The first yoga poses for beginners. Yoga at home for beginners

Yogis are like people from another planet. Young and slender, they easily and joyfully wake up early in the morning, can easily stand on their heads or sit for hours in the lotus position, remain calm and surprisingly relaxed, even when everyone is fussing and anxious, they always know what they want, rarely get sick and are usually full forces. They seem to know some secret, thanks to which they stay in good mood and smile much more often than other people. And it is very easy to take the first steps in yoga. Especially now, when the available information is enough to start practicing at home.

Well, they are definitely from another planet! The author of this article also thought so 10 years and 30 kilograms ago. And the author of this article would certainly not have believed it if then someone told her that one day she, too, would turn upside down and enjoy every opportunity to work out.

In fact, the practice of yoga changes life so gently and gradually that you yourself do not notice how you become such a person - as if from another, more prosperous planet.

Step 1. What you need to know about yoga

Step 4. Prepare the necessary fixtures. Or don't cook anything!

For the very first lessons, you most likely will not need anything at all. You can practice in any comfortable clothing, best of all - barefoot so that your feet do not slide on the floor. Of course, ideally, you need to have a special yoga mat that you need to choose for yourself. But at first, the usual tourist "foam" or the cheapest gymnastics mat from the nearest sports store will do.

Then, if you like yoga and become your constant practice, you can buy yourself a special rug - now there is a very wide selection, you can buy a very beautiful version. except appearance pay attention that the mat is "tenacious", anti-slip, and its thickness - if you are working at home, you can buy a thick mat, it will be more comfortable on it, if you want to go somewhere to class, then you should prefer a lighter and more compact one.

If you are not very flexible person, or do you have excess weight, you will also need a strap - you can take a regular trouser belt or a small scarf.

Some asanas are more convenient to perform with the help of a "brick", instead of which you can take a couple of thick books.

Finally, you may need a couple of small pillows and a blanket to relax at the end of the session.

Step 5. Create the setting

Yoga is always a process of immersion in oneself, it is a deliberate activity. If you can watch TV or listen to an audiobook while running or exercising on the simulator, then during yoga practice you need to focus all your attention on your body.

You need to keep track of all your feelings: where it stretches better, and where it is worse, where there is pain or blockage, what emotions emerge, where there is tension.

You need to look at yourself from the sidelines and learn to relax in each asana. And also keep calm breathing in the lower abdomen, directing inhalation and exhalation to the most stressed parts of the body.

Therefore, you need a calm environment to practice. Choose a time when loved ones are not at home, or they are sleeping, or ask them not to disturb you. You can turn on quiet, calm music. You can light incense if you like the smell. And most importantly, turn off your phone.

Let this hour of your life be dedicated only to you.

Step 6. Apply the principles of consistency and gradualism

For success in any practice - not only in yoga - it is enough to observe two principles: gradualism and constancy. The principle of consistency means that you exercise regularly. Sometimes you are lazy, or tired, or you want to lie on the couch and watch a TV show, but you still force yourself to spread the rug and start practicing. As a rule, this is what turns out to be the most difficult - to spread the rug. And then, as you get involved in the process, it becomes easier and easier.

Anyone who practices yoga will tell you that he never regretted that he forced himself to exercise, overcoming some internal resistance. After the lesson, the state of health and mood always improve.

In order for the practice to bring changes, it is advisable to practice every day or at least every other day. And this, by the way, is another plus of homework - finding an hour or at least half an hour for home practice is easier than getting out to the gym every day. The most necessary minimum is 2-3 times a week. And it is better to do a little bit every day than to go through a "marathon" once a month.

The principle of gradualism means that you do not pounce on the practice like a starving one on a buffet. Some people, having first felt the taste of the practice, having experienced the state of meditation, rush into it, as if into a pool with their heads - they meditate for hours, stand on their heads for a long time, study literature or practice asanas all day. After a while, they become satiated, disgusted with classes. If you are in a hurry, master the asanas too quickly, your mind, your energy will not have time to reorganize, and instead of fullness you will feel empty.

Therefore, in practice, you will have to force yourself to exercise somewhere, and somewhere - to limit. Over time, you should have an intuitive understanding of how much and how you need to practice.

But the most main secret effective practice is not the point.

Step 7. Use the main secret of effective practice

The main secret is to make your practice enjoyable. Yes, the practice can be difficult, you have to make an effort, it can be scary for you to stand in an inverted position or it hurts to stretch your muscles, but the aftertaste after the session should be inner joy.

It's like in a family - you can swear over little things, but know that you are still close and dear to each other. Only then will you come back to practice over and over again.

Track your condition before and after class. The practice of yoga should not break you. After class, you should have a state of lightness and fullness. If you feel tired and annoyed every time, then perhaps this is not your way, not your practice.

Inner joy will be an incentive for you not only to practice, but also to gradually make changes in your lifestyle that will make you healthier and more energetic.

Step 8. Start slowly changing your lifestyle

No wonder many people say that yoga is a way of life. Yoga classes don't even have to start with asanas - start with awareness. Observe: what makes you want to fly, as if on wings, and what makes you lose heart and lose your mood.

Start taking the simplest steps. For example, these are:

TOP 5 Yoga Tips for Health and Wellness

  1. Get up at sunrise or before it - the strength of the beginning of the day will give you extra energy;
  2. Start the day with or simple exercises ;
  3. In any incomprehensible situation, breathe deeply in the lower abdomen - this helps to cope with emotions and calm the mind;
  4. Eat consciously: do not go on diets, keep track of which food lowers you and which one lifts you, after which food you gain strength, and which causes heaviness and drowsiness;
  5. Practice ... silence - at least once a day close your eyes, let go of your thoughts and dive into yourself for one minute.

A few more very simple but effective life hacks from yogis that will change the quality of your life can be found in our special guide:

Step 9. Motivate yourself! Budgeting is not just about money

The practice of yoga and meditation does not bring results immediately, but after a fairly long time. So you read the article, watched the video and got the idea to change yourself with the help of yoga. We started to get up early, exercise every day, eat right, and after a while you get tired of such constant efforts. And there are no results yet. What to do then?

To create an incentive for yourself, imagine that every time you do yoga, you add to your "budget." For example, for each lesson you mentally “put” five hundred rubles into your account. You can even estimate how many classes it will take to pay off your mortgage or buy a car. And if you break one of your new habits - for example, you drank alcohol at a party, assign yourself a fine.

This analogy works - this is how a person is made. This will make it easier for you to motivate yourself before tangible results come and new states open up.

Step 10. Find yourself a company

Another important motivating factor is the company of like-minded people. Not everyone can do for a long time alone what is not interesting to anyone around. So find yourself some good company. Now it is very easy to do this - join an Internet community with similar interests. For example,

Briefly "about the main thing" (about yoga) for those who will go to the first grade for the first time.

The main problems that beginners face:

  1. How to choose a yoga mat? Choose the most expensive one available for your price. Technology has advanced so much that you definitely won't buy a "bad" rug. The rug should suit you not only in price, but also in height (“long” is especially important, since there are carpets with a length of 170 cm and even less!) And, of course, in design (with a pink rug under his arm for a serious man with a mustache into the hall will come to group classes ... hmm, inconvenient). From the very first lessons, consider how you will care for your rug (plus excellent disinfectant sprays are now on sale).
  2. How to choose yoga clothes? Yoga clothing should be free of movement. There are even very expensive and beautiful yoga overalls in which ... it is literally impossible to practice. And also leggings, in which women "suffocate" (according to subjective feelings). I would not indiscriminately recommend clothing made from natural materials, as it is for the most part impractical for any active person. physical activities... Better to vote in favor of technological synthetics. Unless, of course, you are going to do only pranayama and meditation. Take into account the approximate temperature of the room in which you are going to study right away! A spare room in a country house, "slightly heated"? Use a wool mixture. Studio in the center of Moscow? Medium cold, most likely. Yoga Shala in the South of India? Got it - you only need the lightest clothing! Yoga clothes should be tight-fitting - so that they do not lie in a dense layer on your face when you stand (and you do, do not even hesitate!) On your head.
  3. How to choose a yoga style? Choose the one that interests you, for some reason. Don't worry about the initial choice: you will almost certainly change it later. For the first 2-3 months, try to visit as many different yoga styles and different teachers as possible in order to get yourself a more or less serious idea of ​​the proposal. Otherwise, there is a chance to get into a sect or just do some exotic style of yoga without even knowing about real yoga. Buy a subscription that will allow you to visit different teachers on different days of the week. It so happens that at first you like everything, and after a dozen or two classes you hate both the teacher and this style of yoga. This is completely normal. Moreover, yoga teachers are also real people.
  4. How to train yourself to practice regularly? Humanity has not yet come up with better way than .... to buy an annual subscription on the verge of their financial capabilities. "Toad", which will "choke" you, will not let you relax and forget about the practice. Individual sessions leave it for later - when you can better assess the level of the teacher you like, and your own goals in yoga, and the approximate boundaries of your physical capabilities.
  5. How to do the most important cleansing of the body? Cleansing facilitates the first steps in yoga and speeds up the initial stage of radical "cleansing" of the body (it lasts from 2 weeks to 6 months, when you may experience " side effects"From yoga classes, up to diarrhea and irritability, but not only). Cleansing on yoga is useful and, in fact, elementary, good, and in popular literature (Malakhov, etc.) they are described. Do Shankha-prakshalana (it is better not "at home", but under the guidance of an experienced leader), master Agnisara-dhauti, Jala-neti and Trataka, and the rest - then, if necessary.
  6. In order not to crush in short time joints - they will take the most critical load at first - feed them with food additives (chondroitin, etc.), do yourself oil self-massage (especially "over the joints"), include ghee and olive oil in your diet. And, most importantly, take care of your joints during training!
  7. How to avoid gross mistakes when performing asanas. Even the best yoga teacher is not always able to notice them from the outside! We recently talked on the blog - read it and take it on board. And learn the main rule by heart: if there is pain, there is no yoga. If you decide to do yoga (and not fitness or something else), the appearance of pain is a clear signal of an error or that you need to get out of the asana. (Exception: all good method"Kundalini Yoga of Yogi Bhajan", where extreme loads are practiced, regardless of pain or whatever).
  8. How to learn to relax and recover between yoga workouts (sessions)? it important point... Regularly visit the sauna / bath, sessions of professional sports massage, and regularly do Yoga Nidra (or at least its first part - a detailed relaxation of the body, expanded Shavasana), under the record. In addition, you can use massage mats "Shakti-mat", "Prana-mat" and analogues (Kuznetsov's applicator) - they increase blood circulation in the area of ​​application (usually the back, legs) and accelerate muscle relaxation and recovery.
  9. How do you learn to meditate? From the very first lessons physical yoga start learning meditation in parallel. With the same teacher or with another, or even in the mainstream of Buddhism (Vipassana, etc.) - it doesn't matter at all. The fact, however, is that the practice of yoga is associated with increased stress and some subtle (energetic) processes of restructuring the body, and without relying on relaxation, auto-training practices and deconcentration techniques, which are already included in any eastern system spiritual development- you are in trouble. Save yourself a lot of nerves by mastering at least a couple of the simplest meditation techniques - and practice Hatha to your health. I regularly meet people in yoga classes with a severely injured nervous system, but all you have to do is learn to meditate. This is not difficult. Forewarned is forearmed.
  10. How to learn the basics of philosophy, the basics of methodology, learn the goals and terminology of yoga? Theory is the essence and heart of yoga practice, whatever one may say! Without knowing the basics, your chances of being successful in your practice are close to zero, you will progress blindly. Each yoga teacher will be able to recommend you a whole list of literature that you will master as you have free time. But one thing can be said: without reading at least a cursory two books - "Yoga Sutras" by Patanjali and "Hatha Yoga Pradipiku" by Swatmarama - it is better not even to get up on the rug. Neglecting the banal theory of yoga can be very costly in terms of health in the first year of training. You do not need to thoroughly study the anatomy and subtleties of yoga philosophy (this is more important for teachers), but at least the scheme of 8-step yoga, Yamu-Niyama and in general terms, you need to know about the principles of yoga meditation.
  11. You need to find a Guru! It is believed that in yoga without a Guru - nowhere. This opinion is given in all treatises on yoga. Who is the Guru? Elderly Indian nicknamed "Sri Sri Sri"? Or an Advaita master from the hinterland? A wise woman from the next doorway who still teaches Indian priestess dancing lessons? Or maybe this is the world champion in yoga in heavyweight? And then, and another, and the third and fourth may well turn out to be true. The choice is yours. Trust your keen intellect - and your heart that will help you find YOUR teacher from the hundreds and thousands of those who invite you to classes. But the fact is that without the presence of a person in your "information" field, whom you are equal to in every sense, who teaches you wisdom, you will not see success in yoga. Any person, and especially one who has embarked on the path of personal search and transformation, needs a landmark, a bright beacon, leader, idol, mentor. If you implement this last 10 point for yourself, progress and the previous 9 will go much faster and more reliable.

Perhaps, every person hears the word "yoga". Some were advised by fellow practitioners, some had heard about the benefits of the media. It doesn't matter how a person comes to the desire to master yoga. It is important to understand all its essence and philosophy. Getting started is never easy, especially for a beginner.

You can take advantage of courses conducted by specialists. But if there is not enough time, then the practice can be mastered independently. The main thing is to carefully understand the fundamental principles, and then you can conduct a set of yoga classes for beginners and at home.

The art of yoga came, as you know, from ancient India. The first sources prescribing practices date back to the II-III centuries BC. The history of the emergence and formation of this art is rich and varied. But it is important for any beginner to understand that yoga is not only a complex physical exercise, and a whole way of life, involving the rejection of many benefits modern man.

It is believed that such restrictions and deep meditation can lead a person to spiritual enlightenment. Of course, it is not particularly worthwhile to immediately go into the philosophy of renouncing the benefits of civilization.

Yoga for a modern person is a complex of physical exercises and meditation that helps to focus on one's desires and goals in conditions of constant stress. Thanks to the basic positions, a person learns to relax, concentrate, and also brings his physical form to a more fit and healthy look.

All this is achieved through teaching correct breathing... If you carry out only a set of exercises for beginners, then yoga will become ordinary gymnastics.

Therefore, for a better knowledge of the soul and body, it is worth trying to master the practice of meditation. It is she who will help get rid of bad habits, stress and establish some kind of harmony with yourself.

The usefulness of yoga classes for the body

If we evaluate yoga from the point of view of influence on the work of the body, then the constantly carried out practice is able to normalize the work of individual organs.

In general, a numerous and regularly performed set of exercises (asanas) improves the general well-being of a person:

  • Normalization of sleep is the first thing that is noted at the beginning of mastering the practice;
  • Increasing the body's resistance to colds;
  • Prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Positive effect on the spine, as well as getting rid of deposited salts;
  • Stress tolerance;
  • Normalization of posture and gait.

Yoga, thanks to the postures carried out, has a strengthening effect on the entire body. Correct breathing, exercise stress, the ability to relax the body - all this can save a person from many disorders of the digestive, endocrine and even reproductive systems.

Any beginner asks the question: where to start yoga? If you decide to take classes with an instructor, then a specialist will explain each asana and show you the correct method of execution.

In a home workout environment, the first thing to do is find a suitable and well-designed manual. This can be video tutorials on the Internet, a purchased book manual. The main thing is that the information on each pose is easily explained and clearly demonstrated.

Before proceeding directly to the implementation, it is worth remembering a few simple rules:

  • Yoga is a fluid, calm practice. Abrupt movements, excessive loads are excluded;
  • Do not exercise if it causes pain or discomfort. You must come to mastering complex poses gradually;
  • Start each session with a light warm-up. So you will save yourself from sprains of joints and ligaments;
  • Always watch your breathing. It should be even, and each inhalation and exhalation is done with a clear understanding of the entire respiratory process;
  • You must feel your body. Remove noise sources from the room that can distract you from focusing on the process;
  • To achieve a result, regularity is needed. Set aside 15-20 minutes of daily exercise to get started. This way you will develop a habit of studying and self-discipline;
  • Get a yoga mat. You will have to do it on the floor, and even a small blanket due to sliding will cause a lot of inconvenience.

Contraindications to doing yoga

Like any gymnastics, yoga has a number of medical contraindications:

  • Postponed heart disease;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Oncology;
  • Postoperative period;
  • Diseases of the joints;
  • High blood pressure.

If you are in doubt about whether to start exercising, it is always best to consult your doctor.

Basic poses for beginners

You should always start with easy poses. Even a seemingly uncomplicated asana is able to line up your body in a clear line. The set of the first yoga poses consists of the following techniques:

Tree pose

When performing, it is necessary to stand upright, legs slightly apart. Inhaling slowly, raise your arms as much as possible. Then take them back behind their heads, revealing chest... Try to put one foot against inside hip is different. Catch balance and balance. This asana strengthens the spine, improves coordination of movements.

Baby pose

Take a sitting position with your buttocks on your heels. Smoothly tilt your body down onto your hips. Stretch your arms forward. You will feel how the spine straightens and the tension goes away from the cervical spine.

Dog pose

Get into a standing position. Legs slightly apart. Lower the body down, touching the floor with the palms of outstretched hands. Take your legs back a few steps. The head is down. Your body will take on the shape of a triangle. At the same time, the load is evenly applied to the palms and feet. Well in this position, general fatigue and tension are relieved.

Stork pose

Standing position, legs apart shoulder-width apart. Bending in the body, bend down. Place your palms under your feet. Try to reach your knees with your head. At the same time, try to keep your legs straight at the knees. It improves body tone and plasticity well.

Bow pose

Lie with your stomach down. Spread your legs shoulder-width apart and lift them slightly off the floor. The thighs are straight, the lower leg is lifted up at an angle of 90 degrees. Grab your feet with your hands. You will feel a lot of tension in your back. in this position, the spine is straightened.

After mastering these asanas, you can begin to perform more complex ones. The main thing is to focus on the process and get pleasure from light physical exertion. For clarity, the article contains photos of yoga for beginners.

The beneficial effects and benefits of yoga can be appreciated by anyone who masters initial technique... Start with small, light workouts, gradually increasing the interval.

You can even paint a schedule of yoga for every day, and very soon you will feel the first results. Regular exercise will help you gain self-confidence, relieve stress and get the desired physical shape.

Yoga photo for beginners

Image source:

Sit cross-legged and feel the spine relax and lengthen. You can stretch slightly upward, leaning on your crossed legs. Sit in this position for a couple of minutes, breathe as deeply and evenly as possible. This will help you tune in to effective exercise and lower your stress levels.

Forward tilt

Sit with your legs straight in front of you. Reach your toes slowly. Focus on stretching as you exhale - at this point, the tendons and muscles of the legs will be more flexible for maximum stretch. Repeat this 5 times.

Baby pose

Get on your knees, place them shoulder-width apart, keep your hands behind your torso. Lean forward slowly, lower your head down completely. In such a relaxed position, spend 3-4 minutes with breaks, breathe deeply and evenly, feel how your back is resting.

Place right hand on the left knee. Left hand lock behind the torso, slowly turn to the left. Turn your head together with the body - look to the left. Breathe as deeply as possible! Come back slowly to starting position, feel how the oblique and lateral muscles press, thigh muscles. Repeat with the right leg.

Goddess pose

Lie on your back, bend your knees and bring the soles of your feet together. Keep your hands free at your sides. Breathe evenly, try to stretch internal muscles thighs and feel it. Stay in this position as long as you are comfortable - 2 minutes is enough.

Feet on the wall

Raise your straight legs and place them on the wall. Relax your torso and arms. Spend 3 minutes in this position, inhale the air deeply. Try to drive away all unnecessary thoughts from yourself, feel how tense back and legs are resting.

Free wind pose

Lie on your back, bend your knees, cross your ankles. Put your hands around your knees and hold them tight. Feel the stretch in your thighs and back.

It may be difficult at first, but once you understand your body, it will be incredibly pleasant to do the exercise: this posture relieves the spine from the load in a minute! Remember to breathe deeply.

Dove pose

Get on all fours, keep your hands shoulder-width apart. Bring your left knee forward, place it between your hands. Right leg take it back and straighten. Lean your entire body forward, moving your center of gravity over your left knee. Hold this position for a minute, switch legs.
This exercise relieves pain in the legs, swelling, and has a beneficial effect on the muscles of the back.

Awakening pose

Lie on your back, spread your arms wide to the sides. Bring your right knee to your chest. Then turn the whole body to the left, while keeping your back straight. Stay in this position for about 3 minutes, repeat on the other side. This position is very useful for anyone who often has back pain in the coccyx area.

Fish pose

Lie on your back. Place your hands under your hips. Slowly lift your chest up, throwing your head back. Breathe slowly. Slowly lower yourself down.

After such a charge, it is as if you are born anew! Muscle clamps go away, pain caused by fatigue and overwork disappears, the spine straightens. This relaxes the neck and improves blood circulation in the brain. There will be no trace of headaches and sleep problems!

What to do if there is not enough time for classes? Or a schedule in a suitable sports club Doesn't suit you at all? Of course, study at home. Easy to say, but not so easy to do. Especially when it comes to yoga. Indeed, unlike the squats and push-ups that we do while doing fitness, yoga asanas are practiced, which not everyone knows. In this regard, many who wish to join this ancient practice lose patience on the first try.

Someone starts by studying the literature, someone is looking for suitable video tutorials, but let us tell you a little secret: no book or wise thought will give your body health and flexibility, for this you need to do exercises. Realizing how difficult it is to quickly gather the information you need and organize your thoughts on where to start, we've prepared some basic tips to make your start easier and more productive.

Doing yoga, you must be in complete harmony with yourself. Nothing should distract or annoy you. For complete convenience, before starting classes, arrange for yourself a special place where you can calmly do the exercises. Decorate it in a specific style, hang pictures, photographs, or add other things to lift the mood. Set up flowerpots with pretty plants.

It is good if this "corner" is near the window so that you can get maximum light and solar energy. It is important that the area of ​​your home where you plan your classes is free of unnecessary furniture and other items that you could be injured by.

When you decide on the place where you will study, proceed with its arrangement. First of all, it is worth purchasing a special yoga mat. There are an unlimited number of options on the market today at any price and with different functions.

The cheapest rugs are synthetic tracks for those who are just starting to practice or are not sure that they will be practicing for a long time. Those who are inclined to long-term training buy rugs made of natural rubber, to which particles of rubber or jute are added.

Consider purchasing a yoga blanket as it will come in handy for keeping warm as well as comfort while doing some of the poses. Small pads under the knees and for meditation will also be useful.

There are a lot of yoga styles, and before starting full-fledged classes, you should decide which direction is most suitable for you and you like. How to find out? The easiest way is to visit group lessons and mingle with experienced practitioners. It is not necessary to buy subscriptions, if this is not yours, you will find out about this already on a trial lesson.

The most widespread and popular is Hatka yoga. Beginners are advised to start their journey with Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga. For lovers of active and dynamic activities, Kundalini yoga is suitable. For pregnant women and those who are afraid of injury, it is better to start with B.K.S. Iyengar. The choice of yoga style also depends on the goals that you pursue: look for a path to self-knowledge, want to lose weight, want to improve your health, etc.

It doesn't matter if you study on your own or attend group classes, you need a guru - a teacher who will open up to you new world, the world of yoga. If there is an opportunity to communicate with him live, then visit at least a few of his lessons in order to later use the knowledge gained in practice. If this is not possible, then watch his videos and listen to lectures. Today, finding your teacher is not very difficult. Read recommendations, view reviews and get the opinions of friends.

Today, it is very popular to use mobile applications for sports. Yoga is no exception. There are tons of services to help you do your favorite exercises anywhere and anytime. Most of them are free. If you are going to relax outside the city or go on a trip, then such applications will be simply irreplaceable.

We advise you to pay attention to Pocket Yoga. This program includes 200 asanas accompanied by illustrations, music and breathing techniques... In text mode, there is also detailed information about each pose. In addition to all this, you can keep a journal of your own achievements. And DailyYoga will offer ready-made courses, the duration of which you can choose yourself. This service is excellent suitable for beginners yogis.

For those who are afraid to start practicing yoga due to lack of time, the Salute the Desk application was created. It offers a specific set of asanas that can be performed while sitting at the desk.

It doesn't matter which physical form you are, you can always do yoga. But! Regulate loads. Start small and gradually increase your training time. And remember, yoga was not created for weight loss or just another form of fitness. Yoga is a way to achieve spiritual balance, a path to self-knowledge and purification of the body. This takes a lot of time, do not rush things. In addition, many asanas require good physical fitness... Going to comprehend them ahead of time, you run the risk of serious injury.

The musical accompaniment of yoga classes will not only cheer you up, but also create a special atmosphere that is so important during practice. You can use headphones, but it's better to turn on the music on a separate device from you so that nothing unnecessary gets in the way. Create your own playlist, which will include only your favorite and pleasant tunes or, if you are a little lazy, you can easily find it on the net. Decide on the style of yoga music.

It doesn't matter for what purpose you decide to start yoga classes, and what success you want to achieve, your practice should be regular. In this, yoga is absolutely no different from any other sports. Be disciplined and then you will receive fruits from your efforts. You should not go headlong into classes at the very beginning, save your strength for further training.

Experts are of the opinion that beginners will only need to study 15 minutes twice a week... This is the only way your inspiration and motivation will last for a long time. Try not to skip practice, especially since modern technologies allow you to exercise anywhere and in any conditions. Just a quarter of an hour is enough to change your life, is that a lot?

And nothing else. When you start doing yoga, you must really want it. This is the only way you will achieve results and benefit. Each lesson should evoke positive emotions. If you are in a bad mood or very tired, then first calm down and exhale, and only then start the exercises. After training, there should be only good impressions, if they are not, this is a sign that it is time to stop and think, you are most likely doing something wrong. Don't take too long. Already in the first practices, determine objectively how much time you want to devote to yoga. Go beyond that only if you feel a really strong urge to continue.

The main purpose of yoga is to prepare the body for meditation. It is very important to meditate after a set of exercises. Take some time to give your body rest and rejuvenation. Relax not only the body, but also the mind. There are many types of meditation. Define your look and practice it.

For beginners, it is best to start with breathing meditation, where the concentration of attention is focused only on inhalation and exhalation. We will not go deep and talk about the benefits of meditation for a person, we will only clarify that it invigorates and gives a lot of strength and energy for the whole day, so if possible, devote some time to spiritual practice in the morning.

As well as for performing asanas, special accompaniment will be useful to you -. You can download the appropriate apps to your phone, or simply compose your own collection of inspiring and soothing ringtones.

Starting yoga classes on your own at home is not that difficult, especially when you consider the benefits of it. All the problems, difficulties and stresses that have accumulated over the whole day will seem like something very distant, you will get a boost of energy, and your body will become fit and strong. Listen to yourself as you start practicing. Your body, like no one else, knows where to start and what aspects should be paid attention to. Do you practice yoga? Share your experience with us in the comments.

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