Control and recovery methods in the training process of athletes. Control in athletics

Pedagogical and medical supervision on light lessons athletics

with students in grades 10 and 11.

In the system of medical care for students at school, an important place is occupied by medical and pedagogical control, aimed at strengthening health-improving effect classes and the implementation of the principle of a differentiated approach to schoolchildren in the process of physical exercise, medical and pedagogical control provides observation of students in the classroom physical culture and during extracurricular activities, medical examinations and monitoring the physical development and health of schoolchildren. Medical and pedagogical control is a study carried out jointly with a doctor and a physical education teacher (or trainer) and mediocre in places of physical culture (or training) and competition, in order to assess the impact on the body of those involved in physical activity used in training classes and competitions. The need for such studies is due to the fact that the phenomenon of incomplete recovery after training or physical education, the development of overwork does not always immediately affect the well-being and performance of a student or athlete. This does not allow the teacher, if necessary, to make appropriate adjustments to the educational process in time, and therefore, further training not only does not provide desired result, but in some cases leads to the occurrence of pre-pathological conditions or to the disease of the student or athlete. Without knowledge of the basic principles, methods of medical and pedagogical control, the teacher cannot correctly assess the effect of physical exercises on the body, differentiated approach to teaching schoolchildren of different ages, gender, level physical development and physical fitness... Observations carried out in the classroom, during extracurricular activities and competitions, help the teacher to identify the individual abilities of schoolchildren, which also contributes to the improvement of the learning and upbringing process.

The main tasks of medical and pedagogical control at school

    familiarization with the organization of classes and the methodology for their conduct;

    study of the impact of physical activity on the body of schoolchildren in the process of educational and extracurricular activities;

    dosing volume and intensity of loads;

    clarification of planning issues;

    control over the observance of hygienic requirements for the clothes of the trainees, the microclimate of the room where classes are held, and sports equipment.

However, doctors, unfortunately, do not cooperate with physical education teachers and do not even attend schools, and even more so in rural areas, where their presence and joint work with teachers would only benefit the common cause. And that's a problem! Therefore, I decided to reveal this issue and talk about the importance of medical supervision at school. In my work, I want to show how important medical and pedagogical control is at physical culture lessons. Only with systematic control, a teacher or coach will be able to assess the ability of their students to withstand heavy loads, the ability to recover, and growth athletic performance and etc.

Now let's touch on some of the morphophysiological features of adolescence. The growth and development of the human body occurs mainly up to 18 years old in boys and up to 16 years old in girls. In the process of growth and development of the body, the possibility of increasing fitness increases. Development human body from birth to mature age- a natural process of morphological and functional changes occurring depending on internal causes, health status, hereditary conditions, living conditions, work, nutrition, physical education. In the process of growth and development in the body of a child and then a teenager, the mass and size of the body as a whole and of individual organs constantly increase, and regulatory functions are improved.

It has been established that the most intensive process of the morphological development of the human body occurs mainly from 13 to 16 years. With age, not only the indicators of physical development increase, but also the relationship between individual signs of physical development changes. For example, with the same growth in different ages different values ​​of body weight, circumference are determined chest, dead strength, etc. Very significant changes in the age aspect are observed in cardiovascular system. In the process of growing children, the increase in heart weight occurs unevenly, which is due to an increase in body weight. By the age of 16-17, the ability to perform long-term exercises with the formation of the quality of endurance appears, which is due to the relative improvements in autonomic functions and the ability to best satisfy the oxygen demand arising from prolonged muscular work. During this age period, the improvement of technology begins. different exercises... Features of age-related development put forward the need for versatile training in the process of physical education of children and adolescents with a gradual expansion of the means used, aimed at the development of various qualities. In connection with age characteristics medical supervision, adherence to the regime, and the individual approach of a trainer and teacher are of great importance. The obligatory complex of medical research includes: clarification of the general medical analysis... Study of physical development, determination of the state of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, respiratory organs, digestion, etc.

At medical and pedagogical monitoring continues to study the effects on the body of exercise, during large competitions or training loads latent deviations in the state of health or reduced indicators of physical development may appear, allows you to check the correctness of assigning it to a certain medical group: basic, preparatory or special.

So, the greatest efficiency in development motor activity schoolchildren is achieved by taking into account the characteristics age-related changes motor qualities, physical development and functional state of various body systems. Therefore, there is a need for a deeper study of the state of physical development, fitness, as well as the need to control the progress of the development of schoolchildren, which will allow an objective assessment of the results of pedagogical influence. Moreover, this is possible when the obtained indicators are compared with the tables developed by the standards. The presence of such standards will allow a teacher, a school doctor to monitor the dynamics of indicators of physical development and physical fitness.

Conclusion: in our work, we assessed the physical fitness of students in grades 10 and 11, boys and girls, where we took the indicators of physical fitnessIquarters andIVquarters of boys and girls. Judging by these indicators, we can say that the indicator of physical fitnessIVa quarter of both boys and girls is higher than the indicatorIa quarter that meets the software requirements.

And if we analyze the physical fitness of students in grades 10 and 11, general education schools, then it can be noted that among the boys they completed the school curriculum

running 200 meters:

30% - for the mark "excellent",

40% - for the assessment "good",

30% - for the assessment "satisfactory".

running 3000 meters:

50% - for the mark "excellent",

30% - for the assessment "good",

in long jump from the spot:

40% - for the mark "excellent",

40% - for the assessment "good",

20% - for the assessment "satisfactory".

among girls running 200 meters:

30% - for the mark "excellent",

30% - for the assessment "good",

20% - for the rating "unsatisfactory".

running 2000 meters:

40% - for the mark "excellent",

30% - for the assessment "good",

20% - for the assessment "satisfactory",

10% - rating "unsatisfactory".

in long jump from the spot:

50% - for the assessment "good",

50% - for the assessment "satisfactory".

In addition to indicators of physical fitness, you can determine the fitness of the heart of students using the Ruffier index:

R, is the heart rate while sitting for a minute, after 5 minutes of sitting (or rest).

P - pulse standing for 1 minute after exercise.

Load - 30 squats in 30 seconds.

P - heart rate while sitting for 1 minute, after 1 minute of sitting.

And to give an assessment of physical fitness, where the indicator is less than 0 - excellent fitness.

0 - 5 good training,

from 5 - 10 satisfactory fitness level,

from 10 - 15 poor training,

more than 15 unsatisfactory fitness.

To determine the dynamics of improving the functional activity of cardio- vascular system high school students, we evaluated their fitness of the heart also inIquarters and in the middleIVquarters. The survey was conducted with students in grades 10-11. The study took 20 people, out of 10 boys and 10 girls. Studies have shown: if onIa quarter of the average value of the index was 8.9 - for girls and 8.5 - for boys, then by the middleIVa quarter there were changes in the fitness of the cardiovascular system, where the average value of the index among girls is 6.4; for boys - 7.6.

Judging by the assessment of physical fitness, we can say that both girls and boys have satisfactory heart fitness. I find the Ruffier index to be very effective method studies of the fitness of the cardiovascular system, and it must be applied at school to study the functional state of students.

Development control physical qualities

Development control strength is carried out using the following groups of methods.

The first group is based on the determination of the maximum static force of the main muscle groups using a dynamometer. This technique is called polydynamometry. The measurement data allow to characterize the strength "topography" of the athletes' muscles, reveal strong and weak muscle groups.

The second group of methods is to measure the dynamic strength of the muscles. Here you can use jumping exercises to determine the ability to repeatedly display dynamic strength. The length or height of a jump is measured in linear units, or the time it takes to complete the jumps.

Development control you were fast... Monitoring should include testing all four forms of quickness:

1. To determine the speed of a motor reaction, the latent (latent) reaction time (in milliseconds) is measured. 2. The maximum frequency of movements during the exercise of the selected type of athletics. For example, sprint time is determined by counting the number of steps per unit of time over a certain distance. 3. The speed of individual movements in the general cycle of running, jumping and throwing is determined by analyzing motion pictures, recording efforts, time of support and flight phases (podometry method) using tensometric and dynamometric equipment. 4. The complex manifestation of quickness is assessed by pedagogical tests. Running in segments is measured (recorded maximum speed running), jumping and throwing (the execution time and the number of movements per unit of time are recorded).

Development control endurance... Control is carried out using biomedical and pedagogical tests. A wide variety of control methods is due to the fact that endurance is multifactorial. Biomedical tests assess the level of development of various body functions, their limiting values ​​and efficiency. Pedagogical testing is essential for a comprehensive assessment of endurance. All exercises are performed in a competition environment.

Development control dexterity... In assessing dexterity, various criteria are used, but none of which is yet generally accepted. In practice, determination of the quality of dexterity is to some extent judged by the indicators of time spent on mastering new norms of motor actions or accuracy of movements used to assess the degree of perfection sports equipment or the time spent in the test.

Development control flexibility... A measure of flexibility is the maximum range of motion in the joints. Flexibility is measured in degrees or linear units. To measure the degree of mobility in degrees, a goniometer device is used. Measurement of flexibility in linear measures is based on determining the path of the distal part of the body link moved in space from the initial position (or a certain plane) to the highest point of the amplitude of motion. The distance is measured by which a certain point of the moving link of the body moves.

Since it is advisable to consider the assessment of the functional state as the main thing in pedagogical control, a provision is made on the allocation of three types of athletes' state:

1) a permanent state, which is a consequence of the cumulative training effect, covering a long period of time during the formation and maintenance sports uniform at one stage or another of training, when the functional level of the athlete changes as he grows sportsmanship from category to category, from year to year, etc .;

2) the current state, changing from day to day under the influence of different in volume, intensity, orientation of training and competitive loads, rest and other reasons;

3) operational state, changing in the process training session under the influence of single training loads of different volume, intensity, orientation included in its structure.

milestone - includes an assessment of the permanent state;

current - involves the determination of everyday fluctuations in the state of the motor function of those involved;

operational - realizes an express assessment of the state of athletes at the moment.

The requirements for the selection of indicators for the purpose of stage, current and operational pedagogical control are ambiguous. Each of the types of pedagogical control puts forward specific requirements, in particular, assessments of the reliability of indicators.

Stage control. The construction of this form of pedagogical control should be appropriately justified. The main thing is the choice of benchmarks. There are two approaches on the basis of which this choice is made. The first of them presupposes knowledge of the physiological mechanisms of phenomena and the choice of control indicators that most objectively characterize certain components of the motor function of athletes. The second approach is based only on the statement of the external picture of the phenomena. It is called phenomenological. In this case, the logic of the approach to the selection of indicators presupposes the establishment of a relationship between the corresponding control exercise and other indicators taken as criteria (sports results, indicators of control exercises).

It is proposed to use two main criteria. The survey data of a particular athlete is compared with those recorded for a large group of athletes. In this case, the objectivity of conclusions about the state of the examined athlete can be significantly increased by comparing his data with model characteristics developed taking into account gender, age, sports qualifications and specialization profile of athletes. This enables the trainer to conclude about the "high", "average" or "low" level of development of his student.

As a criterion, the results of measurements recorded earlier by the same athlete are taken and compared with those that are observed at him at the moment. When selecting informative tests for stage control, they are usually guided by the following.

1. It is advisable to consider the most informative indicators, the stage changes of which most accurately characterize changes in a large set of tests. This means that the values ​​of the correlation coefficients or factorial validity of indicators are of decisive importance for the choice of one of them.

2. The most informative should be considered those indicators, the dynamics of stage changes in which is consistent with the dynamics of sports results of a particular athlete or athletes. The implementation of this approach is easily accomplished by registering a group of control indicators with athletes on the start day or the day before (the main thing is that this procedure is strictly standardized) and comparing the data obtained with sports results.

3. The dynamics of the permanent state of athletes, recorded using a set of indicators, is compared with the completed training loads. The most informative in this case are the indicators that change to the greatest extent under the influence of training loads.

The statistical reliability of tests under conditions of stage pedagogical control is determined by the ratio of variances between repeated measurements during the examination and between repeated examinations during training.

Current control. When developing this form of pedagogical control over the state of the athlete's motor function, it is advisable to use three main criteria.

1. The most informative indicators should be considered those, the current changes of which most accurately characterize changes in a large set of tests. In practice, this position is realized by daily registration of a wide range of indicators in athletes and revealing the unidirectional nature of changes from day to day. Parallelism in changes in individual tests allows you to use one of this group and, with its help, indirectly judge the changes in the main indicators.

2. As a criterion, the level of sportsmen's special working capacity is chosen, which is expressed in sports results. This means that it is proposed to consider as informative those indicators, the daily changes of which are in the same direction as the daily changes in the sports result.

3. The dynamics of the state of the motor function of athletes is compared with the completed training loads. In this case, the most informative indicators are those that clearly change under the influence of certain training loads.

The reliability of the indicators used for the current pedagogical control is determined by specific requirements. Reliability is determined by the direct ratio of two variances: between repeated measurements taken on the same day under the same conditions; between measurements taken from day to day.

Operational control. The purpose of this form of pedagogical control is an express assessment, or urgent assessment, of an athlete's momentary reactions to a particular training load. For this, such indicators can be used, which quite convincingly characterize urgent changes in the state of the motor system of athletes. The development of the system of operational pedagogical control is carried out by comparing the changes in the motor function of the trainees before and after the corresponding load.

An important circumstance that determines the reliability of indicators for the purpose of operational pedagogical control is the ratio of variances of changes: first, between repeated measurements carried out in a series of measurements (for example, before the load); secondly, between the measurements taken before and after the load. The reliability of this or that indicator under conditions of operational pedagogical control will be the higher, the greater the variation of this indicator, registered before and after the training load, and the lower - with repeated measurements in the series.

Medical and pedagogical control is one of the main conditions for the effective organization of classes with adolescents and young men in the weightlifting section. They provide for the supervision of a doctor directly in the process of training sessions, during sports camps and competitions.

Medical and pedagogical control includes:

  • - assessment of the organization and methods of conducting educational and training sessions, taking into account the age, state of health, general physical fitness and fitness of the trainees;
  • - assessment of the impact of sports training and competition on the body of those involved;
  • - verification of measures for the prevention of sports injuries, compliance with safety rules;
  • - consultation on the age characteristics of young weightlifters and the impact on the body of weightlifting.

Teens in the one-year program initial training, undergo a medical examination at the dispensary at least 2 times a year (in September and March). In addition, they undergo a partial examination under training conditions at least once every 2 months.

Observations of a doctor during training sessions directly in sports hall... The results of his observations during training can help to identify signs of overwork and timely prevent its harmful consequences.

One of the factors under the supervision of a doctor is the density of classes.

Having established observations on 1-3 athletes throughout the lesson, the doctor uses a stopwatch to mark the time spent on performing various exercises. Separately notes the time spent on rest, the coach's explanation, waiting for the approach to the bar, etc.

The motor density of classes is calculated by the formula:

where tm is the time spent on the exercise, Ot is the total duration of the entire workout, and Mp is the motor density in percent.

For example, if a training session lasted 90 minutes, and the performance of various exercises took 54 minutes, then the motor density of the training would be

For weightlifters 12-16 years old, the density of classes is considered good, equal to 50-60%, for older athletes - 60-70%.

The participation of a doctor in planning a training load (both for the entire group of young athletes and for individuals) is useful, taking into account the results of medical and pedagogical control.

By analyzing and summarizing his observations of young athletes, a doctor can help a coach to more fully reveal the functional capabilities of athletes, suggest the most correct ways and means to improve them. To do this, a sports doctor needs:

  • - conduct a thorough analysis of the data of medical examination in the conditions of a medical and physical education dispensary and data of medical and pedagogical observations during training and competitions;
  • - monthly, together with the trainer, analyze the correctness of the chosen methods and means of training;
  • - together with the coach to discuss the results of the performances of young weightlifters at competitions;
  • - together with the coach, discuss and clarify individual training plans for young athletes;
  • - to study the conditions in which sports training is carried out, to achieve, if necessary, its improvement in accordance with the tasks of educational and training sessions;
  • - to carry out propaganda work among trainers to improve special knowledge in the field of medicine, anatomy, physiology and hygiene.

Only under the condition of constant supervision by a doctor and a coach, classes with young athletes in the weightlifting section give positive results... It is very important that work with adolescents is carried out by qualified trainers who are familiar with the age characteristics of human development and are well knowledgeable in the technique training of young weightlifters.

on this topic:


Developed by:

Shuvalova Anastasia Nikolaevna


2017 year


  1. Methods of pedagogical control

1.1 Types of pedagogical control

  1. Biochemical control methods

2.1. Blood tests

2.2. Urine tests

2.3. Exhaled air

2.4. Saliva tests

2.5. Sweat tests

2.6. Muscle biopsy

  1. Instrumental control methods

  2. Recovery Techniques in Athletics

4.1. Massage

4.2. Bath




Everyone knows that in order to achieve high sports results, modern athletes of any sport need to work hard. Athletes, athletes, who have to carry out loads of large volumes and high intensity in the training process, are no exception.

The volume and intensity of the load are the external aspects of the magnitude of the impact of physical exercises on the body of those involved. Inner side physical activity is determined by those functional changes that occur in the athlete's body due to the influence outside parties... Thus, the loads applied during physical fitness, play the role of an irritant that excites adaptive changes in the body. In order for the training effect to be proper, it is necessary to influence the athlete's body, taking into account his individual adaptive abilities to loads. Thus, throughout the entire educational training process it is necessary to monitor the changes occurring at this time in the athlete's body. Thus, the purpose of control is to optimize the process sports training an athlete on the basis of an objective assessment of the various aspects of his fitness.

Means and methods of control can be of a pedagogical, psychological, medico-biological nature. Based on this, there are several types of control: pedagogical, medical, psychological, biomechanical, biochemical, self-control, etc. The possibility of using several types of control over athletes-athletes at once depends to a greater extent on the material base sports schools and schools (availability of a sports psychologist, doctor, availability of appropriate equipment, etc.). The results obtained by several types of control at once give a more complete picture of the adaptive changes in the athlete's body and allow making precise changes in the training process.

The process of functional changes in the athlete's body is influenced by trainers-teachers not only by varying the load, but also by using various means of recovery. Knowledge of the patterns of recovery allows you to use a wide arsenal of tools to accelerate recovery processes. Usually, there are psychological, pedagogical and medico-biological means of recovery. The latter, in turn, include: hygienic (regime, full sleep and rest, the state of clothing, equipment, inventory), physical (massage, bath, hydro procedures, electrical procedures, light irradiation, hyperoxia, magnetotherapy, ultrasound, laser, phonophoresis), balanced in composition , energy, nutrition corresponding to the nature of the load, climatic and weather conditions, pharmacological (energetics, substances of plastic action, vitamins and minerals, adaptogens, hepatoprotectors, substances that stimulate hematopoiesis, immunocorrectors, antioxidants, warming, analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs, etc. ).

  1. Methods of pedagogical control

The leading (decisive) is pedagogical control as organically inherent in the process of physical education and constituting an integral part of the pedagogical activity of a specialist.

The term "pedagogical" first of all emphasizes that control is carried out in a qualified manner by a teacher - a specialist in physical culture and sports - by means and methods acquired by him on the basis of special physical education and practical experience in his specialty. Pedagogical control of the physical education process also uses medico-biological indicators for a comprehensive and in-depth characterization of the state of the body's systems.

Pedagogical control as a whole traces the relationship and correspondence between pedagogically directed influences, planned results and actually obtained. In the event of their discrepancy, the necessary decisions should be made and corrections should be made to the planned process of physical education.

A prerequisite for planning and the initial part of pedagogical control in athletics is the control of the initial level of an athlete's abilities to implement the assigned tasks:

-individual level of physical development (in particular physical qualities);

-fund of motor skills and abilities;

-motivation and individual attitudes towards the upcoming activities.

On the basis of it, the distribution of trainees into groups and the concretization of the training process program takes place.

Control of external factors affecting trainees includes:

-control of external conditions (sanitary and hygienic condition, meteorological information, environmental factors: medium mountains, increased solar radiation);

-control of the influence of the trainer-teacher (professionalism of actions and adherence to the norms of pedagogical ethics).

Control of the motional activity of those involved includes:

-control of the formation and improvement of motor skills and abilities;

-control of the volume and nature of the loads, the mode of their alternation with rest;

-control of the interactions of those involved (pair and group mutual influences, as well as interpersonal relations);

-control of the functional state of the body (functional shift).

The general state of the functional capacity of athletes-track and field athletes should be assessed from the standpoint of the conformity of their main functional systems to the norm.

It is better to assess the state of special physical fitness with the help of specific indicators that are adequate to the natural conditions of sports activity and as close as possible to the competitive ones.

So, the main direction of pedagogical control in athletics consists in the analysis of the correlation between the dynamics of pedagogically directed influences and pedagogically determined changes in the level of education, development and behavior of those involved. The discrepancy between real relations and the planned target results determines the need to clarify the orientation and parameters of pedagogical influences and make appropriate adjustments to the previously outlined plan.

Control data are entered into the trainer-teacher's accounting records in accordance with the official requirements for their maintenance:

1) a logbook for the work of the group (payroll, training material, attendance);

2) registration card (registration of participation in competitions and among athletes);

3) protocols of testing and competitions;

4) medical cards (data of medical control, maintained by medical workers);

5) a journal for recording injuries (at sports facilities);

6) a book for recording sports achievements;

7) the work diary of the trainer-teacher is an unofficial document. It reflects the practical experience of work, the content and methodological features of the classes, the characteristics of the students are given. Diary entries help to comprehend comprehensively the pedagogically important facts that are not reflected in official accounting documents.

  • logbook of equipment availability and condition, etc.

1.1. Types of pedagogical control

The success of the process of physical education is largely determined by the timeliness of control (its correlation in time with the structural links of this process) and its constancy.

The content of control is determined by the specifics of the subject and the didactic tasks of the learning stage.

Preliminary control is carried out to determine the possibilities of those involved in the mastery of physical exercises and their fulfillment of the standards curriculum... It allows you to refine the planning of educational tasks, tools and methods for their solution. You can check the performance of exercises that are structurally similar to new ones; check knowledge, abilities and skills after long breaks in classes to plan individual lessons.

Operational control allows us to evaluate the decisive moments of pedagogical influences on the lesson (registration of the load of a training exercise, a series of exercises of a holistic lesson) for the operational management of the athlete's activity and achieving the effect of the lesson.

Current monitoring involves continuous monitoring at each training session during the week. The effectiveness of training and the daily change in the state of the trainees are determined. The dynamics of indicators of an individual state between this and the next lesson is also traced to assess the consequences and course of recovery processes (which determines the effect of the next lesson).

In sports, the parameters of the current load (the amount operational loads for each lesson) are compared with the results of "estimates" at the end of the microcycle, as well as with the indicators of the current state of the athlete. The optimal ratio between the zones of the load characteristics is determined. A conclusion is made about the quality of training, changes in the athlete's functional indicators for a given period of time (delayed effect). To carry out current control, methods should be used (as in operational control) that require a minimum investment of time without additional costs of the trainees' forces. The results of monitoring help to clarify the content of the plan at this stage.

In the textbook by L.P. Matveeva (Theory and Methods of Physical Culture, 1991), all 3 types of control are called types of operational control. As a result, his teacher-trainer receives information about the motor function of those involved in athletics classes, exchanges information with them. This allows the teacher to clarify the means and methods of pedagogical influence on students.

Stage control reveals the main tendencies of the process of physical education at its relatively long stages.

  1. Biochemical control methods

When the body adapts to physical activity, overtraining, as well as in pathological conditions, the body's metabolism changes, which leads to the appearance in various tissues and biological fluids of certain metabolites (metabolic products), which reflect functional changes and can serve as biochemical tests or indicators of them specifications. Therefore, in sports, along with medical, pedagogical, psychological and physiological control, biochemical control over functional state athlete.

In practice, complex examinations of athletes are usually carried out, giving full information about the functional state of individual systems and the whole organism, about its readiness to perform physical activity. Such control at the level of the national teams of the country is carried out by complex scientific groups, which include several specialists: biochemist, physiologist, psychologist, doctor, trainer.
2.1 . Blood tests

For biochemical studies, capillary blood taken from a finger or earlobe is usually used. Venous blood is examined in cases where it is necessary to determine many biochemical parameters and a large amount of blood is required for analysis.

Blood sampling for biochemical analysis is most often performed before physical activity and after its completion. Sometimes, to study the dynamics of biochemical shifts during work, as well as to assess recovery processes, blood sampling can be carried out at different times during work and recovery.

In sports practice, when analyzing blood, the following indicators are determined:

  • the number of shaped elements;

  • concentration of hemoglobin;

  • pH value;

  • alkaline blood reserve;

  • plasma protein concentration;

  • glucose concentration;

  • concentration of lactate;

  • concentration of fat and fatty acids;

  • concentration of ketone bodies;

  • concentration of urea.

It should be emphasized that when interpreting the results of biochemical studies, it is imperative to take into account the nature of the physical work performed.

2.2. Urine tests

In connection with the possibility of infection when taking blood, urine has recently become the object of biochemical control in sports.

For biochemical studies, daily urine can be used, as well as portions of urine obtained before and after exercise.

In daily urine, the creatinine coefficient is usually determined - the excretion of creatinine in the urine per day per 1 kg of body weight. In men, the release of creatinine ranges from 18-32 mg / day-kg, in women - 10-25 mg / day-kg. The creatinine ratio characterizes the reserves of creatine phosphate in muscles and correlates with muscle mass. Therefore, the value of the creatinine coefficient makes it possible to assess the possibilities of creatine phosphate resynthesis of ATP and the degree of muscle development. According to this indicator, one can also assess the dynamics of an increase in the reserves of creatine phosphate and an increase in muscle mass in individual athletes during the training process.

For biochemical analysis, portions of urine taken before and after exercise are also used. In this case, immediately before performing the test loads, the subjects should completely empty the bladder, and the collection of urine after exercise is carried out 15-30 minutes after its implementation. To assess the course of recovery processes, urine portions received the next morning after the test load can be examined.

2.3. Exhaled air

Exhaled air is collected using a mask with a valve that allows the exhaled air to be directed into a special breathing bag. With the help of devices - gas analyzers in the exhaled air, the content of oxygen and carbon dioxide is determined. Comparing the content of these gases in the exhaled and in the inhaled, i.e. in atmospheric, air, the following indicators can be calculated:

  • maximum oxygen consumption;

  • oxygen intake;

  • alactate oxygen debt;

  • lactate oxygen debt;

  • respiratory coefficient.

To determine the VO2 max and oxygen supply, exhaled air is collected during the work, and to calculate the oxygen debt - after the work is completed.

2.4. Saliva tests

Saliva analysis is relatively rare. To obtain saliva, the subjects rinse the mouth with a certain amount of water.

Most often, the pH value and the activity of the amylase enzyme are determined in saliva. By the activity of this enzyme, one can judge the intensity of carbohydrate metabolism, since there is a certain correlation between the activity of salivary amylase and the activity of tissue enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism.

2.5. Sweat tests

Biochemical testing of sweat in athletics is also rare. To collect sweat, cotton underwear is used, in which the subject performs physical activity, or the subject is wiped with a cotton towel after completion of the work. Then the linen or towel is soaked in distilled water, where the sweat components are dissolved. The concentrated solution obtained after evaporation in a vacuum is subjected to chemical analysis.

The study of sweat allows you to assess the state of mineral metabolism, since with sweat, mineral substances are first of all excreted from the body.

2.6. Muscle biopsy

To obtain a sample of muscle tissue, a microbiopsy is performed: under local anesthesia, a skin incision is made over the examined muscle, and a small piece of muscle with a volume of 2-3 mm3 is taken with a special needle. The resulting biopsy specimen is subjected to microscopic and biochemical analysis.

Microscopic examination determines the ratio between the types of muscle fibers, the number of myofibrils and their thickness, the number of mitochondria and their size, the development of the sarcoplasmic reticulum in individual muscle cells.

Biochemical research allows you to determine the concentration of the most important chemical compounds and the activity of enzymes.

Microbiopsy can be performed both at rest and after performing test loads.

However, the study of a biopsy of muscle tissue requires expensive equipment and reagents, as well as the participation of highly qualified specialists. Therefore, such studies are carried out in large laboratories.

Control over the functional state of the body at the training camp can be carried out using special diagnostic express kits for biochemical analysis of urine and blood. They are based on the ability of a certain substance (glucose, protein, vitamin C, ketone bodies, urea, hemoglobin, nitrates, etc.) to react with reagents applied to the test strip and change color. Usually a drop of the test urine is applied to the indicator strip "Glucotest", "Pentafan", "Medi-test" or other diagnostic tests and after 1 min its color is compared with the indicator scale attached to the kit.

  1. Instrumental control methods

There is, as you know, visual and instrumental types of control. The visual is used much more often, but with the help of the instrumental one it is possible to obtain a digital expression of various characteristics (technique, the condition of an athlete), more accurate indicators. To control the kinematic characteristics (spatial, temporal, spatio-temporal), photo and video shooting, cyclography are used. To control the dynamic characteristics, strain gauges are used (repulsive force). A set of sports is used to control the efficiency. Apparatus. To monitor the functional state of the bicycle ergometer.

  1. Recovery Techniques in Athletics

Training sessions are the main structural unit of the training process. Their rational planning based on scientific knowledge about the mechanisms of development and compensation of fatigue, as well as the dynamics of the course of recovery when performing various training loads, largely determines the effectiveness of the entire training process. Thus, recovery is an integral part of the training process.

There are several types of restoration of the functional state of the body of athletes. Recovery, which uses pedagogical (alternating loads, recovery training, recovery days, cycles), psychological, physical (massage, electrical stimulation, water treatments, sauna, baths, restoration by influencing biologically active points), medical methods and means of recovery; vitamins, anabolic drugs (non-hormonal, ointments, rubbing); complex recovery systems.

  • Massage

There are several types of sports massage:

  • training;

  • preliminary (warm-up, tonic or soothing, warming up massage);

  • restorative.

In order for the body to recover faster, it is necessary to use a restorative massage after exertion (both during training and during competitions). This is why he is important element sports training... The best effect is achieved when carrying out a restorative massage immediately after a hydroprocessing (warm shower, 5-12 minute baths, swimming in the pool) or a steam bath, which help to relax muscle tissue. When prescribing a restorative massage, first of all, the nature of the performed load (volume, intensity, etc.) is taken into account. It should be borne in mind that after prolonged and intense exertion, fatigue lasts longer than after short-term. As a result, the athlete cannot reach the usual level of performance for two or more days.

Sprint athletes consume a lot of energy in a short period of time. In the muscles, an accelerated decay of energetic substances occurs under anaerobic conditions, the amount of decay products increases sharply. When the work ends, then replenishment occurs oxygen debt... They switch to restorative massage only after the athlete's pulse and respiratory rate have returned to normal after exertion. Typically, the time interval between exercise and massage is 10-15 minutes. The duration of a massage session depends on the type of sport, it is 5-10 minutes. The muscles, on which the main load fell, are massaged with special care.

In competitions, cases of maximum load are not uncommon. Therefore, stroking should be removed from the set of restorative massage techniques carried out during a break between loads, since it helps to relax the muscles and slows down the motor response. It is recommended to apply squeezing, kneading (especially double ordinary, double ring), rubbing with the base of the palm and fingertips. Shaking should be performed after each kneading technique.

When the breaks between loads are 1.5-3 hours, it is useful to do a restorative massage in the shower or after a 3-4-minute stay in a dry air bath. The duration of the massage should be 7-15 minutes. If the conditions do not allow such a massage, then you need to perform a dry restorative massage. At the end of the massage, the athlete should get dressed and spend some time alone. An hour later, “it is advisable to have a second session of a 5-minute private restorative massage. If the first session of restorative massage is carried out immediately after the performance of an athlete, then the recovery period will pass much faster and more evenly, while efficiency will increase.

Mid-distance running is heavy duty work. The oxygen-free breakdown of substances in the muscles is very large from the very beginning. As a result, there is a lack of oxygen in the athlete's body, oxygen debt increases, significant accumulation of under-oxidized decay products in the muscles and large biochemical changes in the blood (adidosis) occur. A session of restorative massage, which should be carried out after this kind of physical activity, is scheduled after 10-12 minutes. In this case, the duration of the session is 12 minutes - 6 minutes for each leg: 4 minutes for the thigh, 2 minutes for the lower leg.

The load of submaximal power, as well as the maximum one, can be repeated. After the first load, restorative massage is carried out in order to maximize the recovery of the athlete's working capacity by the beginning of the repetitive work. Those muscle groups that carried the maximum load are especially carefully massaged.

4.2. Bath

Bath in sports has been used since time immemorial. She is an integral part of the training process. Many of the types of effects of the bath procedure (water of various temperatures, dry and humid hot air, broom massage, etc.) contribute to the acquisition and maintenance of better athletic shape by athletes.
Hyperthermia affects primarily the skin and muscles. The steam room has a stimulating effect on the muscles primarily by improving the blood supply to the muscles, activating metabolic processes in it. Hyperthermia gives an increased amount of energy material (glycogen, ATP), accelerates the removal of intermediate and final metabolic products in the muscles - lactic and phosphoric acid. Hyperthermia causes an intensification of local metabolism, oxidative processes in the periphery, and resynthesis of lactic acid. Muscles are freed faster from intermediate and final products of energy exchange, from "fatigue substances", the phase of fatigue becomes shorter, the physical abilities of the body increase. After pairing, the volume of the limbs in the circumference increases by 4-5%, muscle strength increases, measured on a dynamometer and bicycle ergometer. The body is able to withstand prolonged stress due to an increase in reserve alkaline blood. With sweat, chlorine is released, this reduces the acidic valences formed as a result of muscle work, increases the ability to bind acidic metabolic products. The steam room, taken on a regular basis, allows such an active increase in opportunities of cardio-vascular system that it turns out to be equivalent to muscle physical exercise both methods contribute to a gentle training of the heart.
The bath has a beneficial effect on the athlete's mobility and dexterity, primarily by improving the extensibility and elasticity of the connective tissue structures of his body by warming them up. Added to this is the general relaxing effect of the steam room on the muscles as a result of the shift in the sensitivity threshold of the receptors in the muscles.
The bath has great importance at all stages of the training process (as an integral part of the training of athletes). Application of the bath after a training session: The bath is used immediately after training to relieve fatigue in athletes or reduce its manifestations. In this case, you need to know that the steam room (and other procedures) represents a certain load, the degree of which depends on the intensity of heating the air, its humidity and degree of cooling, their duration, etc. In addition, the tolerance of the steam room by individual athletes should be considered. Under the influence of short-term effects of high temperature in combination with water procedures, positive shifts occur in the vegetative sphere, in the activity of the central nervous system... Simultaneously with the improvement of the functional state of the motor analyzer, which is confirmed by the increase in the accuracy and coordination of movements, there are favorable shifts in other analyzer systems. In general, the complex of these reactions ensures the fastest recovery of the athlete's working capacity after performing exhausting muscular work and contributes to the emergence of positive emotions, i.e. normalization of psychological perception of large training loads. The following most effective options for using the bath in combination with water procedures are recommended: 1. In a break between morning and evening workouts or competitions in order to quickly restore reduced performance. In this case, it is recommended to stay in the steam room no more than 2 times for 3-4 minutes at a temperature of 80-100 ° C, the air humidity in the steam room is up to 30%. After each visit to the steam room, you need to take a cool shower (or pool) with a water temperature of 15-18 ° C for 15-20 s, then a shower or a bath with a water temperature of 35-40 ° for 1-1.5 minutes. After that, the athlete should rest quietly (preferably lying down) for 5-7 minutes. 2. In case of breaks between trainings or competitions lasting more than 18-20 hours or performing a large amount of work followed by a day of rest, the following option is recommended for using the bath: 3 or 5 times a stay in the steam room for 5-7 minutes at a temperature of 90-100 ° , air humidity up to 30%. The total time for the entire complex of procedures should not exceed 1.5-2 hours. If a broom is used, the humidity can be increased by spraying the walls with water or pouring water onto the stones of the stove. After each call, water procedures are taken, but the duration of a cold shower or bath in this case should not be more than 3-4 seconds. The duration of a warm shower or bath, on the contrary, increases to 2.5-3 minutes. The rest time between visits to the steam room also increases, it can be increased at the request and well-being of the athlete. The number of visits to the steam room can be increased up to 5-7 times, but the time spent in the steam room should not be increased. The water temperature in the pool or bath is in the range of 26-30 ° C. In all variants of using the bath, it is recommended to take soft drinks, juices, mineral water... The frequency of using the above complexes depends on the nature of the training loads and the complex of thermo-hydroprocedures: in the first variant - 3-7 times a week, and in the second - no more than 2 times a week.


From all of the above material, it is easy to conclude that in the process of training, it is necessary to pay great attention to monitoring the functional state of the athlete, as well as to provide timely and correct assistance to the recovery processes taking place in the athlete's body throughout the entire educational and training process. V modern world there are a sufficient number of methods and means of control and recovery. Unfortunately, the material base of sports schools and colleges does not allow to cover all funds. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on the use of more accessible methods and means. These are pedagogical methods of control, pedagogical and physical means recovery. With the right organization integrated approach to the training process, an increase in sports results that do not harm the athlete's health is guaranteed.

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