Stretching: Exercises for the gluteal muscles to get rid of cellulite and fat deposits. Stretching exercises (heavy stretching) Stretching the gluteus muscles at home

This easy set of thigh and groin stretching exercises can help prevent and heal injuries and deformities of the groin, lower back, and pelvis. Watch the video for each exercise!

Groin stretch

  1. Stand with your legs wide apart and your knees bent.
  2. Bend your right knee to the side and bend over to the right.
  3. Hold this position for 10 to 30 seconds.

Muscles worked:
Large leading.
Short leading.
Long adductor muscle.

Watch the video on how to do this exercise correctly:

Home stretch complex for the adductor thigh muscle

Stretching your thigh muscles will help keep your hips flexible, which is important to prevent injury.

  1. Sit on the floor with your legs apart as much as possible and in full contact with the floor.
  2. Keeping your back straight, lean forward towards your hips.
  3. Hold for 10-30 seconds.

Muscles worked:
Thin muscle.
Large leading.
Long leading.

In the video, the instructor shows how to correctly conduct this exercise from the complex:

Thigh muscle stretch

Stretching the muscles of the outer hip joint can be effective in a combination of exercises when training runners.

  1. Lie on your back on the floor.
  2. Bend your right knee and slide it straight out. left leg.
  3. Use left hand to pull your right knee toward you.
  4. Hold for 10-30 seconds.

Muscles worked:
Middle gluteus.
Small gluteal.

Piriformis muscle - stretching

The piriformis muscle can be very troublesome and cause sciatica symptoms, including leg pain. Training this muscle, especially in combination with other exercises, will maintain its elasticity and prevent damage to the sciatic nerve.

  1. Lie on the floor with your shoulder blades.
  2. Bend your right leg and place the ankle of your left leg over your right leg.
  3. Cross your leg behind upper part hips.
  4. Pull your leg as close to you as possible to increase the pressure.
  5. The exercise time is 10-30 seconds.

Muscles worked:

Try to do the same as shown in the video below:

Flexing muscle stretching

it effective complex exercises for beginners, which you can do at home;This stretch is commonly used on the muscles in the front of the thigh, including the rectus femoris.

  1. Kneel down on one leg. The other leg should be in front with the knee bent.
  2. Shift your weight to the front of your torso.
  3. Squeeze your hips during the exercise for 10-30 seconds.

Muscles worked:
Rectus femoris muscle.
The iliopsoas muscle.

Repeat after the instructor:

Stretching the gluteal muscles

Stretching the buttocks in combination with other exercises can be a factor in reducing sciatica symptoms.

  1. Lie on your back on the floor.
  2. Pull bent knee to the opposite shoulder.
  3. Hold for 10-30 seconds.

Muscles worked:

The gluteus maximus muscle.

Not difficult, but effective exercise:

Another exercise option in the buttock stretching complex, which can be done at home

  1. Stand in front of a bench or high chair.
  2. Place your leg flat on the surface of the platform and bend it at the knee, pulling it under your belly.
  3. Lean forward gradually, increasing the stretch.
  4. Perform 1 approach for 10-30 seconds.

Muscles worked:
Big gluteus.
Small gluteal.
Middle gluteus.

The video shows how to complete this physical element:

Outer Thigh Stretching

  1. Stand with one leg extended behind the other.
  2. Tilt to the side, but don't stretch too much.
  3. Lean against your thigh and push it in the opposite direction.
  4. Do the exercise for 10-30 seconds.

Alternatively, you can use a table. Place one foot on the table, stand sideways to it and tilt as much as possible.

Muscles worked:
Strain of the fascia lata of the thigh.
Iliac tibial track.

Also, this exercise can be performed in sitting position

  1. To perform this exercise in a complex of stretching of the fascia lata of the thigh, in a seated position, you need to pull the knee across the body.
  2. Concentrate on the outer and inner thighs. If you feel pain, you should stop.
  3. Hold the pose for 20-30 seconds, rest and repeat 2-3 times.

See how to properly stretch your thighs:

This set of muscle stretching exercises will help tone the muscles, into working condition, after which you can easily start training and games. Stretching exercises are beneficial for the entire body.

The set of exercises consists of: bends, lunges, forward bends with crossing the legs, stretching the groin muscles, pulling the knee to the chest, stretching the hamstrings, cross stretching, stretching the muscles of the front of the thigh, stretching the calf muscle.

You can download:

Now let's take a look at each of these muscle stretching exercises.

Exercise # 1. Slopes

Stretch muscle groups: biceps thighs, gluteus muscles of the thigh, muscles straightening the spine, adductors of the thigh muscles.

Position: knees slightly bent, toes apart (see picture).

Tilts left and right. Slowly bending at the waist towards the knee, keeping the back straight. Bend until you feel tension in the hamstrings, freeze in this position and hold it for 15 seconds, repeat twice on each knee; Lean forward. Slow bending at the waist forward, until the hands touch the base (floor), the back is straight when performing. Bend until you feel tension in the hamstrings, freeze in this position and hold it for 15 seconds, repeat twice Note:

  • freezing in a pose for at least 15 seconds, more is possible;
  • touching the hands of the base can be done with fingers, palms, elbows, depending on the preparation;
  • the back during the exercise is always straight
Exercise # 1. Slopes

Exercise number 2. Left and right lunges

Stretch muscle groups: adductors of the thigh, biceps femoris.

Position: legs apart, body slightly forward (see picture).

Slow lunge to the side, back straight, toes apart, foot of outstretched leg looking up. You hold in the pose for 15 seconds, then change the position of the lunge in the opposite direction, repeat on each leg twice. Note: When lungeing onto the supporting leg (bend at the knee), do not allow the knee to move beyond the foot, vertically.

Exercise number 3. Bending forward with your legs crossed

Stretchable muscle groups: gluteus maximus, biceps femoris, erector spine, fascia ligamentum tensioner.

Position: standing, legs crossed (in any order), knees slightly bent.

Slowly lowering, you slide (slide) with your hands along the leg to the ankle joint behind the standing leg. You stay at the end point for 15 seconds, then you change your legs. Repeat on each leg two times Note: the position of the legs at the time of the exercise does not change, they remain slightly bent.

Exercise number 3. Bending forward with your legs crossed

Exercise number 4. Stretching the groin muscles

Stretch muscle groups: adductors of the thigh.

Position: Sitting with the soles of the feet together, knees apart.

Press your knees to the floor with your elbows, spread your knees until you feel tension in the groin area. You hold back at the end point for 15 seconds. Repeat the exercise twice.

Exercise number 4. Stretching the groin muscles

Exercise number 5. Pulling the knee to the chest

Stretch muscle groups: gluteus maximus, erector muscles.

Position: lying on your back, one leg slightly bent at the knee, almost straight.

Slowly pull the knee of the other leg towards your chest, until you feel a stretch in the muscles or when the leg does not go further. Hold at the end point for 15 seconds, then change legs. Repeat twice.

Exercise number 5. Pulling the knee to the chest

Exercise number 6. Hip bicep stretch

Stretchable muscle groups: biceps femoris, calf muscle, gluteus maximus.

Position: lying on your back, press your bent knee to your chest and slowly straighten it.

Pull the toes of the raised leg towards you, contracting the muscle of the lower leg for this. Hold in this position for 10 seconds, then move the toes, relaxing the leg muscle and repeat again, holding for 10 seconds. Change legs. Repeat twice.

Exercise number 6. Hip bicep stretch

Exercise number 7. Cross stretch

Stretch muscle groups: gluteus maximus, oblique abdominal muscles, abdominal muscles, fascia lata tensor, erector spine muscles.

Position: lying on your back, slowly move one leg over the other leg, so that the angle of the legs is 90 ° C, you spread your arms apart.

You bring your leg to your hand, your shoulders pressed to the base (floor), you hold in this position for 15 seconds, then you change your legs. Repeat twice.

Exercise number 7. Cross stretch

Exercise number 8. Stretching the lateral part of the thigh

Stretchable muscle groups: piriformis muscle, gluteus maximus muscle, fascia lata tensor.

Position: lying on your back, put the shin of one leg on the knee of the other leg, so that the ankle of the applied leg touches the knee. Head, shoulders and back pressed to the base (floor).

Grabbing the knee of the applied leg, slowly pull the leg towards you, until you feel tension in the thigh muscles, hold it in this position for 15 seconds, then change the leg. Repeat twice.

Exercise number 8. Stretching the lateral part of the thigh

Exercise number 9. Cross stretch

Stretch muscle groups: erector spine muscles, gluteus muscles, abdominal muscles.

Position: Sitting, place one of the arms behind you and turn your head and shoulders in the direction of the same arm.

The opposite leg to the arm is extended, the other leg is bent at the knee and thrown over the straightened leg, so that the foot of the leg is at the knee. Elbow your other hand, with outside knee, while twisting the body in the direction of the supporting arm, until a feeling of tension. You hold in this position for 15 seconds, after which you change your legs. Repeat twice.

Exercise number 9. Cross stretch

Exercise number 10. Stepping forward

Stretch muscle groups: Iliopsoas, rectus femoris.

Position: standing.

You perform a lunge forward of one of the legs, the knee is stably fixed (it does not move anywhere). You try to push the thigh of the leg forward (see the picture), hold it for 15 seconds, then change the legs. Repeat two times.

Exercise number 10. Stepping forward

Exercise number 11. Stretching the muscles of the front of the thigh

Stretch muscle groups: quadriceps femoris, tibialis anterior.

Position: standing, lean against a wall or chair.

Grab your left foot with your left foot and pull up to the gluteal muscles, as shown in the figure, pushing the right thigh forward for a better stretch. Hold at the end point for 15 seconds, then change legs. Repeat two times. Note: To increase flexibility, hold your leg at the end point for more than 15 seconds; when doing, never throw a leg.

Exercise number 11. Stretching the muscles of the front of the thigh

Exercise number 12. Stretching the calf muscle

Stretch muscle groups: Calf muscles, soleus muscles.

Position: standing, lean on outstretched arms against the wall.

You lunge forward with one foot, with the other press your heel to the base (floor), and keep your leg straight. You fix the position at the end point and hold it for 15 seconds, then change your leg. Repeat twice.

Exercise number 12. Stretching the calf muscle

AND VERY IMPORTANT MOMENT! In each of the exercises, I wrote a delay time of at least 15 seconds and in one 10 seconds. It's the most important. If you do not adhere to this time, then do not expect the result! If possible, I recommend that you increase this time to 30 or even 60 seconds!

This completes the set of muscle stretching exercises (heavy stretching). Thank you for your attention, and leave your comments, share the record with your friends, acquaintances!

You need to stretch after warm-up. This way you can deepen the stretch without injuring your muscles and ligaments.

Warm up before stretching

When you stretch after a workout, the muscles are already warmed up and no additional warm-up is required. If you decide to arrange separate lesson on stretching, to get started, do a few exercises:

  1. Joint warm-up: twist the joints, make bends and turns of the body.
  2. 5-7 minutes of cardio: jogging or exercise Jumping Jacks, Climber, jogging in place with high knees,.

After you've warmed up a bit, you can start stretching.

How and how much to stretch

With these exercises you will be able to arrange self-study stretching and stretch all the muscles of the body well. However, this will take about 60–90 minutes. For quick stretches, choose one or two exercises for each muscle group involved in your workout.

To stretch your muscles well, hold each pose for 30 seconds to two minutes. You can keep still or spring gently. Jumping movements are fraught with injury, so reserve them for another sport.

We present exercises for stretching from top to bottom: neck, shoulders and arms, chest and back, abs, buttocks, hips, legs.

Neck stretching exercises

Tilt your head back, pulling the front of your neck. From this position, tilt your head to the left. For more effect, place your left palm on right side heads, but do not press hard.

Right hand lay on the left side of your head. Tilt your head forward and to the side, increase the pressure with your hand.

Repeat on the other side.

Place one hand on the back of your head and the other on your chin. Lower your head by making a double chin. In this case, the neck remains straight, the back of the head tends upward. You should feel in the back of your neck, especially at the base of your skull.

Exercises to stretch the shoulders

4. Stretching the front of the shoulders

Place your hands behind your back, wrap your wrist with the other with one hand. Bend your elbows and lift your wrists higher. Bring your chest forward and feel the stretch in the front of your shoulders.

5. Stretching the middle of the shoulders

Grasp the opposite elbow with your hand, bring your shoulder to you and pull it down. Repeat with the other hand.

6. Stretching the back of the shoulders

Grasp your right hand with your left above the elbow, press it to the body and straighten it, lower your right shoulder down. With your left hand, pull your right hand up, lifting it with your elbow. Feel the tension in the back.

Repeat on the other hand.

7. Triceps stretch

Go to the wall, lift your left elbow up, put your forearm behind your back. Pull the left shoulder blade down. To check that it has actually dropped and will not rise during the stretch, place your right hand below your left armpit.

Repeat on the other side.

8. Stretching the biceps

Grasp the door handle, counter or other support, turn your back to it. Extend your arm with your elbow up and move the body slightly forward.

Repeat with the other hand.

This pose allows you to simultaneously stretch the triceps of one arm and the front of the shoulder of the other. Place one hand behind your back from above so that the elbow looks up, and the other from below - the elbow looks to the floor. Try to connect your wrists behind at the level of your shoulder blades.

Change hands.

10. Stretching the extensors of the wrist

Sit on your knees, place your hands in front of you so that back sides the hands touched the floor, and the fingers were pointing towards each other. Gently transfer your weight to your arms, stretching your forearms. To enhance the effect, try clenching your fists.

Breast stretching exercises

11. Stretching the chest in the doorway

Approach the doorway, rest your elbows on the jambs and push your chest forward, chest muscles.

Place your hand on the wall, lower your shoulder and turn in the opposite direction. Repeat with the other hand.

Back stretching exercises

Stand next to a rack, simulator or other support, turn your left shoulder to it. With your right hand, grab a stand high over your head, move your pelvis to the right and down, stretching the entire right side body.

Repeat on the other side.

14. Stretching the muscles of the lower back

Sit on the floor with your right leg forward and your left leg back. Bend your knees at a 90-degree angle or slightly more. Place your right hand on the floor and raise your left hand above your head. Pull the left leg down and back, tilt the body forward and twist towards the right leg.

Change your legs.

Sit on the floor with your knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Grasp the lower legs with your hands from the inside, put your wrists on your feet. Lean forward as low as possible.

Sit on the floor with your buttocks touching your heels. Bend forward, lie on your knees with your stomach and stretch your arms.

Get on all fours, then push your pelvis back and up so that your body resembles an angle. The arms and back should be in one line, the knees can be bent, and the heels can be lifted off the floor. The main thing is that the back remains straight, without rounding in the lower back.

Grab a low horizontal bar and hang freely, relaxing your body. Legs should remain on the ground. Relax them, bend your knees slightly.

Lie on the floor on your back, arms by your side, legs straight. Raise your legs, and then throw them behind your head. Hands rest with elbows on the floor, hands support. Do not lean on your neck, the fulcrum is your shoulders.

Exercises for stretching the press

Get on your knees, bring your chest up, extending your spine, and then lean back with your hands on your heels. Try to bend in the chest. Do not throw your head back, look up.

Lie on the floor on your stomach with your hands under your shoulders. Squeeze yourself up, the pelvis rises, your feet remain on the floor. Lower your shoulders, bend in the chest.

Stand up straight with your feet together. Raise your arms and bring your palms together over your head. Bend in the chest and tilt the body back. Tighten to avoid a strong arch in the lower back.

Stand straight, raise your arms above your head, interlock your fingers and twist your palms up. Stretch up and bend first to one side and then to the other.

Lie on the floor on your back, arms spread out to the sides, palms down. Move your pelvis to the left, lift your left leg, bending it at the knee, wrap it behind your right leg and try to put your knee on the floor. Turn your head to the left and relax.

Repeat the exercise on the other side.

Exercises to stretch the buttocks

25. Prone stretching

Lie on the floor on your back, raise your legs bent at the knees. Place your left ankle on your right knee. Press your right knee against your left to deepen. Repeat with the other leg.

Get on all fours with the ankle of your right foot on the knee of your left. Pull your pelvis back to deepen the stretch. Repeat with the other leg.

27. Seated Stretch

Sit on the floor, stretch your legs forward, and straighten your back. Bend one leg at the knee, grab the lower leg with your hands and press it to your chest. The lower leg should be parallel to the floor, the forearms lie on top and press it against the chest, one hand covers the other.

Repeat with the other leg.

Sit on the floor, bend one leg at the knee at a right angle and move it forward, take the other back and straighten it. You can lean forward and place your forearms on the floor.

If you find it difficult to perform this pose on the floor, try placing your foot on a dais.

Stretching the front of the thigh

Calf stretching exercises

48. Stretching against the wall

With the toe of your right foot, rest against the wall, take your left one a step and a half back. The feet are firmly pressed to the floor, the left leg is straight. Try to reach the wall with your right knee, while the muscles of your left leg will stretch.

Change your legs.

Stand up against the wall. Put your right toe on the wall, take your left leg a step and a half back. Bend your left knee, increasing the stretch. Change legs and repeat.

Sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you. put one foot on the thigh of the other. Grasp the foot with the opposite hand and pull the toe.

Change your legs.

Getting your body ready for a run is just as important as running, so we asked The Running Bug's coaches Nick Anderson and Siobhan Dokiril for a few tips.

Nick Anderson has been running for over 25 years and is one of the UK's top coaches. Previously, he was the head coach of the UK 5km, 10km and cross country running teams and coaches athletes. different levels training: from beginners to international athletes.

“Stretching before a run is a bit controversial,” says Nick. "If your physical therapist or trauma specialist has told you to stretch before you leave the house, that's fine, but in most cases, we advise you to just walk a little before your run and get to your normal running pace."

Stretching exercises regularly reduces the risk of injury.
“It might seem like there is some confusion about doing stretching exercises - when is it best to do it: before or after training. Some people say that exercise is ineffective and not worth the time. I see stretching every day after both light and strenuous runs, and I can certainly say that doing stretching reduces the risk of injury, ”says Nick.

“The body needs a massage, muscle fibers need to be stretched, and adhesions and knots need to be removed from tired and damaged muscles ... and stretching after a workout can really help. It is better to shorten your run by 5-10 minutes and spend more time stretching, which will increase blood flow to the muscles and fill them with oxygen and nutrients... Running without stretching increases the risk of injury and slows down the recovery process. "

Nick offers several dynamic flexibility exercises that you can do before heavy loads or as a solo workout.
“Dynamic stretching several times a week before starting a hard / fast workout or as a workout to improve strength and improve overall performance. physical form will improve flexibility, motor skills and speed. Stretching and increasing the elasticity of the muscles also improves the condition muscle fibers and their strength. I advise all my clients to make these simple and effective exercise part of your workout — you can also do it after your running workout to develop flexibility and feel better by making it part of your cool-down. ”

“The ideal warm-up for a distance of 5km to half marathon is to do a short, easy jog and complement it with 3-4 dynamic exercises (2-3 sets each) before approaching the start line. Do them before you go for your next run and get a feel for how it works.

5 Dynamic Stretching Exercises Before Running.
If you want to improve your speed, then you better do some dynamic stretching exercises - they will put your muscles in a "combat" state and improve blood flow to important muscle areas.

Below are the exercises to help you with your workouts.

1. Stretching the gluteus and piriformis muscles

This exercise is a must for those with an injury to the piriformis muscle, runner's knee syndrome, or problems with the iliotibial tract.

How to do the exercise?
Stand up straight while maintaining an even posture and balance. Bend one leg and bring your ankle over the knee, turning the foot up. Then pull your foot closer to your waist. You should feel the stretch gluteal muscles and quads of the thigh.

Each movement should last 2-3 seconds per leg, perform sets every 20 meters of slow walking. Perform 3 sets, alternating with recovery walking.

This exercise is good for stretching your glutes, thighs, lower back, and mobilizing your quadriceps. Many runners sit or lie down for several hours before starting, their muscles cooling and hardening. This exercise helps mobilize your glutes and quads before running.

2. Stretching the muscles of the back of the thigh

A must-have exercise for those with problems with hamstring and hamstring stiffness.

How to do the exercise?
Take a short step, one foot in front of you with support on the heel, the other firmly on the ground. Keeping your front leg straight, shift your weight to back leg and slightly bend it at the knee, tilt your torso slightly forward, as if you are going to sit on a chair. At the same time, try to keep your back straight.
At the same time, keeping your front leg straight, lower your arms down and stretch them towards the ground, creating tension in the muscles.

How long should you do the exercise?
Each movement should last 2-3 seconds per leg, perform sets every 20 meters of slow walking. Follow 3 sets.

What is the effect of this exercise?
Improved circulation and flexibility. Preparing the muscles of the back of the thigh and improving their elasticity.

3. Ankle stretch and calf muscles

Recommended for those with problems with Achilles, calf muscles, ankle, or plantar fasciitis.

How to do the exercise?
Place your feet slightly narrower than shoulder-width apart. One leg is completely on the foot, the other rests on the toes and the ball of the foot. You need to shift your weight from one leg to the other. Imagine walking in place, only shifting your weight not from heel to toe, but from toe to heel.

How long should you do the exercise?
The exercise should take 1 to 2 seconds per leg. A total of 15-30 seconds per set. You need to try to keep the pace and adhere to the walking speed. Do 3 sets of light walking in between.

What is the effect of this exercise?
Great exercise for the Achilles tendon and calf muscles. Stretches and improves muscle elasticity.

4. Swing legs: abductors and adductors

Recommended for those who suffer from tension in the adductor / abductor muscle groups.

How to do the exercise?
Keep the chassis level while also keeping the alignment hip joint... Raise one leg and move it to the side of you, then to yourself, crossing your legs in front of you. The movements are like swinging a swing. Remember to keep your back straight, balance, and don't move your pelvis. When doing swings, do not force the movements, they should be light and natural.

How long should you do the exercise?
Swing for 15-20 seconds, then switch legs.

What is the effect of this exercise?
Improves mobility in the adductor / abductor muscles. Increases range of motion and dynamic strength.

5. Swing legs: back of the thigh and hip flexor

A must for anyone suffering from tension in the hamstring and hip flexors.

How to do the exercise?
Keep your torso level while also maintaining alignment at the hip joint. Raise one leg in front of you, then lower and pull back. Movements should be smooth. Make sure not to lean forward or backward, keep the pelvis in a fixed position.

How long should you do the exercise?
Do the exercise for 15-20 seconds, then switch legs.

What is the effect of this exercise?
Improves the mobility of the hamstrings and hip flexor muscles while strengthening the core muscles. Increases range of motion and dynamic strength.

In deadlift, unlike classical and Romanian, the knees practically do not bend, and the body leans forward strongly. Due to this, the main load goes to the back of the thigh.

it basic exercise great for those looking to work out the hamstrings and glutes.

What muscles work

When you bend your knees slightly and pull your pelvis back, your glutes and hamstrings are stretched. When you lift the bar off the floor, the target muscle groups contract.

Deadlift /

Also, during the exercise, the quadriceps, back extensors and trapezius muscles are strained. They act as stabilizing muscles, straining but not changing the position of the body.

Test: can you perform deadlift correctly?

To technically perform deadlift, you need good stretch muscles of the back of the thigh (hamstring) and high mobility of the hip joint.

To determine your level of stretching and your ability to properly perform deadlifts, do the following test.

Lean forward with your back straight and touch the floor with your fingers. You cannot bend your knees or round your back - movement occurs only in the hip joint.


If you cannot touch the floor with your fingers, then you have short hamstrings or a lack of movement in the hip joint. This will prevent you from saving correct position spine during deadlift.

Only an even spine (in a neutral position) has maximum rigidity and is able to transfer forces to the limbs. Bending the spine in any part, you break a straight line, and the rigidity is lost. As a result, the spine itself is loaded, which, provided large weights negatively affects his health.

If you completed the test without any problems, you can proceed to mastering the correct technique.

Deadlift technique
Starting position

Feet shoulder width apart, arms are slightly wider than shoulder width. In order not to be mistaken with the width of the arms, be guided by the notches on the neck.

Hand position on the bar

The bar should almost touch your shins. In this case, the feet will be located under the bar, about a third of the foot will be behind the bar.

The position of the feet under the bar

You bend your knees slightly, take your pelvis back and tilt forward. The back is straight, from the coccyx to the neck - one line. The gaze is directed forward.

On initial stage movements, when you with a straight back bend to the bar, stretch the gluteal muscles and hamstrings - the main working muscles in this exercise.

If you have short hamstrings, what happens is that when you bend down, the biceps will pull your lower back with it, so you can't keep your back straight.

Short hamstrings / muscle &
Performing traction

During the lift, the bar is located very close to the body: the bar of the bar practically slides over the shins (touching is not necessary, although it is possible, especially in the early stages, in order to get used to correct technique), and then rises higher along the hips.

When you lift the barbell off the ground, your center of gravity aligns with the barbell’s center of gravity. When you bend over, the center of gravity shifts from the sacrum forward.

If you hold the barbell close to your shins, the center of gravity of the barbell coincides with your offset center of gravity and you maintain balance. If you stand far from the barbell, the centers of gravity will not coincide and the barbell will pull you forward, increasing the load on the lower back.

We lead the neck along the legs. At the moment of lifting the bar from the ground (or platform), it is necessary to tighten the buttocks and muscles of the hips. This must be done consciously, without waiting for the tension to arise by itself.

Tightening the gluteal muscles is necessary to stabilize the hip joint. The tension in the muscles causes the femoral head to rotate outward, where it is in the best position to transmit force.

Rotation in the hip joint /

Thus, you stabilize the joint and ensure a neutral position of the spine, due to which the load is transferred to the buttocks and back part hips.

From this position, you straighten completely, and then begin to move downward towards starting position... It is important to lower the bar as smoothly as the lift and keep the bar very close to the hips and shins.

Important points


If you include deadlift in your program, after training you need to do following exercises stretching.

Hip biceps stretch

There are several options for stretching the hamstrings. Consider two of them: with elastic band and using the bar from the bar.

1. Sit on the floor, straighten your knees and reach for your socks with a straight back. It is convenient to perform this exercise with rubber band, however, you can do without it: just reach with your hands to your socks without bending your knees.

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