Scheme of weaving a racket for badminton. professional tennis racquet


This article explains as much as possible about badminton strings. You will learn about the types of strings, their properties, materials, types of weaving, thicknesses and structures, coatings and layers, the interaction of combinations, all of the above. You will also learn about the "Hybrid" technology, the correct selection of the string and its tension, the number of knots, their options and stretching technologies.

String Properties

String elasticity is the stretching property. So how is elasticity measured? A piece of string is taken, stretched and the difference in length between the segment before and after tension is measured. The higher the elasticity, the more sensitive the string. Accordingly, the impact force and the comfort of the game are higher.

Loss of tensile force (loose tension, drawdown) - this characteristic is measured using special equipment in diagnostic centers by measuring the stiffness of the string surface and loss of elasticity (in the same way at the beginning and end of its service life. The lower the level of loss of tension, the stronger the impact. And with a high loss of tension, the impact is weaker.

wear resistance(wear resistance) - the life of the string is measured, from the moment it is stretched until it breaks. This characteristic indicates susceptibility to abrasion, snags, etc., which affects its durability. This characteristic is calculated empirically by engineers of companies involved in the production of strings, calculating technologies and materials, the structure of the section of the string, working with groups of professional athletes who help in testing the string.

string tension is the force acting on the segment of the string. The force is selected and set by the stringer on a special machine in the process of pulling the racket. The units of measurement used are kilograms (kg) and pounds (lbs). It should be borne in mind that the longitudinal string stretches first and is in a free state when pulled out of the racket. According to this, she will have the correct, exposed weight. And at the transverse, in the places of interweaving of the strings, friction occurs and this prevents them from being evenly stretched. The weight at the exit of the transverse string will be shown alone, and on the opposite side of the racket rim, the weight can be very different. Therefore, immediately after the tension, the tension weight of the transverse string is not uniform. During playing, it levels off, but the rigidity of the string surface decreases.

String surface frequency is the number of string segments distributed around the rim. The more segments, the higher the density of the string surface. Conversely, the fewer segments, the lower the density. If you drag two rackets with the same weight, then the racket with a low string surface density (with the same impact force) will have more deflection from the shuttlecock.

String Surface Rigidity – depends on the tension force and frequency of the string surface. The stiffer the string surface, the less deflection from the shuttle and the control is greater. Less stiffness increases torsion and comfort through more flex and shock absorption.

string thickness for badminton - measured in microns (0.70 mm.) or tenths of a millimeter (0.7 mm.). The string thickness varies from about 0.63 mm. up to 0.75 mm. but there is both thinner and thicker. A string with a thickness of 0.66 is considered very thin, it is suitable for stronger, faster and control strokes, its disadvantage is low wear resistance. The thicker the string, the higher the strength, but the playing quality is lower.

badminton strings

String types

There are two types of strings

  • natural
  • Synthetic

Natural string. It acquired its name due to the material of which it consists, and this is a natural muscle material from the intestines of cattle, in the common people it was called "bull vein". In the modern world, a natural string is almost impossible to meet. In Soviet times, this string had its fans, who even today remember it "with pain in their hearts." The natural string combined all the most important qualities, the highest control and comfort, the force of impact and retained high elasticity almost to the point of breaking. Its disadvantages were high cost, a tendency to hooks and it was not produced in the USSR, therefore, it was in short supply. The hooks didn't frighten anyone when the string started to fray, they just cut it neatly with scissors and played on =) Why was the production of natural badminton strings reduced? Unclear. Possibly due to low demand and high prices. And perhaps the highest quality of the multilayer multi-fiber string, made of the latest materials, became a good analogue, after which natural ones were recognized as less capable. Well, synthetics have better strength and resistance to hooks.

Synthetic string .

Divided into two types

  • Monofilament
  • Multifibre

monofilament strings - are divided into single-layer and multilayer (2-4 layers). Popular among athletes, this type of string does not enjoy. A single-ply string is practically a fishing line, fortunately it is rarely seen. Double-layer, usually pulled on cheap rackets, such as those sold in a bag of several pieces with a handful of shuttlecocks. Multilayer monofilament string is commonly used as transport. Rackets are pulled on her for more convenient and safe transportation from racket factories, which is how she got her name. (Also, the lowest quality multifilament string is used for this, for example, a two-layer string with a minimum amount of fibers from the lowest-tech materials)

Multifilament strings - the most popular type of string. They are divided into complex and simple structures (weaving). Although, athletes rarely pay attention to this, and choose a string according to the thickness and playing characteristics specified by the manufacturers. Multifilament strings can only consist of several layers, at least two (multifilament core and braid). Modern multifilament strings can give the athlete all the necessary characteristics. Some strings are especially popular. Due to the correct selection of layers in terms of functionality, materials and shape, a balance of the necessary characteristics of the string is achieved.


Layers are divided by functionality and position, there are only three of them.

  • Coating(Braid or coating)
  • Outer(outer layer)
  • Core(Inner layer or core)

Core - the inner layer of the string, to a greater extent is responsible for elasticity. The structure of which is one or more multifilament layers, forming one bundle. To improve the properties of loss of elasticity and increase strength, additional composites of various forms are used - structures (in the form of fibers, strips, tapes, etc.) and materials (such as carbon, titanium, etc.).

Types of laying the core (inner layer) of badminton strings

  • radial longitudinal- one bundle of fibers laid parallel to each other (increase in rigidity)
  • radial twisted– twisted bundle of fibers (increased elasticity)

Outer layer (reinforcing) - m It can consist of several layers of fiber laying of various shapes, weaving complexity and materials.

The most popular types of weaving (packing) of the outer layer of a multifilament badminton string

  • – multi-filament layers wrap around the inner layer (increased comfort, impact force)
  • Cross (braided)– multifibers are woven together, creating a strong reinforcing mesh, covering the inner layers (increase in strength, sometimes “roughness”)

Sometimes several layers of different types of weaving, material and shape are combined. To increase the required characteristics (strength, control, torsion, grip, etc.). Some brands have introduced additional outer layers of fibers extending beyond the overall string diameter. Due to this, the friction force of the shuttlecock on the string was increased. It was appreciated by players who prefer to hit cuts and twist the shuttlecock strongly (for example, during coasters).

Braid - protects the string from external influences and rubbing, reduces the likelihood of hooks. Thanks to the special high-tech materials and application method, the service life is increased, control is improved and the playing comfort is increased.

Hybrid Technology

Each string model has its own parameters and directionality. By combining two types of strings, their characteristics are combined and new properties appear. In 2013, in badminton, a unique patented technology was created. The longitudinal string is most prone to fraying, so adidas PowerTeam (strength/control). And the transverse, an increase in playing properties, therefore adidas PowerBalance 69 (strike force / control). But this does not say that now, you can only pull with their combination of strings. You can combine different brands, types and types of strings, with the properties you need. For example, in tennis, hauling a racket with two types of strings has been very popular for many years.

Number of nodes and their options

There are either two nodes or four in total. It depends on the number of pieces of strings with which the racket was pulled. Many pull with one string. Two ends - two knots. When pulled in a combination, or just in two strings, four knots are tightened.

There are many node options, but the main division into:

  • Starting
  • Finishing

With the correct constriction, rackets are the most popular finishing rackets, as they are pulled with one string more often. Starting knots are used when pulled in two strings, two finishing knots are tightened at the end of the longitudinal strings and the end of the transverse ones, the starting one is knitted only at the beginning of the transverse ones. The starting knots are sliding, very strong, but you cannot tighten them like a finish knot. The finishing knot, when tightened, can stretch the string and smooth out the difference in tension, but if you replace the starting knot with it, it will cut the string on which it is tied. Knots are knitted in holes specially designed by teams of engineers and specially widened for this. But some stringers prefer to tie them in other places, whether it is right or wrong is up to those who play these rackets.

Stretch technology

Stretching technology is the scheme by which the string is threaded. Each racquet or series of racquets has its own technology. Stretching schemes are developed by special groups of engineers. The result is additional improved gaming performance. Following a special technology-stretching scheme, the best result is obtained and it is recommended not to deviate from them.

Many badminton players believe that the main thing is the racket and are indifferent to the constriction. But every professional knows that from the correct string tension, the playing quality of a racket can either rise several times or fall. By “correct tension”, I mean not just the correct threading and tension of the string, but the combination of the correct selection of the string, the force and tension technology, the accuracy of the machine, and most importantly the experience of the stringer and the specifics of its work. It has been empirically proven that the work of each stringer is different from the other. Taking ten stringers, give ten identical rackets and strings for them, put them on one machine and pull them exactly the same (weight, stretching technology, knots, etc.). All rackets will be stretched the same, but each stringer will play differently. Who is better, who is worse. The experience of the stringer gives a guarantee of quality. The fact that the racket does not break will be stretched well and on time. He will be able to choose the right string and tension specifically for the athlete’s playing style, his level and racket. And the specifics of the stringer work increases the level of all characteristics and playability of the racket. It depends on many little things: starting from the manner of threading, tension, string laying, etc. to the places of knitting and the type of knots.

String selection

Why is it important to choose the right string? As you know, each string model has its own characteristics, which are aimed at increasing certain playing qualities. Each athlete has his own way of playing, under which the characteristics of the racket are selected, but in order to increase the necessary ones, you need to choose the right strings with certain characteristics. An incorrectly selected string can spoil the playing quality of the racket.

Selection of string tension

How to choose the right string tension? First, you need to remember and know that a high string tension gives control, and a weak one - the impact force. But you need to understand that too much tension harms not only the string and racket, but can also significantly reduce the quality of the game. And if the string tension is too weak, not only control will be lost, but also the impact force and comfort. Perhaps even the most unacceptable is the shuttlecock getting stuck in the string surface. We must not forget that each model of strings has its own elasticity, tension loss coefficient, stiffness, thickness, type of weaving, etc. all this affects the increase or decrease in the rigidity of the string surface, which, first of all, affects the playing quality. Plus, an important point in choosing the tension weight is what kind of shuttlecock you play (plastic or feather). For playing with a plastic shuttle, it is recommended not to exceed 11-13 kg. For feather shuttles, the tension can be increased. Some professional athletes pull the string as much as 17 kg!!!

Success in both amateur and professional badminton is made up of many factors, among which equipment is important - in particular, a racket. However, even the top professional racquet, tailored to your playing style, will not show its true qualities if it is poorly tensioned or has a bad string. That is, the wrong tension is the same as the wrong racket, and a good racket with a bad string is the same as just a bad racket. Therefore, the importance of choosing the right one cannot be overemphasized. badminton racket strings and strings for her! What factors should be taken into account and how to approach this issue correctly?

First of all, this is the tension force. It should be optimal and properly selected for your level of play and the shuttlecock that you mainly play with. For example, under a feather shuttlecock, the stretch is made on average 1-1.5 kg stronger than under a plastic one. There are also force restrictions for different types of rackets. Professional can pull up to 13-14 kg, amateur up to 10-11 kg, basic up to 8-9 kg.

There are individual features of racket constriction for different sports. The horizontal strings of badminton rackets pull 0.5-1 kg more than the vertical strings, while in tennis and squash the situation is exactly the opposite. The average tension force when playing with a feather shuttle varies from 10 to 13 kg, plastic from 9 to 11 kg. It is very important to correctly select the string itself, given its type and thickness. You can read more about this in our catalog section.

It goes without saying that in order for these and other nuances to be taken into account, it is necessary to give the racket to an experienced and knowledgeable "stringer" - a specialist in installing strings on a racket. Our stringers specialize in badminton racquets, although they also have excellent knowledge of the technology and knowledge of squash and tennis racquets.

Machine for stretching rackets- is also a key factor that allows the stringer to fully realize his skills and perform quality work. In our company, rackets are reupholstered using high-precision professional Swiss equipment. You can be sure both of the high quality of work and that our stringer will not damage your racket.

Tennis racquets are made to withstand heavy use on the court, absorb sunlight, water drops, and handle a tennis ball that hits the racquet at high speed. The strings are the most important part of a racquet and taking good care of them will have a positive effect on the quality of your playing and the longevity of your racquet. Depending on your playing style and how often you use your racquet, it's important to restring your racquet at least twice a year. In this article, we will show you how to learn how to prepare your racquet for string stringing and apply the correct string stringing technique.


Part 1

Racquet preparation

    Find the right string stretching machine. Many sports clubs and sporting goods stores have looms that they use to string strings. It costs 1500-3000 rubles per racket. The machine itself, depending on the quality, costs from 15,000 to several hundred thousand rubles.

    • If you play tennis several times a week, buy racket strings for 500 rubles cheaper, and soon you will be able to buy your own stringing machine with the money saved. The Gamma X-2 is a common table-mounted model with a two-point mounting system and drop weight tension. This is the cheapest and highest quality machine for those who tug the strings themselves.
    • If you play several times a year or only on weekends, it probably doesn't make sense to invest in your own stringing machine. Pay to have your strings re-tightened when they are loose, or find a machine that will let you re-tune your strings for free.
  1. Measure the strings. Start by cutting 10-12 cm of new string from the spool. To string the strings on a standard 237 square centimeter racket with a standard section, you will most likely need about 11 meters. It's usually better to cut off more string and then throw away the excess than to start stretching and then realize that the string is too short and you have to start over.

    • When you tie the strings for the first time, calculate how many strings you need for all the knots, and next time cut exactly as much as you need. Start with a string that is too long and then work out the ideal length.
  2. Prepare your racquet for hauling. After the strings have broken or you decide that they need to be changed as soon as possible, cut the old strings with a sharp knife. Start with the strings that are in the center of the racket and slowly work your way up to the outermost strings.

    • Check the racquet rim rubber bushings for wear and replace if necessary.
  3. Attach the racket to the lanyard. Depending on the machine you are using, the attachment procedure will be slightly different. Attach the racket head and neck to the racket mounting brackets and use a vise to secure the racket securely. Adjust the tension on the strings as directed.

    • The six-point mounting system evenly distributes tension throughout the racquet, but whichever machine you use, you need to make sure that all clamps are securely attached to the racquet. They should be tight enough to stay in place when you swing the handle, but not so tight that the rim of the racket will bend.
  4. Stretch the crossed strings. When you have completed the last line of the main vertical strings, tie it off and start drawing the cross strings. The intersecting strings run parallel to the longitudinal axis of the racket. Insert the string into the hole, usually the larger rings on the side, and pull it over the main string to the other side of the band. Tighten as tight as you tightened the main strings and secure the first string. Keep threading the strings until you've got everything tight.

    • If you are going to use two strings, tie the cross string to the main string at the head and then pull it back through the large eye on the edge of the headband. They usually do that.
    • Try to keep the transverse strings as little as possible rubbing against the main ones. If you put on the main strings and don't use them, then the racquet and strings will last you less.
  5. Tie the cross strings. Pull the last cross string back into the ring and tie it tightly to the main string. Tie with thin tweezers. Release the tension on the strings and cut off the excess string. Then remove the racket from the mount.

Part 3

Racquet setup

    Decide what voltage you want on the strings. Most racquets have a recommended tension value, which varies from 23 to 32 kg. Within these limits, players sometimes adjust the string tension to adjust the playing spot on the racquet to suit their individual playing style.

    • For more control of the ball, the strings need to be pulled tighter. Tight strings enhance contact and precision. For a stronger strike, lighter tension strings are recommended. Stretch the strings at different strengths and play with both to see what suits your racquet and your playing style best.
  1. Use different strings. Experiment with different brands of strings until you find strong strings with good resilience. Most tennis strings are made from a durable synthetic fiber called Kevlar. Zyex, due to its good springiness, is also used for tennis racquet strings. The following materials are also available:

    Consider using dampers and string protectors on your racquet. At the points where the strings cross, small plastic plates can be inserted so that they, like a barrier, protect the strings from friction and prolong the life of the racket. Players who frequently hit top spin balls find it very convenient to have force dampers on the strings that increase the spin of the ball and weaken the strings. Try them out on the court and see what happens.

    String your racquet as many times a year as you play tennis a week. If one of the strings has broken, it's obviously time to retighten the strings, but what about doing it regularly? It will be useful to tug the strings as many times a year as you play once a week. If you play twice a week, tug every six months, and so on. Strong players and those with a heavy hit are likely to need to twang their racquets more often than regular players.

    Expert answer

    "When should you tug the strings on a tennis racket?"

Modern badminton rackets made from graphite-based polymers have a thin rim section. This circumstance often leads to the fact that when the strings are ineptly stretched, the rim is deformed and breaks.

We offer beginner stringers [from the English string - string] a number of practical tips that will help avoid string tension errors and related material losses.

Racquet preparation

The racket should be freed from the replaced strings, wiped with a damp cloth from dust and dirt, inspect the rim and rod in order to detect chips and cracks Replace the destroyed cambric with new ones.


Rackets should be strung with strings from leading foreign firms; YONEX, FUKUDA, ASHAWAY, BABOLAT, etc. Strings differ in properties, diameter (from 0.65 to 0.85 mm) About ten meters of string are required for one racket.

string interlacing

The strings should be twisted while holding the racket in your hands. Measure 3.5 m of the string and thread it through the first hole from the shaft, pass it through the center holes at the top of the rim and pull it through the first hole on the other side of the shaft. With this piece of string, pull 11 longitudinal strings. Pass the last string into the 12th hole from the center and fasten it by passing it through the 9th and then through the 8th hole.

With the remaining end of the string, symmetrically pull 11 longitudinal strings on the other side of the rim and, having threaded the string into the 10th hole, begin to pull the transverse strings, interlacing them with the longitudinal ones.

Up to the 11th hole. The longitudinal and transverse strings should be stretched lightly, by hand. In this form, install the racket on the machine.

String stretching machines.

Leading manufacturers of sports equipment for badminton produce a large number of models of string stretching machines: portable and stationary, manual and electric, as well as with various devices for gripping and stretching strings. However, all machines known to us have one common serious drawback - they do not have a reliable fastening of badminton rackets to the faceplate of the machine at least six points. We recommend using SWISS POINT machines of the Swiss company for stretching badminton rackets with a device developed by us that eliminates this drawback. In addition, SWISS POINT machines have simple and reliable bottom clamps and a string clamp with a pulling device. The machines of this company have an electric drive that provides high precision string tension. Our further advice involves working on machines of this type equipped with the devices mentioned above.

String tension.

Place the racket with pre-threaded strings on the working surface of the device, bring the central stops to contact with the inner surfaces of the racket rim and press the racket tightly with 6 clamps. Using an awl, move the end of a string segment 3.5 m long to the center of the rim, forming two loops on both sides of the rod. Fix one central string in the lower part with the lower clamp, and tighten the other central string with the specified force and fix it with the second lower clamp. The tension force of the strings is set at the request of the player in the range from 9 to 12 kg, depending on the quality and condition of the racket, the skill of the player and the type of shuttlecock used by the player. It should be remembered that the force of the transverse strings should be 0.5 - 1.0 kg more than the force set for the longitudinal strings.

Consistently pulling the longitudinal strings to the left and right of the axis of the racket, reach the extreme eleventh strings, then pass the free end of the string through the 9th hole from below, twist it with the transverse strings and pull it with force for the transverse strings. Passing this end of the string through the 8th hole, tie it in a double knot around the transverse string and bite off the excess part of the string with a side cutter. Next, we stretch the transverse strings, starting from the 10th from the bottom to the 11th from the top, and then the remaining four transverse strings to the 7th, interlacing them with the longitudinal strings. We pass the end of the last string into the 6th hole and tie it with a double knot around the longitudinal string. Bite off the end of the string with a side cutter. Release the racket from the mounting on the working surface of the machine and remove it from the machine. At the request of the customer, apply the logo of the manufacturer of the racket to the string surface of the racket.

Advice was given by Radiy Okunev,
multiple champion of Russia
among veterans, Republican judge
category, one of the best stringers in Russia.

Modern badminton is a game not only for professionals, but also a way to actively spend leisure time. The game is simple and accessible to everyone, has similarities with tennis, and does not require much physical effort. The main attributes of the game are rackets and a shuttlecock. A common problem faced by fans of this sport is a racquet string breaking or a shuttlecock sticking.

You can change the string on the racket yourself, just read carefully how to pull the racket at home. You will need simple things: an awl, scissors or wire cutters, a new string. Material for a new string, it is better to choose synthetic, diameter from 0.6 to 0.8 mm (depending on the racket design). The length of the thread-string is approximately 10 m per waist of one racket.

First of all, you need to get rid of the remnants of the old string. Carefully, we bite the string with wire cutters, and release the clogged holes with an awl, while being careful, it is important to prevent cracking of the base, especially if it is wooden. Sometimes, after this step, the racket is cleaned and varnished, after which the holes are also cleaned.

We stretch a new string into the prepared holes. The broach pattern must match the original drawing, you can look at the whole racket or find a drawing on the Internet. The strength of the line tension should provide a good rebound. Insufficiently stretched string leads to sticking of the shuttlecock, overstretched - does not give the desired springiness. The tension force varies from 80 to 160N.

It is important to understand how to choose a badminton racket for the purpose of non-professional play. If badminton is just a hobby, they choose rackets of a weight and size convenient for the player (weight can range from 75 to 95 grams), the manufacturer also does not matter, the string is chosen simpler, and the frame must be strong and durable. Knowing how to choose a tennis racket, it is easy to navigate in badminton.

Often, it is problematic to buy a racket, there is no required quality, and the prices "bite". You can try to make rackets yourself, this will require special machines, patience and woodworking skills, the quality of such rackets is usually very high. But, since not everyone can afford to make a racket at home, it is easier to restore the old one. Surely, in the attic or in the pantry, the badminton set that my parents played was lying around.

The quality of Soviet-made badminton rackets is much higher than that of Chinese consumer goods. How to hold a racket correctly, every child can figure out, regardless of the production of the racket. With patience and ingenuity, you can give the old rackets an extraordinary beauty; by correctly pulling the string, get great pleasure from the game.
