When the warface server race is over. Clan Race: August


The clan race has been going on for almost a year. Every month, thousands of soldiers "embark on the warpath" to fight in fierce battles for the right to call their team the best. And very soon you will take part in a new stage of this competition!

However, let's move on to the most interesting thing: now the confrontation will differ favorably from what you are used to. We want to present you with a fresh Race, updated and improved.

Firstly, now clans included in the rating are divided into 6 different leagues: from elite to steel.

Almost any clan will be able to enter the steel league, that is, even beginners will be able to do it. To maintain the same position in the elite league, you will need to show all your skill, since the number of places in it is limited: only 10 (Alpha and Bravo) and 5 (Charlie).

With the new system, the movement of clans in the ranking will be more visual, since the lists of league participants will be updated every day. You will be able to select opponents with a suitable level of playing skill, track your progress famous teams and enjoy your own victories.

Which league will be "tough" for you? Everything is in the hands of your fighters.

Secondly, in connection with the introduction of leagues, the total number of clans that can be in the rating, that is, receive rewards, has almost tripled. More battles, more victories, more clans, more crowns!

I would like to note that the players of the server "Charlie" are showing in Lately noticeable activity, and very soon the number of active clans here will be sufficient to equalize the awards with "Bravo". Press, fighters, just a little bit is left!

Moreover, in the future, clan members who have taken places in the new Race will have access to a separate userbar indicating the league and place in it, clan points and other relevant information.

The Race terms and conditions are identical to the previous rounds.

  • The clan race takes place in parallel on the servers "Alpha", "Bravo" and "Charlie". Clans on the same server compete only with each other.
  • Only clan points earned during the competition period count towards the race. When a player leaves or is excluded from the Race rating, his clan will only lose the OCs gained by this player during the month.
  • Before summing up the results of the monthly competition, all players banned for violation of the rules of the game will be removed from the rating lists, and the points they earned during the month (if the ban occurred during this month) will be deducted from their clan account. This rule applies to all blocked at the time of summing up, including both indefinite and temporary blocks.
  • We urge the players and leaders of the clans participating in the race to be extremely careful and to be as attentive as possible to the rules of the game. Your fine can fail not only you personally, but the entire clan.

Attention! The results of the January clan race will be announced only after February 3, 2014. Clans initially found guilty of violations will be fined. The results are recorded as standard, as of February 1 (night).

We wish you good luck and personal victories!

15.08.2017 15:32

For a whole month, five servers were fighting for the first place. Everyone had the opportunity to influence the outcome of the battle, the contribution of each fighter was taken into account in global progress. During the race, different servers came out on top, but in the end, Alpha won by a small margin. Congratulations!


We remind you that the conditions were as simple and transparent as possible: the more server players on average spent time in matches, the higher the result. You've done a great job, and now is the time to receive the awards you deserve. All participants will receive memorable achievements, and the players on the winning server will receive a unique patch!

Not gonna get us Server Race Victory Patch
Race participant Server Race Token
At high speeds Badge for completing a personal progress chain

Achievements will be credited shortly.

Moreover, on "Alpha" in honor of the victory, increased rewards will apply! All players on this server will receive 75% more experience, warbucks and supplier experience for any battles from 15:00 Moscow time on August 18 to 15:00 on August 21!

Now what?

The race is over, you can take a breath, show your friends new achievements and prizes. But you should not relax, there are many interesting things ahead of you! In the meantime, you are waiting for new game events, we recommend pressing "", there is not much time left until the end!

29.07.2016 10:45

New month - new race- new rewards!

Race rules

The next stage of the clan race has begun August 1 at 0:01 Moscow time, its rules are identical to the previous stages.

Clan Race Conditions

  • The clan race takes place in parallel on the servers "Alpha", "Bravo" and "Charlie". Clans on the same server compete only with each other.
  • Only clan points earned during the competition period count towards the race. When a player leaves or is excluded from the race rating, his clan will only lose the OCs gained by this player during the month. Last month's statistics are reset.
  • Before summing up the results of the monthly competition, all players banned for violation of the rules of the game will be removed from the rating lists, and the points they earned during the month (if the ban occurred during this month) will be deducted from their clan account. This rule applies to all blocked at the time of summing up, including both indefinite and temporary blocks.
  • We urge the players and leaders of the clans participating in the competition to be extremely careful and to be as attentive as possible to the rules of the game. Your fine can fail not only you personally, but the entire clan.

Participant awards

Rewards for the clan race are awarded monthly, after summing up the results of the next stage.

1. Weapon camouflages.

Awarded one randomly to members of clans from the top 25 on each server.

Reward camouflages "Scarlet Dragon"

2. Achievements.

Awarded to members of clans from the top 10 on each server, depending on the fulfillment of specific conditions.

3. Crowns.

Awarded to participants in the clan race on each server, depending on their position in the rating.

Reward League "Alpha" "Bravo" "Charlie"
10,000 crowns and achievements Elite 1-10 places 1-10 places 1-10 places
5000 crowns Platinum 11-100 places 11-100 places 11-70 places
2000 crowns Gold 101-500 places 101-500 places 71-400 seats
1000 crowns Silver 501-1000 seats 501-1000 seats 401-700 seats
500 crowns Bronze 1001-2000 places 1001-1500 places 701-1200 places
200 crowns Steel 2001-3000 places 1501-2000 places 1201-1700 places

New awards will be issued for the first time following the results of the August stage of the clan race.

Attention! The results of the July race will be fixed as of 0:00 Moscow time on August 1. Prizes will be awarded after the publication of its results. In order to avoid difficulties, we ask you not to leave the clans until the prize is credited.

The terms of participation have become simpler and clearer than last year, and the prizes have significantly increased in price. It's time to prove that your server is the best!

Server Race

Everyone who takes part in this large-scale competition will receive memorable achievements, and the players on the winning server will receive a unique patch and increased rewards. This is a great opportunity to take revenge on last year's race or once again prove to everyone that your server is the best. Everyone's contribution is important for victory!

In addition, taking part in the competition, you will receive valuable prizes for your personal progress: boosters, equipment, consumables, the opportunity to get weapons of the "Cold" series, and even unique SAS squad appearances, which first appeared in the game!

How do I get involved?

It's easier than it sounds: just fight and win in fast-paced and ranked PvP matches. No modifiers or difficult conditions, all you have to do is play.

Global progress displayed on in the form of a speedometer, which displays data in real time from five servers participating in the race: "Alpha", "Bravo", "Charlie", "Europe" and " North America". Every minute spent in quick and rating PvP matches brings your server closer to victory. Hurry up and head into battle - and the rewards will not be long in coming!

How is progress calculated? The number of minutes spent by players on a particular server in quick and ranked matches is divided by the number of participants in the competition. It is this figure that is displayed on the promo page. It's that simple! No modifiers or complex formulas. The data is updated every half hour.

Personal progress is shown as a W-shaped racing circle with 20 checkpoints, each of which you will be awarded a reward for. To progress in a circle, simply win fast and competitive PvP matches. After each victory, a part of the path to the next checkpoint is painted over, and therefore the next reward. Received rewards automatically go to the basket of items on the game website.

Required number of victories

The higher the level, the more victories you need to win. For example, it will take three wins to reach the first checkpoint, five wins for the seventh, and twenty as many as the eighteenth.

You need to win 200 victories to get all the rewards, but the prizes are worth it!


Frequently asked Questions

V: Does Personal Progress count towards Survival and Meat Grinder victories?
O: No, but these modes do affect global progress.

V: If I won 3 victories on the Alpha server, and then two more on the Bravo server, will they add up to personal progress?
O: Yes, you can play on different servers, all victories will count towards your personal progress.

V: I reached the checkpoint but did not receive a prize!
O: Rewards automatically go to the item basket. Accrual may take place with a slight delay.

V: How many personal progress tasks do you need to complete in one day?
O: As much as you like, you can do all two hundred, but this is not necessary, because there is enough time until the end of the race!

V: Why did my personal progress roll back? I was at the tenth level!
O: Don't worry, there were no rollbacks. The display of progress has changed, now it has become simpler and clearer.


Good luck, fighters. Perhaps it is you who will lead the server to victory!


The number of clan points received in various game modes has been revised. This will help teams better adjust to the composition of their clans and the ability of the fighters to earn points.

Multipliers in various PvP modes

Thus, the team can choose where to play:

  • in clan rooms without a bonus to points, but with the ability to choose an opponent;
  • in rating battles, where the enemy will be matched by the strongest player in the team, but OK is multiplied by 3.

Multipliers in PvE and Special Operations

Here the multiplier depends on the number of members of one clan in the team:

PvE continues to be an auxiliary means of earning points. To compete for the top positions in the Clan Race, you must participate in PvP matches.


A restriction on games with the same opponent has been introduced. This is done to prevent the "farming" of points in fixed battles.


Now, when playing with the same opponent in the created rooms, the clan will receive points only for the first 4 battles per day. At 03:00 Moscow time, the counter is reset to zero.


The list of achievements for successes in the Clan Race has been replenished. You will be able to acquire them very soon.

Awarded to members of clans from the top 10 on each server, depending on the fulfillment of specific conditions. In the first full season, players will receive both old and new achievements.

New Achievements
Finish first in a clan race
Finish second in the Clan Race
Finish 3rd in the Clan Race
Finish first place in a Clan Race six times.
Finish second in a Clan Race six times.
Finish third place in the Clan Race six times.
Previous achievements
Reach an elite league based on the results of the monthly clan race.
Get into the elite league three times in the monthly clan race.
Get into the Elite League six times in the monthly Clan Race.

Other Clan Race rewards remain unchanged. You can check them out below.


Awarded one randomly to members of clans from the top 25 on each server.

Reward camouflages "Scarlet Dragon"

Additional rewards

Reward League Position
10,000 crowns and achievements Elite Rank 1-5
5000 crowns Platinum Rank 5-10
2000 crowns Gold Rank 11-100
1000 crowns Silver Rank 101-200
500 crowns Bronze Rank 201-300
200 crowns Steel Rank 301-500
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