Training in heart rate zones. What is heart rate and how to calculate your target heart rate zone

The closer to summer, the more people we see jogging, in gyms on treadmills and bicycles. The purpose of this is usually to get rid of excess weight... This article will help you figure out how to spend time on the "track" with maximum benefit for the body and whether you need a heart rate monitor in training.

Pulse, or heart rate (HR)
This is an indicator of how many beats the heart makes in a certain period of time, usually a minute. This value is the most objective indicator of how much stress your body is experiencing during training.

How to determine your heart rate
You can measure your heart rate either using a special device - a heart rate monitor, or by feeling the pulse on your wrist or neck. The heart rate monitor, of course, is more convenient: you can see the current value at any time without being distracted from the training process. If you prefer to measure your heart rate manually, it is better to count the number of beats in 15 seconds and multiply the reading by 4.

Maximum and minimum heart rate
First you need to determine the minimum value of your heart rate. The best indicator is the morning pulse, which is best measured in sitting position after you woke up (do not drink coffee, tea before that). Pulse in calm state is a fairly accurate indicator of the state of the cardiovascular system. Measure your heart rate in the morning 4-5 times a week and later calculate its average value, for example (56 + 58 + 59 + 56 + 60) / 5 = 58 beats per minute.
Next, you can calculate your maximum heart rate. For a more convenient calculation, go to link ... In the table, you must indicate your age and heart rate at rest.
Now we know what the heart rate zones are (they are indicated by the link where the calculation is made). In the picture below, heart rate zones are calculated for a man with a resting heart rate of 50 and an age of 31.

Heart rate zones calculated using Karvonen's formula

Each heart rate zone is color coded for convenience. The diagram below was taken using a Polar H7 heart rate monitor and the Polar Beat app. Now we will analyze each zone separately.

Recovery zone (gray in the diagram)
In this zone, we develop the respiratory system, strengthen the heart and health in general.
Pulse: 55-62% of maximum.
Load duration: 20 minutes or more.

Training in this range will be useful for those who have not been involved in sports for a long time or have poor training. It is recommended to warm up and cool down in this area.

Fat burning zone (blue in the diagram)
General endurance is strengthened, fat burning processes are stimulated.
Heart rate: 62-74% of maximum.
Duration of the load: 40 minutes or more.
Sensations: slight muscle strain, slight sweating.

Suitable for anyone with frequent low-intensity workouts. When exercising in this range, the body uses fats to the maximum for energy. Loads of this intensity contribute to a decrease in body weight by reducing subcutaneous fat.

Aerobic zone (green in the diagram)
Physical fitness and endurance improve, fats and carbohydrates are actively burned
Heart rate: 74-82% of maximum
Duration of the load: 10 minutes or more (depending on the level of training).
Sensations: moderate muscle fatigue, light breathing, moderate sweating.

Suitable for standard workouts average duration. The intensity of the load becomes higher, the body begins to spend even more calories and uses both fats and carbohydrates for this purpose.

Anaerobic zone (yellow in the diagram)
Anaerobic endurance increases, the ability to achieve maximum results increases.
Pulse: 82-90% of maximum.
Duration of load: 2-10 minutes (possibly more, depending on fitness)
Sensations: muscle fatigue, shortness of breath.

Suitable for physically fit people and experienced athletes. Oxygen, which is carried by the blood, begins to be insufficient for oxidative reactions, so the cells go into an oxygen-free anaerobic regime. Fats in this anaerobic zone are practically not burned, and carbohydrates are used for energy.

Maximum zone, VO2 max (red in the diagram)
Develops maximum sprint speed and results.
Pulse: 90-94% of maximum.
Duration of the load: about 2 minutes (possibly more, depending on the level of fitness).

Suitable for professional athletes... The body is working to the limit of its capabilities, spending all available reserves and the respiratory and cardiovascular systems work with the highest possible efficiency.

Anaerobic-alactate zone (red in the diagram)
Develops maximum stamina
Pulse: 94-100%
Exercise duration: 3 to 15 seconds at maximum intensity
Sensations: severe muscle fatigue, heavy, intermittent breathing.

Suitable for professional athletes. The heart rate indicators in this intensity zone are not informative, since in 15 seconds the cardiovascular and respiratory systems cannot reach their even near-maximum operational efficiency. The body is working to the limit of its capabilities, spending all available reserves and the respiratory and cardiovascular systems work with the highest possible efficiency.

And now what to do with all these, you ask?
And you will do the right thing. Now everything is in order.

Before starting a workout, you put on the heart rate monitor. The administrator or trainer will tell and show you how to properly fix it. In a special application on the phone or watch, the coach enters your personal data, age, height, weight, gender, and the program automatically calculates the heart rate zones. Everything is now ready for training. We start the program at the beginning of the lesson and stop it at the end. All the data has been successfully recorded and you can look at how your heart works during the entire session. For clarity, below is the pulse chart of a girl who did TRX strength training.

The numerical values ​​in the left column mean the heart rate value for this person (you remember that the heart rate value is different for everyone and is calculated according to the formula shown in color in the link above). Heart rate values ​​are not always convenient to look at in numbers, so each heart rate zone is highlighted in its own color.
- There is a timeline along the bottom edge, you can see from it that the workout took 55-56 minutes.
- Also, after training, we can see the maximum, average heart rate, distance traveled, but more on that another time. For now, we are considering only the pulse chart.

What do you see in the picture? Something similar is shown in films on screens in hospitals. Everything is much simpler here and we will figure it out now.

The red curve line is our heart rate, which changes throughout the entire workout. After all, we do not stand still, but perform exercises according to the trainer's program. We squat, do push-ups, run, jump, just walk or stand in a plank. At the beginning of the workout, the heart rate is minimal, about 70 beats (red round dot on the bottom left), because we just came from the locker room and there was no active heart work there. A warm-up begins, and the heart, following the swings of arms and legs, begins to work faster. The more you exercise, the faster your heart beats.

The warm-up usually lasts 7-10 minutes, and after that we begin to do exercises for more fast pace... Please note that the heart rate value (red line) moves to another color zone, the so-called main part of the workout begins. I marked the warm-up zone with the number 1 at the bottom, and the transition to another part of the workout with a yellow arrow.

Remember how the workout goes? The approach of squats until burning in the legs, a short pause of rest, then the approach of lunges and again a pause of rest, and so on. All this can be seen in the diagram below. Each approach of the exercise is accompanied by an increase in heart rate and the exit of the red pulse line to the yellow, and sometimes to the red zone. When the heart rate increases during exercise, this is called the active phase, and when we rest, it is the recovery phase. I marked the main part of the workout with the number 2, and the transition to another zone with a yellow arrow. During training, depending on the goals of the lesson, we will be in different heart rate zones, this will be described a little below.

The last zone marked with the number 3 with the minimum heart rate is the cool down and stretching. In the format group lessons 5-7 minutes are allocated for this. This is the time to relax and lower your heart rate to normal.

Let's imagine a simple life situation.
You bought a heart rate monitor and put it on for a run. Run, think about what I'm doing here, enjoy the good weather and look at the heart rate. But with what pulse it is not entirely clear to run, maybe you need to faster or slower? If you are running for recovery or health, stick to your heart rate in the blue zone (fat loss). This heart rate zone will burn the most fat. If we are in the green heart rate zone, then we will increase endurance and burn not only fat, but also carbohydrates. Remember that there are specific workouts in each heart rate zone and if you run regularly, you will learn about this from your trainer or from sports sources.

Let's imagine a different situation. TRX Loop Workout.
You have come to lose weight, tighten muscles and make your ass more beautiful. We told the trainer about this, put on the heart rate monitor and squat with the whole group. And then look at your heart rate, and its value is 150, 165, 153 beats (shown by the arrow in the picture below), and you are in the yellow heart rate zone, and not in the blue one where fat is burned well ... And you think to yourself, I have already burned calories per packet of chips, is there really a normal trainer here? In my opinion, he does not follow me at all! I want to reassure you, the trainer monitors you and selects exercises in such a way that the heart rate during training changes from low to high and you train in different heart rate zones. Each of the zones trains its own qualities, such as endurance, strengthening the heart, fat burning, speed and others. If you have a heart rate monitor in your workout, let the trainer know about it and he will help you better monitor your heart rate throughout the session.
But do not forget that 70% of success in losing weight depends on nutrition. And workout is a nice addition where you strengthen your muscles, your heart and burn extra calories.

And the third situation, vital, difficult.
You came to training with a heart rate monitor and are actively squatting with the whole group, but you feel that the heart rate is already too heavy and the heart rate is 175, and the coach is still shouting come on, come on. The squat set is over and there is some time to rest. Each trainer gives a different rest time, depending on the previous exercise performed. 10.20.30 seconds. While you are resting, the heart rate should be lower, and it is desirable to drop to the green or middle of the yellow zone. That is, during rest, the recovery process takes place as it is usually called. But each person has his own time for recovery (pulse reduction) and someone will have time to recover completely, and someone partially. The trainer in the class usually focuses on the majority. So, let's get back to our training. After a short rest, the squat approach begins again and at the very beginning of the approach you see that the heart rate is 170 and is in the red zone, and squat for another 30-40 seconds. What to do? You need to start squatting at a very slow pace to catch your breath and lower your heart rate, or better yet, just walk or drink some water. The diagram below highlights the workout area where the heart rate value is too long for 3-4 minutes is in the red maximum zone. For an untrained person, this will not be entirely useful.
So we come to the most important thing. If you see yourself constantly very great importance heart rate in training, then reduce the load and do not react to the coach's cries, let's push it, because he shouts to the whole group. Tell about the great value of the heart rate and that it is very difficult for you to do the exercises. Over time, the body will get used to the load and the heart rate value for the same workout will be lower.

And finally, about the change in heart rate

The heart rate of people leading a sedentary lifestyle and of athletes differs significantly. With regular exercise, the heart strengthens and becomes more elastic, and each contraction is more powerful. Therefore, over time, those who regularly practice physical exercise, the average heart rate becomes lower and the strength of the heart is higher. And if earlier you ran 1 km in 6 minutes and the heart rate was very high, then after some time at the same distance its value will be lower.

A smart approach to training should include measuring your heart rate. Maybe not every time, but sometimes be sure to wear a heart rate monitor and monitor your heart. By monitoring your heart rate, you can make your workouts more effective and safer for your health.

At the Zerozny fitness club, you can use the Polar H7 heart rate monitor, the first time for free, or rent it for a whole month of training.

In general, there are 6 options for calculating heart rate zones for training. How to choose a target heart rate zone in this situation? For example, cardio heart rate zones for running, and then how to calculate everything correctly? Then what to do with all this heap of numbers, besides writing them down on paper and forgetting about your notes?

If you have started to exercise more or less regularly, then you may have a reasonable question: how to train more efficiently. And, most likely, you already have some kind of fitness tracker with a heart rate monitor, thanks to which you can track training zones pulse.

But we will start today with the popular ...

Fat Burning Heart Rate Zones

At one time, I was also concerned about the question of where to put the extra 28 kilograms of my weight. And their deeds, in spite of everything, and even without knowing the target heart rate zone for fat burning. Unfortunately, at that time I simply did not have a heart rate monitor or fitness tracker. There were no such devices themselves 11 years ago, and if there were, then they cost some insane money.

In fact, the concept of “heart rate zone for burning fat” was introduced by marketers to gain attention. Moreover, people have pecked and are still pecking at this loud name. Simply because you want to get great results (lose 28 pounds) with little effort (find the formula for the pulse of the "magic" fat burning zone).

3. Pace-based training heart rate zones

3.1. Friel pace levels

3.2. PZI Pace Levels

The limit of work at the ANSP level

As a result of the test to determine the threshold of anaerobic metabolism TANM - my lactate threshold was 154 beats per minute. This is the average heart rate of twenty minutes of arrival after a 10 minute warm-up. In fact, I have superimposed this value on table 2.2. Friel Heart Rate Levels, and I got the following results (heart rate is set as a percentage - of the TANM value). They can be used for both running and cycling heart rate zones.

  1. Recovery(82% or less) HR 100-125: Recovering
  2. Aerobic(82-89%) HR 126-136: Extensive endurance training
  3. Pace(89-94%) Heart rate 137-145: We train intense endurance
  4. Intensity threshold(94-100%) Heart rate 146-153: We train the Sub-threshold of anaerobic metabolism. I found out that - I can ride in this heart rate zone for at least 20-30 minutes, since the test took place in this training zone
  5. (100-102%) Heart rate 154-158: We train anaerobic metabolism, here the anaerobic zone of the pulse begins.
    5b. - Anaerobic endurance(103-106%) HR 159-163: Here we have interval training, fast fiber growth and development, lactate resistance and utilization. A long recovery period is also required, since the pulse is in the oxidation zone.
    5c. - Power(106% -max) HR 163-185: When you need to use for instant acceleration fast fibers... At this heart rate in the 5c load zone, the duration of the workout is measured in seconds, at the limit of possible efforts. As a result, we get short burst intervals and long recovery periods. It takes 2 or more days to recover.

How to use ANS in training

Actually, I always thought that I had a very low anaerobic threshold. I had no one to compare with, so in the spring I set the empirical figure for the ANSP rate at 148 beats per minute. At first, when I reached this heart rate, it was quite difficult for me to hold out even 5 minutes.

Today I figured out how to raise the anaerobic threshold. Everything turned out to be quite simple. In 2 months of continuous training, I was able to raise the anaerobic heart rate threshold from 148 to 154 beats per minute. I was also able to "soak" a hundred square meters on a bike, which is what I wish for you too 🙂

As a result, fitness training programs began to give out different meanings. That is, with the growth of physical fitness, you need to make more efforts. That's why I thought that before, in an hour of driving at a decent pace, I gained 2-3 units of training, but now it remains at the same level 🙂

I added the new values ​​to Garmin Connect. Unfortunately, until recently, Garmin had only one way to efficiently calculate heart rate zones, as a% of maximum heart rate. But they, hike, listened to the public, and added two more options.

Heart rate zones calculation options

  1. % Of maximum heart rate... This is an empirical value, and to be honest, I don’t know how to measure it. Last year I entered my age into the same Garmin Connect - he told me that my maximum heart rate is 185. Unfortunately, I could not check this, so I skated using the "artificial" parameter all year. But the heart rate zones did not fall into the zones of Joe Friel, which he lists in the WKO4 program.
  2. Heart rate reserve percentage... Garmin wrote a rather loud name, and it can be calculated using the formula
    MaxChP - RestChP = ReserveChP.
    Although I can measure my resting heart rate, I cannot measure my maximum heart rate. Therefore, this method also goes through the forest.
  3. Heart Rate Percentage at Threshold Lactate Level (by Joe Friel)... Hike, due to copyright restrictions and unwillingness to mention Joe Friel, Garmin had to call this method such a weird name 🙂 Since the threshold level of lactate = anaerobic threshold= ANSP, and we have just determined it empirically, we safely choose this method.

And, as it turned out, it is the most accurate. Because, as soon as I entered 154 in this field, all the numbers of the ANSP zones were automatically displayed according to the Joe Friel, WKO4 and TrainingPeaks system. And, hurray, hurray.

Heart rate training zones in a fitness tracker

Now, on the Garmin Fenix ​​3 fitness tracker, I don't have to "transfer" one zone to another. Therefore, I clearly see the target heart rate zones and clearly understand that if:

  1. Pulse in the first zone 1.xx - then I'm recovering.
  2. Pulse in the second zone 2.xx - then I train "slow" muscle fibers associated with endurance, and accustom the body to work by oxidizing accumulated fats and save carbohydrates. It turns out that in this aerobic heart rate zone, you can easily ride 100-200 kilometers on a bicycle or run 30 kilometers.
  3. Pulse in the third zone 3.xx. My "fast" muscle fibers start to work. Therefore, in this area, you can easily run for 1-2 hours or ride a bike for 2-4 hours.
  4. Pulse in the fourth zone 4.xx. Due to the fact that mine aerobic mechanisms work at maximum - anaerobic energy production systems are connected. As a result, the body begins to develop immunity to the action of lactate. Exercises in this zone are calculated not in hours, but in minutes.
  5. Pulse in the fifth zone 5.xx. Here I have the growth and development of fast muscle fibers, as well as an increase in the body's ability to quickly utilize lactate. Moreover, we get an increase in the body's power for an explosive start or an explosive completion of the distance. In fact, exercises in this zone last for seconds, after which you need to recover for at least a couple of days.

You now have full instructions how to calculate and define training heart rate zones specifically for you, your age, and your fitness level. Good luck with your questions below.

Alex "On the Bike" Sidorov

Dish of the day: The classic "pseudoscientific" nonsense of the presenter, with sagging cheeks and stomach - overweight, about fat burning heart rate zones, which is broadcast on central television to delight the masses 🙂

Have different people their fitness goals are different. Someone goes to the gym or rides a bicycle in order to lose weight, for someone or is the only way to regain lost health, others go in for sports to stand out from total mass and achieve the desired high results. One way or another, the intensity of training for each of them is significantly different.

Indeed, the effectiveness of achieving the goal depends on the intensity of physical activity, for example, in order to lose weight, training should not be too heavy and not too weak.

It would seem that it will be quite difficult to find the necessary pace, because we all differ from each other in health, physical development, body weight, height, sex and age. However, there is a fairly universal method that will allow you to determine the intensity of the load and will be useful to all followers. healthy way life, especially for those who prefer to train on their own, without resorting to the services of a coach.

All that is required for this is to know your heart rate during training. This is most conveniently done with the help of special electronic heart rate monitors that let you know your heart rate without stopping your exercise. If you do not have a heart rate monitor, then the usual counting of the pulse on the carotid artery or wrist will do.

What to do with the results obtained?

After you know the number of your heartbeats, you should estimate which heart rate zone they fall into, more precisely, it is not the pulse itself that is assessed, but how many percent it is of your individual maximum heart rate.

Maximum heart rate- a value depending on age, which is calculated as follows:

MHR = 220 - age.

For example, if you are 35 years old, then the maximum number of heartbeats that will be safe for your health will be 185 beats per minute.

Now more about the existing heart rate zones.

"Heart" pulse zone

This heart rate zone ranges from sixty to seventy percent of your maximum heart rate. This is the least intense workouts, which will be very useful for those who have just embarked on the path of healing the body and has a weak physical fitness... without the threat of unwanted fatigue.

In addition, this is what your heart rate should be every time you warm up before the main physical activity or during your daily morning exercise.

You can reach the "heart" zone by doing any exercise with minimal intensity or simply walking on flat terrain.

Fat Burning Zone

Subcutaneous body fat begins to decrease when the number of heartbeats during training exceeds seventy percent of the MHR and continues until it reaches eighty percent.

When your heart rate is in this range, your metabolism proceeds in such a way that to obtain energy are used as much as possible accumulated in fat depots. This is beneficial for the body, since it thereby saves the costs that are required to maintain the vital functions of the central nervous system, and may also be needed to quickly obtain energy in an emergency.

It is the calories spent during such workouts that lead to an effective decrease in body weight by reducing subcutaneous fat.

A simple walk to reach the fat-burning zone will not be enough, you will need to speed up your stride, start climbing steps, jog or start doing gymnastics at an average pace.

Aerobic zone

If your heart rate during exercise is in the range of eighty to ninety percent of the maximum, then you are in the so-called aerobic zone. The intensity of the load has become higher, and the body begins to spend even more calories. However, in order to remove fats from the depot and get energy from them, he no longer has enough time, so he begins to use carbohydrates for this purpose.

Anaerobic zone

After the heart rate reaches ninety percent of the MHR, the anaerobic zone begins. Oxygen, which is carried by the blood, begins to be insufficient for oxidative reactions, so the cells switch to anoxic anaerobic regime. Fats in the anaerobic zone are practically not burned, and only carbohydrates are used for energy. Lactic acid is a by-product of anaerobic metabolism. It is she who causes the feeling of fatigue in your muscles when you run. short distance with maximum speed.

Because of lactic acid and the resulting fatigue, training in the anaerobic zone will not work for a long time, but, nevertheless, anaerobic training brings undoubted benefits - they train endurance.

Anaerobic stress is what forces the body to adjust and increase its reserves. The cells contain so-called buffering substances that bind lactic acid, giving the muscles some more time to work. After the buffering substances are used up, the concentration of lactic acid increases significantly, which leads to a feeling of fatigue, as well as pain and burning sensation in the muscles. In response to such stress, the body increases the content of buffering substances in the cells, as a result of which they will be able to inactivate more lactic acid, which means resistance to intense physical activity(stamina) grows over and over again. In addition, anaerobic training stimulates muscle growth.

Zone of maximum load

As soon as your heart rate begins to approach 100% MHR, the zone of maximum load begins. The body works at the limit of its capabilities, spending all available reserves and buffer substances to obtain energy and ensure the constancy of the internal environment. The breathing system and the cardiovascular system work as efficiently as possible.

At maximum load, the largest number of calories is spent, while anaerobic processes continue to prevail and carbohydrates are burned.

Such training is typical for professional athletes in the pre-competition period, but if you just want to lose weight, strengthen muscles and increase your endurance, then it is hardly advisable to subject yourself to maximum physical exertion.

How to train

Novice athletes and people who decide to engage in fitness for health purposes should alternate during training process the first four heart rate zones described above.

The warm-up is designed to prepare the body for more serious physical activity and should take place in the "heart" pulse zone. For effective reduction weight, it is necessary to alternate the fat burning zone and the aerobic zone.

If you feel that you can do more, then include short-term anaerobic training to increase your endurance.

Did you see an error? Highlight and press Ctrl + Enter.

Hello dear reader! To calculate the heart rate for different load zones, enter your heart rate at rest and age in the special fields below, then click on the "calculate" button. Answers to all your questions and explanations can be found below on this page.

Formula 220 minus age

This is a very common empirical formula for determining the maximum allowable heart rate (heart rate) by the value of a person's age. This is an approximate Haskell-Fox formula and, as you can see, it takes into account only the person's age. It has no scientific basis, but is actively used due to its simplicity and convenience. For most people, this accuracy is sufficient.

Refined formula

The least erroneous formula for determining the maximum allowable heart rate in the world today is the following:

HR max = 205.8 - (0.685 * age)

* HR max is the maximum allowable heart rate for a given person.

** age - the person's age in years.

This calculator calculates your maximum heart rate using the two formulas given, as well as different zones (warm-up, light exercise, aerobic exercise, power training) on Karvonen's formula.

Karvonen's formula

Heart rate during training = (maximum heart rate - heart rate at rest) x intensity (in percent) + heart rate at rest

You can transform this formula to show the intensity you want:

Intensity (Percentage) = (Heart Rate During Workout - Heart Rate at Rest) / (Maximum Heart Rate - Heart Rate at Rest)

But approximate diagram for different load zones. Please note that this is just an approximate diagram for a quick estimate of the heart rate "by eye". And the indicators given by the calculator may differ from it by 5-10%.

How to know if you are exercising too hard or not hard enough to achieve desired results? To answer this question, it is necessary to train in certain heart rate zones.

There is a concept of the maximum heart rate (pulse), which is taken as 100%. This is the maximum heart rate your heart can beat. This indicator is individual. In order to train in specific heart rate zones, you must first determine your maximum heart rate.

There are 2 methods:
- The first is to use a formula that determines the maximum heart rate depending on age:
"220-your age = maximum heart rate"
If you are 40 years old, then your maximum heart rate will be 180 beats / min.

Another method is more accurate and reflects individual characteristics. It consists in conducting a medical test to determine the maximum heart rate. This test is usually performed with a bicycle ergometer or repetitive exercises for several minutes and requires very heavy effort. This test should only be performed under the supervision of a physician.

After determining your maximum heart rate, you need to determine in which heart rate zone you will train.

There are 5 heart rate zones, and the difference between the next and the previous heart rate zone is 10% of the maximum heart rate.

Training in each of the zones has its own characteristics and results:

Heart health zone
The first zone is called the "heart health zone". It lies within 50-60% of your maximum heart rate. Training in this area is the most comfortable and easy. This zone is best suited for those who are either just starting out or have a low fitness level, although it is believed that training in this zone does not burn enough calories and is not intense enough to improve cardiovascular and respiratory systems, it has been shown that they reduce the amount of fat, reduce arterial pressure and cholesterol levels. Training in this area also reduces the risk of degenerative diseases and is non-traumatic.
When exercising in this zone, 10% of carbohydrates (as a source of energy), 5% of proteins and as much as 85% of fats are burned.

Fitness zone
The next zone is called "fitness zone", it lies in the range of 60-70% of the maximum heart rate. Training in this zone also burns 85% fat, 10% carbohydrates and 5% protein. Studies show that when you train in this zone, you mobilize fat and transport fat to the muscles.
However, the results of training in this zone are not limited to what you can achieve by training at an intensity of 50-60% of your maximum heart rate. By exercising in this zone, you increase the total number of calories burned over the previous zone and provide an even greater improvement in the condition of the cardiovascular and respiratory system.
By exercising in this zone, you burn more calories because the workout is more intense.

Aerobic zone
The third zone, aerobic, involves training at an intensity of 70-80% of your maximum heart rate. This is the most preferred area for endurance training. When training in this zone, the functional capabilities of the body increase significantly, the number and size of blood vessels increase, the vital capacity of the lungs and tidal volume increase. Pulmonary ventilation is intensified, the arteriovenous oxygen difference increases. Moreover, the stroke volume increases (the amount of blood expelled by the left ventricle in one contraction) and the resting pulse decreases.
It means that functional state Your cardiovascular and respiratory systems are improved, as well as the size and strength of your heart.
When exercising in this zone, 50% of carbohydrates, 50% of fat and less than 1% of protein are burned. In addition, as the intensity of the workout increases, so does the number of calories burned.

Anaerobic zone
The next zone is called the "anaerobic zone", it lies in the range of 80-90% of the maximum heart rate. When training in this zone, the indicator of maximum oxygen consumption improves ( maximum amount oxygen consumed per workout), which means that the condition of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems improves, the tolerance to lactate (lactic acid) increases, you become more enduring.
Since the intensity of training in this zone is higher than in the previous three zones, the number of calories burned is higher. At the same time, 85% of carbohydrates, 15% of fats and less than 1% of proteins are burned.

Red line zone
The last zone is called the "redline zone", it lies in the range of 90-100% of your maximum heart rate. When exercising in this zone, the maximum number of calories is burned, with the percentage of fat being the lowest percentage compared to the rest of the zones. Thus, 90% of carbohydrates are burned, only 10% of fats and less than 1% of proteins.
The intensity of work during training in this zone is so high that not everyone is able to withstand a 20-minute training session or even the first 5 minutes of training.
You can only train in this zone if you are in a very good physical form and under the supervision of a physician. Usually people use this zone for interval training. For example, you train for three minutes in the aerobic zone, then for one minute in the redline zone, and then again in the aerobic zone. This is called interval training.

Thus, it is possible to distribute the training in different periods of the training process based on the tasks set at the stage.

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