, what does stress with our heart? Is it true that regular stress is the path to heart attacks?
- Chronic stress, regular nervous shocks, stress contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases - from rhythm disturbances, atherosclerosis to heart attack and acute heart attack. Anxiety, negative emotions, quarrels cause an adrenaline rush, heart palpitations, narrowing of blood vessels and, as a result, an increase in blood pressure. Some, after stress, notice that they have shortness of breath, drawing and aching pain in the heart, increased anxiety. You need to try not to swear with anyone, calmly react to something bad.

I would like to talk more about nutrition. For example, animal fats are known to be bad for the heart. And what, on the contrary, is useful?
- Favorably on the work of the heart and blood vessels, foods rich in fatty acids omega-3. This is mackerel, herring, salmon, walnuts, beans, avocado, flax seeds. They strengthen blood vessels, lower the level of so-called bad cholesterol, and lower blood pressure. Blueberries are rich in antioxidants that protect blood vessels from damage. Spinach, asparagus and other green leafy vegetables, garlic, tomatoes help to normalize the heart. Olive oil, nuts, dried apricots are good for blood vessels.

For heart health, it is worth limiting the consumption of saturated fats - chicken skin, meat, egg yolk, fast food, palm oil. Trans fats are harmful - they are found in confectionery, chips, cookies, cakes, and so on.

Eating salty food soy sauce, store-bought seasonings for dishes, pickles also negatively affects the work of the heart. Finally, excess sugar, for example, is one of the causes of atherosclerotic plaque formation. As for drinks, alcohol, especially beer, vodka, has an extremely negative effect on the work of the heart.

By the way, it has been proven that people who have a negative attitude towards life and arrive in a bad mood are more prone to heart attacks or strokes. So try to stay positive and smile at all times.

Gym - great way recharge your health. Cardio equipment helps to strengthen all muscles and promote healthy heart function. The most popular machines of this type are the elliptical, treadmill, and stationary bike. Treadmill simulates natural running, you can set different degrees of resistance of the simulator, as well as features of the relief, for example, downhill running. The exercise bike helps to relieve the spine, and it is also suitable for people with sore knees. Elliptical Trainers- this is the latest development, their pedals and handrails move in a circle, which gives good load but does not overload the back and joints.
When exercising, monitor your pulse, keep a moderate pace. You should be comfortable, shortness of breath is highly undesirable.

Training the heart muscle while swimming

Swimming not only perfectly strengthens and hardens the body, but also has a beneficial effect on the heart and blood vessels. Your body is in a horizontal position and your movements are in water, which is denser than air. All this favors the outflow of blood from the heart to the peripheral vessels and back. The pressure exerted by the water allows the heart to work better and more evenly. Also, deep breathing of swimmers is a kind of massage that activates his activity. In addition, it was noted that being in water normalizes blood composition and makes blood vessels more elastic. A minimum load on the joints makes this sport accessible to almost everyone.
Swimming is good for nervous system- it soothes and normalizes sleep.

Aerobics - fast movement and rhythmic breathing

Incendiary aerobics classes are suitable for energetic people who are not afraid of difficulties. The first classes will be quite difficult, but over time, the body will adapt, and you will feel an improvement in endurance. The emphasis in aerobics is on the rhythm of movements and alternate load of all muscle groups. Stretching is also performed in the classroom, which strengthens the muscles and joints. Modern aerobics is divided into several types: - using an exercise bike, step - on dedicated platform, fitball - on the ball. With regular exercise, there is also active burning of calories, strengthening of the bone skeleton, and improving flexibility and mobility of the joints.

If a person does not pay attention to the health of the heart and blood vessels, his carelessness in relation to his body will affect very soon. Regular stress on the cardiovascular system will give a tangible improvement in well-being. You will strengthen your heart, reduce the likelihood of heart disease, increase your overall tone, and also learn to deal with stress. So, training the heart and developing endurance is a commitment of each of us to our own health. But which sport is best for keeping your heart healthy and strong?

What sport is good for the heart?

All of these benefits are complemented by a variety of fitness workouts. It can be cycling along the coast of a lake or sea, jogging, dance aerobics, jumping rope exercises and even playing with your own dog. You will have a wonderful time with the benefit of yourself, and a healthy heart and blood vessels will become a pleasant consequence of this lifestyle.


Experiment. Training the heart and blood vessels should not turn into a routine. Nobody requires you to run fast over long distances. Even a light jog for 20 minutes will raise the overall tone of the body. Run 3-4 times a week. Be attentive to your feelings during sports. So it's worth stopping and just walking if you feel unwell. Even walking is good for you.

Swimming pool

Visit the local pool (if there is an opportunity to swim in the river, lake and sea - it's just great). Swimming is one of the most effective species sports, since the maximum possible number of muscles is included in the work. The upper and lower parts of the body work at the same time. If you have problems with joints, then the pool will suit you perfectly - in the water you do not need to touch the ground with your feet.

A bike

Follow the example of cyclists! Ride at least occasionally along the paths of local parks, along the coast, and even just along the streets. The body constantly requires fresh air and you will noticeably feel that after cycling, you feel much better. Biking around the forest for half an hour is a long-term investment in your health.


Workout of the heart and blood vessels at home! Play your favorite music at least 2 times a week and dance to it. Thereby you will increase heartbeat and you will train your lungs. Dancing not only improves your mood, you also burn calories and strengthen your leg muscles. At the same time, it is strongly recommended to do stretching - both before and after the dance.


Walking around town or just shopping can help you feel so much better. Walk at least 20 minutes a day. Household cleaning and hand washing are just as good for your health as sports. If you regularly train your body with aerobic activity, then you will discover endless potential for improving your own health.

Heart problems are mainly solved only by sports.

People are used to complaining that they don't have time for sports. But in most cases, such sad statements are explained by simple laziness. For example, you live on the 10th floor. And after work, of course, you use the elevator. Give it up and go up the stairs to the apartment! This will be enough to get you started. Over time, the body will clearly make it clear that such loads are not enough for it. Exercising the heart and blood vessels will also affect your ability to feel the body, to feel what the body needs at the moment, and what it is better to refrain from. This quality should not be neglected; it will definitely come in handy with age.

Training the heart and developing endurance is not hard labor and torment, it is systematic care and a contribution to a long life. Before you wave your hand at your belly, think about what potential you have. Sports can be found everywhere, even in everyday work. But, of course, to train your body, you must prepare mentally first. Want to become strong, beautiful and healthy! Place the right emphasis on your goals. Be sure - in this case, you will succeed.

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16 thoughts on “ Heart training and endurance development - choosing the right sport

    Hello! Strengthening the heart is one of the greatest absurdities found on the web. How can you raise the tone and strengthen the heart if all its cells contract during work? They all work. They are always in good shape. The heart can be stretched or the wall enlarged, but it just sounds absurd to tone it up and strengthen it. We see the same with vessels. The main problems are in violation of the integrity of the walls of blood vessels, which can be treated with hormones that are released during proper strength work. Just running, swimming, walking does not lead to the start of the processes of restoration of the walls of blood vessels. To run for your own pleasure is yes, but for the treatment of blood vessels, again, it is utter absurdity. Stop poisoning people with nonsense. Read new textbooks and learn so that there are no such materials based on information 20-30 years ago, when there were few experiences in this area. You are a rating magazine with a smart team, but you write heresy and misinform your readers, who then run and swim to strengthen the heart and blood vessels.
    If there is an answer, then I ask for constructive criticism. Justify, please, your arguments, and do not persecute that everyone is doing this and we, as a herd, will also be. Thank you.

    • Hello Pavel.

      The Daily Vision team was pleased that you wrote a good and competent commentary from the point of view of the topic being raised. You can develop your thoughts right here in the comments. Every opinion has a right to exist. And yours - even more so.

      • What can the journal's staff oppose to the information I have written? This contradicts the words of many (illiterate but "professional", paradoxically) fitness trainers and the large amount of materials on your site. This is not beneficial for a business in this area, which is developing so quickly. I understand all this, but the information written by me is the facts of modern science. Anyone who reads anything more scientific than sports magazines knows about it. In any case, the time will pass when it will no longer work to mislead people.

        Okay, let's take a look at this topic.

        Let's start with the heart.
        When working muscles, there is such a thing as recruiting. Muscle recruitment is about engaging more and more muscle fibers... Recruiting occurs when basic part the muscles involved do not cope with the work and needs more muscles to do it. Example: to raise the handle, you need to use a tiny fraction of your biceps resource, but when lifting a dumbbell, you already need to use almost all of your biceps resource. The usual everyday human need for movement involves only a certain percentage of your muscles, the rest are "sleeping". Therefore, most of the muscles need to be toned. Normal household loads are not enough, so some people find a way out in sports. To use the non-working parts of the muscles and keep them in working tone. After all, sometimes we still need to lift something heavier than a spoon with a fork and the muscles must be ready for this. What does this have to do with the heart? In the heart muscle, there is no such thing as recruiting. When working, all cells are reduced, and not part of them. Absolutely all cells are involved and there are simply no “sleeping” cells in the heart. When needed, the heart can pump blood faster or slower (more or less to contract muscle cells), but this does not affect their tone in any way, as they are all and always at work. The heart is always in good shape all your life. There are cases when, due to some diseases, the tone of the heart needs to be maintained, but here I am talking about healthy people.

        Now let's talk about vessels.
        The walls of blood vessels consist of smooth muscle cells surrounded on both sides by a membrane. Smooth muscles able to contract slowly enough. It is almost impossible to "swing" such muscles, especially in the walls of blood vessels. The walls of blood vessels are capable of stretching and narrowing. So what does vascular tone or elasticity mean? The vascular tone is their ability to increase and decrease in diameter. If the vessels are healthy, then they are always in good shape and have the ability to change their diameter based on needs. Therefore, there is no point in improving tone. Moreover, people in whom the integrity of the vessel walls is violated (atherosclerosis, etc.) should not be involved in jogging and similar sports. When we run, our heart rate rises quite strongly. The increased blood flow and the diameter of the vessels leads to the detachment of "plaques" and their clogging of the vessels. In other words, it is a blood clot, a rupture of a vessel, cell death, and everything that comes out of it. For the treatment of blood vessels with sports, other methods have been developed.

        The muscles of the heart are in good shape all their lives and do not need additional training. Running and similar sports (with this approach, as described in the article above) does not affect the tone of the heart muscle and blood vessels. Follow general health organism, and then the heart with blood vessels will also be normal.

    The article is good. But the comment made me think. Personally, I disagree with Paul - in fact, all of his arguments are not convincing to say the least. He presents it all as "science." Does he have the right to do this? Is he a medic? Professor? Who, in order to "destroy" the generally accepted understanding like that. According to him, it turns out that if you are sick, then SICK! And there is nothing to rock the boat to do sports. But I can give a bunch of examples of the opposite. Many people have had heart problems and playing sports has helped to keep them healthy! Namely "MAKE HEALTHY", not cure. Let the doctors treat (cripple) with their pills and injections. I personally know for myself, if you stop exercising, you get shortness of breath and pain in the chest. Everyone has an opinion. But I think it is very incorrect to Poke them like Paul does it. Expressing, proposing a discussion is another matter. But you CAN'T impose! It is also well known that the imposition of any opinion leads to its rejection. As for the magazine, I read it in its old form, and I still read it, because I find a lot of useful things for myself and check it out in practice. I wrote a comment for the first time. I was really outraged by such chauvinism of the "authority".

    Of course, I Pavel, if he wants to be "in the subject", he needs to take any textbook on physiology and read not only what he can digest, but also what Sechenov, Ukhtomsky, Pavlov discovered. Running is not a panacea for disease, nor are pills. But each of us is unlikely to benefit from the experience of another person. I myself have to go through knowledge, experience, comprehension.
    This is my first time on your site, but I have not found any articles on sports psychology. Psychology is not enough, but it is necessary to achieve any goal, not only in sports.

    Best regards to you, Tatiana.

    Your comment, Boris, is no less impulsive than mine. You asked an interesting question: do I have the right to present science as science? I am not a professor or a medic. I just read a lot of literature on these issues and practice most of it successfully. On the shelves of bookstores and the vastness of the Internet libraries, there are just a lot of scientific papers on the topic of the dispute. Everything that I have written here is not my experience, but the latest scientific works of the best professors in Russia in this field. Do you think that I cannot lean on them? What could be more authoritative? Sports magazines? Sports sites? What then to rely on, if not on scientific literature?
    Regarding the healing properties of sports, I clarified in stone that there are other approaches, not running. Where did I deny that some diseases cannot be cured by sports? I denied that it was precisely this method that could not solve these health problems, and even sometimes it was dangerous.
    Your comment simply expressed your attitude towards me and my presentation of information, but did not bring any constructive criticism, and hence the usefulness of the readers. If you do not understand something you ask, and I will try to clarify. If you do not agree with something, then argue specifically. It makes no sense to tell and show examples as the information is not complete and it will not be possible to judge the effect adequately. You can look at a specific situation in depth. Write, it will be interesting to chew on what is happening. I don’t see any sense to philosophize where everything has been studied for a long time.
    If you want, I can write on what scientific works I rely on and decide for myself how authoritative they are.
    P.S. Let's go on business, otherwise it’s strange to talk about chauvinism here, the very meaning of the word is absurd even here.

    • Dear Pavel! You are writing not from practice, as I understand it, but more from theory. For many years, some scientists have declared sport harmful, while others have been promoting it. I am not a fitness trainer and have nothing to do with this industry. As a child, I had heart problems, against the background of a sharp growth spurt, I developed vegetative-vascular insufficiency, and later developed into hypertension, even later I had a microinfarction. I always carried nitroglycerin with me. Why am I still alive and now I feel good, forgetting about the pain in my heart? The answer is simple - aerobic exercise. I still run in the morning, although some doctors say that running in the morning is harmful, probably in their opinion a glass of wine before dinner will be more useful, but I don't think so. In truth, I only once came across a doctor, whose advice I follow to this day, it was a cardiologist who told me "run, but not fast, and don't chase kilometers." Power loads they do not suit me, I was convinced of this many times. With a sufficiently long running experience, the heart goes into an economical mode, and I don't need to prove the opposite, my heart rate at rest never rises above 56 beats per minute. Slow long running lowers blood pressure, I know from myself. For marathon runners, blood circulation is much better than that of a common man, so "it does not affect the tone of the heart muscle and blood vessels." So, Paul, it is you here who are misleading everyone, before you assert something on the basis of other books, the information must be checked, because they are also written by people with their own ambitions.

      • I agree with Vladimir. Practice is more important than theory in this matter. I have not read the books of scientists, but I have read the books of famous coaches who, having many years of coaching experience, have been involved in sports for more than a dozen years. And it seems to me that in terms of training different muscles they are more competent than scientists arguing with each other. If the cardiovascular system is not trained, then why do beginners have a pulse of 130 when doing work, in which athletes with many years of experience have a pulse of 80? And this is a fact that athletes are familiar with - the heart rate gradually slows down, from year to year with physical prolonged exertion. The system of training the heart, in which it is necessary to maintain a pulse of 130 for an hour, is given to athletes much more difficult. To reach a heart rate of 150, a beginner just needs to climb the stairs to the 5th floor. To reach 150 hits, an athlete needs to run 10 floors. A beginner's heart for 5 floors will make 500 beats, and for a trained person - 300. This is a fact that trainers are familiar with. So tell me after that that the heart does not train.

    Say shook. if anyone knows and on their own. experience how to train the heart if possible with the heart. shortcomings and with an increased heart rate at rest.

    Hello, for the cardiovascular system and for the normalization of blood pressure, I can advise breathing exercises on strelnikova, a very useful thing

    Hello everyone. I am a boxer. The dream of any boxer, and indeed of any athlete, is a strong "motor" and excellent endurance. I had an arrhythmia as a child, as I went in for sports, everything went away ... the doctors prescribed treatment, but my father, thanks to him, sent everyone to hell and after talking with the coach (my friend was good), he sent me to the section. A year later, the cardiogram is the same as that of an astronaut. And now, in essence. I am not a scientist, I am a practitioner, and I will say, of course I will not open America, but the endurance of a healthy sortsman is primarily the level of oxygen concentration in the blood, run in a closed hall with 10 people, or in an open stadium in the evening when there is more than enough oxygen in the atmosphere, catch euphoria it is possible, the brains become clearer and you become calm and balanced like a tank))) in the seventh - eighth round in the hall, the lungs just move here and there, and there is not enough oxygen for the volume of pumped blood, but on the street it is naturally easier! So everything depends on the concentration of oxygen in the blood, and aerobic exercise in nature helps to increase it, but we have already talked about the tone. Something like this.

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