Operating instructions for the elliptical trainer. Elliptical trainer: instructions, principle of operation Operating instructions for the simulator

In order for the newcomer, inflamed with a thirst for change, to not be at a loss when he first visited the gym, seeing brutal men and the same brutal simulators, we, together with the absolute champion of the Republic of Belarus in bodybuilding, went to the iron abode to draw up instructions for the “first steps” for the neophyte.

Maxim Barma
absolute champion of the Republic of Belarus in bodybuilding 2016 WFF-WBBF
international trainer
the shoot place -
gym "Zebra"

- It is very easy to calculate a beginner in the gym. It is given by the technique of performing the exercises. In general, a person who has just come to the gym must first master the technique and only then increase the mass, work on relief and endurance.

Warm up

It is best to start your workout with 10-15 minutes of cardio (ellipsoid, treadmill, "bike"), then stretch your arms, legs, warm up your muscles and ligaments.

Exercise 1

Training apparatus: power frame
What do we do: squats

Rows, squats, presses - in principle, all weightlifting exercises are done on this simulator. Let's start with squats, they will enable gluteal muscles and the muscles of the back of the thigh.

The boom is mounted on racks power frame at the required height. You stand under the bar and place it on your shoulders. Bring your shoulder blades together with your elbows turned forward. Remove the bar from the racks, arching your back at the lower back. The head is raised. Lower yourself by bending your knees and pulling your pelvis back.

Exercise 2

Training apparatus: power frame
What do we do: deadlift on straight legs

This exercise is suitable for both girls and guys for building the gluteal muscles and muscles of the hamstrings. Along with deep floor squats deadlift and lunges are the main classic exercises that give excellent results.

The legs are not wide, the socks are somewhat apart. Without bending the knees, lower the body down and take the barbell. Initially, the back will be slightly rounded, but with the next movement, bend your knees, put your chest forward, while pulling your pelvis back - the back should become straight. Lifting the barbell, at the top point, push the buttocks forward.

Exercise # 3

We use: dumbbells
What do we do: lunges

Lunges are basic classic exercise, in which all muscles work from the hip to knee joint... In general, the more muscles involved in the exercise, the better: the effect will be stronger.
The back is straight, we take a step of medium length, touch the floor with our knee, get up, take the next step.

Onsite lunges are less effective. When you walk with dumbbells, it uses the muscles more. In this exercise, the most difficult thing is to maintain coordination and balance, so at first you can do it without dumbbells. Also, to make it easier, you can take a small step to the side, like skiers, to maintain maximum balance.

Exercise 4

Training apparatus for leg press
What do we do: calf raises

When we do standing calf raises, we include calf muscle, we make it work, take shape and volume. When we do calf raises while sitting, our soleus muscles work more. When your strength is running out, you can do sock raises in the leg press simulator - in this case, both the soleus and calf muscles work.

We place our feet on the platform, raise the platform up, while the knees are “in the lock”. We stand on our toes. The amplitude is short. You can imagine that you are standing on thumb legs.

Exercise # 5

Training apparatus: graviton
What do we do: pull-ups

If you still don't have enough strong hands to do pull-ups yourself, this simulator will help you simulate them.

We set the weight, for example, 50 kilograms. We kneel on the lower platform, and grab the upper handle holders with our hands. We take out the knees by 1.5-2 centimeters to simulate the horizontal bar. We keep the back straight, raise our head, look at the ceiling, and pull ourselves up with two handles at the same time, while the elbows go along the body.

Exercise 6

Training apparatus: crossover
What do we do: thrust horizontal block to the belt neutral grip in position set

This is an exercise for latissimus back. Sit on the bench. Bend your legs at the knees. Grasp the handle of the machine and pull it towards your waist. Bring your shoulders back and your chest forward as you contract. Hold for a second while holding the handle against the body.

Exercise 7

Training apparatus: hyperextension

Hyperextension engages in work lumbar muscles and improves your appearance: you start to walk more evenly, do not slouch.

Tighten your gluteal muscles and "break" in the waist over the machine. Tilt the body down. At the bottom of the trajectory, smoothly, without jerking, lift the body up to a straight line with your legs. Fix for a second in this position and repeat the movement again.

You need to exhale at the moment when the muscle contracts. Those. with any effort, an exhalation occurs. In this case, it is harder to raise the body than to lower it, therefore, we exhale at the top.

Exercise # 8

We use: barbell and horizontal bench
What do we do: bench press

Exercise gets you to work pectoral muscles, triceps and anterior delta.

We sit on a bench, legs slightly underneath ourselves, emphasis on the heels, chest up, remove the barbell. We lower it to the lower cut of the chest, from this position we squeeze the bar up.

Exercise 9

We use: incline bench and dumbbells
What do we do: bench press

We sit on a bench, legs slightly under ourselves, we spread our elbows to the sides and raise our forearms vertically so that the dumbbells are slightly above chest level. Spreading our arms to the sides, we lower the dumbbells.

Exercise 11

We use: dumbbells
What do we do: alternate flexion of the arms with supination while standing

We take dumbbells with a neutral grip, feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. And we begin to supine: we unfold the hand, while the little finger should be turned towards the chest. We work on biceps.


If you came to the gym in order to burn maximum fat, then post-workout cardio should be done for 20 minutes or more.

If active fat burning is not your number one task, then finish strength training you can do 10-15 minutes of cardio: ellipsoid, treadmill, "bike".

For help in filming the material, we would like to thank the Zebra gym, recently opened at 1A V. Horuzhei Street, 6th floor (metro station Yakub Kolas, building of the Siluet shopping center).
Tel: +375 29 602 62 06




  1. The safety and effective use of the simulator is possible only if it is correctly assembled, maintained and used exclusively for its intended purpose.

  2. Before starting training, consult your doctor and make sure that your health condition allows you to use the simulator. Do not neglect medical supervision - check your heart rate, blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels regularly.

  3. Monitor your well-being during exercise. Remember: Excessive exercise can damage your health. Stop exercising if you experience any of the following symptoms: pain, chest tightness, uneven pulse, rapid breathing, dizziness, and nausea. After that, be sure to get another medical check before continuing with your studies.

  4. The simulator is designed for use by adults. Keep children and animals away from it.

  5. The simulator must be installed on a flat, solid surface; some kind of protective covering is desirable on the floor. There must be at least 0.5m of free space around the simulator.

  6. Check all major fasteners of the product before use.

  7. An adequate level of equipment safety can only be achieved through regular inspections of components and replacement of worn and / or broken parts.

  8. Use the machine only for its intended purpose. If you find any faulty components during assembly or testing, do not use the treadmill until the problem is completely resolved. Also, stop immediately if you hear any unusual noises or crackles.

  9. Use comfortable clothing for exercising, avoid suits, parts of which can get caught in the moving parts of the simulator.

  10. The maximum user weight is 125 kg.

  11. This machine is for home use only. The equipment is not intended for therapeutic purposes.

According to the international standard EN957-1, this device is a simulator for use at home, and not for professional purposes (gyms, sports clubs, etc.) or in places where there is no control over its use. The manufacturer and the seller do not accept any responsibility for injury to the user or damage to the device that may occur when exercising outside the home. In this case, the warranty service of the simulator is also terminated.


Using this machine will help improve your overall the physical state, will raise muscle tone and with proper nutrition (meaning controlling calorie intake) will enable you to lose weight.

  1. Warm-up phase
This step will help increase blood circulation in the body and thereby warm up the muscles, which will reduce the risk of injury to the muscles and ligaments. To do this, it is recommended to do several stretching exercises, as shown in the pictures below. Each exercise should be performed for 30 seconds without much effort or jerking. At the same time, if you feel pain or other discomfort, then stop exercising.

  1. Exercise stage
This is the stage to be done with tension. With regular exercise, the muscles in your legs will quickly become stronger and more elastic. Work at your own pace, but it is very important to maintain an even speed. The load should be such that the heart rate falls into the zone marked in the diagram in gray.

For a good training effect, this stage should last at least 12 minutes, although most people already train for 15-20 minutes at the beginning of training.

3. Stage of relaxation
At this stage, your the cardiovascular system and the muscles return to normal. The stretching exercises should be repeated for about 5 minutes, gradually reducing the pace and avoiding sudden movements. As you get stronger, you will need longer and longer hard training... It is recommended that you train at least three times a week, and if possible, spread your training evenly throughout the week.

Strengthening muscles

To achieve a good training effect - permanent muscle strengthening - you must set the resistance threshold with the load regulator quite high. If you also want to enlarge muscle mass and strength, you need to change a little training program... The warm-up and relaxation phases can go on as usual, but at the end of the workout you should increase the resistance by making your legs work with more force. This will create additional load, and may not allow you to train for as long as you would like. You can also decrease the cadence to keep your heart rate in the target zone.



START /STOP- This button is used to start and stop a workout.

RECOVERY - assessment of the body's recovery after training
UP / DOWN - use these buttons to change program settings, decrease / increase levels.

RESET - Use this button to return to the original menu settings.

MODE - set / confirm button. If held for more than 2 seconds or more, the computer will return to initial position installation.

1. Start moving the pedals or press any button on the computer.

2. The computer will change to sleep mode if the ellipsoid is not active for 4 minutes and the display shows the room temperature.

3.To reset the data on the display, press and hold the MODE or RESET button for 2 seconds.

4. To start a workout without entering data and values ​​(Quick Start), simply press START / STOP once on the computer panel.

Change the load using the ▲ / ▼ buttons.
Note: the values ​​measured and displayed on the screen are for training purposes only, not for medical purposes!


CALORIES - If no calorie value is set, the calorie count will count from 0 to 999. You can set a specific calorie limit, then it will count down to 0. Use the ▲ / ▼ buttons to set the calorie value. Step - 10 calories (0 to 990).
TIME - If no time is set, the time will count down from 00:00 to 99:59. You can set a specific limit value for the training time, then the countdown will be carried out to 00:00. Use the ▲ / ▼ buttons to set the time value. Step - 1 minute (from 00:00 to 99:00 min).

SPEED - The display will show a speed between 0.0 and 99.9 km / h.
RPM (Number of revolutions of a flywheel per minute) - changes at a speed from 0 to 999.

PULSE - Use the ▲ / ▼ buttons to select the heart rate mode, the limit is measured from 30 to 240 beats per minute.
H.R.C. - when entering the maximum heart rate value, use the ▲ / ▼ buttons. Yes 4 different regimes heart rate adjustments: 55%, 75%, 90% and TAG HRC (the user himself determines the percentage% of the desired maximum heart rate value - heart rate).
DISTANCE - If no distance value is set, the distance traveled will be counted from 0.00 to 99.99. You can set a certain limit value for the distance traveled, then the count will continue to 0. Use the ▲ / ▼ buttons to set the distance value. Step - 0.5 km (from 0 to 99.5 km).

WATT - when setting a possible value for watts, use the ▲ / ▼ buttons. The watt value will change in 5 watt steps (from 10 to 350 watts).
LEVEL - change the load level using the ▲ / ▼ buttons (from 1 to 16). The default level is 1.

When you first turn on the computer, you need to enter data such as: user profile U1-U4. Each profile remembers the entered individual information - Gender, Age, Height, Weight.

At the very beginning, select your profile from U1 to U4. Press the MODE button to confirm the selection. Then select male / female. Use the ▲ / ▼ buttons to select. Press the MODE button to confirm the selection.

Then enter the age of the trainee. Use the ▲ / ▼ buttons to select. Press the MODE button to confirm the selection. Next, you need to enter the user's Height and Weight in the same way or using the control buttons on the handrails. Press the MODE button to confirm the selection. The computer remembers these settings until the network is lost or disconnected from the power supplies, in which case the values ​​will be the same as the default.

Select your preferred workout mode - any of the programs - MANUAL, PROGRAM, WATT, USER SETTING, HRC.
After selecting a mode using the ▲ / ▼ buttons, before the red light flashes, go to Manual. Manual mode allows the user to independently change the level of load during his workout.

The default load value is 1. You can set your preferred values ​​for time, distance, calories, load, calories, heart rate limit for your workout. You do not have to enter these values ​​and go to quick start using the START / STOP button.
The time will flash on the display. Use the ▲ / ▼ buttons to set the time. Press the MODE button to confirm the selection. Repeat the same steps to set the distance, heart rate, load, calories. Press the START / STOP button to start exercising at any time. During the workout, you can change the level of the load using the ▲ / ▼ buttons.

For training, you can choose 1 of 12 offered programs. After selecting this profile, use the ▲ / ▼ buttons to select the desired program (the red highlight next to the word Program will blink). Press the MODE button to confirm the selection. The computer will ask you to select the load level (L1-L10) using the ▲ / ▼ buttons. Press the MODE button to confirm the selection. The time flashes on the display. Use the ▲ / ▼ buttons to set the time. Press the MODE button to confirm the selection. Repeat the same steps to set distance, calories, heart rate limit.

Press the START / STOP button to start exercising at any time. During the workout, you can change the level of the load using the ▲ / ▼ buttons.
Programming profiles (P1 - P2)

Watts is the power expended by the trainee, calculated based on the load set by the user and his speed of movement.

After selecting a user profile, use the ▲ / ▼ buttons to move to the flashing Watt label. The watt program allows the user to manually adjust the watt setting of his workout.

You can set the desired time, distance, calories, heart rate of your workout. If desired, you can skip entering values, but go to quick start using the START / STOP buttons.
The time on the display will flash. Use the ▲ / ▼ buttons to enter the workout time value. Press the MODE button to confirm the selection. Repeat the same steps to enter distance, calories and heart rate.

Press the START / STOP button to start exercising at any time. You can make changes to the watt setting at any time during the workout using the ▲ / ▼ buttons.

Computer settings allow the user to optimize their workouts. For this, 15 segments are offered in user mode. On each segment, you can set the desired load. The entered data is memorized by the computer.

After selecting a user profile, use the ▲ / ▼ buttons to move to the blinking User Settings. Press the MODE button to confirm the selection. After this action, the first segment will start flashing. Use the ▲ / ▼ buttons to increase / decrease the load on each segment. Use the MODE button to move to each segment.

H.R.C. PROGRAM (Cardiac monitoring mode):


55% HRC

Weight less

75% HRC


90% HRC



H.R.C. (Cardiac load control) a program for automatically changing the load in accordance with the value of your heart rate, based on the selected mode already existing in the program. Each of these modes is individual for each trainee and is designed for different trainees' goals. See subsection for more details.

Note: these calculations are based on your age and correctly entered information when creating your own profile.
After selecting a user profile, use the ▲ / ▼ buttons to move to the flashing text. Press the MODE button to confirm the selection. Use the ▲ / ▼ buttons to select the mode you want based on the possible maximum heart rate. Press the MODE button to confirm the selection.

If you select TRG mode, use ▲ / ▼ buttons to set workout time, press MODE to confirm. Also set distance and calorie values. Press the START / STOP button to start the workout.
Note: hold the heart rate sensors.

Cardiac Load Control Test
In order for your cardiac system to receive from training positive results, you need to work out in a specific target cardio zone. The American Heart Association defines this goal as 60% -75% of your maximum heart rate.

Your maximum heart rate can be roughly calculated by subtracting your age from 220. Your maximum heart rate allows you to customize aerobic activity for your age. You use the calculated number to find the most approximate effective target zone just for you. For example, the maximum heart rate for most 40-year-olds is 180 beats per minute. The target cardiac zone of the indicator is 60% -75% - 180 or 108-135 beats / min.

Before starting your workout, check your resting heart rate. Place your fingers lightly over the site of the main artery. After finding your heart rate, count the number of beats for 10 seconds. Multiply the number of beats per minute to find the number of beats per minute. We recommend that you do warm-up exercises after a state of rest before the main workout. During these exercises, take periodic heart rate measurements to track how prepared your body is for training. This data can be used during a basic workout and to select an effective target zone.

In research, the American Heart Association recommends starting workouts at the lower end of your 60% heart rate target, then gradually work out to 75%. A zone over 75% of your maximum heart rate may be too large if you are not in top physical condition. Exercise below 60% of your maximum is recommended for people with minimal cardiovascular fitness.

Check how the pulse is recovering. If your heart rate is more than 100 beats per minute within 5 minutes after stopping, then the load and speed during the workout may have been great for you. Relax your workout routine the next time.

The instruction for the elliptical trainer is intended to familiarize you with the new device, it explains the rules of safety, assembly and operation, and also includes an explanation of additional functions

Medical safety

This section is the most important and the first in almost all operating instructions for elliptical trainers, please pay attention to the following points:

  • Before the beginning physical training get tested by your doctor to determine what intensity of exercise is best to start getting used to.
  • If you experience pain during exercise chest If you feel an abnormal heartbeat, weakness, or shortness of breath, stop exercising immediately and consult a doctor.
  • Before each new workout check your simulator for serviceability.
  • Be careful when getting off or on the machine.

Unit installation

This section of the instructions for the ellipsoid simulator tells in detail about:

  • Adjusting the height adjusters.
  • Free space required to install the device.
  • The position of the legs during training.
  • Storage and transportation of the simulator.

How the elliptical trainer works

Orbitrek (ellipse) is a simulator with a complex effect on the human body, which is able to replace treadmill, a stepper and even an exercise bike. During training, a person can work all the muscles of his body, and the load will be soft and smooth, which will not aggravate the condition of your joints. When choosing a simulator, be sure to pay attention to the following criteria:

  • Smooth running. All movements should be soft, without jerking.
  • The step size of the elliptical trainer. The more your height, the more this indicator should be.
  • Maximum user weight. Add 10-15 kg to your weight, and you get the value of the maximum allowable user weight. As a rule, home orbit tracks have a maximum load value of about 120 kg.

Additional functions

The number of additional options affects the quality of your workout and the price of your elliptical trainer, so plan your budget ahead of time and decide on the features in your device. Before using the simulator, be sure to familiarize yourself with the management of the existing functionality in the model you purchased.

Assembly instructions

In the "Sports Zone" store, free assembly and the most profitable delivery of elliptical trainers costing from 20 thousand rubles. If you decide to take on the assembly process yourself, then make sure that the device includes an assembly drawing and a list of all components. Then just follow the instructions.

The exercise bike is one of the most popular types from all simulators. It is great for those who want to keep fit all the time. It is intended both for work at home and in the gym.

How to use an exercise bike correctly and choose a model for your weight? What needs to be addressed Special attention and how should it be serviced?

You will learn the answers to these questions from our most complete guidance on using this simulator. We will consider all the nuances.

8 basic things to know

Further, we will analyze point by point everything you need to know in order to correctly and effectively, to learn how to use and maintain it, and also not to abandon classes. At the end, let's talk about the various varieties of this simulator and the nuances of choice (recall that there are whole ones).

1. How to customize the simulator for yourself?

  • Seat. First you need to learn how to adjust the seat: the main guideline for this should be convenience, since it is important element workouts. In height, the seat must be installed and adjusted so that the leg standing on the pedal at the lowest point is slightly bent at the knee. This position will be optimal. On many models, the adjustment knob is located under or to the side of the seat.
  • Steering wheel. It is necessary to position the steering wheel so that you do not lean on it, and your back is slightly tilted. If the main load is on the handlebars and not on the pedals, the training efficiency will be low. At the same time, you must freely change the position of the body relative to the steering wheel in the forward-backward plane. It's necessary to relieve the back and neck area during class.

Learn more from the video:

2. Getting to know the symbols on the display

What kind basic moments you need to know to get acquainted with the monitor:

  • The exercise bike can be equipped with a minimum set of functions: such as exercise time, heart rate, speed and number of kilometers traveled.
  • Modern ones have many options: training programs, automatic regulation of the resistance force of the pedals, as well.
  • The more functions a simulator has, the more expensive it is. When buying, think about exactly what features you need. To maintain good physical shape, it is enough to purchase the simplest one -.
Attention! The indications on the display of each model may differ. In the instructions for each model, a detailed explanation of all designations is given.

3. Switching on and off

Before starting your studies, read the accompanying instructions carefully... It gives you all the information you need to know about your exercise bike in a concise manner. Explore all the features and settings. When exercising, do not violate the recommendations for use - this can lead to injuries and damage to the simulator.

Algorithm of the lesson can be represented as follows:

  1. Position yourself on the machine so that you feel comfortable.
  2. On different models, the "enable - disable" buttons may be located in different ways.
  3. Press the Power / Reset button to turn on the monitor. On some models, this button is called “On / Stop”. You don't have to press a button, just start pedaling. The console screen will then light up and you can begin your workout.
  4. The main functions are displayed on the monitor. Modern electromagnetic models have various ready-made training programs. Enter your details, select a workout program, and keep track of the basics as you exercise.
  5. When you are finished exercising, slowly reduce your pedaling pace to a full stop until the Stop button lights up.

4. How should you sit?

To start exercising, you need to sit down correctly. Listen to following tips:

  1. Do not lower your head - your gaze should be directed forward.
  2. Landing should be straight, back slightly arched.
  3. Can't be hunched over and transfer body weight to the handlebars.
  4. The shoulder girdle and arms should not be tense - the lower body is included in the work.

If the steering wheel and seat are adjusted correctly, you will be able to sit comfortably. If the adjustment does not match your parameter (primarily height), there will be tension in the body.

The most complete overview of everything related to exercise on a stationary bike is

5. How to pedal correctly?

Several simple rules help you make friends with your workouts:

  • Fix ankle joint The Velcro pedal straps are tight enough to keep the foot firmly on the plane of the pedal.
  • Load the muscle groups of the legs evenly, do not shift body weight to one side or the other.
  • Start and end your activity at the lowest speed.

In a separate article, we have collected

6. How to breathe while exercising?

Throughout the entire exercise process on the simulator, you need to breathe correctly, paying special attention to the following points:

  1. Start with a warm-up, which will warm up your muscles and at an accelerated pace to engage the respiratory and cardiovascular systems.
  2. Breathing should be measured if you are short of breath, the pace should be reduced.
  3. You need to breathe through your nose: if you start breathing through your mouth, then this indicates that the load is great for you.
  4. Class do not end abruptly at peak speed... The final stage should be aimed at restoring breathing and pulse, as well as relaxing the muscles.
  5. Monitor your condition, do not overload yourself and do not be exhausted. The pace should be increased and decreased gradually.
  6. The intensity of work should be individual for each user. The main criterion for a properly performed workout is pleasant fatigue and good mood... You need to move on to gradually.

7. What should be the heart rate during training?

Optimal is heart rate equal to 60 - 75% of the maximum value set for your age. Your heart rate will be influenced by factors such as level physical fitness, Availability overweight, state of health (you should be very careful about training). The goal that you set for yourself is also taken into account - losing weight, developing endurance, maintaining good physical form or other purposes.

Some exercise machines have heart rate sensors. You can also use a chest strap, often on the wrist. Their readings may be influenced by various factors, therefore, there is some error in determining the heart rate values. The most accurate indicators can only be given by medical devices ().

Watch the video for more details:

8. How fast should you pedal?

When selecting speed the expected load must be taken into account:

  • Average - 16-20 km / h.
  • Moderate - 21-23 km / h.
  • High - 26-30 km / h.
  • The limit is more than 30 km / h.
  • Pedal resistance level for each is selected in individually ... This takes into account the readings of the heart rate, training objectives, as well as the comfort of the student's state. Do not forget that potential is an individual concept.

    If you want to try very intense workout, you can pay attention to, although they certainly have too.

    What type of exercise machine should you choose?

    Market sports equipment presented different kinds and models of exercise bikes. Everyone can choose a suitable model for themselves, which suits him in terms of cost and availability of the necessary functions. We talked about that in a separate article.

    Types of exercise bikes by loading system may be:

    • Electromagnetic- the most modern, equipped with many options necessary for a trainee.
    • - fairly modern, characterized by smoothness and noiselessness.
    • Mechanical- are distinguished by simplicity of design and affordable price.

    By location (landing):

  • Lubrication. The parts of the exercise bike are initially lubricated, but after several months of use, the lubrication should be re-lubricated.
  • Attention! Before each of these procedures, be sure to disconnect the equipment from the mains by unplugging the power plug.

    3 most common faults

    Each type of exercise bike can have its own malfunctions. The most common are:

    1. Display does not work... Most often, problems with the display can be due to dead batteries. The replacement procedure can be done by yourself: it is described in the instructions for your simulator.
    2. Pedals hard... Open the working mechanism, clean and lubricate it. If it is an electromagnetic model, then check if all the pins of the wires are connected. If this is not the reason, entrust the repair to a specialist.
    3. Does not turn on... A common cause is a loose wire: with a certain skill, you can solder it yourself.
    Attention! Do not repair an exercise bike that is under warranty. This will void the manufacturer's warranty. Electronics cannot be repaired by yourself. Entrust diagnostics and repairs to the specialists of the service center.

    If you are a fan of experimenting, you can do

    Practice all the rules for using your exercise bike. If you want it to serve for a long time, contact the service center employees for all maintenance and repair issues. The specialists of this organization have all the necessary knowledge and skills to work with various models of simulators.

    In choosing a simulator for gym the most important thing is not to make gross mistakes. There are people who buy exercise equipment "for themselves", I don’t think about the efficiency of the gym and the return on investment. There are Papasport machines that are truly unimaginable. We offer you ARMS sport exercise machines manufactured by the Ural Plant of Sports Products. If the simulator is sacred for you - call to order professional swat series simulators. We have not only Rospitsport, we just have an amazingly large selection block simulators and simulators on a free load. We ship simulators directly from production from Ufa or, for example, from Magnitogorsk. Wherever the sport delivery is located, sports strength training equipment for the gym is transported to the transport company for free. Sports delivery Yekaterinburg accepts applications for production strength training equipment for individual orders, there are no restrictions on the color of the frame and pillows.

    In the American part of the International Space Station (ISS), the treadmill has broken, according to experts, most likely there is a high degree of probability and there is every reason to believe that to a greater extent the reason for this was the fact that the treadmill was purchased absolutely not from Sportodostavka.

    One of the simulators has come to an end and the astronauts have replaced it with a new one, NASA reported on April 23. The treadmill was again bought not in Sportdostavka, which in itself has signs of deviant behavior of buyers. When the laboratory module reaches the ISS, the track has every chance of breaking again. The launch date for the Russian module was again postponed. The ISS crew has two treadmills at their disposal, and both were purchased from questionable locations: one is located in the Russian Zvezda module, the other in the American Tranquility module. The new simulator was stored in the BEAM inflatable module for several years, and the astronauts needed to test it before use.

    When buying a treadmill in sports delivery, tests are not needed - we buy and run!

    Sport delivery has the imprudence to offer you outdoor trampolines for jumping children and adults in a country climate. The decline in prices in Russia is taking place not only for food, according to Rosstat, but also for trampolines. Outdoor hopping products are becoming even more affordable. In connection with the continuing successes of Roskosmos, some individuals are mastering the trampoline as a means of delivering drowned taxis into orbit. If you want to have a good time, if you want to return to the pre-adolescent period of your youth, if you have a friend Dimka Rogozin, if your dachshund drowned in an unknown liquid after being bullied - Buy a trampoline, in all these cases, without a trampoline anywhere. Again, we recall how Old People taught us - "who does not ride (on a trampoline), that Pascal"

    Residents Sverdlovsk region allowed to collect moss, reeds and forest floor
    Deputies of the regional parliament adopted the corresponding bill in three readings at once, thereby bringing local legislation into line with the federal one. Earlier, Russians were allowed to collect dead wood and hunt from onions. Sports delivery congratulates all residents of the Sverdlovsk region on such a breathtaking event. We propose to write a collective letter on this occasion on assigning the status of a holiday to this event local significance and enter the day off of the calendar on this day. On weekends, you can buy a treadmill and train fiercely to later run through the woods and collect whatever is now allowed to collect.

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