Exercise for the development of the muscles of the arms and back: lifting dumbbells through the sides. Breeding dumbbells to the sides while standing - the right training of deltas What is breeding dumbbells

We strengthen the deltoid muscles, which are responsible for the beauty of the shoulders, and at the same time we work out the muscles of the arms, back and abs.

How to practice

1. You will need 3-5 kg ​​dumbbells, a 4-6 kg kettlebell and an elastic band.

2. You can do all the exercises in a row: do each 1 time, 12 repetitions.

2. Or choose 3-5 exercises and integrate them into your training program: Perform each 3 times, 12-15 repetitions in each circle.

3. In exercises that are performed while standing, watch the position of the body and legs: feet at the width of the pelvis, do not bend too much in the lower back and tighten the press to relieve tension from the back.

1 Superman swimmer

Lie on your stomach, lift your straight arms with dumbbells off the floor and place them on your sides, near your hips. Bring your hands forward to your head, then, without lowering to the floor, put them behind your back. This is one repeat.

Option: the exercise can be performed without additional equipment.

2. Broaching

Keep your arms straight with the kettlebell in front of you, below. Gently lift the projectile up to about the chin, then slowly lower your hands down. This is one repeat.

Keep an eye on the deltoid muscles that cover the shoulder joints - they should work in this exercise.

3. Arnold press

Hold bent arms with dumbbells in front of you at shoulder level, palms facing you. Raise your arms up, turning your palms away from you. Then lower them down. This is one repeat.

4. Lifting dumbbells through the sides

Place your arms slightly bent at the elbows with dumbbells near your hips. Spread your arms to the sides until they are parallel with the floor, keep your shoulders lowered. This is one repeat.

What do you train more often?

There is nothing more important than buttocks.

Only arms and back.

5. Lifting dumbbells in front of you

Hold straight arms with dumbbells below, near the hips. Raise them in front of you to shoulder level and then slowly lower them down. This is one repeat.

Lightweight option: raise your hands alternately.

6. Dumbbell press up

Place your arms bent at the elbows in front of you at shoulder level. Raise both hands up, hold at the top for a couple of seconds and lower them down. This is one repeat.

7. Dumbbell press with one hand up kneeling

Get down on your right knee left leg put forward. Bend your right arm with a dumbbell at the elbow and hold it in front of you at shoulder level. Raise your hand up and then lower it down, keeping the body in a level position. This is one repeat.

8. Incline dumbbell side raise

Lean forward to a 45-degree angle: move your pelvis back, while not bending your legs too much at the knees. Place your straight arms with dumbbells in front of you. Due to the tension of the muscles in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades (imagine that you need to hold a pencil between them), spread your arms to the sides and up. And then drop them down. This is one repeat.

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9. Breeding hands with tape

Keep your hands with the tape in front of you parallel to the floor. Then strain them and spread them in different directions, pulling the tape. Then bring your hands back. This is one repeat.

10. Overhead Dumbbell Press

Bend your arms with dumbbells at the elbows at shoulder level and spread apart. Keep them parallel to the floor. Press up and come back. This is one repeat.

11. Rotation of the forearm to the side

Take a dumbbell in your right hand and bend it at the elbow at a right angle. Press the elbow to the torso, take the forearm to the side and return it back. This is one repeat.

Work one arm first, then switch sides.

12. Circular movements

Spread straight arms with dumbbells to the sides. Make small circular motions forward. One rotation - one repetition.

13. Dumbbell twists

Raise your straight arms with a dumbbell in front of you, to a parallel with the floor. Turn the dumbbell to the right and left, as if turning the steering wheel of a car.

There are several basic exercises. These are various presses and thrusts of dumbbells and barbells, lifting dumbbells through the sides in an incline and standing. Each exercise is effective and can be used both separately and in a superset.

Basic exercises

The position of the body at the beginning of the exercise can be either standing or sitting, the back is straight, in the hands of a dumbbell.

Technique: while exhaling, lift dumbbells through the sides to shoulder joints. On an inhale, slowly return.

Do not allow full extension of the arm throughout the exercise, keep the elbow joints slightly bent. To get the most out of your work muscle fibers deltoid muscle, when performing, the hand must be turned up with the little fingers. This position of the hands will provide a uniform load on both the front bundle of the delta and the middle one.

For a change training process you can change the position of the brush and turn the thumb up. In this case, the load will shift to the front delta beam.

Not the most light exercise. Throughout the movement, it is necessary to control the position of the back (it should be flat), chest and shoulders (straightened and open). Do not allow dumbbells to be raised above the shoulders, although this option is allowed if you want to include a trapezoid in your work.

The trajectory of movement should be maximum - lifting to shoulder level, lowering to a position where the muscle is still in work and not relaxed. Perform the exercise until a burning sensation in the muscle.

follow the position elbow joint, the movement begins with it. The hand follows after and in the final position is below the elbow.

Rear delta training

Incline dumbbell side raises engage the rear delta and can be done from a standing or sitting position. In a standing position in an inclination, the back muscles are also involved in the work. In the initial sitting position, the work of the deltas is more isolated. This option is more complex and requires maximum concentration of attention when performing it.

Execution technique

Standing in an inclination, the head is raised, while exhaling, raise the dumbbells to the level of the ears. As you inhale, slowly lower your arms down. The technique is similar to the previous exercise and is performed in the same way, but standing in an incline. thumbs hands are directed to the floor, little fingers to the ceiling, exclude movement in the elbows.

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Of course, the power of the shoulders, basically, is a feature of the body laid down by genes. The direct strength of our shoulders is determined by the size of the collarbone. It is believed that swimming is the best shoulder growth stimulator, however, experienced trainers assure that at the age when the bones stop growing, swimming becomes ineffective, and in the future it is necessary to work directly with the muscles.

An excellent workout for developing these same muscles is lifting dumbbells through the sides (Dumbbell Side Raise). The main effect of the exercise is to develop the middle head of the deltoid muscle. The effect is such that over time this exercise can be seen with the naked eye. So, how to make your figure athletic and courageous?!

The exercise is used for the effective development of the lateral and posterior deltoid muscles and also develops trapezius muscles

Technique for lifting dumbbells through the sides while standing

  • We become straight, setting our feet shoulder-width apart.
  • We take dumbbells in each hand so that our palms look at the floor.
  • We make a slight tilt down, without changing the deflection of the back, no matter what deforms the spine.
  • We strain the press and bend the elbows at a slight angle.
  • We fix the body in this position.
  • Slowly, while inhaling, raise your arms with dumbbells slightly above shoulder level. The palms can look at the floor or sideways, but the thumb is directed towards the floor.
  • We fix the maximum level of lifting for a while, and then also slowly, on exhalation, we lower our hands back.

Mistakes, nuances and danger of execution

It is a mistake to assume that if you perform the exercise quickly, then the muscles will work more actively, and the effect will be stronger. This is major mistake while doing this exercise. The result may be an injury to the shoulder joint. You should not arrange a "mill" with dumbbells in your hands.

Also, do not keep your back too straight, as well as your arms. This puts too much pressure on the shoulders and spine. The correct execution is when the body is at a slight slope, and the elbows are in a slight bend. At the climax of raising the arms, the elbows are slightly above the level of the palms.

This workout is considered the most unsafe for the shoulder joints. Therefore, it should be noted that the main problem is improper execution and excess loads ( big weight). It would be technically correct to pick up dumbbells that are less heavy, because. massive fixture will not allow correct execution exercises. And there is also a simple dependence, the greater the weight, the stronger the bend of the elbows, which leads to a decrease in amplitude and less load on the deltas, and, accordingly, the exercise is done in vain.

It is necessary to clearly follow the settings and listen to your feelings. If it is difficult to do a lowering approach thumb down, you need to make the task easier and just do arm amplitudes with dumbbells.

Be sure to warm up the muscles before doing the workout. At a minimum, perform amplitude movements with your hands, but without dumbbells.

You also need to remember to breathe. Hands are raised while inhaling due to the fact that with an air-filled chest, your body is held evenly, and rib cage holds the middle section of the spine.

Additional pro tips:

  • When lifting dumbbells above the vertical position, the trapezius muscles are involved and the deltas practically do not work. It is worth making amplitude movements only to the horizontal.
    You can also stimulate muscle growth by performing additional bench presses while standing and sitting.
  • If during the workout you feel a pull forward, then this means that the mass is large or the bend of the elbows exceeds the norm. Lock the dumbbells on the sides, and reduce the elbow bend to 10-15 degrees.

Muscles involved

As already mentioned, the middle head of the deltoid muscle affects the width of the shoulders. That is what we develop in training.

The deltoid muscles got their name from the Greek "delta" ("triangle"), because. This muscle group is divided into three heads: anterior, middle and posterior. However, each of them is responsible for different type movement. In reality, there is no exercise that will help develop all three heads. Therefore, it is worth developing the shoulders with a whole set of exercises that will affect all bundles of the deltoid muscle. I also recommend reading.


It is believed that this exercise must be used in every workout! It has a great effect on the development of the muscles of the shoulders. Various variations of dumbbell lifts are needed, both in a standing position, sitting, and.

Even in the case when professional athlete with mass and strength shoulder muscles everything is fine, it is necessary not to exclude this exercise from your daily complex. It also has a great effect on the visualization of the deltoid muscles, separating and outlining them.

Along with the usual exercises for pumping deltas, there is another one that is maximally focused on working out the middle beam - lifting dumbbells through the sides. This exercise may also be called - swing dumbbells to the sides. In this article we will consider the technique and methodology for their implementation.

Execution technique

  • Before starting the exercise, you should stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, and socks slightly apart.
  • Take dumbbells in your hands neutral grip(palms inward). Keep your hands straight. The gaze is directed in front of you.
  • Inhale deeply, hold your breath and begin the exercise.
  • When you lift the dumbbells, bend your arms slightly at the elbows.
  • The lift should be completed when the dumbbells have reached shoulder level.
  • Exhale and begin to release the dumbbells to the starting position.
  • Raising your arms, do not allow the body to move. The ideal is the execution in which the body remains straight.
  1. Choose your weight wisely. Too much heavy dumbbells they will force the muscles of the upper back to be included in the work, which will take away most of the load from the deltas. In addition, according to anatomy, it is impossible to raise a very large one in this way, since there is a leverage effect here. Ultimately, excessive weight will cause you to bend your elbows even more, which will make the exercise completely ineffective.
  2. Do not lift the weight to a vertical position. Studies have shown that lifting dumbbells from the horizontal with the floor and above is carried out by the power of the trapezius muscles. There is almost no load on the deltas here. So raise your hands only to the horizontal.
  3. Complement dumbbell side raises with bench presses while standing and sitting. In this case, the deltas will be pumped more deeply and qualitatively.
  4. Lifting dumbbells through the sides can also be performed on the block. grab right hand for the handle of the lower block, which is located to your left, and with your left hand - for the handle of the block to the right. In the initial phase of the exercise, your wrists will be crossed. In general, the execution technique is similar to the technique with dumbbells. A one-sided version of this exercise is also perfect.
  5. Inhaling and holding the air will help you keep your torso straight. The chest filled with air will serve as a support for the middle section of the spine.
  6. If you are pulled forward during the exercise, then the weight of the dumbbells is too large or the elbows are bent too much. Take the dumbbells strictly to the sides, and bend your elbows at an angle of no more than 10-15 degrees.
  7. Raise your dumbbell arms vertically for at least one set. This will have a positive effect on the flexibility of the shoulder joints, which, for example, will greatly help in performing a snatch.
  8. Professional athletes also advise periodically "shocking" the deltas with a lot of weight. To do this, take dumbbells weighing 10% -15% more than your usual ones. Raise them to a 45-degree angle with a slow, accentuated movement and slowly lower them.
  • Keep your body straight and keep your back straight.
  • Bend your arms slightly.
  • The rise is carried out strictly up (not back).
  • Raise the dumbbells to shoulder level (or slightly higher).
  • Lower the dumbbells into initial position.
  • All movements should be performed due to the deltoid muscles, do not help yourself by rocking the body.

Raising dumbbells through the sides: muscles involved

  • deltoid

Lifting dumbbells through the sides: description of the exercise

    The exercise belongs to the isolated ones, as it selectively acts on the middle beams of the deltas. It is these muscles that are responsible for the visual width of the shoulders, therefore, they make the figure athletic and athletic.

    Before starting the exercise, a small warm-up is desirable - it is enough to perform movements that imitate raising the arms through the sides, and then proceed to work with weights.

    It is important to choose the right weight for dumbbells: too heavy a projectile will not allow you to perform the exercise technically competently. The amplitude of movements decreases, while the load on the deltas decreases. Moreover, big weights make the elbows bend more, which again leads to a decrease in amplitude.

    Dumbbells are held on lightly bent arms, hands turned inward. The dumbbells are lifted through the sides while inhaling, while exhaling the projectile returns to its original position.

    Dumbbells rise up exclusively by the effort of the deltoid muscles. The top point of the lift is at shoulder level, or slightly higher. This is where the peak is. muscle contraction. After a short pause, the hands smoothly return to their original position. The next repetition is performed without stopping.

    The number of repetitions is from 10 to 12 times with 3 - 4 sets.

