Beach tennis. L


The game of beach tennis originated in Italy back in the 90s of the last century. Already at the end of the 90s, beach tennis tournaments were held in Italy. Initially, it was played by tennis players as entertainment plus training of the game on the fly and at the net. But the very idea of ​​playing on the fly, the excitement and staginess of this sport was very much liked not only by tennis players, but also simply by athletes. It is not for nothing that today in the world 10 there are people who do not play tennis.

The top lines of the ratings are occupied mainly by Italians. Beach tennis is very developed in this country. Everyone, young and old, plays. Italy is washed by two seas, and its favorable geographical location allows playing on the sand even in late autumn and already in early spring... Each beach has 2-3 playgrounds, which are constantly busy in summer.

Several companies today are fighting for the right to be the best manufacturer beach tennis equipment and clothing: MBT (High Power), Vision, Rakketone, TK, etc. Beach tennis rackets are made of fiberglass, carbon fiber, kevlar. New materials and coatings for racquets are constantly being developed and introduced. Grids, platforms, markings are produced. The clothing is produced in collaboration with global companies such as Adidas. Beach tennis balls are used with reduced pressure from different manufacturers (Babolat, Head, MBT Soft, Vision soft, etc.)

Sport + pleasure is perfect formula popularity of beach tennis in the world. One of the few sports that can be played with music. Warm soft sand into which it is not scary to fall. The dynamics and excitement of the game. Also, the atmosphere of a beach holiday is attracting more and more fans all over the world!

Basic rules of the game

1. Court

The court is a rectangle 16 meters long and 8 meters wide.

The court should be divided in the middle by a net attached to a wire or a metal rope attached to two posts. The net must be positioned in such a way as to completely cover the space between the two posts and have cells of such a size that the ball cannot fly through them. In the center, the net should be 1.7 meters high. The metal cable and the top of the net should be covered with a strip of cloth.

The court lines must be between 2.5 cm and 5 cm wide and only the back line can be up to 10 cm wide.
All court measurements must be taken from the outer edges of the lines and all court lines must be of the same color that contrasts with the color of the court surface.

2. Playing surface

The playing surface must be covered with sand at the same level, as flat as possible, there can be no stones, shells or other foreign objects on the playing surface. The playing surface must not pose any danger to the players.

3. Permanent equipment

Permanent court equipment includes a railing behind and to the side of the court, spectators, tribune and spectator seats, and all other equipment around and above the court, the umpire, linesmen and server in the positions determined for them by the rules.

4. Balls

Level 2 balls (balls with lower compression “orange”) must be ITF approved.

Tennis balls and the cover classification booklet are approved for play.

5. Racket

The racket must not exceed 50 cm long and 26 cm wide and 38 mm wide in profile.

The center part of the racket may have an indefinite number of holes from 9mm to 13mm in diameter, the length and shape of the holes may be different, provided that this does not affect the essence of the game. The playing surface must be flat, but may be smooth or rough and should not exceed 30 cm in length and 26 cm in width.

6. Score in the match

The match can be played in 3 sets (a pair needs to win 2 sets to
winning a match) or 5 sets (a pair needs to win 3 sets to
winning the match). The chosen format must be announced prior to the start of the competition.

7. Account in the set

There are various methods of counting in a set. two main methods "Full set"
and Tie-Break Set. Any method can be used provided the format is announced prior to the tournament. If a Tie-Break Set is being played, then the format of the last set must also be announced - Tie-Break Set or Full Set.

a) "Full set"
The first pair to win six games is that set, provided there is a gap of 2 games between pairs. If necessary, the set continues until such a gap is reached.
b) "Tie-break set"
The first pair to win six games is that set, provided there is a gap of 2 games between pairs. If the score is 6, a tie-break is played.

8. Game score

If there is no umpire, the server must announce the game score before each rally.

A. Standard game.
A standard game is played with the score, which must be announced by the server first:
No point - "Zero"
First point - "Fifteen"
Second point - "Thirty"
Third point - "Forty"
The fourth point is "Game".
When both pairs have won three points each, then the score is declared "Exactly". At "Exactly" the "Decisive point" is played. The pair that wins the Decisive Point wins the game.
B. Tie-break game.
During a tie-break, points are counted as follows: "Zero", "One", "Two", "Three" and so on. The player who is the first to win 7 points with an advantage of at least two points over the opponent wins the "Game" and "Set". If necessary, a tie-break continues until a two-point advantage is achieved.

The player whose turn it is to serve will serve the first rally of the tie-break. The next two rallies are served by the opponents (in a doubles match, the player of the other pair, in accordance with the order of serving in the pair). Further, each pair serves in turn two consecutive rallies until the end of the tie-break (in a doubles match, the order of service in the tie-break must correspond to the order of service in the set).

9. Receiver and server

Pairs must be on opposite sides of the court from the net. The server is the player who kicked the ball into play for the first point. The players in a pair who are ready to return the ball to the other side are the receivers.

Before the start of each point, the receivers must take up their positions, following the server who will serve. The hosts may not change their positions relative to each other even when the server is ready.

10. Side selection and serve

The right to choose the side of the court or the order of service in the first game is determined by drawing lots before the start of the warm-up. The player or the couple who won the toss may choose:

A. Serve or receive in the first game of the match, then the opponent must choose the side of the court on which he will be in the first game; or
B. To the side of the court, then the opponent must choose to serve or receive in the first game; or
C. To oblige the opponent to choose first.

11. Switching sides

Players must switch sides at the end of the first, third and each subsequent odd game of each set. Also, players must switch sides at the end of the set if the number of games played in the set is odd. If the sum of the games played in a set is even, the change of sides occurs after the first game of the next set.

During a tie-break, players must switch sides after every four points played.

12. Ball in play

If a service error is not recorded ("Fault") and a replay is not announced ("Years"), the ball is in play from the moment the server enters the game until the end of the point.

13. The ball touches the line

If the ball touches a line, it is considered to have touched the part of the court bounded by that line.

In the event of a change in the position of the line, the players can ask the referee to pull the line or do it themselves. If the match is played without a referee. But this action will not affect the outcome of the previous draw.

14. The ball touches permanent equipment on the court.

If the ball touches permanent equipment while in play, the kicker loses a point.

15. Procedure for serving

In a doubles match, the players of the pair to serve should determine who serves in the first game. Before the second game, their rivals must decide the same. The teammate of the server in the first game must serve in the third game, and the teammate of the server in the second game must serve in the fourth game. This sequence must be maintained until the end of the set.

16. The order of the reception

The ball brought into play by the server may be played by any player in a pair on the opposite side of the net.

17. Feed

Immediately before the start of the service move, the server must stand with both feet behind the backline and within the imaginary extension of the sidelines.

The server must toss the ball in any direction with his hand and hit the ball with his racket before it hits the ground. The service movement is completed when the ball is hit or missed. A player with only one working hand can use a racket to toss the ball.

18. Serving process

During the serving, the server may take any position behind the court.

The service must fly to the other side over the net before the receiver hits it.
There is no second serve.
In mixed pairs, men must serve from the bottom.

19. Foot Fault

During the service movement, the server must not:

A. Change your position, although small movements of the legs are allowed; or
B. Touching the back line or court with either foot; or
B. Touch any foot outside of the imaginary extension of the lateral line; or
D. Step on the back line or place your foot under the back line.
If the pitcher breaks this rule, "Foot Foult" is called.

20. Feed error

The submission is considered erroneous if:

A. Server fouls Laws 17, 18, 19; or
B. Server misses while trying to hit the ball; or
B. The ball, after serving, touches a stationary equipment, a single post or a net anchorage post; or
D. The ball, after serving, touches the server either his partner or their clothing or objects in their hands.

21. When to serve and receive

The server must not serve until the hosts are ready. The receivers, in turn, must play at a reasonable pace for the server and must be ready to receive after a reasonable time when the server is ready to serve.

22. Replay the serve

A service that touches the net is in play (no replay).

23. Replay (Let)

In all cases where a point replay is declared, the point must be replayed

24. A couple loses a point if:

A point is considered lost if:

A. Server has made a mistake in serving; or
B. A double player fails to hit the ball in play before it bounces off the ground; or
B. A player in a pair, bouncing the ball in play, sends it to the ground or to objects outside the opponent's court; or
D. If a ball hit by a player hits the permanent equipment before it lands; or
E. If a player from a pair deliberately catches the racket, or deliberately hits the ball in play twice in a row; or
G. If a player from a pair, a racket, in the player's hand, or out of his hands, or the player's clothing, or objects in the player's hands touch the net, net posts, wire or metal cable, strip or net strap, or the opponent's court at any time when the ball is in play; or
H. A player strikes the ball before it crosses the net; or
I. The ball, while in play, touches any player of the pair, his clothing or what he wears other than the racket; or
K. The ball, while in play, touches a racket that a player of a pair is not holding; or
L. A player deliberately and substantially changes the shape of the racket during a point; or
M. Both players bounce the ball and touch it.
H. After the service, the server's racket falls out of hand and touches the net before the ball touches the ground.

25. Correctly hitched ball

The ball is hit correctly if:

A. The batted ball, touching the net, anchorage post or a single stand, cable, strip or belt, flying over them, falls into the court; or
B. The ball, flying outside the limits of the net, regardless of above or below it, even touching the posts of the anchorage of the net, enters the court; or
B. A player's racket flies over the net after a player kicks on his side and the ball enters the opponent's court; or
D. A player strikes a ball in play that hits another ball in the court.

26. Interference

Players win a point if the opponents intentionally interfered with the point.

At the same time, the rally must be replayed if the interference was caused by an unintentional action by one of the opponents, or by something independent of the players (excluding permanent equipment).

27. Bug fixes

If an error is found, all points played remain. The detected errors are corrected as follows:

A. In a regular game or tie-break, if the players did not mistakenly switch sides of the court, the error is corrected immediately, the server must serve with the right side court, depending on the score.
If a player mistakenly serves out of turn in a regular game, the player whose turn it is to serve must serve as soon as the error is discovered. However, if a full game is played before the error is detected, the other service order is retained.
B. If a tie-break service sequence error is discovered after an even number of rallies have been played, it will be corrected immediately. If the error is discovered after an odd number of rallies have been played, the new service order is retained.
B. If with the announced “full set”, with the score “six”, the players start a tie-break, the error is corrected immediately if only one point was played in the tie-break. If an error is discovered after the second rally, the set continues as a tie-break set.
D. If, with the announced tie-break set, with the score of six, the players start a regular game, the error is corrected immediately if only one point is played. If an error is found after the second rally, the set continues as a “full set” until a count of “eight” (or even numbers), after which a tie-break must be played.

E. If by mistake instead of a “tie-break match” the players start a decisive set, “full set” or “tie-break set”, the error is corrected immediately if only one point is played. If an error is found, after the start of the second point, the players must continue the set until one of them wins 3 games (and therefore the set), or if the score becomes “two by two”, a “match tie-break ". At the same time, if an error is found after the start of the 5th game, the set must be continued as a tie-break set.

28. Powers of judges

The referees, their powers and responsibilities in the matches for which they are appointed, see Appendix V to the Rules of Tennis.

29. Continuity of play

As a general rule, play shall be uninterrupted from the start (when the first service of the first rally is served) until the end of the match.

A. The time interval between rallies must be no more than 20 seconds. When players change sides, the time interval should be no more than 90 seconds. At the same time, after the first game of each set and when changing sides in a tie-break, the game must continue and the players change sides without rest.
At the end of each set, there must be a set-break of no more than 120 seconds. The countdown begins after the ball has left the game of the previous rally, until the ball is introduced for the next rally.
Professional tournament organizers may ask the International Tennis Federation for permission to increase the time allowed for side switching (90 seconds) and set breaks (120 seconds).
B. If, for a reason beyond the control of the player, one player in a pair of clothing, shoes or necessary equipment(excluding the racket) are out of order or in need of replacement, the player can receive an appropriate additional time to fix the problem.
C. No extra time can be given to restore physical condition. At the same time, a player suffering from a physical ailment that can be cured is entitled to one medical break of 3 minutes to treat the ailment.
D. Tournament organizers may allow up to 10 minutes of rest if announced in advance of the start of the tournament. This break can be taken at the end of the 3rd set in a 5-set match or at the end of the 2nd set in a 3-set match.
E. Warm-up before the game should be no more than 5 minutes

In parallel with those sports that have long become commonplace and customary, in our country, unexpectedly for everyone, the positions of a very young discipline are strengthening, which has already brought players from Russia more than one medal. Artyom Paramonychev, the captain and coach of the Russian junior national team, told us about where to start playing beach tennis and what prospects await this sport in the near future.

- Let's start with a retrospective. Beach tennis is a very young sport, but there is already debate about the history of its origin. How did it all start?

- There can be no discussion here. The founders are Italians, without any reservations. It was they who invented this sport at home, developed it, created the rules. Beach tennis also exists in America, it belongs to another federation. And then there is the ITF, under the auspices of which all beach tennis tournaments are held. So these are two parallel competing organizations, but the main and most famous is the ITF. It includes tennis and beach tennis. The Americans pulled up this sport later. Yes, beach tennis has two development paths in different countries... But only time can show which of them will be more promising.

Despite its young age, beach tennis has already gained popularity around the world, and it is becoming more common from year to year. What, in your opinion, is the secret of such a meteoric rise?
- It is a very dynamic and spectacular sport that requires a tremendous physical, tactical and technical training, emotional stability, adaptation to external conditions. Tournaments are held on different beaches, in different countries and climates. We have to get used to constant flights, new rivals. The tournament calendar is quite intense, while at each competition the athletes try to show their maximum and win. The spirit of competition is very strong here. It can be seen literally with the naked eye. When you watch a match on the court, the struggle of characters, strength, skill, dexterity is immediately noticeable. This is a very diverse sport.

- How did your passion for beach tennis begin?
- Several years ago my friends invited me to play. I came, got involved and now I try to do everything possible for its development in our country. First of all, I deal with the junior team, because our future is in children. We hope that beach tennis will be included in the program in the near future. Olympic Games... Then the juniors, whom we are currently preparing and training, will occupy leading positions in the world arena.

- At what age is it better to start playing beach tennis? Are there any restrictions?
- There are no restrictions. You can start at the age of five - with outdoor games on the sand. They are very useful for the body, they develop well coordination, dexterity, physical qualities... And then - you can safely play until 80-90 years old and show nice results in their age category. The most important thing is to be purposeful, cheerful and enjoy the game.

- What does a beach tennis training consist of?
- Twice a week and at least one hour - general physical training. Movement on the sand is not so harmful for the joints, but it is a rather viscous surface, it is difficult to push off from it. Therefore, we have a lot of running and jumping exercises on the sand. We always study in an environment where it will be necessary to play.

With experienced players, training takes place three times a week for three hours. The main emphasis in physics is on strengthening the legs, arms and back. Two out of three hours are devoted to working with the ball. During the season physical training in training are reduced, because in a couple of months athletes are gaining a good physical fitness and they just support her throughout the year.

From the point of view of psychology, it is important to understand: each player is an individual. Beach tennis - clean paired view sports. We teach children to interact with each other, because everyone is a person, everyone is trying to prove themselves. The team must work like a well-coordinated organism. It is important to be able to adapt, adapt to a partner and move forward together.

- Do matches usually last long?
- The average duration of a meeting is an hour. During this time, a three-set match is played. About 20 minutes for one set. Of course, there are also more protracted fights. It all depends on the opponents on the court. If they show an equal quality of play, the match may drag on.

- How traumatic is beach tennis and what are the specifics of the injuries?
- There are fewer injuries in beach tennis than in tennis. Falls on the sand are much softer, and most importantly, there is no shock load on the joints. The only characteristic injury here is the shoulder, because most punches are performed overhead or from behind the head. This can lead to hand injury, but all players work with resistance bands for prevention. Still, injuries can happen because the stresses in beach tennis are great. Athletes can play up to three matches a day.

Knees also sometimes suffer, but also much less often than in tennis... The main reason, again, is overvoltage.

- Are there any injuries due to poorly prepared court?
- Yes, it is possible. In closed areas, the sand is usually clean, tidy and without any impurities, and on open beaches, even cleaned ones, something can always remain. For example, a seashell or a shard of glass. It can be stepped on or dropped and injured. Beach tennis socks are available for protection in these situations. They are made from neoprene and come in a variety of weights.

- Do athletes neglect these safety measures?
- Most people prefer to play barefoot, because this way you feel the court and sand better. But in some tournaments it is impossible to play without socks. There are different beaches, large fractions of sand, a lot of impurities ... It all depends on the organizers of the tournament.

- Tell us about the material side of playing beach tennis. How expensive are they financially?
- It all depends on the season and the coach. In summer, the cost of renting a court is about 1000 rubles per hour, and in winter, when we have to work out in the gym, it is from 1500 to 3000. The cost of a coach's services is the same: from 1000 to 3000 thousand rubles per hour. It all depends on his qualifications, specific sports school and the time at which classes take place. Evening lessons at any club are commercial and quite expensive.

- What about equipment?
“Basically, all you need is a racket. It can cost from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles, depending on the model, manufacturer and the level of the racket itself. There are amateur ones, with them it is easier for novice players; but there are also professional ones. They have different stiffness, weight, balance. It all depends on each individual athlete. The player picks up the racket for himself.

There is a possibility of customization, individualization of the racket, its improvement according to your characteristics. Additional applications can be made to improve rotation. Sometimes they change the rigidity, shift the balance. This is what beach tennis professionals do. The athlete hands the racket into the hands of a trusted master. They also exist in Russia, but most often Italians do it. Every year a new collection of rackets is released.

- Are there any requirements for equipment?
- According to the regulations, shorts and a T-shirt must be present, but it can also be a sleeveless jacket. Girls often wear special sports swimsuits. In general, the shape is the same as for beach volleyball. On the head there may be a scarf, a cap, a bandana. A wristband is also allowed.

Maybe you know examples when famous representatives of some other sport played beach tennis?
- In general, many tennis players periodically try to play the beach game - I saw Dinara Safina, Alena Likhovtseva, Dima Tursunov, Ekaterina Bychkova and many others in action. Stars like Rafael Nadal and Roger Federer have also tried their hand at beach tennis.

- In which cities of Russia beach tennis is best developed?
- There is a team of St. Petersburg. Beach tennis is developing well in Samara. The Russian Championship was held this year in Rybinsk. They work very well in this direction in Togliatti. I heard that recently they took a great interest in beach tennis in Novosibirsk. Moscow has the largest number of indoor beach courts, so we have many good players... Several promising juniors live in Tver, regular participants in the championship and the Cup of Russia. Children from Yaroslavl are promoting beach tennis. I would like to see a representative office in Sochi. This year there was a meeting during the Kremlin Cup, attended by interested activists from Sochi. They also want to develop beach tennis there. It's warm in the Krasnodar Territory - just what you need. The main thing is that such sites as in Moscow, Rybinsk and Tolyatti should appear - these are professional certified tennis centers with excellent infrastructure, convenient location within the city and transport accessibility.

Both football and handball are played on the sand, and beach volleyball masters even fight for Olympic medals... Recently, tennis on the beach has also been actively developing. Already in several dozen countries of the world, they have taken a great interest in unusual fun. At first glance, the very phrase "beach tennis" is very strange. How to play tennis on the beach? The ball, whatever size it is, will just get bogged down in the sand.

The main difference between beach tennis and ordinary tennis is precisely in the fact that they only hit the ball with a racket in the summer. And in general, in terms of external attributes, this game resembles, rather, beach volleyball. Actually, it was on the sandy volleyball court that the first beach tennis players came out several years ago. The size of the court is 8 x 16 m, the height of the net is 170 cm. The ball looks ordinary, only deflated - pressure is specially lowered in it so that you do not have to be very careful when striking. Play in teams of two. Scoring is carried out in the same way as in "big" tennis, only if the score is "even", the winner of the game is determined by the results of the very first rally, and not by the "over-under" system. Beach tennis was born relatively recently - only in 1978. It happened in Italy, in the resort town of Rimini. It was there that people with rackets appeared on local beaches, and not with ordinary ones, but with special ones - without strings, and made of solid plastic (nowadays they use graphite and fiberglass). In Italy, the International Beach Tennis Federation was also created. Its first and still acting president was Giandomenico Bellettini. In the middle of this decade, beach tennis began to actively develop in America. True, they decided to make the game even more similar to its usual version, using exactly the same rackets with strings. And they sped it up a little more - they lowered the grid by a few centimeters. All in all, beach tennis, according to official data, is now practiced in 41 countries of the world. In addition to Italy and the United States, these are Canada with Australia, China with Japan, Brazil with Mexico, Holland with Great Britain ...

Russia is also on this list. For the first time in Russia, demonstration matches in beach tennis were held at the National Tennis Center. HA. Samarancha as part of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Russian Tennis Federation in 2008

It cannot be said, of course, that beach tennis is widely and universally known in our country. Our man on the beach usually spends his time in a different way, for more, so to speak, prosaic activities. But this situation is about to change. President of the Russian Tennis Federation Shamil Tarpishchev said that in June, as part of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of this organization, a beach tennis tournament will be held in Moscow. The exact place is still unknown, but, most likely, it will be one of the most popular corners of the capital. Perhaps Serebryany Bor, where beach volleyball tournaments are regularly held. In the future, the development of the beach tennis variety is going to be given Special attention... Of course, it is too early to talk about the inclusion of this sport in the program of the Summer Olympic Games, but if this suddenly happens, it is important for us to be “in the stream” and not be among the laggards.

In the meantime, beach tennis is mainly used to popularize the usual. So, this year International Federation Tennis (ITF) has launched a world tour program. This is a series of competitions held in Italy and the USA. But it is expected that other countries will apply for organizing the stages. “Beach tennis is an unusual kind of regular tennis that makes it even more fun and accessible for people of all ages,” said ITF President Francesco Ricci-Beatti. "The new professional tour will certainly help us popularize our game at all levels." However, it should be added that money is still being played on the beach, which is incomparable in comparison with tennis. So, prize fund the largest tournament will amount to 20 thousand euros. The rest - and even less. For your information: in serious regular tennis tournaments, the losers of the first rounds receive similar amounts.

However, Big Brother is not at all dismissive of his beach cousin. So, during the January Australian Open, a demonstration competition in beach tennis was held, in which famous players- Lleyton Hewitt and Lucy Shafarzhova. A similar event involving the process professional tennis players took place in March in Miami, where the major tournament Sony Ericsson Open. Last year, the famous married couple, Andre Agassi and Steffi Graf, took part in the promotion of beach tennis.


court - similar to a volleyball court, dimensions - 16 x 8 m, covering - sand.

net - at a height of 175 cm (the rules allow the height of the net from 170 to 185 cm.)

equipment - in Europe, rackets with a solid plastic playing surface without strings (paddle tennis rackets) and balls with reduced pressure are used. In the USA, they play with stringed rackets.

check - the same as in tennis with one exception: there is no rule of a mandatory two-point advantage when the score is "even", that is, the player who wins the next point after the score is "exactly" is considered the winner of the game (the so-called "sudden of death").

innings - only ONE SERVICE is given to players.

the game has only been played since summer - A point is won if the ball touches the court surface in the opponents' half or when the opponent sends the ball out-of-bounds or into the net.

Beach tennis is mainly played in pairs, although a game of singles, but on a smaller site.

It is believed that the birthplace of beach tennis ( beach tennis) - Italy, where already in the eighties someone had the idea to play tennis on the sand. However, the Americans have their own views on this matter (as well as on everything else in the world). According to the website of the American Beach Tennis Association, the game is like real sport arose after in 2003 a certain Mark Altheim, a native of New York, saw how on the coast in Aruba (southern Caribbean) the local population was playing some incomprehensible game - seemingly similar to beach volleyball, but in at the same time it is played with rackets.

The game was widely spread in the United States, Australia and France, but world leaders recent years are Italians.

The World Championship has been held since 1978 in Ravenna (Italy). The World Beach Tennis Association was also located there. Since 2008, the International Tennis Federation (ITF) has been responsible for the development of this sport around the world. Already under her auspices in 2009, the World Championship was held in Rome.

Beach tennis rules are not very different from the rules of regular tennis. The main differences are as follows:

  • court- similar to a volleyball court, dimensions - 16 x 8 m, covering - sand;
  • mesh height- in the center 170 cm(up to 185 cm is allowed at the edges);
  • equipment- European racquets with a solid plastic playing surface without strings (paddle tennis rackets) and smaller than the usual tennis rocket... There can be any number of holes in the middle of the playing surface. In the USA they also play rackets with strings. Balls similar to tennis, but with reduced pressure;
  • game score- there is no rule of a mandatory two-point advantage when the score is "Exactly", that is, the point won after the score "exactly" immediately brings victory in the game (the so-called "Know-ed" rule (the "sudden death" rule));
  • the game is played only from the summer(as in badminton) - a point is won if the ball touches the surface of the court in the opponents' half or when the opponent sends the ball out-of-bounds or into the net;
  • innings- the players are given only one attempt to serve, and the ball touching the net during the service is not replayed (the point continues);
  • reception of filing- any of the players of the receiving side can perform a move.

Beach tennis is mainly played in pairs, although singles are also possible, but on a smaller court.


The International Tennis Federation (ITF) is the international governing body of the game of tennis, which includes beach tennis. ITF creates, promotes and improves opportunities for men, women and children to participate in recreational and competitive beach tennis at all levels.

Note: Unless otherwise stated, any use of the masculine gender in the text of these Beach Tennis Laws applies to the feminine gender as well.

1. Court

The court is a rectangular area 16 m long and 8 m wide.

In the middle, the court is divided by a transverse net, which is suspended by a cord or metal cable with a diameter of no more than 0.8 cm, which must be fixed on (or pass through) two net posts. The net must completely cover the space between the two posts and be small enough to prevent the ball from flying through it. The height of the net in the center of the court should be 1.7 m.

The width of the lines is from 2.5 to 5 cm, with the exception of the back, the width of which should not exceed 10 cm.

All measurements are taken from outside lines. All lines must be of the same color, clearly contrasting with the color of the court floor.

2. Playing surface

The playing surface should consist of smooth sand and be as uniform and flat as possible. There should be no stones, shells or other objects on it.

The playing surface must be harmless.

3. Permanent court accessories

Permanent court accessories include back and side rails, spectators, spectator stands and seats, all other objects around and above the court, and the umpire, line judges, net umpire and setters on the court on places designated for them.

4. Balls

It is permitted to play the "orange" reduced pressure balls ("stage 2") as described in the ITF Approved Tennis Balls and ITF Classed Court Surfaces.

5. Racket

The dimensions of the racket should not exceed 50 cm in length, 26 cm in width and 38 mm in profile thickness. In the middle part of the surface of the racket, there can be any number of holes with a diameter from 9 to 13 mm. The holes located along the perimeter of the racket at a distance of not more than 4 cm from its outer edge may be of a different size, diameter and shape, provided that these holes do not significantly affect the essence of the game.

The impact surface must be flat. It can be either smooth or rough, its dimensions should not exceed 30 cm in length and 26 cm in width.

6. Score in the match

A match can be played from three sets (to win a match, a pair must win two sets) or from five sets (to win a match, a pair must win three sets). The chosen format must be announced prior to the start of the competition.

7. Account in the set

There are various counting systems in the network. The two main systems are “no tie-break set” and “tie-break set”. Either system may be used, provided that the decision to use one of the systems is announced prior to the start of the competition. If a tie-break set system is used, it must also be announced which system will be used in the deciding set.

a."Set without tie-break"

The couple who first won six games wins this set too, provided they won two games more than their opponents. If necessary, the set should be continued until a two-game advantage is achieved.

b."Tie-break set"

The couple who first won six games wins this set too, provided they won two games more than their opponents. If the number of games in the set becomes "six", a tie-break is played.

Additional approved alternative scoring systems are provided in Appendix 4 of the Laws of the Game of Tennis.

8. Game score

In the absence of the umpire, the server must announce the score of the game before each point is played.

a. Regular game with a decisive point when the score is "even" ("Know-ed") In a regular game, the score is conducted in this way (first, the points won by the server are announced):

No points won - "zero"

First point won - "fifteen"

Second point won - "thirty"

Third point won - "forty"

Fourth point won - "game"

If both pairs win by three points, then the score becomes "even" and the decisive point is played. The pair that wins the decisive point wins the game as well.

b. Tie break

When playing a game according to the "tie-break" system (hereinafter the tie-break), points are scored as follows: "zero", "one", "two", "three", etc. The first couple to win seven points wins the game and set, provided they score two points more than their opponents. If necessary, the tie-break should be continued until a two-point advantage is achieved.

The player whose turn it is to serve must serve when the first point in the tie-break is played. The player of a pair of opponents whose turn it is to serve must serve when the next two points are played. Each pair will then have to serve alternately for two consecutive points until the end of the tiebreaker. The serving order remains the same as it was originally established for this set.

Additional approved alternative scoring systems are provided in Appendix 4 of the Laws of the Game of Tennis. They may be used provided this is announced before the start of the competition.

9. Serving and receiving

The players of each pair must be positioned on opposite sides of the net. The player who kicks in on the first point is called the server. Players who are ready to receive the ball thrown in by the server are called receivers.

Before the start of each point rally, the receivers must be the first to take their places, after which the server will take his place and serve. Receivers are not allowed to materially change their place on the court in relation to each other and to the server after the server has chosen his place.

Question 1. Are the players receiving the service allowed to stand outside the lines that enclose them half of the court?

Answer. Yes. The players receiving the service can stand anywhere on their side, either within or outside the lines that enclose their half of the court.

Question 2. Is the server's partner allowed to stand in a spot that obscures the view of the players receiving the service?

Answer... Yes. The server's partner may take any place on his side, either within or outside the lines that bound his half of the court.

Question 3. Does a player lose a point if, before or after hitting the ball, he crosses a line parallel to the net outside the lines that bound the court?

Answer. No. A player loses a point only if, before or after hitting the ball, he steps on the playing surface of the court in the opponents' half.

Question 4. Is it allowed for any player in a pair to play alone against a pair of opponents?

Answer... No.

10. Selection of sides of the court and service

The choice of the sides of the court and the right to serve or receive in the first game is drawn by lot before the warm-up begins. The pair that wins the toss may choose:

a. Service or reception of service in the first game of the match - in this case, the opponents must choose the side of the court for the first game of the match; or

b. The side of the court for the first game of the match - in this case, the opponents must choose the service or reception of the service in the first game of the match; or in. oblige opponents to make a choice of one of the above options.

Question 1. Are both couples entitled to new choice if the warm-up was interrupted and the players left the court?

Answer. Yes. The result of the original toss remains in effect, however both couples may choose a new choice.

11. Switching sides

Pairs must switch sides after the end of the first, third and each subsequent odd game of each set. Pairs must also switch sides at the end of each set, unless the total number of games in this set is even, - in this case, the pairs switch sides at the end of the first game of the next set.

In a tie-break, pairs must switch sides after every four points.

12. Ball in play

The ball is in play from the moment the server hits it. The ball remains in play until the result of a point is determined, unless a service or replay error is declared.

13. The ball touches the line

The ball that touches the line is considered to have touched the part of the court bounded by that line. If any line changes its position, before the start of the point, the players of each pair have the right to ask the referee to pull and align the line (in the absence of the referee, this can be done by the player). Any such correction has no effect on the result of the previous point played.

14. The ball touches the permanent court

If the ball in play touches the permanent court before the ball lands, the kicker loses a point.

15. Order of serving

The pair to serve in the first game of each set needs to decide which partner will serve in that game. So the server in the first game must serve in the third game;

the partner of the player serving in the second game must serve in the fourth game. This order must be maintained until the end of the set.

16. Order of reception

The ball brought into play by the server may be tapped by any player on the opposite side of the net.

17. Feed

Immediately before the start of the service movement, the server must take a starting position - stand with both feet behind the back line of the court within the imaginary extensions of the side lines. The server must then release the ball from his hand in any direction and hit it with his racket before it touches the surface of the court. The service movement is considered complete when the racket touches the ball or misses when trying to hit.

A player with only one hand can use a racket to toss the ball.

Question 1. When serving, the server throws two or more balls into the air instead of one ball. Is this a bug?

Answer. If this happens for the first time in the match, a point replay is declared and the server must serve again. If this happens the second or any next time, the action will be considered intentional and that player loses a point.

18. Execution of the feed

When serving, the server can stand anywhere behind his half of the court.

The ball served must fly over the net to half of the receivers before being hit by the receiver.

There is no second serve.

Mixed doubles the man must serve from the bottom.

19. Step

During the execution of the service, the server is not entitled to:

a. Change the starting position by walking or running, although minor leg movements are allowed;

b. Touch the pivot / in front standing foot court surface;

v. Touching the back line or surface of the court with the added / behind standing foot;

G. Place any foot under or over the back line

etc. Touch with any foot the surface of the court beyond the imaginary extensions of the side lines;

Question 1. Is the server allowed to keep one or both feet off the ground?

Answer. Yes.

Question 2. The server touches the back line with the support / forward standing foot during the serve. Is this a bug?

Answer. If both of the server's feet were behind the backline before the start of the serve move, then the support / forward foot touches the backline during

serving as a step does not count.

20. Feed error

A service error is considered if:

a. The pitcher is in violation of Law 17, 18, or 19; or

b. The server misses when trying to hit the ball; or

v. The ball served will touch the permanent fixtures of the court or the net post; or

G. The ball served touches the server or his partner, or what the server or his partner is wearing or carrying.

Question 1. After tossing the ball to serve, the server decides not to hit it and catches the ball. Is this a submission error?

Answer. No. A player who tosses the ball to serve and decides not to hit it is allowed to catch the ball with his hand or racket, or let the ball fall to the ground.

21. When to serve and receive

The server must not serve until the players of the receiving pair are ready to receive. However, the players of the receiving pair must maintain a reasonable pace for the server and must be ready to receive within a reasonable time after the server is ready to serve.

22. Replaying the serve

If the served ball touches the net or webbing, it remains in play (know-years rule).

23. Replaying a point

In all cases where a replay is announced, a point is replayed.

Question 1. If the ball bursts during a point, should the point be replayed?

Answer: Yes.

Question 2. If, during a point, one of the court lines breaks or is no longer attached to the court, should the point be replayed?

Answer: Yes.

Question 3. Should any of the receiving pair not be ready during the serve, should the point be replayed?

Answer: Yes.

24. Loss of a point

A point is considered lost if:

a. The player makes a serve error; or

b. Any player of the pair will not be able to hit the ball in play before bouncing; or

v. Any player of the pair will hit the ball in play in such a way that it touches the surface of the court or an object outside the court; or

G. Any player of the pair will bounce the ball in play in such a way that it touches the permanent accessories of the court before it bounces; or

etc. Any player in a pair will deliberately hold or catch the ball in play with the racket or deliberately touch it with the racket more than once; or

e. Any player of the pair or his racket (in hand or not), or what he is wearing or carrying, touches the net, net posts, cable or webbing or the surface of the court on the opponent's side while the ball is in play; or

f. Any player of the pair will hit the ball before it flies over the net; or

h. The ball in play will touch any player of the pair or whatever he is wearing or carrying, with the exception of the racket; or

and. The ball in play will touch the racket when no other player in the pair is holding it; or

To. Any player of a pair will intentionally and materially change the shape of his racket while the ball is in play; or

l. Both players of the same pair touch the ball on impact, or

m. After the service, the racket will fly out of the server's hand and land on the net before the ball touches the court.

Question 1. A player of the receiving pair touches the net before the serve ball touches the court outside the court. Who wins the point?

Answer. The receiving pair loses a point because one of the pair's players touched the net while the ball was in play.

Question 2. Does a player of the pair lose a point if he crosses the net extension line before or after his hitting the ball?

Answer. The pair does not lose a point in any of these cases if none of the pair's players touches the court surface in the opponents' half.

Question 3. Is it allowed for a player to jump over the net to half of the opponents' court during a point?

Answer. No. In this case, the pair loses a point.

Question 4. The player throws his racket at the ball in play. The racket and ball land on the opponents' half court. Opponents are unable to reach this ball. Who wins the point?

Answer. A pair whose player threw a racket at the ball loses a point.

Question 5. The ball immediately after the service hits the receiver or his partner, without touching the surface of the court before. Who wins the point?

Answer. The server wins the point.

Question 6. A player, off court, hits or catches the ball before touching down and then demands that the point be scored in his favor because the ball was unconditionally off the court.

Answer. The player loses a point unless he succeeds correct hit, after which the rally of the point continues.

25. Correct hit

A kick is considered correct if:

a. The ball will touch the net, net posts, rope or webbing and, flying over them, will land within the court; or

b. After hitting the ball will fly from the outside of the post above or below the top level of the net, even hitting the net post, and will land within the court; or

v. The player will carry the racket over the net to the opponent's side after a kick was made on his side, as a result of which the ball landed within the court; or

G. A player will hit a ball in play that hits another ball in the court.

26. Interference

If during the drawing of the point the player of the pair is prevented by any intentional action of the opponents, then this pair wins the point. However, if during the point the player is hindered by any unintentional actions of the opponents or circumstances beyond their control (other than permanent court accessories), the point must be replayed.

Question 1. Does an unintentional double hit count as a hindrance?

Answer. No.

Question 2. The player of the pair claims to have stopped playing, believing that his opponent was being hindered. Could this pair require a replay?

Answer. No, this pair is losing a point.

Question 3. The ball in play hits a bird flying over the court.

Is this considered a hindrance?

Answer. Yes, the point must be replayed.

Question 4. During the rally, the player was interrupted by a ball or other object that was lying on his side of the court before the start of this rally. Is this considered a hindrance?

Answer... No.

Question 5. Where is the server's partner and receiver allowed to stand?

Answer. The server's partner and receiver are allowed to stand anywhere on their side of the net, both inside and outside the court. However, if a player interferes with opponents, the handicap rule should apply.

27. Bug fixes

It is fundamentally important that if an error is found in relation to the Laws of the Game of Beach Tennis, all points played are counted. Found errors should be corrected as follows:

a. If, during a regular game or tie-break, it is determined that the players are not on the correct sides of the court, the error in the switching order must be corrected as soon as it is discovered. The server must serve from the correct side of the court according to the score. If, during a regular game, one of the players serves out of turn, the player who should have served must serve as soon as the error is discovered. However, if the game ends before the error is detected, then this changed serving order is retained.

b. If, during the tie-break, one of the players serves out of turn and this is revealed after an even number of points played, then this error must be corrected immediately. If the error is found after an odd number of points played, then such a changed order of service is retained. If, in doubles play, one of the partners serves out of turn, then a service error committed before the incorrect order is detected will be counted.

v. If, when the score is "by six", the tie-break starts by mistake, although it was known in advance that the set would be played without a tie-break, then if only one point is played, the error must be corrected immediately. If the error is discovered after the start of the second point, the tie-break in this set should be continued.

G. If, with the score "by six", the regular game starts by mistake, although it was known in advance that a set with a tie-break would be played, then if only one point was played, the error must be corrected immediately. If an error is discovered after the start of the second point, a regular set is played up to a count of "eight" (or up to a score with another greater even number of equal games), after which a tie-break must be played.

etc. If a set without a tie-break or a set with a tie-break is started by mistake, although it was known in advance that instead of the decisive set, a tie-break was played, then if only one point was played, the error must be corrected immediately. If the error is discovered after the start of the second point, this set continues until the player or pair has won three games (and therefore this set), or until the score "two", when the decisive tie-break is to be played. However, if an error is discovered after the start of the second point in the fifth game, this set must subsequently be played as a tie-break set (see Appendix 4 of the Laws of Tennis).

28. Role of Court Judges

The roles and responsibilities of the appointed match officials are set out in Appendix 5 of the Laws of Tennis.

29. Continuity of play

It is fundamentally important that the game should be uninterrupted from the beginning of the match (when the ball is put into play after the first serve) and until its end.

a. An interval of no more than 20 seconds is allowed between the rallies of each point. When switching sides at the end of the game, a break of no more than 90 seconds is allowed. However, after the end of the first game in each set and during the tie-break, play must be uninterrupted and players must switch sides without rest.

After the completion of each set, there is a break of maximum 120 seconds. The duration of the interval is counted from the end of the point until the ball is hit on the service for the next point.

Competition organizers may apply to the ITF for permission to extend the prescribed break of 90 seconds when switching sides and a break of 120 seconds after the end of each set.

b. If, for reasons beyond the player's control, his clothing, shoes or equipment (excluding the racket) fail or need to be replaced, the player may receive reasonable additional time to troubleshoot the problem.

v. The player cannot get extra time to recuperate. However, if a player's injury (or illness) can be treated, he may be allowed one three-minute break to provide medical care due to this injury (or illness).

A limited number of toilet breaks or a change of clothes may also be allowed if announced in advance of the competition.

G. Competition organizers may allow a break of up to 10 minutes for rest if announced prior to the start of the competition.

This break can be taken after the third set in a five-set match and after the second set in a three-set match.

etc. The duration of the warm-up should not exceed five minutes, unless the organizers of the competition decide otherwise.

e. Test serves can only be performed during warm-up.

The best tournaments in terms of support are held in Italy and Brazil. Full stands gather there - 4-5 thousand spectators, who are actively ill. The matches are mainly held on the beach, which is why there are many tourists among the spectators.

On February 24, 2017, Roger Federer and Andy Murray demonstrated their beach tennis skills before the Dubai Duty Free Tennis Championships ( author's note - About Federer's annual pastime in the largest city of the UAE).

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