What is sports training. The structure and stages of sports training

Special physical training

general physical preparation

Physical fitness structure





1. The structure of physical training

2. General physical fitness

3. Special physical training

3.1. Sports training

3.2. Applied physical training

PHYSICAL TRAINING - the process of formation motor skills and skills, the development of a person's physical abilities.

Preparation(process) builds preparedness:

PHYSICAL PREPAREDNESS - the level of formation of motor skills and abilities, the development of physical abilities.

Distinguish between general physical training (GPP) and special physical training (TFP).

GENERAL PHYSICAL TRAINING - the process of forming motor skills and abilities, improving physical abilities, aimed at a comprehensive and harmonious physical development person.

GPP tasks:

1) Health promotion.

2) Ensuring comprehensive and harmonious physical development.

3) Creation of the basis (base) for special physical training.

The means of GPP are physical exercises that provide overall impact on the human body. In particular, these include: running, skiing, swimming, cycling, moving and sport games, exercise with weights, etc.

Diversified physical development contributes to better adaptation of the body to changing environmental conditions.

SPECIAL PHYSICAL TRAINING - the process of formation of motor skills and abilities, the development of a person's physical abilities, taking into account the type of his activity (labor or sports).

SFP provides the selective development of individual muscle groups that carry the main load when performing exercises specialized for a particular sport or profession.

The types of SPP are sports training and professionally applied physical training.

SPORTS TRAINING (training) is a purposeful educational process of preparing an athlete to achieve specific sports results.

Currently, it is customary to distinguish between high performance sports and mass sports:

The goal of elite sport- to achieve the highest possible results in competitive activity.

The goal of mass sports- improve health, improve the physical state, promote active recreation.

Structure sports training identical in elite sports and in mass sports.

Components of athletic training:

· Technical training - the process of mastering the technique of movements of a particular sport by an athlete.

The structure of technical training includes basic and additional movements:

The basic ones include the movements and actions that form the basis of this sport.

Additional ones include secondary movements and actions that do not violate rationality, are characteristic and necessary for a particular athlete.

· Physical training as part of sports training, in turn, is also divided into the general physical fitness of the athlete and the special physical training.

In this case OFP is the process of all-round development of physical abilities, which are not specific for the chosen kind of sport, but one way or another determines the success of sports activity.


in the process of general physical training of gymnasts, work is underway to develop all abilities, but more attention is paid to the development of coordination and flexibility, less to the development of general endurance. Runners on long distances on the contrary, a significant place is given to exercises for the development of general endurance, less - flexibility and coordination.

The means of an athlete's physical fitness are exercises from your own and other sports.

TFP aims on the development of physical abilities that meet the specifics of the chosen sport. At the same time, it is focused on the maximum possible degree of their development.

TFP objectives:

1) Development of physical abilities required for a specific sport.

2) Increasing the functionality of organs and systems that determine the success of an athlete in the chosen sport.

3) Development of the ability to manifest the existing functional potential in specific conditions of competitive activity.


In swimmers, the maximum oxygen consumption (MOC) under standard loads in laboratory conditions is on average 70 ml / kg / min, and when swimming at a competitive speed - 46 ml / kg / min, i.e. only 65% ​​of the IPC.

4) Formation of the physique of athletes, taking into account the requirements of a specific sports discipline.


Physique indicators (height, weight, constitution) among athletes who specialize in running at different distances (eg, short, long), as a rule, differ significantly among themselves.

The main means of the athlete's TFP are competitive and special preparatory exercises.

Ratio OFP funds and TFP in training depends on the tasks to be solved, the age of the athlete, his qualifications and individual characteristics, as well as on the type of sport, stages and periods training process etc.

Rationally organized physical training allows an athlete to achieve such a level of fitness (development of physical abilities), which is necessary for competitive success in a particular sport.

· Tactical training- the process of mastering sports tactics and the formation of tactical skill in the chosen sport.

Tactics are a combination of forms and methods of conducting wrestling in a competitive environment.


Individual tactics;

Group tactics;

Team tactics.

A highly qualified athlete must be able to impose his tactics on an opponent during the competition.


When running at middle distances, a runner with a higher level of sprint will try to slow down the entire distance in order to achieve victory with a short, quick finishing spurt..

· Psychological preparation- the process of the formation of such mental functions, processes, states and personality traits, which provide a successful solution to the problems of training and participation in competitions.

Psychological training is usually divided into general and special.

General psychological preparation is aimed at the development and improvement of mental functions and qualities in athletes, which are necessary for successful sports in general. This type of psychological training is also called moral and volitional training. This includes development:

Purposefulness (the ability to clearly define immediate and long-term goals and objectives);

Decisiveness and courage (reasonable risk combined with deliberate decisions);

Perseverance (striving to achieve the intended goal);

Self-control and endurance (the ability to control your thoughts and actions in conditions of emotional arousal);



Special psychological training is aimed at developing and improving in athletes precisely those mental functions and qualities that are necessary for successful training in the chosen sport.


A) for those involved in sportsmen, the necessary psychological qualities are: communication skills, the ability to cooperate, heuristic abilities (anticipation, tactical flair);

B) for those who go in for gymnastics - artistry, sensory-motor qualities, self-control;

C) for those who go in for martial arts - courage, decision-making ability, mental endurance, heuristic abilities, sensory-motor qualities.

In elite sports, psychological training is also distinguished, aimed mainly at the formation of an athlete's psychological readiness to participate in a specific competition.

In sports, organization and discipline play almost the main role. Therefore, the process of sports training is a combination of many factors, which are a solid basis for the development of any athlete. It is development in sports terms, and there is an end in itself for training athletes.

Athletic training or training

Quite often, the concepts of "sports training" and "sports training" are combined, making them synonymous. But in reality, things are a little different. That is, the first concept is an integral part of the second.

Let's take an example: if an athlete performs certain physical exercises, then this training is a center of sports training. And if an athlete hones his technical skills using video material, then the training as such will not take place. But the athlete's training will continue anyway.

Thus, it should be noted that training is part of the training of athletes, but not its main method.

The purpose of sports training

Like any purposeful activity, the training of an athlete has a specific goal, namely, to obtain the maximum level of physical, tactical, technical and psychological readiness, within the framework of a particular sport, in order to achieve high results in competitions.

Sports training objectives

To achieve the main goal of sports training, an athlete must complete a number of tasks:

  • a high level of theoretical and practical competence in a particular sport;
  • a high level of physiological training and stability of the main body systems that carry the main load in this sport;
  • achievement high level tactical and technical competence in the chosen sport;
  • development of psychological readiness, at the level necessary for the implementation of sports activities, in the chosen sport;
  • implementation of integral training, which includes a complex interaction of the main types of an athlete's readiness in competitive activity.


Sports training is a process that is implemented by certain means. These means characterize this process as a purposeful physical activity. These include exercise different types... They are classified in relation to the necessary sports improvement, namely: aimed at preparing for competitions, at the general training of athletes and special preparatory ones.

Competitive drills include conditions similar to those sporting events, and have rather high requirements for the level of the athlete's fitness. This makes this type of exercise not as effective as the special-preparatory one, since the second type takes into account the peculiarities of a certain kind of sport, and is not aimed at achieving high results during training.

These exercises are distinguished by their variability and the ability to develop different aspects of physical fitness by using them in different ways. For example, for an athlete, special preparatory exercises will simulate running as the main technical unit of the sport, but at the same time they will vary to more successfully achieve the goals of sports training. These will include: running with obstacles, with acceleration along segments of distances, etc.

General preparatory exercises also occupy their niche in sports training, which contribute to the improvement of the general physical form... During the time when special exercises are aimed at developing those sports skills that are inherent in this sport, general ones - contribute to the growth of the desired results against the background of strengthening general sports training.

Sports training methods

Also, sports training is a combination and methodological distribution of methods. They, in turn, are grouped into three types:

  • The acquisition of knowledge.
  • Development of motor skills and abilities.
  • Development of general motor abilities.

The first group includes:

  • Oral: explanations, stories, conversations, descriptions.
  • With the help of printed resources: work with textbooks, manuals, cards.
  • With the help of visualization: direct visualization (when the demonstration takes place with the active participation of one of the subordinates), indirect visualization (video recordings, drawings, diagrams, etc.) and active methods (with explanations using the example of the participant himself).

The second group consists of two methods of working on physical exercises: split and holistic exercise.

The third group includes:

  • repetition method;
  • method of intervals;
  • circular repetition method;
  • the game;
  • method of variability;
  • uniformity method;
  • method of competition.

Conditions for sports training

Like any other activity, sports training has a list of its own conditions, necessary for the successful achievement of the set goal. These include:

  • appropriate natural conditions;
  • the simplest structures on the ground;
  • outdoor sports facilities;
  • indoor sports facilities;
  • sports centers and base.

Stages of training athletes

According to generally accepted standards of sports training, its main stages are determined, which are aimed at long-term activity. Main steps:

  • primary or sports and fitness;
  • initial sports training;
  • educational and training;
  • improving sports skills;
  • stage of the highest sportsmanship.

Types of sports training

Athlete training is a complex pedagogical process that includes many factors that together contribute to the achievement of the goal. Therefore, there are 6 types of sports training:

  • Theoretical preparation... The base or center of sports training comprises all the necessary theoretical knowledge and skills that are necessary for successful physical development in a particular sport.

  • Physical training. Development process physical qualities and the functional capabilities of the body, in order to realize the possibility of achieving high sports results.

  • Technical training. This type of training involves mastering certain technical skills. motor activity that are inherent in certain sports.
  • Tactical training. This is the process of mastering rational tactical techniques for conducting effective competitive activity. Moreover, special technique- an integral part of this training.
  • Psychological preparation. Sports activity is directly related to psychological pressure. Therefore, the training of an athlete should provide for the development of stress resistance, his moral and volitional qualities.
  • Integral training. Recently, they began to highlight another complex view training of athletes. This process is aimed at developing the abilities for variable, but holistic implementation of all the above types of preparation for competitive activity.

It should also be noted that sports training is a purposeful pedagogical process that must be competently and methodically correctly organized in terms of alternation and unification of all types.


Sports training program is a part and basis of a long process of preparation for competitive activity in any sport. It provides:

  • key concepts and components of all types of athlete training, taking into account the characteristics of a particular sport;
  • methodical, theoretical and practical for those who lead the process of training athletes;
  • features and nuances of control and monitoring of the level of development of athletes.

Athlete Training Standards

All of the above parts, components and terms related to the specifics of individual sports are regulated at the state level. More precisely, these are federal standards of sports training, which are a set of minimum requirements for the level of sports readiness in both Olympic and non-Olympic sports. These requirements must be met by all organizations that carry out sports training for athletes in accordance with the relevant laws of the Russian Federation.

Sports activity is the education of spirit and character, which must be properly organized and controlled.

Those who are fond of sports can be conditionally divided into two groups. The first includes the so-called amateurs, for whom their general physical fitness is important, and not exceptional results. The second is made up of professionals - people aimed at high achievements in their chosen sport. Often, athletes migrate from one group to another due to their own individual characteristics.

One, with rare exceptions

In the Russian Federation, the federal standard of sports training applies to all sports included in the All-Russian Register. From time to time, small changes are made to it, but the main backbone of the document - No. 412 FZ - was approved in 2011. The register includes species controlled by the all-Russian sports federations... All requirements listed in the document apply to them. The exception was national species sports, specialized military training, applied fire training and the like. The federal standard does not affect their development.

Sports training is a whole complex of methods, skills, means, conditions, knowledge, experience, aimed at the systematic strengthening of the human body. It also has an important influence on the development and strengthening of the athlete's fortitude. We can safely say that sport is a culture of all-round personality education. V Federal standard all stages of the preparation of citizens of the country were reflected, taking into account their age, gender, the characteristics of the chosen disciplines and all the nuances associated with this type of activity. In other words, it contains all the standards in force in the country for amateur and professional sports.

From a healthy mind to a healthy body

Forming the right attitude should start from infancy. This initiative is entirely the choice of the child's parents. How much they manage to captivate their child with a healthy lifestyle depends not only on him sports performance in the future, but also the general physical condition. Many parents understand this and spare no money or time for the athletic development of the child. A kind of sports training is a way of life aimed at the formation of a beautiful physique, a strong, strong organism, its speed and strength qualities.

It is important to remember that high results in physical development do not come by themselves over time and do not always depend on the number of training sessions. It is possible to achieve exceptional achievements only by hard, purposeful work from year to year, regularly using all known training methods in the chosen sport. Such zeal is not inherent in everyone. Therefore, choosing sport as the main business of your life, in order to avoid disappointment, it is better to initially analyze your own strength of mind, individual characteristics of the body, psychological adaptation to possible failures. Corresponding conclusions need to be drawn by parents who introduce their children to a passion for physical culture. Become Olympic champion not everyone is capable of, but to have a strong slender body- easily.

Emphasis on strength

The majority of male amateur athletes primarily rely on their strength training. It is the basis for the development of other physical qualities: endurance, speed, agility. The common expression "to pull the iron" - from the category of priorities of men, aimed at sports training. Sport in this case for them is a way of building muscle mass in gyms, and therefore, strength in the whole body.

Correct diet, regular exercise regimen, maintenance healthy way life is able to accelerate the achievement of assigned tasks. And those, in turn, automatically work to strengthen the willpower to be fond of physical culture on an ongoing basis. Professional training of athletes is a complex, multifunctional process. But even in this case, the main emphasis during the training period is aimed at increasing strength endurance athletes.

Landmark for beauty

The female part of the planet's population pursues completely different goals, torturing their bodies on treadmills or bike simulators. A slim body, tight forms, no extra pounds on the sides - the entire sports training program for the beautiful half of humanity is based on these three pillars. Industry physical culture develops quite dynamically, inventing more and more to achieve the above qualities for girls and women.

But whatever the goals, the general improvement of the population is the best that a passion for sports can give. Moreover, the age range of those engaged in gyms, stadiums or fitness centers is constantly expanding. Regularly running at certain times of the day in forest park zones, embankments, courtyards, very young athletes next to elderly athletes can be seen today in any settlement. Quite often, the hobby is amateur athletics becomes widespread.

Material and technical base

Unfortunately, specialized sports training is a luxury these days. Classes in gyms and sections with a qualified trainer, visits to health and fitness centers cost a lot of money. If we consider sports only as a guarantee of an excellent figure and general physical condition, then everything is easier here - you can equip a gym corner at home. It will not require large financial investments, but it will allow working people to have everything they need at hand to strengthen the body and to practice at the most convenient time for this. In addition, everyone can choose a set of shells, focusing on the capabilities of their own wallet. Another plus of home gym- a one-time waste, and savings on fitness centers are constant.

However, if your own space does not allow the arrangement of a decent sports corner, you can always find a way out: a horizontal bar, dumbbells, a jump rope, Swedish wall, parallel bars, bench press and the like do not take up much space. In addition, almost any apartment has a balcony or loggia, and in your own house there is a veranda or an attic. These are the perfect places to do physical exercise with excellent circulation fresh air even in the cold season. Of course, they cannot be compared with classes in gyms equipped with the latest simulators, but the lack of financial capabilities cannot serve as an excuse for refusing sports training for those who have a craving or need for it.

Everyone has their own team

If sport is the work of a lifetime, for this there are all kinds of sections in each locality. In them, the process of training athletes is carried out according to specialized programs under the guidance of experienced mentors. All material and technical conditions have been created in the sports training centers, centralized training methods are used, a system of psychological development of athletes is organized. Classes in a group create a healthy spirit of competition, stimulate you to achieve better results and set your own records.

Each sport has its own characteristics. The training process is characterized by essential features distinguishable from each other in technical equipment, tactical approaches, psychological adjustment. Even the physical training of an athlete's body is aimed at developing different qualities. An athlete must have an excellent musculoskeletal system, a chess player must have a nervous system, and a swimmer must have a respiratory system. And so on for each sport. However, well-rounded athletes achieve excellent results.

Increased functionality

Exceptional general fitness at the start sports career can facilitate an earlier transition to intensive training in the corresponding specialization. But if certain muscle groups are insufficiently developed, the mobility of certain joints is little noticeable, and the working capacity of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems does not withstand prolonged training, the athlete can switch to an individual mode of sports training. This will allow you to achieve the required results at a faster pace.

These same processes are essential for maintaining the overall fitness of amateur athletes. Running the maximum possible distance, swimming, jumping, skiing are capable of short time improve the functioning of the respiratory system. Push-ups and pull-ups - build up muscle mass... For the systematic development of your anaerobic performance, or speed-strength abilities it is important to choose the most effective method training, taking into account the characteristics of your own body. An experienced instructor will help you with competent advice in choosing a particular system.

Mastery growth - load growth

Initial physical fitness differs in general wellness orientation and most amateur athletes stop at this point in their development. The types of sports training that they choose for this: running, swimming, athletics or weightlifting - do not play a special role, since in this case the activities do not go beyond hobby. Professionals are focused on high results, and the approach to their own development is different here.

With an increase in the level of physical fitness, its complexity inherent in the chosen sports orientation, and so on until you use the maximum capabilities of your own body. World and olympic records- from here. Real athletes always aim for the best results. They are distinguished by the ability to concentrate on the tasks set, to subordinate their entire way of life to a single goal. This level of development is not so much a sport as a comprehensive culture of personality development.

The harm of fanaticism

Often, the transcendent use of the capabilities of one's own body can lead to tragic consequences - a crippled body, a broken soul. and sports training focused on high professionalism does not matter. The fanatical desire to achieve victory at all costs does not serve as an excuse for torturing oneself. In pursuit of lightning-fast results, many bring their own body to exhaustion and stop only with hospitalization in medical institutions. Such "feats" are often fatal.

Real professionals have worked out a personal training system, an established regime for years, the differentiation of opportunities in accordance with the time of day and many other factors that do not allow to ruin own body... Overtraining is mainly inherent in amateurs. Therefore, this category of the population at the initial stage of involvement in sports is important to entrust the development of their own training program to an experienced instructor.

The amateur has its own goals and objectives. The former - to strengthen their own health, improve their overall physical condition. The latter have the goal of achieving maximum results in world-class competitions. Principles, means and methods of preparation in mass, in professional sports differ little from each other.

As already mentioned, the standards of sports training in force in the country are spelled out in federal law. They apply to amateurs and professionals, to all institutions and organizations, from preschool institutions to ministries. But each sport has its own requirements for its development, which have special, distinguishable features from others, expressed in technical equipment, theoretical, tactical and psychological preparation... And, naturally, athletes of different specializations have their own training schemes and methods. Combining all types of training together creates effective complex education.

Physical training (both general and special) is carried out in the process of sports training.

The term "sports training" largely coincides in its content with the term "training of athletes". However, they must be distinguished. Athlete training is a broader concept.

Sports training- this is the expedient use of knowledge, means, methods and conditions, which makes it possible to directly influence the development of an athlete and ensure the necessary degree of his readiness for sporting achievements... Sports training includes the physical, technical, tactical, mental aspects of an athlete's training.

Sports training- This is the part of an athlete's training that is based on the exercise method. For example, if an athlete performs any physical exercise, then this means that during the preparation, sports training is carried out. If he studies the features of the rivals' competitive activity by watching videos, then in this case the preparation is carried out, but the training is not. The positive effect of training should be expressed in an increased level of functional capabilities of the athlete's body, general and special performance. The functional state of an athlete, his fitness is the main object of control in the process of sports training. In turn, the system of training an athlete includes such processes as: competition, sports training, material and information support of training conditions.

In training, and especially in competitive activity, none of the sides of sports training is manifested in isolation. They are combined into a complex multifunctional process aimed at achieving the highest sports results.

Technical training- teaching the technique of actions performed in competitions or serving as training means. In the process of technical training, an athlete masters the technique of the chosen kind of sport, masters the corresponding motor skills and abilities, bringing them to the highest possible degree of perfection.

Tactical training an athlete assumes the assimilation of the theoretical foundations of sports tactics, the practical development of tactical techniques, their combinations, options, the upbringing of tactical thinking and other abilities that determine tactical skill.

Mental preparation... The main content of mental training is the upbringing of volitional abilities: purposefulness, determination and courage, perseverance and perseverance, endurance and self-control, independence and initiative. Mental preparation is carried out in the process of training with gradually increasing difficulties and in competitive conditions.

Physical training... As mentioned above, physical training is divided into general and special physical training. Each sport has its own specific requirements for physical fitness an athlete - the level of development of individual physical qualities, functional capabilities and physique. Therefore, there are certain differences in the content and methods of physical training in a particular sport, among athletes of different ages and qualifications. The ratio of GPP and SPP in the training process depends on the tasks to be solved, the age, qualifications and individual characteristics of the athlete, the type of sport, stages and periods of the training process. In the process of long-term training, with the growth of the athlete's skill, the proportion of TFP funds increases and, accordingly, the volume of general physical training funds decreases. The effectiveness of the training process can be determined by the quality of such concepts as: fitness, fitness, sports form.

Fitness an athlete is characterized by the degree of functional adaptation of the body to the training loads, which is formed as a result of systematic physical exercise and contributes to an increase in performance.

Fitness is divided into general and special.

General fitness is formed under the influence of general developmental exercises that increase the functional capabilities of the body.

Special fitness is acquired as a result of performing a specific type muscle activity in the chosen sport.

Training is always focused on the specific type of specialization of the athlete and is expressed:

In increasing the level of functional capabilities of his body,

Specific and general performance,

In the achieved degree of perfection of sports skills and abilities.

Preparedness- This is a complex result of the physical, technical, tactical, mental preparation of an athlete.

Sports uniforms - this is the highest degree of an athlete's readiness, characterized by his ability to simultaneously implement in competitive activity various aspects of an athlete's training (technical, physical, tactical, mental). A sports form is associated with the manifestation of a complex perception of competitive activity in a chosen sport: "feeling of water", "feeling of ice", "feeling of a ball", etc.

6.3. Sports training

The main specific means of sports training are physical exercises - competitive, specially preparatory and general preparatory.

Competitive Exercises are integral motor actions (or a set of motor actions), which are a means of competitive wrestling in a chosen sport and are performed, if possible, in accordance with the rules of competitions in the chosen sport. For example, in weightlifting - individual biathlon exercises of a weightlifter (snatch, clean and jerk); v sports swimming- swimming of certain distances in sports styles (crawl on the chest, butterfly, breaststroke, crawl on the back). The concept of "competitive exercise" is identical to the sport.

Special preparatory exercises are exercises that are similar to competitive exercises in terms of movement structure, rhythmic, temporal and other characteristics. For example, for an athlete-runner, this will be the running of segments of the selected distance; for gamers - game actions and combinations. Another example is exercises that are close in form to a competitive action: among skiers-racers - exercises on roller skis; gymnasts - exercises on a trampoline, etc.

Depending on the direction of the training sessions, specially preparatory exercises are divided into lead-in (for mastering the form, technique of movements) and developmental (for the development of strength, endurance, flexibility and other physical qualities) exercises. Among the specially preparatory exercises also include imitation exercises, which correspond to the maximum coordination structure to the nature of the competitive exercise fulfillment.

General preparatory exercise is primarily a means general training athlete. For this purpose, a wide variety of general physical exercises, exercises from related sports can be used.

except training exercises in sports training, natural health-improving means are widely used: water and air procedures, training sessions in various weather conditions, in conditions of middle and high mountains. They are used to increase the body's resistance to the effects of cooling, warming, lack of oxygen, i.e. for hardening and strengthening the health of an athlete.

6.4. Organization and structure of a separate training session

The initial integral link that unites the elements of sports training in a certain order is the structure of a separate training lesson (of a lesson and non-routine nature). A separate training lesson has typical parts: preparatory (called "warm-up" in sports practice), main and final. The content of a separate training lesson is determined by the orientation of the solved motor tasks. For sports practice, many basic tasks scheduled for a separate lesson are not typical. The increased complexity of the requirements of sports improvement obliges to control the efforts in each a separate lesson on a relatively small range of tasks. Often, the main content of a training session can be just one type of motor activity, for example, cross-country running. The preparatory and final parts of the lesson in this case are also based largely on the content of running. With a more varied content of classes, its structure becomes more complicated, first of all, in the main part, where the order of combination becomes more complicated. different exercises, alternation of loads and rest. However, the structure of the training session in sports is usually more monolithic than in other forms of physical education.

The preparatory part of the training session or warm-up. Any physical training should start with a warm-up. This is a strict and necessary condition for the methodology of conducting classes, and it is quite understandable. The physiological prerequisite for improving muscle activity during exercise should be a certain degree of CNS excitability, somatic and autonomic nervous systems... This state of the body can be achieved primarily by preparatory, warm-up exercises.

The physiological effect of the warm-up is explained by the fact that the vegetative organs and systems of a person have a certain inertia and do not immediately begin to act at the functional level that is required for the qualitative provision of motor activity.

The essence of the warm-up is to increase the mobility of the vegetative organs and human systems and the excitability of nervous processes. Preliminary muscular work contributes to the acceleration of physicochemical metabolic processes, namely in the skeletal muscles itself, which is reflected in an increase in the internal temperature, which facilitates chemical reactions.

During the warm-up process, the efficiency increases gradually, approximately to the level required during the main work period. In other words, warm-up solves the problem of enhancing the activity of the body and its individual systems to ensure the output to the required level of performance. It causes a new setting in the work of internal organs, enhances the activity of the respiratory system, which is expressed in a change in the frequency and depth of breathing, which, in turn, leads to an increase in pulmonary ventilation and gas exchange, increases the activity of the circulatory system, enhances metabolism in the muscles of the musculoskeletal system ... All these changes lead to a smooth transition of the body from a state of rest to the readiness to endure a certain physical activity.

In addition, a well-done warm-up gives another positive result: the risk of injury during the main physical activity is reduced. Warming up is accompanied by an increase in the temperature of the skin and body, and at the same time the viscosity of the muscles decreases, that is, their internal friction, the elasticity of the ligaments and tendons increases, which is a positive factor for preventing injuries. In addition, during the warm-up, the optimal level of excitability is achieved precisely for those central and peripheral systems and links of the locomotor system, which are necessary for the performance of the forthcoming exercise.

A natural question arises: how to correctly build the introductory part of a training session or a pre-start warm-up for the competition?

Most of the research on warm-up issues and the practical experience of coaches indicate that a warm-up should consist of two interrelated parts - general and special.

The task of the first part of the warm-up is to increase the functional capabilities of the body as a whole to a higher level of performance. In this case, there is a kind of "warming up" of the body. Therefore, it can be almost similar in all sports and consist of walking, slow running, and a set of general developmental exercises. Optimal time cyclic part of the warm-up 10-15 min. Gymnastic movements should be composed in the form of a set of consistently performed exercises of different directions.

Physiologically justified is the sequence of all possible movements, starting with upper parts body and ending with the lower ones:

1. Tilts, turns, circular movements of the head.

2. Flexion and extension, circular movements, sequentially performed by the hands, elbow and shoulder joints.

3. Tilts, turns, circular movements of the body.

4. Swinging legs, squats, lunges.

Each exercise should be started at a slow pace and with a small range of motion, gradually increasing. After such or similar complex, you can proceed to the special part of the warm-up.

The special part of the warm-up should be closely related to the specialization of the chosen sport. Its task is to establish the most optimal relationship between the structure of the forthcoming movement and the activity of the central nervous system. This is where the main "tuning" of the body for the forthcoming work takes place. Exercises used in the special part of the warm-up, in their content, should be as close as possible to the main training or competitive ones.

The main part of the training session provides the solution of tasks for teaching the technique of motor actions and the upbringing of physical and personal qualities.

Educational and training sessions aimed at increasing the level physical fitness are based on the use of a variety of physical exercises - general developmental, sports, reflecting the specifics of the chosen sport, exercises from other sports. Various training methods are used: uniform, repetitive, interval, circular, competition and play. The volume and intensity of the applied general developmental, special preparatory, competitive exercises; the number of repetitions, series, the nature and duration of rest are selected taking into account gender, age, health status, level of preparedness, psychophysical state, conditions of places of employment.

Educational and training sessions aimed at technical readiness, differ not in high motor (motional) density of occupations. The content of such lessons is working out the foundations, details of technique, learning new movements, improving the technique of previously learned motor actions.

In sports training, the most common mixed(complex) educational and training sessions aimed at solving the problems of teaching technique, education of physical and personal qualities, control over the level of physical fitness.

The final part of the training session is designed to gradually reduce the load and, accordingly, restore the body. For these purposes, they use low-intensity running, walking, breathing exercises and stretching and relaxation exercises. It is good to end your workout with water treatments.

6.5. Physical activity and their dosage

The main factor that determines the degree of influence of muscle activity on physical development is the load of physical exercises.

physical exercise ( exercise stress) - this is a certain measure of their influence on the organism of those involved, as well as the degree of subjective and objective difficulties overcome in this case. Two students with different levels of physical fitness, performing the same muscular work, will receive a load of different magnitude. That is, the load is not the work itself, but its consequence. The action of the load is the response of the body to the work performed. One of the main indicators of the correspondence of the load to the level of readiness of the organism are the external signs of fatigue (Table 1).

Table 1

External signs fatigue

Signs Degree of fatigue
easy significant very big
Skin color of the face and trunk Slight redness Significant redness Sharp redness, blanching, blueness of the lips
Sweating Slight, more often on the face Large, head and torso Very strong, salt performance
Breath Accelerated smooth Significant increase, intermittently by mouth Sharply increased frequency, superficial, shortness of breath
Movement Not violated Insecure Swaying, impaired coordination of movements, trembling of the limbs - tremor
Attention Unmistakable Inaccurate command execution Slow execution of tasks
Wellbeing No complaints Complaints of fatigue, palpitations, shortness of breath, etc. Severe fatigue, leg pain, dizziness, tinnitus, headache, nausea, etc.

Physical activity in each specific case should be optimal: insufficient loads are not effective, excessive ones harm the body. If the load remains the same and does not change, then its effect becomes habitual and ceases to be a developmental stimulus. Therefore, a gradual increase in physical activity is a necessary requirement for physical exercise.

By their nature, the loads are subdivided into training and competitive; in size - moderate, medium, high or extreme loads; by orientation - contributing to the improvement of individual physical qualities (speed, strength, coordination, etc.).

Training loads characterized by a number of physical and physiological indicators. TO physical indicators loads include quantitative signs of the work performed (range of motion, number of repetitions, pace of performance, degree of difficulty of the exercise, etc.). Physiological parameters characterize the level of mobilization of the body's functional reserves (increase in heart rate, stroke volume, minute volume).

Dosage physical activity, regulation of the intensity of their effects on the body are associated with the following factors that must be taken into account:

the number of repetitions of the exercise: the more times the exercise is repeated, the greater the load, and vice versa;

range of motion: with an increase in the amplitude, the load on the body increases;

starting position: the position from which the exercise is performed significantly affects the degree of physical activity. These include: changing the shape and size of the support surface when performing exercises (standing, sitting, lying), using starting points isolating the work of auxiliary muscle groups (with the help of gymnastic apparatus and objects), increasing the load on the main muscle group and for the whole organism, changes in the position of the center of gravity of the body in relation to the support;

exercise pace: the pace can be slow, medium, fast. In cyclic exercises, for example, a large load is given by fast pace, in power - a slow pace;

the duration and nature of rest pauses between exercises... Longer rest helps the body to recover more completely. By their nature, rest pauses can be passive and active. With active pauses, when light unloading exercises are performed or exercises in muscle relaxation, the regenerative effect is increased.

Considering the above factors, it is possible to decrease or increase the total physical activity in one lesson and in a series of exercises over a long period of time.

The aggregate physical parameters loads, their combinations determine the overall intensity and volume of the training load.

The most informative and widely used indicator of the intensity of physical activity is heart rate. The basis for determining the intensity of the training load by heart rate is the relationship between them - the greater the load, the greater the heart rate.

The relative working heart rate (% HR max) is the percentage of the heart rate during exercise and the maximum heart rate for a given person. An approximate heart rate max can be calculated using the formula:

HR max = 220 - person's age (years)

When determining the intensity of training loads by heart rate, two indicators are used: threshold and peak heart rate. The heart rate threshold is the lowest intensity below which the training effect does not occur. Peak heart rate is the highest intensity that should not be exceeded as a result of exercise. Approximate heart rate indicators in healthy people going in for sports there can be a threshold - 75% and a peak - 95% of maximum heart rate. The lower the level of physical fitness of a person, the lower the intensity of the training load should be.

Individual zones of stress intensity are determined by heart rate (Fig. 6.1).


Zone 2

First zone- Heart rate 100-130 beats / min, a zone of moderate intensity of loads, characterized by an aerobic process of energy transformations (without oxygen debt). Working in this intensity zone is considered easy and can take a long time. The training effect can be found only in poorly trained students; beginners; in persons with poor health, especially those with cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. It can be used by athletes for warm-up, recovery or active recreation.

Second zone- Heart rate 130–150 beats / min, a zone of average intensity of loads, which is also characterized by an aerobic process of energy supply to muscular activity. It stimulates recovery processes, improves metabolic processes, improves aerobic capacity, and develops general endurance. How training zone most typical for novice athletes. Work in this area can be carried out from one to several hours (long trail running, long continuous swimming, marathon distances and etc.).

Third zone- Heart rate 150-170 beats / min, high-intensity zone - mixed, aerobic-anarobic. In this zone, anaerobic (oxygen-free) mechanisms of energy supply of muscle activity are activated. It is believed that 150 beats / min is the threshold for anaerobic metabolism (TANM). However, in poorly trained TANM trainees, it can occur at a heart rate of 130–140 beats per minute, while in well-trained athletes, TANM can "move back" to the border of 160–170 beats per minute. Training work in this zone can take place depending on the readiness from 10-15 minutes to an hour or more (in the practice of high-performance sports). It promotes the development and improvement of special endurance requiring high aerobic capacity.

Fourth zone- 170-200 beats / min, zone of high or extreme intensity of loads, anaerobic-aerobic. In the fourth zone, the anaerobic mechanisms of energy supply are being improved against the background of a significant oxygen debt. In connection with high intensity load its duration is short (from 3-5 to 30 minutes).

In general, the duration of classes in a particular zone of stress intensity depends on the level of preparedness.

Control questions

1. Concepts of general and special physical training.

2. Differences between the concepts of sports training and sports training.

3. The sides of the athlete's training.

4. Means of sports training.

5. The structure of a separate training session.

6. The role of warm-up in the training process.

7. The concept of "physical activity", the effect of its impact on the body.

8. External signs of fatigue.

9. Types and parameters of physical activity.

10. Intensity of physical activity.

Physical training- This is a pedagogical process aimed at the education of physical qualities and the development of functional capabilities, creating favorable conditions for ensuring human life. The concept of "physical training" is used when it is necessary to emphasize the applied orientation of physical education in relation to labor, military, sports and other activities. Distinguish between general physical training (GPP) and special physical training (TFP).

general physical preparation(GPP) is a process of improving motor physical qualities, aimed at comprehensive and harmonious physical development of a person. General physical training helps to increase functional capabilities, general performance, is the basis (base) for special training and achieving high results in the chosen field of activity or sport. Physical exercise (running, swimming, sports and outdoor games, skiing, cycling, exercise with weights, etc.), the healing forces of nature and hygienic factors. The achievement of physical perfection is associated with general physical training - the level of health and the all-round development of physical abilities, corresponding to sports, military, professional and other activities.

The need for a wide variety of general physical training means is determined by the fact that practically all segments of the population, from infancy to the elderly, are involved in the field of physical exercises with a general preparatory orientation.

The tasks of general physical training are: 1) strengthening and maintaining health, improving the physique, harmonious physical development, maintaining the general level of the body's functional capabilities, maintaining a high level of working capacity for many years; 2) development of all basic physical qualities - strength, endurance, flexibility, speed and agility; 3) creation of a basic basis for special physical readiness for specific types of activity - labor, military, household, etc.

GPP is the main target pedagogical process physical education of student youth, focused on strengthening their health, increasing overall performance and the effectiveness of educational work. However, it should be remembered that even a sufficiently high general physical fitness often cannot ensure success in preparing for a specific type of profession or sport. In these cases, additional special training: in the field of sports - special physical training, in professional activity - professionally applied physical training.

Special physical training(TFP) is characterized by the level of development of physical abilities, the capabilities of organs and functional systems that directly determine the achievements in the chosen sport.

Sports training

Physical training (both general and special) is carried out in the process of sports training.

The term "sports training" largely coincides in its content with the term "training of athletes". However, they must be distinguished. Athlete training is a broader concept.

Sports training- this is an expedient use of knowledge, means, methods and conditions, which allows to directly influence the development of an athlete and ensure the necessary degree of his readiness for sports achievements. Sports training includes technical, tactical, mental and physical training of an athlete.

Sports training- This is the part of an athlete's training that is based on the exercise method. For example, if an athlete performs any physical exercise, then this means that during the preparation, sports training is carried out. If he studies the features of the rivals' competitive activity by watching videos, then in this case the preparation is carried out, but the training is not. The positive effect of training should be expressed in an increased level of functional capabilities of the athlete's body, general and special performance. The functional state of an athlete, his fitness is the main object of control in the process of sports training. In turn, the system of training an athlete includes such processes as competition, sports training, material and information support of training conditions.

In training, and especially in competitive, activity, none of the types of sports training is manifested in isolation. They are combined into a complex multifunctional process aimed at achieving the highest sports results.

Technical training- teaching the technique of actions performed in competitions or serving as training means. In the process of technical training, an athlete masters the technique of the chosen kind of sport, masters the corresponding motor skills and abilities, bringing them to the highest possible degree of perfection.

Tactical training an athlete assumes the assimilation of the theoretical foundations of sports tactics, the practical development of tactical techniques, their combinations, options, the upbringing of tactical thinking and other abilities that determine tactical skill.

Physical training... As mentioned above, physical training is divided into general and special physical training. Each sport makes its own specific requirements for the physical fitness of an athlete - the level of development of individual physical qualities, functional capabilities and physique. Therefore, there are certain differences in the content and methods of physical training in a particular sport and among athletes of different ages and qualifications. The ratio of GPP and SPP in the training process depends on the tasks to be solved, the age, qualifications and individual characteristics of the athlete, the type of sport, stages and periods of the training process. In the process of long-term training, with the growth of the athlete's skill, the proportion of TFP funds increases and, accordingly, the volume of general physical training funds decreases. The effectiveness of the training process can be determined by the quality of such concepts as fitness, fitness, sports form.

Fitness an athlete is characterized by the degree of functional adaptation of the body to the training loads presented, which is formed as a result of systematic physical exercises and contributes to an increase in working capacity.

Fitness is divided into general and special.

General fitness is formed under the influence of general developmental exercises that increase the functional capabilities of the body.

Special fitness is acquired as a result of performing a specific type of muscle activity in a chosen sport.

Fitness is always focused on a specific type of athlete's specialization and is expressed in:

  • - increasing the level of functional capabilities of his body;
  • - specific and general performance;
  • - the achieved degree of perfection of sports skills and abilities.

Preparedness- This is a complex result of the physical, technical, tactical, mental preparation of an athlete.

Sports uniforms- this is the highest degree of an athlete's readiness, characterized by his ability to simultaneously implement in competitive activity various aspects of an athlete's training (technical, physical, tactical, mental). Sports form is associated with the manifestation of a complex perception of competitive activity in the chosen sport: "feeling of water", "feeling of ice", "feeling of a ball", etc.

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