Slimming method of Marina Afrikantova from home 2. Marina Afrikantova before and after losing weight - a real story

What helped TV presenter Marina Afrikantova lose weight?

How did Marina Afrikantova lose weight? You will find the answer in this article. Marina Afrikantova is known as a participant in the popular television project Dom-2. It is very popular in Russia and everyone is actively discussing the life of its members. The arrival in the project of a beautiful slender blonde is an arbitrariness. The audience admired her figure and slenderness. But in the public domain, it became the fact that the girl was not always like that. And even slender Marina Afrikantova went through the throes of losing weight.

How did Marina Afrikantova manage to lose those extra pounds?

The main question was how she did it. The participant was happy to share it with viewers, we will list her tips.

Not everyone believed that the girl had achieved such results herself. They wanted to convict her that she resorted to the services of plastic surgeons, consumed goji berries or drank magic cocktails for weight loss. But Marina made her figure herself. For this you only need sports and proper nutrition.

For sports, the girl chose exercises in which all muscle groups are involved. And also she really liked to run, at least twenty minutes a day and you will be full of strength and energy. Not lying on the couch, but playing sports, you will provide yourself slender body and youth.

The next item in Marina Afrikantova's weight loss was the choice of diet. She did not immediately decide which one would suit her and therefore tried several.

Diets that helped Marina Afrikantova

And when Marina Afrikantova dropped 10 kg, she only had to maintain the result. For this, she switched to proper nutrition and went in for sports. That's all the secrets that the girl revealed to the audience.

Marina Afrikantova is a participant of the House 2 project. Fans of this program remember their heroine with a charming crumpet: this is how she appeared on the TV project. However, after a while, the model surprised everyone with her new built forms. At the same time, Afrikantova did not look exhausted by diets and exercises. On the contrary, her appearance was refreshed, her hair shone with beauty and strength. How did she achieve such results?

How did Afrikantova lose weight?

There are many frank messages on the network allegedly from Afrikantova that the girl lost weight thanks to miraculous clips, slimming sweets, chewing gum, baths with soda, exercise equipment, etc. However, such stories are just a publicity stunt. Marina's secret is Afrikantova's special diet, in which, by the way, there is nothing miraculous.

Marina Afrikantova, before appearing on the TV project, was a slender model. Excess weight was the result of hormonal disorders in the body and stress that happened after breaking up with a loved one. But the participant of House 2 decided to pull herself together and put her body in order. For this, the diet had to be adjusted. The girl assures: no pills will help you lose weight if you do not change the menu. At first Afrikantova tried several popular diets, among which there was a buckwheat diet and a Hollywood one. However, the results they gave did not suit Marina. How Marina Afrikantova from house 2 lost weight is not a mystery today. Afrikantova's diet is available to everyone. What does it consist of?

House 2 participant menu

Let's reveal the secret of how Afrikantova Marina actually lost weight. The first thing that the participant of House 2 did was to give up fatty and fried foods. All products were taken only in boiled or stewed form. Sugar, flour products, sweets were banned. It is they, according to Afrikantova, that cause rapid weight gain. Only sometimes did the girl allow herself tea with honey. Coffee and carbonated drinks must also be excluded from the menu.

The next step was to closely control the calories eaten throughout the day. With average physical exertion, 1000-1300 kcal per day is enough. Calorie counting is easy for anyone. There are special tables of calorie content of dishes and products, as well as online calculators.

The third condition is regular physical exercise... Marina Afrikantova used jogging in the morning for 20 minutes for these purposes. However, the exercises can be different. To lead an active lifestyle, you can go for a walk, walk your dog, walk an extra stop before work. Can be found different options physical activity, the main thing is that you like them.

The diet menu can be compiled independently, with the help of a nutritionist, or you can use the one offered by Marina Afrikantova's diet for the laziest. Within 6 days, you must adhere to the prescribed diet, then repeat it twice more within 12 days.

First day

  1. A glass of kefir with a slice of black bread is offered for breakfast.
  2. At lunch, the diet is the same, only instead of kefir - milk.
  3. For dinner, half a liter of kefir with an apple.

Second day

  1. For breakfast, you need to eat a slice of black bread and drink a glass of tomato juice (you do not need to add salt to it).
  2. At lunchtime, the menu is repeated.
  3. Dinner will only consist of a glass of tomato juice.

The third day

  1. For breakfast - a sandwich with black bread and a slice of cheese.
  2. At lunchtime, you can diversify the menu and eat a portion of boiled fish and a glass of broth.
  3. For dinner, 0.1 kg of boiled chicken meat is offered.

Fourth day

  1. We have breakfast with boiled oatmeal in water with a spoonful of honey.
  2. For lunch - a slice of black bread and a cup of broth.
  3. For dinner we eat a couple of boiled eggs and a glass of kefir.

Fifth day

  1. Breakfast consists of a couple of fresh apples and a glass of fresh juice.
  2. We have lunch with vegetable soup with a salad of fresh vegetables.
  3. We have dinner with a salad of cucumbers, cabbage and carrots.

Sixth day

  1. You can have breakfast with two oranges and a cup of tea.
  2. For lunch, a vinaigrette with fruit juice is offered.
  3. We have dinner with fruit salad and a glass of kefir.

Such detailed menu can not be called simple, but seeing what Marina Afrikantova looks like before and after losing weight photos, you can find willpower in yourself and repeat her "feat".

What are the results?

The effect achieved by Marina Afrikantova is amazing. She was able to lose almost 30 kg in a month. However, doctors advise against extending the diet for more than 20 days. The fact is that this diet is quite modest, and can seriously disrupt the functions of the stomach and intestines. After a 20-day diet, you must switch to balanced diet with limited calories. When all the unnecessary fat is gone, the number of calories can be increased. However, physical activity and proper nutrition will have to be maintained, otherwise the weight will begin to return.

Many netizens have already tried this diet on themselves. What did this lead to? If you strictly adhere to the described diet, you can really lose 15 kg in a month. The secret of the diet is in a limited number of calories. If a person usually consumes about 1500-2000 kcal, then a diet of 1000 kcal will create an energy deficit for the body. To make up for the deficiency, the body begins to process reserves - excess fat. Due to this, weight loss occurs. But you need not to overdo it and stop in time: as soon as the lack of calories begins to affect health, the diet needs to be revised.

Marina Afrikantova, after a six-month break, returned to the TV show "Dom-2" transformed. It was a truly triumphant return, because in just a few months the girl had changed beyond recognition. The entire Internet was just "buzzing", discussing how Afrikantova managed to lose so much weight. In the article you will find real secrets harmony of the participant of the reality show.

Marina Afrikantova before and after losing weight - a real story

Even before leaving the TV show, Marina met with Andrei Cherkasov. For a long time, the couple was in the stage of constant quarrels and misunderstandings. Many viewers believed that Afrikantova's break with Cherkasov occurred precisely on the basis of her completeness. And it is not surprising: at the time of parting with Andrei, Marina weighed 91 kg.

However, the participant of House-2 herself claims that the reason for the breakup was not her appearance at all. Regular clashes with the young man made the girl more and more suffering. Stress and depression negatively affected her figure. And when it became clear that parting was inevitable, Afrikantova finally got fat. Thus, the complicated relationship influenced Marina's volumes, and not vice versa.

On the TV project, Marina more than once became the object of jokes from other participants. She was very upset because of the ridicule on her face. As Afrikantova herself says, the features of her physique are such that fat is localized primarily on the face. In addition, in the Seychelles, the girl caught an allergy, which she went to treat after breaking up with Cherkasov. In an interview, Marina asks not to confuse severe obesity with an allergic reaction, from which the face swells. Looking at Afrikantova before and after losing weight, one can really believe in her illness: the girl's former face was swollen, edematous and very much like the face of a sick person.

The participant's ill-wishers spread a lot of rumors on the Internet. The most important of them is that Afrikantova has dramatically lost weight thanks to surgery. The girl herself denies plastic surgery. However, experts assure that the pumping of fat from the cheeks and a change in the shape of the nose are clearly visible on Marina's face.

Afrikantova before and after losing weight: photos, secrets of harmony

Afrikantova does not reveal any secrets of magic weight loss. She only says that at some point she realized that she could no longer tolerate the ridicule and inattention of men.

Marina independently tried a huge number of diets:, mono-diets, carbohydrate, protein, kefir diet and many others. Losing 4-5 kg ​​on each, she returned all of them immediately upon stopping the diet.

Until recently, one of the most intelligent participants in the television project "Dom-2" had very immodest forms. It is unknown what caused excess weight- parting with Yegor Kholyavin or hormonal disruption in the body. On this occasion, the girl did not make official statements. Even after Marina recovered, she could not be called fat. However, Marina Afrikantova greatly recovered on her face, abdomen and hips, which for her, as for a former model, was a real disaster.

But in just a few months a miracle happened: the participant of "House-2" managed to regain her former shape. Marina returned to the project losing 10 kg. Judging by the girl's radiant skin, hair and excellent mood, you can't say that she tortured herself with hungry diets and painful workouts. So, how did Marina Afrikantova lose weight?

The history of weight loss and diet of Marina Afrikantova

Constant quarrels and misunderstandings with your beloved boyfriend led to depression and quick dial weight. Mono diets didn't help. The former beauty queen was forced to take drastic measures. In her case, it was a lifestyle change. Since Afrikantova herself prefers not to share with everyone the complete method of her weight loss, according to the stories of friends and publications in the media, we have compiled only an approximate list of actions that led to a good result (about 25 kilograms of lost weight).

Marina Afrikantova's diet consisted in a strict restriction of daily calories consumed, a complete ban on certain foods and a diet. That is, by and large, the essence of losing weight is to reduce the energy value of food entering the body, and a parallel increase in energy consumption.

What the diet of Marina Afrikantova prohibits:

  • baked goods, especially baked goods;
  • flour products (including pasta);
  • sweet confectionery;
  • foods rich in fat;
  • carbonated drinks.

What is the secret of Marina Afrikantova's diet from House 2

Most recently, this girl was distinguished by an impressive figure, and suddenly she changed. Serious disputes erupted on the Internet about what it was: the result plastic surgery? If not, then what diet was Marina Afrikantova on? Soon, the participant gave an interview in which she shared her secret. The whole secret of Marina's diet lies in severe calorie restriction in the diet, eating healthy foods and sports training.

Nutrition on the Afrikantov diet

The Afrikantova diet for the lazy consists in the use of certain foods for 6 days, after which the diet must be repeated 2 more times. If losing weight on a diet is difficult for you, then you can add snacks in the form of vegetables or fruits to the diet, but take into account the effect of the diet will be reduced.

Useful information for losing weight

Marina Afrikantova's diet menu


  • Breakfast- 1 glass of low-fat kefir and a slice of black bread;
  • Dinner- a slice of black bread, 1 glass of milk;
  • Dinner- 0.5 kefir, 1 apple.


  • Breakfast- 1 glass of tomato juice without salt and brown bread;
  • Dinner- tomato juice with a slice of black bread
  • Dinner- 1 liter of tomato juice.


  • Breakfast- a sandwich with black bread and cheese;
  • Dinner- 100 grams of boiled fish and a cup of broth;
  • Dinner- 100 grams of boiled chicken meat.


  • Breakfast- oatmeal with a spoonful of honey;
  • Dinnerchicken bouillon and a slice of black bread;
  • Dinner- 2 boiled eggs, half a liter of kefir.


  • Breakfast- 2 apples and a glass of freshly squeezed juice;
  • Dinner- light vegetable soup and fresh vegetables;
  • Dinner- salad of carrots, cabbage and cucumbers.


  • Breakfast- 2 oranges and a cup of tea;
  • Dinner- vinaigrette and fruit juice without sugar;
  • Dinner- fruit salad and a liter of low-fat kefir.

After six days, the diet should be repeated. Do not stick to this diet for more than 20 days, as it can negatively affect gastrointestinal tract... If the result does not suit you, you can repeat the diet, but not more often than 1 time in 2 months.

Helpful information

Marina Afrikantova's golden rules for losing weight

Marina Afrikantova's diet has borne fruit - now the girl weighs 53 kg with a height of 177 cm. The girl admitted that she lost weight thanks to daily calorie control. The daily calorie intake should be between 1000 and 1300 kcal. This is how you can force the body to burn its own fat. Products with a high percentage of fat, baked goods, sweets and pickles were under an iron ban. Marina completely gave up sugar, only occasionally adding a little honey to her tea.

According to nutritionists, the method that Marina chose to return to its previous shape is correct and does not harm the body. But the strict restriction regimen should be observed for no longer than a month. When the weight returns to normal, you need to slightly increase your daily calorie intake, but only at the expense of healthy food.

So that in the future the extra pounds do not return again in the form of legs and "ears" above the hips, we must not forget about physical activity... Running, dancing, walking the dog - the main thing is to give your body a sufficient load. At the right approach, Marina Afrikantova's diet will help you lose 5 to 15 kg.

Marina Afrikantova's diet: Reviews

Doctors - nutritionists are convinced that Marina's weight loss technique brings nice results, the effectiveness provides a reduction in calorie content and fat content of food.

It costs no more than half a month to follow a diet, since due to insufficient balance, the body will not receive the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Love, 25 years old:
“I haven't looked at house 2 for a long time, and then I saw how Afrikantova lost weight. I went looking and found this diet. I sit on it for about a month - the flight is normal. Minus 4 kg of fat. And I also started to go in for sports, and this also raises my spirits! "

Anastasia, 29 years old:
“A friend told about Afrikantova's diet and decided to try it. Now together with a friend we are on this diet. We don't see any difficulties, but there are many advantages. Weight decreased in the first week by 3 kg, in the second week by another 2 kg. Very like!"

Olga, 36 years old:
“It’s difficult at first, after all, I’m not used to such restrictions on the amount of food. But after a few days the stomach gets used to it and no longer groans in the evenings that it is half empty.

Marina Afrikantova, a participant in the popular television project Dom-2, managed to become a recognizable person not so much because of her relationship on the project, but with the help of drastic changes in appearance... In her first stay on the "TV set" Marina did not differ in her slender figure - the girl had about three dozen extra pounds, which spoiled her quite pretty appearance.

Marina's return to the project amazed the presenters, spectators and participants - they saw a slender person with a seductive figure of a real photo model. Let's figure out what way Afrikantova went in trying to lose weight, and what is her secret of success in achieving dizzying physical shape!

How Marina Afrikantova has changed: photos before and after losing weight

The way to lose weight

Like any girl who seeks to lose more than a dozen kilograms, Marina has tried many popular techniques that promise miraculous weight loss. At one time Afrikantova adhered to the rules:

  • Hollywood weight loss, excluding sugar and flour;
  • ate only one cabbage and seafood according to the precepts of Japanese models;
  • applied a Brazilian diet based on vegetable soups;
  • arranged unloading, using only non-carbonated mineral water;
  • sat on buckwheat without salt and oil.

Nevertheless, only the first 5 kg went off with a bang, and the rest sat in place, as if nailed down. Another girl could despair and give up on fruitless attempts to lose weight, assuring herself that "wide" bone and unfavorable genetics will never allow her to achieve a slim figure. But not MarinaI And now, returning to the Dom-2 project, she proudly demonstrated the forms that any fashion model can envy.

This event sparked a lot of rumors. Many did not believe that it was only a matter of diet. Marina was suspected of plastic surgery, gastric resection, the use of special clips and Thai diet pills. Afrikantova, having decided to dot the i's, calmed the public by sharing her secret. As it turned out, it consists only in a low-calorie diet, combined with light cardio loads.

The diet offered by Marina is designed for a twenty-day period, during which high-calorie foods are prohibited. For a faster process of burning calories and toning the body, you should also run or walk very quickly for 20-25 minutes daily. That's the whole secret that allowed Marina to cope with almost three dozen kilograms of excess weight.

Light cardio loads allowed Marina to find a toned body

Marina refers to the number of products that are prohibited for use:

  • bakery products, sweet pastries, noodles, pasta and confectionery products;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • potatoes of any kind and method of preparation;
  • any foods high in fat;
  • sweet soda water.

Afrikantova warns that in three weeks of a low-calorie diet, the body will not receive many important micronutrients, so it is important to take fortified complexes. Taking multivitamin supplements is a must, otherwise you can get nasty health problems or at least find your hair dull, your skin dry, and your nails brittle.

How to eat?

Marina's diet is of the cyclical type, that is, a certain set of food products will sooner or later be repeated. In this case, the products recommended by Afrikantova are distributed over 6 days, after which the cycle is repeated two more times.

Girls who are so low calorie diet If it seems too complicated, they can add a few snacks to their daily routine, consisting of a serving of vegetables or light fruits (for example, apples). However, Marina warns that the effectiveness of the diet may suffer from this, although it will be much easier for you to tolerate it. The most difficult, according to Afrikantova's reviews, are the first few days.

Low-calorie cyclic diet is the secret of Africantova weight loss

Marina Afrikantova's menu by day

We will write a menu for every day.

On Mondays:

  • breakfast consists of a glass of low-fat kefir and a slice of dark bread;
  • lunch includes 200 ml of milk and dark bread toast;
  • dinner involves a green apple and 400 ml of low-fat kefir.

On Tuesdays:

  • breakfast is offered 200 ml of tomato juice and black bread toast (can be replaced with a cup of coffee with milk and a spoonful of honey);
  • have lunch with 250 ml of tomato juice in a bite with a slice of dark bread;
  • have dinner with a liter of unsalted tomato juice.

On Wednesdays:

  • breakfast consists of a slice of dark bread and a slice of low-fat cheese;
  • for lunch, it is proposed to eat 200 ml of broth and a piece of steamed fish;
  • for dinner, you can eat 120 g of boiled chicken breast.

On Thursdays:

  • at the first meal, you should give preference to steamed oatmeal with a spoonful of honey;
  • in the second - broth on chicken breast and a slice of dark bread;
  • in the third - two boiled eggs and 450 ml of fat-free kefir.

On Fridays:

  • for breakfast, you can eat a couple of green apples and drink 250 ml of vegetable juice;
  • for lunch, vegetarian soup with vegetables, cucumber, tomato is allowed;
  • for dinner, you can eat a salad of grated carrots, shredded cabbage and half a cucumber (you can replace 110 g of boiled chicken breast and a glass of kefir).

On Saturdays:

  • for breakfast, you can have a couple of oranges and a cup of green tea;
  • for lunch, eat 200 g of vinaigrette and drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice;
  • for dinner, a fruit salad, seasoned with low-fat natural yogurt, and 700 ml of kefir are offered.

The Express Diet will help you get in shape for an important event!

When six days on such a diet have elapsed, you need to repeat the food cycle two more times, however, it is not recommended to adhere to this menu for longer than 18-20 days, as this threatens to seriously disrupt the work of the gastrointestinal tract. The diet can be carried out every 60 days.

There are already a lot of reviews on the network from girls who have lost weight according to Marina's method. Some of them say that in twenty days they managed to get rid of 20 hated kilograms, and twenty minutes of jogging helped to keep the body in good shape, avoiding the ugly sagging of the skin due to a sharp weight loss.

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