Exercises to strengthen the bladder of men. "Fitness" for the bladder: Kegel exercises and other types of training

The weakening of the bladder in most cases indicates the presence of a pathology that needs complex diagnosis and timely treatment.

In order to begin the therapeutic process to get rid of incontinence and strengthen the bladder, it is necessary to identify the cause of the failure and eliminate it.

Decreased muscle tone can be associated with trauma and aging of the body, as a result of which the bladder "shrinks" and decreases in volume. The following text will provide useful information on how to strengthen the bladder and get rid of urinary incontinence problems in women with the help of medication or surgery.

Bladder physiology

Urination is a complex physiological act that involves the process of simultaneous relaxation of the external and internal sphincter with synchronous contraction of the muscles of the bladder. The muscles of the perineum and abdominal.

The urinary tract has very elastic walls. In the case of normal functioning of the receptors, a signal about the urge to emptying enters the brain when the volume of urine reaches 160-170 ml.

The anatomical features of the structure of the human bladder make it possible to accommodate a urine volume of no more than 1000 ml (based on average values). Due to the weakened musculature of the organ, the process of excretion and accumulation of urine becomes chaotic and uncontrollable.

According to medical statistics, such problems are most often observed in older women and young children. When the muscle walls of the bladder lose their tone, the brain stops receiving neural signals that indicate that it is full. Such violations of communication are fraught with (incontinence) and provoke the process of uncontrolled excretion of urine.

Causes of pathology

If the body functions without any serious disturbances, the urea musculature must block the urethral canal, so urine cannot be excreted uncontrollably. Men have problems with weak bladder often occur due to chronic prostatitis or prostate adenoma.

Women often have to deal with similar problems during pregnancy and in postpartum period when the muscle tone of the perineum and pelvis is significantly reduced. Due to the increased pressure on a number of internal organs, constant compression of the bladder is created, which leads to a weakening of the muscular sphincter and muscles surrounding the bladder.

Organ weakness manifestations

The problem of urinary incontinence can be associated with the presence in a woman of such as and, or with, arising from phobias and anxiety.

The main symptoms of bladder weakness are an increase in nocturnal awakenings associated with a feeling of fullness in the bladder.

Effective treatments

The basic therapeutic intervention aimed at strengthening the bladder in women involves the regular implementation of an individually selected set of special ones. The purpose of such physiotherapy exercises is to increase the tone of the muscles surrounding the urinary cavity.

If the exercises do not have a positive effect, the doctor must select the optimal course of medication for the patient. Many doctors draw up special schedules for their patients, according to which they must go to the toilet. The interval varies from an hour to two, and is selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.

Medication assistance

To strengthen the muscles surrounding the bladder, a course of pharmaceutical preparations is usually prescribed in combination with a number of physiotherapeutic procedures and a well-chosen dietary diet.

Medicines such as Oxybutynin, Propantheline and Flapvoxate have shown good results, which help to strengthen the muscular system and prevent.

Disease prevention

For achievement best results in strengthening the bladder, it is worth making a number of adjustments to the usual way of life. First of all, it is necessary to adhere to the diet recommended by the attending physician even after the condition of the genitourinary system has improved. It is necessary to give up addictions and the use of carbonated drinks, strong tea and coffee.

It is important to undergo a full diagnostic examination for the presence of inflammatory processes affecting the tissues of the bladder. It is strongly not recommended to expose your own body to hypothermia, as well as to avoid stressful situations and heavy physical exertion.

A weak bladder is more common in the fairer sex, as this is due to the peculiarities of the anatomical structure.

Especially this topic relevant for older women. Bladder problems cause significant discomfort in Everyday life... To cope with such a problem, you first need to figure out what caused such a violation. And only then start solving the problem.

Provoking factors

The bladder is an unpaired muscular organ of the urinary system. It is a container in which urine from the ureters is collected. After filling the bladder, certain receptors located on its walls are triggered in the body. The receptors send signals about the overcrowding of the organ to the brain, which in turn signals the need to urinate, which manifests itself in a feeling of some heaviness in the bladder area.

After emptying due to nerves and contraction of the muscular walls and sphincter, the size of the bladder decreases. Then the process is repeated. As soon as the well-coordinated process of all organs and systems involved in the urinary process is disrupted, a person begins to have problems with the urination process.

If the tone of the sphincter of the organ is weakened, involuntary urination can occur due to coughing, strong laughter, weight lifting, etc.

A weak bladder in women can cause the following:

  1. Hormonal changes in the body during menopause.
  2. Pregnancy period. The muscles of the perineum weaken during gestation. Unlike men, who have a small intestine on top of the bladder, women have a uterus. Baby displaces internal organs and they, like the fetus, begin to press on the bladder. Hormonal changes in the body of pregnant women also provoke incontinence.
  3. Bladder diseases such as cystitis.
  4. Bladder irritation due to severe stress or fear.

Knowing how to strengthen the bladder will help maintain women's health for a long time.

Muscle strengthening exercises

Training the muscles of the pelvis and perineum is a laborious process, but the results are worth it. You can feel the muscles of the perineum and understand how developed they are at the time of visiting the restroom. While urinating, you should try to stop the flow of urine. The more difficult it is given, the weaker the muscles.

Relaxation and muscle tension will initially be difficult. The first training results can be observed after about 3 weeks, provided that all actions are performed correctly and conscientiously. Before proceeding with the exercise, you should take into account the fact that after each exercise you need to take a 3-minute break.

  1. You need to lie with your back on a flat surface and relax. Next, you should try to tighten the muscles of the pelvis and perineum and keep them in tension for about 5-6 seconds, and then relax and tighten again. The exercise is performed 5-7 times in a row without a break.
  2. Exercise to contract and relax muscles, the same as the first, but the legs must be bent at the knees, and the feet must be completely on the floor.
  3. The position of the body is lying on the back. One leg is pulled up to the stomach and lowered (stretched). The exercise is repeated for each leg 5 times. At the time of pulling and lowering the leg, the muscles of the perineum should be tense.
  4. The exercise is performed lying on your back with bent legs in the knees, between which a small ball is clamped. The technique consists of turning the knees from side to side, slowly. In this case, the pelvis must be raised so that it does not touch the floor.
  5. Squats holding the back of a chair. In this case, you need to spread your legs to the sides.

Another exercise that will strengthen your bladder can be done anytime, anywhere. It does not require much effort from a woman. It is required to strain the muscles of the perineum and hold in this state for about 5-6 seconds while sitting on a chair (leaning against the back is not recommended) or while walking down the street.

Other treatments

To strengthen the bladder in women, the doctor prescribes pills if the problem is associated with a disease of the urinary system.

Regardless of the disease, only a doctor should prescribe all medications.

Proper treatment is the key to a successful recovery. If the treatment was carried out incorrectly, then the disease can give complications to the reproductive organs or transform into a chronic form that is very difficult to treat. In addition, if you independently try to cope with the problem that has arisen and use certain drugs uncontrollably, there is a risk of allergic reactions or other complications associated with intolerance to one of the components that make up the drug.

Drug therapy involves the use of antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, tonic and hormonal agents. Physiotherapy procedures are also recommended.

Traditional medicine recipes are also often used for bladder problems. But the treatment folk remedies should also be carried out under the guidance of a treating physician.

A decoction of rue and wormwood will help to strengthen and relieve the inflammatory process in the kidneys and bladder. Sage and chicory have the same anti-inflammatory properties. For urinary incontinence, you can prepare a decoction of dill seeds or a collection of violets, yarrow and wheatgrass root from herbs. It is recommended to avoid diuretic drinks, therefore it is better to refuse tea and coffee.

In addition to the main treatment and performing strengthening exercises, a woman needs to adhere to the rules of personal hygiene, and also give preference to linen made from natural fabrics.

Exercises for the bladder can help solve the problem of frequent urination. Exercise can not only fix the problem, but it can also be an excellent prevention. Doctors recommend training the pelvic muscles after undergoing abdominal surgeries, if excess weight, as well as women in the prenatal and postnatal period.

Exercises to strengthen the bladder will help you heal faster and eliminate the risk of recurrence.

Exercise types

To strengthen the bladder, various loads are used, which provide:

  • physiotherapy;
  • gymnastics;
  • Kegel exercises;
  • a set of exercises or yoga.

The results are noticeable after 3-4 weeks of training. Before starting classes, you need to consult with specialists, since frequent urination may be the result of other pathologies, for example, inflammation of the kidneys. If classes give a good result, doctors advise not to stop and practice to prevent future pathologies.

Therapeutic physical exercise will help strengthen the bladder in both women and men.

Exercise therapy and gymnastics

The benefits of exercise therapy for the bladder depends on the correctness of the exercises performed and the moderation of exertion.

Physical therapy is used to strengthen the muscles of the bladder. Here are the main types of exercise:

  • You need to squeeze the ball with your knees and strain the pelvic muscles for 8-12 seconds. Perform 5 times in a standing position, gradually increasing up to 10 times.
  • Voltage pelvic muscles while squatting. At the same time, the hands are taken behind the back and squatted 5-10 times.
  • While walking on toes, you need to bend and reach your feet with your hands.
  • First you need to find support for your hands, then spread your legs shoulder-width apart. In this position, squats are performed, straining the muscle tissues.

A set of exercises

  • Sitting on the floor and leaning on straight arms, you need to bend your knees and try to reach the floor with them. The position of the legs is the same as in the butterfly exercise. You need to do it 10 times.
  • Sitting on the floor, bend your knees and make gradual rolls onto your back, and then return to sitting position... Perform 7-10 times.
  • Stand on the floor, leaning on your knees and palms, while moving your body to the left and then to the right 5 times on each side.
  • Lie on one side, while exhaling, pull the legs bent at the knees to the body, make 5 approaches each.
  • Lying on your back, stretch your legs and arms along the body. While inhaling, raise the pelvis up, resting on the floor with your shoulders and feet. In a fixed position, they will hold out for 10 seconds, then lower to the floor. Perform 8-10 approaches.

Kegel exercises to strengthen the bladder in women and men

Kegel exercises are a special technique to strengthen the muscles of the bladder.

These exercises are considered to be the simplest and most effective for strengthening the bladder. It is recommended to start your workout with simple exercises and gradually move on to more complex ones. You can train in a position that is most comfortable for a person. To achieve the result, therapeutic loads must be performed regularly - 3 times daily (morning, afternoon and evening). Before class, you should rid the bladder of fluid. Remedial gymnastics requires correct breathing... You need to take deep breaths, using only the abdominal region.

How to do it?

To start training, you need to choose a comfortable position and relax. Then alternate between tension and weakening of the muscles that are used when urinating. The position should be changed every 3 seconds, then the interval is increased to 10-12 seconds. The lesson is performed in 7-10 approaches, gradually the number can increase to 30. It is important to learn how to relax and strain muscle tissue as quickly as possible.

Indications and contraindications

Kegel exercises should be performed in such cases:

  • prenatal or postpartum period;
  • as a prophylaxis for improper placement of the abdominal organs (kidneys, rectum, etc.), urinary incontinence or the development of hemorrhoids;
  • to prevent complications after surgery;
  • prevention of peritonitis.

Kegel exercises are prohibited in the presence of cardiac pathologies.

In order for the training to be beneficial, you should perform the exercises taking into account some rules:

  • it is forbidden to practice physiotherapy exercises with a full bladder. In this case, this organ may become inflamed;
  • it is forbidden to train while sitting in hot water, this leads to a sharp increase in pressure;
  • if a person has a disease of cardio-vascular system, strengthening exercises are best done after consulting a specialist.

Violations of the act of urination in adults and children are not the only pathologies for the treatment of which it is proposed to perform physical exercise to strengthen the bladder. Atony, neurogenicity, irritation syndrome, prolapse, polyps, hernias, diverticula, cystitis, endometriosis or sclerosis of the bladder wall.

Here is a far from complete list of diseases, part of the therapy of which is exercise therapy. However, there are a number of diseases of the bladder in which excessive motor activity is contraindicated.

Therefore, to engage in "amateur performance" and do special exercises to strengthen the muscles of the bladder is possible only for the prevention of diseases of the pelvic organs or urinary incontinence in the elderly. If there is a disease of the genitourinary system or a surgical operation was performed in the pelvic area, the attending physician should draw up a set of exercises for the bladder, tell in detail when and how to do it, as well as how to complicate and increase physical activity.

This type of isolated movement, such as exercises to strengthen the walls of the bladder, which would only train muscle fibers its walls do not exist. Why?

The three muscle layers of the bladder, or detrusor, are bundles of smooth muscle cells that are not controlled by the human mind. To act on the muscle and mucous membrane (urothelium) of the bladder membrane, it is necessary to make the nearby muscles work and not only.

There are a number of muscle-based exercises that can help strengthen the bladder:

It should also be understood that working with the listed muscles should be done in different ways:

  1. The pelvic floor muscles, inner thighs, buttocks, lower abdominal muscles and oblique abdominal muscles must be pumped in an interval mode - several (optimally 3) sets of dynamic or static repetitions of one exercise with minimal pauses between them. Also shown are isometric and strength (with weights) exercises, as well as exercises with fitball, especially movements while sitting on it.
  2. Muscles of the perineum gluteal muscles, front and back muscles the hips need to be mostly stretched. For this, special stretching exercises or yoga asanas are suitable.

While doing pelvic floor exercises, you are simultaneously doing exercises to strengthen the sphincter (the sphincters responsible for maintaining urine) and the muscles of the urogenital diaphragm. The overwhelming majority of sites and even half of practicing doctors advise to load these muscles almost constantly and in a "hell" mode of contractions.

Attention! Studies conducted in different countries of exercises for the pelvic floor muscles have proven that overdose (excessive load) aggravates, leads to its leakage, and men may have problems with intercourse.

It should also be noted that exercise for men, exercise for women, and exercise for strengthening the bladder in children are the same. They can be performed from the age of 3 to old age. Only the number of repetitions and approaches will be different.

However, due to the specificity of their implementation and the complexity of explanation, small children simply cannot do special Kegel exercises for the bladder, and the "Lift" is available only to the female sex, since it involves consistently selective tension of the muscles surrounding the vagina.

How is the bladder strengthened?

If the muscular layer of the bladder walls cannot be strained at will, and they involuntarily contract only at the moment of emptying from urine, then what is the mechanism of their strengthening, increasing tone and strength?

This becomes possible due to the fact that the work of nearby muscles has the following effects on the bladder:

  • increased blood circulation in small arterial vessels that penetrate the mucous membrane;
  • opening and filling of small capillaries takes place, in which blood circulation is barely going in the "normal" state;
  • venous congestion in the pelvic area is eliminated;
  • the metabolism in the cells of the muscular membrane of the bladder increases;
  • blood oxygen saturation increases, which means that oxidation-reduction processes are accelerated and tissue respiration improves;
  • cells of excess visceral adipose tissue are burned, which reduces the volume of the bladder and reduces its tone.

On a note. Regularly performing exercises for the muscles of the bladder and strengthening the sphincters, women will definitely receive "bonuses" in the form of facilitating the achievement of orgasm, extending it and increasing the strength of sensations, reducing the volume of the vagina, getting the opportunity to add variety to intimate life and getting a man additional sensations during intercourse.

Examples of bladder wall exercises

Let's start describing examples with exercises that are available for the smallest. Of course, it is better to take the child to the exercise therapy room for training in a group under the guidance of an instructor, but if this is not possible, then you can do it yourself.

The main thing is that the training should gradually increase in duration from 10-15 to 30 minutes, first one, and then 2 times a day, carried out in a playful way, and the relative conducting the lesson closely monitored the child's mood and well-being - did not let him “skim” and to avoid a sufficient number of repetitions, but also did not allow and did not force to do the exercise with all his might, "through I can not."

The undoubted advantages will be conducting a lesson with your favorite music and doing some exercises with your child. There is no need to be ashamed that your performance will be worse than his. On the contrary, children in such cases only show more zeal and interest.

For young children

First you need to do the first exercise:

  1. Starting position: main stance. Take a deep breath and a simultaneous step to the side, spread your arms up and to the sides, bend back a little, inflate your stomach, imagine that the body is a large inflated balloon.
  2. Now "the ball must be blown off." Making a noisy exhalation, take a step back, join your legs together and bend forward, trying not to bend your knees, and touch them with your forehead.

The number of repetitions is 4-6.

Then let the child be a "funny monkey." This exercise is always done with a bang. " Ask your baby to move around the room on all fours (on the feet and palms). Allow 1-2 minutes for this exercise. If the child becomes very aroused, interrupt the exercise by stretching the arms up and standing on tiptoes, and then continue with the image of the monkey.

And at the end of the complex, invite the child to be like a priest. It is necessary to move forward, backward, sideways to the left and right sides.

At the same time, ask the baby not to bend his knees, but to move only his buttocks. In the middle of the exercise, invite him to remember and move a little the way he did it very tiny - bending two legs at the same time, knees to the sides, and pulling the ass to the heels.

How to stretch children's muscles in order for the child to sit on the longitudinal and transverse "splits", you can find out by watching the following video:

Kegel exercises for teens and adults

Special exercises "invented" by gynecologist Arnold Kegel to prevent and treat prolapse of the uterus after childbirth are actually borrowed by him from the ancient Chinese system "Deer Exercise" and the ancient Indian practice of "Horse Gestures".

To strengthen the walls of the bladder, the following types of Kegel exercises are suitable:

  • dynamic contractions of the pelvic floor muscles, performed in several approaches;
  • a series of static holdings of the tension of the pelvic floor muscles, followed by their relaxation.

On a note. It is not recommended to make short intermittent stops of the act of urination, due to the tension of the muscle group concerned, to maintain the tone of the bladder. This exercise is prescribed for problems with the sphincters, and it is strictly forbidden to do it for infectious and inflammatory processes.

The rules for performing these exercises are as follows:

  • You need to do it every day, morning and evening, for 20-30 minutes.
  • To begin with, the exercises are performed in a lying position with bent legs, then you can proceed to mastering the same movements, but in a sitting position on a chair, and then move on to standing on the floor and sitting on a fitball. It is not forbidden to purposefully contract the pelvic floor muscles during general developmental exercises or yoga asanas.
  • The workout consists in repeating the next block of exercises.
Description of action Dosage instructions
Dynamic repetitions of the tension of the pelvic floor muscles, without clamping the muscles surrounding the sphincter of the anus. The number of repetitions is to the point of fatigue. The first series of abbreviations - on the account "one and, two and, ...", the second - on the account "one, two, three, ...", the third - as quickly as possible.
Relaxation of muscles without changing the main starting position. Until the discomfort in the pelvic area disappears.
The alternation of holding the contraction of the pelvic floor muscles and their relaxation. Tension retention and relaxation should be the same in time - from 7 to 11 seconds, no more. The number of repetitions is until fatigue, but not more than 8 times.
Relaxation of muscles in position: kneeling, which should be placed shoulder-width apart, support on the forearms, forehead almost or touching the floor. Stand in this position for 2-3 minutes. Breathe calmly and shallowly. Then start doing everything from the very beginning. To avoid getting bored, turn on the music.
  • If your weekly regimen does not include other physical education activities that include exercises to strengthen strength and stretch the muscles of the hips, groin, buttocks and abdominals, then immediately after Kegel exercises, perform a set of such exercises, which should last about 20 minutes. Be sure to alternate strength exercises with relaxing and stretching the muscle being worked on. For example, having pumped the press lying on your back in 3 approaches until tired, roll over onto your stomach and freeze for 15-30 seconds in the "Cobra" asana.

Important! Kegel gymnastics is prohibited during menstruation, pregnancy or within 30 days after childbirth or abortion. Hemorrhoids and fistulas in the colon also belong to direct contraindications. On the Internet, you can find a recommendation to squeeze and unclench the pelvic floor muscles while carrying heavy loads, for example, on the way home from the store, carrying heavy bags of groceries. Do not do this under any circumstances, especially if there is inflammation of the genitourinary system.

"Exercise" to stretch the walls of the bladder

To strengthen the walls of the bladder, in addition to training to increase their strength, they must be periodically moderately stretched. There is only one way to do this - at the moment when it signals the need to go to the toilet, you need to make an effort, endure and postpone the moment of emptying for a few minutes.

When it is necessary to do this with small children, advice on distracting the child from the idea that he needs to "go small" works well. But do not hide the pot or deliberately occupy the toilet room.

The prohibition, impossibility or stress of conscious expectation will only aggravate the situation. It is necessary to divert attention. For example, ask them to urgently bring you something that the child likes.

Important! You cannot endure the urge to urinate for a long time. Excessive stretching of the bladder and weakening of the hip muscles can lead to the development of inflammation. For those who have urolithiasis, such manipulations are generally prohibited.

A little trick for adults

There is another way that will help you lose weight, increase the tone of the abdominal muscles and the walls of the bladder. Make a semi-exhale, pulling your stomach in slightly. In this state, tie a tight thread that is pleasant to the touch around the waist, but just below the navel. It is better to do this not on a naked body, but over a T-shirt or T-shirt.

Such manipulation will force the abdominal muscles to be in constant light tension, which will not only achieve the desired effect, but also remove unnecessary body fat in the waist and lower abdomen. True, this will require adherence to a diet and continuing with special exercise therapy.

And finally, watch an excellent popular science video about the bladder. Perhaps it will become a motivator for refusing to self-medicate delicate problems that interfere with a normal life.

Common pathology does not pose a threat to life, but the discomfort with urinary incontinence is enormous. Along with solving a physiological problem, women have to cope with psychological stress. To cope with the disease, you can see a doctor or help yourself by strengthening your pelvic muscles with a special exercise.

Kegel gymnastics for urinary incontinence

In a suspended state, the bladder, like a belt, holds the pelvic muscles. Weakening for various reasons, they contribute to the incorrect anatomical arrangement of organs. To cope with an unpleasant phenomenon, it is not necessary to resort to drug treatment, there is another way - gymnastics for urinary incontinence in women. Regular Kegel exercises (squeezing, holding, contracting) help to strengthen the muscles, while a set of tasks is used in medicine as a recognized method of treatment for organ prolapse or after childbirth.

How to do exercises for urinary incontinence in women

Restrictions regarding the place or position of the body to perform remedial gymnastics does not exist. Recommendations for Kegel exercises for women with urinary incontinence are a small list of points:

  • before you start doing gymnastics, you should go to the toilet to empty the bladder;
  • a gradual increase in complexity, that is, the transition from simple to complex should occur gradually;
  • take such a pose (standing, sitting, lying) so that it is as comfortable as possible;
  • success is achieved by regularly performing the complex, so you need to do it every day;
  • you should start with 10 contractions, and after a week of regular training, add another 5, then build up until the number of contractions reaches 30.

Workouts invisible to others can be carried out anywhere: at home in front of the TV, while cleaning or reading a book, walking around the city, driving a car. The same time does not play a significant role, but the strengthening effect is possible only under the condition of daily Kegel training and adherence to the correct methodology. It is a mistake to engage the abdominal muscles or thighs while performing the tension with a delay. In this case, there is no need to wait for a positive result, so the woman will continue to face the problem of urinary incontinence further.

Basic Kegel Exercises for Urinary Incontinence

Presented as a set of workouts different types difficulties, all tasks for compression, contraction, pushing are focused on one goal - strengthening the pelvic floor muscles. If you gradually increase the number and duration, then Kegel exercises for women with urinary incontinence will help get rid of pathology and maintain muscle tone.

TO basic exercises include the following:

  1. Squeezes or strains that are similar to stopping the flow of urine. With the right technique, you should hold the pelvic floor muscles in this position, counting to three, and then relax, counting an equal number of seconds again. Gradually, the initial time for the treatment of pathology can be increased to 15 seconds or move to a more difficult level, which in intimate exercise calls the "lift". Compression builds up with little force, like climbing floors, and in reverse order- smooth "descent" of tension.
  2. Contractions are a type of strengthening task that should be done as intensely as possible, rapidly alternating contractions and relaxation.
  3. Ejection - Variety basic training, which is well known to pregnant women. When doing it, you need to push, and if the technique is correct, then it will feel like tension when emptying the intestines.

Bladder Exercises for Women

Below are the main exercises:

  1. With your legs apart shoulder-width apart, take the starting position. Put your palms on the buttocks, and then, straining the muscles of the pelvic floor, do compression.
  2. Lie on your stomach, bend your knee and, being in starting position, alternate muscle tension with smooth relaxation.
  3. Get on all fours, drop down a little on your forearms and elbows, placing your head between your hands. Gradually straining the muscles, feel the movement of compression upward, that is, deep into the pelvic floor.
  4. Sit cross-legged, rest your hands on your knees. The back should remain straight so that, by straining the muscles of the pelvis, create the sensation, as if the buttocks are lifted off the floor when squeezed.

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